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Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Posted on Apr 21st

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

Good survival jobs?

Good survival jobs?

Posted on Apr 21st

I’m an acting student in college, and the plan is to move to New York after I graduate. While I’m here, I want to minor in a field that would help support the actor’s lifestyle. Any suggestions for what field I should study?



Posted on Apr 21st

Look Models & Actors said that I would have to pay a $35 consultation fee because I’m not already in the industry, is that a thing agencies do? I thought Look was reputable but it’s giving scam.

Actor's real names

Actor's real names

Posted on Apr 21st

I often see actor's real names written on IMDB and therefore on wikipedia and everywhere else. For example Natalie Portman - born Natalie Hershlag, Winona Ryder - born Winona Hershlag, Rebel Wilson - born Melanie Bownds and plenty of others. My question is do they have to list their birth name on IMDB or is it their choice? It seems odd, why change your name as a celebrity and put the name given you at birth on the internet if you want to be known by different name? Or is it that you have to list your real name if you are known by a stage name and if you've changed legally you don't? Aren't actors and their agents in charge of their IMDB profiles? Can anyone add something that they cannot change? Does anyone know how it works? So intriguing.

Any book recommendations on Psychology?

Any book recommendations on Psychology?

Posted on Apr 21st

I believe it’s important to have knowledge about psychology as an actor as it helps you determine why your character acts the way they do and what makes them tic.

Who are the top 10 Hottest/most in demand actors right now?

Who are the top 10 Hottest/most in demand actors right now?

Posted on Apr 21st

Timothee Chalamat...who else?

LGBT Actors- how do you play "Straight?"

LGBT Actors- how do you play "Straight?"

Posted on Apr 21st

I've been cast to play a straight man in a love triangle with 2 women, and I'm gay. I'm not very flamboyant or feminine, but it's not totally far fetched either to pin me as not straight. How have you dealt with this before? How can I be as believable as possible?

Unvaccinated Actors

Unvaccinated Actors

Posted on Apr 21st

Is it difficult for unvaccinated actors to get an agent currently? I was going to send in my materials to an agency but they told me they only accept vaccinated actors Is this common? Will I be able to find an agent as an unvaccinated? Thanks

is this a good acting class?

is this a good acting class?

Posted on Apr 21st

The two acting classes I've found locally have a ton of beginner actors. Are these kind of classes good? One is fun. The other is super boring...even though its full of beginners.

Acting more butch as a feminine man

Acting more butch as a feminine man

Posted on Apr 21st

First, I wanna start this by saying I’m very comfortable with myself as a man. I don’t really care that I’m perceived as being feminine. But it’s affecting my career as an actor so I’m not looking for comments that align with the sentiment “who cares! Just be you :)” Also I know I can turn down roles, but if I did I would get virtually no auditions. I’m a transgender man who is getting back into acting after having spent 8-10 years playing the “leading lady/romantic interest” type character. Super hyper-feminine roles. I’m wondering if there are any other feminine men who have had to learn how to butch up their performance in order to avoid being constantly given auditions for gay men. I want options. I want to be taken seriously as an option for more roles rather than just the “gay guy”, so I’m looking to butch up my performance. Genuine advice on doing this would be really, really helpful and appreciated. Please and thank you.

I came across a casting call that is past the deadline on actors access but is still available to check out

I came across a casting call that is past the deadline on actors access but is still available to check out

Posted on Apr 21st

Is this some sort of error or has the submission date been extended?

