I was told in film school that, as a director you ought to give the actor direction between every take. Do you find this helpful or just irritating? Is this what you usually get when dealing with directors or are they more laid back? I'd love to hear anyone's perspective because, as someone who tends to over direct, I find giving direction too frequently can actually be more harmful than helpful. But that may just be because my direction isn't very good.
I am an actor and my Pilot just got picked up to series for a big television network. It stars a known actress, not A-list but known and beloved by her fans. The other actors are unknown like me. It will be part of the fall lineup for CBS. This is my first Pilot and also my first series pick up. Is it very likely I will become famous now? What is the likelihood?
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
I heard that many actors that are successful have agents, what are agents and what do they do, also how do you get one?
I got an audition for a series regular role. I submitted yesterday through my agent. It is shooting this April. If I got a callback when should I expect one? Does this mean the pool of actors asked to audition is likely smaller than usual? I read a great article here about Casting Steps for a Series Reg https://www.brainsofminerva.com/2010/02/02/acting/emmy-winning-cd-holly-powell-on-the-4-steps-to-casting-a-series-regular/ But with COVID how, if at all, has this been modified aside from doing everything through Zoom?
In my personal opinion I consider RDJ, Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep, and Sally Field as some of the first that come to mind. Who else and who are your inspirations?
Do that first audition. Get the microphone you've been looking at for a while. Take action. You can't get anywhere if you don't attempt to put yourself out there. You got this and you've got a whole community here to support you when you need it. It may be scary or nerve-wracking, but in the end it will be so worth it. Keep up the hard work!
So I heard there's a purge today. And what a coincidence that we're also launching our latest AI Voice and Text AI tool here: [https://www.producthunt.com/posts/gpt-3-custom-ai-voices](https://www.producthunt.com/posts/gpt-3-custom-ai-voices) (YAY SELF PROMO, Thanks Mods) We're also looking to add some amazing voiceover artists so if anyone is interested, please fill out the form here: [https://www.resemble.ai/talent](https://www.resemble.ai/talent) We have some amazing voice actors like Steve from Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell, and are looking forward to helping small creators access professional voice acting while making it as easy as possible for the voice actors.
Hi everyone, I want to get back into pursuing acting after taking a (too long) break and looking for some acting classes. I was initially just wanting to do night classes and amature theatre because I work full time atm but after going to The Actors Hub to trial their night classes, they are trying to convince me to sign up to their full time 3 year course. It's pretty expensive at $12,000 a year and I would need to drop to part time or quit and get a more flexible job so it's a big commitment. They say that they are cheaper and better than WAAPA because they use some of the same lecturers but more supportive environment. They say they have strong relationships with well known agents like Morrisey Management who apparently won't look at you if you don't study for 3 years and that you get an opportunity to be represented by the end. I didn't have the intention of signing up to a full time course originally, but I do feel very lost in terms of direction and support and being represented by a good agent is the goal for me, but I'm also wary about being taken advantage of. Has anyone done this course and can give me an honest opinion? How much is the WAAPA course in comparison? What other acting workshops and night classes can you recommend? Can you get a good agent and professional work by doing amature theatre, night classes and student films or is full time study neccesary? Thanks!
I'm looking for something to watch that will give me a little insight into the world of acting. I've already watched the following and they were good. Can you recommend anything else? * That Guy Who Was in That Thing * That Gal Who Was in That Thing * Strictly Background * Barry Seasons 1-2. * A few long SAG-AFTRA panels on Youtube. It doesn't need to be some super informative video. As you can tell by my inclusion of Barry on this list, I just want something acting related enough to be entertaining. If it provides some insight that's a big bonus. Edit: I'm more interested in the world of beginning or working actors. Not so much the megastars. I'm also not looking to do in-depth research, so the SAG panels I watched were a bit much. Something aimed more at non-actors (which is what I am) would be ideal. I figured I'd post it here since this community is full of people who'd know of anything that might exist.
