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Amateur "filmmaker" inquiry to any NYC actors!

Amateur "filmmaker" inquiry to any NYC actors!

Posted on Jul 15th

I am an NYC resident who wants to start a youtube channel for *something*. What's that something? Not entirely sure. All I know is I have some experience behind the camera, and I need some people who *want* experience in front of the camera, and then some! So if you're interested in starting something, do not(!) hesitate to PM me! Lets do something great. Look forward to making some new friends (: (I will likely not respond to comments).

The word, "craft" should not be used to describe what we do. It is emotionally bankrupt and more appropriately descibes work with popsicle sticks and glue.

The word, "craft" should not be used to describe what we do. It is emotionally bankrupt and more appropriately descibes work with popsicle sticks and glue.

Posted on Jul 15th

I know lovely people who have used the word to describe what actors do, but I hate it. I want you to hate it too so it will go into disuse.

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Posted on Jul 15th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

A little help would be appreciated

A little help would be appreciated

Posted on Jul 15th

Hey guys iam an international aspiring actor who wants to get into a acting school in the us and pursue acting as a career. so can you tell me what skills should I need to get into an acting school and what skills should I have that would make make me stand out in auditions like gymnastics or stuff like that

Moving to Start

Moving to Start

Posted on Jul 15th

Hello everyone, hope you're having a nice day. I'm a 16 year old who wants to be an actor in the US. But it's impossible for me to be an actor there as I live in Turkey and don't know anybody there. So, I've come to the conclusion of being an actor here first so I could gain some recognition and maybe get an agent in the US. I'll move to Istanbul as it's where the film industry is. I'm sure it's going to be hard as hell but this is what I want to do with my life. Wish me luck!!

Do you choose what type of acting you want to do?

Do you choose what type of acting you want to do?

Posted on Jul 15th

Hello everyone, The desire to act has always been within me (by always I mean since a few years) but it is also terrifying me, especially that I know practically nothing about this world except from what I hear in interviews and read on internet. And living in a third world country makes it at the same time extremely complicated and promising And I have been thinking about joining a theatre club or a drama school, but whenever I see their work it's absurdist theatre(idk if that's what it's called but you got me, masks and screaming and hidden/obvious messages and cryptic lines... ) and it's not exactly my kind of acting So the question is: As a not-even-considered-beginner yet actor should I be ready to do all kinds and genres of acting, even those I don't understand/feel comfortable with? Sorry for the long text

Acting advice?

Acting advice?

Posted on Jul 14th

Hello, guys! I am an amateur actor who enjoys doing theatre/improv for fun, but I've hit a bit of a roadblock. I have a character that I want to depict who is a total sweetheart, but dumb as a bag of rocks. I want to play her in a comedic way, but I have no clue how to approach making an unintelligent character funny. I've tried before, but it is so much harder than it looks. If y'all have any tips or anything I would really appreciate it.

Would Drama School be considered a "waste of time" if you already have an agent?

Would Drama School be considered a "waste of time" if you already have an agent?

Posted on Jul 14th

Would Drama School be considered a "waste of time" if you already have an agent? I was fortunate enough to land an agent at a young age, which meant that I could get away with having a smaller resume than the standard. My resume only consisted of studio classes, and I am still regularly taking them. But, despite that and the auditions/roles that I have been getting, I still feel like my training isn't good enough because I didn't obtain it formally. I don't know if that is imposter syndrome or not. Even though plenty of actors hone their craft through independent studios and coaches (myself included), I still feel like formally trained actors get prioritised because the industry is old-school. At least, in the long run, after you age out of teen "CW type" roles. Is that true? So, I'm considering going to college and getting a BFA. But I don't know if it would be worth it, considering I am already at the stage of auditioning professionally? I have heard people say that a BFA isn't necessary unless it's coming from one of the top (acting) schools. I feel like most people go to Drama School for the contacts that the teachers give them. It would definitely take up a lot of time in my life, and it might even annoy my agent. Would it? Could my agent drop me because I am taking steps back? Considering most actors go to Drama School and then find an agent, not the other way around. Should I just be grateful for the position that I am in, and keep working on my auditions? Or should I go to Drama School when it might hinder the momentum I have? Has anyone ever landed an agent and then went to Drama School for 2/3 years?

