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Has anyone been up for two roles at one time?

Has anyone been up for two roles at one time?

Posted on Jul 21st

Hey everyone, I am writing this because I am in a very conflicted mind space. For the past month or so I’ve been rehearsing a small local theatre production and we open in 2 weeks. It appears to be that an opportunity has risen to work as one of the leads in a known director’s new independent film. My goal is to be a film/tv actor and this opportunity would both a bigger pay day and more networking opportunities. With the theatre show opening in 2 weeks, I feel conflicted whether to stick with my obligation or take a leap that would potentially get my name out there more. I know I need to make the final decision, but hearing from this wonderful community would be great :)

Good monologue resource?

Good monologue resource?

Posted on Jul 21st

Hey Reddit family! As we all hear (all the time), “Every actor needs to have a monologue in their pocket!” Well, I would love to update my pocket monologue but am having trouble finding material that I feel connected to. Does anyone here have a good monologue resource? As always, I appreciate the feedback!

Which websites to hire voice over actress

Which websites to hire voice over actress

Posted on Jul 21st

Recommend websites

Top qualities of an actor

Top qualities of an actor

Posted on Jul 20th

Hey! I am surveying for a class that I'm in and will be posting a few polls just to get a little more insight into our industry. [View Poll](

First time on stage in over 2 years, what should I remember?

First time on stage in over 2 years, what should I remember?

Posted on Jul 20th

I'm an actor and a technician. I've been a PM for the past few years and I got cast in a show and I'm coming out from being behind the scenes again! We open this week and (other than my lines, blocking and costume changes

Equity questions

Equity questions

Posted on Jul 20th

Hi all! I am a recent graduate of a BFA program (F, 22 years old) and an EMC. With work booked in the upcoming year, as well as past summerstock shows, I will have 50 weeks by the end of 2021. I've been extremely lucky, and feel incredibly shocked that I've had so much success right out of the gate. My question is – would it be career suicide to join equity right now? Should I forfeit my $400 and go back to zero weeks? Right now, I am not really based anywhere, and I realize that some cities are more equity friendly than others. I also don't do musical theater, and have mainly gotten work doing Shakespeare and period pieces. This was a position I never thought I'd be in when I joined the EMC program a few years ago. I thought it would take many years to accrue 50 points, and by then I'd be very eager to join equity. Another question: I recently got an offer for a role at a major regional theater, but haven't received the contract yet, and I was wondering – is it standard for LORT/URTA/other equity theaters to pay non-union actors the equity minimum? Is there any regulation or standardization in regards to non eq contracts at equity theaters?

Drama school

Drama school

Posted on Jul 20th

I want to get into RADA, LAMDA, LSTFI This year. I have some questions. ​ 1) How about Lee Strasberg Institute for being an actor? Is it good or not? ​ 2) If I fail to RADA, LAMDA, I hope to apply for AA course in Lee Strasberg Institute. Where can I get BA degree with this AA degree? (universities)

To the Actor (book) - which version?

To the Actor (book) - which version?

Posted on Jul 20th

To the Actor: On the Technique of Acting - Michael Chekhov I noticed a few version of this book on Amazon from different years: 2014 "Reprint of 1952 Edition"; 2002 "Revised and expanded edition"; 1991 "First complete edition". Due to varying prices it made me hesitate before buying. Does anyone happen to have a suggestion for a preferred version. I assume the "revised" edition would be the most modern or appropriate version, but it's significantly more expensive.

Why do Nickelodeon and Disney actors have such a difficult time shifting career directions?

Why do Nickelodeon and Disney actors have such a difficult time shifting career directions?

Posted on Jul 20th

I'm at party in Downtown LA celebrating the premiere of this new show on Comedy Central. I'm no actor but my friend's friend was able to get in to this event and I went with him. I go in and while the actors and people of the show are all there receiving their attention, I also see a lot of young people, teenagers practically. These young actors are those who work in networks like Nickelodeon and Disney Channel. They're smart professional young people. They know how to talk and comport themselves very well and are thrilled to be in this event. I speak to one Disney Channel actor and although she has many fans and admirers; I can tell that she wishes she could do other things. Perhaps with a distinguished director or work with a whole different set of actors. Now, I dont know how these contracts work but why is it that so many of these Disney Channel and Nickelodeon actors have such a difficult time breaking out of this type of business and doing something else? Most frequently with young women but, at any rate, with many men too. Is it because other producers don't take them seriously? Is it a particular exclusivity contract they have? What is it? Thanks!

