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Safety Colleges for BFA in acting

Safety Colleges for BFA in acting

Posted on Apr 6th

Hey! I wanted to ask on this board because I wanted other actors advice: I'm applying to colleges and I really want to apply to a good amount of BFA's but I can't find many reputable safeties for theatre majors. Any suggestions of which schools to look into?

Things you might like to know more about...!

Things you might like to know more about...!

Posted on Apr 6th

I am a Drama school trained actor with 20+ years experience. As I side project I post a lot of 'how to' videos on YouTube - all revolving around our industry. Is there anything you guys have always wanted to learn about? An area of the industry that intrigues you and you might find interesting to watch a video on? Maybe you're just starting out and wonder what to do next to get your career moving(?) Any help or suggestions would be most welcome. Thank you.

Getting a London agent: who to avoid, who to look into?

Getting a London agent: who to avoid, who to look into?

Posted on Apr 6th

Hey guys! I am 22 and I graduated from drama school last July here in the UK. I’m currently in London and I’m looking for representation; I applied last year when my course did our final year shows but I didn’t get much interest from agents, however I have since got new headshots AND paid for a 2 scene showreel. And I’ve been working on writing my own work and making videos/shorts… So I’m feeling relatively confident in my material now, more than I was in June. However I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for agencies to apply to that may be open to accepting new but trained actors, and agencies to avoid applying to (either because they’re not so good, or because they don’t accept people without recommendations from other agents/CDs/actors already in their books - such as Curtis Brown). I know the basics but I’d love some more info about what I could aim for right now.

So, for the more seasoned and professional actors, how often do you check in with your agents about work?

So, for the more seasoned and professional actors, how often do you check in with your agents about work?

Posted on Apr 6th

Just got an agent after about seven years of not having one, and I don't know how much things have changed.

Seeking UK actors between the ages of 16-25!

Seeking UK actors between the ages of 16-25!

Posted on Apr 6th

Hi! First post here! Nice to meet you all. Myself and a group of friends are taking degrees in Film and Film-related subjects here in the UK. We have written a short comedy film, set entirely on Zoom (so distance is no issue) called “For Taid”. If you’re interested please fill in this form! Thanks again. [“For Taid” Application Form](

starting out late :((

starting out late :((

Posted on Apr 6th

I’m 16 years old, turning 17. I feel like I’m starting so late because I see all these kid actors on big screens. I’m planning to start when I finish college and seeing actors my age being successful in the industry makes me think that maybe I’m too late for this. I’m still planning to pursue acting because I really love it. I’m just a little scared. Do you guys feel the same way too or am I just overthinking things?

SAG and Voice Work

SAG and Voice Work

Posted on Apr 6th

Hi everyone. I'm currently SAG-E, and hope to join SAG very soon! I am very pro-union, and have previously been a long time member of the actors union in my home country. I make this clear as I appreciate the importance of union membership and Global Rule One. However, I am really confused about SAG's position with regards voice-over work. I get a significant amount of voice work from the UK (where I used to be based) and am currently seeing a lot more non-union than union voice work in the US. Global Rule One would prevent me doing both the UK voice over work (which is never on a SAG contract) and the non-union work here. Unlike in film and TV, it seems that in voice over the internet and ease of home recording has completely changed the industry, meaning most voiceovers are now non-union. Of course this has caused a reduction in pay in some jobs, but it also seems many non-union voiceovers keep their pay relatively high in order to attract the best talent. Just judging by the union/non-union split in the auditions I get (through an agent, who excludes low paying jobs) it's something like 80% non-union to 20% union. This is a huge industry that joining SAG would exclude. For me it would reduce my potential work to around 10% of the current amount. I understand that SAG doesn't require SAG contracts for audiobooks -- that they are in some way exempt from Global Rule One ([]( Is SAG even considering altering its stance on other voice-over work? What are people's thoughts on this specific situation, where SAG members are excluded from bread-and-butter jobs that make up a majority of the voice over work in the industry?

Good starter mics?

Good starter mics?

Posted on Apr 6th

I'm an aspiring voice actor and I really need a good microphone, if anyone could link me one or two that'd be awesome! Also I don't know if this info matters but my voice is one the deeper side.

