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3 Minute Video - Self-taping Tips and Guidance for Actors

3 Minute Video - Self-taping Tips and Guidance for Actors

Posted on Nov 13th

For those who don't have time to read the full article, I've created a 3-minute video highlighting the main takeaways.  This video is an excerpt from a longer article. To read the full article, please visit: 

Commercial Casting

Commercial Casting

Posted on Nov 12th

A first for me. I recently auditioned for a tv commercial where the brief for hero male was 50-60 and ‘wife’ a similar age. Just seen the finished commercial and the roles were filled by mid-30’s actors. I know briefs change in this world, but the ‘wife’ was played by the casting director on the commercial. I’ve seen casting directors and assistants on commercials; nothing unusual in that, but never on one where the CD I submitted the self tape to got the casting themselves. is this unusual? I thought I did a really good audition too. 

Determining Intent In Acting and Directing

Determining Intent In Acting and Directing

Posted on Nov 12th

It is good to determine intent as a Director and as an Actor. How do we determine Intent?By asking questions to ourselves:What does the character want, or what goal are they trying to achieve in the scene?Define each scene by what the character wants:Is it physical or tangible?is it information?Is it emotional?The Secondary Gain intent - When a person is trying to make others "think" that their own motives are different from what they say they are.Could be expressing ulterior motives for example.What does the character want other people to think they want?

The AGENT EPISODE: Anthony Boyer Breaks It All The Way Down - Think Bigger Actors Podcast

The AGENT EPISODE: Anthony Boyer Breaks It All The Way Down - Think Bigger Actors Podcast

Posted on Nov 11th

Round Two of Auditions

Round Two of Auditions

Posted on Nov 11th

In round two of auditions, we've got THE superstar contenders who check all the boxes – they look the part, act like the pros they are, and could totally rock our their characters. Now, instead of a quick script run, we're give them more time to flex their acting muscles. Three performances of each scene, with different emotional vibes each time – it's like watching a mini movie marathon!As the director, I'm not just looking for talent; I'm watching for that magic chemistry. We chat about why they're hyped for the movie, their schedules, and what makes them tick. It's all about finding the right match, like playing cupid in the casting world. The key is to serve the script and the story, not mind read what is in the Directors head... Round three? Picture this: all the actors in one room, paired up, and acting out scenes together. It's like a Hollywood speed-dating session! By the end, I've got the dream team, and we're ready to roll. After thanking our awesome actors, we let them in on the casting decisions within a week.Post-audition, it's time for heart-to-hearts with each chosen actor. We spill the beans on all the behind-the-scenes deets – the production needs, crazy schedules, and even the possibility of post-editing pick-up shots. For the newbies, it's a crash course on what's ahead. Negotiations with the seasoned actors' reps cover everything from pay to travel perks and dietary quirks. And yes, some actors have specific needs, like a trailer the size of a small country!Once deals are sealed, we've got a week of suspense before we spill the beans to the world. But hey, we've got our backup plans in case things get a bit Hollywood-crazy. After the big reveal, our winning actors get a fancy packet with all the deets – from schedules to character breakdowns. First rehearsals kick off like a blockbuster – it's showtime!

Actor Needs

Actor Needs

Posted on Nov 10th

What would you all say you need the most help with as an actor? From craft to navigating the business...what do you feel like would help your career the most right now?

