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Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Posted on Mar 18th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

The first 12 episodes of my horror audio drama The Cellar Letters are out! My first try at voice acting. Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

The first 12 episodes of my horror audio drama The Cellar Letters are out! My first try at voice acting. Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Posted on Mar 18th

The show is about two friends that move to the East Coast for a fresh start. They soon realize that things in the new house seem... off. Some inspirations that might help give you an idea what you're in for: Movies: Oculus TV: Haunting of Hill House, Channel Zero Books: The House of Leaves AudioDrama: The Black Tapes, The Magnus Archives I'm an actor and my career kind of hit a stand still because of a lack of representation and the pandemic, so I decided to just create my own work. It'd mean a lot to me if you gave it a shot. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. If you end up listening, I highly recommend you start with the remastered episode 1. Https:// Wanna chat about the show? Wanna chat about anything? Come hang out with us in Discord:

first acting class :(

first acting class :(

Posted on Mar 18th

can someone tell me any bad acting class experiences to make me feel less annoyed w myself. i did this acting workshop online and little did ik everyone was older than me and experienced in acting. i did the class twice, both times i messed up my lines one of the two times i had to do the scene. and the second time was like ultra embarrassing bc i literally forgot everything and asked to go back when ik i didn’t have to, i could’ve j picked up from where i ended. then after the teacher kind of (bc he’s not rly an actor, j a director) was like “you can’t do that during auditions bla bla bla” well yea ik, this only my first class. maybe he didn’t know how young i was compared to everyone and that i’ve never really acted before but yea. and ik everyone else get second hand embarrassment and i literally wanna jump a roof when i think about it.

What Casting Service to Use as a Beginner?

What Casting Service to Use as a Beginner?

Posted on Mar 18th

Title says it all. I have some experience; all theatre credits from school productions and training in various choral ensembles. I also have a few self tapes that I could edit together and make a reel. I would love to work in film/tv, but I have no representation or professional experience. I have a Backstage account (no subscription) that I use just to browse for local roles or nationwide submissions. I've also heard about Actors Access and Casting Networks, but I don't know where to start. Any advice? What are the odds of booking open casting calls? Located in the DMV area.

Chicago actors

Chicago actors

Posted on Mar 18th

Hello, I moved back to Chicago and am looking to get moving again out here. Any recommendations on headshots, agencies, and classes in the city? Any info is greatly welcome and appreciated. Thanks everyone

Will constantly using the lowest pitch I can reach eventually damage my voice?

Will constantly using the lowest pitch I can reach eventually damage my voice?

Posted on Mar 18th

Not a voice actor myself, but it seems like this community would be the best to ask. If I constantly speak at the end of my lower range, will I harm my vocal cords?

Why is everyone so obsessed with Pacino’s acting?

Why is everyone so obsessed with Pacino’s acting?

Posted on Mar 18th

i keep seeing people commenting on how good he is but i dont really see it? i feel like there are way better actors, like james mcavoy. his performance in split and glass was just incredible. pls dont hate, i’m really trying to understand, is there any good acting techniques that he’s using? so thats why everyone likes him? idk, i just dont see anything so astounding. please help me understand, i dont know anything ab acting but im trying to understand it better and i just feel like i’m tasteless and i dont see the pure talent

Examples of VAs with a lisp?

Examples of VAs with a lisp?

Posted on Mar 18th

I love doing voices on my own but I've never produced anything because I got shamed for my lisp. Well, I'm an adult now and I'm trying to inspire myself to let go of all that. Do you guys know of and can you please share examples of voice actors with a prominent lisp?

Is 1 month too late?

Is 1 month too late?

Posted on Mar 17th

So here is basically what's going on. So I submitted for a role I really like for this breakdown from a major production company but I submitted a month after the breakdown was posted. Was it a lost cause or is there still hope. The breakdown wasn't archived and the start date is in June. Sidenote: It's Actors Acsess

un-submitting on Actors Access?

un-submitting on Actors Access?

Posted on Mar 17th

I just submitted myself for something on Actors Access and because I was in somewhat of a rush I didn't realize that the character description said it is looking for people with disabilities which I do not have. Is there a way to unsubmit yourself for something or cancel the submission? any help would be appreciated, of course I am kinda mortified that I didn't see that detail thanks!!

Support my friend on her dream of become a voice actress.

Support my friend on her dream of become a voice actress.