Is it rude to email a casting director for an internship?

Is it rude to email a casting director for an internship?

Posted on Apr 5th

I should preface by saying I'm not an actor perse. I do act and audition, but my main goal is to work behind the scenes in the industry. I was in contact back and forth with a casting agent months back when I was an extra in a film. I was wondering if it would be rude to draft an email to him stating who I am and ask for an internship. I would like to have an internship anywhere in the industry, and thought it could be interesting to be behind the scenes in casting.

Why acting?

Why acting?

Posted on Apr 5th

Fact is , we actors are in a profession or hobby where we don’t always get to do the thing we love. So why are you an actor ? What do you love about it? What frustrates you about it? What do you most wish would come true in your acting career ? What scares you the most about pursuing acting?

i really regret that i didn’t start earlier.

i really regret that i didn’t start earlier.

Posted on Apr 5th

I’m in love with acting, but i feel like this industry really glorifies youth, especially for women. I’m only 16 now but i feel like my time is ticking away. i spent most of my childhood WISHING i was an actress, but due to social anxiety i never really did anything about it. Looking at all the famous actors in Hollywood, i see a pattern of most of them having their first roles at ages 8-15 or so and all I’ve done is a few school plays. I know I shouldn’t be comparing myself to them but it’s a little disheartening.

NY or LA?

NY or LA?

Posted on Apr 5th

(Thinking about the future. Obviously I have to train more, even consider if I want to work outside my current local market, but this is where my mind is at right now) I’m a black, 16 year old, female and I don’t know where I’d want to live in the future. I often consider the idea of living in NY and working in Off-Off-Broadway and Off-Broadway shows (maybe even Broadway) throughout my 20s to build a reputation then move to LA for film/tv but I do know many roles for women in film/tv are meant for young women to play high school and college aged. I also can’t sing (though I can dance some and intend on training in that) so it’s not like musicals are an option in NY. Also is one or the other place better for black actors. Any advice is appreciated!

Actor Reels

Actor Reels

Posted on Apr 5th

If San Francisco is where you call home, do you think you need to live in L.A. to pursue your dream? I’ve been an Actor/Filmmaker now for almost 30 years. My life has been an adventure to say the least. I love Acting, I love production and I love storytelling. I’m working on producing a live stream specifically for Bay Area Actors, Writers & Crew, to show off their reels produced by yours truly. This week I’m launching the stream. Stay tuned!!



Posted on Apr 5th

As a black up and coming actor, it’s pretty frustrating ngl to see the same black actors/actresses get all the roles, all the accolades etc. Not to take away from there accomplishments but come on lol every-time theres a black role or a big movie role I can almost guarantee which black actor or actress is going to get it. It's not even a matter of lack of black actors. There's plenty of us who are good enough, and capable of playing these roles but its sooooo discouraging to see these guys select the same guys over and over. The only young black actors being casted in serious roles these days are British black actors. Apperantly because they are better trained which I don’t think is true. I studied at the HB studios and William esper studios, and I know several black friends who studied hard core theatre from childhood who’ve never been casted for anything. It just sucks

My parents aren’t supportive of my teenage acting career

My parents aren’t supportive of my teenage acting career

Posted on Apr 5th

Hi! I’m a teenager. 3 years ago I managed to convince my parents to let me audition for a professional acting conservatory, which I got into. I’m now 2 years into the intensive conservatory program, and I am absolutely certain this what I want to dedicate my career to. I’ve improved my skills tremendously and I’m ready to start pursuing acting professionally. But my parents don’t support my dream. I’ve tried explaining to them over and over again that this is what I want to do, but they are adamant about their decision. It’s not the cost or the distance; they’re worried about the commitment and how it will impact my education, social life, and adolescence in general. I understand their point of view, however, I believe that the sacrifice is worth it for me to be able to pursue my dream. At this point, I’m not sure what to do as I don’t have my license and they refuse to drive me to auditions. The times I’ve submitted video auditions and gotten the roles, I’ve had to decline due to having no transportation to filming. I’m at a dead end and I don’t feel that I can continue to follow my passion without my parents support. If there are any actors who have dealt with this that have advice, I would be incredibly grateful. Have a nice day. :)

Feminine male actor?

