Just want to warn people about [weaudition.com](https://weaudition.com) I've had some bad experiences with it and I just want to warn people about spending their time and money on this. I have had experiences where actors did not pay me, and I am not the only one this has happened to. When I tried to get in touch with costumer service (many times for different reasons) they never got back to me. The opportunities aren't great, and there are too many beginners on there trying to give advice. It seems like something to do for practice or for newbies. Bad experience. I regret signing up, it was a waste of time and money. Maybe you guys will have better luck but just wanted to put this out there.
I often see actor's real names written on IMDB and therefore on wikipedia and everywhere else. For example Natalie Portman - born Natalie Hershlag, Winona Ryder - born Winona Hershlag, Rebel Wilson - born Melanie Bownds and plenty of others. My question is do they have to list their birth name on IMDB or is it their choice? It seems odd, why change your name as a celebrity and put the name given you at birth on the internet if you want to be known by different name? Or is it that you have to list your real name if you are known by a stage name and if you've changed legally you don't? Does anyone know how it works? So intriguing.
I can’t imagine Will Smith’s headspace right now. Years of carefully curating a career in the spotlight, having your private life blown open and speculated by the whole country, only to practically destroy your perception in one night — possibly to all that pressure, is astounding. I just saw a post on FB that said “we wouldn’t be laughing if Will harms himself” and honestly, all of this can be enough to cause an actor to jump off a cliff. We as actors, know how dejected we can get when we get taken off avail or lose the role to another. I’m praying for his health. But then, I do remember me saying very clearly I wanted to be in his position. In a way, I still mean it but as I’m in my late 20’s and exploring other hobbies and passions, I am thankful for my privacy. I’m thankful I can look like a bum and not worry about pictures. I’m thankful I can work at the same Trader Joe’s as Alvin did and not make headlines. People say it comes with the territory, but I disagree heavily. No amount of press training can make someone an extrovert. Me wanting to perform because it’s my passion, shouldn’t close the door on other things. In my early 20’s, I thought it was a death sentence to be an actor who was a series reg one time and is barely doing much, like a Miranda Cosgrove (at the time) or Kevin Smith. Now? That seems like the goal, tbh. What level of fame do you aspire to?
Howdy, I searched for this but could not find, apologies if redundant... I'm spending a lot of time on self-tapes which are immediately requested in the role listing, not in response to my application submission. I find this to be a waste of time given that my application materials may have resulted in an immediate rejection, which I would prefer if they do not see me as appropriate for the part. I understand that the spec self-tape could help overcome objections, but if I'm already visually or professionally inappropriate, I'm wasting X hours on a tape that would likely merely reinforce that fact for them, or be ignored entirely after a headshot glance. To me it is lazy on the CD's part to immediately require the self-tape, and I have begun using my cover letter to simply ask that they contact me IF I am deemed even of interest to them. I'm not against self-tapes by any means, it's actually part of the fun, IMO. Ultimately, it seems that self-tapes are replacing in-person auditions in an effort to save the CD's time, but definitely not ours as actors. Then again, CD's are reviewing self-tapes AND eventually doing in-person callbacks, but likely far fewer. I'm simply curious whether my "resistance" is inappropriate, whether my assumptions about the value of the spec self-tape are wrong, etc. Thanks in advance for any advice, this is a great sub. Edit: rejections >>> objections
A while ago, I posted about my stand still on pursuing my acting plan (I've also realized I should be saying plan vs dream, though it is both really
I’m from the UK and my newsfeed is always full of such desperation from actors or cringe manifesting posts. I’m not trying to sound negative but do you think posting stuff like this reflects badly on you as a professional?
