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Looking for some advice/critique on what to do going forward

Looking for some advice/critique on what to do going forward

Posted on Jan 22nd

Hello everyone, I wanted to come here and ask for some advice regarding my current trajectory in regards to voice acting and ask if any of you fine folks had some advice. So I've been a voice actor in California for nearly 4 years now and I think I'm doing pretty well. Got the proper equipment, recording area, website, and reels (which can be found here if you want to take a look to help formulate a critique: And got a pretty good work option pool (mainly all the public access places that offer voice acting jobs, but I managed to secure some indie professional gigs) But the main thing I wanted to know if I should do things different going forward this year? Should I stop auditioning for free passion projects (as I already have more then enough examples of my voice in different genres to show off my experience) and instead focus only on paying jobs I can find? And also do you feel creating voice content on YouTube (not like what Brian Hull does, but more like what gianni matragano does) would be beneficial to helping me grow as voice actor alongside daily practicing? Just few questions I wanted to ask ( and God I hope the formating came out well from typing this on my phone) and also I'd love to hear whatever advice you think would be helpful for me at this point, because my ultimate goal isn't to get famous or rich, but rather have the opportunity to to voice act in media until I'm literally unable to do so.

Help, miscast!

Help, miscast!

Posted on Jan 21st

I am a beginner actor and need to submit a miscast monologue for the first time. I'm male. I need a funny monologue that would make sense for male miscast. HELP PLEASE!

Question about auditions and selftapes?

Question about auditions and selftapes?

Posted on Jan 21st

Hi! I am a reletively new actor--have been training for a while and have had a few jobs and done a few in person auditions and quite a few self tapes. Sometimes the scene I've been given to read will have very physical aspects to it. Ex. I am working on a selftape for a scene that includes my character running down an alley and hiding in a bush. Theres no dialogue before that so I figured I would just started out coming out of the alley and 'hiding' (miming) behind the bush. I feel like thats probably what would be expected more or less right? Theres also a part where my character is punched in the face and falls down. Should I mime this too? In general, just looking for some advice on how I should approach very physical elements (getting punched, kissing, running away from someone, etc). How do you approach props? Say character is eating a bowl of cereal? Would you use props in a self tape and just mime in an in person audition? What about something like a gun? I just want to know whats expected of a professional actor you know, so I look like I know what I'm doing. Thanks guys!

anyone go above and beyond for their self-tapes?

anyone go above and beyond for their self-tapes?

Posted on Jan 21st

a friend of mine has at-least 2K invested in his self-tape set it. professional lights, a black backdrop, but mainly a DSLR rig which has to be cost $1.5K. It looks very professionally done, he really studied and has an amazing set-up. So much so that he has a small business where he charges actors to self-tape. Nothing crazy, like $50 but the auditions really stand out and he helps them book. I just bought an iPhone 13 Pro and I know it's not going to look at good as his DSLR rig but I hope it helps stand out. Anyone here do anything similar?

Any tips to stop being nervous/self conscious on stage?

Any tips to stop being nervous/self conscious on stage?

Posted on Jan 21st

Hey all, long time lurker here in the subreddit. Im very new to the acting scene with a few days under my belt. I recently joined this meisner school with a ton of talented people and I absolutely love it. I’ve been rehearsing the repetition exercise/door activity outside of class with classmates every chance I get. For some reason on stage, my confidence just crashes and burns and I’m awkward as hell which makes the exercise harder for myself and the other person. I’ve been telling myself to have a “fuck it, who cares” attitude but it hasn’t really helped. Any tips from all you experienced/confident actors would help out a ton!

Any advice for younger new actors based in Toronto ;

Any advice for younger new actors based in Toronto ;

Posted on Jan 21st

Hey! I'm a magnificent young aspiring actor (17 y/o) and I had a few smaller gigs when I was really young but then kind of fell‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎­out of acting. Any advice as to how I can get back into it? Maybe mainly advice on reels and agencies would be helpful, thanks in advance!

Workshops/intensive on resume

Workshops/intensive on resume

Posted on Jan 21st

s it okay to put intensives/workshops you attend on your resume. Actors comedy studio is holding an audition intensive on the twenty sixth online and I am attending. I was wondering if I could put this on my resume?