Feminine male actor?

Posted on Apr 5th

Hello all, I am Samuel and at the very start of my acting career. The thing is, I am twenty years old and male with a pretty deep voice, but I look really feminine. Especially my face does. I also don't have beard growth yet, so that won't help me with that. Is this a problem? Would I still get cast?

Honest thoughts and experiences using Casting Call Club?

Honest thoughts and experiences using Casting Call Club?

Posted on Apr 5th

I've read about Casting Call Club for a few months on this sub and finally decided to give it a try and I've been... a bit disappointed. Seems like many projects are poorly organized and services are extremely undervalued. I see one project up now where the organizer touts having a backer and budget for production, but is only willing to pay their editors/music producers/writers, and the voice actors are expected to "Work for free for fun". Is this how it normally is? I'd heard that this was a decent place to get paid jobs but everything I'm seeing is like $10 for an unknown amount of work over an indeterminate amount of time. Is it just a low period right now? I don't mind the competition, thats not the issue, in case that's what you're thinking. I would love to hear thoughts and experiences from people who have been using the site for a while.

LA Theatre

LA Theatre

Posted on Apr 5th

I’ve always wanted to be in a play, is there any LA Theatre’s that have plays and cast new actors or hold auditions?

Autistic Actor Movie

Autistic Actor Movie

Posted on Apr 5th

Hi guys! I made this film for #disabilityfilmchallenge and I'm trying to get as many views, likes, and comments as possible. 10 of the 11 actors have disabilities, and approximately a third to a half are autistic. I'm an autistic actor myself and making this was really challenging but I'm super proud of it and I'd really appreciate if you could watch, comment, like, and share on any of these links \[but all 3 would be even better!\] []( []( [\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link](



Posted on Apr 5th

Since I was like 4 year old I’ve liked watching movies. Now I’m 14 and I begin to think a lot about the acting and how amazing it is that you can make a living off of it. I don’t know if this is the right place to like ask questions about acting and stuff, but I find it really interesting (the whole acting thing) I’ve searched about how different actors began their acting careers and a lot of them started like in a kids show and worked their way up. For example I think Leonardo DiCaprio was in a kids show when he was 5! I’m not 5 anymore so isn’t it hard for me to like get into acting? I am aware that you can be lucky to get put in a movie where the movie goes well, and from there you can work your way up. I’m from Denmark and we have an actor called “Mads Mikkelsen” who started making danish movies but he worked his way up to be in English movies, and I really look up to him. Another issue is that you need to be good at English in order to be in international movies I’m pretty sure. My. English. Sucks. I’ve had English in school for the past 4 years. Although I can speak what’s required in order to pass the English exam, I still think I suck. Also I don’t really have an accent and I think I need to have that so the people watching the movie can understand what I’m saying I don’t know if this makes sense nor my explanation makes sense. I also apologize for my English since it’s miserable. I hope some of you guys can/will answer some of my questions. Have a great day

How to handle working with unprepared actors in a scene?

How to handle working with unprepared actors in a scene?

Posted on Apr 4th

I had this happen (I’m the lead in a low budget indie) today and it was very disorienting to say the least

Is a high school diploma necessary to become an actor?

Is a high school diploma necessary to become an actor?

Posted on Apr 4th

I asked this question on the no dumb questions post but no one answered so i decided to make this a post (and maybe it could help other people with the same question) basically i might drop out of high school for a number of reasons but i still want to pursue acting as a career. i was looking at the requirements for the toronto academy of acting for film and television and i saw that s secondary school diploma wasn’t required and that you can join the academy if you 18 or older and pass the wonderlic test (i did some research and it seemd really similar to the CAT tests i’ve done in school) so i know that i am able to study acting without a high school diploma however i’m scared that a high school diploma might be necessary for getting a job as an actor. thoughts?

Too much empathy?!

Too much empathy?!