Posted on Mar 17th

Hello guys, During this pandemic, many online voice acting classes opened online. Thanks to this, my best friend was finally able to start following her dream of becoming a voice actress by creating some samples, taking courses, etc. Right now she is just using some cheap microphone and audio interface that I bought from Aliexpress some time ago. She entered a contest organized by one very famous voice actor in Latin America, the price is a Sennheiser, workshops, and coaching session with this voice actor. Unfortunately, the first filter to win is more of an Instagram popularity filter than a skill/talent. The 20 participants with more comments will be select to go to the next phase where a qualified jury will select the winner. For this, I would appreciate it if you can check her work out, and if you think she has the talent and deserves an opportunity support her by leaving a comment in her post. Thank you in advance to all the r/VoiceActing community. TL;DR: Help my friend by commenting so she can win a Sennheiser kit, workshops and coaching sessions. Link:

The production I'm in is falling apart

The production I'm in is falling apart

Posted on Mar 17th

I've posted about this before in a vaguer manner, but I'm at my wits' end. I'm in a production that's supposed to be performed at some outdoor stages and then live-streamed in May- but the production is uh... let's call it troubled. Actors keep dropping for other parts, the script is awful and keeps changing, the songs are a trash fire, our choreography rehearsal amounts to "let's just get on stage and you guys figure out what you want to do". (did I mention it's a musical?) Last week I watched the writer/director and the musical director nearly start shouting at each other over the direction of a scene. The writer/director in question has only developed one-person shows before- never with this big a cast (of 6) and never with music. The main problem really is a lack of organization. The writer/director isn't harsh or rude, but I would call them unprofessional- on phone calls and in meetings they'll rant to me about other cast members not doing what they want or having a weak voice. I assume they do this with the other actors as well. They're also incredibly indecisive, and things keep changing. I'll leave a rehearsal knowing less about what I'm going to be performing than when I came in. I've been thinking of leaving myself for other opportunities- I'm genuinely starting to worry I'll embarrass myself. The small cast is tied to this rudderless ship, and I guess I don't want to abandon them- they are extremely talented and by far the bright spot of the entire thing- but man- I've been in student-directed high school plays that were more organized and professional than this. My fear is that we're not going to be ready for opening night. This is half rant, half asking for advice. I don't know how many theater connections this director has and whether leaving the production would hurt my future projects, but I'm genuinely worried whether staying on board would do more harm for my career than good. Have you ever been in a situation like this, and what did you do about it?

What type of technique's/warm ups that voice actors use to improve their voice

What type of technique's/warm ups that voice actors use to improve their voice

Posted on Mar 17th

I ask this, because i hate stuttering so damn much, i want the ablity to speak my mind with out s-s-s-stumbling over my words, Any advice as to what can be done about my situation?. And also, i wanna get into voice acting as a hobby, hence the reason i'm posting this here.

Demo reels and resumes

Demo reels and resumes

Posted on Mar 17th

Lately I've been thinking about what should a starting actor focus more on, a demo reel or a resume. Yes, I'm fully aware that both of these are your calling cards, however, how would the resume be any good if it's empty? Sure, the the casting directors would be provided with your physical attributes, special skills, contact info and maybe acting courses you've taken, but i feel like none of these are enough to book you a role, I feel a demo reel along with a headshot are, because a demo reel not only shows the acting skills of an actor, but it also shows how he looks on camera. I would say start off with a demo reel and a headshot, then you'll get credits along the way for the resume. That's my point of view, if you have any other thoughts, agree, disagree, or have any comments, please share, I'll be more than glad to hear! Thank you!

Why ppl want to be BG ?

Why ppl want to be BG ?

Posted on Mar 17th

Just came back from a TV show shooting and felt bad for the BGs. As a cast, we're treated well and with respect. But for BG, that's not the case. They just sit there or stood there as background and shown blurry images on the screen and you can not tell who is whom. They are moved around as furniture. They have to stay on set longer and no place to rest while casts have their own private rooms, honey wagons to rest. From my point of view, there is no way for BG to get attention from director, casting directors if you think to hang out or networking with these key people. If your goal is being an actor/actress, I don't think doing BG is the right way.



