I have to is burning desire and passion for both music and acting and want to be taken seriously in both sectors of my career (wanting to be more acting focus) . I’m worried people won’t take me seriously as an actor if I pursue music simultaneously.
So, I’m new here. I’ve done a little reading on this sub and it’s been so helpful and informative. I’ve always dreamed of being an actor, but circumstances just didn’t allow it. However, I applied to be an extra on the movie The Bikeriders, filming in Ohio. I was so excited when they said yes! I’m a little nervous, this being my first time on a movie set. Any advice? Also, I applied through a post I saw on the D. Lynn Meyers Casting Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/LynnMeyersCasting Just want to make sure this is legit? All of the correspondence has been super professional and looks legit. But this being my first time, I’d want to make sure. TIA!
I see this all the time where coaches claim they have the secret to get you booking auditions, but I've heard mixed things about this... For example, Actor A gets auditions through his agent, he just hasn't booked yet because he has a very unique look that CDs are trying to fit perfectly into a role. Actor A auditions and books the role after taking the class, so the coach claims it was him that got him booked when it might have just been a coincidence and he would have booked it anyway. On the other hand, I have no doubt some coaches really push actors to do the best performance they can, but I also know as someone who's been in the industry for a long time that you can have an outstanding performance, but that still doesn't get you the role because there are so many factors that are out of your control like height, hair color, weight, etc. Sometimes also how you look alongside the person that was cast as your love interest or family member, and you have to look like you believably are related to them. I personally have studied with a lot of acting coaches who seem to piggyback on the success of other actors, and they make it seem like it was their coaching, but one time this one guy (can't say name), said he taught this one actor who later booked a guest star role on a major show. I had said actor on Facebook and asked him out of curiosity and he said he didn't like acting coach and was confused why he was claiming it was because of the class he booked it. The actor said the audition he related to a lot and he was able to bring out a ton of emotion due to a past experience and booked it that way. He also said he didn't believe a lot of the acting coaches advice was completely accurate and had studied with way better coaches after. Just looking for opinions here because I feel it's hard to tell, but anyone have any insight on these? I also know actors who have spent hundreds on acting coaches who had showcases of people booking co star and guest star roles on shows, but then the person didn't book anything after taking their class and stopped taking it, to then book a co star role on their own a year later. Edit: in the title, it meant to say "not booking?"
So ive been trying to amp up my resume to get the best of my casting but have to add skills of mine, of course i have plenty of skills but do not know which to add for acting & filming. Which skills are important to have and which skills arent? I’m also a tiktok influencer and love to post on social media, i play in esports and im an actor, i see everyone in social media with a business email and i was wondering where about to get one and what should my domain/ email be or say ?
Applying for an actors permit and I can’t find the link
I booked a small part in a movie with an A-list actor, I was going to be traveling tomorrow for filming, and I got a message from my agents a few hours ago saying that casting informed them my part was cut from the script. :/ Sucks. Oh well… I guess that happens in this industry. Life goes on
Hello folks! Looking for a beginner or experienced voice actor to do a voice over for me. I’m working on a video project for work, and my voice isn’t the best. I will pay, and give you feedback as well! Thank you! Please send over links to some of your work!
Listen, I know this may sound crazy, but I want to know what the name of Mustache's actor is. Does **ANYONE** happen to know the name of this cat? It isn't in the credits of the movie, I can't find her on any animal actor websites, and I just want to know what the name of this cat is. **PLEASE**!!
Pretty self explanatory title, My boyfriend currently has 3 offers from different agents for acting, and all 3 seemed to be wonderful candidates, so he is having trouble choosing- Any thoughts/tips on the process?
I’ve been acting for the last 2 years (mainly bg) and am at the point where I want to start a loan out company. I’ve started other companies before, but never for acting. I wasn’t sure if the production’s required general liability from the loan out companies.
I was wondered when studying acting how do actors not let roles they portray effect them? Some roles can be very consuming and require such emotional intensity, so how do actors protect there own mental health when portraying these characters?
