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Jus' Sayin'

Jus' Sayin'

Posted on Nov 22nd

I've just finished playing Claudius in a run of 'Hamlet' at a local theatre. Pro actors, passion project. Received the script in February and when we went up, we were on version #7. I realized that the Actor nerd in me knew that it was all about the rehearsal process, because who would come out on a weeknight to see this? Eventually we were over half -full for the 5-performance run, so they were more than just a 'cherry on top'. However, I crossed a bunch of bucket items from my list: Spout the Bard (again.), be a King, play the Villain and die horribly on stage. Jus's Sayin'.

Should I remove my minor in theatre performance from a no-name university?

Should I remove my minor in theatre performance from a no-name university?

Posted on Nov 22nd

I got a minor in theatre performance from a large, public university. Like a University of Florida or University of Ohio type situation, but a different state. The school is not known for its acting program. They don't even have the major as an option, just the minor. I showed my current acting teacher my resume for feedback and he said I should remove my theatre performance minor because it's not a reputable school like Yale or Julliard and nobody has heard of the teachers I studied with. Is this true? Is it taking away from my resume? In actuality, I do feel that the training I got at the university was mediocre. The teachers themselves were phenomenal actors in the professional equity shows that they put on at the school, but the training itself wasn't that great. I also don't think my current teacher is trying to sabotage me or anything like that. He's an excellent teacher and I've learned the most I've ever had from studying under him for the last 1.5 years. I am about to start submitting to agents so I want to be certain I make the right decision in removing the training. I don't want to look like a noob with minimal training if I take off 6 semesters' worth of training, even if the program wasn't reputable. So what's better: less training, more reputable, or more training, but possibly with unknowns?

Opportunity to work with Renowned Actor/Director Aleksandr Molochnikov

Opportunity to work with Renowned Actor/Director Aleksandr Molochnikov

Posted on Nov 22nd

Hello! I'm posting about a phenomenal opportunity to work with renowned Russian Actor/Director Alexander Molochnikov in a Scene Study Acting Class in Soho. Open to actors of all skill levels! []( Visit our website []( to learn more, or purchase tickets here: []( Our Sunday Fall Session is available now, taught by Aleksandr Molochnikov 6 weeks ($480) of scene study. Pairs will perform scenes from theater and film, coached by Aleksandr. Sunday, 6PM - 8:30 PM, November 27, 2022 — January 8, 2023 at G Studio! Final performances will be professionally filmed to use for reels. The class is already half full, but we are seeking 9 more students for the Sunday session! If you are not able to purchase in time, please email class manager []( to be considered for a future class. Instagram G Studio []( Aleksandr's IMDb []( Other Links to Aleksandr's recent work in Film and TV. []( [](

Can seafarer become part-time or full-time actor (do acting)

Can seafarer become part-time or full-time actor (do acting)

Posted on Nov 22nd

Hello I m from Myanmar my passion is to become actor but due to my family financial problemes I need to be onboard.dont get me wrong I like to become seafarer but I don't want to give up my dream because of my financial problem .I want to know is it possible for a seafarer to do acting ?any one who is in the same situation as me plz spare me some advice. I m really in stress thinking about it Thanks for Ur advices in advance

5th audition for major CD office since September... this time is a NON-SPEAKING co-star.... please make this make sense.....

5th audition for major CD office since September... this time is a NON-SPEAKING co-star.... please make this make sense.....

Posted on Nov 22nd

the first audition for them I was pinned for. great. (never released from that pin, of course, because why would a CD actually have the consideration for actors taking time out of their day to tape for them?) how is it possible that you cannot make a casting decision based on 4 previous tapes of mine that were all different characters, one had an accent, and now you need to see me .... not speaking lines..? ... you mean my last tape I did for you where I had 2 lines and then reacted to 2 pages of dialogue wasn't enough of me REACTING for you to see?! jesus i know this is an "opportunity" but how lazy ARE casting directors?! yes, fuck my low level reps for submitting me for this crap but why do CDs even need to RELEASE a breakdown for a stupid non-speaking role like this?! can't they just GIVE it to somebody that has auditioned for them 5/6/7/8/9 times?! i literally just want to take my last audition tape I sent them yesterday and cut out my 2 lines and then just send in the rest of me standing there reacting. because this is the same exact goddamn thing, just an even smaller amount of it!!!! please make this make sense... how this isn't a complete waste of an actor's time (god only knows how many actors are actually requested to tape for this) and literally not just a ridiculous abuse of power and exploitation of actors....? i mean seriously i'm emailing all my reps and telling them to not submit for non-speaking co-stars anymore... it's just such a joke. but honest to god, why are CDs doing this? it makes no sense to me. it's the paradox of having TOO MANY CHOICES

being recorded while voice acting?

being recorded while voice acting?