need your advice on acting training

need your advice on acting training

Posted on Apr 20th

Much of my early training was reading and reciting simpler material, mostly from children's books, song lyrics (much of it for children but not always) and reading simpler texts. I did this with a teacher who mostly focused on my voice, both singing and speaking. I was also taught how to use body movement when reciting or reading the stories. This teacher is a speech therapist and a singing teacher. I am not saying that all of what I did was acting but it helped me use my body and voice. I am now going through Osip's monologue from The Government inspector. I do this because of an acting teacher/coach I went to. I have only taken one lesson with him and am not sure if I should study with him.He told me that some texts that I have used in my training are too easy for me. My thinking is that it is important to be familiar with all kinds of texts. I like too use both simpler and other kinds of texts. One things that simpler texts do are forcing me to make voices (eg do different characters), be it texts for adult or children. It's more about how I say it and how my body moves than the story (even if the story is of importance), I guess. When the acting teacher/coach I went to told me to use more difficult texts I was a bit confused and perhaps a bit upset, I guess. I have always been thinking that we need all kinds of texts (or telling stories without texts sometimes). There is a famous actor who said that he did a lot of children's theatre early in his career at that helped him a lot so I am not sure things can be too simple.What do you think?

skills section of an actors profile. How much is too much?

skills section of an actors profile. How much is too much?

Posted on Apr 20th

I've been trying to look through other people's acting profiles to get some wisdom here, but I'm curious on the Reddit perspective. I've basically spent my entire life trying every hobby... Juggling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, motorcycles every type of longboarding and skateboarding, capoeira, rock climbing, break dancing, trapeze. A few years ago in school I was at decathlon athlete which basically means I do every single track and field event. I can play basketball, All around gymnastics, parkour, free running. This is maybe half the list of things I have taken seriously at some point and have at least an intermediate understanding of to the point where I could competently play a professional in that field with no training, not to mention the things I could put down a beginner's level of understanding with. I've kept it winnowed very far down on my profile to things I think would be immediately and commonly relevant to the things I would like to apply for so that someone reading my profile would actually breeze through the list and see that I am generally physically competent rather than completely disregarding a huge jumbled paragraph of skills. HOWEVER, looking at some other actors profiles they seem to throw everything down from whistling and humming and hacky sack to ping pong and jogging. So what do you think reddit? Should I get exhaustive in order to capture those projects that need something very specific or keep it condensed and concise?

Should I upgrade to AA plus if I'm a beginner?

Should I upgrade to AA plus if I'm a beginner?

Posted on Apr 20th

I only have like one film credit, ands its a small role. Is AA for more experienced actors who have more credits? Is it worth paying 70$ for?

Take note actors... These are the types of agents to avoid like the plague.

Take note actors... These are the types of agents to avoid like the plague.

Posted on Apr 20th

[\_sign\_or\_not\_honest\_opinions\_wanted\_from/]( [\_meeting\_update\_you\_cant\_make\_this\_shit\_up/]( Final update regarding this flakey rep... I email her this morning thanking her for her time (which was an utter waste of my time), and she emails me 1 MINUTE LATER saying "Great. Best of luck!" Common sense tells me if she can respond this fast, there is absolutely no excuse for what has transpired regarding this meeting for the past few days. I really feel sorry for any actor who isn't like me and has no other options but to deal with people like this. Take it from me though... THERE ARE MUCH BETTER OPTIONS OUT THERE. Shop around, don't be desperate, and I promise you'll find someone that is a million times more professional that believes in you and is enthusiastic about repping you. Out of all of the agents I spoke with, there wasn't one that even remotely behaved like she did.

any American here signed to a Canadian or out of USA agent?

any American here signed to a Canadian or out of USA agent?

Posted on Apr 20th

Just want to see if any American actor on this board has been lucky enough to get reps in Canada or somewhere else? I'm just ready to travel anywhere for my career. I need to start making moves.

Does Magnesium spray help?

Does Magnesium spray help?

Posted on Apr 20th

I heard another Voice actor say they used magnesium spray for tired vocal chords. Is this helpful? If so, what brands do you recommend?



