Hello again everyone! As my character demo reels get better, I would like to inquire on where yiu all post demo reels for voice over acting? Also, where are the hest places to do auditions, get auditions, see auditions, etc.? I appreciate any feedback!
It is my understanding the writers want access to the streaming services analytics, but the streaming services say that is proprietary information. This particular fight is likely causing the AMPTP to withdraw from negotiations. Analogy, it is like a U.S. President refusing to reveal her/his tax returns. Analytics tells us about viewer habits and streaming service profitability; thus how profits, or residuals, should be disbursed. I'm guessing SAG-AFTRA and the DGA will also want unfettered access to the analytics.
My name is Cleopatra and I am an actor and special effects makeup artist. I hope to use this site as a means to build connections, secure roles, collaborate on projects and be inspired by you all. I look forward to meeting you face to face hopefully in the not-too-distant future!Here is to new friendships and collaborations! Cheers!
ACTORS: VIRTUAL TABLE READ. I'm a produced screenwriter and I'm casting for actors and an audience for a full virtual table read of my latest feature script, "The Good Americans." The goal is to get feedback for a rewrite and possibly putting it up as a stage play. Once we have a full list we'll schedule the read. No pay, but hopefully it'll be fun and valuable as a networking opportunity. For more info, please contact me at:scripts90@gmail.comFeel free to repost or forward to those who may be interested. Thank you.
Do You Know What 5 Items Actors Absolutely Need to Bring When Doing Extra Work On a Film or TV Project? And, what it’s really like doing extra work? Here’s the link to find out. https://youtu.be/LfXsd3yR3sc
Hello Stage 32'ers!Here's my latest blog; 'how to prepare for a role in indie film'. In April, I released my 21st indie feature since 2010, 'The Chant Of July'. As ever, it's all from my direct experience and observation of making indie films. Any questions? Please don't hesitate to ask me!keep filming, Al Carrettahttps://www.stage32.com/blog/how-to-prepare-for-a-role-in-an-indie-film-3350
"Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another, and feeling with the heart of another." ~ Alfred AdlerEmpathy is one of the most valuable traits that an actor can have in order to effectively step into the life of a character.Empathy is the breath of every role.#actor #empathy #life
A great video with Toni Collette talking about her past projects and sharing insights. I've always been a huge Toni fan and find her so captivating to watch. What's your favorite Toni Collette performance and why?My favorite performance of hers is probably in United States of Tara, her 3- season dramedy on Starz. It's mind-blowing to watch her seamlessly transition between wildly different characters in a split second using small physical choices. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYkNVTNZ8qc
Hey there, been a lurker for a bit but this is my first time posting and I was wondering rates for a specific project I'm working on. So I'm making a comic, but I was thinking of advertising my comic by making short animatics (later on once the comic picks up more, animation shorts) I would like to hire 2 voice actors, (one male and one female) but I don't know what decent rates might be. Do most voice actors charge per hour or per line? Is it also unreasonable to have one VA play multiple parts? I don't want to insult anyone, and I would also like to keep the same people (eventually hiring more) every time I make an animation. And is there anything I need to keep in mind when looking for VAs?
Thought this was fun! Remember Edward Furlong? https://www.yardbarker.com/entertainment/articles/amp/who_are_the_25_greatest_acting_one_hit_wonders/s1__30196427
I am about to see actors missing out on bookings for a terrible reason... They do not have their Sizecards filled out on Casting Networks. If you are an actor, please check yours and make sure it is up to date. I know Casting Networks is not used as much as Actors Access, but if you have an account, update it! AND, did you know that if you have an agent they can create a CN account for you for free? You don't even need a personal profile if you have an agent! :)
The usual advice is to got for shorts and student films so you can build a reel. But the truth is most of the good projects will ask for an actor's reel to for them to be considered, even for student films. So you might be scraping the bottom of the barrel for projects that might take over 6 months to give you subpar quality footage or that might never give you footage at all. You already invested in your headshots, invest in your reel too. How to get a good reel edit: What I mean by "invest" is pay money to shoot a good reel with any sort of reel services. Make sure to pick one that isn't overpriced. Average is usually around $500-$700 per scene. And the smaller companies usually do better work than the bigger ones. This wont fool casting directors into thinking you've booked, but you'll have high quality footage of your acting which will put you in a much better position than if you only had your headshots.
