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Managing Expectations

Managing Expectations

Posted on Oct 11th

We're in this business for positive professional outcomes. Sometimes, things outside our control, force us to deal with disappointment even though satisfaction was forecast. A film I had the pleasure of working -- it was shot on 35mm film, Panavision camera rather than digital -- did horribly at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). The audience walked out on it, and critics slammed the picture. No one stayed for the Q&A after the screening. I'm afraid to mention the title. Anyhow, I believe the studio will place this film in a vault and it will likely never again see the day of light. One of the leading ladies is about to release a film that, in my opinion, will finally win her an Oscar. Her second film at TIFF was warmly received. So, there is incentive to protect her career as well as the careers of the director/star and co-stars. It is better to hide the film from public and write it off as a tax loss than to allow it to completely damage the reputation of its cast and crew. I'm disappointed because, as fate would have it, working on this film allowed me to put to rest a recurring nighttime dream. Meaning, I finally got to do something I had been dreaming about for years. Sadly, reality ends the same way my dream ends. This experience taught me how to better manage my expectations.How have you dealt with professional disappointments?

Finally Found Some people that could be interested in voicing my main characters in my new tv project

Finally Found Some people that could be interested in voicing my main characters in my new tv project

Posted on Oct 10th

Hello Everyone Hope you had a great weekend , this is kiaraI am so excited to share that a few voice over actors from the usa were interested in voicing one my characters in a working title  but unfortunately they live far away and i don't know any maryland voice actors near by maybe if i went to montgomery  college it could or may not work  i've always liked theatre since 2003 and that dream never faded awayi look carefully into the programs and see how much it costs, i have no idea what kind of classes montgomery college has for cartoon and tv production but its going to be an adult cartoon before it progresses into a movie, how can i find tv production in my area?

1 Crazy Thing Actually Happened After Auditioning - Glad It Did

1 Crazy Thing Actually Happened After Auditioning - Glad It Did

Posted on Oct 10th

1 Crazy Thing Actually Happened After Auditioning - Glad It Did It happened after auditioning for the TV show Gotham Sometimes, after auditioning, actors receive a callback, booked, asked to hold dates, pinned and still never get a chance to work on the project. After I auditioned for the TV show Gotham, something great happened. Watch the video and learn. If you ever had an interesting experience after auditioning, share it with others.

32 Tips For Indie Feature Film Development & Pre-Production

32 Tips For Indie Feature Film Development & Pre-Production

Posted on Oct 6th

Hey, Actors!Director and Screenwriter Martin Gooch has spent more than 1,000 days on set and he's sharing his 32 Tips for Development and Pre-Production in today’s blog! If you've ever thought about making your own indie film, be sure to check it out!

SAG-AFTRA and studios to meet for a second day in talks to resolve actors’ strike

SAG-AFTRA and studios to meet for a second day in talks to resolve actors’ strike

Posted on Oct 4th

“The AI terms need to be way more robust” than what the WGA got, Schwartz said. “This is about our bodies, our faces and our voices.”And of course, some seem to feel that with the WGA strike ending that somehow the SAG-AFTRA will soon capitulate and get back to work.However, there’s still a lot of bargaining to be done, and certainly past comments by Bob Iger haven’t helped the negotiations.“Everyone acts like ‘it’s back,’ but we are still on strike,” Morris said. “Nothing is going back until our deal is settled.” “We all can recall Fran Drescher’s savage attack on Iger and I wonder if going back to the table, whether the dust has settled after the comments she made as a rebuttal of auger’s sad attempt to humiliate the negotiating team.“Hours after Iger’s appearance on CNBC, Drescher tore into company executives in a fiery speech, in which she accused companies of “disgusting” behaviour and said actors were “being victimised by a very greedy entity.””Drescher seemed to single out Iger.“How do you deal with someone like that who’s so tone deaf?” Drescher asked in follow-up interviews. “Are you an ignoramus?”

