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How to get an agent in NYC?

How to get an agent in NYC?

Posted on Dec 30th

Hello, I recently moved to NYC and i'm looking to get an agent. I've been trying the backstage route and just not enough opportunities. Does anybody in the NYC community know of any places to start looking? I've been looking at signing up for a showcase but I can't seem to find one that looks worthwhile. Also, i'm going to a New Year's Eve tomorrow where there will be a lot of acquaintances who are all represented actors. Would it be appropriate to ask them how they got an agent and potentially try to get their help? Thank you so much in advance!

Acting Slump

Acting Slump

Posted on Dec 30th

Does anyone ever get it where they don’t feel like an actor anymore? I have drama school auditions coming up but I’m procrastinating so much because I feel like I’ve forgotten how to act. I can’t get into character and I haven’t done any acting for a while so I just feel like I can’t do it and I really have no faith in myself to get in and now I’m wondering if I even want to do it at all even though it’s been my dream forever

My open journal: why most acting classes and techniques are kinda weird. So are actors and acting

My open journal: why most acting classes and techniques are kinda weird. So are actors and acting

Posted on Dec 30th

To me. It's funny I was thinking this the other day. There is a reason for commercials hate actors. It's too much and over the top. There is a reason let's say a construction commercial love to say "construction worker, or someone who good with tools a plus" in a breakdown. Often times when we think of acting we have all these techniques, "character" of imaginary circumstances, and stuff, paying thousands of dollars to be this performer. Meanwhile that celebrity you like had minimum to no training and just simply looked the part, worked hard and giving these authentic performances on screen. You probably have more training than them. But yet when you're doing a simple low budget film you're doubting yourself, freaking out, and hate your performance. Some of you probably wrote a spread sheet to relate to your character down to what your character likes, to even sucking on a peanut butter spoon before bed. You watch your performance and realize you hated it. What are we doing wrong? I'm a history buff. I started really asking older actors (60-80) about all these techniques. One guy laughed, let's just say I call him uncle in my class. He's studied all the acting techniques done theater for 40 years. Been up and down in life. He laughed at me and told me most of the techniques were developed to be able to get an actor to do what the production wants them to do on set. I felt uneasy when he said this. I thought to myself so hard when he laughed and said this as we're in our class. This class my teacher always telling us about empowering freedom of the actor. Keep in mind my teacher done all the techniques and done the tv shows and movies for decades. He really wanted to break actors out of it and teaches us practical acting to give us our freedom back. I didn't understand until just recently Then the other day. I saw a monologue of a 7 year old girl. This 7 year old girl probably had minimum to no training (she's 7) and her monolauge was her showing how it bothered her that her mom was having a baby and she won't get a lot of attention and have to share her toys. It was cute she was moving her body rolling her eyes pouty faces. She probably broke like 20 rules of monologues/self tapes that they hold us for. I realized something is seriously wrong with acting techniques or the people who review them. Next I saw a monolauge a woman does. She then is glaring damn near into the abyss of the lens. Doing her lines. Staring into the lens doing her lines very intense. Barley moving. I think to myself. Man this isnt acting. This isn't really real. This isn't even a person, nor a character. Nobody does this in real life. However, of course everyone loved it right? This is what we're told to do. So of course technically, they like our eyes because it's good for the camera. Of course. But when we're doing monolauges or self tapes. The abyss of staring into the camera. It looks just not real. As I kept watching monolauges it got weirder how copy/paste it looked. I'm not moved by anything I saw. Except for that 7 year old girl who acted with this freedom. Lol the more we learn and overthinking the more we end up hating acting because half of the things we learn is to litteraly bend the creative freedom of acting to the productions needs and it puts the actor in a box. Of course acting is a job. That's why you see so many celebrities blow up with a few movies and slowly disappear their passion died (or had a end goal which is good). Some of my favorite scenes in movies half the time were those unscripted things that the director says. "That was it! That was perfect!" Even though it was unplanned, there was no planning. It was in that moment. That word "moment" a lot of people say. "I was in the moment, I felt a connection". I was crying and felt them. That character is imaginary. How do we bring an imaginary circumstances to life? You hear that word and many acting techniques trying to make you "in the moment" or evoke emotions. Some acting techniques have people think of something traumatic to evoke emotions to be in the moment (crazy right?) that's why a lot of people learn techniques that makes them think of the character relationship, or write a spread sheet, or other things. Mark up a script like a bible praying that moment is coming from all this work on the script. Then it doesn't work. I remember someone said something about this one actor. I think Betty white is(Im not good with celebs so I'm not even sure if she is an actor sorry lol). The director wanted her to give a simple line. She does it 18 times in 18 different ways those same lines. Thats probably the way of creative freedom to do that. Let's say the lines are "I would like a large pepperoni pizza, no cheese, yes that's weird, im saving calories" most folks will probably freeze up because they marked up this script, sat down meditated on the character for a month and now the director wants you to change tones all your plans are gone. Done. How do you prepare? Freedom. Only freedom can. Ever order a pizza in a rush? Really slow cause you don't know what you want? Trying to talk over the vaccum your mother is using? While the game on? This isn't an acting technique. This is what we do in real life everyday. All the time. Then all the sudden the actor says "I was in the moment when the director told me to change the lines." You weren't. You simply stopped the prepared "moment line" and did something honest for once and the camera felt that. You were vulnerable (that word). Because you stopped the silly acting technique you payed 30K to learn. No matter 1 scene one line or 58 scenes. I realized that's why commercial calls don't like actors. We don't want to be honest and vulnerable we want to do something prepared that we're comfortable with. Then I learned practical acting and it pulled me away from all of that. Anyways this isn't an advertisement for that either lol. These are my thoughts so far of acting in the world as in pulling up to bigger multi million dollar sets, getting signed to an agent. I been looking at more and more techniques, bigger and bigger famous actor fri new and it's just getting weird how were acting. I want it to change soon. We will see. I'll write another open journal someday in the future.