My gf is an amazingly natural actor. I have seen it up close and I believe she has what it takes. Has absolutely no experience though and we are already “making moves” it seems. It’s happening fast and I’m reading things that have me super back and forth on what to think. For context, we are both 24 and live in Omaha, NE Started out by applying for a workshop class. She got a call to join a zoom call and tryout for the workshop. Did amazing, they were super excited about her and gave her a callback asking her to join. Us having no experience, we got excited and we’re thinking “holy shit, is this happening? Are we starting the process of getting famous?” So she agrees to join and they have another zoom class explains every detail of this. Seems legit. She gets sent a welcome packet and they are asking her to choose different packages and from what I compared them to online, this was very reasonable. It was a year of classes and showcases+”Ipop” for only 2k. This is with International Artists Inc if anyone has heard of em. Claim to have gotten the dude from Spider-Man his job. We were hesitant to pay the 2k but did a ton of research and decided it’s a very reasonable price compared to what others have paid for workshops and they arent claiming to be an agent. It’s a class which aren’t free. We know agents don’t ask for money. Ipop on the other hand was hard to find research on. A lot of scam claims but a lot of people also saying it’s not a scam, it’s just a waste of money. So we are thinking we will do the classes and showcases but skip out on Ipop. She starts doing these once a week classes and the instructor is tearing everyone apart, except my gf. She absolutely loves my gf and thinks she has a very natural talent for this and treats her different than everyone. It feels very good and uplifting. Finally the first showcase comes and she gets a callback from two people very quickly. The first is someone who is representing Ipop. They want to represent her. This is where my first question comes into play. They offered to pay for Ipop. Normally costs 4k, but they liked her so much they wanna pay. Only thing we have to do is pay for hotel and flight. Now I’ve already booked the room to be safe and don’t have to pay until we arrive. It’s in July. Should we go? They promise it’s paid for and if we go and it’s not, we will just use it as a vacation no harm no foul. Is Ipop legit and a good experience/potential for more work? I don’t see the harm if they offered to pay tbh. 2nd question. She got a callback from a talent agency. This agency is called “The Brogan Agency”. This was very exciting for us because it was the biggest one from this showcase we could find. Her mouth dropped and she was jittery. It felt like we had just landed something that most people need a lot of credentials to land and she did it from one showcase with no background at all. We could barely contain our excitement. Thought this was a humongous deal that we got lucky on. One of those “success stories”. This agency has some very bad reviews but we figure that having an agent is better than not and this will just be a stepping stone to a bigger agency and building a resume/reel. Also has some good reviews by people that have credits on IMDB. I looked them up on google maps and they have a location with a name on a window but it’s in a very sketchy alley and feels off. She is going to speak with them tomorrow and get the contract sent over but I cannot find this agency listed on any site that lists licensed agencies. Is this a red flag? Bad reviews/sketchy location/not being listed on the sites that list all licensed agencies does not sit well with me. If she signs this contract tomorrow, then we have a big decision to make regarding uprooting our lives and moving to LA. It’ll be tough to squeeze but if it’s worth it, these are the sacrifices you have to make to get into this business and if we already landed representation and most people go to LA without having that yet, then there’s less risk and why not try it? We already have the safety net of being in a contract. But at the same time, why would they sign someone who is across country, that you’ve seen one time on zoom, and has not a single credential. Unless she is literally that good, which I do believe. I am just trying to verify. I need to know if this Ipop is okay to go to and if this agency is someone we should try to get involved with. We are new to all this and it’s moving so fast we feel like we don’t have much time to make a smart decision. I need help. We have put a lot of time and money into this and are really excited for what’s been happening seemingly by chance but are trying to keep it reserved, but it’s hard. This is such a big deal and it’s looking up for us but It still would be such a massive let down if we got this far and it’s all a joke. My gf is so damn sweet, and perfect and works so damn hard and is professional. She is an absolute angel and deserves success because she worked damn hard to perfect those monologues. Picked the hardest one with lots of changes in emotion and perfected it. This would be so hard to see it was all just bullshit TL;DR Should we go to Ipop if we are being told it’s free and should we sign with what looks like an unlicensed agent that has legit reviews and isn’t asking for money? Sorry to rant like this. I’m in a bit of a manic state thinking about all this because it’s huge and happening fast.