I routinely find myself asking what makes acclaimed screen actors great so I finally had the idea of making a thread here for the best scenes and clips according to this sub

I routinely find myself asking what makes acclaimed screen actors great so I finally had the idea of making a thread here for the best scenes and clips according to this sub

Posted on Jul 14th

If there’s already been something like this made then I apologize and I’d gladly take a link to it and take this down I’m just trying to find some examples to learn from so if you have any clips you love of actors doing a particular thing amazingly or just nailing a scene. Doesn’t matter what genre or who it is like I said I figured this would be beneficial for educational purposes feel free to link what you like below

Acting tips

Acting tips

Posted on Jul 14th

Hi, as an actor just starting out, what should I do to become better at this craft? Thanks in advance



Posted on Jul 14th

So my brothers a actor but he’s a beginner had a couple of student films and I wanna be an actor or teen actor and he tells me not to do it because it’s too hard. So I wanna know how teen acting is actually like



Posted on Jul 14th

Hi to whoever may stumble on this! I'm getting closer to a new chapter in my life and would love some nuggets of knowledge or advice from this awesome subreddit! I'm a **South African** highschool student and I am currently in my matric year ( last year of school), I have studied drama and creative arts my whole highschool career and came to the decision that I would like to continue in the field when I graduate. from a Theory standpoint, I have a good foundation ( Meisner, Stanislavski, and few others ) but from a practical standpoint, I have a little experience as I've only booked a couple of commercials and performed in front of a live audience 3 times. I'm looking into moving overseas but I'm stuck as there are many people who have told me that "studying acting is a waste of time", the thing is I know nobody in the industry and from viewing many testimonies on this subreddit (and various other websites, videos, etc), a lot of people have gotten attention from agents and managers from events such as showcases which are slim down here (and I'm in a been in private education for longest ) Studying acting at a college or university would be awesome because regardless of whether there are actors today that haven't studied it and have done well , its a passion and would give me an opportunity to meet new people and an opportunity to showcase myself ( and since when was gaining knowledge a bad thing), on the downside though tuition is **expensive** and converting currencies makes it **EVEN MORE EXPENSIVE** and if there is a way for me enter the industry (at literally any level even if it's taking out the trash on set lol ) without having to spend massive amounts on tuition, a visa, and many other expenses, that would be **GREAT** and in terms of sharpening my blade as an actor, going to independent classes at studios and one on one coaching can be added to my training ​ So I ask the mighty **acting subreddit** if you have anything thing to add, whether that be advice, opinions, personal experiences, good university/college suggestions, agency/agents advice, or even literally connecting and forming an international internet friendship ( or maybe you're an agent reading this lol) ​ Please drop a comment , or message me on Reddit and if you want to connect ( don't care what age you are a friend is a friend ) DM me on IG" **rarimkunu"** Thank you if you took the time to read this and I hope you enjoy your day!

Putting Zoom Credits on Resume

Putting Zoom Credits on Resume

Posted on Jul 14th

Good evening Reddit Actors Forum, my question is as follows, is it acceptable to put Zoom acting as credits on my resume and if so, should I list them them the same as I would more traditional credits and under what heading should I put them (film, tv?) Thanks so much.