Is the Razer Mini a good enough mic to start of as a voice actor

Is the Razer Mini a good enough mic to start of as a voice actor

Posted on Dec 30th

i am a fresh beginner who is utilizing all i currently have because i'm more broke than the animals in the savanna. i have to cut back on absolutly everything and that includes my mic. i use my razer mini for practice recordings and am wondering if i should wait and miraculosly get the money to but a better mic or just give up. other options are also open.

2021 Audition Stats from an Aussie

2021 Audition Stats from an Aussie

Posted on Dec 29th

For any Australians out there, I'm putting up my stats as an actor in Sydney. My age range is in the 20s, though leaning to the younger end, and I'm a POC. I am also not a graduate of the top acting schools in Australia (NIDA, WAAPA), but rather have consistently trained at various schools and done private coaching and workshops. I'm also new to Sydney and have no connections to the industry. All of these things will have some influence over my numbers and I hope someone out there will appreciate the perspective (at least, I would have). **Background** I've been a major lurker in this subreddit for a long time and only recently moved to Sydney in order to open myself up to more opportunities. I was able to secure a mid-tier boutique agent during the pandemic and I started tracking stats properly in 2021. **Stats** |**Type**|**# Auditions**|**Booking %** **^(1)**| |:-|:-|:-| |TVC|10|0.0%| |Short Film^(2), Web Series|22|26.3%| |TV & Film|5|0.0%| |Theatre|5|0.0%| |All|42|13.8%| ^(1) Booking % only compares against initial auditions and doesn't include callbacks or chemistry reads etc. ^(2) Short films are largely made up of student-led productions, however I am very selective and will only audition for productions from specific institutions based on their reputation. Note also that Sydney went through a large period of time locked down in 2021. I understand that the Australian market is extremely small, especially for a POC, however I'm hoping there will be more opportunities to audition for professional sets in 2022 but I will not hold my breath.

IMDb Page

IMDb Page

Posted on Dec 29th

I am an aspiring actress with a degree in theatre. I worked as PA on a tv series this summer and to my surprise there’s a IMDb of me (credited as PA). Is there a way for me to add a headshot and also edit this page with a small bio? Thank you for reading.

Saw WarnerMedia Access Talent showcase on Actor's Access. Has Anyone done one of these before?

Saw WarnerMedia Access Talent showcase on Actor's Access. Has Anyone done one of these before?

Posted on Dec 29th

I'm very new to the industry and would just like a little more info and if this is a legit thing. Sounds like a big show and tell, so to speak, from the description. They're looking for mostly underrepresented groups, which is good for me. Should I try it?

Hey SAG actors, anyone know anything about screeners?

Hey SAG actors, anyone know anything about screeners?

Posted on Dec 29th

I always really look forward to getting the screeners in time for the holidays, I have time off and it's such a privilege to be able to sit down and enjoy them. They're way later than they usually are (last year it was 12/17). Anyone know anything??