How long did you take acting classes before making your demo?

How long did you take acting classes before making your demo?

Posted on Jan 21st

I want to be a voice actor more than anything and I want to make sure that I’m at the top of my game before even thinking about making a demo. The issue is I look around and I see so many people living my dream getting their demos made and their voices are so developed and they understanding character psychology so deeply. I want to go ahead and get my demo made so I can start doing work on the shows that excite, but I honestly feel like I need more training in acting classes first. I just don’t know how long I should train for, or like what I need to learn to be good enough to make a demo. I know character archetypes are one thing to learn and playing around with my voice to see what characters I could believably play. My voice is naturally on the higher end. I’m tired of stalling. I’m taking an acting class every Wednesday and I’ll be paying for coaches when I get more money. It just irritates me that my dream feels so far out of reach... If you have a demo made how long were you in acting classes? And what did you find most helpful in your training when it came to developing your craft?

Got a self tape audition for a re release of a role I already self taped for a month ago

Got a self tape audition for a re release of a role I already self taped for a month ago

Posted on Jan 20th

TLDR: I don’t know if I should put in effort to try again when they obviously didn’t like the first tape. Don’t really have a dire need to do this role, would like to, but I could be putting my mind an effort into better things So I’m guessing I didn’t make the first round of choices, but I’m guessing no one got picked at all, hence a re release of the role. It’s strange because I got this through my manager last December and now I got this self tape today through my agent.(same sides, same character) Would there be a reason they would want me to audition again? Did they just forget about the old tape then? Of course I will try something new, probably do a whole 180 from my original self tape, which my manager and I thought was pretty good But I’m just having a hard time grasping why they would want me to audition again, if I didn’t make it in the first round. Why again? Did they just forget? It’s not a callback either, so it’s strange Sorry for all the ranting, I just want to know a fellow actors opinion

Questions about finally starting to go on auditions

Questions about finally starting to go on auditions

Posted on Jan 20th

Hi! I’ve been in acting classes since I was 17 (24f now) and I’ve been dragging my feet on actually trying to audition for things out of fear, but I finally want to go head on with it. I need to get some hedshots (spelling it wrong because this forum keeps deleting it saying I’m asking for t y pecasting opinions lol) but I have a question about hair. Recently I got my hair cut (I had hair down almost to my belly button, no layers) and I cut it to mid chest length with shaggy layers (nothing too dramatic, my hairs really thick) and got curtain bangs that go to the middle of my face. At the moment I really like this hair style and think it suits me well. But the hair stylist I went to is expensive and I’m not sure how often I’ll get it trimmed, and my hair grows really fast. How much does length matter when taking he*dshots? If my hair grows past where it’s at when the photos are taken, will they care that it’s longer? Should I wait to get the photos done until it’s grown out a bit so it’s in the middle of how short I’d cut it and how long it would get? Just want to make sure I’m not wasting money on photos that I can’t use. Second question, I’m starting back at college in February after taking a couple years off. Right now I only have 1 class 2 days a week for an hour each. I’m planning on getting a part time job within the next couple months as well. I’ve been applying to things on actors access (mainly student films to get a reel together and experience) but I’m worried about the things I see that are shooting when I’ll be in school. Also not sure about how to go around work (I’ll probably be working retail). Is there a way to do both? I know people obviously have jobs who are actors but how do you guys get shooting days off on short notice?

do promo codes work for casting networks?

do promo codes work for casting networks?

Posted on Jan 20th

ive been trying to find some but when i put one in it doesn't work i still use la casting and actors access though

ActorsInsite get seen by agents?

ActorsInsite get seen by agents?

Posted on Jan 20th

Has anyone used ActorsInsite before? Before I sign up I want to actually see if anyone has been seen by casting directors or talent managers like the website claims.

Tips for UK actor in 20s applying to drama school?

Tips for UK actor in 20s applying to drama school?

Posted on Jan 20th

Tips for UK actor in 20s applying to drama school? I am looking to apply for a screen and stage course (or something similar) to help enhance my acting skills in the UK. I am seeking advice for which drama schools in which cities offer the best training for an actor with no professional background. For reference of my background, I have done amateur theatre for about 10 years total, in both youth theatre and later in university societies. Thanks in advance!