hello, a few months ago, I auditioned for a short film and didn’t get the role. the film is now in a more public form of pre production on social media, and because I’m nosy/curious I checked out the cast. as it turns out, the actor cast in the role I auditioned for has worked with the lead actor/writer in at least two other productions. I guess I felt a little flicker of annoyance, because why open casting to outsiders if you’re going to cast someone you already know. I’m also now wondering how much knowing/being known by production affects a casting decision. this is a small local film scene, mostly unpaid or low budget work. not trying to be too salty, but I feel a little discouraged because I’m waiting on reel footage and don’t have these connections (yet, I guess). I know casting a film is a series of complicated decisions that I’m not privy to, and all I can do is make my audition + materials my best. I guess my question is, how clique-y does local film tend to be? am I kinda screwed until (if) I’m in?
Hey! So when I signed with my agency they said I wouldn’t have to pay for AA Anymore, I added them as representation but I’m still being charged. Should I contact AA or just cancel my pro subscription since I don’t self submit anymore? Thanks!
Recently the idea of doing character acting has sounded appealing because the roles are very "out of the box" and character actors usually book more work because they don't play leads but what kind of roles do they play? Some character actors that I know of, I've looked at their IMDbs and they still have like credits where they were in over half of the episodes. Basically when they play smaller roles how small is it, because a lot of the roles they book seem like very heavily recurring roles to me. To me, if I can be a series lead or something one day I of course wouldn't say no, but I'm mostly interested in booking heavily recurring roles and guest stars. Should I go for it? Here are some character actors. As you can see, they all have credits where they are in a bunch/all of the episodes. \*Note\* I got these actors off of character actor lists from IMDb. [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0555500/](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0555500/) [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0641354/?ref\_=nmls\_hd](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0641354/?ref_=nmls_hd) [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0048414/?ref\_=nmls\_hd](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0048414/?ref_=nmls_hd) [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0662504/?ref\_=nmls\_hd](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0662504/?ref_=nmls_hd) [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0011038/?ref\_=nmls\_hd](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0011038/?ref_=nmls_hd) You get the gist of it
Is a course like On the Mic for audiobook narration worth it (as one example)? Has anyone in this community taken it? (See [Part-Time Online Voice-over Courses - On The Mic Training](https://onthemictraining.com/online-courses/region-VA/cat-18-narration-and-audiobooks/) ) (I'm based in Toronto where the school is). It can't change your voice, make you into an actor (I'm not interested in becoming one), or guarantee you a contract. So I'm curious what value a course would have? Is it mainly valuable for practice rather than having to book studio time if you don't have a proper set up at home? There seems to be plenty of cheaper online options (eg. [13 Best Voice Over Training & Voice Acting Online Courses (2023) (myelearningworld.com)](https://myelearningworld.com/best-voice-over-training-courses/) ). But if such a class is indeed worth it, I assume it would be more better to take before producing a demo (or maybe you could produce a demo as part of the class?) ?
I've been seeing a lot about Hollywood and all the shady parties and how actors had to sell their souls to get where they are today. As someone whose dream is to be an actor, that scares me. I don't want to ever go that route. Do you really have to attend those shady parties and sell your soul/potentially do some weird sexual favors for the producer? I've been hearing a lot about how your favorite actors probably had to do that type of stuff, and it scares me so much. ​ Just want to know how true that stuff is
So I’m currently towards the end of 1st year of a well regarded meisner studio in nyc. I’ve enjoyed it a lot, but also decided earlier this year to audition for some BFA programs for fun and to see how I did. I got into some good ones, but DePaul ended up giving me full tuition. I’m a few years out of highschool, and am very low income and dont come from money. I currently work while studying in order to pay for school and rent. I’m having a hard time deciding what to do. Is depaul still a good program? How is the training and the actors who come out of it? Bc idk if it makes sense to leave my current school, as I really like it. I’ll also be a couple years older than most the kids in my class. And I’m quite worried maybe I won’t like their approach. I’ve tried different classes and meisner has been the only one that I really liked and understood. But on the other hand, full tuition is a big deal (at least to me) and it be nice to have a degree. So I wanted to see if anyone on here had some advice.
Was working with a UK based CD recently in an admin role and she pointed out that if you just constantly post non-stop about acting, in particular especially with #actor you look desperate and green which puts her right off. Show more of you and being a real human from time to time. She did mention one Uk actor on Twitter by name too, who I’ve also seen constantly post shit like that to the point it’s over bearing. Just be aware that they are.