Posted on Nov 22nd

I've only landed a few roles for VA but I noticed a camera pointing at me as I'm saying my lines. Why are actors being recorded when we act? Is it for body references when animating?

I had the most exciting time doing a commercial and it all makes the journey worth while

I had the most exciting time doing a commercial and it all makes the journey worth while

Posted on Nov 21st

I recently was in a commercial and after doing this for as long as I have, it was such a milestone and it was so epic that it reminded me that all my work that I put into training, workshops, headshots and everything in between, as well as all the gigs I've had in the past, worth while. Believe me when I tell you, if you just keep going and never give up and keep reminding yourself that one day good things will happen, they will happen, and when they do get ready for success. It's one thing to fail and you get used to it, but it's equally as difficult to handle success. Remember this. If you're 100% devoted to acting, your agent, casting directors, clients and all the connections you've made will KNOW this. I've been doing the acting thing for most of my life but only recently have I been able to have pride of where I'm at and it's been keeping me afloat.. Just keep it up and do a great job wherever you go. Once you develop a great formula for auditions and it works, don't change it, keep up with what you're doing if you are getting frequent call backs. Learn as much as you can from each set and make sure you inform your agent when you're wrapped and remind them how much fun you had and how much it means to you. Your agent will continually keep working hard for you if they know how much it means to you. Don't get me wrong, you need to be financially smart. Also if you're working a full time job- a real flexible job, you need to keep yourself available for gigs that are on the horizon. Availability is key. I know it's really difficult not knowing when your next gig will be, you just have to be really financially smart and determined. You need to have a great support system and circle of care as well. It's a difficult journey, lots of rejections and lots of unsure moments of where you're gonna end up or what you're going to eat for the next couple weeks. if you play your cards right and you keep trying to better your skills, honing your craft, like I said do a GREAT job and treat EVERYONE with respect, life as an Actor will be easier trust me. Don't be a negative person on set as well - people can feel that energy and sense it and it really works against you believe me, I've seen it first hand how it affects so many people. Your attitude is everything, when you keep it POSITIVE, people will want to jump on that train and be positive with you. In a world filled with so much suffering and pain the best thing to do is put a smile on your face. Bring joy to the people around you, be proud of what you accomplished so far even if it's just small things. Things don't happen overnight, it's a constant run of the gauntlet - every experience builds you as a person and as an Actor so make sure you experience real things in your life too! That's all I wanted to say and I hope I can inspire you with my words, even though they are so few, I really hope you go for your dream, even if you think it's a pipe dream - keep hitting that pipe baby and things will flow eventually. With so much love for you fellow actors, -Julian

I need 2 people for analog horror

I need 2 people for analog horror

Posted on Nov 21st

So uh, i need two vice actors for an episode, so i'm asking here. I would ask in r/analoghorror but the ppl there are assholes. so yeah, dm me, i send u the lines and then boom, i'll make the video

[Voice Acting Critique Request] Two versions of an audio drama — Whistler Mountain is Haunted

Posted on Nov 21st

I was the writer on this YouTube audio drama and, as it's my first project with the actors, we recorded two versions. We are looking for feedback for other similar audio projects going forwards. If any of you are voice actors or interested in audio drama please let us know what you think! Which do you prefer? How could the acting/drama be improved? [One Version]( is with American accents. [The second version]( is with a British accent and slightly different production. All feedback is very welcome as we strive to improve. Obviously I'm not asking that you listen to both versions all the way through, but any critique on what you can listen to would be very welcome!! You can also read the original NoSleep story (i.e. the script) as I know some filmmaking subs require this: [Whistler Mountain is Haunted]( Thank you for reading! :)

On break activities

On break activities

Posted on Nov 21st

I am beginner actor that recently finished a beginner acting course . I have a gap before my next class and I wanted to join a group to get more into the artistic environment . While I’m on my break I wanted to ask if there are any theater, acting groups that I can volunteer at. I tried one Meetup but I do not see any here in NYC. Also if there are any other activities that involve the entertainment industry on while I’m on break I’m open to it .

Actors Access Glitch?

Actors Access Glitch?