I created an auto-submitter for Actors Access

I created an auto-submitter for Actors Access

Posted on Jul 20th

And it works pretty dang well, i've gotten a lot of auditions! If anyone wants to use it just hit me up. I would say it's more for the beginning to moderately-experienced actor, intended to maximize auditions, to build a reel, to get an agent, etc. If you already have an agent and/or manager submitting for you then this probably isn't for you. It works for whatever location you're in; New York, Vancouver, LA, etc. Would love to get peoples feedback! Random questions and DMs welcome!

What would be the steps in becoming a working actor ?

What would be the steps in becoming a working actor ?

Posted on Jul 20th

I’m a young teenager from England and I wondered what the steps would be in becoming a good working actor

Looking for actors to collaborate with in NYC!

Looking for actors to collaborate with in NYC!

Posted on Jul 20th

I am a freelance videographer/photographer based in NYC. I’m not sure if this is the best place for this, but I was interested in finding individuals of any level to collaborate with. Looking to improve my cinematography and story development skills by creating interesting short films, sketches, and etc… If you have any ideas on communities that might be interested in this type of indie production/collaboration, would be extremely helpful. Sorry if this isn’t formatted well, on mobile.

Norse-Inspired Troll Hunting Fantasy Trilogy - Audiobook Narrator Auditions Open on ACX

Norse-Inspired Troll Hunting Fantasy Trilogy - Audiobook Narrator Auditions Open on ACX

Posted on Jul 20th

ACX Audition Link: []( Rates & Terms: 50% of Author Royalties (Author Royalties are 80% of total royalties for audio); contract to be offered by publisher (Crowsnest Books). Release date to be discussed. The Gatewatch (Crowsnest Books) is a troll-hunting saga inspired by the Norse myths and Icelandic sagas. The book has been met with critical acclaim and has sold well in its first year in print; reviewers have compared it to The Hobbit and Lewis' world of Narnia. As Crowsnest Books (the publisher) prepares for a second print run, I (the author) am helping to organize the audiobook narration. As the first in a trilogy, there may be opportunities to narrate the two following books. The release of the audiobook will coincide with the release of The Everspring, the second book in the series, in November 2021. Find out more about the book and read reviews at []( Update: Found an amazing voice actor through ACX! Contract is set and production is underway. Thanks to everyone who responded :)

Time to update my shots. Any photog recommendations in L.A. that won't break the bank for 2 looks? I've curated a handful but any suggestions/experiences would help.

Time to update my shots. Any photog recommendations in L.A. that won't break the bank for 2 looks? I've curated a handful but any suggestions/experiences would help.

Posted on Jul 19th

If you've had an experience with any of the photogs belows or have a recommendation for a different one, please let me know, thanks! Budget: Preferably $300 or less for at least 2 looks. Ones I've found that seem decent: - [The Light Committee]( - [Marc Cartwright]( - [Headshots LA]( - [Todd Tyler]( - [Sunshine Headshots]( - [Studio 24]( Lastly, I'm aware of the Headshot Truck, it's one I was suggested a while ago, but most of the ones above seem better and are similarly priced.

How should I credit my acting coach on my resume?

How should I credit my acting coach on my resume?

Posted on Jul 19th

Hi everyone! So I’m a fairly new actress, and I recently auditioned for an agency, and I just have to do some legal stuff & get headshots before signing with them. I’m putting together my resume, and I’m not sure how to credit my acting coach. Would I put it under classes? Also, I have sessions once a week, so I’m not sure how to format that lol. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know!!