Posted on Mar 17th

Hey there! I’m 20 years old and have been in 3 bigger high school plays most of my high school career (it was very fun). I’m really really interested in acting. Like tv/film acting and even modeling! The thing is, I don’t know exactly where to start. Do I get headshots? What’s up with sag-aftra? What if I wanna go to LA to start my acting/modeling career? I know agents are the only people to get their actors into things like Netflix and all. But truly how do you start that process off? How do you know which sag aftra agencies are right for you and will get your foot in those doors? Do I just go onto the website and look at those ATA/NATR agents? or the franchises ones?? Help pls :(

New V/O demo reel time!

New V/O demo reel time!

Posted on Mar 17th

I have been collecting online advice about producing the best reel(s) I can for overall 'audition/demo' tapes. The advice I have learned is below - Do I need anything else ? 1. Separate demo reels for Commercials/Narration (My voice) and Character/Accents Someone else's.). 2. approx. 1 min. in length 3. Open with an intro. 4. Best/most recent first. 5. Aim for 7 - 10 secs. each 'scene', allowing for a solid 4/5 examples. Do any of you talented people have any further suggestions as actors, producers, CD's, Directors, etc.? Thanks in advance

Recommendations for agencies in Texas or Los Angeles?

Recommendations for agencies in Texas or Los Angeles?

Posted on Mar 17th

Hi all! I’m a 19 year old actress currently located in Dallas. I’ve been acting on stage for about 10 years, but I made the transition to screen a little over 2 years ago. I’ve built up a resume of student film and smaller low-budget credits, but I feel like I am ready to find an agent. I’ve submitted to some bigger agencies in Dallas, but I’m not sure if they’re even considering new actors right now. Does anyone know of any agencies that are currently taking submissions? I am hoping to move out to CA sometime within the next year, so I am interested in both Texas and LA agents. I know because of COVID things have definitely slowed down and it’s been hard for everyone to get back on track. Luckily, I feel like things are slowly starting back up again. Thanks! tl;dr: looking for agencies in texas and la

How long will self taping be a thing?

How long will self taping be a thing?

Posted on Mar 16th

Since the pandemic started I haven’t really found a reason to live where I am living. (Vancouver actor). With self tapes being the future of auditioning... would it be ok to move elsewhere in BC. I don’t see an issue and if I do book I could easily drive back or fly. What is everyone’s thoughts? Id still be a “local” and it wouldn’t change my focus on acting at all. Still in class via zoom and self taping lots. Hope everyone’s hanging in there!

How can I learn vocie acting at home without any special Equipment?

How can I learn vocie acting at home without any special Equipment?

Posted on Mar 16th

I want to have a range of voices. After seeing Nancy Cartwright, Rob Paulsen, Tom Kenny and Phil Lamarr, I really want my voice to be like that. I don't want to just have one range of voice like the voice of Joe Swanson from family guy (Although he really is a cool guy) However, Im at home....I dont have enough money for a studio or any expensive equipment. I tried looking for books thinking I could find a "Voice acting for Dummies" book or any kind. But there is none...(i don't even think there is a book called voice acting for dummies). I found this Rob Paulsen book that I thought was how to be a voice actor but it talks about his life (I still read it cuz he is a nice human being). I just don't know where to start.

How does relocating/housing work when booking a series lead, regular, or recurring role?

How does relocating/housing work when booking a series lead, regular, or recurring role?

Posted on Mar 16th

Hi y'all! I know that when you are starting out, you tend to book tv roles that are local to your area- one liners, co star and guest star roles, and even recurring. But once you kind of move up in your career, and start booking recurring or series lead roles, how does relocating work for a specific project? Let's say the project shoots in Atlanta, but you get booked from LA, does the production pay for you to stay in a hotel or apartment? The Riverdale cast for example all lives in Vancouver while filming the show (in some very nice apartments I may add lol) does production pay for their rent and cars? Or do they pay out of pocket from their salary basically? Because they all have houses in LA so I imagine it would be annoying to pay rent and then another mortgage on top of that. I'm just curious because I don't see the logistics of this discussed a lot, and was wondering if any of that moving is covered. Not even for bigger shows like that- sometimes you'll see an newcomer actor from one state get a recurring role in another- are they paid to move as well even if they aren't a lead?