Posted on Apr 4th

So I am just at the beginning of my acting career, and I have always been a highly empathetic person which I thought was a great thing, especially for this job. But a few bad things happened to people close to me recently, and I am the one people turn to with their problems so I've seen it all play out and I've seen how it affected them. And because of my empathy it's really taken a toll on me too; I am emotionally completely drained and exhausted and just sad. So if I can't even handle real pressures, I am asking myself if it's good to be an actor like this or if it would prove too much? There are very demanding roles on heavy topics and right now I don't know how people play that and then snap out of it and go home. I don't want to go insane or have my mental health deteriorate. Has anyone else had this issue? And if so, what helps you distance yourself from the horrible stuff in your life or acting? Or does it sound like I'm just too sensitive to act?!

How can I effectively network?

How can I effectively network?

Posted on Apr 4th

Hey everyone, I'm an actor who's been living in LA for a little over a year. I've been constantly training in class and auditioning heavily while building my resume and reel. One thing my career is severely lacking is a list of valuable industry contacts. I know, I know - many people say the best way to network is to do it with the intention of making friends rather than creating a list of people who can help you achieve your goals. Now, this may be true, and when the pandemic is over I hope to meet lots of industry people in person and develop many meaningful friendships that help both parties. However, I think I would be doing myself a great disservice by not reaching out to casting directors, directors, producers, writers and other industry people who I likely will never have a chance to mingle with somewhere and become "friends" with. How should I reach out to these people? How do I choose who to target? Once I do establish a connection with them, how often do I check in with them? Is there ever a point where I finally ask them if they have anything I can audition for? Thanks!

How do you handle unwanted advice from non-actors?

How do you handle unwanted advice from non-actors?

Posted on Apr 4th

I've got doctors and lawyers in my family & friends circle as a 'model minority' actor and it unfortunately seems to have resulted in a God-complex for many of them. I don't tell them how to practice medicine, so you can see why I'm confused by why they often tell me all about acting and what I should or shouldn't do. How I should or how I shouldn't deliver a line (thank you dear roommate that has never taken an acting class that walked in on me practicing.) Most recently one friend pointed out I should stop calling myself an actor and call myself an actress instead. That it would be 'better' for me. I wanted to tell her to stop calling herself a doctor and call herself a doctress. I've had a few recurrings as guest stars and a series regular as well so I feel if I was struggling it would be one thing...but I don't know why I keep getting unwanted advice. I know blowing up at people will result in friendships and relationships harmed, and I am trying to breathe through the anger and not let it get to me. Any advice on how you respond? ​ Thanks!!

Questions about starting to apply for acting jobs

Questions about starting to apply for acting jobs

Posted on Apr 4th

I am new to the world of acting. I have always wanted to do it, among other things, and usually when I set my mind to something, I don't give up. I need advice however, and any you can provide would be greatly helpful. I am a Navy veteran (26M), 6'5" black hair blue eyes, and my girlfriend is really supportive of my desire to learn more about acting, and to start the process of looking into positions. I am blessed and thankful to have been able to save enough money to have a good amount of savings. I have also been blessed in that i am relatively good looking, and i believe I am intelligent and really charismatic (im also really blunt and honest to a fault, im genuinely being sincere here). Im nervous about the career field and unwavering in my morals as a good, clean person. I know who I am, and I know my shortcomings. I just think this could be a fun, amazing experience over time if I try. My first question is, as a new hopeful, where do I start? My ultimate goal, like so many others, is to be in films, and it would be my crowning acheivement to become a supporting actor in a movie. I live in Orange County, and would like to know some good places that teach acting (film, movement) classes, and what steps should I take to learn more before I get a professional headshot done? Where should I get a headshot done ( reputable places) Should I be using, or simply looking on other job hunting sites that are free? How do I build a resume if i have no experience in acting? Should I reach out to an agency, and if so, do you recommend any to speak to, or to avoid? I go to school full time and I am applying to internships in the real estate field for the summer. I worry i may not have the time needed to be on set throughout weeks, when needed (assuming i were to even get a part in the first place in the next few years). How do other people navigate working full time and acting at the same time? Is there a possibility of there being a weekend-type position when starting out? Lastly, thank you all for your help. I really appreciate your advice, and will take it to heart.

Having a monologue on Actors’ Access?

Having a monologue on Actors’ Access?

Posted on Apr 4th

Having a monologue on Actors’ Access- good idea or bad idea? Is it better than having nothing at all on video? Thanks

How do you accept that acting career is not for you, despite liking acting?

How do you accept that acting career is not for you, despite liking acting?