Posted on Apr 20th

If you're not new to the biz, then you know the star meter rankings don't mean anything and no one cares about them for reasons I shouldn't have to go into here (do your research). But is that same "system" applied to the agencies or companies that rep the actors? I'm asking because I see agencies listed in the top rankings I know for a fact shouldn't be there just based on their client list. I mean a lot of the actors I've seen in these client lists haven't worked in years and the projects they have worked on weren't even big projects where they had major roles. Some of these same actors despite this, have starmeters at 100,000 to 200,000 when they haven't even worked in a few years. I'm guessing the company ratings are influenced by the arbitrary numbers of the actors?

Engineering college student in Texas. How hard would it be to land a job?

Engineering college student in Texas. How hard would it be to land a job?

Posted on Apr 20th

I live in the middle of nowhere in Texas. I’m also an engineering student in college, but I have always had a passion for acting. I was an actor in my theatre program for high school for 3 years and have done student films. Should I consider moving or getting an agent?

Are there any other groups other than TMFA that help actors get more comfortable around others?

Are there any other groups other than TMFA that help actors get more comfortable around others?

Posted on Apr 19th

I personally found TMFA sketchy and kinda slummy so just curious if anyone knows of any.

Pay from union/payrolled jobs

Pay from union/payrolled jobs

Posted on Apr 19th

Question from working actors: When you work a job that uses a payroll service like EP, ABS, etc, does your agency have the check made out to them? (You’ve signed a check authorization at some point.) And then they send you a check with your cut. Do they also send a scan of the check? If not - how do you track your ytd numbers, verify you were paid any meal penalties, all $ owed, see exact taxes taken out, and such?

Does Actors Access fully vet everything?

Does Actors Access fully vet everything?

Posted on Apr 19th

Submitted and got an audition for a role- but the director ,writer, producer are not listed. CD is but cant find anything on them. The audition instructions are weird- asking me to watch a video and film my reaction. Says the role pays decently but something feels kinda off. Its listed as a "feature" film.

How do you manage excitement over "big" auditions? (context below)

How do you manage excitement over "big" auditions? (context below)

Posted on Apr 19th

So I'm a trans actor and am in a weird spot right now. The auditions I get from my agent are either token co-star/guest star roles that are clearly meant to check a box for the network or they're massive roles that CDs are having a hard time filling because they don't really know enough queer actors yet. I have this current wave of social awareness to thank for both of those situations, but honestly have no idea how to process the latter. I've had 6 auditions in the past two years for big roles in MAJOR projects and each time I find myself totally obsessing over them until my excitement fizzles out into disappointment. The rest of my auditions, though, I have no problem submitting and forgetting, as is often recommended and is my preferred method of dealing with it. So how the hell do I deal with those big ones? Any thoughtful suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Who are your favorite LGBT actors under 40?

Who are your favorite LGBT actors under 40?

Posted on Apr 19th

ideally favorite non binary/ male actors in their 20's?

Actors for Ukraine Benefit!!

Actors for Ukraine Benefit!!

Posted on Apr 19th

Calling all actors across the world to join us this Saturday for an Actors for Ukraine Benefit!! Hello my name is Brian Beegle and I am a Casting Director in Atlanta, Georgia. On Saturday, April 23rd at 8PM Eastern Time, I'll be hosting a 3 hour fundraiser for Ukraine on Youtube Live, and I am going to teach a very unique class for actors of all levels. After spending 20 years as an actor, and then 16 years as one of the busiest commercial casting directors casting close to 2000 projects, I have a lot to share with you! In this class on YouTube Live, I’ll cover acting from the Casting Directors' point of view, I’ll explain what Directors want and don’t want in auditions and I'll share what I have learned from the last 2 years of Zooming and accepting Self-Tapes. Trust me, these tips are very helpful and hilarious. Also, I’ll teach you acting techniques that will give you the freedom to never have to memorize a line again because you will mean what you say. Afterward, I will take questions live for as long as you have them! To be a part of this class, donate $10 to the Ukraine Fund with [](, and then [email]( so we can total the donations and you’ll get a response with a link to the class. Join me, and get 10 more people to join you, and let’s make a difference together for Ukraine. President Zelensky said "stand in front of the mirror every day and ask yourself were you able to do something? You will find the answer in the mirror. More importantly who you are.” Now is our time to stand with Ukraine. See you on the 23rd. Thank you.Brian

Learning to act self taught style?