During your childhood years, did any of you display an inclination towards acting out/recreating scenes of your favorite shows, movies or characters from television or film? I don't mean in a professional sense whatsoever, more so just a kid in the backyard with his or her imagination 'acting' away without a care in the world. I use to do this a lot as kid, imagining myself fighting aliens or even sometimes being the alien! [View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/ynlp1v)
Is it good? Any success? It's 35.00, I'm thinking of doing it for New York. What are others thoughts on it? (essentially the service is supposed to connect you with agents and managers through actors access.)
My 14 year old daughter just auditioned and got a role in a major motion picture - this was her first ever audition with no practice or lead up. She beat out 363 people for the role… Saying all that to ask, what now? We are running into issues with school attendance due to filming and will likely need to withdraw her if she wants to pursue this. Do we need an agent or do we just keep an eye out for open auditions? (Where do you find them?) I am looking into getting a professional headshot but what else is necessary? Talk to me like I know nothing - because I truly no nothing about this and want to be able to help her for any future roles/auditions. Thanks so much in advance.
I am a new actor and I have a break in between classes (that I thought would be filled by another class but isn’t) . I wanted to ask what do you guys do when you are on break from acting school, do you join another school or …?
Any local male actors with ease or previous experience in a drag queen character?
I’m an actor based in LA and I was hoping to possibly get some advice on using Backstage for acting jobs and also other legit Background services. I’m on all the usual casting pages (Casting Networks, Actors Access, Casting Frontier) and a couple years back I was on Backstage but I found in my experience that most of the jobs posted on there were either student films or sketchy types of productions that I didn’t feel were legit. So I’m just wondering if in the past few years the site has improved and if any of you have gotten some professional paying jobs from there. When I’m not on set and have some down time and I’m looking to make some money until my next gig I usually do some background work with either Central Casting or random gigs I’ve found online so I was wondering if there are any legit background calling services in LA? I’ve heard of Face2Face and Extras Management but friends have told me that they’re a nightmare to deal with. Thank you so much for the help/advice!!
​ I'm a young 20 something Asian Actress and I was thinking about better ways to amp up my resume. I came to the conclusion that learning a martial art might be just that. I'm a trained dancer in all genre's so the process of learning it won't be too difficult for me and I'm genuinely interested in becoming efficient in it as I think it would be a good life skill to have. That being said, I was wondering if anyone had some insight as to what martial art would be the best to learn in terms of what casting people look for. Any input is appreciated!
I have great headshots with my wavy hair but my hair is also curly, especially if I help it with hair products. There aren’t a lot of curly haired actors of my race and type of look so I’m wondering if it would help if I can showcase that my look is versatile. I have no problem switching from wavy to curly. I am going to ask my agent for his opinion but I also like to ask other actors for theirs. Thank you!
Hello! New actor looking to ask a question: Is it appropriate to audition for a role outside of my home state if I know that, more than likely, I would be unable to travel for it? I'm curious to know whether it would annoy casting directors. It's just that I'm in a fairly small market so it's not often that I see a lot of casting calls in my area. Would applying to the ones that are across the country be unprofessional? Thanks!
Hey guys!! So I've acted in several student/indie shorts, but have only received footage back from one (and it's just not something I'd want to put on my reel). For the past couple years, I've used short self-taped scenes on Actors Access and as a reel. They're how I got my current agent. However, I really want to step up my game and see if I can sign with an agent in a bigger market. I'm considering producing scenes and filming them like a real film (on location with multiple angles). I feel like it'd be way more professional than just self-tapes, but it's pretty daunting. I don't have any filmmaking experience and none of my friends do either. I'd feel terrible if I roped my friends into doing this and it turned out horrible. I really wouldn't like to go with one of those companies that produces reels for you since I feel like the scenes are incredibly expensive for what you get. I know that a bad reel is worse than no reel at all, so should I just continue using self taped scenes as a reel and hope that an agent bites? Or would filming one like an actual film be an advantage to the point where it would be worth it? Thanks in advance for the help!
and what would you actually define as a character actor? can a lead be a character actor?