Posted on Nov 21st

I do not have an agent or manager but I logged on to my AA profile and on the home page it says “congratulations your AA profile has been successfully connected to your talent representative”. Has anyone who is unrepresented had this happen before? Should I be worried that my account is like hacked or something?

How to express emotions when in real life we can speak pretty cold and emotionlessly?

How to express emotions when in real life we can speak pretty cold and emotionlessly?

Posted on Nov 21st

I noticed there are some people who speak without any facial expressions or tonal shifts... Some however speak with such richness in every word and their facial gestures are always so lively. I noticed I can sound pretty monotone and it doesn't really match the intention or meaning of the words being said in my day to day life ! If I were to take that to my performances (which I inevitably do), it would come off as poor delivery, monotone, and an actor who's not connected to his words. (Which are criticisms I have gotten and I myself find very true when viewing my work). I have been able to project and connect at times, but it's not something habitual or "natural" for me ALL the time. TL;DR: How do I go about connecting emotionally when my own life isn't enough to rely on for those habits and reactions?

If you HAD to chose between one kind of representation which would you chose?

If you HAD to chose between one kind of representation which would you chose?

Posted on Nov 21st

This is a hypothetical question. I am interested in knowing which of type of rep most actors prioritize. Feel free to explain your reasoning in the comments - would love to read it! EDIT: In keeping things somewhat equal - this would assume that the manager rep also submits their actors on breakdowns/projects. [View Poll](

HB studio and Barrow Group

HB studio and Barrow Group

Posted on Nov 21st

I have heard the HB Studio scene study classes are somewhat better than those at the Barrow Group. Is there someone here who has taken classes from HB studio/TBG that I dm to learn more about your experience? Also, at the end of the day does the studio you attend matter a lot in building skills as an actor? Like is there a huge difference in whether I attend HB or TBG?

Can someone explain to me like I'm 5; Why streaming-era residual checks for actors are less than decades before?

Can someone explain to me like I'm 5; Why streaming-era residual checks for actors are less than decades before?

Posted on Nov 21st

Heard this said numerous times by different sources and always wondered why

How to tell a voice actor im commissioning that it doesn't sound right?

How to tell a voice actor im commissioning that it doesn't sound right?

Posted on Nov 21st

I hope this is ok to post here. I'm an artist and I wanted a custom script read out by a VA I found online. It's for a game I like playing and making fan art for. He's voiced many of the characters in the past, and I've listened to most of them (He's very good!). However, the script I needed read included a character I haven't heard him voice yet. When I asked for an example it wasn't accurate (the voice was too high, the accent was off), and I felt like I couldn't correct him. I do commission work, and when a client asks for it changed, it's easy to do. But how do you tell a VA that they aren't voicing a character well enough? I feel like a jerk but I just can't figure out what to say. ​ For people who do paid VA work, how would you prefer a client tell you this? All help is appreciated

How can I read for a MOCKBuster film

How can I read for a MOCKBuster film

Posted on Nov 21st

I always saw them now and Then on DVDs ,but I always wanted to be in a MOCKBuster Film, just for Sh*ts and Giggles. Cause they look like fun and I consider myself a Z-List actor anyway.. would love to know any CDs or Studios who do those types of films

Looking for a voice actor to record a short podcast ad for me to promote my bookish 3D print business. L

Looking for a voice actor to record a short podcast ad for me to promote my bookish 3D print business. L

Posted on Nov 20th

New to all this. Not sure how it all works. Feel free to respond if you are interested.

Looking for voice actors (phone messages, podcast intros, youtube intros, ads)

Looking for voice actors (phone messages, podcast intros, youtube intros, ads)

Posted on Nov 20th

Hi, I'm Alex and running an EU-based audio market. For our expansion to US, I'm looking for voice actors, that are speaking english natively and are willing to do contract work for our customers, typically smaller and middle sized companies and media agencies. Right now, we only sell customized phone messages, but want to expand our voice artist area towards podcast intros, youtube intros and also commercials. I'm following this sub for a while now, since I'm doing some commissioned work myself on my platform. **What are the rates?** Right now, we're paying around 28$ per phone message text. Rates for podcast intros would be around 50$ (not live yet). Typically, our customers order between 1-3 phone messages per order. Our typical customers are situated in EU, but we want to address american customers as well. **How it works** Customers can choose from a selection of voice actors and music, to create their unique phone message. When a customer has chosen you for a phone message, you will get an email with a briefing You have a recording window of 5 workdays. After delivering the recordings, we will mix and master everything and send it to the customer. If no corrections are necessary, you will get your money, via Paypal or Bank Transfer. If you have more questions, I will try my best to answer them. Since this is a new area for our company, I'm happy about every feedback.