Learning to act self taught style?

Posted on Apr 19th

I'm not looking to become a professional actor, or audition for anything, or any of that. I just want to become as good of an actor as I possibly can, and develop the skill for my own needs, like performing a character in one of my own skits. How can I begin, should I just record myself acting and see how I do, then revise what I thought was poorly done? Are there other techniques I should do instead, and are there any resources that are good for beginners taking this route?

Feeling bait-and-switched: Got lead role, but it's VR and I can't use any of it

Feeling bait-and-switched: Got lead role, but it's VR and I can't use any of it

Posted on Apr 19th

Ive worked really hard in acting professional for 7 years. Recently, I started transitioning to one of my biggest loves: COMEDY! After years of doing smaller projects with qwful footage, I've been searching high and low for a GREAT comedy project to be a part of. I managed to land the lead role of an excellent, well-written, comedy short film!! So excited and felt like such a huge victory because I really loved this comedy concept! ...... ..... Then they tell us it's a VR film project. Me and the other actors are feeling bait and switched. No mention of it being a VR project in the breakdown. One actress already dropped out. I don't mind VR films, but you can't just put distorted VR bubble looking footage in your comedy reel. :( What would you all do in the situation? One Idea: The scenes are extremely short and we have a lot of time in multiple days. Honestly, this short could be filmed in 1 day. I own a really nice 4k camera with cinematic lenses. I want to ask the director if it's possible (after the last take of each scene) if we could just film 1 medium shot of each character's performance. This way, the director gets both the VR film and a regular cinematic version we could use for our reel. Another idea: I called one of the other actors and he's willing to go 50/50 with me and pay the director to let us do this. The script is that hilarious and worth it. Overall: I felt really baited, but I do LOVE the script and story. I figure I ask the director and if they say no, they say no.

Offered a Resident Artist Position, is it worth it?

Offered a Resident Artist Position, is it worth it?

Posted on Apr 19th

I've been offered a position as a Resident Artist with a local arts center but don't know if this is even a typical or fair rate/situation I've been offered. To be honest, I didn't even know that resident artists positions still existed, within theaters as an actor at least. I auditioned for their center's production thinking it was just for a show, but then they offered me an hourly rate which is slightly above $15 an hour, so not horrible but also not easy to live on in a major city for rehearsals and they want me to come in and teach a two week camp. I'm not opposed to teaching but I burned out doing nothing but theater camps over the past year. They also implied that I would be coming in and help out as needed like with ushering and tech, which is something I respect within the theater, but am not good at nor really enjoy. I think it's also worth noting that for other theater teaching work, I make $50+ an hour, so the hourly rate isn't super enticing. However, on the flip side, I would be a guaranteed role in two productions for the rest of the year, again at the non-union rate, but since it's an arts center and not a theater I don't know if it would look good on my resume to be blunt. I've worked in Equity theaters before and am working on getting more Equity contracts and eventually joining the union. So I guess, in your opinion with my current goals do you think that this would be worth it? Or are they even making me a fair offer? TIA!

Where to look for Representation

Where to look for Representation

Posted on Apr 18th

Hi all, I am a trained actor through a reputable studio for profesisonal actors and have a Spotlight account. I am writing shows and putting them on around London to lure agents but am having little luck getting them to come see me in action. I am getting hella frustrated because I am ready to work and am playing alongside other actors who are working and don't feel any less capable then them. Where should I look to network or does anyone out there have tips for grabbing agent attention! Let me know :)

Bad sign or not??? (honest opinions wanted from actors who have representation)

Bad sign or not??? (honest opinions wanted from actors who have representation)