So I'm leaving my agent soon because they mostly focus on child actors and haven't been very helpful for the past couple years, plus I'm 18 now and kinda wanna fresh start rather than picking up what my mum and agent have been overseeing. So there's a few things that have been nagging at me now I'm fully in control (On mobile so formatting might be a bit wonky) 1: when it comes to finding a new agent, should I just contact whichever catches my interest or is there an audition process I need to wait for? (Like do they put out casting calls?) 2: I'm gonna need some new headshots but (very annoyingly) I have this prominent red mark that's been on the side of my nose for like a week now. Should I somehow cover it up with makeup before the shoot or do I need to worry about it? (I'm not very knowledgeable about makeup so if I do need to use it tips are very much appreciated!) 3: does anyone have any self tape tips? I've done DOZENS of self tapes but hardly any of them paid off at all and I feel like it might be related to the quality possibly? Either that or I'm just a bad actor
I’ve been thinking about taking a 2 year acting school to better myself as an actor but I also want to constantly try and get roles for the shows and movies. Hypothetically, if I was in acting school and I got a part in a decent movie production, would the school allow me to be absent while I partake in it?
I'm ticked off about BG and extra actors being treated so badly by production etc. Recently, on a four day shoot, I was in a pivotal role ( a judge in a military trial) where we did crazy hours, got served cold, terrible food and even starved one day from from 8am to 9pm ( we were marched over to the food tent at 8:30pm, only to be called back on set so that the shoot could be finished for the day. FYI: the caterers had prepared the food for 1pm as per their instructions! When the shoot wrapped for the day, the food had been thrown away: 80 + pissed off BG actors!). So, is there ever any recognition for BG actors? And let's be honest, without them there would be a fraction of the movies made. How about an collective Oscar for the BG people? FYI: I was just offered a four day part with the same casting company, only this time the pay had gone from $15/hr down to $11.50/hr, I'm reaching for my middle finger! Oh, and how about the unions doing something about this? Ok, rant over.
What do you do to make your actor's access stand out and get more auditions? Right now, I only have two headshots on my profile with no slate shot, and I don't have a reel, so I use one of my professionlly recorded auditions. I recently took more headshots, so ill add more soon; what is something else I could do to help me stand out more? And are slate shots necessary? If so, how many do you suggest having put up?
I am completely brand new to acting, out of school right now, have no connections, no experience from school, etc. So i'm basically learning and building my foundation from scratch. I want to make a demo reel out of self tapes and I was wondering what script material and/or how do you find material to use for these tapes? Is it standard to just find any random amateur script that looks appealing to you online? Do you choose famous film/television scripts? Just want to know where to find and what scripts the starting actor would typically use. (I currently do not have an acting coach or class atm either.)
I am 17, almost 18 and I will be moving to Chicago for college along with some other friends. We all plan on living together, a bunch of actors and writers. Anyway, I was wondering if there were other actors/writers/comedians here who both live and work in Chicago to see what your guy's thoughts and opinions were on the talent agencies within the city. Who would you guys reccomend?
Acting requires you to fake who you are and how you behave. Does this translate into your real life?
Hi! Since there aren't any stupid questions out there, I thought I might as well share something that's been on my mind lately. ​ I have dreamed of acting in a historical film/tv-show/whatever for almost as long as I can remember. Both History and art have been major interests in my life, and at some point, I just came to the conclusion that my ultimate dream would be to combine those two passions and be in a film or tv-series with a historical plot. I have taken acting classes in the past and although I do not wish to sound arrogant, I do believe I have talent. I have always enjoyed roleplaying, dressing up, etc—which I feel is something a lot of aspiring actors have in common. However, I do not wish to pursue a career. I am currently in uni, studying in a field that has very little to do with drama or theatre. I know I will be able to get a nice job in my field of study and I am very happy with that. But that does not mean I wish to let go of my dream of staring in a historical production. ​ My question is; is it even worth it to give professional acting a try in my situation? I have been looking for auditions for a few months now (mainly on casting websites such as Backstage and so on) but have never come across anything related to my dream goal. I have considered talent agencies (which would give you access to 'cooler' auditions, right? It would make sense to me that major productions would rather cast through agents/agencies rather than websites) but a talent agent would have no interest in working with me since I don't aim to pursue a long-term acting career. ​ I hope I got my point across. I am very hesitant and sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't be wiser for me to let go of this dream of mine, because the more I dig into the acting industry and the more unrealistic it seems. Have any of you ever found yourself in a similar situation? Even if you haven't, I would highly appreciate any of your thoughts on the matter!
