Build a smart actor website in 90 seconds! Click here to begin.

Web For Actors
Web For Actors

1. Web For Actors

Smart actor websites that update themselves. When you create your own actor website you get more than any other website builder can give you. You receive an integrated, beautifully designed, SEO driven website that updates itself when you update your social media and actor profiles like IMDb or Backstage. This is a next-generation service. Sign up for free today.

Link Actor
Link Actor

2. Link Actor

Hey Actors! You only get one chance to link in Instagram and Twitter. Make it do more. Link (dot) Actor is not just another Instagram micro site, it's a micro site that is focused on Acting profiles such as Stage 32, Actors Access, IMDb, Backstage and so forth. So create your profile and activate this tool from your control panel. Premium members have access to this tool at no additional cost.

You! Backstage
You! Backstage

3. You! Backstage

Hey Actors! Do you need press articles. Join Web For Actors and do an interview to get it posted here. It's so easy, you can have an interview hosted on this site in mere minutes and it will link to your actor website ans social profiles. So create your actor website and activate this tool from your control panel. Premium members have access to this tool at no additional cost.

Hired Actor
Hired Actor

4. Hired Actor

The internet gives you access to 50+ different casting websites. That is just great. What is not great is that day still has only 24 hours in it and for you to check 50+ website 3 or 4 times a day for new casting offers, well, it will probably take you more than you're willing to offer. Get aggregated information on casting from multiple sources in one place. Results match your profile.

Go Offbook
Go Offbook

5. Go Offbook

Best tool for actors to memorize their lines and super easy to use. Simply add your script, answer few basic questions and you'll be on your way to learning your lines on your computer, tablet or phone! Have the computer read your lines. Record the timing and play back at same speeds. Turn off your flashcards and Go Off Book! Pick different AI voices from AWS Polly. They sound great.

Actor Type
Actor Type

6. Actor Type

Actor Type is a service that is intended to work for you to help you pick the right headshots. Begin by finding your casting type by receiving feedback from other actors about your photo. Then once your headshots are ready submit them to the Headshot Picker and ask other actors to help you pick the best ones. So stop guessing which photos are best, let the crowd of friends and strangers do that.

Do you want to know how other people see you? This tool will allow you to select few questions and criteria and people will be able to do a quick questionnaire. When answered you will know what people (who don't know you) think of you and your headshots.

Yet another awesome way to utilize your website to reach audiences online, by asking them for their input.

Actors Alert
Actors Alert

7. Actors Alert

This tool for actors will help them advance their work on the web. And since we all know that networking plays a big role in any Creatives' life, we also understand that it is important to know who is talking about us so we can jump in and interact. This tool will notify you of any Social Media mentions that are not tagged, so if someone is praising you, you will get notified in a timely manner.

Acting Road Map
Acting Road Map

8. Acting Road Map

This tool is for actors to create their own task lists for the road map to their success. Unlike anything out there, Acting Road Map allows people to crowdsource ideas for what your acting life should consist of, and you can utilize it as a daily reminder of your agenda. I see so many actors ask about "what's important" in their acting life. This FREE tool will take the guessing part out of the equation.

Actor Partner
Actor Partner

9. Actor Partner

Actor Partner is not a tool intended for Actors, but rather for those who provide actor services. At this point in time, Actor Partner is an exclusive invite-only platform. To receive an invitation contact us at info@webforactors.com. The invitation will be open to acting coaches, voice coaches, headshot photographers, podcasters, bloggers, reel editors and acting schools.

Deals For Actors
Deals For Actors

10. Deals For Actors

Are you looking for a good deal for an intro class or some inexpensive headshots to get you started, or maybe you need some headshots retouched or printed. Deals for actors aggregates all the discounted actor services and brings them to you so you never miss a beat, and always get the most bang for your buck. Simply enter your zip code and you will be well on your way to savings.

My Acting School
My Acting School

11. My Acting School

Looking to sharpen your skills as an actor? Well, nothing works better than an in person class with a teacher and other actors. So go ahead and find acting classes near you. Make wish-lists and connect with other Web For Actors members who have previously taken this class. Leave reviews and if you're proud of being a student in your school, share your school profiles on Social Media.

Acting Craft
Acting Craft

12. Acting Craft

Are you looking for free inspirational and educational videos on YouTube? Well, we have found them for you. Watch an assortment of video collections aimed to help actors and subscribe to creator channels for the ones you like the most. Have you seen any videos that you would like to add to the list? It's easy, share them with others here. Get your daily dose of inspiration with Acting Craft.

Agent List
Agent List

13. Agent List

Actors! Are you at the stage of your career that you need a representation? Agent List will find the talent agencies that can help support you in your career. Do not get stranded with bad representation. If your agent is not working for you, come back to the Agent List to browse all the Talent Agencies in your area. Do you see a contact that is no longer valid, report the discrepancy.

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

09.20.2024 Achieving On-Screen Success: How to Leverage User Experience for Acting Success
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Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

09.06.2024 Grow Your Acting Career with an Unforgettable Online Presence: Proven Strategies for Actors
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Niche professional websites for people in the film and TV industry.

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I'm your buddy Bottie, I was hiding behind the scenes, but now that you've found me I'd be happy to tell you what I'm doing.

Actor Website helper: Bottie

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