CASTING CALL: Saints Row (2022) Fan-Dub Project PLATFORM: YouTube ROLE: Myra Starr (Wife of Atticus Marshall) GENDER REPRESENTATION: Female PAY: 75 USD in full, however since this is a fan project done on free time for almost everyone, we pay in parts and what we work on at that time. Any payment will be given before any work is started! If you take this role starting payment will be 25 USD SUMMARY: Myra Starr, the Wife of Atticus Marshall. Not only an important member of the Marshall Defense Company, but in Atticus’s heart as well. However since the passing of their son, the two have drifted slowly but surely. Clearly though the love and affection Atticus still has for her, is dimly given back. Myra however has always had a mean streak, as someone you clearly don’t want to cross. Despite her elegant and southern hospitality, there’s a side to her that she clearly hides from the rest of the world and her own husband. If one thing is for sure, she’s the Wolf of Wall Street for the whole American Military complex… Ideally we’re looking for a mature sounding womanly southern voice, one with warmth but clear alternative motives behind it. If you’d like to see how the original voice actress portrayed the character, please feel free to YouTube any cutscenes with her character. We are not looking for an exact match at all, so please feel free to send any voice demo or request a script to read off for the audition if you feel like you are capable for the role! Feel free to contact me here on Reddit or my email larajonheart@gmail.com
CASTING CALL: Saints Row (2022) Fan-Dub Project PLATFORM: YouTube ROLE: Sergio (Panteros Gang Leader) GENDER REPRESENTATION: Male PAY: 100 USD in full, however since this is a fan project done on free time for almost everyone, we pay in parts and what we work on at that time. Any payment will be given before any work is started! If you take this role starting payment will be 25 USD SUMMARY: Sergio may be a big ass mother fucker, but damn he whips up a good “Sopa De Fideo”. The uncle to Neenah, he’d taken her under his wing after the unfortunate passing of his brother. Neenah being the lost and young teen she was, joined up with Sergio and his Los Panteros. In fact Sergio was just the role model she needed to get her act together. A hard working loyal man, who always put his family first. And after the former leader of the Los Panteros was murdered, Sergio stepped up. Soon the Los Panteros was his family, and with Neenah by his side they were destined to run the criminal world of Santo Ileso. However ever since Johnny and “The Saints” came into the picture, things haven’t been the same for old Sergio. And if there was one thing Sergio preached, it’s that you never turn your back on family, never. Ideally we’re looking for someone with a manly gruff Mexican flair or accent to their voice. If you’d like to see how the original voice actor portrayed the character, please feel free to YouTube any cutscenes with his character. We are not looking for an exact match at all, so please feel free to send any voice demo or request a script to read off for the audition if you feel like you are capable for the role! Feel free to contact me here on Reddit or my Email larajonheart@gmail.com
CASTING CALL: Saints Row (2022) Fan-Dub Project PLATFORM: YouTube ROLE: Gwen (Marshall Private Military Captain) GENDER REPRESENTATION: Female PAY: 200 USD in full, however since this is a fan project done on free time for almost everyone, we pay in parts and what we work on at that time. Any payment will be given before any work is started! If you take this role starting payment will be 60 USD SUMMARY: You either do as you're told, or you're no use to this Captain. Gwen being the former Sergeant that led the platoon Johnny was under while he worked for Marshall Defense Industries. Death is unacceptable to Gwen, no good men will fall under her watch. At least that’s her goal, but seemingly the unmeasurable task of making sure another’s child makes it back home safe weighs on Gwen’s conscience more than most in her field of work. She’s always carried a motherly demeanor with her, despite how tough the woman usually is. You gotta ask yourself why she’s so concerned with the lives of her soldiers in the first place, when most would see them as collateral… If you’d like to see how the original voice actress portrayed the character, please feel free to YouTube any cutscenes with her character. We are not looking for an exact match at all, so please feel free to send any voice demo or request a script to read off for the audition if you feel like you are capable for the role! Feel free to contact me here on Reddit or my Email larajonheart@gmail.com