Hey guys I'm trying to get some clarification on the differences/similarities of some major casting websites and also would love some feedback from you all on what your favorite casting sights are! (Especially those of you in the southeast). I'm an actor based in the southeast and when I signed with my current agent I was required sign up for Actors Access, Casting Networks, & Cast It Talent. Personally I've never used Cast It Talent to look for breakdowns. I don't self submit on Casting Networks because it's expensive IMO for the unlimited access yearly subscription so I only pay the $7 a month to host media on my profile. I do this because I gear myself more towards the theatrical side of acting (film/TV) and find breakdowns to self submit to more often on AA than I ever see on Casting Networks so I paid the annual fee for the premium version of AA. My agent submits me for work on all 3 casting sights of course but I still like to do as much as I can on my end and self submit whenever possible. I also pay for Backstage and self submit there as well. So for you actors out there that gear themselves more towards film/tv what casting sights do you use? (On top of what your agent may use to submit you). From the research that I've done I've ran across various casting websites and (correct me if I'm wrong) but I believe Breakdown Services and Actors Access are essentially the same thing. Like how Casting Frontier, LA Casting and Casting Networks are, correct? If this is true is it beneficial at all to be on the different versions of these casting sights? Any sights that I didn't mention that you guys would recommend? Anyone ever used Casting Depot? Thanks for any insight, tips, and feedback guys, break a leg!
Hi. Thank you so much for reading the post! I’m a cybersecurity major student done with my first year of college. However I’ve been debating, I’ve always wanted to be an actor and been thinking of applying to other colleges (acting schools). I know I will be considered a transfer and most deadlines are March 1st for fall transfers, am I too late? I’m in Virginia should I look for in-state schools or it doesn’t matter. Lastly, I’m an introvert is acting even a good idea, will I come out of my comfort-zone or is this a far-reach for me. Again. Thank you!
As a starting actor, it's still a little blury on what to include on a resume. I know how to do it, but I simply don't know what to put on it, should i put YouTube credits under the web series section? How many training courses should i participate in, in order to be seen as a serious actor about his career? Any tips would be appreciated. Thank you!
For the past year, I (26F) have been saving up to move to Los Angeles through my remote government contractor position. The job is honestly terrible and more than a little soul-crushing. The only reason I haven't quit already is because I have been pushing towards the bigger goal - to be an actress in LA and work in the film industry. I am well aware of how difficult it is to make a living out of acting and really, I just want to work on a film set. I have been networking with people on Linkedin (I even got to speak with someone who has worked on the Mandalorian as a 1st AD) about entry level set work, attended a CSA seminar for people wanting to work in casting etc. If I never got cast in anything, I would still be happy if I could go watch a movie and say "I helped make this." Most people have told me that they have no doubt I will be able to achieve this but I need to be in LA to make it happen so I'm moving to make it happen. I have also been taking a variety of classes through studios near me as well as vocal lessons. I am getting my headshots done in two weeks (was supposed to be sooner but the photographer had COVID). Once I get those, I am going to be signing up for Actors Access and Backstage. I'm trying to do what I can to make myself marketable and to build/develop skills. I'm determined to get cast in at least one thing (really aiming high here, folks). I have also been active in play reading groups and even ran one myself for most of 2020. It's definitely been a privilege to spend money on acting classes when so many others are struggling to pay rent and I acknowledge that completely. I also recognize that I wouldn't have been able to do this at all if I didn't have a remote job so I acknowledge that privilege as well. I've just been trying to utilize my time effectively. So, with all that being said, when I move, I will have about $30,000. My current job has benefits, including healthcare and a 401k. It is a standard 8-4 office job (I don't take a lunch so I can end earlier) with exactly 0 flexibility. For example (I can go on and on): If my supervisor sees my status as yellow on Teams, they will assume I'm not working and then I don't get paid. It times out after 5 minutes so I can't even pee without playing Russian Roulette. I have been open with my parents (live with them currently) about my intentions and they are less than supportive. Not so much about acting but about the fact that I am giving up a job with health benefits. They are extremely worried and think I'm not being realistic at all. They want me to keep the job, at least until I am 100% settled. My mother has said she is worried I am going to turn to "less savory" activities to pay rent. My feelings are that I have to force myself out of bed every morning and have physically held myself back from metaphorically flipping a digital table and quitting on the spot and the idea of working past my mental finish line feels impossible. I can understand their argument and maybe they are right in that I should keep it just until I get that first on-set gig or my first role but I would like to hear what more experienced members of this subreddit think. Should I keep this job just for the benefits until I'm more established?
Seeking actors for sales jobs. Note: Perfect Sales job for Actors. Earn a good living, work a flexible schedule, and help save lives. This is not an acting job; it is a very good source of income between acting jobs. If you have sales experience and love helping others, this may be a perfect match.. Salespeople make $80 to $150K working only 30 hours. Once established, work can be done from home. California residents ONLY. email: popcornandlemonade17@gmail.com
Any tips or ideas on how to correct habitual actions? I'm not an actor, but I do perform. As I watch my performances back, I notice small annoyances that likely distract from my performance. The way my lips move while saying certain words. They shifts I make from one foot to the other. Etc. I'm looking for tactics to help correct these during practice and performance. Any help is appreciated.