What does a successful acting career look/feel like for you?

What does a successful acting career look/feel like for you?

Posted on Nov 20th

2nd question today haha! But curious as im SUPER new to this. Just wanted to know from experienced actors what keeps you going considering alot of the rejection that takes place? What does a “successful “ acting career look like for you? How long did it take for you to TRULY accept your idea of success (considering most people do it for money/fame)

What is the process for getting an agent?

What is the process for getting an agent?

Posted on Nov 20th

Very novice actress here, so if this question can be answered in a FAQ feel free to direct me there! Ive been working on the production side of tv/film so im familiar with the competition. However I recently decided to tap into the acting side. Im VERY aware that this is not on my radar yet but I just want to know how one gets an agent? What are the usual requirements? Is it difficult to get casted without an agent? How do we know when were ready for agent? Thanks in advance!

Things to do before

Things to do before

Posted on Nov 19th

I am a beginning actor(27F) with classes starting in January and headshots booked for February. I was wondering if there was anything I could do before the classes, books I could read, things I could watch, anything to help me prepare? I would really appreciate any help! I’m really wanting to dive into acting headfirst!

Question for Actors??? (Follow up to yesterdays)

Question for Actors??? (Follow up to yesterdays)

Posted on Nov 19th

Thanks for all the responses! Here's a follow up to the question I posed yesterday. **What does realizing your dreams look like to you as an actor?**

TV Pilot - Funding

TV Pilot - Funding

Posted on Nov 19th

Hello! For a bit I’ve had an idea for a show, I took that idea and had been working on the script for several years. Very recently a friend of mine got me in contact with the right people and we are going ahead and making a pilot for the show! Making a pilot does get pricey so I’m sending this link around to a GoFundMe. We are looking to raise 1,500 dollars to help with production, sets and crew. Any amount helps and if you’re not able to donate I hope you can at least share this around so we can create this pilot! Thank you! P.S. If you have any questions about the series or are interesting we are open to hearing from actors and seeing who we can use in the pilot when we make it!

Finally have a reel to submit for representation.

Finally have a reel to submit for representation.

Posted on Nov 19th

How should I go about creating a resume for myself a fairly new VO actor with limited experience? I’ve been doing a recruiting role for a Spider-Man web series as Scorpion villain but that’s about it in terms of VO experience. I’ve been a background actor for the past 4 years. But that doesn’t really help in terms of VO do you think? I’m open to any and all pointers.

Any links or tips for how to sound like male anime characters as a female?

Any links or tips for how to sound like male anime characters as a female?

Posted on Nov 19th

If anyone has any links or tips to help with voice acting as male characters in anime for females, that’d be appreciated :) I really want to get into voice acting but I can’t find any good sources or tips to help me sound more male like even tho my voice is already quite masculine but not the way that I like. I’ve researched but all I found was how to sound like female characters as a male. I want to be like Killua’s voice actor(JP) Examples such as: Killua, Ray(TPN)HuaCheng, GuanYue, Levi Ackerman, etc

Why do you guys say "do indie films" when the vast majority of any halfway-decent project goest through agents & managers?

Why do you guys say "do indie films" when the vast majority of any halfway-decent project goest through agents & managers?

Posted on Nov 19th

i just feel like people try to make this a science, when it's really a lottery. we want to feel in control of our careers, so we like to think that the things we do on our own actually amounts to something tangible. but I keep seeing people say "do indie films".... any "indie film" that is even remotely a halfway quality project is going to be released via breakdowns for agents & managers to submit to. which again, is out of our control. any producer not doing it that way doesn't really know what they're doing / and most likely not operating on a professional level. backstage is garbage and casting networks is background and low budget commercial crap. actors access is the only legitimate resource, and even that, on the actor's side, is mostly student films. so where are these "indies that I should be doing" that you all speak of? and outside of taking classes and making your own stuff (because i do not believe expensive CD workshops or even Rep workshops are legitimate, i think they are a money grab from industry people that have no integrity), what else can an actor really do? reading plays and watching movies all day certainly isn't going to pay my bills. I just would really like to know, once and for all, what the hell you people mean what you say "treat it like a business"? cause the only thing that really amounts to progress for me, is doing the auditions my reps send me.... and that's it. and that's just a waiting game, as we all know.