I'm creating a Zoom Learning Group for LINKLATER's "Freeing the Natural Voice" - Free of Charge

I'm creating a Zoom Learning Group for LINKLATER's "Freeing the Natural Voice" - Free of Charge

Posted on Jan 20th

Hello to all acting and voice enthusiasts out there, my name is Trang and I'm a working actress based in Berlin, Germany. I'd like to create a learning group via Zoom with other voice enthusiasts that runs through Kristin Linklater's workbook "Freeing the Natural Voice" chapter by chapter. To register go here: []( Linklater's voice exercises go very much in depth and are fun to work with :) We can motivate each other to move through the training and we'll be having a weekly check-in where we can casually exchange tips and advice together and share on how we are doing along the process. Our remote course will be free of charge.(Only the costs for a paid Zoom premium account will need to be covered. These will be shared evenly among all participants and myself included) The program is quite extensive - almost 6 months of consistent training. Criteria for participation is having a copy of the book, some space and time, and personal curiosity on the matter. We'll have our weekly check-in on Monday evenings 8pm CET The program will look as follows: 14 February - Intro - Welcome everyone 21 February - Workday 1: The Spine 28 February - Workday 2: The Breath 07 March - Workday 3: The Touch of Sound 14 March - Workday 4: Freeing Vibrations 21 March - Intermission Workout 28 March - Workday 5: The Jaw 04 April - Workday 6: The Tongue 11 April - Workday 7: The Soft Palate 18 April - Workday 8: The Spine and the Channel 25 April - Workday 9: Throat Awareness 02 May - Workday 10: Developing and Strengthening 09 May - Workday 11: Releasing the Voice from the Body 16 May - Intermission Workout 23 May - Workday 12/13: Breathing Power & Sensitivity and Power 30 May - Workday 14: Sinus Resonators 06 June - Workday 15: Nasal Resonators 13 June - Workday 16: Range 20 June - Workday 17: Skull Resonator 27 June - Workday 18: Exercising Your Range 04 July - BREAK 11 July - Workday 19/20/21: Articulating the Voice into Words 18 July - Final: Words ... imagery 25 July - Final: About Texts ... art 01 Aug - Final: Tuning in to the Text ... imagination I very much look forward to meeting you guys online!

I have moderate acne, can I still acquire acting roles?

I have moderate acne, can I still acquire acting roles?

Posted on Jan 20th

I've been suffering with moderate acne for about 2 years now, and I am currently under treatment for it. I've always wanted to try acting and maybe gain minor roles here and there, but as a girl in her teens dealing with good ol' puberty, I'm worried that my acne will prevent me from receiving roles, since most - actors I've seen have "flawless" skin - something I can only *dream* of. However, I am wondering if it is possible for someone like me to still be able to receive an acting role? Edit: I'm probably getting ahead of myself, but how would I present myself in a headshot? Would I cover them, or not?

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Posted on Jan 20th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

I want to look into voice acting, here's my situation.

I want to look into voice acting, here's my situation.

Posted on Jan 20th

I asked this question in another acting subreddit, but I'd also like to see what you all have to say if that's alright. So, let me get into it. I've been studying the creative field for most of my life. I've been writing for 12 years, and in high school I pursued Art, Design, and Visual Communication for 2 years (went to a separate institution during my normal school day for it.) The only thing I haven't tried or studied before is voice acting, but I really want to try it. All my normal studies involve studying fictional worlds and characters. I aim to understand those characters like they're real people so I may properly portray them in my work and studies. Recently, I've had a thought, "What if I take that deep understanding, and translate it into voice instead?". I really want to try this, and explore this other area of creative work I haven't touched before. I even plan to go back to college to study it for real. But the thing is, I'm really nervous, and I'm not sure if I should take a shot. I tend to freeze up and get embarrassed when trying to act around other people. So, in your opinion, what makes a voice actor good? And with what I told you, does it sound like a field I'm worthy to look into? What qualities do voice actors have that make them perfect for this kind of creative job? All that stuff. Thanks for reading, and any responses. I'll be sure to answer everyone's comments, and give further insight on my creatives experiences if needed.