Back at what I love and so happy

Back at what I love and so happy

Posted on Jul 19th

Hey Reddit fam! Just wanted to say that after skulking on this forum, getting inspired by the posts, and silently wishing I returned to my passion (acting obvs lol)- I finally swallowed my fear, made the jump, messaged me old agent and got her back, started working on my craft again, and I just got my first two auditions this week and holy moly I’m so jacked! I was working as an actor in my mid twenties, stepped out to clean up my debt, finish school, and I started my own freelance marketing business. It’s great, but the missing piece has been getting back into the thrill of acting. But, now that I’m in my early thirties, I had been putting it off and feeling it was “too late”… anyway - this past week has been awesome, I’m so happy I finally stopped listening to my head and started listening to my heart instead. If you are reading this and are one of those ‘actors to be’ who haven’t made the jump yet - do it!!! Your life is your own. Sorry rant over. Just awake before my next audition and very happy haha. Thanks for all the posts that pushed me into going for it

Acting is the only thing that I feel passionate about.

Acting is the only thing that I feel passionate about.

Posted on Jul 19th

I'm 29 years old and I have no ambitious in life. I really want to be an actor but I'm also stuck. The last thing I want to do is move to Calofornia to chase a dream that might not come true. What was your "fuck it" moment that pushed you to do it?

What Social Media is Best for an Actor?

What Social Media is Best for an Actor?

Posted on Jul 19th

I am trying to be more active on social media to show my work as an actor and host. I am very active on Facebook (mostly from managing acting groups) and get a lot of job opportunities from that (including many union contracts) but I get very few followers on Instagram and I am terrible at TikTok. Should I focus on Facebook? Do I really need to get better at Instagram and TikTok? Should I try to make videos on YouTube? Is there a new social media platform that I haven’t heard of that would be good for me? I know some people will tell me that what gets us work as an actor is being a good actor but I already am a good actor and got years of training and experience. But social media is becoming more and more important, I am even being asked about my social media on auditions, and I want to be able to create my own content without relying too much on others so I was wondering how I should work on that.

As an actor, what has frustrated you about the directors you've worked with, and what have you really appreciated about great directors you've worked with?

As an actor, what has frustrated you about the directors you've worked with, and what have you really appreciated about great directors you've worked with?

Posted on Jul 19th

For all the actors out there whether it's film, tv, or theatre. Would love to know your feedback!

How do I find actors for a film?

How do I find actors for a film?

Posted on Jul 19th

I’m working with an artist who has a budget for a music video and I need to find actors for a film. Is there a popular website people use to post their picture and like their portfolio?

I want to be a Voice Actor but I don't know how to act and have an unexpressive voice.

I want to be a Voice Actor but I don't know how to act and have an unexpressive voice.

Posted on Jul 19th

As the title says, I really want to be a voice actor but I don't know the first thing about acting and I feel like I don't have the right voice for the job. I feel like before I go spending money on microphones and stuff like that, I should at least have some decent acting skills first. So what should I do?

Searching for female voice actor for short film

Searching for female voice actor for short film

Posted on Jul 19th

Hi everyone, I’m writing and directing a short film next week where I hope to add some voiceovers to the footage that I shoot. This film would probably range anywhere from 5 to 7 minutes long where I would love to hire a female voice actor to read over a few sentences of dialogue that I’ve written. Unfortunately, the most that I can offer is $25 since I don’t have the biggest budget but you will be credited. I’m putting my heart into this project as this is my very first time ever directing so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Should I Get Back With my Previous Agent?

Should I Get Back With my Previous Agent?

Posted on Jul 19th

I quit my agent a few years ago because I felt like he was keeping me from moving forward in my career. He was mostly representing beginners (I swear he accepted anyone in his agency) so it made me look less advanced than I was even though he was giving me a lot of work. When the makeup artists and the ADs told me that he was representing “cheap girls” I knew I had to leave him. I am now self-represented (in Quebec, self-represented actors in actors collective can have access to all the breakdowns) got a good reputation and did get many gigs, but I still feel stuck recently. And today, I just found out that he told a casting director to hire me for a role that was perfect for me (even though he does not represent me anymore) and the casting director directly called me. I think that’s a sign I should get back with him. I feel like I should try to find an agreement that if he gets me work, he can get his 15% on that, but I can also find stuff on my own and I won’t owe him anything. That’s similar to the previous agreement we had. However, I think it might be more difficult to deal with my schedule in case he wants to book me on something and I already booked something else. But at the same time, he has access to even more roles than only the breakdowns thanks to his contacts. Edit: Oh, and I think it would be nice to have someone to talk to for feedback and advice. Do you think I should give him a chance?