Looking for advice

Looking for advice

Posted on Nov 19th

Long time lurker of this sub and have something that I would love to maybe get a different perspective on if at all possible from yall who participate in this great sub. Had a manager who got terminated from her company for reasons I won’t get into, she was great when I was with her! Booked two co-stars with them for major networks this year and also have an independent film that I starred in that should be coming out very soon. I guess I am now in the hunt for a new rep and I’m finding myself being so lost. I got agent blasters on a whim and have gotten a couple interests from that from some cool and not so cool companies, have been doing a bunch of cold emails to different reps from actors who have booked shows that I’ve auditioned for and so on and so on. I really just want sone advice on how to best handle these kinds of situations, I guess it’s the unknown and want some success stories or maybe even the story of someone just hitting the wall. Thanks!

Hello There! I'm currently studying for my Bachelor degree and I'm looking for voice actors to interview!

Hello There! I'm currently studying for my Bachelor degree and I'm looking for voice actors to interview!

Posted on Nov 19th

Hi, my name is Oskar and I'm currently studying for my Bachelor degree in sound and music production at Dalarna University in Sweden. I'm currently writing my bachelor thesis which is going to be about how voice actors got affected by the pandemic and if those effects can still be seen. I’ve chosen to go right to the source and I want to interview voice actors and ask them about their experiences. So if you have some extra time in the next few days (Sunday to Tuesday) and want to be a part of this thesis then just message me here on reddit or write in the comments down below. The interview will be around 10 minutes but it can be a bit longer than that as well. The interview will most likely be on zoom but if you want to use any other program like Discord or Teams that works just as fine. Your participation will be anonymous and you can, if you want to, end the interview whenever you want to. I will also ask, at the start of the interview, if it's alright to screen record the interview so I can transcribe it and use it for my thesis. The recording will not be posted anywhere and will be deleted right after the thesis is handed in for examination. However if you don't want to be recorded then nothing will be filmed. Thank you for reading and hope you have a great day!

I'm tired of idiots giving me advice on this sub. Are there any working professionals that I can ask some questions from privately?

I'm tired of idiots giving me advice on this sub. Are there any working professionals that I can ask some questions from privately?

Posted on Nov 19th

I'm a fully repped union actor in a major market, I've had about 165 theatrical auditions for co-star & above for network/streaming shows and some films in the last 3 years. I've read for 68 major CD offices with 33 offices giving me repeats, some at 3/4/5/6/7/8/9 and one at 12. I've been pinned 7 times in the last 18 months. I still feel like i'm missing some fundamentals in terms of how to navigate this career. I have a lot of training under my belt but I haven't been in a class in a while due to financial issues / jobs that don't allow me to maintain other commitments. I don't have a professional network established yet. I have some actor friends on my level, sure, but most are not even where I'm at yet, and I lack experienced professionals to ask serious questions and take council with that could actually help me in any intelligent, meaningful way. Every time i post a question on this sub it's always, always answered by arrogant, cocky young kids that don't know what they're talking about, trying to punch down and giving useless answers, and I can't afford a career consult with anybody halfway legitimate because their rates are just grotesquely expensive. If any actual working professionals with integrity exist on this sub, I'd love to connect privately and ask you some questions about my situation / materials / where I'm at in my journey, and figure out perhaps what I can do to take my career to the next level. Thank you.

Does anyone hate improv?

Does anyone hate improv?

Posted on Nov 19th

UK theatre actor here. I was talking with another actor about improv and how much I disliked it in the rehearsal room. She seemed a bit dismayed at this and this not being someone I had worked with before, I felt that she was judging me and silently thought I was less 'free' and probably lesser as an actor. Personally, I find the opposite to be true, that I am never freer to let loose than when working within the guardrails of a script, agreed blocking etc. To be clear I mean this as an exercise in the rehearsal room. In the hands of gifted performers in front of a live audience as an end product in itself, improv is great. I just really don't enjoy it but I'm thinking maybe she is right. I admire those who can throw themselves into it like that, especially when it's early in the rehearsal process when your fellow actors have yet to get a sense of each other 'on stage'. If I can hold back and avoid it, I almost always will. If it's compulsory I will try and throw myself in the best I can but with a cold sweat. I find it becomes about \*my\* thoughts, \*my\* instincts and intentions in \*my\* world, not that of the character. It becomes me the performer with the intention 'oh s\*\*t what on earth am I going to say next?' I personally became an actor because I like having someone else tell me what to say, or if it is my own words, that I've had the time to think about them ahead of time. I just don't find it to be particularly useful especially when you're not in a devising scenario, but maybe that's an excuse because I don't have the talent I think I do. Are there any other working actors out there who feel the fear when called to do improv in the rehearsal room?