Posted on Apr 4th

I've always dreamed of acting, of being an actor. However, I know that mentally I wouldn't be able to handle everything that goes into this acting business. I know I've made the right choice in not pursuing it but I still can't fully accept it. Those of you who love acting but deciding against this career, how are you feeling with it? Have you regretted your decision?

Re: Recent Nepotism Discussions

Re: Recent Nepotism Discussions

Posted on Apr 3rd

So there have been a few posts within the last couple of weeks regarding nepotism in the industry, some of which have been taken down. I just wanted to chime in and say I think a lot of comments on posts about it have been unnecessarily condescending to the people pointing out nepotism, especially to people who might be younger or newer to the industry. I think it's totally valid for someone to feel frustrated about nepotism in Hollywood/media. Yes nepotism exists in many industries, but nepotism in the entertainment industry is simply the most visible, and it's understandable that someone would get upset at realizing how deep it runs. A son can be granted a position in his father's business and it will probably just annoying to other people working at said business, whereas thousands, if not millions of people are going to notice Maya Hawke being the daughter of Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman when they stream Stranger Things. It actually makes sense to be upset in both cases- here you are working your butt off, and then someone waltzes along and because of their genetics they automatically get a leg up, whether it's access to their parent's advice or resources, or simply being blessed with the privilege of getting to devote time to a career without stress because they are well off. That being said, it's unfortunately something we cannot control. It's a tale as old as time in Hollywood, and despite it being annoying that the child of a movie star or producer chooses to act when they can literally do anything else, at the end of the day they are people too, and their interests or passions are just as valid as anyone else's. Just as the child of a doctor might want to be like their mom, it's not farfetched to believe the daughter of an actor or actress would want to do the same. So don't feel bad about pointing it out or even being a bit bitter or jealous. Feel free to steam a little. But also remember that it won't affect or change your own position. While there are a lot of nepotism cases, there are just as many  if not more, of people working their way up, and who come from families not connected to the industry. They put in the time and work to get to where they are, and you can totally do the same. When I see stories like this, I sideeye, but I continue on, because I know that my journey is only mine. I hope some of you feel the same, because I always love seeing new and fresh talent in tv and film, and hope accessibility into the industry continues to widen.

Can I Put A Free Workshop On My Resume?

Can I Put A Free Workshop On My Resume?

Posted on Apr 3rd

I'm attending an online workshop at Actor's Comedy Studio called "Working In TV Comedy." Is this considered training?

To join SAG or not (background actor edition)?

To join SAG or not (background actor edition)?

Posted on Apr 3rd

Suppose you were a background actor living in LA. You had absolutely no interest whatsoever in traditional acting, you just want to be a background actor. Also suppose that you're SAG-Eligible (and Must Join). Would you join the Union purely as a background actor or stay non-union? Traditional logic for actors is to stay SAG-eligible for as long as possible so you can do both union and non-union jobs. For background actors, jobs come with almost no notice. It doesn't seem like you can realistically get a union background job without already being a member. Additionally, many background gigs hire both union and non-union actors so you'd be hired as a non-union for a lower wage when possible. It seems to me like the choices are: 1) Stay non-union and get twice as many jobs for less pay each. 2) Join the union and get half (or less) as many jobs for more pay and potentially benefits. I would choose option #2. Do you disagree? Is my logic flawed somewhere? I'd love to hear your opinions.

Debit, Credit, and Flexibility Survey: Looking for actors input!

Debit, Credit, and Flexibility Survey: Looking for actors input!

Posted on Apr 3rd

Hi everyone! I'm a student working on a startup project that is looking to change the traditional credit system. We are looking for what people think of the current payment system and for what people like to use, and we would love some input from actors. The survey should take around 10 minutes to fill out. As cheesy as it sounds, 5 participants will be entered to win $500. And at the end, there's an opportunity to sign up for a 30 minute paid consumer interview (and in doing so, you'll be entered in to win $1000). [Here is the link!]( Thanks in advance everyone.

Acting Education

Acting Education

Posted on Apr 3rd

Hello! I’ve been thinking about what it takes to become an actor and the necessary education you need. I’m currently doing High School Theatre and plan to do Local theatre soon too, but I don’t know how to continue after High School (College). I’ve been looking at my options and seeing there are schools dedicated to the performance arts and colleges/universities that offer drama courses. So what do I choose? Is there major difference in terms of the courses in the different schools?