Reigniting a passion for acting

Reigniting a passion for acting

Posted on Jul 13th

Hello I hope this post doesn’t seem silly and also realize there’s probably been many similar posts asking for advice from someone in a similar standing in life. I’m a 23 year old guy that just graduated college. Ironically I am not a theater major and did not participate in any theater/acting throughout my college years. Growing up I was always an incredibly imaginative and expressive kid. Throughout middle school I got to do theater at school, I took acting classes through a really good local children’s theater program and got to be part of an original play there. By high school I was ready to continue making theater a big part of my life, and in a way I did, I was able to start off good by being in or involved with as many of our school productions and I was able to become a thespian and apart of our drama club. However throughout high school it became apparent that the adults in my life were not particularly encouraging of me pursing acting seriously. I didn’t get lead roles in our productions and very much fell back into a more subdued presence when it came to theater. One thing I had always been told by acting teachers and even professionals in the industry was that I would probably be more comfortable/ able to shine more on camera when it came to acting. I did a small shoot with a talent agent around the age of 12 through connections through my theater but me and my family quickly realized we would not have the money for an agent. Around that same age I even auditioned for the role of Michael in Billy Elliot when it came to Chicago, I even got a callback for that. Those were really my closest experiences with any type of professional acting jobs. I guess I wanted to just go through my experiences with acting in theater just to give an idea of where I’m at, and to provide context for my current situation. Growing up and even as an adult through college I’ve had various different careers/dream jobs I’ve told myself that I’ve wanted. As I’ve gotten older I’ve been less about following dreams and more about fitting the mold of being a working professional after college to make money and the creative and expressive part of me has dwindled away. If I’m being honest there’s only one job/career path that has been the one I’ve most deeply desired and that’s to act in movies. I’ve felt like ever since high school a huge part of my life has been missing. Acting was something I really wanted to explore for the rest of my life and film wasn’t something I was able to explore growing up so it’s always felt like my dream of being an actor in movies has always been just that; an unattainable dream. I’ve graduated college now and as I’m getting ready to move back home to the Chicagoland area I feel lost. I currently am looking for the run of the mill type entry level jobs expected of a recent college graduate who has a BA in communication studies. Yet a part of me feels like this isn’t the path that leads to happiness or even a life I want. I’m incredibly young and I feel like i should rekindle the dreams I had associated with acting from most of my life. The main problem is I have no idea how to do that. I haven’t been in theater since I was in high school I have no idea how to begin to hone my craft and actually become a serious actor. This post is just a broad grasp for help from anyone with any advice for where I can start to begin to make acting a part of my day to day life again while I’m still so young. Or how to even begin to make my lifelong dream of being in movies as a serious actor attainable and not as far fetched as it’s felt for me. This post took a lot for me to right and admit to myself and I know I probably seem like another young kid with their head in the clouds, but I just can’t shake this gut feeling that I’m at a crossroads in my life and I need to entertain more paths that could potentially lead to the happiness I’ve always dreamed of but never thought was attainable. TL;DR: 23 year old college graduate hasn’t done theater/acting through high school but has always had lifelong dreams of being in movies. Where do I begin? Where do I start to prepare to seriously pursue a career in film

Acting Exposure

Acting Exposure

Posted on Jul 13th

is it possible to be a well known actor/work in bigger projects without being involved with all the corrupt-ness (for lack of a better word) of the film industry? i really love acting and ngl i kind of want to be known as a great actor (but wouldn’t want to constantly be in a spotlight and focused on). however, knowing all the messed up stuff that goes on in the industry is legit freaking me out and making me think twice about it. edit: spelling

I want to be an actor, do these obstacles hinder my chances?

I want to be an actor, do these obstacles hinder my chances?

Posted on Jul 13th

I (22F) am interested in becoming an actress. I dropped out of school to become a therapist and now I’m stuck. I have always been an artsy child but my parents always shut down whatever dreams I had which resulted in a lot of anxiety now as an adult. I am interested in acting as a creative outlet and I feel like If I put enough effort in I could do it. I am empathetic, willing to learn, creative, smart. However, I have been diagnosed with ADHD and ASD (autism spectrum disorder) and I worry that this and my lack of experience will ruin my chances. I am also diagnosed with anxiety and depression (I am going to therapy for both). Some opinions would be appreciated, thanks! TL;DR I feel inadequate to be an actor

Should I become an actor?

Should I become an actor?

Posted on Jul 13th

Hi. I’m at a point at my life where I am very uncertain as towards what I would like to do in the future. I am an incoming junior in high school in America so I feel as if I do not have much time to decide what I want to do. Back in my childhood (around 8 or 9) I actually did like it and would re act commercials in the shower or at random times and loved it. I was going to be in a commercial at one point but I don’t remember what happened after the audition. Recently over quarantine, that spark has been reignited. During quarantine, I binged a lot of shows and movies and fell in love with them. Before I would usually only casually go see movies and never watched any tv shows. But now I loved watching shows and movies. Recently in my big and stressful question of what do I want to do in my life, I thought, what if it was me in the screen? In film, I didn’t really like them because of the plot but the characters. So many journeys and adventures to be explored with each character. That’s what I loved about film. So what if in my future, I can become these characters? An actor! I thought. What if I wanted to become an actor? However, during my research of trying to become an actor, I found out how incredibly hard the business is. I began questioning if this was the best idea. I also found out that there are plenty working actors living a modest life without fame. Did I want to do it for the fame or did I just like acting? Could I even sustain myself with a good income (I have seen actors who are begging for work to even sustain themselves) ? Would I even enjoy acting (I have 0 acting experience) or do I just like watching film? So many questions. I began to fall back in the same depressed hole of what do I want to do with my life and was stressed because I didn’t have much time left to decide. Now to the present day it has been around 6 months since when I thought about being an actor. I now still ponder to this day these 5 questions. What do I want to do with my life? How much time do I have left to decide? Do I even want to be an actor or famous? Will I be able to sustain myself as an actor? Do I even enjoy acting? All these questions but yet I could not produce a single answer for any of them. Now being even more stressful times, I wanted to post my little story in hopes of insight from other actors and people who may have similar thoughts like me. Any response is highly appreciated by me. Thank you!