CASTING CALL - Romantic Visual Novel - 7 PAID Roles

CASTING CALL - Romantic Visual Novel - 7 PAID Roles

Posted on Nov 19th

Hi everyone! Moirai Myths is a small but dedicated indie game studio, currently working on their first game, The Good People or Na Daoine Maithe. It is a romance and adventure-oriented visual novel set in mid 19th century Ireland. They are seeking voice actors for their six love interests (2 male, 2 female, 2 nonbinary), as well as an Irish speaker for the pronunciation guide. Please note that all characters speak with an Irish accent. ABOUT THE GAME: The story begins when the player character is lured into Tír na nÓg, the Celtic Otherworld, after being robbed of their family’s personal valuables. In order to return home, you must team up with one of six available allies who are willing to assist in your escape. Well, for a cost… They have a FREE, 3 hour demo available on and steam! Pay is $3 per line, which generally tend to be about 20 words. The full project depends on the Kickstarter being funded, but all promotional work done before this will still be paid. Find the casting call with further information about the roles, the game, the rates and how to apply here: Link to their website: Link to their Kickstarter pre-launch page: Deadline for applications is the end of November! Good luck

Creating a media for actors : any ideas ?

Creating a media for actors : any ideas ?

Posted on Nov 18th

Hi everyone, I studied journalism and I'm trying to become a photographer specialized in actors headshots. To try to get awareness around my website, I thought of creating a media to promote young actors from my country (Belgium) by interviewing them. Right now, before choosing the media type (blog article, podcasts, etc.), I would like to know what would make this media interesting for young actors and/or casting agencies. Do you watch/listen/read any media that gives you pieces of advice for an actor career ? Or do you think it be completely pointless since actors and casting agencies are contacting each other directly ? Thanks !

Day job hours for film actors

Day job hours for film actors

Posted on Nov 18th

For film actors, what would you say are the best hours to work for your day job? I’m trying to set myself up to be able to begin pursuing acting as a career but was looking for some insight from people who are currently doing it. Thanks!

Question for Actors at any level???

Question for Actors at any level???

Posted on Nov 18th

What do you think some of your biggest frustrations are related to being an actor or trying to be an actor?

What exactly IS a line?

What exactly IS a line?

Posted on Nov 18th

Hey guys, just a quick question: When a rate is $_ per line, what exactly does a "line" refer to? Is it a sentence? An instance of a character speaking? Or is it more like a poem, where literally each "line" of text would count, regardless of number of sentences? I had mostly been operating under the last example, but I figure it's time I found out for sure. Thank you so much! I want to pay my actors (and get paid!) appropriately!

What keeps you going as an actor?

What keeps you going as an actor?

Posted on Nov 18th

I will start with that just the fact that I can learn new skills, explore myself, experience being in another world and being able to share it with family and friends these are the things that make it worth it even if the journey will be long. What about you?

Advice to beginner/intermediate actors

Advice to beginner/intermediate actors

Posted on Nov 18th

Hi everyone! I've been acting for the past 8 years and have been a professional actor in Los Angeles for the past 3 years. I'd like to offer two pieces of advice for beginner/intermediate actors: **First** \- DON'T submit for unpaid work! During my first year in Los Angeles, I would submit to every single unpaid and paid job I could find on Backstage, Casting Networks, Actors Access and Casting Frontier. This would take me 2.5 hours EVERY SINGLE DAY. I would receive tons of auditions every week that I would have to forfeit auditions that didn't seem worth my time. After a year of doing this I thought - "What the Hell? This is such a waste of time. I'm spending hours submitting for auditions and when I finally get them, I don't have enough time to do them all. There has to be a better way." That BETTER way was no longer submitting for unpaid work. This allowed me to only invest 1 hour each day submitting for jobs & although I'd receive less auditions each week, the auditions I would get would have better writing, more professional crew members and better production value. My advice to beginner actors is to never submit for unpaid work, even if you've never acted in your life. You will get tons of opportunities from paid student films, short films, feature films, independent films, commercials, voiceovers and print work that the unpaid opportunities are really not worth your time. **Second** \- TRIM your resumes! I went to an agent/manager showcase several months ago and one agent said this: "When I'm looking at an actor's resume or IMDb page and they have 15, 20 or 25 film/TV credits that are all unrecognizable, I immediately think of them as an amateur. It makes me think they can't do anything other than crappy student films. If you guys only have unrecognizable credits on your resumes, I recommend you trim your credits down to less than 10 projects. This allows me to view you as an actor who's just starting out in the business but has paid their dues with a few lesser-known projects and is now prepared to make the jump up to better work." Literally all of the other agents and managers agreed with her insight. At the time, I had 16 unrecognizable credits on my resume. I trimmed my official resume and all my online casting resumes down to the 9 credits that were already on my IMDb page. Case in point: IMDb: []( Casting Networks: []( Actors Access: []( Let me know what you guys think of my advice!