Hey guys!! I was just wondering if anyone could recommend places around London that are good for drop-in acting classes (anything from cold reads, improv, technique classes etc.). I used to go to the ones at Actors Temple however it seems to be permanently closed which is sad! Preferably something that is also applicable to somewhat beginners would be really helpful!! Thank you in advance :)
Throwaway account for obvious reasons. I’ve looked this up online but it’s a bit more specific. Rachel Zegler, first of all, deserved her Best Actress award 100% and she is so talented, but I can’t help but feel so jealous of her even though I am a newbie actress and haven’t made a name for myself/really accomplished anything yet. We are the same age and I just wish I was in her shoes right now. Reading that she is the youngest actress to receive that award just makes me… sad that’s she’s achieved so much already when I haven’t. I feel angry at myself and wish that I could have been the youngest (even though it is literally 1 in a million chance). I know I may get backlash from this post and sound really foolish and childish, but I just wanted to vent and see if anyone else felt this way.
Hey, everyone. I checked with the mods and got the “all-clear” to share this. I co-host a podcast called Character with NPR Reporter Shannon Mullen that I thought a lot of you might be interested in. On our show we speak with some of the greatest character actors in the business about the craft, how they bring their humanity to the roles they play and about some of their greatest roles. We just posted episode five featuring Alanna Ubach (COCO, BOMBSHELL, The Girlfriend’s Guide To Divorce) and have some amazing people coming up. Our previous guests are Emmy-winner Richard Schiff (The West Wing), Olivier Award-winner Mark Strong (CRUELLA, 1917), Indie Spirit Award-winner Dale Dickey (WINTER’S BONE, Breaking Bad) and cinema legend Tom Skerritt (ALIEN, TOP GUN, A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT), who at the age of 88 just got his first starring role in a feature film! Our show is on Apple and Spotify and we’d love it if you’d give a listen. We’d also love it if you like the show and would leave us a rating and review! We LOVE actors. And we love talking about the process. So if you love both of those things too, you might find the conversations of interest! Thanks for reading! [Character Podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/character/id1595916709)
I am a beginner filmmaker in high school looking for actors to make a concept trailer. We have no funding so I can't pay anyone but this is a great opportunity for actors looking to get started in the film industry. I will put more information in a google doc below for those interested. Filming will take place in North York or Vaughan on 1 or 2 Sundays. It shouldn't take more than 8 hours total for all the scenes. If you are interested dm me and we'll figure it out from there. [https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRrScRWGHEUs76JJRH26Huuv6LcrqK6V-Tc1iOHuHi6MtsKl8YDpIAN0jqTa0Qd84QdkpcXz3VoV9bn/pub](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRrScRWGHEUs76JJRH26Huuv6LcrqK6V-Tc1iOHuHi6MtsKl8YDpIAN0jqTa0Qd84QdkpcXz3VoV9bn/pub)
I'm going to be as honest as I can. I'm terrified about trying to make a go as an actor, because I have scoliosis and kyphosis. Both of which are mild, but I fear it will hurt my chances. I'm a stress eater and during covid/quarantine, I gained quite a lot of weight, for obvious reasons. Before that, I was lean, and getting tons of interest from agency's. But, I hadn't had to do anything without my shirt as of that point. As I get back in to shape, I'm doing things to try and reduce some of the visibility of it, such as muscle building exercises ect. This has been my dream my entire life, and I'm just terrified of not having a chance because of this.
