We've been here since early 2014 and we have receieved a few testimonials on our website, but as of late 2018 we have moved our review serction to Google and Facebook. If you would like to let us know your experience with Web For Actors we would love to hear from you.

CC K. - Web For Actors client


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Actor Website Tips | Actor bios should not be long. Keep it brief and use keywords. Save the rest for your blog

Short actor bios welcome There are many articles on actor bios out there that will teach you how to write these. This tip is not about that. This tip simply says: keep it short and simple!We ran statistics on the length of time a visitor stays...

Fun Facts | Websites for Actors

Build your actor website Build your #actor #website while boiling an egg.

Actor Casting Hints | Impress Casting Directors

How to get cast Leave your personal life at home. Your attitude should be LIFE IS GOOD!

Actor Dictionary | Testing

What you should know

TESTING is one of the most over-looked, but under rated tasks that is executed by a director or producer. Testing is done in pre-production and it' exactly what it sounds like. The purpose is to gather your creative team with your talent and test how the different visual creative elements look on camera. This includes costumes, make-up, hair, production design and even rehearsal. This process is absolutely essential and beneficial for a number of reasons.1. Gives your creative team an opportunity to make sure their vision looks the way they want it to look on camera. Often times creative problems will arise and you dont want to be sorting out these sort of issues during production. This is fairly obvious.2. Allows your actor(s) to interact with the artists and build a good rapport with them before production. This is extremely important as you do not unseen personality clashes to occur during production.3. Allows your director to make sure his creative team is on the same page as him/her.3. Be sure to take pictures of hair, make-up and costumes especially after the actor and director has approved of them. As a producer, this protects you if creative disputes arise during production. For example, if youre on set ready to shoot, and the director is happy with an actor' make-up but the actor is not, you can use the previously taken photo, which was approved by the unhappy actor, to help you deal with the actor.Make sure you give yourself plenty of time at least one month before shooting starts in order to allow your creative team to test with the talent.

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