Auditions for Actors

Auditions for Actors

Posted on Nov 10th

The First Audition Auditioning is a nerve-wracking experience for the actor, and it's your job to make them feel as comfortable as possible. The more comfortable the actor or actress, the better the performance, and the better the performance, the more of their skill level you will see. Beginning the audition - When you're ready for the first audition, have one of the production assistants from the waiting area bring the first actor to the audition room. When the actor enters, greet them, take his audition form and headshot, and thank him for coming. Always be polite and courteous; these actors are taking time out of their schedules to come to your audition with the hopes of helping you getting a role. Be appreciative and respectful of that. The monologue - After the introductions, if you require a monologue of the actors, ask the actor to begin and watch for body language and believability. In major cities like Los Angeles and New York, experienced actors rarely, if ever, use monologues for auditions and are accustomed to performing a dry read of the script. Monologues are valuable for seeing an actor perform a piece with which he is comfortable. The first read - After about thirty 30 seconds, stop the actor, even if he's not finished with the monologue, and give him a two-page scene from a script other than from the movie you're casting for. Some directors don't like to use the script from the movie, as this may give the actor they're auditioning a premature idea of the character. Character development should happen between the director and the actor in a rehearsal setting, not the audition. Instead, use a script from another movie with a similar tone, characters, and dialogue similar to those of the film you're casting for. Briefly introduce the scene and explain what is happening:, "You are playing the role of the factory worker, Joe who just left work and just found out he's been laid off. This scene takes place in the diner across the street from the factory between Joe and his old friend, Jean, the waitress." After the actor briefly reads over the script, have them perform the scene. Watch for realism and spontaneity in the performance. Give direction - After the scene is finished, ask the actor to perform the scene again, this time changing the approach to how he accepts direction: "Try it again, but this time, instead of being laid off, you just received a $5,000.00 bonus." Watch carefully to see how well the actor takes last-minute direction, how he changes his approach, and if he successfully incorporates your new direction into the scene. This is an important skill for the actor to have because there are often directorial changes on set to which the actor must quickly adjust. Wrap up - After the second read, thank the actor and, if you feel he may be right for the part, give him a flyer for the call back, or second audition, the following week. Be sure to have the second auditions already scheduled so you can invite actors to it during the first audition. If you don't like his or her performance, thank the actor for coming in and politely let them know that you will be notifying them of the audition results. Have a production assistant draft a friendly e-mail and send it to the actors you did not choose. Be sure to thank them for their time, as you may work with them in the future and don't want to burn any bridges. In Los Angeles and New York, producers hardly ever notify actors who are not called back. The next actor - Once the actor leaves, the production assistant from the waiting area should bring in the next person. Each audition should last about five minutes and is designed for you to quickly determine if you could see each actor as one of the characters.

Ed Hooks with Master Tips on ‘Acting for Animators’

Ed Hooks with Master Tips on ‘Acting for Animators’

Posted on Nov 10th

I found this really interesting. The NY actor turned teacher discusses how DreamWorks’ 1996 request shifted his life path and kicked off his 30+ year career training animators.

Why any work is better than no work

Why any work is better than no work

Posted on Nov 10th

It wasn't too long ago I was making low budget Tik Tok shorts using my phone and I would put my best one on my IMDB. People would laugh because "it's not a real film and IMDB is no place for homemade tik tok videos!" But I always knew that my goal was to show people what I was capable of.Sure, I wouldn't exactly recommend this same approach now that I've been in this industry awhile because videos like that heavily weight down your overall IMDB score, but as you can tell by the picture I've attached it's not the final nail in the coffin.I did it to show whatever companies/people came across my work that I didn't need a big budget to show people what I could do creatively. That TikTok video that was so blacklisted by everyone for coming across as unprofessional is the reason people still reach out to me TODAY to work on new projects. It's the same reason I became a part of actual movies with real actors and a real budget. Most actors/writers I knew in real life never made it below 100,000 on IMDB. So when I made it 94,000 that was the ultimate showing that everything I did worked.Once again, I would not recommend filling up your IMDB with stuff like I had because it really affects your score since it has no visible engagement online anywhere. Pick one very good video you're proud of. Try to upload it other places of the internet first to gain SOME traction. Just use one. Take that over to IMDB and show people what you can do. Because when you want people to hire you and you have nothing to show...they probably won't hire you. It gives you something to use as a catapult!

Mastering the Art of Self-Taping: A Guide for Actors with Tips from Casting Directors

Mastering the Art of Self-Taping: A Guide for Actors with Tips from Casting Directors

Posted on Nov 9th

As a talent agent, I regularly receive a high volume of self-tapes every week, which has now become the new normal. Through this experience, I have noticed some common mistakes that people make while recording and have compiled them into an article. Whether you are new to the industry or just looking for tips to perfect your self-tapes, this article will guide you in the right direction.



Posted on Nov 8th

As of 12:01am Pacific Time on 11/9/23, SAG-AFTRA will no longer be on strike! There are a few steps to go through before the new contract is ratified, but hopefully the terms are amenable to the majority of union members. I look forward to reading the terms and voting in the coming days/weeks!

A. m. a.

A. m. a.

Posted on Nov 8th

Jeanette B. Milio, CEO of Alliance Cinema, Producer, Financier, and Stage 32 Thought Leader & Educator, is hosting a 24-Hour Ask Me Anything ("AMA") in the Financing Lounge today, focused on "Creating a Business Plan for Your Feature". 