Calm Sleep Creator Program for Voice Actors

Calm Sleep Creator Program for Voice Actors

Posted on Jan 20th

Hi there! The Calm Sleep has launched a Creator Program to find top quality Voice Talent for narrating the sleep stories. You can find more information and perks in this document![]( The pay starts from $40 per story and goes up to $100, depending on how well it performed. An amazing opportunity! Do apply! Good luck!

How do I get voice acting work in the UK?

How do I get voice acting work in the UK?

Posted on Jan 19th

Hi everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read my post, any advice is greatly appreciated. Voice acting has been an interest of mine for as long as I can remember and it’s something I’ve always really enjoyed. Recently, after feedback from friends and family, I’ve taken the plunge and invested in a home recording studio. I’m fully aware that I need a voice acting teacher. (If anyone knows of any voice coaches based in London please do lmk). BUT, my question is … Where do I find the jobs? A bit of research has led me to think that my options are casting call club, backstage and audiobook narrating … am I missing anything? I want to make sure that I’m utilising all platforms as I’m just starting out. Also, is it the same process for a voice actor as it is an actor? That eventually I’ll create a portfolio showcasing my strongest work and send it out to voice acting agents? P.s. I am an actress with experience in both stage and screen, I am taking frequent acting classes, lessons, workshops etc. However, I’m really excited for this new venture, I think it’s a super fun craft and I’m so keen to learn all about it!

how do young actors get star roles in such popular shows?

how do young actors get star roles in such popular shows?

Posted on Jan 19th

mainly like gotham with young bruce wayne or the kids in stranger things i always wondered how they got their role in that and if they wanted to themselves or their parents led them down that path?

Stand by Background

Stand by Background

Posted on Jan 19th

Has anyone ever accepted a stand-by background performer position before? Is it worth just taking it to get paid anyway since you’ve booked off the days or is it a waste of time? Is it different from being a BG and would it hurt your credibility as an actor? Would like any/all thoughts!

Where would you look to cast actors/improvisers in a (paid) comedy sketch? Backstage? Actors Access? Craigslist?

Where would you look to cast actors/improvisers in a (paid) comedy sketch? Backstage? Actors Access? Craigslist?

Posted on Jan 19th

I have a few shorts/sketches that I would like to film in the coming month. I will be in an area I’m new to and don’t know many actors. I want to pay the actors but SOME of the roles are not lead roles.. not background characters but mostly secondary characters. So I want to make it worth their time by paying them but also stay within my budget. I want them to have experience of course but they don’t need to be absolute pros. Improvisers have always been great to work with in my experience. Where would you look to cast from?

How to ask for flexibility for auditions in 9-5 jobs?

How to ask for flexibility for auditions in 9-5 jobs?

Posted on Jan 19th

Hi everyone. Longtime lurker on the subreddit, thanks everyone for their awesome advice. I'm looking to dive into acting shortly after getting a 9-5 job. I feel like if I only have one life, why not try something I've always wanted to do. I've already taken acting classes and I have professional pictures of myself. I'm looking into sales, specifically tech sales as I heard there is a lot of work-life balance and I feel like its a very actor friendly job. As I start interviewing for jobs, when would I bring up the flexibility? Or how would I ask the recruiter or sales manager about flexibility? A lot of them are work from home, and unlimited PTO, which is awesome if I book a gig, which I don't expect anytime soon because I'm starting out. I also don't think I'd get many auditions, at most 1 audition a week. And I expect them to be on Zoom, so maybe 1 hour out of the week? I'm interviewing for one job that is hybrid work from home and in office, but has flexibility and unlimited PTO. What is your advice so then I can find the right job? I'm based in Los Angeles.

How to Get Booked / I Can't Get Booked

How to Get Booked / I Can't Get Booked

Posted on Jan 19th

Hello sooooo I've been working in the industry for several years now and I've mainly only done things like live performances such as shows in theme parks and I do have a few film credits. So I've been using websites like and Actors Access, and I've had both accounts since 2016 and I've never once booked a single job from either website, and I've only had one audition offer through Backstage. I know this is a hard and competitive industry but still... I'm just wondering if I can get some opinions and help on the matter on how to book work? I don't have an agent, and I don't have enough footage for a reel. What casting websites I should use? I feel like I'm walking without any guidance so if anyone can help I'll take it. (Also, I'm located in Florida so I know the work here isn't a lot, but I plan on moving to Georgia in hopes of more opportunities but I still need help.) Thanks!