I’m a 16 year old that really wants to be in some sort of tv show or movie

I’m a 16 year old that really wants to be in some sort of tv show or movie

Posted on Dec 29th

I have pretty much no experience in acting, I’ve never done theater or anything like that. But I have a goal on my bucket list to appear in some movie or tv show, no matter how big or small the role, even if it was voice acting. I wouldn’t call myself a bad actor from having no experience, but obviously I’d need another’s judgement. But my biggest question is, is this goal even achievable? Do I need experience to be able to do something like this? I really want to have this small dream of mine come true but I have no idea how to do it, and I just simply don’t know if it’s possible. I’m just curious is all, if you can relay me any info it would be greatly appreciated.

Are websites like mandy and spotlight good to put your cv on?

Are websites like mandy and spotlight good to put your cv on?

Posted on Dec 28th

Basically what the title says. As far as I'm aware those are uk only so uk people this question is for you! I'm trying to get myself more public as an aspiring actor.

Places that are great for theatre actors

Places that are great for theatre actors

Posted on Dec 28th

Where are some places that may not be well known that are great for actors that want to do specifically theatre other than NYC?

Question about Self-tape reels

Question about Self-tape reels

Posted on Dec 28th

Hi everyone! I’m a soon-to-be graduated-from-college actor and I’m working on getting ready to break out into the professional acting world. I learned recently about “Self-tape reels” from my friend in the industry, which is just instead of film reels you combine self-taped monologues and short scenes to submit as a reel in lieu of a film reel. I’m definitely considering making this, as I only have a few student film credits, but I wanted to ask: How common is this within the industry? and would it be a bad idea to combine self-taped monologues and scenes together with the small amount of student film clips that I have? Thank you!

Can an actor do an LLC instead of an S Corp as a loan out company?

Can an actor do an LLC instead of an S Corp as a loan out company?

Posted on Dec 28th

Curious if any actor is working as an LLC and if that works similarly to an S corp for tax reasons? ​ Thanks for your help!

Do series regulars usually make scale in the first season of a TV show?

Do series regulars usually make scale in the first season of a TV show?

Posted on Dec 28th

Suppose you're not an already known actor. If you book a series regular role on a TV show, are you pretty much guaranteed to make only scale in season 1? I know paychecks can get pretty big on TV shows that run long enough for the cast to renew their contracts, but how about early on? I'm guessing that even the actors playing major characters make scale during their initial season unless they're already known for something else. Am I way off on that or does that sound pretty accurate. I haven't booked anything like that but I'd be really interested in knowing.

Letting a childhood dream go? Feeling like I’m going through an identity crisis

Letting a childhood dream go? Feeling like I’m going through an identity crisis

Posted on Dec 28th

This is the usual beginning of “I’ve always wanted to be an actor since I was xyz” yes, since I was 6, Disney channel did it for me. But I’m 26 and I’ve been battling with wondering if I’ve been in love with the idea of acting and the industry rather than acting itself.. when I look at my old diary entires or things I posted from 10 years ago, all I talked about was being an actor. I did drama class in high school for two years but I had horrible stage fright and I regret not getting involved in plays and really being a theater kid.. as an adult I took some acting classes, and still it felt nerve-recking.. still exciting to be around other creatives but I always stopped and start and would I guess put acting on hold “until I lost weight” It’s like im wanting stability and a creative path still but if I admit that I really liked the idea of acting, I feel like idk what to do with my life.. this is literally all I’ve said I was going to do, my mom even told ppl this for years & when I moved to a diff city, ppl always told me they couldn’t wait to see me on screen etc bc if my personality & how I am on my blog.. I love films, behind the scene footage,the interviews, the set up, and the making of the movies/shows … I tied this childhood dream to my whole identity and I feel like I can’t let it go but deep down think I wanted to be known/impactful- a star,… this interview Oprah did, resonated with me, She said “I wanted to an actor and my manager goes Honey if you wanted to be an actor, you’d be bussing tables in nyc acting- what you want to be is a star. And she was right” And I though wow Oprah is me? yes I would still love to star in a movie, so I guess it’s been fame? Impact?… im ok with letting it go until I watch an award show or Netflix show then im like “ugh I need to get back to this” but is it the lifestyle im idolizing? I feel torn… TLDR: I thought I wanted to act, realized I may have liked the idea of acting but now struggling to let dream go because tied it to my identity and I don’t know what else to say about myself or do if I let it go bc it feels like apart of my identity

Advice to Get into Acting?

Advice to Get into Acting?

Posted on Dec 28th

I’ve been trying to get into acting since i was 13. Now 19. I always push it off due to social anxiety and income for travel. Now that’s mostly sorted, where do i begin? I have no professional training or lessons but take advice from other actors , books, etc. Could i start anywhere right now? are classes required ? Help!!

Do I have to pay Agent if I never signed a contract with them?