How to ensure success from a new agent?

How to ensure success from a new agent?

Posted on Apr 2nd

What up people? I'm happy to announce I've just signed with my very first agent! They're my theatrical agent but they have a commercial and print division so I'm signed across the board. I'm so proud of myself! However, I'm strangely much less excited than I expected I'd be because I know many actors who aren't thrilled with their agents and agencies for the following reasons: 1. They feel they're not sending them out to enough auditions. 2. They feel they don't push and pull enough for them. 3. They're very hard to reach. 4. They're rude. 5. The agency is so big and has so many clients that they simply feel lost in the shuffle or like cattle. Now, it's important to state I'm extremely grateful someone in the industry noticed me and believes in my talent and what I have to offer. However, I really want to make the most of my 365 day contract and take my career as far as I can take it. What can I do to make sure my agency takes notice of me, finds every opportunity possible for me and does everything in their power to strengthen my career? Of course, I'll be working 10x harder than them, but they have some responsibilities too! Thanks!

I want to be famous. Am I a "real actor?"

I want to be famous. Am I a "real actor?"

Posted on Apr 2nd

I want to be famous. My biggest acting goal is fame. 99.9% of people here say that "real actors" don't chase after fame, they just hone their craft and hope for the best. But, I consider myself a real actor because a person can wish for fame *and* still be committed to the craft. People shouldn't have to choose one or the other because goals don't contribute to making someone a better or worse actor. At the end of the day, it's all about the natural talent you hone.

Is wanting fame that bad?

Is wanting fame that bad?

Posted on Apr 2nd

*"People who have fame as their end goal aren't real actors."* \- 99.9% of actors here. Why do people always say that fame shouldn't be your end goal for acting? Is wanting fame *that* bad? A person can desire fame *and* still study acting so they can be respected in the industry. You don't have to choose one or the other to be an actor and it doesn't make you a better one if you are "only doing this for the craft." I think a lot of people on here have a skewed idea of "wannabe famous" actors. It doesn't immediately mean that the user is lazy, entitled and thinks that this career is easy. You can have a good head on your shoulders, do your research and still have fame as a goal. Non-famous actors are still actors. Actors without representation are still actors. So, why can't people who have fame as their end goal (after training, auditioning, getting signed etc) be considered one too? Anybody can be a real actor, right? To simplify what everyone says here, an actor is just someone who trains in the craft so they (potentially) participate in playing a role. Goals don't contribute to making someone a better or worse actor. An actor who is "only committed to the skill" could still end up becoming a bad actor. An actor who "has starry eyes" could push themselves to greatness. It's all about the natural talent that you hone.

Non speaking role self tape

Non speaking role self tape

Posted on Apr 2nd

I was requested to do a self tape for a non speaking role on actors access. My agent sent it to me today. Is this still considered an extra role?

NEW YORK and LA ACTORS! Question for you!

NEW YORK and LA ACTORS! Question for you!

Posted on Apr 2nd

Hello! I’m a 22 Toronto actor with over 5 years of film and television experience. I’ve had supporting leads, series regulars, guest stars and principal roles on networks such as Hulu, family Channel, shudder, feature films and more. I’m about to guest star on a major show about boys ;) on Amazon prime and after I do so I’m looking to secure rep out in NY (preferably) or LA. Anyone have any recommendations in terms of agencies? Looking for someone with not many clients as I’m hoping to build a close relationship with the next person/people I bring on board! Thanks :)

UK or Canada for film / tv?

UK or Canada for film / tv?

Posted on Apr 2nd

Hello everyone. I am an aspiring actor with some training under my belt. I am able to work in Canada or the UK so getting a visa isn't a concern thankfully. I have been looking into which country would be the best in terms of opportunities for film & tv but would like some additional opinions. If you have worked in both countries or are familiar with their respective market somehow please share your thoughts :) Thanks!