I’m a 24M actor & this past year(my first year of acting) I was blessed to book quite a few lead roles in films & was even a guest-star on a network TV show! This is great because I’ll have clips to put together a solid demo reel & will hopefully help me as I seek representation! In regards to my hair/look…I’m biracial with a curly fro hairstyle & a receding hairline (thank you genetics
I'm fairly new to this sub, as I'm sure there have been similar posts but this is something that's been on my mind lately. Just to clarify I'm not an actor by any means, but dream of becoming one (I've only gotten some very small gigs here and there), so I'm still trying to get seen. Posting on social media and embodying different personalities is something that's really fun to me and it's an outlet for performance energy that I have. (an example would be if Jim Carrey played the personality of Ace Ventura on social media before being an actor) To get to the point, my question is - can playing a character on social media ruin someone's chance of being taken seriously for a role or project in the future? A lot of people I've worked with have very "low" opinions of anyone posting on youtube/instagram/tiktok (that's maybe where this concern comes from). Then again I have had actors tell me that if I want to have a chance or get some exposure I can and should be active on social media, which makes sense but I never believed them, maybe I'm just old school (in my mid 20s and don't follow internet culture that much). Would love to hear from someone on this, cheers!
Hey r/acting! First of all, I want to sincerely thank everyone who runs this subreddit for giving us such incredible information for FREE. Like... this is insane (in the best possible way). My question is: do film producers ever come to college productions and "scout" actors like coaches do for games? If so, what colleges have been scouted in the past?
So basically Im 17 yo and I wanted to get into acting. I absolutely loved it as a kid and I did a lot of stuff actually. I wrote poems, I liked to draw, ...anything artistic. And I remember I felt so alive when acting and it just suited my personality really well. I was just the type of person who you could tell was into acting without me even telling you. Someone even said when I first met you I thought you were a theater kid. And I was. And I was really proud of it as well. But I never really got the chance to do anything outside of school. But i am confident enough to say that back then I really had everything that it takes to become an actor realistically speaking. I was charismatic, confident and was never embarrassed of myself just doing whatever I wanted to without worrying. The one thing I guess I didn't have was maybe the looks but other than that I was not too bad at it and enjoyed it very much. Fast forward to high school I dont know what happened to me exactly but all I know is that I am ANXIOUS. Even when talking to friends. And that confidence is kinda gone. And I had stopped acting for years but was thinking of getting into it again but Im just not good anymore. First I have become so self conscious and I kind of blame toxic friends for this. I guess the environment that I have been in was very toxic to begin with. My friends would always always tell me whenever I was being "cringe" and first I didnt care but after a while I have become so self conscious its insane. And when I try to act, even alone in my room, I cant help it to. feel so embarrassed that I cant even enjoy it at all and Im very bad at it too soo yh... And the other reason is when I was younger I would never worry about being good. Well of corse I wanted my performances to be good but I did my best and I did it out of passion and just had fun with it without being scared of being judged or anything because I literally just didnt care. Now its not like that anymore. Now that I want to pursue this as a career I feel so much pressure that I freeze and sometimes I cant even get myself to say my lines. So basically anxiety changed me a lot. I dont wanna blame other people but I cant help but think about how at the beginning of high school I was my normal self and only after I got close with that friend I talked about earlier I started having these confidence issues. It was just very...toxic, I guess. I was scared that maybe Im just gaslighting myself and giving other people the fault because I dont wanna blame me so I started writing down all the red flags and honestly at this point I cant really deny that those friends dont have anything to do with my anxiety. (of corse im planning on cutting them off but this is more about how I can gain my confidence back) Every time I am away from that friend I already feel better and more confident and more comfortable so I feel like once high school is over not having to be around those people will make a difference but Im scared that its not enough. I really wanna go acting classes because I think I would enjoy it sooo much (IF i can get myself to act again of corse) but Im scared the teachers and everyone will judge me for being horrible at it and then they will all think what am I doing there in the first place. I guess I just wanted advice. Acting is not something that I wanna do full time. I have other plans too. And acting classes arent really cheap either. So Im doubting if its even worth it.