October 10 is Mental Health Day. We want to hear from you!

October 10 is Mental Health Day. We want to hear from you!

Posted on Oct 4th

We at Stage 32 are always striving to make our community a safe space for all creatives and professionals around the world, free from the toxicity of broad based social media platforms. In honor of Mental Health Day on October 10, we have created a survey and are trying to understand how your mental health has been impacted as a creative or executive in the entertainment industry and the effect social media platforms have had on your overall well being. Your responses are 100% anonymous and completely voluntary. Our goal is to get a better understanding of what challenges everyone in the entertainment business are facing. We want to continue to serve you well.  As a thank you for your input, you will receive a coupon for $25 off to use towards a Stage 32 webinar at the completion of the survey. Thank you for taking a few minutes out of your day to help us with this worthy endeavor. To take the survey click here: you community! 

Embracing the Beauty of Imperfect Action

Embracing the Beauty of Imperfect Action

Posted on Oct 4th

I read a quote by Shawn Coyne who wrote the book, "The War of Art" that really got me thinking..."Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands resistance. Have you ever brought home a treadmill and let it gather dust in the attic? Ever quit a diet, a course of yoga, a meditation practice? Late at night, have you experienced a vision of the person you might become, the work you could accomplish, the realized being you were meant to be? Are you a writer who doesn't write, a painter who doesn't paint, an entrepreneur who never starts a venture? Then you know what resistance is."Shawn is a writer, and while his book was originally written to inspire other writers, I think a lot of what he says can just as easily be applied to us actors, or anyone with a (seemingly) impossible dream. At this point, I've had hundreds of conversations with other actors and there are several themes that keep coming up, but today I want to get you thinking about the most dangerous one - the one that will leave you on your deathbed with regrets, wondering what if I had only really tried...Failure to launch.Sorry to be so morbid, but it's the truth and I don't want it to happen to you.The why behind this is varied. Some people have a fear of failure itself, while others are perfectionists whose incredibly high standards don't give them the room they need to make mistakes.Others grapple with imposter syndrome or self-doubt. They don't believe they have what it takes to really succeed.Another high hurdle to jump is a lack of self-confidence. These people let the tiniest setbacks (rejections, not booking, or even a lack of a response from a casting director) throw them off their track.Honestly, there are probably as many reasons as there are people but today I want to encourage you to set aside your fears. Accept that they never really go away and take imperfect action. Imperfect action is better than no action at all. Don't listen to that harsh inner critic, listen to the part of you that has a dream, that wants something bigger and more beautiful. The very act of taking steps toward what you want will create momentum and give you the confidence you need to know that you're not going to let yourself down. Don't let the resistance hold you back. Embrace your imperfections, take bold steps, and keep your dream alive. Your unique talent deserves to shine, and with every imperfect action, you're one step closer to making it a reality.

3 Ways Acting Can Help You Become A Better Writer

3 Ways Acting Can Help You Become A Better Writer

Posted on Oct 4th

Hey Actors, Don't miss out on today's great blog about how performing helped one of our Stage 32 members become a better writer and overall creative!I'd love for each of you to share in the blog comments how performing has helped you! I can't wait to learn more about your personal journeys.

Working with Actors...

Working with Actors...

Posted on Oct 4th

When I started film school, writing and directing my biggest fear was working with Actors. Turns out, it's not that difficult when both you (the director) and your cast have great chemistry, but who am I? Why take my advice? Don't :) Here's a great video from Studiobinder with an excellent breakdown.



Posted on Oct 3rd

I am extremely grateful to say that I am now a producing partner at Mario Kassar Productions and we are in the early stages of creating something incredible! I have had a lifelong dream to be able to work with someone as accomplished as Mr. Kassar. His body of work speaks for itself; Total Recall, Terminator 2, Basic Instinct, Cliffhanger and so many more. I am still learning something new everyday with each conversation we have and it has been an amazing experience so far. I can’t wait to share more about our upcoming project….stay tuned!