Hollywood actors strike: parties finessing AI terms

Hollywood actors strike: parties finessing AI terms

Posted on Nov 7th

Well, this is encouraging, but I’m unsure about this point…Meanwhile it has emerged that last Friday’s “last, best and final” offer by AMPTP included the offer of a 100% raise in performance bonuses for high-cost streaming series and features that achieve certain viewership and box office targets.That seems tightly funnelled and little to do with lower budget productions. After all, the vast majority or films don’t fit into that ‘high-cost streaming series’ category, unless there are more details to come about that.Also, the ‘minimum rate’ increase of 8% seems way short of the 11% SAG-AFTRA demand. What do you think about these snippets to the potential agreement?

First rule of acting: Never give up!

First rule of acting: Never give up!

Posted on Nov 7th

There will always be people trying to downplay your work. I'm here to tell you not to listen to those people and keep doing your thing. I still get people trying to tell me I'll never get anywhere.When I was a teenager and went to acting school I was told to get a real job. When I started screenwriting professionally I was told nobody would ever read it. When I created my IMDB page with homemade low-budget videos I was laughed at because they weren't real films. When I became a more serious business-man and had 2 films and a TV show to my name I was told they weren't really my projects and other people were the talented ones in those projects. When I hosted my own radio show and hired one of the best rock bands in the music industry today people told me I had to pay my way to success.If I sold a script today and ended up with a movie on the big screen people would tell it's not as good as (insert any famous movie in that genre). People will always find ways to downplay your accomplishments no matter how hard you work and what you do. Don't work for those people. Work for you.

You don't need money to start acting!

You don't need money to start acting!

Posted on Nov 7th

I can't tell you how many times people want to get into acting but make excuses about not having enough for a camera or lighting. I started out with a low budget phone and audio that sounded like it was underwater. I saw it as a way for people to at least see what I was capable of from a creative standpoint.I was making Tik Tok videos as a way to put my short scripts to use. I did whatever I could to get my idea out there. I didn't need an agent, manager, producer, etc. There was nothing stopping me from writing my own scripts and acting them out. It showed people I was a creative writer as well as an entertaining actor. I didn't need to spend thousands of dollars on a professional camera. I downloaded free editing apps from Google Play.I looked up auditions myself and traveled all over Canada and US to take whatever gigs I could find. I didn't need an agent to do that.Everybody wants to say "if I had an agent or manager I could do this!" or "if I had money I could do that!" but the bottom line is you CAN do all those things! The real issue is everybody wants to take shortcuts. If you truly love this business you don't need to take shortcuts. Just enjoy the ride.

How Many Different Headshots Do Actors Really Need For Success

How Many Different Headshots Do Actors Really Need For Success

Posted on Nov 7th

Do you have more than 1 headshot?How Many Different Headshots Do Actors Really Need For Success you have more than 1 headshot, let us know how many.And, if has it been helpful to your career.

MICHAEL J. FOX'S TSUNAMI OF MISFORTUNE - Courtesy of The Industry publication

MICHAEL J. FOX'S TSUNAMI OF MISFORTUNE - Courtesy of The Industry publication

Posted on Nov 7th

Michael J. Fox's indomitable spirit has faced a relentless onslaught: a spinal tumour surgery in 2018, a shattering fall that broke his arm in multiple places, and a near brush with losing a limb. During this tsunami of misfortune, he remained grounded. But that wasn’t always the case.At twenty-nine, after completing the final Back to the Future film, Fox received a stark prognosis: within a decade, he would be completely debilitated from Parkinson's. Fox confessed:“I was in an acid bath of fear and professional insecurity.”Fox believed his diagnosis was a penalty for his fame.He refrained from telling his family, his agents, or any of the film producers he was working with at the time about his disease, fearing his image as a kinetic celebrity would be incinerated.During the next decade, a series of box-office flops followed:​For Love or Money (1993)​Greedy (1994)​The Frighteners (1996)Coupled with an ongoing battle with Parkinson's, he fell into alcoholism."I didn't know what was happening. I didn't know what was coming. So what if I could just have four glasses of wine and maybe a shot?"Eight years later, in 1998, before The National Enquirer could break the story of his diagnosis, he decided to take control of his life.Reflecting on his watershed interview with Barbara Walters, he said:“I felt like I stood there naked in the town square and said, ‘Look at me. This is what it is.’ What I didn’t realise was how many other people had been dying to do that.”From that point forward, he became a voice for those struck by the stigma of Parkinson's disease.The documentary Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie captures this profound metamorphosis. Trailer here.“I’ve said Parkinson’s is a gift. It’s the gift that keeps on taking.”Fox went on to say that Parkinson’s has affected his life in many positive ways: to date, the Michael J. Fox Foundation, a testament to his altruistic legacy, has outpaced even the U.S. government in funding $2 billion worth of Parkinson's research.Fox had a single request for the Oscar-winning director of his documentary Davis Guggenheim (An Inconvenient Truth):"No violins.”Have any of you seen this? Please share your thoughts below…Check out the trailer here:

Monologue Portraying Rue from HBO’s Euphoria

Monologue Portraying Rue from HBO’s Euphoria

Posted on Nov 6th

For acting class, I performed a monologue from HBO’s Euphoria as I portrayed Rue, who is actually portrayed by the talented Zendaya!Please check it out and let me know how I did by subscribing to my YouTube channel!

Acting family

Acting family

Posted on Nov 6th

I am a writer but I am a part of an acting family and I have to say it’s hard to watch my talented son walk away from acting. he loves it and has made it to being Sag eligible in Virginia of all places. it’s hard to get the credits because we don’t live where the work is and now everything is on hold due to the strike. I am a writer so I am trying to work on my talents here but my husband and son are amazing actors. I use to live in Orange County California and worked on a higher learning with no effort because I lived where the industry was hot. now just hoping to find the connections that will assist in bridging everything together acting and writing.

Where are the instructions for joining the challenge?
Actress and Screenwriter Alicia McClendon

Actress and Screenwriter Alicia McClendon

Posted on Nov 3rd

I performed a monologue and play Rue from HBO’s Euphoria, who is played by the talented Zendaya! I could use your support! Please watch and subscribe to my YouTube channel. I could use your support and would appreciate it!

Actors Always Be Learning

Actors Always Be Learning

Posted on Nov 1st

Learning how to act from professionals in classes and workshops is one of the most important and effective ways to improve.You can find acting and improv classes in your city or if need be take online classes. Sign up for classes that interest you and that will push you to improve your skill level.A professional acting coach or teacher will be able to guide you in proper technique and give you tools that better you as an actor. You can’t always see what you’re doing. But a teacher can. And your teacher or coach will be able to help you make adjustments, learn the basics, and teach you how to mentally approach your craft.There are acting coaches and teachers who specialize in specific forms and can help you reach specific goals. If you want to learn to be better at auditioning on camera, you can find a teacher who will help that process.Put yourself in the right mindset to learn. Don’t think you are too good for classes. You’re not. For most actors, your job isn’t to be an actor. Your job is to learn and to be the best actor you can be. Reach out for new ways of adding skills to your repertoire, try a new language, accents, dialects, etc.#actor #audition #workshop #classes

Don't Forget to Say, "Thank you".

Don't Forget to Say, "Thank you".

Posted on Oct 31st

It is so important for the longevity of your acting career to remember the casting director who gave you the opportunity to audition for the role you eventually secured. The day after I wrap a principal role, I always send a message to the casting director thanking her/him. In the message I briefly share what I learned about life from my character portrayal. Offering an insight into your internal journey is something your casting director won't soon forget. 

Nervous on Sets? Use This Simple Technique - It's Helped Me Feel Calmer

Nervous on Sets? Use This Simple Technique - It's Helped Me Feel Calmer

Posted on Oct 31st

Have you ever felt anxious when arriving on sets? Some actors have fear of forgetting their lines, develop performance anxiety, self-doubt, get performance jitters and other things that prevent them from performing the way they expect. Nervous on Sets? Use This Simple Technique - It's Helped Me Feel Calmer Have you ever felt nervous when acting? If so, tell us how you dealt with it and share your experience in the comment section.