hey all -- i'm a struggling actor, trying to make it (and by it i mean just get whatever jobs i can find, really) and recently i've been shortlisted for an audition for an original, site specific play. the only problem is, i have genuinely no idea what the audition material is saying. it's not a monologue, written in the "you" pronoun, and i'm just at a loss. i've been reading this material over and over, and i can't seem to understand it. i've emailed the company but they're telling me to just "follow" my creativity. any advice? should i give this work a pass? here is the text i have to memorise and perform, word for word: **With a nat 20, they splashes themselves with cola and the pop rocks of their body (yells, boom) and this aura of flame forms around them, The leaves of the peppermint trees catch fire, as they rage, they level their hammer and go for this guy’s head, he swings out of the way just in time for Dippins to clip his jaw, he is knocked down. As his jaw goes slack on his head you and Dippins smell a stench of stinking cheese.**
does anybody remember that backstage user TruthTeller that used to make lists of the top agents in LA, top acting school, etc.etc. well he had 6 tiers for agencies in LA and I just started working with one in the 4th tier and I'm excited because it's (seemingly) a huge step up for me. I've have reps in NYC & ATL and mainly tape at co-star level, sometimes guest star, once in a blue moon something wildly huge. my reps are all very low level. I've read for about 80% of the CDs in ATL & NYC, in the rotation for many, 6/7/8/9/10 tapes for a bunch. I'm at like 187 tapes for tv/film in the last 2 1/2 years, lots and lots of repeats and like 9 pins. however this new agent in LA is a step up from all my agents so far, and I'm new to LA, so I'm hoping I will start getting into more LA rooms and perhaps for bigger things in addition to the rooms I already tape for some what frequently for cds in NYC & ATL. right now my tape frequency has mostly fallen to shit because of the strike and everything, but before that I average 1-2 tapes a week for co-star and above. Hoping the addition of this new better LA agent will increase that since now I'm being submitted to LA CDs more as opposed to primarily NYC & ATL. can anybody speak to what it's like to "level up" with a new, seemingly better agent like this? this agency has been around for like over 30 years and has had a lot of series regulars over the years as well as some super iconic actors when they were earlier in their careers.
Hello everyone!My name is Oscar Calixto, I'm 43 years old and I'm a Brazilian actor who Lives in Rio de Janeiro.I have been working as an actor for 24 years and at this moment, I'm looking for international representation.In Brazil I worked in several series, movies and soap operas.Recently I was awarded for the character Pablo in two film festivals: one in Italy and one in Brazil, with the film "The Lonely Sailor" which won another 14 international awards in its trajectory.I also starred in the "Brazilian Empire" series, that was available for 3 years on the Amazon Prime.It's an honor to be here among you all and I hope we can be together in some new audiovisual project.A big hug to everyone!Sincerely;Oscar Calixtowww.imdb.me/oscarcalixto
My wife enjoys a lot of animation fromany different genres and media, and she has this crazy ear for voices that just blows my mind. She has literally identified voice actors from single words, and, even more impressively, screams/grunts/other non-verbal noises. It's absolutely insane and to me it seems like a superpower. Is there anything she can do with this?? I know this is a weird question, but I didn't know what other community to ask!
Casting Call! Deadline: May 3, 2023 at 12:00 pm CST Pay: $25 per character per episode. I can do PayPal, Venmo, or Payoneer. Characters: Beatrice (female cat), Jace Marmalade (male cat), Lady Linguini (female cat), and one ad read. These cats live in a fictional American neighborhood. [Community Cat News](https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pam-cameron/episodes/Community-Cat-News-Ep-1-e12hiv0) is a radio news show created by cats for cats. They report on neighborhood news that cats care about, like vacuum cleaners, dogs, and their annoying humans. It's 100% family friendly. [Here is the script](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E25omeAqU1d7n0DZawpwP0Ts5Ep2Xk1K236hRyGAt_w/edit?usp=sharing) for the episode I'm casting for. Audition lines are highlighted. * Please send your audition as an mp3 file to [therealpamcameron@gmail.com](mailto:therealpamcameron@gmail.com) * If you're reading for multiple characters, please make a separate file for each character. * You may include as many takes as you like. Most actors include 2-3 takes, but it's up to you. * Please name your file ACTOR NAME-CHARACTER NAME * As far as direction: This is a funny show, but the characters don't sound cartoon-y. Non-American accents are fine as long as our American audience can easily understand the performance. I look forward to hearing your audition!