2 Awesome Secrets to Looking Into Lens While Using Free Teleprompter Apps

2 Awesome Secrets to Looking Into Lens While Using Free Teleprompter Apps

Posted on Oct 3rd

2 Awesome Secrets to Looking Into Lens While Using Free Teleprompter Apps recently had to shoot a 2-minute video from home and needed to use a teleprompter. Since I don't need a teleprompter for home auditions very often, I only wanted to use a free prompter.My biggest issue was not being able to look directly into the lens while reading the words. I finally figured out a workaround that I share in this video.If you have any other suggestions for being able to use a free teleprompter app and be able to look straight into the lens of the camera, please share it in the comments section of my channel.

If you could play Paul Cole would you do it? he's a character from the coles

If you could play Paul Cole would you do it? he's a character from the coles

Posted on Oct 3rd

Here is a short summary about Paul Henry ColeHe's in his 80sa white malevery countryand is a laid back kind of characterif i was in theatre and production school that would be awesomeif anyone is from the usa let me knowthanksand he's the main characterthe show as i mentioned earlier is a animated show 

Actors - if you've thought about writing for TV - writer Cole Quirk is today's Ask Me Anything!

Actors - if you've thought about writing for TV - writer Cole Quirk is today's Ask Me Anything!

Posted on Oct 3rd

Screenwriter & Stage 32 Educator, Cole Quirk, is hosting a 24-Hour Ask Me Anything ("AMA") in the Screenwriting Lounge today, focused on Television Drama Writing. Cole recently wrote on the FX/Hulu hit JUSTIFIED: CITY PRIMEVAL and has written o CSI and ZOEY'S EXTRAORDINARY PLAYLIST. Here's the AMA Link to ask Cole your questions: also has a screenwriting lab coming on on Stage 32 where you can work with her one-on-one to write your one hour TV drama pilot. Here's a link to the lab so you can check it out and work with Cole directly:

Producing a showreel

Producing a showreel

Posted on Oct 3rd

Hi everyone, I would like to produce a showreel.but  have no idea how to make one. I have material I would like to use on it, but do not know how to upload it onto a showreel. I am also  not sure what format it should be in, as  some sites do not accept certain types of file.Any help very much appreciated!

If my show were to be an animated series would you voice the characters?

If my show were to be an animated series would you voice the characters?

Posted on Oct 2nd

Hey guys its kiara the aspiring writer from maryland and i was wondering because i love animated series and especially tv, but this is not an easy thing to doso if someone were to voice Paige, Paul, Margaret, William, And Aisha turner that would be cool but what concerns me is copyright so if you were interested it would have been great the  question is how do you get voice actors to play your roles if no experience ? the show is similar to  the Connors and king of the hill. 

Actor Headshot Tips

Actor Headshot Tips

Posted on Sep 30th

- Don’t overdo your makeup. You want to look like yourself on your best day and not look like you tried too hard. Be yourself. Do your hair the way you would for every audition.- Don’t go quirky with clothing and props.Let’s not get nuts here. Keep it simple and classy, and follow the standard format. Professionalism gets you noticed. A simple, solid shirt with a little texture that fits you well and matches your eyes should do the trick. No whites and no graphics or anything that might distract from your face, and no props.- Consider natural light vs. studio.Some photographers do both, as they offer a different look and feel. Natural light gives a very real look. Studio lighting tends to be a little more polished, with a more neutral backdrop. If you are more of a sitcom actor, perhaps a well-lit studio headshot is best for you. If you want to look like you are on the Fargo series go for the outdoor look.- Pay attention to framing, lighting, and background.Generally a good headshot is chest-up with good lighting on your face, and no strong dramatic shadows.- Choose personality over glamour.Make sure it looks like you with easy airbrushing. Casting directors expect you to look just like your headshot and will not be happy when you show up looking totally different or 10 years older. It’s not about looking pretty, it’s about representing your type, wrinkles included.- Go pro.Spend money—it’s worth it. Go to a professional who is trained, understands lighting, and takes headshots for a living, not a friend who happens to have a decent camera who has a hobby of taking photos. Save those pics for Instagram and leave the headshots to the pros.#actor #headshot