Short or Feature

Short or Feature

Posted on Oct 30th

Hey friends. Looking for some outside input and would love to hear any and all thoughts. I've got a certain chunk of change that I've set aside for a narrative project. I have a supernatural horror (2M+/-) script that's gotten lots of love but I've been advised to create a short film to show the vision for the project. I also have a VERY minimalist horror script that's kind of wild and funny and dark and scary that I could easily shoot with the money I've got set aside + maybe a small Kickstarter to snag some finishing costs. So my question is - should I make a short (proof of concept) and really go hard on that 4-5min piece? Or should I make a feature (my first) since that's a bit of a milestone that can help get you a second glance from producers... and potentially garner some laurels, etc.I'm sort of split right down the middle. Thanks, all!t 

Matthew Perry has died.

Matthew Perry has died.

Posted on Oct 29th

RIP Matthew Perry

Disabled actors

Disabled actors

Posted on Oct 29th

Would like to connect with disabled actors to discuss my low-budget script featuring two main characters with disabilities.

Working title - Life Should be Interesting

Working title - Life Should be Interesting

Posted on Oct 28th

I have recently finished a first draft of this, it's a 20 page screen play. Anyone interested in reading it with me please respond. If you like to read, help me refine my dialogue.

Vanity Fair - the movies of Russell Crowe

Vanity Fair - the movies of Russell Crowe

Posted on Oct 28th

LA Confidential, A Beautiful Mind, Gladiator, American Gangster, to name but a few of the films of Russell Crowe. My favourite by far, is Gladiator. I think because it’s a ‘big world’ story and on its release it was a cinema event.I remember going to see it (again) as an open air performance in Queens Square, Bristol. Anything open air in Bristol is chancing it with the weather. Even in a drought, rain would find its way to the city.But in this interview we get to hear that when Crowe started shooting, there was only 21 pages of agreed upon dialogue. Scary, eh. But we often say that filmmaking is a collaborative affair and this whole interview reveals the truth of it, of actors working with the director and writer to make a great film.What is your takeaway from this? What is your favourite Russell Crowe film?Enjoy…

What Successful Actors Have

What Successful Actors Have

Posted on Oct 27th

What's the ONE THING successful actors have in common that enables them to NAIL auditions?Find out in my Atlanta workshopNov.

Professional Predicament: What Would You Do?

Professional Predicament: What Would You Do?

Posted on Oct 27th

When I was. hired me for 'Bertie the Brilliant', I had no idea the director wanted me to perform a musical number in Spanish with choreo. I was handed the Spanish lyrics and given a call time for the dance rehearsal. My immediate reaction was to freak out. One of the reasons they hired me was because I appeared in Todrick Hall's visual album "Forbidden" but in that project I wasn't singing or dancing. I'm going to get fired. I have no dance training and, though I know some Spanish words, I'm not fluent. I wanted, needed this project because Warner Media was backing it. "Bertie..." was optioned and the studio could bring it to series or expand it into a theatrical film. That is still on the table in fact. What would you do in this situation? Have you faced a similar situation within your career?I ended up buying clothes and shoes for dance rehearsal. I was prepared to try, even if it meant failure. In the end, I told the truth and they scaled back my role rather than recast my part. I do regret not forcing myself to try harder. The choreo wasn't that complicated, and it was recorded in segments.

D-Tips: On- Camera Commercial Audition workshop

D-Tips: On- Camera Commercial Audition workshop

Posted on Oct 27th

With these D- Tip workshops, you’ll Learn what to expect at a professional Audition .(and what is expected of you) and how to successfully master self-taps & online Auditions. so that you can create unique, compelling Auditions that showcase your individual strengths as an actor. I will also do an assessment of you Self-tape set and give you my professional feedback from a Casting Directors perspective. (Limited Tickets)

Killers Of The Flower Moon

Killers Of The Flower Moon

Posted on Oct 25th

Anyone seen this yet? Can't wait to watch the performances. What an all star cast. Curious to hear everyone's thoughts on the performances.

1 Absolutely Horrible Mistake That Almost Ruined A Great Headshot Session

1 Absolutely Horrible Mistake That Almost Ruined A Great Headshot Session

Posted on Oct 24th

1 Absolutely Horrible Mistake That Almost Ruined A Great Headshot Session If you ever made a mistake during a headshot session, share it with us.