Do I have to pay Agent if I never signed a contract with them?

Posted on Dec 28th

I know this sounds extremely shitty. But this Agent in Florida tried to screw me over big time. It was for a non union gig. I was referred to this agent by a friend in Florida, and Unfortunately I didn't do my own Due Diligence. They are known for not paying their actors (citing "you should know this is a business" and fear mongering. And I'd love to give these guys a taste of their own medicine. My question is do I have to pay these guys a commission if I never signed a contract with them?

Hi my non-American actor friends, how do you move to the US without a sponsorship for your visa?

Hi my non-American actor friends, how do you move to the US without a sponsorship for your visa?

Posted on Dec 28th

Hi friends, I’m currently in toronto and with the winter coming and the whole city getting shut down again, I’m thinking moving to US for awhile. Just wondering how will we be able to move there without a work sponsored visa? From time to time I read people move to NYC or LA to further their acting career, but how can we do this if we are not famous yet and just want to move there to hustle?

Is the Blue Yeti mic a good mic to start out with for voice acting?

Is the Blue Yeti mic a good mic to start out with for voice acting?

Posted on Dec 28th

I got one for Christmas cause the person who got it for me knew i wanted to try and get into that and i like it but i wanted to know if voice actors use this kind of mic

Vaccines for actors?

Vaccines for actors?

Posted on Dec 28th

Is being un-vaccinated going to be problematic with re-starting my career in Acting/Modeling? I'm NOT anti-vax, I want to be VERY clear about that! My personal reasons, for not being vaccinated, are due to the fact that on two separate occasions in my life, while trying to get regular series of vaccinations, I had horrible allergic reactions that required medical intervention. With this being said, it was actually advised by my family doctor that I should just avoid vaccinations, due to my strong allergic reactions. With that being said, I've always been a very hygienic/clean person who avoided being around people who might have been sick "Which is just commonsense frankly." And even though I have been around people who have had the Flu, Strep etc, I've never in my life had anything other than a sinus infection from time to time. I'm planning on trying to continue my work around Flordia/Georgia/Tennessee etc. I had to hang it up for a bit for family issues "Which I will not get into." But, what I guess I'm trying to say, is this going to ruin my career? I've spoken to some who work in these areas, and then haven't personally experienced any issues, but I'm wanted to reach out to others.

[Paid Work] Japanese voice actress for a short commercial

[Paid Work] Japanese voice actress for a short commercial

Posted on Dec 27th

Hello. I am looking for a Japanese voice talent who could do approximately 1 minute of audio. It is about 7-10 sentences in of course Japanese. I am looking for a specific voice of a character. the character is a young adult female between 20-27. a voice with higher tone but still mature sounding like an adult. The budget is around $100 so more or less $10 per sentence or more if the script is less it is very short probably under 1 minute. The script is written in English and in Japanese I transcribed from my friend who is Japanese. I appreciate the time for anyone who might be interested this job would preferably be done with the next 2 weeks the end of the first week of January but there is no strict deadline for the project if I find the right person. Thank you. Payment will be sent through Paypal or Cashapp,

Acquantaince want to meet and discuss "ideas" regarding sketch comedy. How to tactfully proceed without giving away my ideas?

Acquantaince want to meet and discuss "ideas" regarding sketch comedy. How to tactfully proceed without giving away my ideas?

Posted on Dec 27th

I met a guy at a TV shoot, and he wants to discuss collaboration on sketch ideas, of which I have dozens. I'm not good at being tactful with responses, and want to be prepared regarding discussion of any specific ideas. What's a good method to organizing a group so that ideas aren't stolen, and people get credit for them? I'm an actor and would plan on being in any sketches we make. Thanks for any help & advice you can give!

Can I work a 9-5 job if I'm getting my foot in the door in the acting industry?

Can I work a 9-5 job if I'm getting my foot in the door in the acting industry?

Posted on Dec 27th

I be moving down south to continue to pursue acting an career. I have been training for years and ready to make it professionally. I have an interview at a normal day job and its low pay but it will support me. I am also planning on creating my own work I've written. Unsure if it's worth directing myself or getting a film maker to shoot it. I do want to direct though once acting goes ok. Unsure if working a full day job is good for actor who is very determined and ambitious to progress. I really do not know what else I should do to support my acting. Once I earn enough I would weite/ direct in between. Any advice?

Is it safe to put my card information into Actors Access?

Is it safe to put my card information into Actors Access?