Should Actors Pursue Audition Pay? A Former Casting Director Worries It Would Lead To “Death Of Developmental Actors”

Should Actors Pursue Audition Pay? A Former Casting Director Worries It Would Lead To “Death Of Developmental Actors”

Posted on Sep 29th

What say you?

Are your auditions and roles fulfilling your acting aspirations?

Are your auditions and roles fulfilling your acting aspirations?

Posted on Sep 29th

Or do you feel like you've got a lot more to offer but don't really get the chance to showcase your talents?

D Tips in 30(Sneak Peek): The Want! Every character has one, how do you make a connection?

D Tips in 30(Sneak Peek): The Want! Every character has one, how do you make a connection?

Posted on Sep 28th

D Tips in 30(Sneak Peek): The Want! Every character has one, how do you make a connection?Full D-Tip in 30 at

Getting cast in a short film - Vivien Taylor in Censure and Confines

Getting cast in a short film - Vivien Taylor in Censure and Confines

Posted on Sep 28th

Vivien Taylor explains how she got cast in Richard Bazley's  short films, Censure and Confines.

Getting cast in a multi award winning short film - Luke Dejahang

Getting cast in a multi award winning short film - Luke Dejahang

Posted on Sep 28th

Take control of your filmmaking journey. be proactive. Here Luke Dejahang explains how he reached  out to director Richard Bazley after watching his sensational debut Censure.

Acting notes by Director Richard Bazley.

Acting notes by Director Richard Bazley.

Posted on Sep 28th

A clip from my interview with Adam Loretz 'What makes a multi award winning short film?'. Here I talk about how my training in animation has proved useful and has even influenced my Directing in Live Action.For the full interview go to

Posted on Sep 28th

Hey Superstars!Are you craving a big, juicy Fatburger, crispy Skinny Fries, and Shakes made with real ice cream? Fatburger - West Hollywood is inviting you in for an exclusive offer available for all SAG AFTRA and WGA members. Stop by now through 9/30/23, show your member card, and receive 15% off your entire order.Valid for in-store purchases only at Fatburger - West Hollywood. Must show this post and SAG AFTRA/WGA member card to cashier. Not valid with any other offer or discount. Cannot be combined with any other promotion. Discount valid once per customer per visit. Offer may be revoked at any time. See store associate for further details.EXPIRES: 9/30/2023 Code: FB1016

SAG-AFTRA & Studios To Meet Monday

SAG-AFTRA & Studios To Meet Monday

Posted on Sep 28th

Finish line around the bend.

SAG & AMPTP Scheduled to Return to the Negotiating Table

SAG & AMPTP Scheduled to Return to the Negotiating Table

Posted on Sep 27th

Received an official email. SAG-AFTRA and AMPTP will return to the negotiating table on Monday, October 2nd.

Stage 32’s $100,000 Education Giveaway!

Stage 32’s $100,000 Education Giveaway!

Posted on Sep 27th

Stage 32 is giving away $100,000 in free webinar education to help members sharpen their skills or learn a new craft or aspect of the business during the SAG-AFTRA strike.Here’s how to redeem your free webinar: Go to: Enter code: NFCFPUR This code is good for one webinar per person and this offer will be good until September 30, 2023 (Saturday) Read more about the giveaway in this blog:

Actually Got Fired From A Show - Never Told This Horrible Story Before

Actually Got Fired From A Show - Never Told This Horrible Story Before

Posted on Sep 26th

Actually Got Fired From A Show - Never Told This Horrible Story Before

Casting Directors Advice on Auditioning

Casting Directors Advice on Auditioning

Posted on Sep 23rd

Kim Williams:"Make strong, confident choices. If you go a little bit bigger than necessary, it's okay. We can pull you back from that, but at least we know there's something there that can be worked with. And it's important to come in with the right mindset. There are so many things that are outside of your control as far as booking the role, but your job is to give a good performance. If you do that, the producers, directors and I will remember you and think of you for future projects. Rushing is a huge thing too. I find myself often giving the note to slow down and think of what you're saying."Jessica Sherman:"I think the big one for me happens before they even come into the room. It's a lack of knowledge of the casting process. The idea to keep in mind is that by the time you book the role, especially for TV roles, there's been approximately 30 people that have had to sign off to say that you're the person. So the best person may not always be the one who gets the role.The person that everyone can agree on gets the role.Having that background information is a huge asset to actors because it kind of takes the pressure off a little bit as far as their experience in the room.Christine Sheaks:"Don't come in unprepared. If an actor has 10 auditions that day and then takes two seconds to look at the material, it'll show. I always tell actors to have their agents call me if that's the case. If I can give them a later time or another day, I would rather do that than have them come in unprepared. Also, actors should never bring in a prop. The only exception is a cell phone, which is okay because it's not distracting."Joey Paul Jensen:"The biggest mistake you can make is allowing room for doubt. Doubt leads to insecurity, and insecurity will lead to mistakes. Small mistakes, such as forgetting to print your sides or leaving your belongings in the room after auditioning, are really just manifestations of the root issue of doubt. The antidote is to connect to your identity as a storyteller. When you're auditioning, you're a part of a bigger story being told.#actor #audition #casting

SAG Wardrobe & Hold Update

SAG Wardrobe & Hold Update

Posted on Sep 23rd

SAG Talent ONLY - this rule does not apply to Non Union Talent). (As Of Today) Extras casting companies can NO longer ask Sag talent to bring “voluntary wardrobe options”, they now have to specify the “amount” needed & talent will receive a wardrobe bump for each option they are asked to "bring", whether they use all of the attire or not. Sag will be cracking down on this rule as of today. We were told that all extras casting companies in town received their last warning from Sag & will no longer be asking for "voluntary options". If an extras casting company asks you to bring "voluntary options" you can anonymously report this to Sag. If you bring 10 voluntary options, you will get 10 wardrobe bumps whether all options are used or not. Also just a friendly reminder that extras casting companies cannot put (extras/stand ins/doubles) on "hold" or "on avail" without paying a full session fee (We know some extras casting companies are still abusing this rule). They are supposed to be only "checking your avail, so they can submit you" and then "rechecking your avail again at the time of booking". If someone is "holding" or "on availing" you, make sure you are paid a full session fee. You can anonymously report this to Sag. The rules were made for everyone to follow...if a couple specific companies are not following these rules (we already know they are not), nothing will change if you don't speak up.This announcement was emailed to me from Casting Networks.

Actor Grace Duah is doing an AMA today!

Actor Grace Duah is doing an AMA today!

Posted on Sep 22nd

Hey all - Grace Duah, a Stage 32 Executive, professional Actress (Gossip Girl Reboot on MAX), screenwriter, and producer is hosting a 24-hour Ask Me Anything ("AMA") in the Writer's Room Lounge today, focused on writing dialogue that stands out to talent. This is a great chance to ask Grace any questions you have about her journey or your craft and career. Here is her AMA Link: remember, if you aren't a member of the Stage 32 Writer's Room you can get a first month free by signing up here:

D Tips in 30(Sneak Peek): CASTING & your SOCIAL MEDIA

D Tips in 30(Sneak Peek): CASTING & your SOCIAL MEDIA

Posted on Sep 22nd

D Tips in 30(Sneak Peek): How important is your social media to the casting process?Full D-Tip in 30 at

Comedy Audition Advice From Casting Director G. Charles Wright

Comedy Audition Advice From Casting Director G. Charles Wright

Posted on Sep 22nd

Check out G. Charles Wright's great advice and insight on auditioning for a Comedy role in today’s blog.G. is a 20-year veteran of TV casting, actor, content creator, producer, and director. He has worked on shows like 3RD ROCK FROM THE SUN, SID THE SCIENCE KID, STAN AGAINST EVIL, and THE MIDDLE.