Being an LA actor out of Las Vegas

Being an LA actor out of Las Vegas

Posted on Jan 19th

Over the course of the pandemic, it appears that most classes have online options. And almost all auditions, at least for the initial ones, are self-tapes. So I've been looking at options to move out of LA to a lower cost of living area and yet be close enough to be considered a local hire. Vegas seems to fit the bill. What I like about Vegas vs say moving to San Bernardino or some other LA suburb is that in Vegas, you can still be close enough to world class restaurants and entertaiment, and a big international airport while having lower housing prices, lower taxes, lower cost of living (almost a dollar difference in gas prices) etc. Only 4 hours by car (for booked jobs or next day auditions), and 46 daily flights between LA and Vegas. Downside: the dry heat weather, lack of quality in-person acting classes. So in general, Vegas seems to be a good option for LA actors. Does anybody here have any insights into Vegas that I might be missing?

Tips for UK actor in 20s applying to drama school?

Tips for UK actor in 20s applying to drama school?

Posted on Jan 19th

I am looking to apply for a screen and stage course (or something similar) to help enhance my acting skills in the UK. I am seeking advice for which drama schools in which cities offer the best training for an actor with no professional background. For reference of my background, I have done amateur theatre for about 10 years total, in both youth theatre and later in university societies. Thanks in advance!

Triple Crown of Acting

Triple Crown of Acting

Posted on Jan 19th

Is TOC the highest achievement an actor can get?

Is acting genre-specific?

Is acting genre-specific?

Posted on Jan 19th

I was wondering why many actors are always cast in the same type of projects. Some actors are only in the type of feature films that aren’t necessarily commercial or known by many people not interested in film (opposed to Marvel films for instance) and win prizes (e.g. Saoirse Ronan). Then there are the type of actors that only appear on Netflix series (e.g. Noah Centineo, Camila Mendes). I mean I could not imagine Adam Sandler or Timothée Chalamet ever be series regulars on an HBO show. Why is that? Of course type plays in part in that but if you’re type is the girl next door you could play that in a thriller as well as a romantic comedy as well as a typical Netflix show like Riverdale. Can you tell your agent what kind of projects you want to be submitted for and in what direction you want your career to go or how does it happen?

Beginner Voice Actor/resume and voice samples

Beginner Voice Actor/resume and voice samples

Posted on Jan 19th

Hey hi. I'm just starting out with Voice Acting. I would like to know how to produce a resume with no experience at all with the accompaniment of recorded voice samples? How long should these samples be? I heard from 30 seconds to 5 mins. I have a recording studio for my music So that's all there. I know how to edit vocals, clear background noises, brighten voice. And other basics. How does one (would one) present all of this to a possible employer? Thank you

How do I practice?

How do I practice?

Posted on Jan 18th

I am in my mid teenage years, And I hope to become an actor when I grow up. I do theater at my high school, and I'm involved with a local theater group. I have not really done anything paid or of an especially serious nature, but that's not really what I want to talk about today. I've been somewhat wishy-washy about wanting to do acting and the past, And I've decided that I want to really pursue it. Of course, with that pursuit comes the necessity of practice. But how can I practice? What methods can I adopt to achieve effective practice in-between projects and characters? What methods have helped you?

Agent won't take me on because I do theater?

Agent won't take me on because I do theater?