Quick question, is it okay if i put solo scenes? Or do I have to put scenes that include other actors, so casting directors see how i perform with other people in a scene?
Just got done from a long background acting gig in a movie, let me tell you my experience so you can gain a little bit of wisdom. I firmly believe if you are interested in acting or filmmaking in general you should absolutely pick up a job as an extra just to see what a film set is like, that being said, one short gig is enough! There are ample wannabe filmmakers and aspiring actors doing the full time extra circuit. They do it full time and multiple films in a row. Let me tell you why they do it and why you shouldn't. Their arguments: \- "**I'll work my way up**". No you won't shut up. I mean really? We are literal props behind the main actors. There is no way you are going to be discovered from walking in the distance of 5 seconds of footage. You can't even really network, I myself am an aspiring screenwriter and wanted to see if I could maybe at least talk a bit to the script supervisor on set. After days of waiting and asking I got nothing, why, because it's a bustling high budget set and people got shit better to do than to chat it up with the lowly extras. I totally understand their busy schedule but we should realize being an extra isn't a good way to network. ​ \- "**The work is easy**". No. Working at a grocery store was easier at times. As an extra you are either chronically underworked and bored, or overworked and hungry. A day can consist of you sitting in holding all day on your phone and never being used or could be you being marched around all day in the sun just for one shot, and oh yeah if the director is on a work kick you'll work through lunch. Again, literally any grocery store or warehouse stocking job is easier. \- "**The pay is good**". Is $150 a day nice? Yeah! But that is 150 for 12 hours making the hourly rate about 12.50 almost no different than a low level job at Whole Foods. Sure the pay is better than McDonalds but honestly you can find that level of pay at a lot of places that give you more free time and less stress. ​ \- "**I get to act, which is my passion**". Stop tricking yourself. We literally stand/walk in the background and never even look at the camera. Production assistants will actively remind you not to act, because it isn't necessary. ​ TLDR: Working at a common grocery store as a produce stocker gets you similar pay, with less stress and more free time. Do it once to experience a film set then move on. If you're an aspiring actor or filmmaker please find something other than full-time background acting, it will always be a better choice.
Hi! I am an 18 yr (M) and I am planning on moving in a few months to L.A to pursue acting. I should have about $13k saved up by the time I plan on making the move and I have someone that may be moving with me, but she is still unsure. I was originally going to go to AADA but it was far too expensive with little to no financial aid (even in a low-income household) and they haven't even released their enrollment packets for the upcoming school year. I plan on getting my headshots done right before I leave or when I get there. When I move, I'm going to sign up on centralcasting immediately and probably Backstage as well. I'm not sure what parts of L.A are necessarily good parts to be in for an actor (the only thing I've heard is Studio City is a safer neighborhood and somewhat affordable). I was wondering if I could get some advice on a few things: what I should be doing for the first few months there, where are good areas to live, what is a good job to have besides restaurants, and what's a good and safest way to find roommates just in case my friend changes her mind? I also was wondering if studios also post open casting calls on their websites?
How do you find a partner for self-taping? Is there any acting app where actors can find scene partners using something like zoom or skype? cheers
i'm a fifteen year old girl from england acting has always been what i wanted to do. even if i try to convince myself that i want to do this job or that job when i'm older, it is just simply what i want to do. it sounds cheesy but it is a genuine passion. and i'm naturally pretty okay aha. in regards to careers, i'm incredibly realistic. i know that i probably won't ever make it and be a big name in the acting industry. obviously that is fine, i'm not fussed with being famous or anything, but i would want to make a good amount of money. i've always had a real fear of suffering financially when i am older. however, i don't want to (for example) go to an acting school, only to end up nowhere. it's expensive to go to acting schools, obviously, and while i know it is not a necessity, i don't imagine it hurts to meet people with connections aha. recently, an actor joined my school. i'm not naming him, but he's been in some pretty good shows and films. and i just want to do what he did. idk why he got into acting but he's doing it, and i just wish i could. i doubt my parents would want me to look into acting now, and i understand why lol. should i play it safe and just go into entertainment as a whole? or should i focus on acting, something i really love, despite everything that comes with that risk?