Posted on Apr 18th

Okay... So in my search for represention, I've had agents get back to me and I've had a couple of offers. So in wrapping up my decision, I reached out to a couple more agencies that asked me where I was based but didn't hit me back upon my answer. I told them I had other offers to consider and to let me know if I should keep them in consideration or not. One couldn't offer me representation right now, but told me she liked my package and thought I would do well with anyone I signed with. The other one is sorta interested I guess. Mind you, a week had passed after she asked my location and me telling her I had received offers while not hearing back from her. Suddenly she seemed interested. I submitted only my headshot and resume to her because it was worded on the website that a reel wasn't really needed to submit and if they were interested they would send their own sides. So upon her suddenly becoming interested because I have offers, she asked me could I send her some of my work. I did that. She then tells me my work is similar to another client of hers but she would get back to me after consulting her partner agent. She then goes on to critique a self tape I sent her along with the reel telling me to use a different color for the backdrop, I need better lighting, and my framing was off. However, she said my performance was very good (which is the only thing that really matters right)? No other agent commented on the quality of the tape but her and honestly, the quality of the tape was decent. One of the other agents even pointed out that she liked the self taped performance and never proceeded to give me a list of "tips" to improve it. So in my opinion she's being nit picky when she should be concentrating on my performance. So a day passes. I thank her for taking the time to view my materials. This is Friday. She then says she wants to set up an interview next week and asked me what my availability was. She said we could do a phone call, a zoom meeting, or a meet in person. I gave her a time for Monday. No answer. So the weekend passes. I email her and ask her if my time is good for her? She says she has conflicts and gives me a time for Wednesday. Trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, I say okay. But I'm realizing she does not respond unless I follow up first and she didn't even seem that interested until I told her I had other offers. This is a boutique agency with just under 50 clients and not even my first choice so I find it hard to believe that she is that busy until Wednesday. Is this a sign I should just take the other offer I like, or just give her the chance to make her pitch? I've already said yes to the meeting so it would be unprofessional to back out now, but my gut is telling me this is not a good agent for me. I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, but she isn't really making a good 1st impression on me. I'm anxious to see how she handles the interview and my questions because again, her agency is not my first choice, and she's already kinda put me off.

Industry Questions

Industry Questions

Posted on Apr 18th

Hey! I’m a hobbiest voice actor who is looking to make it in the industry. I do have one question that’s been bugging me for a while. Before now, all of my work included projects from Casting Call Club that were basically Minecraft and Gacha projects. I was recently told that this could get you blacklisted in the industry, but i’ve heard different things from different people. I understand that fandubs do that too and so i’ve stayed away from them, but why would those? Would I have to change my name and be credited and audition under a separate name or should I just not put those credits on my resume. Can someone explain this topic more in depth if you have the knowledge? Thank you! Edit: Spelling

Actors with an S-CORP? What does the nitty gritty look like, is it worth it?

Actors with an S-CORP? What does the nitty gritty look like, is it worth it?

Posted on Apr 18th

Been advised to incorporate by my reps. All very exciting stuff, spoke to someone who does this process but he warned me there is a lot of maintenance that goes into it, bookkeeping, payroll, etc. He says it’s a lot of maintenance and one has to be organized. So i’m just curious if you guys on here that do have an S corp find it worth it? Do you have a separate payroll company that you pay? How does it actually all work? Assuming you make in the 150-250k range, is it a must? All help is appreciated! (Based in CA, FYI)

Can you do non-union work once your Union?

Can you do non-union work once your Union?

Posted on Apr 18th

This may be silly, but once you are a part of an agency, can you still do other jobs for other clients that are non-union? The question arises from hearing so many voice actors from podcasts saying "My first year I didn't get any work at this agency." Which makes you wonder if you should join the Union at all. (SAG-AFTRA). [View Poll](

Voice Demo Reel Line Sources.

Voice Demo Reel Line Sources.

Posted on Apr 18th

Hello! I was going to do a Demo-Reel tomorrow for my Backstage account after setting up a makeshift sound booth. I am planning on using lines from books as characters. I don't have many books (Embarresing for an actor, I know) Do you guys have any ideas of what else I could use?