Posted on Jan 18th

Had a weird experience with a prospective agent and wanted to make sure I wasn't the weird one. TL:DR at the bottom. To give context, I'm an actor with a good chunk of stage credits but a decent sprinkling of screen work as well. I recently discovered a talent agency in my region that was looking for actor submissions. They only do screen work (which is not surprising for the Mid-Atlantic region), which is fine to me, since I really only want an agent to get access to higher level film and TV auditions anyway. I submitted and, to my surprise, got a response fairly quickly. The agent I was talking to had some questions/suggestions- "you need new headshots, do you typically have facial hair or are clean shaven, what are your commitments," etc. It was all pretty par-for-the-course until I mentioned that I start rehearsals next week for a play I'll be working on until March. This is when it gets weird. She sends me an email mentioning that she was slightly worried about my upcoming production, since theater can be a large conflict (which it is) in terms of her submitting me for "acting jobs." She then asked if my doing theater was just something I did on the weekends. I followed up and explained that this was a professional gig, laid out the rehearsal/performance schedule with my dark days and let her know that my schedule would be totally free starting in April. She responded letting me know that she wanted to wait to take me on until I was "interested in acting only." As if theater acting isn't acting?? Is this normal with screen agents? Should I be choosing between pursuing theater and film? Ideally I would like to do both. I would love to hear this subreddit's thoughts on this exchange. TL;DR: I, a stage and screen actor, reached out to a talent agency for screen representation. The talent agent told me she wouldn't take me because I have theater productions coming up, saying I needed to be "interested in acting only."

Actor - Agent Relationship

Actor - Agent Relationship

Posted on Jan 18th

So I’ve been with my agent for about a year and a half. She’s a well known agent in my city, has a great roster and I’ve booked a few gigs with her. The first year I was getting a lot of auditions, but recently in the past 5-6 months they’d died down immensely. She’s also only sending me auditions for commercials. I want to have a stronger/closer relationship with her but I don’t know how to go about it. I also want to ask why I haven’t been getting as many auditions but don’t know how to word it. There’s a couple productions coming to the city soon that I really want to audition for but I don’t know if it’s appropriate for me to ask her to keep a look out when the castings for the show are posted. I basically just wanna go full force into this & I don’t know how to go about talking to my agent about it.

NEED A FILM REEL EDITED? Actor editing services offered!

NEED A FILM REEL EDITED? Actor editing services offered!

Posted on Jan 18th

Hey there everybody! I hope that you're having a wonderful start to the new year. My name is Angelo, I'm an actor here in NYC who has invested a lot of time over the years to video editing as well. I'm now opening that up to the masses and starting to cut reels for other people using Final Cut Pro. If you'd like to talk rates, definitely feel free to shoot me a message here on reddit, or send an email to Here are two examples of reels that I've cut together and I look forward to speaking with you! Angelo Giannone Reel: []( Zachary Sherry Reel: [](

There are so many reasons to hate Actors Access

There are so many reasons to hate Actors Access

Posted on Jan 18th

For Talent Link their directions are "pay the first invoice so the second can be sent to your inbox. " **BUT THEY NEVER SEND IT.**  I've never had such a hard time handing someone money for services.  I know it is necessary because it is all there really is. I have to use it not only as an actor but as a casting director as well.   And I hate both Breakdown Express and Actors Access. But I am definitely cancelling my upgraded account when it expires next month. Over the last year I've gotten two parts in feature films that I found on my own.  I live in a small market so the stuff on Actors Access is not going to be anywhere near me anyway. But what really pisses me off is I have been trying to use the talent link to send my profile to potential agents. I have heard mixed reviews about whether or not this is worth doing. But it's only $30 so I figure I will try it and then go back to having a free Actors Access account. But these assholes can't even be bothered to send me a bill  or a reminder e-mail. So I keep missing the deadline to apply to talentlink and have my profile sent to agents. ​

Platform for self-tapes

Platform for self-tapes

Posted on Jan 18th

Hi, is there a website or an app where you can find fellow actors who can give you the other character’s lines in a scene in a self tape (like via Skype, Zoom or something)? I’m asking this because I sometimes have someone to give me the lines, but sometimes I don’t and so when I don’t idk what to do and think it’d be great to have someone to say the other character’s lines. Also, I’m in the French acting business, so if there are people who speak French (or just enough to say the lines in a semi-comprehensive way) that’d be even better. Thank you and have a great day!”

Is actors connection legit?

Is actors connection legit?

Posted on Jan 18th

Is Actors Connection legit? Also, would it be appropriate to ask casting directors for a reference letter after you have done intensives with them and you have acted in front of them? Just curious. (Would really love responses from actors who’ve used actors connection or have had some experience with it.) Thank you!