Okay, so here's the deal. I am looking for another voice actress. This time, it's for another Total Drama character, particularly Sky.: [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE27gbZqKXs**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE27gbZqKXs) If you have noticed the PG-13 thing, the main thing I'm looking for is... Well, gag-speak. You know, the "mmphs" and the grunts and all that. Granted that sort of stuff appears in TV-Y7 cartoons a lot, but still. So yeah, I'm looking for a match, so if you wanna use one of Sky's lines from the show itself for matchmaking, feel free to throw your voices and your rates my way. Granted it isn't a for-profit project (even though it took hours just to make as little movement as I did in that Sky animation), but still. Right now I'm just looking for a match, after which I'll consider commissioning the best match. The lowest price tag I'm looking for is 15 cents per word, which is really the lowest anyone would expect high-quality voice acting at. I can go higher if needed. I don't really know how voice actors price random grunts or sounds, so I can only list a per-word price tag. Feel free to say anything you want with her voice; I don't like discouraging people from doing audition voicework. But yeah, there's that.
Hello! I'm a video game design and animation student and I have a 3d animation assignment that requires a reference. I'm just a poor uni student with no clout or money, so I can offer nothing but my deepest gratitude and the shared finished product lmao. The only requirements I need are for the ref to be lipsynced to the original audio, and for the acting to be done in a theatrical way, as if you were on stage. Both audio options that will be attached are meant to be acted out in an angry way, but I want to give full creative control to those that know best, so please feel free to act however you think is best. Thank you so much for your time! Audio option 1: [https://youtu.be/jX8-pDbHgLQ](https://youtu.be/jX8-pDbHgLQ) Audio option 2: [https://youtu.be/tiyJrzTQzAg](https://youtu.be/tiyJrzTQzAg)
68 year old rookie here. I find a number of scripts (acting and VO) to be awkward. How much leeway will castling directors, and directors in general, give actors?
I am a theatre actor making the transition to screen and really starting over from scratch in a lot of ways. I’m trying to build a reel and could use some advice. I’m self-submitting to everything I can but many jobs are wanting to see a reel first. I don’t have anything, yet. Is a self-shot scene or monologue enough in this case? Can I just use any material (even if it’s from an existing film) or does it need to be original? I just want to get something that represents my abilities but I also don’t want to commit some faux pas that immediately turns off a CD or agent. What are the rules about using a previous self-tape audition for this purpose? I have started to connect with the local film schools in my area but don’t want to wait for something like that to work out.
THIS IS A FAN-MADE PROJECT. Hello everyone, me and a few other people are producing a season 2 of the Netflix show IANOWT, and we are trying to get an idea of people who may be interested in playing certain roles in the show, for when we start filming, preferably UK based. THIS IS COMPLETELY NON-PROFIT SO WE ARE ONLY LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS. ROLES THAT ARE MOST NEEDED (THESE ARE THE MAIN CHARACTERS WHO WILL APPEAR IN ALMOST EVERY EPISODE) SYDNEY NOVAK, DINA, STANLEY BARBER WE DONT NEED ACTORS CURRENTLY BUT WE WOULD LIKE A BASIC IDEA OF OPTIONS FOR WHEN WE START CASTING CHARACTERS. in the ideal situation we would like people who look similar to the characters but as long as you have some experience as an actor, that will be okay :) If you think you would be good for any of those roles please message us on here, @ theianowtproject\_ on Instagram or email us [theianowtproject@gmail.com](mailto:theianowtproject@gmail.com) https://preview.redd.it/zdzygefl5br81.png?width=2025&format=png&auto=webp&s=6be0fa987448f3d50451fe61be7e952c2f58c481
This is a very random thought I know but my legal name is not very common and I don't know I am scared it's too much for an actor? I'd like to know what you think. It's Cassandre (pronounced kaas-aend-er) Di Angelo.
Okay. So I have a tendency to always yawn. I am afraid that it will affect my work. I would hate to have to yawn during a performance or on screen. How do actors avoid yawning or get around it? Any advice would help. Thanks!
I'm trying to write an article (i'm an aspiring writer) and i've always loved the acting world. I would love to hear some of your stories
In the series 'Suits', for example, Harvey Specter literally stands up when he's stressing a point, and it has a pretty powerful effect. I was wondering, is there an acting book that has a compiled collection of these sorts of technical body language changes that allow the actor to convey a feeling/atmosphere?