Blood Rush - Casting Call

Blood Rush - Casting Call

Posted on Sep 22nd

Hello! This is a casting call for our student film Blood Rush! We are looking for an actor based in Indianapolis, IN; Chicago, IL; and Fort Wayne; IN to play the role of the Stranger. Age Range: 40-60MalePrincipal Photography is next weekend (September 29th through October 1st, we will compensate you for housing and ground travel. Please share this with anyone you think would be interested in the Stranger!

Gangster granny gets left with the thugs!!

Gangster granny gets left with the thugs!!

Posted on Sep 22nd

Just what does this granny get in to!!!??

D-Tips in 30, Learn what to expect at an On-Camera and Voiceover professional audition, what is expected of you and how to successfully master self-taps & online auditions
What to Do When Your ‘Type’ Changes

What to Do When Your ‘Type’ Changes

Posted on Sep 20th

Knowing your “type” is a crucial tool for any actor. While actors frequently book roles outside of or against type, having an understanding of what kind of first impression you make on casting professionals can help you streamline your auditioning process. Many introductory acting courses discuss how to figure out what your type is. Less talked about is the fact that it changes. So what then? You’ve gotten used to marketing yourself one way, what happens when you realize you’re being seen in a new light? Here are some tips to ease the transition. Know the signs. For better or worse, type is based heavily on physical appearance. This means that whenever you go through a distinct change of appearance (changing hair length or style, gaining or losing significant weight, altering the tone of your personal style) your type may change with it. Age is another big factor. As you get older, you will naturally cycle through many different types. A good way to know your type is changing is the type of auditions you’re getting. If you’re accustomed to getting roles like student, assistant, intern, etc., and are suddenly seeing a lot more parents, teachers, and bosses, you may be growing into a new type. New headshots. Keeping headshots up to date is always important, but never more so than when you’re rebranding. If you don’t want to ditch your current headshots completely, consider adding a couple of shots to your roster that suggest your new type. Restyle. If you’re reading for parent roles but still dressing like a college student, it may be helpful to consider switching up your style (at least professionally). A haircut and a slight outfit tweak can do wonders to suggest a character consistent with the types you’re reading for. Embrace it. It’s an easy thing to want to fight your type. But remember, a new type is not a life sentence. It doesn’t mean you’ll never play a role outside that type. It just means that your bread-and-butter auditions, your commercials and day player roles, might look different.#actor #casting #audition #headshot #role #type 

Looking for serious and positive opinions.

Looking for serious and positive opinions.

Posted on Sep 20th

I wanted to ask my fellow creatives as part of ALOT of research for my next screenplay...What did you LIKE and DISLIKE about the Indiana Jones and National Treasure films and shows? Other works in the genre would be cool as well (I.e. Tomb Raider/Uncharted games) as long as you're real about it, Hazmat 

Tomorrow - Elevate Your Acting Reel

Tomorrow - Elevate Your Acting Reel

Posted on Sep 19th

This is the last chance to sign up for Stage 32's 2-part acting lab where you will gain the tools and personal attention to elevate your acting reel!Work with Kym Jackson, an actress who has worked on THIS IS US, CRIMINAL MINDS, NCIS: LOS ANGELES, S.W.A.T., SNITCH starring Dwayne Johnson, FATAL AFFAIR on Netflix, and more.Here's the link to grab a spot while you still can:

3-Part Acting Lab: Develop Your Professional Audition Process!

3-Part Acting Lab: Develop Your Professional Audition Process!