Rest in peace.

Rest in peace.

Posted on Nov 18th

Idk if there was a post on here but I feel it’s only right to post it on a voice acting subreddit. Rest in peace Kevin Conroy. A great human. A great voice actor. He isn’t my Batman. He IS batman. You’ll forever be missed Kevin.

should I join the union?

should I join the union?

Posted on Nov 18th

Hey everyone, I'm in an interesting position. I'm not a union actor, don't have any representation, nor do I have any formal training. BUT. I've been doing acting work casually for the last few years. Mostly background work, student short films, commercials and online spots. But over the summer I got a role on a union broadcast TV show! I was a credited principal character! I had a trailer and everything! It was an awesome experience and payed shockingly well for 2 days of shooting. I want to start taking the next steps to pursuing acting more seriously. So my question is this, should I join the union now that I am qualified and seek representation to reach the "next level" of my career. OR should I hold off and continue to find smaller non-union jobs via the casting call/actors databases I'm already in to build up my resume and Demo reel?

look for voice actor for gentle giant type character

look for voice actor for gentle giant type character

Posted on Nov 18th

Hi I'm looking for a voice actor for a male character in his late teens to early 20s. The project would b for a series of animatics. I'm thinking my minimum would be $75 for 300 words but that's negotiable. Also but if things go well I'd like to continue to work together for future animatics. The characters name is Luke he is insecure, bashful, understanding, and gentle. He has a dark/somewhat alternative aesthetic, is tall with long hair and broad shoulders. If you think you might be interested in the role or have any questions don't be afraid to reach out :). Thanks for reading have a great day

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Posted on Nov 17th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. ​ For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

Got my first role in a student film!

Got my first role in a student film!

Posted on Nov 17th

Really, really giddy. Just want to celebrate a bit, don’t really have anyone to share it with. I love acting, it's so much fun and storytelling is just... a wondeful experience. I did a bunch of theatre in HS, but decided to go to university for a degree instead of film school/acting school. Right after HS graduation, I had gotten an agent when I wasn't ready. I had no experience, knowledge of the industry, and was basically going along with what my theatre teacher was doing. The agency knew I was going to Post Secondary for applied science and said that they wanted me on anyway despite not taking any part time actors even when I brought up my concerns. After not getting anything from them for a year but still bound to their contract, they dropped me this year a few months back (understandably so, I wasn't being profitable for them). After that, it was like a huge weight off my chest because now I had room to experiment without the worry of an agency's reputation on my back. I've been auditioning for student films on and off over the past couple months, but 7 classes a semester has really put a stopper on what days I'd be available to shoot thus what I can audition for. But since I love acting so much I've been trying to find things that work. Last week I did a self tape and got my first callback. It went really well, I felt like I nailed it from their reactions. Cue anxious waiting as they're making their decision. I got a call saying I got the role. I feel ecstatic, suddenly it feels like I don't have to give up acting for my degree. I know it's just a student film, but getting this is such a huge win that opens up so many more doors. It's the fact that everything is now suddenly possible. I have a midterm soon so I can't even celebrate too much (gotta study lol), my friends don't know I'm actively auditioning, and my family doesn't really support my acting. So all this relief and happiness is just all really bottled up with nowhere to go. I have so many questions, I'm reading so many articles on set ettiquite and preparation, the adrenaline is making it difficult to focus. Anyone got any advice on what to expect on set? What to do or not to do? I'm just so happy :) TLDR Got my first role/basically my first credit. No one to tell so just sharing it here. Any set advice?