Do under-average-height women have issues landing roles?

Do under-average-height women have issues landing roles?

Posted on Jul 18th

Since this applies to me and has been a frequent insecurity of mine, I’m genuinely curious if casting directors turn away very short actresses, stage or screen. If anyone has any knowledge, that would be very helpful! Thanks.

Etiquette on letting telling reps no?

Etiquette on letting telling reps no?

Posted on Jul 18th

Okay so, this is a total champagne problem to have and I understand that. I don't want anything I'm saying to come across as "braggy". I'd been with the same reps for many manyyy years, and when contracts were up awhile back I decided not to resign and wanted to move upward and onward. I met with several really great managers/agents and all of them are incredibly interested in working with me. I've decided on one... but of course, I've never had the issue of having to let other reps down. What's the etiquette on telling the others? Do I tell them that I've signed with someone else? I'm trying to put myself in their shoes and ask whether or not I'd even want to hear from an actor that passed on me...

What do I need to improve on? (Self-tapes critique)

What do I need to improve on? (Self-tapes critique)

Posted on Jul 18th

So on actor’s access, I get a lot of requests for self tapes through eco cast. But I’ve never booked before. What were the things you did to really shine on your self tapes? I have some self tapes I’d like be critiqued if anyone is willing to? I’ll send over over PM if you are. Thanks for any help in advance!

Question on Agents/managers.

Question on Agents/managers.

Posted on Jul 18th

So I am a high school student, I just got some solid headshots, have been in a few commercials and will be filming some short films, as well as producing a student led web series. I currently have a local agent, but want to strive for an agent and/or manager in LA. I am willing to travel for it. Are there any teen actors who are with an agency in LA that could give some advice on how to go about submitting, as well as if anyone wants to be friends? I’d love to make some new acting friends!

Working Local Hire a few hours away, worth it?

Working Local Hire a few hours away, worth it?

Posted on Jul 18th

I have the opportunity to work as a local hire which ive never done before and I need some advice on if this is worth it. It's a featured background role. Probably no lines? I'd be on camera, interacting with a famous actress. It is executive produced by a very well known director. Pays Sag Theatrical Basic, BG Scale (I'm non union, so would this count as 1/3 sag vouchers?) It's a 3 hour drive away, I'd just rent an air bnb for a few days. It's an area much cheaper than NYC and I'm currently unemployed so I dont really care about that much. If you had nothing better to do, and were non union would this be a good thing to do, or is it a waste of time?

Actor’s Access Video Upload Question

Actor’s Access Video Upload Question

Posted on Jul 18th

Does every upload on Actor’s Access cost money? What I mean is, I spent 66$ for 3 minutes of video so far. If I delete 2 minutes of video, can I put 2 minutes back on AA for free, or will I have to pay $44 again? Is it interchangeable like those two photos are?

Non-Equity Actors: Submit to Equity projects?

Non-Equity Actors: Submit to Equity projects?

Posted on Jul 18th

I am primarily a stage actor, and I look on Playbill for auditions. Most of the auditions on there look something like this: >SEEKING Equity actors for roles in \[project name\] >>Please submit picture/resume with the subject line “\[project name\] AEA Submission” and indicate the role you are interested in. So, my question is, should non-Equity actors bother submitting for these? Would it piss the casting folks off, or is it a waste of time? Or is there a chance they'll take a look at you/consider you?

What Were Peppy and Slippy's Best Voices? | The Voice Cast

What Were Peppy and Slippy's Best Voices? | The Voice Cast

Posted on Jul 18th

After a long break, The Voice Cast is back to finish what they started covering the voice actors who have portrayed the backbone of Team Star Fox: Peppy Hare and Slippy Toad. Who are the best, worst, and weirdest portrayals? Find out now! [](

Does anyone recommend any classes with people within the anime dubbing industry?