Posted on Sep 19th

Stage 32 is eager to welcome Ryan Cartwright for his upcoming acting lab. Learn how to create an acting audition process that works for you, with expert guidance from Ryan Cartwright, an actor who has been featured on MAD MEN, BONES, THE BIG BANG THEORY, 9-1-1: LONE STAR and more!Over three interactive sessions, you will learn how to approach the text - no matter the genre or character - and avoid common pitfalls in scenes. Ryan will teach you how you can and should inject your personal voice and flare into every audition while remaining true to the character. You will learn how to bring depth to your opportunities, even when you only have a few hours to prepare for an audition.PLUS! Ryan will provide you with exclusive handouts to help you hone your audition process. Downloads include:-The Audition Process Beat Sheet-Audition Day Checklist

Part 2: 6 More Acting Reel Mistakes Actors Make - How To Make A Great Reel

Part 2: 6 More Acting Reel Mistakes Actors Make - How To Make A Great Reel

Posted on Sep 19th

Part 2: 6 More Acting Reel Mistakes Actors Make - How To Make A Great Reel you have any other suggestions for creating a great acting reel? Share your comments so we can all learn from each other.

Actors opportunity

Actors opportunity

Posted on Sep 18th

Young Talent Expo is on Saturday 7th October in London (performers aged 8-19)Actors Pro Expo North is on Saturday 28th October in Manchester (performers aged 16+)Both expos will have many exhibitors, performances, networking, on stage interviews all day for just £10 general entryEach industry led seminar is just an additional £10 eachThere is a recordings package for £95 available if you can't attend the expo but want all the insider knowledge! these expos have an opportunity to PERFORM FOR TOP UK CASTING DIRECTORS AND AGENTS FOR FREENo general entry ticket needed for this!You can book a slot for the adult expo by clicking the booking link and scrolling down to Meals 4 Monologues, or on the young performers expo by scrolling to Perform 4 Good.A donation to our chosen charity is encouraged if selected to perform but not compulsory.

Michael Caine - On Acting

Michael Caine - On Acting

Posted on Sep 16th

This was a BBC programme from 1987, I believe and as much as it's about Acting, there's a lot to learn in this video that Directors can learn from. For the creatives in this community, I hope you find it all very useful. Enjoy.

Want Success? Start Writing Your Own Narrative!

Want Success? Start Writing Your Own Narrative!

Posted on Sep 16th

In today’s blog, Erica Wernick (author, speaker, and producer at Hollywood Success Coach) gives some great advice on how changing your mindset can help you find

Comedy, Sensitivity, & Respect

Comedy, Sensitivity, & Respect

Posted on Sep 15th

Happy Introduce Yourself Weekend, my fellow actors!It's Kay Ross, your friendly Stage 32 Community Manager, but I'm also a Writer | Producer | Actor | Director - and in preparation for my next directing project, I wanted to get a little deep here in the Acting Lounge. You ready?LET'S GO:I wanted to share this recent round table discussion from The Hollywood Reporter to get y'all's insight into the magic happening around the table. Yes, clearly, they're talking about comedy, they're talking about being a female-identifying person in the industry, and they're talking collaboration - things this group of actresses can all identify with. BUT because they ALSO discuss their individual battles, there is some discussion and learning about what they are going through that they can't all identify with and how they can show up for one another.For example, at one point, the term "Indian" is used, and Devery Jacobs (Reservation Dogs) kindly informs them that they prefer people outside the community to refer to them as "Indigenous People". So often, we only allow for this kind of learning in an academic setting, but it's so crucial to employ gentle pushback so that every encounter is a productive learning experience, and thus a productive empathetic experience.What do you think about gentle pushback? What was YOUR big takeaway from this round table discussion?