Looking for help with applying to an acting class/school with no previous experience

Looking for help with applying to an acting class/school with no previous experience

Posted on Mar 16th

Hi there. This is my first post on here so I apologise if this question is too basic to warrant it's own post but I figured I'd ask anyway. It's a bit of a long one so I'll try and keep it concise. So recently I've been getting more inspired to try and pursue acting as my career as I've been unemployed due to COVID and I haven't really had anything productive to do recently. I was studying sound production at college but I got fed up of the subject and I was becoming increasingly more interested in studying for a career in film/TV. I've had ideas for fan films and that sort of thing but I figured I'd like to become an actor, especially if I got some proper training so I'm need some pointers on how to go about starting the journey so to speak. I live in Stirling which is right near Glasgow, Scotland. There's no real acting school or classes here but I'd be willing and able to travel to Glasgow to attend classes and such, once lockdown has eased up a bit. My only problem is that I have no experience of acting at all so I'm not entirely sure how viable it would be for me to attend a proper acting school or that sort of thing. I've had a look online for filmmaking groups and job listings near me too but they all seem to require me to have had at least some acting experience if not some formal training. I'm just finding it hard to really find the right place to start with all of this as it does seem a little daunting. Again I apologise if this is an uneccessary post but I appreciate any pointers or tips. I can also provide extra info if neccessary, I just figured I'd leave it out for brevity. T.I.A

Stella Adler Summer Intensive Program - Worth Applying to Right Now?

Stella Adler Summer Intensive Program - Worth Applying to Right Now?

Posted on Mar 16th

Hey, I'm an actor based in the DMV region with a couple small TV credits to my name, and I've been wanting to branch out for a long time by taking more classes, relocating (either to LA or Atlanta), and finally getting myself a legit agent. Obviously, COVID has made all of that more challenging, but it looks like the Stella Adler conservatory (both their NYC and LA campuses) is having their annual Summer intensive program after all this year in a hybrid format with some classes in person and some classes online. I just wanted to know anyone thinks it's a good idea to apply for that. It would be very expensive for me. I would end up draining almost my entire savings, not so much on tuition, but the costs of living in NY or LA, and I would need to get myself a part time job while there (would I even have time for that?). Also, it looks like the in-person classes require masks, and while that's perfectly understandable (I've taken both doses of the Pfizer vaccine BTW), I'm still not sure I'll get the most out of any training with half of my face covered, especially since my expressive face has always been one of my biggest strengths as a performer. Still, I'm sure it would be an incredible thing to put on my resume if I got accepted and participated, and it could make finding an agent at least somewhat easier. Not to mention, I could make some solid connections, and if I take the classes in LA, would get a nice feel for the area before I moved there permanently. Right now, I'm kind of stuck living in a slow area with little opportunity, no legit agent, and few ways to further my career, and this might give me the boost I need. I'm really at a crossroads, and I hope others here could maybe help give me some advice. Thank you so much! And yes, I know the conservatory has a fully virtual version of the intensive, but while I'm okay with taking some virtual acting workshops, I'm not spending $3,500 on them. :/



Posted on Mar 16th

Anyone get annoyed seeing random tiktokers with millions of followers randomly decide to be actors? Then they end up getting signed by huge agencies that rep like Jennifer Lawrence and other A listers. Like dang how do I blow up so I can finally get an agent/manager after 13 years in the Industry. Okay done ranting now

What is your daily routine as an actor/aspiring actor?

What is your daily routine as an actor/aspiring actor?

Posted on Mar 16th

When you're not doing acting classes /auditions how do you use your time at home to better your skill?

Lost actor

Lost actor

Posted on Mar 16th

Feeling so lost right now. I moved to Los Angeles last year right before the pandemic hit. I was so excited to get out there and take acting classes and try to get sign by an agent or manager. Due to covid I was sitting in my expensive apartment so frustrated that this is what I got. Back in October I had to move back home to Kentucky. I’m just so frustrated that my money was wasted and that I have to start all over again. I haven’t been on an audition in a year! I still have no representation either. I’m only 22 but I feel like my years are going by me and a chance to make it just a little in the industry. I find myself looking at my favorite actors and googling what age they made it at. Which I know I shouldn’t compare my journey to others but still... also I feel like it’s so hard to get representation to even get the chance to go on reel auctions. I’ve been acting since I was 12. Anyone going though this? Does anyone have any advice for getting representation during the pandemic.

What are other actors experiences of creating their own work?

What are other actors experiences of creating their own work?