Wanted to vent. Sorry

Wanted to vent. Sorry

Posted on Jul 13th

So my son, without any representation or prior acting experience self taped for an open call a year back for a lead role that quite frankly never comes around. Goes without saying that there was really no expectation going in.. Fast forward, his 7th audition was the final/for studio approval. There was a highly emotional scene he had to pull off where he was halfway there. The problem is, I know I would have got him there, but it hurts as a father to have to get it out of him, and I wanted to spare him for the real thing on set. So I spoke in a compassionate way before the scene and it didn't work. This was a major studio backed film, and I guess a part of me is torn because I know he could have done it when the time came to do the real thing, and I know that is what lost him the role. It would have been a once in a lifetime experience for him. But the other part of me takes solace knowing that my son has his wonderful child innocence to him and joy about him. And there are potential horrors child actors face. But there were also concessions I considered going in, knowing that stories live on and they have the potential to impact lives in a very positive and even inspired way... And I believed in the story that it had that potential. This was also a gut check for me of the reality of the industry... especially for minors. They have to prove to be able to deliver strong emotional material multiple times and at such a young age because someone else's millions of dollars and investor money is at stake. It's such a rough spot to shoulder for an adult, let alone a child. Just that consistent need to keep validating to those interests that one can perform before doing the real thing. Eh, I dunno. I think everyone who loves acting does it because they have something to say or share. They want to open their soul to connect others. Everyone has movies that have impacted our lives in some way, movies that have inspired careers from acting, filmmaking, a sports star, to even becoming a scientist or an astronaut. There is true beauty in it. Eh, sorry. I guess as someone who tried acting before for a few years it affected me alot too because I was admittedly living vicariously through my son in this process. My son loves it... But for him to get so far has been much tougher for him than just not getting far at all.

Stop being nervous?

Stop being nervous?

Posted on Jul 13th

I’m taking a new acting class that I really love. The problem? Every time I get on the stage, I start shaking and get nervous. I hate it so much. Because when I’m not nervous, I enjoy it so so much, and not to toot my horn but I also do a great job. So it’s so much in the way for me! You’d think that I’m a beginner but I’m not. I’ve graduated an acting conservatory, and I’ve been working on set as an actor and have had recurring roles in different shows, but I’m never nervous when filming. So I don’t understand why I’m nervous when it’s on a stage for a damn class? What can I do? It’s been like this for years and years and I thought by now that would’ve changed.

"actor-muso" problems

"actor-muso" problems

Posted on Jul 13th


How do you know if you’re natural actor?

How do you know if you’re natural actor?

Posted on Jul 13th

Heard an acting coach say this on a podcast and it got me thinking what separates natural actors from more technical actors (not less talented, but more training, methods, etc.).

Could you ever really come back to good once playing pure evil ?

Could you ever really come back to good once playing pure evil ?

Posted on Jul 13th

I'm getting the chance to play a certain character (pure evil, and not super villain/comic book evil, I'm talking real life evil portrayal, maximum security prison level) I have only ever been, the nice, funny, caring character. I have seen some actors who have portrayed the somewhat bad person and then easily bounce back to being cast as the nice/funny character...but I have never seen anyone really come back after playing pure evil, they were pretty much stuck as the evil person from then on. Now, I don't want to be stuck as an "Evil" actor for the rest of my career, and I know it's easy to get type cast... What are your thoughts, should I just pass on this one ? I am only considering it, because I am almost guaranteed the part.

Tips about the memories of the character.

Tips about the memories of the character.

Posted on Jul 13th

Hello! I'm a new actor and I was told, during an performance to think about a memory when a certain type of line (dialogue) comes up. I have an idea but any tips or videos to explain this further? Thanks.

14 year old acting??

14 year old acting??

Posted on Jul 13th

Hello, this is one of my first times using Reddit so I don't fully know how it works but i was hoping i could get some answers... I'm 14 years old (15 in a few months), female, and im currently in Arizona. Is it possible to get a good, solid acting job this late in my life? I know most successful actors begin quite young, which is what i'm nervous about. I've always figured i'd move to the UK when i'm around 18, get settled, start working on the UK's Netflix series and films, but after doing some research i realized it was definitely not that easy. Recently i had a sudden - "oh crap, i'd have to do this now" - type of realization, and have been looking up classes but they're extremely pricey.. i'm talking $200 for a single session, and with such a sudden interest in acting, i suspect my parents are rather wary of this new fixation of mine. So acting classes and workshops are out of the question unless i can find less expensive ones. And none of the theaters by me take auditions from inexperienced beginners (like me lol) and they're all 18+. Should i just give up? After reading how low the success rate is for actors, especially since im new to it and dont live in LA or NYC it seems pretty hopeless. It's a shame because i was interested in acting on thrillers and being part of the community, but whenever i think to myself "hey, you could be watching yourself on TV!" it sounds outrageous. Any tips or stuff anyone could share?