Posted on Dec 27th

I noticed there is no other way to pay for things

Newbie looking for a smidge of advice! (UK)

Newbie looking for a smidge of advice! (UK)

Posted on Dec 27th

You have probably heard this story a thousand times but hear me out. So long story short, i've been doing engineering the past 5 years of my life on and off (23 now) burnt out from it all and i no longer enjoy it but i've always been fascinated by the idea of acting, My old man is an Extra Actor and from what he tells us it is really enjoyable, obviously they are different leagues but i'd love to be able to try something like that. From what i have gathered would it be best if i take some acting classes in the UK, try and audition for some small films and then move from there? Have not got a clue where i can get acting classes as i live in Birmingham and it all seems to be Theatre stuff mainly and i'm not quite sure if these "Casting websites" are legit as a large portion of them require payment of membership fees and i've heard that they just take your money and rarely post auditions. My friend also makes short movies but i'm not sure if being in those short movies would count as he does not put them on iMDb Any help would be great!

What to do next year?!?!

What to do next year?!?!

Posted on Dec 27th

Basically I have just finished high school in Australia, and have always wanted to take a year off before going to uni. My plan was to stay here in Melbourne for the year and try to persue my dream of being an actor by going to as many auditions as possible, and trying to find an agent to represent me. However q lot of my friends are going away next year on an 8 month program in Israel. For the last 2 months now, I have been planning on joining them, and ditching my original plan of just staying put. I'm sure if I do end up going with them I will have a great time, and won't regret it. But at the same time I worry that I will be wasting a year that I could be using to help my dream of being an actor. I'll never get another full year off to just persue acting, as my parents want me to go to uni after my year off. Also, another con, is if I do go I'll have to use all my money that I earned the last 3 years working at a supermarket. I'm really not sure what to do. Do I go and enjoy a year off with friends? Or do I stay here and get a head start on my career?

Booking a Role Outside of Agency

Booking a Role Outside of Agency

Posted on Dec 27th

If you book a project without the aid of your agency, do you still owe them their % fee? I recently filmed scenes for a day player role in a short film and the director notified me that they have decided to add extra scenes added to make it a feature. It’s still a low to no budget project, but they are writing up a contract that will guarantee that if the film makes any money, the actors will be paid. I’ve worked with this director and crew before I signed with an agency, so I know they are good on their word. Has anybody else ever been in this situation? How would you recommend handling the situation?

Networking Ideas? (Since it's all about relationships in the industry)

Networking Ideas? (Since it's all about relationships in the industry)

Posted on Dec 27th

I'm asking this with being responsible about Covid in mind, of course, but what are some of your favorite methods of networking (whether in-person or online) for relationship-building in the industry? ​ Some of mine have been: (I know these are pretty obvious, but that's why I'm seeking more ideas, lol) \-Routinely engaging on IG with casting directors, reps, or directors who do IG Live videos, or just their regular posts \-Going to film festival screenings and after-parties, whether I was in one of the films or not \-Through acting classes and workshops, where the classmates can often be good connections in addition to the instructors (and usually studying with working directors and casting directors as the instructors) \-When working on set, whether it's a paid gig or not (or when doing background work) \-Occasionally doing showcases, when seeking representation (there's usually some food spread and mingling going on after the showcase) ​ Then there's the marketing habits that I try to do regularly: \-Mailing out postcards monthly to CDs, reps, directors \-Posting on IG, and tagging when appropriate-- and promoting recent projects/work I've done whenever possible (like with the physical postcards) \-Submitting daily for auditions on the main online casting sites (not really marketing, but in a sense as they keep seeing your image that way) ​ So, what has been your favorite resource(s) or methods for networking or marketing yourself as an actor, and then keeping in touch, without it seeming... "forced?" Anything like mixers, or casting directors who you know offer doing generals (not common, but not unheard of!), etc? Thanks!

I Quit Acting After 10 Years in LA but I Wanna Start Again... I need advice

I Quit Acting After 10 Years in LA but I Wanna Start Again... I need advice

Posted on Dec 27th

I have lived in LA for 12 years and moved here to specifically pursue acting after high school. For about 3 years I was in every class LA has to offer, meeting casting directors & agents all the time, headshots, postcard mailings etc. I went all out & devoted my life to acting. I got married and had some mental health stuff go on for a few years and didn’t really pursue acting, I just worked as a SAG-AFTRA stand-in and background actor for years. When the pandemic began I started to gain some traction with auditions before things shut down. But I realized I was rusty as an actor and I also never booked TV or film, so I felt like who am I kidding? I never made a dime as a working actor so why am I wasting my time. So I went into the medical field and I just feel dead inside. I enjoyed having a normal job for awhile for the stability, but I need to perform and I was acting for 15+ years of my life. I miss the drive I had and I don’t know how to get it back. I miss the dream, I miss auditioning and working on scenes. It felt so challenging and even though I never got anywhere in my career, I just feel like maybe I can try again. I’m supposed to start a new job on Monday & it’s killing me inside to just give up on acting. I just feel rusty like I said so maybe I should start slow and get in a class around my work schedule? Is anyone working a 9-5 job in LA and pursing acting at the same time... is it possible with self tapes being more prevalent? Maybe I’m crazy...