My wife is finding it harder and harder to find work/auditions as a white American voice actor. We understand that it's important for accurate and diverse representation, however there seems to be very little if any professional work for less established actors if you're not BIPOC / PGM. In fact she's is being specifically excluded from VO groups for being white or "European Decent". What should she do? Move to audiobooks.. or is that too being exclusive, how does that work when you have a novel of diverse characters? New performance matching the cultural and racial representation? Move to Industrial...? Medical? Wouldn't that mean every white actor will be gunning for the already limited jobs available there that are flooding the market, and competing with A.I.? Should she give up, and sell all her equipment? Wait until the market shifts again? Is the paid VO market dead for white English only Americans trying to break in?
Hi, I need some professional help. Freelance stage actor, community/regional level. I've auditioned for two shows in the same week; One has given me an offer and the other has delayed offers by a week. They conflict with each other so I'd need to choose one if I got offered both. The show that has given me an offer has (imo rightfully) asked me to get in touch with the other show and see if I can know my status ASAP. I'm worried that asking will hurt my chances of getting in (I don't want to be *that* guy), and the show that hasn't offered me a spot yet pays more, though I'd be very happy doing either. How do I phrase this email? What do I do?
So we can pick between 3 classes in school, I picked something nature and human related, but there‘s also a class called „DG“, which basically deals with acting, I think that would be nice to do, but I don‘t actually know if I can switch and if it would be cringe bc the other ones already got like half a year of lessons. There are 3 lessons per werk, so 3h of acting during school. Would be nice if some „experienced“ actors and actresses could comment their way and if they chose these classes, or if they just started acting after finishing school OR if they took paid classes during school time. (Not in school)
Before the pandemic, most auditions I would go into at casting offices would have a setup where the camera is pointed to the actor's mark, connected to a desktop computer that both served as a monitor and recorded the video straight to the computer's hard drive. Does anyone know how to do this and what equipment is needed, or can direct me to a website that explains it? I've even asked casting associates when I've auditioned for them and they all say they have AV techs come in to do the setup. I would find this convenient for being able to stand in for myself while watching myself on the monitor as I'm setting up, and for when I have live remote auditions that show the casting director and any other actors, if there are any. I would also have a better idea of what it looks like immediately playing it back, rather than playing back on the phone and seeing it on the little screen, or waiting to upload it, not to mention save a few steps toward getting the self tape edited and uploaded. I have an iMac, and would be willing to invest in a dedicated video camera.
So like the title said I am really new except for a couple of plays I did in high school. Most of my friends have told me that if I took acting seriously and put myself out there, I could become a great actor. My problems are that I have never had any acting classes. I don't even have a demo reel or whatever you call it. So how do I go about getting further in the business?
I'm doing some school research on online voice libraries and my tutors encouraged me to look into some of the more exploitative aspects of online voice work. Some of the most popular ideas seem to be underpaying voice actors, not crediting them properly, pressuring them to the point of stress, or having them take part in projects that, to put it simply, have some questionable content. I'm trying to look deeper into it, maybe find some articles or webpages to add credibility to my research. I even already found a few talking about Crunchyroll brutally underpaying their voice actors, or video game companies doing the same, but I'm curious if I can find further examples from people who actually do voice acting work online. You don't have to talk about personal experience if you prefer not to, but if you heard of some deep scandal I could look into or a common exploitative problem all voice actors run the risk of experiencing, that would be very helpful.