How do I go from VO to VA?

How do I go from VO to VA?

Posted on Jul 12th

Hi all, I've been recording audiobooks for a couple of months now and I'm getting better with each one I've done. Thing is, I don't want to box myself in to a corner and only be able to do narration. I recently binge watched Drawn Together and loved the voice work of all the actors in it. All of the voices sound genuine and believeable. This is something I'd like to try but am honestly stuck on what to do next. I'm shy enough about trying to do a different voice in day to day life that I kind of clam up and can't sink the effort in to it. I play DnD and do a hammed up style voice (somewhere between russian and jamaican) for my character, but that feels natural to do and I enjoy it. Do any of you have any advive on how to practice being a voice actor? Or how to get in to the right mindset and offset my nerves? I should mention that I know voice coaches are a thing, but I'm currently unemployed so I can't really pay for a service at the moment. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Is a green card enough to become an actor in the US or do I need to be a US citizen?

Is a green card enough to become an actor in the US or do I need to be a US citizen?

Posted on Jul 12th

I heard that to be cast in any role no matter how small it is you would need to show proof of citizenship.

Anybody making amateur projects

Anybody making amateur projects

Posted on Jul 12th

hello, just an amateur voice actor. I've found that a great way to keep practicing, improving and earn some visibility (mostly to share on social networks, as portfolio, etc.) is collaboration with other amateur people on projects. Do someone want to participate or create one where I can help them with my voice?

Question on appropriate budget for project.

Question on appropriate budget for project.

Posted on Jul 12th

Hey, My friends and I have a song that requires a few news broadcaster voices. It's roughly a 10-11 second clip, about 20 words. I've looked on []( and []( but there's nothing specific about having a voice actor in a song in terms what I should expect to pay out. The voice actor wouldn't be singing, just talking normally with background instrumentals. ​ What do you guys think a proper budget would be for a project like this; per voice actor?

Various Questions from a Starting Actor

Various Questions from a Starting Actor

Posted on Jul 12th

1. What goes into a great audition tape/demo reel? 2. Does location matter that much if you want to get cast? 3. How many unknown actors or even just inexperienced actors have been cast in large projects for studios like Marvel or WB, and is it possible for me?

what are important physical attributes, so you stand out in castings/auditions etc?

what are important physical attributes, so you stand out in castings/auditions etc?

Posted on Jul 12th

TW: body dysmorphia this is going to sound so shallow and almost superficial, as i know acting is about your talent and passion but there is definitely a huge “looks” aspect whether we like it or not. i go through ups and downs with body dysmorphia which is very unlucky for someone who wants to be an actor as the basis of acting is having people watching you and a camera literally zooming in on your face. i’ve been trying so hard but in auditions/performances more than my lines and performance i’m always focusing on “i wonder if they think i’m ugly/pretty” “i wish i was as pretty as the other person auditioning” “i should’ve lost a little weight”. i know people will say that i’m overthinking it but i genuinely know that the day i truly feel beautiful i will be 10x more confident which will improve my performance. my goal is to go into film and tv and there is no way i’ll excel if i don’t feel confident in my looks (i never show it because i don’t want to seem weak and whiny but i deal really badly with judgment on my looks) i hate photos and videos people take of me to the point of crying and thinking that i’m the ugliest person in the world and wondering why i look so different in the mirror vs the camera. i can never watch back my audition tapes - not because i don’t like my acting but because of how i look. see the problem? so i think about these 50x a day “how do i think i’ll be an actress if i can’t even spare a glance at my videos or tapes?” i can’t even attend my first agency interview because of this. i haven’t taken headshots because i don’t want to face the dread after looking at them because i know i’ll hate them. it’s literally ruining me and my passion. in my mind i have to be the most attractive person in the room otherwise i’m ugly and worthless. from an outsider perspective i’m usually told i’m pretty and have never been called ugly but my mind automatically translates that to “they’re just lying” draining. my mind lowers my own self esteem. even though i know i can improve some of my features. all of my acting teachers have said along the lines of “your performance and acting technique is amazing but your low confidence pulls you down, it’s a shame and waste of big potential” so what are some things i can physically improve about me so i can stand out a little more? i’m a female, 18. any advice will be appreciated. (also i don’t have any issues with constructive criticism towards my acting, i actually am grateful for any that is given. this is all about my physical attributes)

How To Get More Auditions

How To Get More Auditions

Posted on Jul 11th

I stumbled on this dudes video on YouTube. He is a former talent agent intern and talks about how to get more auditions if you are a theatrical/television actor. Might he worth checking out. I think he had good stuff to say.