Day Player for Short Film

Day Player for Short Film

Posted on Apr 2nd

Hi everyone! I'm a newish actor and was asked to be a day player for a short film (unpaid role). We're two days out from the shoot date and I haven't received script sides, location, or even a call sheet. Does this seem fishy for anyone or am I just overthinking it because I'm a bit new to this industry?

Casting Director and Agency workshops in NYC

Casting Director and Agency workshops in NYC

Posted on Apr 2nd

Hello! I am moving to NYC by the end of the year. My goal is obviously to save up to move but also to invest in a good networking workshop. My dream is to be an Actor. I came to realize that this journey is me and a million other people. I always knew this but I feel like recently I just had this urge to plan out these things. Its me and millions of people and I need to make myself known even to one casting director that's a start. I know these workshops are really good even to just put yourself out there. I am new to acting and when I move I will finally be able to just act. I am currently working on doing student films. Has anybody been to one in NYC? do you guys know any that are good? What do you typically do in these? My mom never let me act so I've only admired them from afar. Do you put up plays? I heard one that you show your audition for agents. Are there Do's and Don'ts? Do you go up to the CD's and Agents or do you let them go up to you? How much are these typically? The first one I saw was about $800. Any Advice would be great thank you!

Finding work

Finding work

Posted on Apr 2nd

Hey Reddit so I’m an actor but I’m also looking to get into voice acting specifically mocap and video game acting. Any advice on where to find work I use backstage but I’m barely booking and these jobs just don’t interest me half the time. Just need some tips.

Grief making me a bad (/worse) actor?

Grief making me a bad (/worse) actor?

Posted on Apr 2nd

So, I'm fully prepared for the answer to this to be "go to therapy", I just wanted to see if anyone here had any advice first. I went to do my acting degree in Sept 2016. I started off the year as probably one of the bottom of the class in terms of skill, but I worked hard and learned so much that by the end of the year I had won a monologue competition, had interest from an agent, got top grades. I still had a long, long way to go, for SURE, but I had come on in leaps and bounds - a shock to me as I've always been an average at best sort of person haha! Sadly, in 2017, my big sister passed away. We were very close and it was completely out of the blue, a massive shock, basically. The next performance I did was 3 weeks later - a Shakespeare monologue to my class. It...wasn't good. I just couldn't connect emotionally . It was upsetting but relatively understandable, I thought, as I was still in shock at that point. However, it's been 3 and a half years now and I still can't connect emotionally to the characters I play, not the way I did before. I'm not suffering from complex grief. I still miss her and think about her all the time, obviously, but I feel that I have reached a stage of relative acceptance and I'm able to be happy and focus on other things now. The only part of my life that is still enormously and directly impacted is my emotional connection in my acting work. It's just not there and it's strange because that was the thing I always found easiest before this happened, and it's not like I have a limited range of emotions in my current day to day life. At all. The thing is that now, I'm so hung up on the fear that I won't feel anything that I end up 1. enormously anxious and 2. pushing for emotion - recipe for disaster, right? I know people say don't focus on the emotion, if you do the preperation then the emotion will come, just relax. But it doesn't. And you can't go through a break up scene or something just completely numb, can you? Long explanation, but I wanted to convey the situation properly. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice, any way to work on this. I'm worried a therapist won't be able to understand the acting stuff, and an acting teacher won't be able to understand the grief stuff - my teachers on my degree certainly didn't! Honestly any advice so I can start improving again instead of going backwards would mean the world! Thank you!

Voice Actor Needed for Animated Skit

Voice Actor Needed for Animated Skit

Posted on Apr 2nd

I need a voice actor that can do a convincing Gordan Ramsay impression or close to it. I'm willing to pay $30 for 3 short rants that go on for 10 secs. This part does not have a script, so you can improvise the lines. You can send your audition using the info below. Email: []( Discord: Theo Sav#6314

British actors seem to be having a lot more discussion about the rampant socioeconomic inequality in this industry so American actors: why aren’t we talking about this?!

British actors seem to be having a lot more discussion about the rampant socioeconomic inequality in this industry so American actors: why aren’t we talking about this?!