Posted on Mar 16th

I've been creating my own work for a while and even though it can be very stressful I've mostly had good experiences and have had some success. It's also given me more confidence in my acting and a sense of control in an industry which is so insecure. I'm lucky in the fact I have an aptitude for writing and I'm able to edit aswell. But I've seen friendships fall apart or become strained when actors work together to create work and I've seen other actors and directors who become involved in the project take their personal issues out on the creators. The atmosphere can become very tense and oftentimes the film or show doesn't turn out well. I've also come across people who see actors who create their own work as 'failures' and not real actors because they cast themselves which I totally disagree with. There's a lot of hugely successful actors who've gone on to have massive careers from creating their own work. I think the attitude towards actor writers has changed somewhat during lockdown because most actors are now forced to create their own opportunities. I'd love to know other actors opinions and experiences are.

I am just beginning

I am just beginning

Posted on Mar 16th

I’m 19 from Ireland, living in the countryside. As you can very much imagine. The industry is not booming here. I’m just wondering where should I begin? As their doesn’t seem to be many resources for Irish actors. To find work, without having connections from the day your born.

Asking for Student Film Footage

Asking for Student Film Footage

Posted on Mar 16th

So I worked in a student film a couple of weeks ago and this past Saturday I asked the director when we would be getting our footage (I emailed two weeks after filming). The director hasn’t responded to my email and I don’t expect him to be like “oh yes right away here you go”. I understand that editing footage takes time but I wish directors would give actors a reasonable estimate of how long it would take. I am planning to follow up in a couple of weeks if no response but I wanted to ask if what I’m thinking is okay. I may have jumped the gun in asking too quickly about footage but it’s very easy for two weeks to turn into 2 months, etc. I worked/prepped for this role on my own dime and it would really suck if I couldn’t even get the bare minimum—which is footage. Am I being too rushed about this? How much time do student film directors usually take to send footage to students?

I know this is an odd question but..

I know this is an odd question but..

Posted on Mar 16th

Over the last few years I've (19f) developed interest in acting, but the thing is that before then I was never hugely into films so I'm not as knowledgeable on all the films/actors out there compared to others. I feel like if I want to start anything like going to classes I should know more? Or is it a stupid thing to worry about and get started on what I can?

Actors Who Have Created A Singing Vocal Reel

Actors Who Have Created A Singing Vocal Reel

Posted on Mar 16th

How did you format it for your agent? (Video cover or pro audio) I am planning to create one soon, but wondering on what format they generally prefer it to be in.

How do you sustain income?

How do you sustain income?

Posted on Mar 16th

For actors that are famous and successful, does one movie role pay enough for them to live off of until they get another role?

Standard American accent coaches for Spanish actors with advanced English?

Standard American accent coaches for Spanish actors with advanced English?

Posted on Mar 15th

Im looking for recommendations for accent coaches specialized in working with Spanish speakers (or really good at it). Im a Colombian actor, been living in the US for eleven years and I am fluent in English. I’ve worked on learning a standard American accent and have had some coaches but they always say I’m at a very advanced level and the details that still “betray” the American accent are very small. So I’m looking for recommendations for coaches that can help me get to that standard American sound. Thanks so much in advance!

Not being taken seriously as a comedic actor?

Not being taken seriously as a comedic actor?

Posted on Mar 15th

I’ve been getting back into acting again and I’m finally taking it a lot more seriously. And a lot of that has to do with loving the comedic side of acting. There’s something so amazing of wanting to make people laugh in the audience, even if my performance isn’t the greatest. I wouldn’t consider myself a comedian from a stand up perspective, but I’ve dabbled in improv and comedic works. But something that is eating away at me is that some people don’t really like my approach. My classmates and training (college) really focus on dramatic and sad scenes. Which I can do decently, but my monologue choices are always on the comedic side, which makes me feel like I’m not taken seriously by them. I thought about getting a MFA to further hone my training, but would anyone even take my seriously at that point? I would love to hear back from more comedic focused actors and hear your thoughts!