Does anyone recommend any classes with people within the anime dubbing industry?

Posted on Jul 18th

I was wondering if anyone knows any voice-over actors, casting directors, or directors that are in the anime dubbing scene that host any classes/courses. I'm based in NYC but I can do it online as well.

Can actors do this?

Can actors do this?

Posted on Jul 17th

I just saw where an actor posted a Hollywood Reporter movie cast announcement (it was a blurry screenshot) about a movie they’d been cast in with their name and headshot added in (the rest are top tier actors). But when I Googled it (I like to go to the source of things lol), I found the article without their info but with the same writer and time stamp. This makes me think they must’ve added their info in via an editing program… Has anyone ever seen actors do this on social media? I figure they may have gotten permission or just found a way to get past the publicist aspect of getting into these types of announcements.

How to connect with filmmakers UK

How to connect with filmmakers UK

Posted on Jul 17th

Is there a backstage/starnow equivalent for finding directors and filmmakers or should I just use those? I’m an actor with a screenplay and I’d like to create my own work. I want to connect with a filmmaker and director to create a short film (8-12 minutes). I’m not associated with a university so just curious what people find as most effective! I don’t want to just ask friends either because I’d rather advertise the job and meet new people. It’s a ways off from filming but looking to get the ball rolling. I’d pay expenses and hourly wage.

How the hell do some well known actors get away by lying about their height?

How the hell do some well known actors get away by lying about their height?

Posted on Jul 17th

A friend of mine recently ran into Florence Pugh, she was lovely to my friend and agreed to take a pic and all. Me and my friend are exactly the same height at 5’1. My friend was wearing thin flats while Florence Pugh was actually wearing sneakers that could give her 1-2cm extra height too. In the pic Florence Pugh and my friend are literally the exact same height, yet everything online says she is 5’3, some reporting even a 5’4. I love her as an actress she is amazing, and doesn’t matter what height she is, doesn’t change my opinion of her. But like how come some people get away with it, I’ve heard of people losing roles because they exaggerated their height by a lot. Blew my mind.

I don't know if I want to be an actor anymore...

I don't know if I want to be an actor anymore...

Posted on Jul 17th

I'm 21 year old and for the last few years I thought my passion was acting and wanted to become an actress. I graduated college (high school) when I was 20 cause English is not my first and it took me way longer than my peers ( I moved to UK when I was 16). I was working for a year in retail after school. I was auditioning for drama schools twice so far, and this year been offered a 1 year foundation. However I don't know if I like acting anymore I love the way it makes me feel when I preform but everything else that's surrounds it makes me miserable in a way. I been struggling with mental health and anxiety lot for the last few years and don't know if that's what makes me feel that way but I feel like quitting. I know I'm young but I just want to have a normal life. Acting industry seems too chaotic for me and I started slowly realize that. But I'm scared that I will regret that in the future for not trying and don't even know what else I could do instead

Do I have options in joining SAG

Do I have options in joining SAG

Posted on Jul 17th

So I live in upstate NY (outside of Albany) and was lucky to land background work on one of the projects that were filming up here. I received enough Taft - Hartley waivers to receive an invitation to join SAG. I would like to do more background work but have questions.... 1) There's not a lot of background work in this area. Is it worth it to pay the initiation and membership fees which are significant? 2) Do I have to, or can I just do Non-Union if one of the casting agencies posts roles for this area in the future? 3) Are their any other options for background actors outside of the major studio areas?

[PAID] 3 GIGS. Looking for voice actors (male and female)

[PAID] 3 GIGS. Looking for voice actors (male and female)

Posted on Jul 17th

This is a paid gig. 3 roles are available for a pilot of a fan film, which is adventure/comedy DESCRIPTION: Gig 1: Kitty & Katty Katswell (female character from the show T.U.F.F. Puppy. It is preferred that both are voiced by the same voice actor. Both parts are short, so the pay rate is 2 US dollars per line, which results in a total of 20 US dollars) Gig 2: Daffy Duck/Duck Dodgers (male Looney Tunes character. 96 lines, willing to negotiate pay rate) Gig 3: Friendly middle-aged female mayor. 11 lines paying for 2 US dollars each, which is a total of 22 dollars. Planning to send payments through PayPal and after I receive voicework. My email is [](

Does rejecting jobs on Voice123 hurt your 'stats' or anything?