Newbie canadian actor suddenly moving to LA. Help

Newbie canadian actor suddenly moving to LA. Help

Posted on Jul 11th

Hello! I recently started acting in Vancouver during the pandemic and have been lucky to have worked a handful of gigs so far. However my fiancé recently accepted a promotion that requires him to move to LA in the next few months. Im quite nervous as i feel like ive barely got my feet wet in the Vancouver scene and i didn’t expect to move this soon. I hear LA is very (understandably) competitive and i really don’t want to lose my current agent and have to look for another from scratch. What is the LA scene like? Do i even have a chance at getting an LA agent without any lead roles/series regular roles etc? Are there any other Canadians that have moved to LA for acting? Am i gonna be way in over my head? Im a typical polite Canadian, and not very ‘Hollywood’. ( im female/29 bi-racial but go out for teen roles a lot if that helps)

Network approval

Network approval

Posted on Jul 11th

My kid got pinned for a role and I was told he was approved by the network. Are multiple actors approved or just their final pick? He hasn’t been booked yet

Got offered my first on screen role but now I’m not sure if I should take it

Got offered my first on screen role but now I’m not sure if I should take it

Posted on Jul 11th

It’s an independent film, but has some well known established names attached to it. However my role would require me to be comfortable with nudity and engage in 2 steamy sex scenes. I didn’t really expect to get the role but now that I have I don’t know if I want to do it. They do have an intimacy director, but I don’t think the nudity and sex is particularly justified. I’m also worried about being typecast, that I might not be considered for different type of roles if I take on this part. The part doesn’t allow me to explore my range as an actor either. I’m thinking of declining the offer right now, but I want to get a second opinion because I’m still early enough in my acting career.

How to find Positive stable people and how to safely manage being surrounded by toxic people?

How to find Positive stable people and how to safely manage being surrounded by toxic people?

Posted on Jul 11th

it’s really crazy to me how many crazy people exist in this world. I have had the absolute hardest time finding GOOD people in my life’s journey, let alone positive mentally sane people that are actually remotely capable of being good friends / supportive to me in any way I have, instead, encountered nothing but unstable people, drug addicts, depression cases, manipulative people, and just a seemingly never ending conveyer belt of deeply unhappy competitive people who want nothing more than to just drag me down to their level. I don’t know how to do this anymore when people suck so fucking badly, and it seems like nothing I do can attract / find good people to be friends with in my life. I’m tired of being alone and I’m tired of constantly meeting the worst human beings imaginable I have had so many terrible toxic roommates that have nothing going for themselves so they absolutely HATE to see me do good things for myself, like be sober, or go to the gym consistently, or practice my acting or be happy about my acting in any way shape or form. Because THEY are not happy with their failed dreams and their miserable lives, so they HATE seeing me be happy. It would be sad if it wasn’t so fucking frequent, if it wasn’t SO many people that behave like this I mean this sub in particular is incredibly toxic but nobody talks about it. People come on here to humble brag and yes some people are genuinely in their efforts to help, but most aren’t, most are completely selfish and reeking of desperation, projection of their own issues, and just plain old brainwashing from capitalism. I just don’t know how to meet good people. I feel like if I actually had a group of actor friends that were on the same wavelength as me my life would be completely different, I would feel joy at getting the great auditions I get, instead of fear and stress because the circumstances of my life are so terrible, just surrounded by nothing but shitty human beings. Seriously: people stuck in my circumstances, how do you find the strength to keep pursuing this? How do you find quality supportive human beings? It sounds so ridiculous asking his question, but it’s unfortunately the truth of my situation. I just want to meet good people

Union Background vs non-Union Background

Union Background vs non-Union Background

Posted on Jul 11th

Hi I am in Canada, and was wondering how the Union Background worker gets chosen for a production? If the quota on a shoot is say 10 Union and 20 non-Union, how are the 10 Union background workers picked for the job? Do seniority background workers get chosen over less senior background workers? Or do they just submit their names and the producer, director, casting agent pick the faces that they want. I know I would get more work as a non-Union background worker, but for less pay and benefits, etc, etc. I'm wondering if I would get any work at all as a Union background actor...any advice?