Looking for advice on next steps

Looking for advice on next steps

Posted on Mar 15th

Background info: I'm a 19 year old international student in Canada from a latin american country. Grew up in an American school so never really had an accent when speaking english and also look pretty "white". Moved to Toronto in 2019 to study at Uni - nothing acting related because parents want me to have a backup, but they know my goal is to become an actor. Story time: Now, I've read posts about people saying don't submit to agencies until you have training and a reel. I had some clips from a freelance news gig with CBC and headshots taken by my mom, but other than that no training or reels whatsoever. So around August 2020 I submitted to one of or the biggest agency in Canada and one of their agents actually replied! He sent me some scripts for me to self tape so he could see what I could do. He said he liked what he saw. Went out to lunch with him and he offered me the chance to sign with them(!!), told me I would have to be ready with a flexible schedule in case I booked a tv show or movie while I was in school. Needless to say, I was f\*cking pumped. An older family friend with ties in the theatre biz set up a meeting with a guy so I could ask him if this agent was legit, and he basically confirmed he was top of the line and I must have really impressed them if he wanted to sign me. I was so ready, I felt on top of the freaking world even though I hadn't booked anything. Then, a couple of days later, just as we are finalizing all the details and I send the contract back to him, he notices my social insurance number is different. He asked if I was a citizen or permanent resident, to which I replied that I was an international student, but my study permit allowed me to work. He then told me I unfortunately could not join the union if I wasn't a permanent resident or citizen. While he never formally said it was over, I pretty much knew it was. He was nice enough to still send some non-union auditions my way every now and then, which I always took as a sign that he saw something in me. It's 2021 now, and I am seriously still bummed out that I was that close to being in contention for bigger stuff. I don't have any American or Canadian direct family, so no way to fast track a visa that way. I think my only realistic options are either staying in Canada for a couple of years after Uni to get my PR card or marrying a Canadian or American lol. Definitely wouldn't mind staying since I love Canada, but I hate the feeling that I could be auditioning for big things now, but can't because of my citizenship. I'm sure as shit not giving up, I know in my gut I got what it takes, but just wanted to ask for advice on next steps since I've honestly been feeling kinda down ever since then.

How much do Netflix actors roughly earn?

How much do Netflix actors roughly earn?

Posted on Mar 15th

For doing a TV show or movie that say is not well known like the big netflix hits. Or not as popular.

Asking a casting director to recommend you to an agent

Asking a casting director to recommend you to an agent

Posted on Mar 15th

Hello everyone! I’m an actress in London and for a long time now I’ve been wanting to upgrade myself agent-wise. I like my agent but they’re just quite small and I’m not getting into the right rooms or seen by that many casting directors. I’ve been emailing agents but I don’t have a huge list of credits and my showreel is a bit meh, but I recently had an incredible experience on Meals 4 Monologues! I got to ACT and it went really well and a quite high profile casting director ended up getting me seen for an audition, and was very complimentary about my acting abilities. So im now wondering if I might ask him if he would recommend me to an agent he thinks are good. I think I’d have a better chance getting signed this way, or at least getting a meeting. But is this a thing people do? I don’t want to take the Piss with this new CD contact. Also if anyone has any general etiquette advice on what I would actually SAY in the email that would be amazing. Thanks in advance! TLDR - should I ask a CD who likes me to recommend me to a good agent

The first major motion picture I’ve ever been apart of just got nominated for an Oscar!!

The first major motion picture I’ve ever been apart of just got nominated for an Oscar!!

Posted on Mar 15th

I am beside myself right now. Glenn Close just got nominated for Best Supporting Actress for Hillbilly Elegy. If you don’t know, she’s been snubbed by the Oscars for 40 years. She’s never won one!! I know this has really nothing to do with me specifically, but it’s just cool to be apart of it in some way. If you’ve seen the movie, I was the guy in the radio shack that caught the kid stealing a calculator. Pretty cool to be apart of something special is all. I’m really excited for her.

Why am I not getting work anymore?

Why am I not getting work anymore?

Posted on Mar 15th

I used to get one professional role a month, get so many roles in student/independent short films that I had to say no to many of them, work as an actor/host on special events (well, I know why those were canceled) and do a lot of background work to earn even more money while working on set. Now, I haven’t been getting any professional roles for four months. Even roles that I am overqualified for and that most people don’t want to do (if it involves nudity for example or if it is underpaid). I can’t even get good background work (like those involving nudity that pay a lot) and they take non union members instead even if I’m supposed to have priority as an union member. I had to fight to come back on a series on which I had already been an extra for four seasons in continuity. I don’t even get auditions for student short films anymore. This is very unusual and I must be doing something wrong... So my questions are: 1. What the hell am I doing wrong? Possible answers: A) I am too involved with the union and they worry that I am a troublemaker because I know the rules. B) There is much more competition even for student short films since no one is working during the pandemic. C) I don’t understand my casting/brand anymore. D) I have suddenly became a bad actor. E) I was trying to get to another level a year ago so maybe people think I am not interested in small roles anymore. F) Someone is saying bad things about me and everyone knows it but me. G) I have been very unlucky for months. H) [Insert another option here] Edit: I) I am sabotaging myself by saying no to opportunities that I think are crappy (but I swear they are abusive or even illegal during the lockdown) 2. Who should I ask feedback to? I already asked my acting teachers and they keep saying I am doing everything right and already asked my agent and acting coach about how to improve my pictures/resume/demo (and followed their advice) and a casting director approved my casting picture and demo. Who else should I ask? I can’t fix the problem if I don’t know what the problem is.