**Friday, April 21 - Thursday, April 27** ###Interesting | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 58 | [0 comments](/r/VoiceActing/comments/12z1bnt/voice_actor_erica_schroeder_talks_about_her/) | `[interesting Link
Hey all, Newer actor here, taken a few acting classes and gotten in a few student films. My biggest hurdle to auditioning is having another person to read lines during a self-tape. I have done a few where I record the other lines, then play the recording while I am taping my character, but the timing is usually a little off and they can probably tell it's my voice for both characters in the scene. I recently moved to a quiet rural town for work, and making friends has been very difficult. Everyone here already knows everyone else cuz they grew up here and aren't looking to make new friends. My old friends aren't interested in filmmaking whatsoever, so I feel weird asking them to help. How can I find other actors/film makers near me, or find actors online and we can trade off reading for each other's auditions?
Hey all, Going to start commercial acting unrepped soon. I only have money for one commercial acting class. I've narrowed down a few. ​ 1. Killian's Commercial Acting Class- This one I've heard the most and got the most recommendations. I know a person who got an agent at the end. 2. The Commercial Class with Alyson Horn. 3. Hey I saw your Commercial 4. Allyson Horn Casting I was tempted to do Killian's as I'm paralyzed by decison analysis and it seems like the class where I could be seen by agents after the class, but I wanted other peoples opinions. ​ Also I have decision paralysis about getting a commercial agent as well. I've talked to a few actors in Los Angeles and they've told me they've gotten results through sending their packages through 1. Actor's Access- 1 friend got a commercial agent. 2. LA Casting- 1 guy got a film/tv agent and got co star roles on CSI. 3. Repunzel- (formerly Agent Blasters) My friend got it based on just a standup comedy reel and headshots. And he's had success in booking a major commercial. I'm leaning towards Repunzel as I have a light resume, but a killer standup comedy reel and decent headshots, but it's expensive. Unless I do the commercial acting package only ($97) and not the film/tv and commercial acting package. ($167) Or maybe I should just do all three services and consider it an investment. I guess I just need more advice but I'm going to submit starting next week. Advice please? :)
Sometimes the voice actor will ABC a line and I always ask them to record an audition line instead of just sending me some previous work. Twice I sent a powerpoint with the full script next to a panel from the animation in addition to just a script with there lines for context but for full season that doesn't make sense. I can't give someone 260 page powerpoint.
I know acting isn't "acting." Acting is doing; its behaving. I think I act realistically, but how do I make it great. Is it all in just the practice. The more I do, the more I get better sort of thing. I've read the books by Constantine, Adler, Meisner, and Strasberg. I have analyzed Brando. I've watched Michael Caine's masterclass. Nothing has really been ground breaking to me. Then certain actors will kinda do a 180 and say, "I just am" or "There's not a process for it." I heard similar from Bill Nighy. Is it easier for older actors to give such a performance? Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Bill Nighy. Old and great, of course they were good when they were young too. I presume; don't know bout Freeman lol. It's been a while since I watched someone young who was star studded. Been a while since I've seen such a great performance in general to be honest. Leonardo Dicaprio was a star studded fantastic actor even as a young guy. Will it take me years to achieve greatness in acting. My favorite acting teacher that I watch on YouTube is John Windsor-Cunningham. He has said that he has only seen two great instances of acting. I simply don't know how to become as good as them. Continue acting? More reading?
I recently appeared in a short film by chance and greatly enjoyed it more than I thought I would, now I want to get into acting for more or less the fun of it since it was such an enjoyable experience. I’m just wondering if it would be better to join an acting class or try and land roles already. My experience is 1. I appeared in a film when I was 8 years old(small role) 2. 3 years of theatre arts classes in middle school.(monologues, improv etc) 3. Appeared in a small short film this year Despite all this I don’t feel like a good actor, I’ve only played small roles and can’t cry on command or anything cool like that, so I’m wondering if it would be better to take classes to try and get better at the craft. Or do you not need too much experience/education to get started already? I’m not planning on being the next Sarah Hyland or anything, just find the experience fun.