Posted on Apr 2nd

It’s damn near impossible to ignore the fact that the offspring of the wealthy dominate this industry, nowadays. I’ve worked my whole fucking life to get an education, put money towards getting out of a state with next to no professional opportunities/ career path for actors and artists, move to NYC, keep working so I can afford drama school, and continue working after so I can keep myself fed, housed, and taking CD/agent/networking classes with OoO. The one constant throughout all of this, in any place I’ve been: the majority of my colleagues come from well-off or highly affluent backgrounds. These people have literally never had to worry about having food on the table or anything material, and it comes out in their work. Shallow, unable to convincingly play any character with a social class beyond what they’ve grown up with, looking down their nose at any part or expression them deem beneath them, and generally being harder to work with and quick to dick over anyone that doesn’t immediately let them have their way. The peers I’ve seen drop out of school or be kicked out were usually because they couldn’t keep up with the conservatory payments, didn’t understand the financial part of it, or literally WORKED 24/7 and would come to class after pulling a damn near all-nighter at their job. Meanwhile, the wealthy lemmings were allowed to still plug along, despite missing multiple classes, sexually harassing peers, or putting forth half-assed work on a consistent basis. Is this just so prevalent now that we ignore it and stick to the archaic, rags-to-riches overdone tale of “exceptionalism,” when it comes to lower/working class actors that made it, and use that to weaponize against poor people that don’t get to pursue this dream, or are we going to fucking challenge it, people?! We are storytellers that are supposed to tell the truth of ALL walks of life!! That’s the beauty of this art! We can’t have wholesome truth if it’s obscured by a class of people that only want their own to tell it to them. The story of the lower class actor is dying, and we must bring it back to life.

SHOWCASE #1 | Self-Promotion Thread!

SHOWCASE #1 | Self-Promotion Thread!

Posted on Apr 2nd

Welcome to **The Voice Box Showcase!** Every so often, we will be making posts titled **SHOWCASE** for voice actors to promote their work. Remember to interact with other actors on this thread as well. Let's help, encourage, and meet our voice acting peers! One post per member please with a limit of 3 links. *You may share any of the following via links:* * VO Demos * Actor Website * Link to Recent Work * Social Media Handles Be sure to also tell us a little about you and your voiceover journey!

Just finished watching Godzilla vs Kong

Just finished watching Godzilla vs Kong

Posted on Apr 1st

Hey y’all! Aside from finishing the movie just now, I saw a sneak peak of behind the scenes with the actors/crew yesterday and I heard (I think the director said this? I don’t remember) that this was the young girl’s first film (she plays Jia, her name is Kaylee Hottle) which I thought was SUPER awesome because she played her role extremely well!! But I also couldn’t help to wonder how did she land a role with a massive production like this so quickly? (Or maybe it wasn’t quickly at all!) I went on IMDB to see if she played any TV roles or plays, anything really, and nothing was listed. I do believe she has some type of acting experience, but do people really just get that lucky?

Advice on Getting Started With Acting

Advice on Getting Started With Acting

Posted on Apr 1st

Cameron Lee Price, an up and coming actor, gives advice to people seeking to do well in the industry. Listen to more advice from Cameron [here](, and learn how he manages having get eight agents! [Cameron Lee Price gives advice to viewers on how to start acting. ](

I am a Voice actress and Singer

I am a Voice actress and Singer

Posted on Apr 1st

Hi if you are looking for one, do dm me \^\_\^ My discord is Myra#0457 [\_channel=Myra]( Also do subscribe if you like it \^\_\^ Thanks Best Wishes

Tips for physical/slapstick comedy on stage

Tips for physical/slapstick comedy on stage

Posted on Apr 1st

I'm a super new actor but I was cast in a community theater production recently which is very exciting! The play leans more comedic and as we've started rehearsals my director has been talking about taking a very slapstick route with one of my characters. I'm excited to stretch and try something new but physical comedy is definitely not a comfort zone for me in acting (comedy isn't in general, to be honest). In my mind, the most important thing is committing fully - there's nothing worse than watching a performer who's half-performing because you can sense their discomfort. But I don't know how else to approach this. Anyone have any other tips/reads/watches on how to do well in this kind of acting? Thanks!

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

09.20.2024 Achieving On-Screen Success: How to Leverage User Experience for Acting Success
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Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

09.06.2024 Grow Your Acting Career with an Unforgettable Online Presence: Proven Strategies for Actors
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Actor Website helper: Bottie

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