Looking for a Shaquille O'Neal type voice or similar deep African American voice (PAID WORK)

Looking for a Shaquille O'Neal type voice or similar deep African American voice (PAID WORK)

Posted on Nov 17th

Title sums it up looking for a voice actor who could imitate Shaquille O'Neal or give a similar deep African American male voice. For a sports tiktok channel that posts animated clips. This is paid work the rates and pay is negotiable and will be discussed more once we find a suitable actor minimum payment will be ATLEAST $60.00 up to $100.00 once the script is finalized (if amount of lines change).

Nude Scenes…

Nude Scenes…

Posted on Nov 17th

This is mainly a question for young male actors. How do your GFs/Wives reconcile with you going sans clothes on the screen…or on stage…?

Background actors must not approach principal actors

Background actors must not approach principal actors

Posted on Nov 17th

This is a general rule of them, but the idea being just be cool on set you know. However I’ve never had a gig specifically list that background actors are not allowed to interact with principal actors…and honestly this rubs me in the wrong way. I’ve worked on many sets where principal actors do in fact talk to extras, especially if they are in the vicinity of them. I appreciate it because it makes us both seem like we’re you know, human beings, and not just worthless people with no meaning. And I get that background actors are not on the same level as a principal actor however you think the rule of thumb would just be, treat everyone with respect. Because statements like you must not interact with leads make them seem like untouchable gods who are better than us in all capacities per the production. I’m honestly just ranting and I have a feeling a lot of people will disagree with me, all which are valid. But idk, I feel like I deserve the same respect as not only principle cries but just everyone on set. Because in my eyes no one should be considered less valuable. Everyone has a purpose on set and to emphasize that there are differences in the importance of people on a set just irks me. Not saying it’s not true but to say it out loud as if we didn’t know that already just really really irks me.

LF actors/actresses that wanna join me and my friend for our found footage films - Chino Hills, CA

LF actors/actresses that wanna join me and my friend for our found footage films - Chino Hills, CA

Posted on Nov 16th

This is super casual and we're basically just making short videos in the range of 5 to 10 min and posting them on tiktok. If you're into horror/ found footage that would be a plus since that's what we're filming. Otherwise we're just looking for fun positive people who want to make films with us and act in our videos. Creative input is welcome and we improvise a lot. DM me if interested!!

Is CGTV/DAN talent group legitimate? Or is it another showcase scam?

Is CGTV/DAN talent group legitimate? Or is it another showcase scam?

Posted on Nov 16th

Hi guys! I asked about a showcase being legitimate in the beginning of the year on this sub, but I saw an ad for this agency(?) DAN Talent Group happening near me soon. It seems a little different from the other showcase things I’ve seen. The program is run by Adrian R’Mante (suite life of zack and cody) saying he wants to pay it forward and help discover unknowns. It lists successful actors that were involved with this program, actors I knew like Georgie from It, RJ Cyler from the Power Rangers movie, etc. I didn’t see anything like that on the other type of showcases. I put my name in to see what material’s they’d send and the script they sent is the exact same one the scammy showcase used. You think it’s a common practice script in the industry in general? Or is it just the same script these showcases all recycle? Think this is another scam that will lead to them asking you to spend money to be seen by people? And that they’re just bluffing that this is what got those actors started? Just wondering if I should give it a go or not. Any input is appreciated! TLDR: think this is a scam/another showcase that “puts you in front of managers” but actually just takes your money for classes?

Not a voice actor but I have trouble enunciating. Any tips to overcome this?

Not a voice actor but I have trouble enunciating. Any tips to overcome this?

Posted on Nov 16th

I love cooking and with lots of free time now, I want to start a channel where I cook. One big problem I have though is if I want to do a voiceover, I have trouble enunciating and sometimes speaking too fast. Are there any tricks that have helped you guys overcome this problem? Thanks.

Private thread to get demo reel feedback?

Private thread to get demo reel feedback?

Posted on Nov 16th

I feel that people I know in real life have a tendency to fan my ego and I’m just looking for something honest and constructive regarding the content, performance, and structure. I have a limited understanding of how Reddit works and mostly peruse when I’m having one of my seasonal actor meltdowns (lol I have full awareness and empathy toward what it is, I am just trying to tame it in a positive and helpful way) Is there some kind of private thread to get demo reel and self tape opinions? I want some unbiased feedback to get a feel for how my demo reel comes off if you have no other concept of me but I don’t really want to put myself on blast publicly on this very large community bulletin board. Thank you somebody out there!

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

09.20.2024 Achieving On-Screen Success: How to Leverage User Experience for Acting Success
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Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

09.06.2024 Grow Your Acting Career with an Unforgettable Online Presence: Proven Strategies for Actors
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