Below is a link to the Vox article regarding the pending WGA strike which is most likely to take effect May 3rd. SAG-AFTRA and DGA are going to renegotiate contracts in June; therefore, this could be a nationwide mega-strike. Plan accordingly!https://www.vox.com/culture/23696617/writers-strike-wga-2023-explained-residuals-streaming-ai
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. ​ For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
I’m not talking about “making it” but as in most of won’t do any acting work that’s actually watched by a lot of people or it’s something that people will care about. *your life. Correction to question
I've produced and hosted my podcast [Actors With Issues](https://YouTube.com/actorswithissuespodcast) for almost 3 years and I've gotten to interview nearly 200 actors, from Broadway stars and established names in TV and film, to rising stars who just booked their first major roles. What do YOU want me to ask them? Guests come on the show an open book and ready to discuss pretty much anything. We talk about everything from audition anxiety and imposter syndrome to what they don't teach you in acting school and the biggest lessons they've learned onset/onstage. Thanks in advance! Please check out the show, everyone shares such great stories and insight from their careers. There's something to takeaway from every interview!
Hello! I am Alexander Shen, a design student in SCAD, a junior product designer developing an AI-powered mobile app for actors. An amusing teamwork between my girlfriend and me inspired this project. My girlfriend, a passionate actress, often ropes me into being her scene study partner for casting calls and other acting rehearsals. I'd like to think I've got some hidden acting talent, but let's be honest – I'm not always living up to her expectations. Sometimes I feel like I'm just getting in the way instead of helping. As a product designer, there had to be a way for me to lend a hand to my lovely girlfriend and other actors out there. That's when I stumbled upon a video of Elon Musk using the MagicMic AI voice changer to imitate Morgan Freeman's iconic voice. It was mind-blowingly good, and I thought, "Hey, why not use AI tech to support actors and film professionals?" And that's how we got here! With your help and insights, we're looking to discover more ways AI can make life easier for actors, film industry folks, and people like me who get roped into being scene study partners:) **The app aims to revolutionize the scene study process by providing actors with a virtual partner or something that can adapt, respond, and offer real-time feedback.** This survey aims to gather feedback and insights from actors, acting coaches, and theatre professionals to inform the app's design, features, and functionality. Your input will help us create an app that caters to the needs and preferences of the acting and performance arts community. Your responses will be used for academic research, and the survey will take 3 minutes to complete. I would appreciate it if you shared this information with family, friends, and other groups with experience. This is the Link: [https://forms.gle/kYXd3SGh27BcnDve7](https://forms.gle/kYXd3SGh27BcnDve7) Thank You.
Hello I wanted to ask any fellow actors located in Texas if the industry was slow there
I'm a high school senior next year. I've wanted to be an actor since I was like ten, never got to try it until I was 13. I did my first acting class and did theatre throughout high school and well let's just say I got the acting bug. I love it. I love becoming characters and collaborating with talented actors in scenes and performing and breaking down scripts and everything. And I really want it as my career. I'm just nervous about senior year because it's my final year in high school theatre (and regional youth theatres) and then after that I have no clear path. I'm scared because I want to be a professional actor so badly, I don't care about being famous I just want consistent enough work in TV movies and theatre. I don't expect anything consistent for the first few years, and I know that it will take a long time before I get consistent enough work for bigger roles (aka guest star, recurring, or series regular; lead and supporting) and even when I reach that point it won't always be consistent. I'm aware of all that and I still want it. I have goals but I know they might not be reached in the way I imagine at all and that's okay. I'm ready to take on these challenges. But I'm still terrified. What my brain has done is it's trying to give me a deadline. It's trying to say I only have like 4 years to make it and I hate that. 4 years is nothing! I won't achieve anything. I'm not doing this career for four years. I want at least like 30 years or something. I mean c'mon, I've seen hundreds of non-famous acting careers they're all like 28 years minimum. I want to stick with thi slong-term because I love it and you never stop learning and improving which I love, and also there are so many ambitious (but not fame or money related) acting goals that I have, which include but aren't limited to: * acting on multi-cam sitcoms * booking a Shonda Rhimes (or any other top writer) show * booking a lot of recurring or guest star roles that are unique and out of the box * be in some of my favorite musicals These are just few of many and as you can see they are goals that will take a long time to achieve and even when I do they're goals that happen more than once if you know what I mean. Over time as I do more gigs and I figure out what kind of genres and roles I like I'll be more specific but for now this is what I have. Any reassurance/advice on how to get over the limiting belief of time and how I can focus on my goals because I can't get excited or focus on these important things when I am haunted by a limiting belief. Also if you have any good advice on what I should do right after high school is good (I plan on going to college to major in screenwriting because I also want to be a screenwriter someday)
The fact that a literal director had to explain to them why it's better to go with trained professional as opposed to exploiting popular names is just sad. I will never understand (especially in this day and age of animation and other voice acting mediums being so popular) that these companies honestly believe their product won't be successful if it doesn't have a big name(s) to exploit for profit. Not saying they can't rise to the occasion and do a good job, just that this mindset is toxic and ultimately helps no one.