Union vs Non-Union Voice Acting

Union vs Non-Union Voice Acting

Posted on Jan 18th

I have a quick question. If I'm a member of SAG, can I provide a Voiceover for a commercial that features non-union actors on-camera? Thanks for any feedback!

SE Z5600a II for Voice Acting

SE Z5600a II for Voice Acting

Posted on Jan 18th

Hi all, hope everyone's having a great day! So I've been a keen amateur voice actor for a few years now. I'm also a professional musician by trade and recently decided to bite the bullet and learn a bit more about music tech with the aim of setting up a home studio (I'm a classical musician so that's a bit different from my usual ballpark). This'll included amongst other bits and pieces a high quality condenser microphone. I've chatted with various friends who know their tech and production and have been recommended the SE Z5600a II. While the main use for it will be recording music I would also like something that'll work well for voice acting as well. My (albeit) very limited understanding is that condensers are perfect for both uses so I can't imagine there would be any significant problem but thought it worth asking in case anyone has any personal experience or advice to offer. Many thanks for any help and I hope you all have a fantastic day!

Breaking into Voiceover

Breaking into Voiceover

Posted on Jan 18th

Hi, I am just breaking into voiceover. I did about 10 sessions of classes with some local voice actors in the Philadelphia area, bought a microphone and DAW, have produced a decent Narration and Commercial demo and feel ready to jump in. My question is, what's the best way to get started? Which websites should I use? I see Voices123 and [](, Bodalgo, Fiverr and VoicesUS mentioned as the top ones. Looking for any firsthand info anyone has on those. Also, does it make sense to look for an agent right now? What other avenues are there besides websites and agents? Thanks!

Should I even act?

Should I even act?

Posted on Jan 17th

Recently I've had 2 insecurities: 1. My skills, 2. My stretch marks (I'm a guy) 1. I think I can act, rather well if I'd say so myself, but I need to be in a certain mood to act a certain mood. It doesn't have to be the same emotion, but I just can't act ALWAYS. Idk it's weird 2. Almost every male actor has had at least one role where they have to do a shirtless scene. I can't even do a no-sleeve shirt scene because I have so much stretch marks. I honestly don't know where I got them from, I have massive ones in my hips and stomach, and smaller ones on my arms and all over my back... I really don't wanna show them. Ever. I know acting is my passion, but I've been really insecure about these things. What do you think I should do?

Does anyone know these actors/teachers?

Does anyone know these actors/teachers?

Posted on Jan 17th

I will be taking acting classes at Columbia and have the choice between 2 teachers: ​ Tina C. Mitchell or ​ Sharon Fogarty ​ ​ Does anyone know which of these teachers is better or have any information and feedback on their teaching styles and acting techniques they teach? ​ Thank you!!

Demo Reel- Self Tape

Demo Reel- Self Tape

Posted on Jan 17th

Hello, Due to covid its making things a lot harder to record a demo reel with other actors/in a studio, particularly where I live. I believe I have the right equipment to record a professional-esque demo reel, now I’m just wondering on what to include? Should I do monologue? A famous monologue? A monologue written by myself? Or a dialogue scene with a friend reciting back the lines? Any suggestions would be kindly appreciated!

Are self-taped auditions also serving as the norm for acting clips/reel footage now?

Are self-taped auditions also serving as the norm for acting clips/reel footage now?

Posted on Jan 17th

So, I understand how it's more about uploading individual acting clips (labeled with the type/essence that you're playing in the clip) for your casting profiles (like Actors Access and Casting Networks) versus attaching a compiled demo reel of your work, when it comes to submitting to auditions/roles to the casting director online. BUT... more and more, ever since the pandemic, I'm seeing even very successfully working actors using their self-taped auditions AS their acting clips, versus using clips from their actual tv/film work! Has this become/is becoming the norm now? I thought using self-tapes as clips was only for if you're new(er) to acting and don't have any real footage yet from booked jobs, or at least clips from a studio that you paid to shoot professional-looking scenes for your reel. Thoughts???

any way to improve my microphone's recording quality?

any way to improve my microphone's recording quality?

