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credits help IADB Tutorial - Credits

Learn how to manually add your acting credits to your actor website. This video will show you how to fill in your project title, director information and production company. Chose the proper project type, whether it's a short film, music video or a commercial, you can specify it as such. List your billing for each project - there's a distinction between film and TV. For all the premium members, feel free to upload your artwork to each project and it will be display alongside your project info on certain templates.

Transcription or Step-by-step:

TITLE CARD: Adding credits

Having credits on your website is an integral part of owning a website. With IADB, all of your credits on IMDb and few other websites should be automatically populated when you create a website, but if some credits don't get added, you can add them manually here.

Begin by filling in the project Title, if another IADB member already entered the data for the project, it will be suggested below. Simply click on the suggestion to autofill some fields. If, however, there is no match, fill in each field one by one and click "Add a project" when done.

Here you will be able to update multiple elements that will be modified on your website. Note that if you did not create the original project, you will not be able to change the Director's name, but you can update everything else, including your occupation and the description for the project or your role within the project.

As with many sections in IADB control panel, there is no save button as the data you change saves and updates as you enter it.


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