Casting by votes: scummy or nah?

Casting by votes: scummy or nah?

Posted on Mar 15th

I applied to audition for a small role in a feature film. Weeks later I'm told I've been specially selected to submit, but the "groundbreaking" casting process immediately set off alarms — actors upload self-tapes to a page on the production company's website, and the public is able to vote on their favorite actor for any given role. The first to x number of votes books the role. Basically, actors who have the most social influence will be the ones to book. As an actor I hate it, but from a business standpoint I understand why casting sometimes values popularity over merit. But here's the really shady part — your friends/family/followers have to *pay to vote*. Am I off base here, or does this feel like a dirty cash grab targeting desperate actors?

Interested in the idea of voice acting for video games. I've been told I have a nice voice. Would someone be willing to talk with me and determine how I can improve my voice?

Interested in the idea of voice acting for video games. I've been told I have a nice voice. Would someone be willing to talk with me and determine how I can improve my voice?

Posted on Mar 14th

31 year old male. My voice isn't terribly deep. I'm in Sales and tend to have a bit more of an "upbeat" voice delivery. However, I'd like to learn how to deepen my voice and see what potential role-types are best suitable for me. I'm inspired by voice actors like Paul Haddad and Paul Mercier. Voice actors for Leon Kennedy in Resident Evil. I currently use a Snowball Ice microphone. I'm new to this and basically would like to direction and feedback. Thank you!

Young SC Actor in need of talent agency

Young SC Actor in need of talent agency

Posted on Mar 14th

Hi I’m David from South Carolina and I really want to take the first steps in starting my acting career. Does anyone know of any talent agencies within SC that are searching for new talent to take on?

can you be a stripper while starting out as an actress? will agencies deny me?

can you be a stripper while starting out as an actress? will agencies deny me?

Posted on Mar 14th

I'm seriously considering dancing for numerous reasons ( moving out, my car insurance, acting lessons, headshots, etc. ) I'm also enrolled in acting lessons now, but really need to start making a generous amount of money to move out and kickstart my acting career. I'm curious would this affect agencies hiring me? Would this leave me without any work at all because of my job? I really don't hope this is something that would blow up on me.

A Talent Manager’s post on cold submissions

A Talent Manager’s post on cold submissions

Posted on Mar 14th

The other day I searched about this manager (Kimberly Jago) on google and this post she shared on FB last year came up. I think it’s interesting cause of course a lot of working actors send self submissions, myself included, but it’s always important to remember to check out if they accept self submissions in the first place, whether if they prefer you to send emails or hard copies, if you fit in a type they don’t have in their roster already etc. And I think this person tagged all of them in the same email?! That’s just a no. I’m not sure if we are allowed to post links here, so I’m just gonna quote it. “An actor seeking representation sent out an email blast today, to about 50+ managers/agents (most of which I am friends with). This was a response which I thought was "SPOT ON" and wanted to share (even if it is not applicable to you, it might be to a friend of yours): Dear XXX Although your efforts are admirable please take us off of your list. For professional advice please note it’s considered in poor taste by many to simultaneously copy several other agents on a representation submission. It’s best to do your homework on each agency/agent prior to reaching out to discover: -if agency represents your type -if agency is even accepting submissions -if they already represent an actor exactly like you -what their standard new talent submission process is -the agency “do’s” and “dont’s” -how to make contact -find out the types of projects the agency works on and match to those who fit best with your type and ability. Don’t just throw spaghetti on a wall hoping it will stick somewhere. Have value enough in yourself to “choose” the best fit and know the details first before applying. Have respect for the agencies in following their procedures. Don’t send to all and expect all to be the same. For example our agency never accepts new talent who are not highly skilled and referred by someone we know and trust. We don’t take submissions from our “Agent/Casting Director/Production working business” email address (which is the email you sent your submission). We have designated emails and instructions that must be followed. Check agent IMDB and web sites and social media pages. Study. Learn. I hope these suggestions help you in the future.”