Non-actor question for actors: regarding actor/author relations

Non-actor question for actors: regarding actor/author relations

Posted on Dec 26th

When rehearsing new material, do you ever suggest or even insist (if you're in the position) on script changes for your character or the general plot from the author - or is it always better to bite your tongue?

Brand spanking new to acting after years of doubting the possibility, living in NYC- feedback requested

Brand spanking new to acting after years of doubting the possibility, living in NYC- feedback requested

Posted on Dec 26th

Hello all you lovely actors and actresses. I always wanted to be an actress, but as a millennial I grew up in a world where information was limited. All we knew about how to start a career was limited to word or mouth, usually parents and family members. When I was 8 years old I told my mom I wanted to act and she said, “people start in commercials from the time they are 2 or 3 years old, you will never make it that industry there is too much competition”. I actually did join community theatre as a youth. But, acting wasn’t encouraged in my community and all the other kids dropped out for sports. Soon my one background role encompassed about 5 different roles for rehearsals and then the play was eventually cancelled. Now as an adult, who recently moved back to NYC after quarantine I started my passion by accident. I applied to a model casting and after the photoshoot, the photographer who is also a filmmaker asked me to star in a short film. This was my first time acting on film, with no rehearsals, and I actually revised most of the script the night before. So memorizing lines and acting natural with them could have been given more time. So please keep this in mind when providing feedback. My role is Sarah, the lead female. TLDR: despite the naysayers I’m going after my dreams. Please give me (constructive) feedback on my short film. Keep in mind it’s my first time acting, and there were no rehearsals. [the Meeting short horror film](

Voice actor needed

Voice actor needed

Posted on Dec 26th

Voice actor needed of a young male around 20-25 years old preferably a slight northern accent. Work is paid of course. PM me for more info/ auditions

Need help identifying a book

Need help identifying a book

Posted on Dec 26th

I'm trying to remember the title/author of an acting book I worked with in 1990. The cover was white with a couple of red stripes, I believe, and the book consisted of a number of creative exercises to get actors out of their heads and into their bodies. There was a chapter on animal work, and other similar exercises which also guided the actor through creative use of the body (imagining oneself as a tree, a rock, water, etc.). I thought the author's name was something like Yann, but I haven't found it searching with that name. Any ideas would be appreciated. I believe in 1990 it was a fairly recently published book, so it's none of those classics that are on all the lists of 'best' acting books.

Any American actors considered India?

Any American actors considered India?

Posted on Dec 26th

I heard in India there is a demand for American actors as they want to make movies that appeal to Americans or somthing. Has anyone considered or made the move to India for acting? I heard the pay there is a lot lower but there is a lot more work.

Where do I find film auditions when I live in a small town?

Where do I find film auditions when I live in a small town?

Posted on Dec 26th

I live in a fairly small town in Upstate NY. I can’t move because I’m 15 and live with my family. But I really want to be in a movie or on TV. I’ve been working hard as an actor and want to audition for something film related. I’d be happy to be in anything. Where do I find auditions?

Would an invisible disability be a barrier?

Would an invisible disability be a barrier?

Posted on Dec 25th

As above, I have an invisible disability (chronic back pain due to nerves being a bit messed up). However otherwise I look perfectly 'able-bodied'. I'm only just starting out so not particularly relevant to my current situation, but am I right in thinking that most roles don't require any sort of physical training? And that if you wanted to, you could just avoid those? I'm just aware that it's a hyper competitive industry, and people generally try to get what they can, and if you can't do a certain type of role that's another thing you can't do in an already super competitive industry. Lifestyle wise I'm also alright with long hours, waking up early/low sleep, nights, provided I can take meds on set occasionally (my main set of meds are 12hrs apart anyway). Some idiosyncratic but pretty minor things like can't drink more than one cup of coffee w/o a straw because of acid reflux. It's not impossible my disability could worsen in the future, but equally it could improve. Because of my disabilities I'm generally better suited to things like part time temp work rather than bar work (although a coffee shop could work), would that be an issue if I'm supporting myself and going to auditions (since temp work is usually during the day, although security and/or data entry could be at night)? I'm privileged enough that I'll have enough expenses saved by August (probably about 8-10k saved by then?) to last at least a year in a cheap shared flat in London even w/o working as I'll have very low expenses (will be sharing a very cheap ~170/mo flat in Scotland atm on a 20k job soon). Can't afford drama school really without a full scholarship and those are very rare. Have been looking at ISA though but it seems that the beginners one is 9-5 weekdays and 9-10 weekends, which leaves almost no time for working or auditioning (although their intermediate and above is evenings, not that I think I'd meet that standard yet!). Is this idea even realistic or attainable? Ofc for now I'm just gonna be doing community theatre and such (semi rural area in Scotland so there's not a lot available outside of community plays or amateur MT, but it's a start - getting involved has been tricky cos I'm moving soon & lockdown but I definitely want to try and see how I feel before making any big commitments). Mainly my insecurity stems from questioning if it's even doable as there are really so few disabled actors in the mainstream and some of the practical survival job aspects are made a bit trickier.