Hi, Could you guys give me some advice on this choice I have to make? Basically I am just starting as an actor: I have taken a couple of different classes in the past 2-3 years, and I acted in a few short movies, commercials, music videos (nothing big). This year I'd like to up the ante, gain some meaningful experience and try to audition for some acting schools in my home country (Italy) in the summer/fall. For the next 4 months, I have two alternatives: **Alternative 1**: I act in a production of ***The Comedy of Errors*** (by Shakespeare) in English (original text) with an amateur (they say "*non-profit",* whatever) theatre company. I auditioned for one of the main characters, but in the end they offered me the role of Angelo (the goldsmith, so a "medium role"). The director has a few Shakespeare productions on her CV and her collaborators seem organised and quite competent about Shakespeare (for an amateur company). **12 performances** are scheduled in July. Although, this production will take place in Germany, so I'll have to be in Germany for rehearsals all May, June and July, and I won't be able to do any other projects in Italy in the meantime. They won't pay actors, but I already have an apartment in Germany so I won't have any expenses. **Alternative 2**: I stay in Italy as much as possible, **audition** for stuff (I don't know for what yet, I usually just look at casting sites, but anyway I usually find small projects), take **workshops**, (maybe try and find an agent?), have more time to prepare for auditions for acting schools. Final comments: my final goal is to get into a three-year program in a good acting school in Italy, although I have **no theatre experience** on my CV yet (just acting classes, no actual productions). Doubts: do you think taking part in a Shakespeare production (abroad, in English, with 12 performances) will be a big advantage when auditioning for acting schools? Will it be a big plus on my CV? (Note that **it's not a professional theatre company.)** Should I instead stay more "open", and go for Alternative 2? Thanks for reading!
I need help figuring out what I should do for a geekcon in my hometown. Im allowed to do whatever I want, but I can’t figure out what kind of act I would like to do. I have around 6 actors.
Hey! I was standing on the subway and looked down to see a guy writing a pitch for someone to produce his screenplay. I peered down, because im a nosy person and for that I apologize. I’m an actor- I have an agent and a manager. But I looked this guy up just now, because he had his name, and oh my god! He’s so successful. I would kill to work with him on a project. He’s an actor as well, he’s starred in a bunch of network shows! How can I not so creepily get involved, and maybe pitch myself for an audition or a chance to work with him? I’ve got his website and his email. I would love to write an email, but I wouldn’t know how to approach him since I never met him formally and never spoke to him and we don’t have any mutual friends!
Is being already established in their country the only way to get a working visa? I often read about actors who moved to the USA in search of work, but I guess all of them had done some previous work in their country. Also, it seems like finding an agent who would enable some higher profile auditions to be the step that should be taken before potenciall moving to the states, but would any agency sign someone without being certain that they will be able to work in the country?
As a professionally trained actor, do you find yourself using Uta Hagen 9 Questions anymore? Are they still useful?
Could you guys share how you know that you really love acting? Or how you fell into it? I’m trying to decide how I want my life to be in the future. If it’s worth it to take the risk of being an actor. Or if I should just do what is safest.
Never in my life did i ever consider becoming an actor. Not consciously atleast. It wasnt until recent events led me to realize i am emotionally blocked in many ways bc of trauma. In order to explore my feelings ive chosen to take some acting classes. Im hoping it will help me learn more about myself, help me grow in confidence and also strengthen interpersonal relationships considering im kind of aloof. While waiting for my classes ive been reading up on techniques (Meisner being my fav so far) and watching actor’s interviews on their creative process. Im shocked to see how much acting falls in line with subjects i gravitate too such as psychology, emotional maturity and anything existential in nature. Has anyone else approached acting this way? As a form of therapy?
Hi!! I just got my first callback for an indie SAG feature and am being called back for the lead. The callback is in person; they are having me do a monologue they selected and having me devise and perform a piece based on the character. I've auditioned and had callbacks before, but always for student films/theatre and never for a SAG film....Any advice, tips or tricks? Im pretty nervous, but also celebrating the fact that I even got a callback at all, and know that booking the role is not something you can control as an actor, so I'm celebrating the small win of getting my first callback (for a lead none the less!! Heck yes!!). Any advice/affirmation is appreciated :-) Thanks in advance!!