Does rejecting jobs on Voice123 hurt your 'stats' or anything?

Posted on Jul 17th

Pretty much what the title says - I keep getting put in for jobs that I'm very clearly not right for or just not interested in, i.e. it requests a spanish speaker, a black actor, the job is unpaid, etc., so I reject the jobs. Is doing this hurting my chances of seeing other jobs on the platform or does it not change anything? Thanks :)

Seeking professional voice actors for YT. Please qualify before proposing!

Seeking professional voice actors for YT. Please qualify before proposing!

Posted on Jul 16th

Willing to pay on your terms. Pay will increase every single month, and bonuses (half year, 1 year, Christmas, Easter, etc) just please have qualifications: - Bare minimum mic (Blue Yeti for example) - Clear, strong, smooth tone. Your voice can sound like anything, just make sure your level is monotone with minimum cracks/change in voice when speaking. - Be available to work in at least 1-2 days of request Probably gonna choose around 4 maybe 5 total voice actors, so please feel free to apply! Comment, message; any works. Thanks!

I need advice :)

I need advice :)

Posted on Jul 16th

Hey! I would really like to move to USA and become an actor. That has always been my dream. But my question is how difficult is it for a Norwegian to move to USA? Would it be difficult to move there? And can i do acting in USA even tough i dont come from there? I know its expensive

Applying for an apartment as an actor -- need letter of employment

Applying for an apartment as an actor -- need letter of employment

Posted on Jul 16th

Hello! So I am in the process of applying for apartments, and one of the documents needed is a *"Letter of employment stating salary, position and length of employment (If self-employed, a* *letter from your certified public accountant)"* I am currently making a living wage off of my acting jobs. I'm currently working on a film that will provide a generous cushion for the next few months. I don't know what my next acting gig will be after this, (who's to say if I'll book again in two weeks or 8 months) so I'm just not sure what to provide in terms of proof of employment. I have bank statements and the like to prove I can afford the places I'm applying to, but just trying to find the best way to describe the line of work I'm in, and show that it's actually my career and not just a side hustle. I can get a 'letter of employment' from this movie, but work on this stops at the end of the month. I have an accountant that does my taxes, but I'm not quite sure what I'd ask from him to help supplement my application. Never done this before! Last time I was applying for apartments a few years ago, my financial and acting situation was incredibly different. Thank you so much :)

What Can I Do in a Slut-Shaming Society - NO JUDGEMENT ONLY HELP

What Can I Do in a Slut-Shaming Society - NO JUDGEMENT ONLY HELP

Posted on Jul 16th

I have done a lot of nudity and intimate scenes for TV and films, including many roles as a sex worker, and posed nude as a model. (Not porn) I have never been ashamed of that and don’t think anyone should be because I haven’t hurt anyone - unlike the stigma that is hurting me. I didn’t mind being type casted when it made me work, but now, I am not called in for these roles anymore. I am trying to go for other types of roles but am afraid I will face discrimination because I have done those types of roles before. This has already happened to me when I was cast as an UNRECOGNIZABLE EXTRA in a SEXUAL HEALTH commercial and they wanted to fire me because I had PLAYED sex workers on screen (and both of my union agreed that it was discrimination and were willing to fight for me). I want to keep acting but I am wondering what I should do to avoid slut-shaming and discrimination. Here’s what I have been thinking about. A) Apply on anything I want hoping that people won’t judge me and ask my union for help if I am facing discrimination again. B) Focus on roles for which my past doesn’t matter, probably for roles requiring nudity or intimate scenes or maybe smaller roles for which I am unrecognizable (which I don’t mind about as long as I’m working). C) Focus on voice acting/voice over since they can’t recognize me from my voice. Or also working as a host/actor in person is often better because we are not seen by as many people as we do on camera. D) Be proud of my decisions and stand up for the cause so things will change and people won’t be slut-shamed anymore (I already volunteer in an organization that helps sex workers and could maybe be more open about it in the media) E) Any other idea? I am not looking for more slut-shaming or « you deserve it » comments. Hating a woman for her sexuality is totally sexist, the industry needs to change and I am asking for help now, not judgemental comments.