Chris Pine's "Poolman"

Chris Pine's "Poolman"

Posted on Sep 15th

I was so excited for the release of "Poolman" because Chris Pine selected me for an uncredited role in his directorial debut film. It was wonderful getting to work the scene out with him, because I'm such a huge "Star Trek" fanboy; and any chance to work with Captain Kirk is a dream come true. Unfortunately, the movie is a huge flop. Audiences are walking out on it at the Toronto International Film Festival, and critics are slamming it. The exposure I hoped it would bring my career isn't likely. No one wants to be in a terrible picture. I'm simply heartbroken. It won't have a direct negative impact on my career, but it won't help me get more chances. Ugh! The only thing I can think to do is order some Thai food and relax. How do you deal with professional failure, defeat?

Advice for Voice Over Success

Advice for Voice Over Success

Posted on Sep 15th

"Find the Hints in the Script to Determine the Direction of Your Read.You are usually given direction as to how your read should sound. Sometimes the direction can be a little confusing and even conflicting.For instance, a message can be encouraging, inspirational, upbeat, excited, or empathetic. Know how to identify words and visual explanations in a script that will give you strong hints as to which direction your read should go. Some key words to look for to know what sounds to apply include “dimly lit” (intimate/close to the mic), “personal” (one-on-one/friendly), “you can be assured” (trustworthy), “imagine” (inspirational), and ”children playing” (warm and friendly). Written descriptions of how the spot is framed such as “pan in,” “tight shot,” or “wide shot” also send you direct messages regarding the emotional feel that your voice should convey.Expect to Be Pulled in Many Different Directions at the Final Recording Session.The producers can’t afford to have you back to re-record and pay you and the studio a second time, so they may direct you all over the place to cover all possible choices they anticipate the client may want to hear (as the expression goes) “in the can.” Don’t get jittery or nervous. Having you record many different choices does not mean you’re doing it wrong."- Terry Berland Commercial Acting #voiceover #actor

5 Tips To Make Networking Opportunities Valuable

5 Tips To Make Networking Opportunities Valuable

Posted on Sep 15th

Hey, Performers!As we kick-off this month's Introduce Yourself Weekend today, be sure to check out these 5 Tips To Make Networking Opportunities Valuable on today's blog!

Dear Actors, You Are Enough

Dear Actors, You Are Enough

Posted on Sep 14th

In today’s blog, Rebecca Reaney talks about three behaviors that prevent actors from feeling they’re enough, and she gives practical steps and techniques that’ll help actors trust that they’re enough. As Rebecca says in the blog, "*So my dear actors, when it comes down to it, the acting industry needs you to be you. The real you. The fully alive you, perfectly imperfect you. You are not broken and you do not need to be fixed. Instead, accepting yourself with embracing compassion will be the start of feeling fully alive. And then trust and know that you are enough because you really are.*" Rebecca is a Movement Coach for Actors, Movement Director, and Intimacy Director. She has worked in the performing arts industry for nearly 25 years.

D-Tips in 30: How to Network without being Annoying

D-Tips in 30: How to Network without being Annoying

Posted on Sep 14th

D Tips in 30: Networking WebinarNetworking can play a big part on an Actors journey to a rewarding career. I've got some Free tips on how to do it and NOT be annoying! Hope you find them helpful on your journey to success. And Stay tuned for more D tips in 30! Coming this Fall at

Today - Alessandro Fiorucci comes to Stage 32

Today - Alessandro Fiorucci comes to Stage 32

Posted on Sep 14th

Earlier this year he walked the red carpet at Cannes as a cast member of KIDNAPPED, which was in contention for the coveted Palme d'Or. Today, he coms to Stage 32 to for an exclusive webinar where he will discuss acting craft, how to best prepare to work with A-List directors and to answer your questions.Here's a link so you check out Alessandro's webinar: 

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

09.20.2024 Achieving On-Screen Success: How to Leverage User Experience for Acting Success
Check it out »

Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

09.06.2024 Grow Your Acting Career with an Unforgettable Online Presence: Proven Strategies for Actors
Check it out »

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