At the 16:42 mark, Bradley Cooper brings up this really interesting notion about the types of actors that come to set. On the one hand you have the actor that comes with everything "mapped out" that leaves the other actor in a position of almost watching the movie as it's being made. The other actor is the one that finds the scene as they are doing it, i.e. coming from a place where the imperfections are there, but they are constantly working and finding "it" in the moment. Any thoughts on this? Do you find yourself as one of these types of actors, or do you favor one of these methods over the other? Is it the medium or the type of project that allows for one over the other? :)
Self explanatory, I want to begin an acting career but where I live from what I’ve seen there’s not a lot of people here who are running any sort of student films and what not. I’m planning to move soon and I would like to know the most likely place I can become a celebrity actor and star in big time films? Thank you. :))
I'm getting mixed insight across different chat boards, so wanted to ask this question specifically for those who've been in the industry a while and/or know a lot about dynamics between non-union v SAG/SAG-e opportunities. Is it possible to book any big (principal, guest star, etc) roles on notable film/tv shows when you're non-union? I was under the impression non-union actors could be cast in SAG/AFTRA roles, but I keep reading things like "if you want to go far" or "if you want to progress at all in your career," then a SAG card is necessary. I am based in the SF area - where most of the work is non-union commercials - but have an interest in moving to LA in the near future to increase opportunities for episodic/film/television work. Would love for folks to weigh in on this - thanks!
I love acting but cannot for my life book a part- I got a lot of auditions in first week or so of joining actors access but out of nowhere it stopped and now I’m not getting anything. I want to continue acting and pursue my dream of being in some film of sorts- so why not write my own stuff? Im tired of waiting for other people to green light my dream. It feels like a waste to keep submit it on actors access when the changes are slim to none of ever getting anything. Would love some insight on this and what steps to take to approach it- im looking at classes now and would like to hear if anyone else has ventured into this space.
I'm a sophomore in high school right now, and they put a lot of pressure and importance on us choosing our future careers. I want to be a streamer but that's unlikely to work out so I'm considering voice acting if I can't be a streamer. What are some things I can do now to maybe help in the future? Do I need to go to college to be a voice actor? (I looked it up and apparently I don't but does it help?) Can I do any voice acting right now or before I graduate high school? How hard/stressful is it? Just in general what is it like? I started considering voice acting bc I started a game that apparently has Troy Baker voicing the main character and I realized just how much stuff that guy is in. I've also always been at least a little interested in acting anyway so
Well yeah… question’s in the title I guess. I’ve been wondering about this! Like is there a reason for this? Like is what I’m experiencing an actual documented phenomenon that happens to people that has a name and everything? Or am I experiencing another weird unique problem and I’m sadly on my own again? And by character voice, I mean something a little obnoxious, extremely exaggerated in tone, sort of theatrical, and definitely giggly, high-pitched and childish. I am not a voice acting expert or even actual voice actress by any real means, I just like it and have grown up doing strange voices in my room alone to myself and putting on shows for nobody. Somehow I just can’t seem to articulate or sing unless I get into this shrill, sing-song-y voice. My lower everyday voice just seems to be monotone and lack life in comparison as well. I am actually a really bad speaker normally and a lot of it has to do with anxiety. But for some reason I just can’t get the same sort of expression, or melodic quality, or enunciation in my voice unless I raise the pitch as if I am talking to my cat. And I really have no idea why!
i put all my info in one of those acting sites, before i tried to apply for something i already mailed me if i wanted to do extra work with a couple speaking lines. its so easy to do it here in belgium i geuss a lot of belgian dont really care about being in movies, btw they shout some big movies here im already gonna be on a movie made by the director of peaky blinders(i cant say inaything else about that) anyway im just saying its crazy how many acting gigs i can get here without acting school. basically just decided to be an actor and its just happening,
I was wondering what are some must/should know the first time working on set as an actor/actress. Thank you in advance!