A Trick to Getting Cast

A Trick to Getting Cast

Posted on Oct 23rd

One morning, before breakfast, I saw a private message for me on Casting Networks. A casting director sent me sides and asked me to record and upload my audition. When I sent the audition, I included a message for casting. Since the film is about a magic show, my message briefly described how my past work in puppetry relates to the film's subject. The director and producers responded to that message, because, unbeknownst to me, they planned to film scenes at the marionette theater where I worked in the 1990s. Leaving a personal, yet professional, message was key in my getting this job. The producers called that night with a job offer. They couldn't decide which role to cast me in, so they let me choose the role. I portray Junior the loveable casino security guard. "Bertie the Brilliant" is currently on PBS. Here is the full episode.

George Clooney, Emma Stone, and Other Top Stars Pitch Abolishing Membership Dues Cap to End SAG-AFTRA Strike

George Clooney, Emma Stone, and Other Top Stars Pitch Abolishing Membership Dues Cap to End SAG-AFTRA Strike

Posted on Oct 20th

There are two points to their solution and the second, for me is the most exciting.Clooney stated,“We also are suggesting a bottom-up residual structure — meaning the top of the call sheet would be the last to collect residuals, not the first. These negotiations will be ongoing, but we wanted to show that we’re all in this together and find ways to help close the gap on actors getting paid.”Read on…

Today's Exclusive Writer's Room AMA with Alexia Melocchi

Today's Exclusive Writer's Room AMA with Alexia Melocchi

Posted on Oct 18th

Alexia Melocchi, international film and television producer, Stage 32 Educator, and Thought Leader, is hosting a 24-hour Ask Me Anything ("AMA") in the Writer's Room Lounge today, focused on Preparing for AFM. Alexia is a wealth of information and experience for the community. Here is her AMA Link: if you aren't a member of the Stage 32 Writer's Room you can get a first month free to seize on this opportunity, by signing up here:, Alexia is about to start a 2-part Stage 32 lab where she will work with you directly to prepare your 5-minute pitch for AFM so you are best prepared for success at the market. It's an awesome opportunity and there are only 2 spots left in her lab so grab a spot while you can. Here ls a link to Alexia's lab:

Stage 32 Presents: Global Film & TV Production Summit!

Stage 32 Presents: Global Film & TV Production Summit!

Posted on Oct 18th

Hey Performers, In celebration of our new Stage 32 Certification Program, please join us TOMORROW, October 19th for our Global Film & TV Production Summit! Learn all about it in today's blog!

Calgary In Person Stage 32 Meetup this week

Calgary In Person Stage 32 Meetup this week

Posted on Oct 18th

FREE! Stage 32 2023 Global Film & TV Production Summit!

FREE! Stage 32 2023 Global Film & TV Production Summit!

Posted on Oct 17th

This Thursday, Stage 32 is bringing together top executives from the entertainment industry to explore the ever-evolving landscape of global film and television production.There will be speakers from HBO/MAX, Emmy-nominated hit show THE BEAR (Hulu), Emmy-nominated hit show GENIUS (Disney/NatGeo), Screen Ireland, Catalyst Studios, and more! The webinar is FREE. Thursday, Oct 19th from 9:00am PT to 1:30pm PT Sign up for the webinar here:

A Successful Director Lied And Actually Said This To A Famous Actor

A Successful Director Lied And Actually Said This To A Famous Actor

Posted on Oct 17th

A Successful Director Lied And Actually Said This To A Famous Actor was shocking to watch but a great learning experience. Have you been lied to? If so, share your story.

Actors wanted for free workshop

Actors wanted for free workshop

Posted on Oct 17th

My name is Sierra Pia, I am an actress and love meeting fellow artists! I am starting a community called The Artist's Sanctuary, a virtual wellness center designed to provide comprehensive support and resources for both aspiring and professional artists (currently focusing on actors). My goal is to create a place where artists can build community and skill sets that will help them throughout their personal and professional journey. Since 95% of our job is based on our mindset. I am doing a short trial of the format and content that I plan to offer which would be a FREE trial where you would learn from a wide array of awesome coaches and artists who have some amazing insight and are ready to inspire and motivate you to continue to increase the quality of your career and artistic path.  I am limiting this experience to 10 actors, but I would absolutely love to share this experience with you all! Please reach out if you are interested. 