Spouse Doesn’t Support my Acting Career in LA

Spouse Doesn’t Support my Acting Career in LA

Posted on Apr 18th

Hi actors! I’m a SAG-AFTRA actor in LA & I’ve been here since 2009. I pursued acting 2009-2012 and then took a break when I got married and I also went to hairdressing school. Recently I was working a 9-5 job that I was miserable at. I had a health scare too & I just realized I can’t be this unhappy doing administrative work and not pursuing my passion. I want to do commercials and maybe try to build up my TV credits doing co-stars and stuff. I spoke to my spouse telling them that I was planning a return to acting and they are so pissed off beyond belief. They told me that I never booked anything, I’m lying to myself, I never earned a living as an actor, I’m repeating old behavior and expecting different results, etc. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not delusional. I know I never really booked anything in all these years, but I honestly only really tried about 10 years ago for 3 years! This person is a failed actor & quit like 20 years ago. I don’t know if they’re projecting on me or what, but it took me aback. I was expecting support and encouragement! I don’t want it to affect our relationship, but I think they assume I’m not going to work a day job or can’t carry my weight. I just don’t know what to do! I was planning on getting new headshots and giving it an honest try again. Now I’m just feeling unsupported and depressed. Have any of you encountered this with family or loved ones and how can I explain to them I’m not trying to evade working for a living? I feel like they are treating me like I’m a freeloader or something but I’ve been pursuing acting off and on for 18 years!!!

Looking for busines-looking actor

Looking for busines-looking actor

Posted on Apr 17th

Not sure if that's the right subreddit anywas. ​ Its not for a movie,advertisement or anythig I just need someone to call me on Friday(22.4.2022 07:45 CET ) via video chat and act like you're offering me a job in the trading industry ​ You need to be business-looking you need to have the fitting background(I'm fine with greenscreen aslong it looks realistic) you'll have to sign an NDA You can improvise ​ Paying between 1000€-2000€ depending how well it goes. ​ If interested, please DM me

Need a voice actor? Hit me up!

Need a voice actor? Hit me up!

Posted on Apr 17th

Hey there! I’m a voice actor in the wings, and I’m looking for more opportunities to be apart of! I’m not exactly looking to be paid, unless it’s a bigger project, and rather looking for things to add to my portfolio! If you’d like to see what I can do, DM me at my Instagram: @/wannabe.m.e !

I wanna know your story!

I wanna know your story!

Posted on Apr 17th

Hello actors! It has always been a hobby of mine to look up the actors of the moment on wikipedia, find out their story, how they got into acting and cool fun facts. But I wonder now, what is your story? How did you get into acting? Did your first steps in this industry freeze you? Enjoy your Sunday!

Looking for CCC alternatives

Looking for CCC alternatives

Posted on Apr 17th

I'm not a voice actor, but I'm directing a visual novel and I'm looking for a new site to search on for talent. Since Casting Call Club's search system is currently fucked, I can't find talents I'm looking for who fit particular qualities. Are there any alternatives out there with working searchbars that allow me to filter out talent?

Best acting coaches in LA to get representation?

Best acting coaches in LA to get representation?

Posted on Apr 17th

Hi, do you guys know any good acting coaches in Los Angeles to help get some representation? I know some actors have been able to sign to an agency without taking an acting class (like Lili Reinhart) but that seems to be a bit more difficult? I have looked into some coaches but there are so many it’s hard. If you guys know any from personal experience or you know any from a friend, let me know. Thank you

Is this more of a UK thing?

Is this more of a UK thing?

Posted on Apr 16th

First of all I just wish to say I am not homophobic in the slightest, I am simply wondering as I saw a post on twitter from a casting director about wanting to specifically have 'Queer actors and Performers' only get in touch for upcoming work. So my question is, with a normal job there are discrimination laws in place for this mainly to give equal rights and so forth but when it comes to the acting industry, a foundation built upon playing characters, what exact reason is it that there is quite clear separation for briefs and roles etc. Why does it matter what someone's sexuality is if they are playing a character?