Apologies if these are silly or obvious questions - I couldn't find a place that answered them. My friends have been encouraging me to try out voice acting as at least a hobby for a while - I'm a professional singer and I already have most of the necessary equipment and It's something I've been interested in for a while. Even my actor friends, coach and someone I'm working for who works in a related field is suggesting it. My questions are related to demo reels themselves, as I'm trying to put one together and just get some work through Fiverr to start with: \>Shall I have separate specialized demo reels for different types of work? (say VA in video games/animation vs VO work like reading books/advertisement?) \>Can I just read ANYTHING our while recording them, or am I unable to read out copywritten material? Could I, say, read out a page from Dune, Verbatim? If not, where can I get sample resources to read out? \>Where can I get background music/sound effects and do I really need to? \>Are there any major tips regarding recommendations and pitfalls to avoid? I already know I should have about a minute's worth broken down into shorter segments and not bother introducing myself at the start As a (not-so) little bonus question that frankly I haven't looked into yet much, how would you recommend getting STARTED as a total beginner in terms of publicizing myself? Should I bother paying someone to build a website, or shall I just start a YT channel/Linkedin or what? I already have a separate website, but that's specifically for music. ​ Thank you so much, I'm really sorry if these questions are silly/not appropriate, I looked around and couldn't find anything regarding this in particular! If all goes well I'll post a demo reel on here for critique ;D
Hi Reddit, I'm currently looking into submitting myself to a few agencies near me and I want to know what they usually look for. I've submitted myself to a few agencies about a year and a half ago and heard nothing back. I think this was partly because the only experience I had was high school theater and amateur headshots. Also I was submitting myself to some bigger agencies in LA like Osbrink, AEFH Talent etc. This time around, I'm looking more local to me in San Francisco and Sacramento. This past year I've got some more training under my belt. I've been taking classes since March with Actors Edge and I'm planning on taking another 4 week class with Studio 24 to help me get another perspective on my acting skills, and to give me some camera blocking training. I also got some updated headshots (I'll post a picture of my old headshots, my profile in one of my new ones). Based on your experience, what do you think my chances of getting signed by these agencies are? Now that I have more training and better headshots, do you think I'll have a better chance getting signed by these local agencies? Or do you think it's still not enough? The agencies I'm submitting to are 3 Model Management, Cast Images, STARS The Agency, MDT, and NYLO.
(Added compensation rates to the bottom, it's $45/hr to $105/hr) Are you interested in being an inspiration for millions of people who want to change their lives for the better? We need an asian man with a far-east asian accent to help us market one of our products (a bracelet) to an international audience. We prefer to hire the best of the best and are willing to pay top rates for top talent. As part of this marketing effort, we will be creating a 5 to 15 minute long video that will feature you as the main and only character. Here is an example of this type of video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sf7xSKmZgfM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sf7xSKmZgfM) **PROJECT REQUIREMENTS** * Have a far-east asian accent (Chinese, Japanese, Hong Kong, Thai, Vietnamese, Laos, Taiwan, Korean, Mongolian, Cambodian) * Be asian * Look at least 30 years old but not over 70 * Have a good microphone and video camera (sorry, we cannot work with people who have low quality equipment) * Be bald or willing to wear a “[bald cap](https://www.amazon.com/Mehron-Makeup-Premium-Character-Bald/dp/B002D88O7I/ref=d_pd_sbs_sccl_1_1/135-4785212-4938725?pd_rd_w=KdpvT&content-id=amzn1.sym.2dc9b33d-bf98-4c85-be26-75af626c0551&pf_rd_p=2dc9b33d-bf98-4c85-be26-75af626c0551&pf_rd_r=FRBSH3J7WWDNB6CFKQWT&pd_rd_wg=8sRUh&pd_rd_r=4a7287f0-ad2f-4719-bc2e-f5dc142e26b7&pd_rd_i=B002D88O7I&psc=1)” (we will pay for your bald cap if you need one) * Be comfortable with dissing China/communism * Be able to make us believe you are the character we want you to be * Speaks English fluently (native English not required but your script will be written in English so you need to be able to read and speak English pretty well) * To prove you meet all these requirements, please make sure you send us samples of relevant work OR create a 10 second sample where you pretend to be the main character. * IF YOU CHOOSE TO DO THE 10 SECOND SAMPLE, here are the opening lines of the script, “Hi, my name is Shang, let me tell you how Feng Shui saved my life. When I was a kid I was so happy until one day the Chinese communist