Can you be a politician and an actor,?

Can you be a politician and an actor,?

Posted on Jul 16th

I have taking a years break from acting to focus on what other interests and the studies I have so I don't just have one interest. In that year I've figured out I am very interested in politics and become politically active in a party in Denmark. I have considered running for Parliament or something of the like in one of the coming years. The thing Is in Denmark we have positions that are only part-time I already have gotten myself quite a high ranking position in the party. I still love acting and want to pursue it. I have already gotten quite long in acting with extra work. So should I solely pursue my political career and leave acting behind or is it still possible to balance things?

What diet pills do actors really use?

What diet pills do actors really use?

Posted on Jul 16th

Thank you for your comments!

New editor offering free show/demo reels.

New editor offering free show/demo reels.

Posted on Jul 16th

Hi everyone, I’m getting started as an editor after spending the last year or so learning the ropes. I hope this post doesn't go against any rules or anything here, but I’ve been looking to start cutting actor’s reels and came across a post recently where a new editor was offering to cut some for free. Essentially I want to offer the same thing - a free reel for any of you that might be looking for a new one. I think the editor in question said they were happily surprised with the number of responses so hopefully that means I’m not treading on any toes and taking potential work from them, but also that there’s still possible interest out there.

LF Voice Actors comfortable with speaking Japanese.

LF Voice Actors comfortable with speaking Japanese.

Posted on Jul 16th

I am working on a YouTube video that will be a rocket league anime parody. The script is already written, but it is currently being translated into Japanese. I will translate it back into a readable format to speak and act on. No rocket league experience is needed because we can have body actors too. Certain characters will return in future episodes, so I cast you as a main member you can expect another job in the future. I personally will also be voice acting and directing. You will also be credited in the video after it is made. I'm not sure what the industry standard is for amateur voice actors, but I believe $50-100 is fair. This is an important project for me and means a lot to me. Prices are negotiable, and it is only one episode currently so not too many lines especially depending on your character. Please just uovote, comment and or DM me and we can start discussing it!

How do you deal with a jealous friend?

How do you deal with a jealous friend?

Posted on Jul 16th

I have a friend who likes me more than a friend, he’s accepted that we will never be more though. But he has trouble accepting me possibly having romantic scenes. I have explained to him that it’s fine and there’s nothing to be upset about. But he keeps asking me to ‘ask the director’ if I could do something differently if I ever had to kiss another actor. I told him I didn’t want to do that because I didn’t want to ruin my future as actor by asking to change the script for the comfort of somebody else. It feels like I have to choose acting or my friendship with him at this point and it’s starting to stress me out…has anyone else had to deal with somebody like this?

My facial expressions seem nonexistent on camera

My facial expressions seem nonexistent on camera

Posted on Jul 16th

Hello everybody :) I fancy myself to be a decent actor, knowing full well my limitations and what I need to work on. Right now, I feel like my biggest weakness is expression. I can say the words how I want them to come off, move in a way that adds to my character, but my face seems paralyzed. I’m not very good with the nuances of human faces (social difficulties lol) so I know the /why/. What I can’t figure out is /how/ to fix it. Other than hamming it up, I’m a little lost. I could go the route of overacting everything like I’m doing theatre, but it’s harder to stay grounded that way. If you look closely, you’ll see my emotions come out, but it’s not enough for the layman to notice. I’ve gotten some wonderful tips from the actors in this sub, so does anyone have any for this? Thanks y’all

I want a tongue piercing

I want a tongue piercing

Posted on Jul 16th

I’m working towards being a professional actor, but I really really want a tongue piercing. What do you guys think? Is the ball in my court or should I not get it?

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