Posted on Jan 17th

I want to become an anime voice actor, I'm decent at it but whenever I ask some other voice actors about it they say that my mic's quality is bad, my mic isn't that bad in the first place, I have some buzzing sound while recording caused by electricity, but I can easily remove it in audacity, but my voice sometimes sounds kind of robotic, I was wondering if there are any fixes for these kinds of issues, as I have no experience with audio hardware or anything related( Im short on money right now so I can't afford a new mic at the moment)

Which famous actors and actresses had no problem taking on challenging roles?

Which famous actors and actresses had no problem taking on challenging roles?

Posted on Jan 16th

On this subreddit, I'm wondering which popular actors and actresses had to take on most difficult or challenging roles of their career, even if they did find these experiences troubling. Roles that affected them mentally, physically and psychologically.

Have you ever been told you weren’t good / wouldn’t make it?

Have you ever been told you weren’t good / wouldn’t make it?

Posted on Jan 16th

So often on the rare occasion I post a video of my voice online somewhere I’m told “lol good luck with becoming a voice actor” in a condescending mocking tone or if I’m going to audition for theatre i get the laughed at. And honestly I’m a social reject so my social skills and understanding of character and how to portray them up to other people’s standards is limited. However, I grew to think of acting as a process, sure some people are naturally good at it but just because I’m not does that mean I should just give up and pursue another career path? Maybe some people need more live experience, or coaching. I personally know I could benefit from live theatre experience as I’ve never taken a consistent in person acting class before.. It’s just discouraging when people make you feel like you’re destined to fail. Have any of you ever felt like this? If so how did you overcome it? I have gotten paid for voice work on voices but I want to do character work but whenever I try I get laughed at..

How long will VO actors be required for explainer videos?

How long will VO actors be required for explainer videos?

Posted on Jan 16th

I understand that VO will be required for actual acting for a long time, but how long will it be required for explainer videos and e-learning videos where emotions are not usually as important? I’ve noticed even on apps like TikTok the automated voices are getting a little better (still not there but moving in the direction.) It’s something that stops me from going full time into VO work as I get a lot of this type of work. I’m not trying to be a downer, I guess I’m just looking for a little reassurance?

movie recommendation

movie recommendation

Posted on Jan 16th

I'm looking for movies that I should watch if I want to become an actor. maybe the ones that are about it or the acting is amazing. documentary s would also work thanks

For cakeday I’d love to answer as many questions as I’m able to pertaining to the VO industry.

For cakeday I’d love to answer as many questions as I’m able to pertaining to the VO industry.

Posted on Jan 15th

I’ve lived in LA since 2003. Conservatory, then On-camera and Hosting led me to Voice Over. SAG-AFTRA since 2010. I have an LA agent, a few regional agents and a manager. I’m also a member of the Television Academy. By no means am I the most accomplished individual in this sub. I still take classes frequently and I study under more accomplished coaches than myself. I truly love the industry and I love my fellow Actors. The desire which drives us all, unites us all. What’s your question? Everything is fair game.

SAG VO spot cancellation without compensation??

SAG VO spot cancellation without compensation??

Posted on Jan 14th

Hey gang! Can someone who is in SAG and does Voice Overs tell me if a production company is allowed to cancel your job - after closing and giving the script, day, time ect? Or what would make them do such a thing. I called SAG and their VO person is sick - so they transferred me to the commercials dept and they said they didn’t know. I have emails from them specifically confirming me and saying I was top choice- they went back and forth with my agent and finally we confirmed. The next afternoon they canceled- less than 24 hours before the job. They’re telling my agent that it was a “Mix up” and didn’t mean to book me!! I’m a commercial actor and haven’t done a lot of VO. My agent said she will tell them to pay me. Maybe they will… I’m really just shocked that they would be so GD rude and that SAG doesn’t have my back. I pay dues to avoid this sort of thing! for a bit of reference, I was the lead actress in the national commercial for this spot and was asked to do their radio commercials as well. It’s not like they were not familiar with me so I find it so strange that they would make such an error.

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

09.20.2024 Achieving On-Screen Success: How to Leverage User Experience for Acting Success
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Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

09.06.2024 Grow Your Acting Career with an Unforgettable Online Presence: Proven Strategies for Actors
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