government forced me and my family into a truck, we never saw our home again.” **CHARACTER DESCRIPTION** * When you were a kid, your family was forcefully relocated from a farming village in the mountains of Tibet to a low ranking Chinese city. You and your family lived in a shipping container, your parents ended up dead. You leave to go to Harvard on a scholarship. You drop out and try to kill yourself. A Buddhist monk saves your life and gives you a bracelet. You move to Beijing to make your fortune. You meet Jack Ma and become his personal assistant. Jack Ma retires from Alibaba in 2019 and you decide to become a Buddhist monk in Tibet. You spend your days making Feng Shui bracelets by hand and blessing them. * Hates Chinese and communist people * Wants to free Tibet from Chinese occupation * Is friends with Jack Ma * Will follow Master Wu to the ends of the earth * Is a believer in Feng Shui * Thick far east accent, but that doesn’t mean you speak broken English. You had some success, some education, but you must still appear and sound asian instead of white washed. * You’ve been through a lot and now you want to help everyone else * At the time of filming the video you have been a Buddhist for a couple years, you are a monk but of course you can still relate to non-monks and a Western audience **COMPENSATION** Anywhere from $40/hr to $105/hr. We are happy to pay you whatever you prefer to be paid. We will send you the bracelet so you can wear it while filming the video. We will also need you to be bald/wear a bald cap in the video. We also need you to wear a buddhist monk robe in the video. Here’s an example of the robe: [https://www.amazon.com/Zzooi-Chinese-Cassock-Religious-Performance/dp/B08GZYZNRP/ref=asc\_df\_B08GZYZNRP/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=594180129353&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16271867828764024362&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9012661&hvtargid=pla-1642597177376&th=1&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/Zzooi-Chinese-Cassock-Religious-Performance/dp/B08GZYZNRP/ref=asc_df_B08GZYZNRP/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=594180129353&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16271867828764024362&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9012661&hvtargid=pla-1642597177376&th=1&psc=1) If you don’t already have them, you will need to order these items (bald cap if you’re not bald and a buddhist robe) but we will pay you to order them so you do not need to spend your own money. **CONTACT ME** I will try to check reddit but it is easier to reach me via [alex@yourscalesource.com](mailto:alex@yourscalesource.com) or you can apply to the Upwork job post I made here [https://www.upwork.com/jobs/\~015ddb1e9650343039](https://www.upwork.com/jobs/~015ddb1e9650343039) Thanks for reading, we look forward to working with you!
I applied for a small supporting role in an indie feature film on actors access. I did the audition and it was just facial expressions and a couple days later they said that I got the role. I have looked into the flashing company a little bit and it was SAG and looked alright. I decided to look up the production company again just one more time before officially accepting the role and I noticed on their YouTube they have a trailer of one of their last movies that has almost 100,000 views but It didn’t have a lot of likes or comments and all of the other videos only had 60 to 100 views.. I didn’t realize before this trailer definitely has fake views and the quality isn’t bad but I really don’t like that the production company is making themselves seem a lot bigger than they are I think work speaks for itself. I confirmed with my friend who is really good at telling how many fake views/likes something has and he confirmed that it was. Obviously I’m not going to base a role on how many likes or views it has but I think if the trailer actually had that many views, it would mean that they got some kind of distribution company and they’re doing the marketing really well and I just don’t wanna do anything that involves fake promotion. I feel like it’s lying to some actors thinking this would be good publicity. I just feel like having fake views says a lot about of bad things about the production company as well.
Hey fellow actors, Just wanted to take a poll to see who all has worked on law and order in this subreddit. The one thing I hear about that show is that everyone knows someone who worked on it. If you did, did you like it? Is it a fun time in set? Thanks!
I saw recently that Priscilla is filming in Toronto and I was wondering does anyone know how to get cast as a background actor in the film?
I've been auditioning since mid-2016 and booked a few student films but nothing for TV/film. Then, I was so incredibly lucky to get a full time job during the pandemic. I'm almost 2 years in and I definitely noticed that I haven't been on casting sites much and my dreams of becoming an actor are slowly fading away. For people in this situation, how are you doing? I'm scared but I feel like I'm slowly starting to accept it.