Need voice actors for a fan Silent-Hill Game

Need voice actors for a fan Silent-Hill Game

Posted on Dec 25th

I'm making a big-scale Silent Hill fan game in dreams for PS4 the main character is a female and I would need at least one male to do multiple characters Please PM if you're interested- This wouldn't be paid work however I'm more than happy to credit you in the project and share your social medias etc

Thinking of pursuing acting but i come from Singapore

Thinking of pursuing acting but i come from Singapore

Posted on Dec 25th

In Singapore the biggest film industry, mediacorp is already dying. Shows are too boring and not a big amount of people watch it. Is it worth to spend 3 years and a lot of money to learn acting? If i were to make it to a lead role in Singapore, it probably be a 7.30pm to 8.30pm show on the TV anyone can watch. I’d like to get into those big role in the future that when someone says ur name 90% of people would know who u r. Like in marvel movies u say a name of an actor there and guaranteed some would know the name. Im not going into acting for fame. I just want to become a successful one to star in a big movie in hollywood, earn good money and have a good life. Should i pursue this or go into a more which Singapore type job which i feel is boring like medicine, doctor and stuff like that, still make good money just without the possible fun of acting How would i get into a big role in hollywood? Without any connections, how would big producers even know my name? I’m asian too and as it’s obvious lowers my chances already by a lot. I only know simu liu and randall park for asian actors in hollywood What would my road in acting be like knowing i have to do 2 years of national service ( army ) when i’m 18-20 what would my steps towards a hollywood actor be

Is it normal for an agent to require actors to pay them even for projects that they didn't get you?

Is it normal for an agent to require actors to pay them even for projects that they didn't get you?

Posted on Dec 25th

A new agent is interested in working with me. However, his contract states that if a casting director, or producer, or w.e. reaches out to me directly, or if I book something on my own, I need to basically loop him into that contract and pay him his percentage. Is this normal practice?

merry christmas actors

merry christmas actors

Posted on Dec 25th

my wish is to go on more auditions next yr i got new headshots but i feel like i need a new reel to but i remember that some of you told me that reels cost alot im still trying to seek out help but i haven't had much luck

Asian actors who are actually good at acting?

Asian actors who are actually good at acting?

Posted on Dec 24th

I’m an Asian American who is interested in getting into dramatic acting. It seems like a lot of Asian actors I’ve seen who act in American films, like the ones in Crazy Rich Asians, have more of a comedy background and aren’t actually that good at acting. Don’t get me wrong, I think representation is important, but I’d love to see some examples of serious Asian actors who are excellent at their craft. Who are some Asian actors you can think of who are actually really talented at acting and can deliver an incredible dramatic performance? Sandra Oh comes to mind for me.

Can you self teach yourself to be a voice actor WITHOUT a coach?

Can you self teach yourself to be a voice actor WITHOUT a coach?

Posted on Dec 24th

Just asking because I make like $100 a month and that's obviously not enough for a coach.

What counts as an acting credit?

What counts as an acting credit?

Posted on Dec 24th

Hey everyone! I am a new actor trying to build my resume. My question is **what counts as an acting credit?** People have recommended starting out with student films/ non-paid work/ backstage etc. Can you just produce you own short films on YouTube and use that as credit or does it have to be from a company/ professional etc? I have a few 30-60 second monologs on TikTok/ Instagram that got +100K views, can I use that as a credit? Thanks so much in advance!

First self tape

First self tape

Posted on Dec 24th

I was invited to send in a self tape for a role in a tv show. I’m not an actor, and not expecting to get the role, but I really would like to put my best foot forward - Just for fun. If you were in my shoes, what would you do to prepare? Where do I even start? Thanks so much for any responses!