When do VO actors get event-agents?

When do VO actors get event-agents?

Posted on Jul 11th

Curious if anyone has any knowledge of this. The question is not about agents who represent VO actors for jobs, but those rare "Event-agents" (they may not be called that) who book VO talent to go to Cons, and all the events where they are paid. How soon can an actor get represented? Anyone have any knowledge of a VO actor who was merely in a few games but a few major characters, attending an event? Thanks!



Posted on Jul 11th

I’m a currently writing a short film where I am going to be acting. I don’t live in LA and I don’t really plan on moving there since I love my state, Colorado. This project is probably my most ambitious since I am going to being on a team of filmmakers. For you actors living in LA, if you could write, direct and act in your own films would you do that rather than live in LA? I’m kinda taking the “Calvary is not coming approach” to filmmaking.

How would you list and credit a music video on a resume?

How would you list and credit a music video on a resume?

Posted on Jul 10th

So I was recently in a music video and now that's it's out I want to put it on my resume but not sure how. First how would I list it? Normally on resumes, I've seen they have Television, Film, Web Series, Animation/Video Games, and/or Theater. Would I list it as its own category or under something else? Also for credit, I was officially credited as "Kisser #1" and when cast it was listed as a "Supporting" role. I didn't say anything but had multiple close-ups and a couple of *muted* scenes with the lead actress leading up to a kiss. Would I just put "Supporting" or "Feature" or "Kisser #1" or... I'm just not really sure. Any help would be great.

Actors, Scars, and the Film Industry

Actors, Scars, and the Film Industry

Posted on Jul 10th

When I was born I had a congenital heart condition and had to have a pacemaker. I've had a total of 9 surgeries including open heart surgery. I'm female, 23 years old. Ive been acting for 13 years. Growing up I was very self conscious of my surgery scars. I was shy and struggled with being different then everyone else. I started acting to help me regain my confidence and put myself out there. I immediately fell in love with performing for tv and film. I haven't been in any big productions or anything and I don't have a big agency I'm signed to. Ive never seen anyone like me in the film industry. I sometimes wonder if Hollywood would be accepting of me. Im pretty sure my scars can be covered up with makeup, but I still fear I won't get represented by an agent or get a big time role because of it. I don't know...I feel like Hollywood has come around to the body positive movement. What thoughts do you have on this? Please be kind, Thanks!

Non-union actors! Would you be in a commercial (online, print, media) if they paid $500 for 3 year usage? Also considering you never acted in a commercial before- this will be your first acting gig.
Thinking of signing up to Jo Kelly’s 33 Day Reset Program

Thinking of signing up to Jo Kelly’s 33 Day Reset Program

Posted on Jul 10th

If anyone’s interested in doing the buy one get one free offer with me and splitting it, comment down below. And anyone who’s done the program I would love to hear you thoughts and feedback from it. I’m a 21 year old actor and since the pandemic has hit I haven’t really had any work and feel like i’m struggling to keep my acting skills active if that makes sense. Just feel rusty. I haven’t done any academic acting courses. But I’ve went to numerous classes and read different books. Primarily i’ve learned Strasberg and Adler techniques and done a bit of Meisner but I would like to move towards more instinct based techniques.

Advice for someone who has never acted

Advice for someone who has never acted

Posted on Jul 10th

Hi everyone! Welcome my first Reddit post ever!!! (Yayyy) I’m 21 (m) and have a dream to perform in front of a camera. I started thinking about acting when I was a junior in high school because my mom made me attend a Disney audition thing. (which ended up being a total scam. You have the option to choose to go to an acting camp for well over $1000 so I didn’t go LMAOO) Basically during the audition I was given a short script and had to act it out with the director of the program in front of a small audience and Peyton List. Afterwards they would read out the numbers that we were given and if we heard our number we would be given an opportunity to go to the callbacks. At the callbacks I acted out another script with the director and made it through. Like I said earlier, the whole ordeal was a scam by Disney but that was when I realized I really enjoyed acting. Afterwards I started to really analyze and appreciate the art of cinema. One of the biggest regrets in my life was not doing theatre due to stage fright and looking back on it now, was probably a stupid reason to hold myself back. Fast forward to freshman year of college, I go in as a pre-dental major thinking I should just have a medical profession because all my friends from high school are doing that kind of smart people stuff and are going to make six figures after they graduate. I soon realized that it was not for me, and after failing my first semester of college, I decided to switch to an undeclared major. I started taking electives and my favorite ones were improv and world cinema. Fast forward to today. I’ve come to learn that I hate school and don’t think it’s meant for me right now but maybe in the future. I still love cinema and still want to be an actor. My girlfriend supports me 100% and shared the passion for the art (she wants to be a set designer in the future). Here I am not even close to getting a degree, working a shitty job having to pay rent and tuition debt, and feeling like I let my parents down. I want to do what makes me happy. Any advice? Thanks everyone! :)