I wanted to post here because she had some interesting takes on developing a stable life and not necessarily pouring your entire life into acting. I'd love to hear what the community thinks. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2UTQPLQ74U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2UTQPLQ74U)
Hiya, I signed with my first agent in September. The agency is a starter agency and mainly finds work for young kids. Despite signing their actors in some decent films, commercials, roles In theatre, in the past six months, I have had not even one audition. I am 21. I don’t know if my age is the reason for it or if the agency just isn’t very good. Im still in the process of putting my showreel together, which may be the reason. My agent only has my headshots and a slate to put forward for me. However, there has been little to no communication with each other about this. I haven’t brought it up and neither has she. So I feel a little bit left in the dark. My question is, should I complete my showreel and see if it changes anything with her- Is it likely this will make a difference? Its probably best for me to keep searching for a different/ better agent, but it is worth giving her more of a chance? Or, will it be more beneficial fo leave for and apply to my own jobs on spotlight? I am already doing so on backstage and seeming to be somewhat successful. Thanks
Keep Submitting Yourself.When you have an agent, it’s easy to let this part fall to the wayside. But to keep your audition numbers up, you want to make sure you’re an active participant. Keep searching through Casting Networks and other casting platforms. If you do voiceover work or audiobook narration, look for platforms where you can put up your profile and demo tracks. Remember, your agent has many actors on the roster, and no one knows your work better than you. You might find a gig that would otherwise be missed or passed over.Communicate With Your Talent Representative.Even though you’re submitting for and possibly booking projects on your own, remember that you and your agent are always a team. Be open and communicative about the projects you might be booking. Have your agent look over any contracts before you sign them. For one thing, they may be able to help you negotiate better terms. For another, you don’t want to lock yourself into a project that pays pennies without letting your agent know, only to have them submit you for better-paying work that conflicts. Make sure you’re both on the same page about when and where you’re submitting.Remember to Factor in Fees.When looking at rates for projects you’re submitting to, remember to mentally factor in agent cuts and other expenses when you’re determining whether something is worth it. Sometimes these can be negotiated, but it’s important to keep in mind. If you’re auditioning for an audiobook, unless you have a home studio, remember you’ll have to factor in studio rates, and possibly hire an editor. Don’t say yes to something off the bat without considering what it might cost you.- Casting Network#actor #agent #manager
I learned a powerful lesson from Legendary Carol Burnett.
The similarities between practicing martial arts and practicing the art of acting never cease to amaze me. Take this quote (unlikely to have actually been from Bruce Lee but still very relevant.) It can be applied word for word to our study and implementation of acting technique. There are so many schools of acting, and just like the various schools of martial arts, many contain valuable techniques and insights, but perhaps not everything will be applicable to each practitioner. Therefore, we as performers need to study widely, and find what works best for us as individuals, based on our own needs and the situation (script) at hand. Similarly, not everything we learn will be relevant or indeed work for us. One vital skill for actors (as it is for martial artists) is to identify what is working and what will hold us back, and discard the latter. Finally, the most special and important aspect of art - what is unique about us as artists and how we can manifest that in what we do. In martial arts, we start (in the classical styles) by learning patterns and then eventually move on to how to apply those techniques But along the way, the discerning artist will bring part of the themselves into those techniques and adapt them into something that is truly their own. And that's what the most successful and stand out actors do. They don't simply read the lines they are given, but inject the words and scenes with something different, something of their own experiences and souls, that lets you feel that performance, that moment, and lets you remember it for a very long time. The uniqueness that the best of the best bring is rare, but it's what any artist should be aiming for, no matter who their audience is.
I’m discussing moving here from another area and have already done some research and had some suggestions on good studios for classes and agencies to apply to. My question is just that: best case scenario, is it possible to make it full-time as an actor these types of markets, or would I be destined to only finding sparing, low low budget projects and school shorts or need to move again?
Weeee, you found me!
I'm your buddy Bottie, I was hiding behind the scenes, but now that you've found me I'd be happy to tell you what I'm doing.
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