I'm in LA and occasionally work for Central Casting. I actually really enjoy being an extra. I did a small speaking part in a short film as well that I found on Backstage. I'm not set on "making it big" but enjoy the industry. I'm interested in background work and/or small speaking roles. Are there any agencies you'd recommend I apply to? I like Central Casting, but I'd like to get more work and/or more featured background roles. Along with Backstage, I've also heard of websites like Actors Access, Casting Networks, Casting Frontier, Breakdown, etc but I don't know which one would be best to invest in. I only have the paid version of Backstage, but most of the projects on there seem to be poorly written student films. I'm non-union atm so that may be affecting the quality of the jobs I see.
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. ​ For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
Hello all, I’m an aspiring director looking to learn more about the experience of actors from pre-production (rehearsal, table reads) to production to help elevate those I work with. Nothing more frustrating for an actor to work with a director who knows NOTHING about acting, and I don’t wanna be that guy. With that said, does anyone have any recs for YouTube channels/vids, books, classes (in-person or virtual), coaches, etc about acting. Thanks!
There was this short I wrote, and set out to produce and direct. I found a DP, got the two actors needed, the locations etc… But the lead actor, I was chatting about the script, and then he sends me a “revised” version (he didn’t tell me he wanted/was going to make changes). I disagreed with him, I thought his changes were introducing unnecessary exposition and they changed the story, my story. He then left the project, on the grounds of the character “not being enough self-aware” or something along those lines. I don’t know if I was harsh by just straight up denying any changes, if I could have talked to him to understand better the story, to reach a middle ground… I don’t mind being offered changes that I can see an improvement on my work, but I’d like some more involvement instead of changing scripts without notice… So I come here to ask is what can I do if I face another situation like this, how can I improve as a director to better manage actors? To better manage actors in situations like this?
I mean, you don't have to be organized, you could also answer this based on a feeling. Let's say for reference the past 5 years. What time of year did you receive or get the most auditions and or work of any kind? *If someone knows a public database that has stats for this please comment. (I searched the reddit searchbar to no avail.) [View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/yla3zt)
I recently saw a Buzzfeed article about actors you might not realize were nepotism hires. These actors may not be huge names but they are the children of some of the biggest actors in the world or the children of industry big timers. Even the smallest costar/guest star roles are given to nepotism actors. There was also another article about actors who may not be direct products of nepotism but were born incredibly wealthy and some go through great lengths to hide their fortunate backgrounds. This allowed them to be incredibly well connected, afford prestigious drama schools, live in LA or NYC without having to work a survival job etc. *\*There have been dozens of articles relating to these issues online.* When researching top actors and rosters of clients for top agencies/managers, nearly everyone is a product of nepotism. Do you feel like its possible to "**make it**" as a actor who has no industry connections and not born into wealth? **\*By "make it" I mean survive as acting being the only source of income.**
Hello everyone! TW: weight / weight loss. Throwaway account because I'm a bit paranoid. I've been cast a few weeks ago as the female lead in a TV film - not an English speaking production but European. I'm very used to working on UK based projects (UK, US or European prods) and have more than a decade of professional acting experience. I'm thrilled and excited, this is my biggest role so far and the script is well written and progressive in many ways. However, I've just received a message from the higher ups (I don't know who exactly) stating that they want me to lose weight. The character is described a few times as muscular and slim. I have trained and lifted for years, I'm pretty sporty, but I've put on a bit of weight during the pandemic... I'm in the process of losing it and I'm very comfortable with my non size 0, pretty muscular body, that would be described more as a Beyonce than a Kate Moss....... I've always felt very comfortable in my body whatever the size and have never been made to feel bad about it on any film, TV or theatre production before (mostly UK and US based) Also, I've auditioned less three weeks ago and haven't changed much since meeting everyone, and didn't hide anything! Now we start shooting in less than a week and there are two scenes where I'm supposed to be in my underwear/ swimsuit, so we did the costume fittings and I'm guessing they didn't like the look of my thighs / butt ... I don't know... I've told my agent if production feels the need to, please use a body double, I don't care. My agent thinks the whole weight thing is a ridiculous point to bring up at such short notice and also a completely dated. I just... Don't know what to do. It has shaken me a bit, we haven't even started filming and I feel ... Unbalanced and unwanted and.... Little.... Not the best place to start working on a new project. I guess what I'm asking is, what would you do? What should I do to calm myself down and not let myself be affected by this? Part of me almost wants to say: eff' it, if you want a catwalk like actress, why don't you hire one now, you've got another 3 days, I'm out! But... I know I won't and I don't know how to contain this and not just put on a brave face and suffer in silence while doing my best to give a good performance, knowing someone(s) think I'm not "good enough" for this role somehow. I think if I were in the UK I would probably be contacting the Union, but I'm not under their 'jurisdiction' and don't think there's anything similar here... Argh. I feel a bit distressed... Well that was a novel...