This really confuses me

This really confuses me

Posted on Jul 10th

I am told by the average individuals that I am adorable, beautiful and I have these gray blue eyes so many people are intrigued by.... and when actors see me they stare, one stared with his mouth dropped and this was when I was in the audience while he was filming a show and his father was really excited, he recognized me from my pictures and fan mail.... That passed and the show was cancelled but also other actors stared at me and flirted with me.... A couple times somebody would come up to me and ask me if I am in the business and that I looked good. ​ But some of these acting agents tell me I am "character" actress and even my mom was confused.... Is it because I have a little over bite and I am not really skinny, just medium size? I am not skinny and I am not chubby... Than I have some tell me I am not character character but attractive character and this charade goes on and on..... STAY AWAY - they want to steal your voice STAY AWAY - they want to steal your voice

Posted on Jul 10th

So I got a message on CCC asking for a 40 minute sample. I was obviously like “why would you need 40 minutes of a sample and how much are you paying me?” Long story short the answer was “we pay nothing and the goal is to clone your voice so we don’t need voice actors.” I’ll post my full convo below for anyone interested but STEER CLEAR. u/castingcallclub you should ban them, their username is Pirr. Edit: sorry if the posts are out of order, wasn’t sure how to get that much text in order lol



Posted on Jul 10th

Hi everyone! I was hoping that someone can help me understand something. I just got an email that I have a recall for a commercial (my very first recall!), and it says that this is a small recall so agents should confirm that their talent is available for all of the days. What does a "small recall" mean? Does it mean that there are only a few actors down for the role? Thanks in advance!

[Paid] Voice Actor Needed for Web Series

[Paid] Voice Actor Needed for Web Series

Posted on Jul 10th

​ [Anansi the Spider God]( **Payment:** $50 For this role, we require a voice actor that can portray this character with a deep voice. This character will have a lines that require you to speak with an angry, commanding tone. Similar to Keith David or Ving Rhames. Throw in a little bit of raspiness if you can. You will only have a couple of lines. You can send your audition here: **Email:** []( **Discord:** Theo Sav#6314

New actor trying to find an acting studio. I have some burning questions!

New actor trying to find an acting studio. I have some burning questions!

Posted on Jul 10th

Hi everyone, I am new to acting (been taking a class) and I was looking into acting programs I could join. One I was looking into was a program from Tom Todoroff in NY. The program is 2 semesters from September to May and is $17,400. * Is this price normal for such a program? * What is the difference between taking a classes at a studio where you go once a week and pay about 200 a month, and a full program such as this where you are paying almost 10 times more * They say I would get a "Diploma in acting". What does that mean? * Would I be better off going to a bachelors/masters based acting program? * Should I go to a school in NY or LA? I am much closer to LA, so would that be smarter? Does going all the way to NY have any benefits?

Feeling alone in the industry

Feeling alone in the industry

Posted on Jul 10th

Does anyone else deal with becoming friends with other actors and as soon as you aren’t actively seeing each other they just move on? Like the amount of people I’ve known that just unfollow me or whatever as soon as they book something is depressing. I do my best to support every actor I meet. Being there to cheer them on until they decide they don’t need it anymore. It just feels really shitty when no one else is willing to do the same for you

I got the part but now I'm regretting it..

I got the part but now I'm regretting it..

Posted on Jul 9th

Hello actors! I landed a role I wanted for a small production and long story short, after several outdoor rehearsals in the extreme heat and rain I am exhausted mentally and physically. The cast and crew are nice but I'm not really thrilled about how our rehearsals are planned. Also the actor who's supposed to play my love interest is awkward with me and I tried to break the ice with conversation but it just keeps getting weirder and weirder

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

09.20.2024 Achieving On-Screen Success: How to Leverage User Experience for Acting Success
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Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

09.06.2024 Grow Your Acting Career with an Unforgettable Online Presence: Proven Strategies for Actors
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