Should I give up on my acting dream or go for it? | Trigger Warning.

Should I give up on my acting dream or go for it? | Trigger Warning.

Posted on Mar 14th

I’m so scared and terrified to start this career. I feel like I’m not good enough/pretty enough. I have a pretty face and all but I’m currently over weight and it makes me feel down. I am on a weight loss journey so it will be a year before I can start acting anyway. My weight also makes me depressed and feels like I won’t ever be happy until I’m skinny enough. My mindset is so bad right now. Thankfully, I’ve put aside any horrible thoughts since I am moving to California in just a few weeks and that will drastically change how I feel about life. If I stayed here any longer I won’t be alive for very long. I really want to be happy and enjoy living my best life so much. I’ve always wanted to be an actor. I’ve wanted to direct too but perhaps when I get more acting experience then I can see about starting a film career if things go well. I’ve seen other female actors I love do this as well. Anyway all I have to do right now is being on my phone. I go to the gym 4x a week and that’s pretty much it, I try to walk when I can. I’ll be able to go on daily walks in California in the warmer weather and do outdoor activities like splash pads and going on a picnic. I can’t wait to take beach trips on the weekends since I will live close. I’ll need a part time job to survive on my weight loss journey as well. Usually manifesting has worked for me so maybe writing about it will help. Sorry for the rant.

Starting in Boston

Starting in Boston

Posted on Mar 14th

So I know NYC,LA,Chicago, and Illinois are the big cities for actors, but what do people think of Boston? I Live near Boston and was wondering is that a good place to start? I would eventually move down to LA but to start out is living in Boston a bad idea?

Literally Zero

Literally Zero

Posted on Mar 13th

So... I've had the dream to be an actor since bla bla bla insert generic story here. I've taken all the classes available to me, read and am still reading tons of acting books, and have a tentative plan to get to LA in 2022... But I want to go to a conservatory or studio (Im 24, I have neither the funds or the patience to get another degree) and they are all asking for resumes... I have... Zero experience past in class performances, voice recitals, and forensics. My mom hated the HS director (the feeling was mutual) but it didn't matter since she would only cast the kids whose family donated or had teacher parents- save for a few who I really really hope have continued to pursue acting. I've never had a job that would let me have time off to work on local films or community theater- they didn't even give me the day to try out. I've been in one play but... Oh my god it was so. Bad. (And Im pretty sure copyright infringement) and I don't think it would look good saying I was a part of it- it was barely a play, it was more a church service you had to pay to watch... It was... Ooof it was bad. I've been panicking about this for... Ever I guess and I'm not sure what to do- I have the drive and the desire to do it... i just don't have experience to back me up. I'm decent, I have a lot to learn and I'm hoping I can have the chance to do so... But would they still consider someone who doesn't even have a resume?

First Time on Set as Background Actor

First Time on Set as Background Actor

Posted on Mar 13th

Hi everyone! Tomorrow will be my first time on set and I’ll be a bg actor. I know everyone says to be ready for a lot of waiting and bring a book or something to keep me entertained. But does anyone have any other advise on what to expect or bring? Or if you’ve worked as background during COVID, can you talk a little about your experience? Thanks!

Moved to Melbourne to Kickstart my Acting career

Moved to Melbourne to Kickstart my Acting career

Posted on Mar 13th

Hi everyone, hoping to hear from a few fellow actors in Melbourne about their acting journey in the Eastern State, and to hopefully get a bit of insight into a couple of agency's that have approached myself. The first agency is Real People Talent Agency, hoping to hear if anyone has had dealings with them and how did it go? did you land big roles at all? The second is Howell Management. again similar sort of thing. and are either ultimately worth it? Thanks a lot

Wanna network(on discord?)

Wanna network(on discord?)

Posted on Mar 13th

I'd imagine you do since you're looking at this. Well you should join the group I'm starting up on discord. We're a group from all different backgrounds and interests in the digital media world. We have designers, writers, content creators, developers and actors who all share ideas and collaborate. We would love to welcome you into our group and maybe learn something from each other. I hope to see y'all there Just message me for the link

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

09.20.2024 Achieving On-Screen Success: How to Leverage User Experience for Acting Success
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Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

09.06.2024 Grow Your Acting Career with an Unforgettable Online Presence: Proven Strategies for Actors
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