Best Film/TV Acting Coaches In Atlanta?

Best Film/TV Acting Coaches In Atlanta?

Posted on Apr 16th

I am a theatre actor based out of NYC and have worked in numerous Broadway and regional productions… whenever I get an audition or self tape for on-camera work, I feel like I have no clue what I’m doing. My fiancée and I will be moving to the Atlanta area soon for the many film opportunities, and I’d love to work with a private coach to learn advanced film-acting technique. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. :) Thank you!!

Agent advice

Agent advice

Posted on Apr 16th

Hey everyone, is my agent being greedy or being honest. The other day I found some work on my own from Mandy & my agent found me that same work a few days after I did. But I told him that I’ve already auditioned for them as I’ve been shortlisted. My agent then calls me few days later telling me that I shouldn’t be applying for jobs on Mandy my self and if I find something I like send him over an email and he’ll apply for me on my behalf. The reasoning he gave was because this will strengthen your chances of landing that role and will also casting directors would rather be in contact with agents instead of actors as it comes across as more professional. Part of me thinks he has only said this because he knows if i find work via him he’s guaranteed his % for the job. Or am I being naive and he’s correct about the whole professional thing.

Good audition pieces for high schoolers?

Good audition pieces for high schoolers?

Posted on Apr 16th

I’ve got an audition coming up and can’t decide on a monologue to audition with, any suggestions? I consider myself a pretty good actor (for a teenager) and have landed leading roles in the past. I really want someone dynamic and interesting to preform, maybe something dramatic? I’d totally appreciate any suggestions!!

actors in Chicago?

actors in Chicago?

Posted on Apr 16th

Any other actors here in Chicago? I’d love to make more friends/hear your journey of acting here!

I did a mediocre audition for a powerful CD- will I ever be called in again?

I did a mediocre audition for a powerful CD- will I ever be called in again?

Posted on Apr 16th

I did an okay audition, not good, but okay. I learned it quickly and taped it quickly and sent it off, since I was in a time crunch. Do they immediately peg me as a mediocre actor, and never want to see work again?

How should I set up my LinkedIn for looking for gigs

How should I set up my LinkedIn for looking for gigs

Posted on Apr 16th

I really want/need to create a LinkedIn for acting gigs but I literally have no idea how to start, specially because my peers know mostly how to create one for regular jobs.(Also I hardly mention to people IRL I want to be an actress because most people literally just shut me off and think it's silly and childish) Also another tips for someone who wants to get started are very much appreciated(I want to act on movies and/or TV shows)

how to work on the actors instrument?

how to work on the actors instrument?

Posted on Apr 15th

I've been doing a workshop which has various instructors come in and give you scenes/monologues and accordingly give you feedback on how to improve. The number 1 feedback I receive is 'your performancws are honest and sincere, but you're a little too tight; you need to work on your instrument.' What does that mean, and how do I work on it?

Is my red hair a casting issue?

Is my red hair a casting issue?

Posted on Apr 15th

I’m 18F and I work completely in the 18TPY range, mostly going out for 13-17 year old roles. I don’t even look old enough to play 18. Because of this, a lot of the roles I’m being sent out for are characters who are part of an on-screen family, or at least have a sibling involved in the story. Is being a redhead killing my chances at getting these roles? I feel like it would make me so much harder to match to other actors than a blonde or brunette actress. I have great reps, and despite going out for at least 90% family roles, I only book roles that don’t involve any family casting. Would I book more if I just went brunette?

I just got a part in a project that says “SAG/AFTRA Pending MPA” what does this mean??

I just got a part in a project that says “SAG/AFTRA Pending MPA” what does this mean??

Posted on Apr 15th

I’m a non union actor. It’s literally a small role, I’m not being Taft Hartley for this right? Lol

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