I would love to start doing character voice work so any help making my demo as good as it can be would be wonderful. https://reddit.com/link/tu5jgz/video/o5jd2kk2g0r81/player
So, my question is kind of loaded one for my situation and I really need to decide how to continue to seek representation. I've asked something similar here and I got great feedback from the community. But now I need more input on a decision I'm contemplating. I'm fairly new to acting even though I'm a classically trained drama school graduate that came out at the top of my class. I have a couple of well known plays on my resume in which I had major roles in. I also have a couple of very low budget films on my resume in which I've had supporting roles, but I don't think those film reels are suitable for a reel when looking for a rep. I have the footage, but I'm wary of putting a reel together with the footage because I don't think the production quality is up to snuff. I'm pretty sure most of you have been in this situation. You really don't get a second chance to make a first impression and I really don't want to put myself in a position where a bad impreesion is made because of a bad reel. I've heard many industry people say that no reel is always better than a bad reel so in lieu of making a reel with my film footage, I have been submitting audition reels to at least show them my range and that I'm a competent actor because most industry people say those are acceptable also. But now, I'm doubting the decision to even keep doing that when I submit. I really struggle with low confidence even though I have validation from industry people and my peers. I watch these audition reels over and over and always find something wrong with my performance. I know I'm too hard on myself. It's a Virgo thing so I can't really help it. I've also heard industry people say that most of the time casting directors and agents don't even look at a reel unless you have some really good credits that they can recognize from commercials to television to movies because they get tons of submissions and mostly trash them anyway if they aren't interested when they look at your resume. So, I'm at a loss for what to do to be honest. I haven't been hearing back from anyone and it's always in my head that they don't like the audition reels. My resume isn't the best, mainly because I'm a fairly new face, but my training and theatre work is solid. I've also been thinking about targeting the agencies that have a commercial department because I've heard that getting a commercial agent is somewhat easier than getting a theatrical one. If I can get my foot in the door that way, I think it would be easier to build once I start booking and they trust me enough to bring me over to the theatrical side. I apologize for this being so long, but I just wanted to give the full picture of it all. Any advice from someone more experienced in the industry would really help me. Thank you.
I'm an actress and I live in a smaller market. Recently I've been trying to figure out ways to start to break into a larger market (like LA) without moving there. At least for now. Reason being that my father-in-law is older now, and I would hate to ask my husband to move far away from him with me as his father is in his late 80s. Does anyone have experience working in one market while living in another? I would love to hear more about it. There is no advice that I can find elsewhere online. Thank you!
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
I am extremely delusional and genuinely believe I not only can be but already am better than a lot of successful actors. I am exaggerating for a comedic effect, but I still genuinely believe the essence of that. It seems like it should be an extremely easy thing to prove you are good at, no? Just rehearse a bit and show up to auditions? Am I missing something? If not where do I find these mystical auditions?
Hi r/acting, This is a question for UK based actors- I have been offered a commercial contract with quite a respectable agency. After reviewing the contract they will be taking 1/3 of my earnings 'if the booking is inclusive of agency fees' and if **not** then they will take 20% of my gross total. Firstly, has anyone else signed a similar contract with this high commission rate? Secondly, I'm a bit confused by what they mean in terms of 'agency fee' and how that will affect my earnings, any advice? Any light you can shed on the matter would be much appreciated. Thanks everyone x
I was hoping to get some insights from actors here. I'm in a bit of a pickle in regards to screen acting course or taking a plunge into voice acting classes / equipment but I'm unable to do both at this moment. Would VO being the better option to bring in side money to afford screen training or is that just as long to bring in any real money as screen acting. I'm not a total newbie, I've taken acting classes in the past, I'm almost an advanced screen combat actor and motion capture acting trained. But looking for insights from those doing the actual work. Thanks in advance for any info.
Weeee, you found me!
I'm your buddy Bottie, I was hiding behind the scenes, but now that you've found me I'd be happy to tell you what I'm doing.
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Click here to check them out. I hope it will cause involuntary audible response.