Actors great at playing to the camera

Actors great at playing to the camera

Posted on Dec 24th

Who are some of your favorite actors to watch to learn how to play to the camera well? My first thought is Jim Carrey. I first really thought about it from the Liar, Liar gif that is always posted on Twitter where he puts his hands to his face in horror (this one: and I noticed how great he did it without covering the reaction in his eyes. A lot is with the cinematographer setting things up after rehearsals too, but Jim knew exactly where the camera was in that shot. And I was noticing things more in the Grinch movie when I watched that last night. So, who are some other great actors to watch, who seem to really get angles and stuff right to show well on screen?

Gary Oldman vs Daniel Day

Gary Oldman vs Daniel Day

Posted on Dec 24th

Who do you think is the better actor between them?

Getting very frustrated with training during the pandemic

Getting very frustrated with training during the pandemic

Posted on Dec 23rd

I started taking acting classes in the Spring of 2019. I believe my entire first year of training was a waste of time and money, because all I did was pick up and reinforce bad habits in an overpacked general acting class that had no real structure or focus on a particular technique. When the pandemic hit or when everything shut down in Spring of 2020, I found a private acting coach and they helped me shed a lot of my bad acting habits. This acting coach also encouraged me to start taking technique classes, so earlier this year (2021) I started taking Uta Hagen classes. It wasn’t until I started taking this class that I realized I had no idea what acting is about. No idea. But now I understand, and I have improved so much- and there is a lot more room for improvement. But I think I’ve become stir-crazy from the 2 years and 8 months of training straight. I thought that maybe since I’ve gotten better, maybe I could take an audition technique class and start auditioning. I talked to my acting coach about it and they advised that I complete my Uta Hagen training and then complete a Meisner Intensive (either a 6 month or 1 year course) before I take any other acting class. My coach believes I need to have a strong foundation in technique before doing anything else. That makes a lot of since but I’m so frustrated by this long time line. And I feel like the pandemic is making things go in extra slow motion. Are there any other actors who spent or are spending a very long time training before starting their careers? And I mean outside of university or conservatives. At this rate I’ll be 35 or older before I start auditioning and then in my mid 40s or early 50s before I really take off (hopefully) in my career. I know it’s never too late to start an acting career but I’m feeling very antsy and am very eager for the next step. Please advise. Edit: the private coaching and Uta Hagen classes have been virtual. The Meisner intensive will be in person.

How similar are actors/actresses to the characters they play in real life?

How similar are actors/actresses to the characters they play in real life?

Posted on Dec 23rd

I think a lot of people assume they're just like the characters they play in real life but all they know is what they see on tv. We tie their identity to whoever they portray. Still its hard to tell, you wouldn't know unless you actually got to know them, and its called acting for a reason. Some actors seem like they could be like that in real life but I think many aren't. I bet many actors get tired of people thinking they're really like that character and need to make sure they don't lose themselves and become it. I just want clarity on this.

Apple or Android (I just started my acting career)

Apple or Android (I just started my acting career)

Posted on Dec 23rd

When it comes to acting, do others in the industry (Casting Directors, Producers, Writers and actors you may know ) use android phones ? Is it 50/50 ? some android,some apple? From what I read so far through some quick google searches, it seems like Apple is not only more used, It's likely you're going to get **looked down on** if you say/or pull out an android phone...but I could just be taking it the wrong way The samsung galaxy s22 is coming out ya, im just asking you guys this to possibly save me some embarrassment that i may come across solely due to my phone choice. 

I want to act, but I don't necessarily want to be an "actor"

I want to act, but I don't necessarily want to be an "actor"

Posted on Dec 23rd

Just wondering how feasible what I'd like to do is. I really want to be in low budget, B-Movie, horror type stuff (stuff like Sharknado 5, Camp Death, The Prophecy 4, etc). I don't really care about being a "serious actor" (no shade at anyone who does). As of right now, I don't even care if I get paid I just want to do it. I just think it would be a fun/interesting experience and something I think I'd like and do decently well at. I currently live in Phoenix, AZ so not a mecca but I don't believe it's completely devoid of opportunity either. I have basically no experience either (some small stuff in school, but not enough to really count for anything). Is that something that could be realistic or is my head in the clouds? I also have interest in doing voice acting, but currently have the money to set up a recording space at home.

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

09.20.2024 Achieving On-Screen Success: How to Leverage User Experience for Acting Success
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Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

09.06.2024 Grow Your Acting Career with an Unforgettable Online Presence: Proven Strategies for Actors
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