Posted on Oct 16th


Waiting for the Take - Jean Schiffman - Backstage

Waiting for the Take - Jean Schiffman - Backstage

Posted on Oct 15th

"It's an existential thing--sort of like waiting for Godot. That's the way TV/film/stage veteran Tony Amendola describes one of the actor's main tasks on a set. The difference is, the scene will eventually be shot, although, after you've waited five, 10, even 20 hours, you may no longer believe it. Learning to use that downtime profitably while sustaining energy and focus can be a challenge. I talked to several pros to find out how they and their colleagues do it..."



Posted on Oct 14th

The AMPTP suspending negotiations with our union yesterday. I think the sticking point is the $800,000,000 fee the streaming services will have to pay out each year. I'm not sure if the issues of AI is also the reason. What we need is for the negotiations to be livestreamed, so the membership and the all of the studio execs can watch, observe. That may be the transparency that's necessary for honest and open dialogue. On the upside, I won a prize on Publishers Clearing House for a second time today; last time was in 2018. Now I just need to win that $15,000,000.00 prize on October 30th,, so if the studios and streaming services force the AI issue, I can slink away into retirement.

I want your opinion! 5-min (or less) branding/castability survey

I want your opinion! 5-min (or less) branding/castability survey

Posted on Oct 14th

Hi Stage32 community! I'm working on getting clarity on my acting branding/castability. I created a quick 5-min Google Survey for complete strangers to fill out! you have a moment, please take a look, be honest, and most importantly GO HAM (it's anonymous)

October Phoenix area Stage 32 In Person Meetup

October Phoenix area Stage 32 In Person Meetup

Posted on Oct 13th

Studios Suspend Talks with SAG-AFTRA; AMPTP Says Gap Between Sides ‘Is Too Great’

Studios Suspend Talks with SAG-AFTRA; AMPTP Says Gap Between Sides ‘Is Too Great’

Posted on Oct 12th

Our disappointment with the AMPTP continues as they pursue the same strategy that failed with the WGA. How can they be so naive, or perverse. Or as the SAG-AFTRA negotiating team put it:“Instead they use bully tactics. Just tonight, they intentionally misrepresented to the press the cost of the above proposal – overstating it by 60%. They have done the same with A.I., claiming to protect performer consent, but continuing to demand “consent” on the first day of employment for use of a performer’s digital replica for an entire cinematic universe (or any franchise project).The companies are using the same failed strategy they tried to inflict on the WGA – putting out misleading information in an attempt to fool our members into abandoning our solidarity and putting pressure on our negotiators. But, just like the writers, our members are smarter than that and will not be fooled.”Why do this? They must realise that it’s a failed strategy?Thoughts please…

Flipping the Script: How One Actor Changed the Power Dynamic in the Film Industry

Flipping the Script: How One Actor Changed the Power Dynamic in the Film Industry

Posted on Oct 12th

We all have things we believe... One of my beliefs centers around the necessity to change the power dynamic between ourselves and the rest of the film industry because even though actors are above the line, they’re still the lowest element on the totem pole when it comes down to it.One of the ways you can do this is by working your values and beliefs into your primal brand.What does that mean in people-speak? Find something that you can get behind in an authentic way that will give you another point to talk about (besides begging someone to view your showreel) when meeting with industry professionals.The best way for people to see you as an equal is to put yourself on equal footing and you can do that by showing them your “authority” in a certain area. For example, my friend, Angus McGruther, who I interviewed this week on the podcast, is an actor but he’s also the co-director of THE DOWN UNDER FILM FESTIVAL in Berlin.This makes sense for Angus because he’s an Australian actor, based in Berlin, still with strong ties to his home country and its film industry.For Angus, this was a game-changer on many levels. Those are just some of the ways that Angus is able to feel like he is an equal to the powers that be. Because, of course, we ARE all equal, even though it doesn’t always feel that way.Make sure to tune into this week’s episode of Act Bold to listen to his journey. it will spark some ideas in that beautiful, bold head of yours.

Today's AMA with Jonathan Jordan in the Authoring Lounge!

Today's AMA with Jonathan Jordan in the Authoring Lounge!

Posted on Oct 11th

Jonathan Jordan, a Screenwriter, Book Coach, Ghostwriter, and Stage 32 Thought Leader, is hosting a 24-Hour Ask Me Anything ("AMA") in the Authoring Lounge today, focused on "The Publishing Process & Industry". This is a great opportunity to learn about how books get published and how you can get your book out there. Here's a link so you can ask Jonathan your questions. AMA Link:

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

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Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

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