hi reddit, I'm a 19 year old actor with no agent and I just want to rant for a minute and get some advice. I’ve been in love with acting ever since I was 9 and I realized I wanted to do it as a career 5 years ago. I feel like I’m getting so close to making it a career, I feel like the universe is giving me all the right signs. I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, here are a few examples. 2 years ago I saw an ad on instagram for an acting studio and I took a coaching session with him. Super great guy, he told me I should take classes through his studio so I can join in the showcase he puts on at the end of summer. I saved up some money for about a year and decided to do it. I felt myself improve so much in the 5 months I was with his studio. When it came time for the showcase, I was given the scene that I had originally worked on in the private coaching session which I thought was a sign from the universe that I was going to do well at the showcase because this is where it all started. I didn’t hear from any of the agencies that were at the showcase which bummed me out. I’ve stopped going to my classes because of money issues but now the same thing happened again. I decided instead of looking at some agencies in LA, I would try local agencies (I live in NorCal). I was getting really close to submitting myself to these said agencies, but then this happened. I ended up finding an acting studio that's pretty well known in the NorCal area and noticed there was a TV/Film course that teaches me everything. With my old class, I did it over Zoom, with this class, I'll do it in person, and I get the chance to preform new scenes in a sound stage with different camera types. I really want the chance to work on a set, and I feel like this is the next step in the right direction. I've decided to hold off on submitting myself so I can add this class to my resume. I'm really excited for this class, but I still have this feeling in the back of my head, that I'm getting my hopes up and I'm not going to get much further. I get so excited about things like this and I hate to feel disappointed. That’s what the business is though, not every audition goes your way. I don’t know, I just want this so bad and it gets to the point where I’m stressing over it and it’s effecting my sleep. Any advice for any of this? Has anyone gone through the same thing? The future stresses me out, I don’t wanna live with my parents for the rest of my life. I get really stressed out over money only because I’m afraid that I’m not gonna have money and I’m not gonna be able to pay for what I need to pay. Right now only thing I need to worry about is paying for my cell phone, gas, and insurance for my car. But for the future I’m nervous that I’m spending all of this money on acting classes. I just spent $500 on this acting class, which I feel like that could be a good investment because then I’ll have that knowledge when I’m on set, but then I have that thought in the back of my head that I'm spending all of this money for something that's not going to happen. I want future me to be happy. I will say every day that I work at my job, I become less happy with it, I work in retail and I don’t want to work in retail for the rest of my life. Acting is my passion I don’t want to be stuck in retail for the rest of my life and regret the decisions I made. I don’t wanna go to college, school isn’t my thing. I tried to take real estate classes to use as a back up but looking back at it now it feels like a waste of money because I’m not going to finish it, my brain is gonna let me finish those classes because they’re honestly boring. I’m just hoping everything that I’m doing right now it’s gonna pay off in the end. I can’t see what my future is going to be like and that’s the scary thing. Every decision that I think is going to affect me either in a good way or a bad way. I feel like I’m at that point where somebody wants to become an actor and they go through training, get head shots taken, and they get seen by agents and managers in a showcase, they don’t get representation, and they just give up. I really don’t want to be like those other actors that just give up, but it’s so hard to stay motivated when I feel like I’m going nowhere. I just want advice. I can't talk to my parents about this because I feel like they don't get it, and I don't know anyone who has been in the same boat. Reddit... Please help me. \- sincerely, theactorwithnoagent
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I'm your buddy Bottie, I was hiding behind the scenes, but now that you've found me I'd be happy to tell you what I'm doing.
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