I’m looking to become a more serious actor, and my film acting teacher recommended me to start improv! This improv class has a bunch of kids who know what they’re doing, and I’m afraid I’m going to make a fool of myself. Improv is technically just having good timing and always knowing what to say....but I’m a bit slow just in general
remembered seeing a post on this sub talking about how easy it is for kids of actors to waltz right into the business whether they have talent or not. then i read [this](https://amp.cinemablend.com/news/2565011/tom-holland-reveals-how-brother-landed-role-sony-spider-man-no-way-home-marvel). ​ https://preview.redd.it/cb30mzwy46q61.jpg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83d7fad2655f887a76fd6b434a1ab2cf888fce25
I only recently found out actors are listed on RT, not just titles. Just saw that two of my credits are randomly attached to my name, both from TV. Do people add these details, or is it just AI? And why some credits and not others? Does it actually matter to anyone in casting?
**About the Game** The game is a Tactical RPG in a high fantasy setting with knights, mages and dragons. We want to tell a political story with adult intrigue in a fantasy medieval setting. The game is a spiritual successor to Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions / Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. **About the Job** We are looking for a voice actor for our announcement trailer. The trailer will be 45s to 1min long with about 20-30s of Voice Over in between. This will be a contracted position. Moreover, we will have more trailers and acting roles in the future and you will be considered first for those roles. **Rate (Negotiable):** $100 for around 20-30s of audio. **Requirements** - Quality Mic Setup. - Experience recording Voice Overs. - A Deep Male Voice with a Neutral American or British Accent. - Availability for one 1-hour virtual recording session between April 7 and April 10 and another 30 minute emergency virtual recording session between April 12 and April 14. The emergency session is just in case we get anything wrong or need a retake for a line. It might not be needed. **Recommended** - Experience as a Voice Actor / Voiceover Artist. - Acoustically treated room. - Experience using Discord. We will sign a freelance contract and an NDA. **How to apply** If interested, please private message me with a link to your voice work and details about your mic setup. If you need audition material then please use this line which is from the script: > "Maybe...what a nation really needs is a revolution… >> And it all begins with a spark...” Please feel free to ask any questions here or via Reddit PM. If you are on the fence about applying then I highly suggest doing so, we might end up liking your voice!
What are some good commercial agencies in LA for actors who have only been in the game for less than 2 years?
Hi all, I write horror short stories for my website every other week and I'm looking to expand from just the website and twitter to YouTube as well to attract a larger audience. I am planning on having the audio narrations and a sort of slideshow of spooky pictures (I'm not the best with iMovie), more so people can listen instead of read the stories. I don't currently make any money doing this, so I can't offer payment for the role. I am more looking for a partnership in developing my writing and a "coworker's" voice acting. If profits do come out of the YouTube videos I'd of course split that when the time comes, I was thinking 50/50. You can find my short stories at lawsonray.com. Please feel free to reach out to me if you're interested.
Basically I wanna email a celebrated theatre casting director who is casting for a musical I’d be great for. I’ve written the email itself but I’m unsure what to put in the subject. (Say the CD is called John Smith) FAO John Smith - Actor Submission (OP’s name) Or, Actor Submission - OP’s name Or something else? If it helps I live in the U.K., it’s a British casting director.
i just started a week ago and i need feedback on what i need to improve on. heres the link [Testaudiobookmaster by junesr | June Junior | Free Listening on SoundCloud](https://soundcloud.com/june-junior-511214084/testaudiobookmaster) ​ here's is the excerpt from the book which i typed out becuase i couldnt copy baste " Length refers to the duration of a speech sound achieved without change in its phenetic quality. Since vowel sounds and continuant consonant sounds (nasals, the lateral consonant sound and fricatives) involve a single articulatory position, they could conceivable last as long as a breath can last. The same is true of the glide from one vowel element to another in the creation of a diphthong sound. The lengths of speech sounds are governed by phonetic laws of which most people are unaware; however, an understanding of these laws is essential to the student who wants to speak without a regional dialect or to the person learning to speak English as a second language. Since the lengths of the sounds in a language are the very essence of its rhythms, knowing about them is invaluable for both the student of oral interpretation and for the actor endeavoring to enter the rhythmic life of a character. In this book, and in any general discussion of Spoken English, length refers to the duration of sounds in proportion to one another, rather than to their length in real time. No one is actually going to time the length of a sound with a stop watch. Bear in mind also that even in persons whose speech conforms to one standard of pronunciation, there is a good deal of individual and contextual variation in sound-length and rhythm. In Spoken English, the rules for the length of are many and complex, depending on stress and on what sounds follow within a word. In general, all sounds tend to be... " My questions are: What parts of my speech do i need to work on before it can be comparable to a real "narrator" instead of a random amateur? how much more time should i expect to invest in practicing voice acting before i can expect see any opportunities arise this hobby?
hey !! i’m really serious about my acting career and i’m looking to build up my portfolio and gain experience so ... anyone need an actress? i’m an 19 years old afro-latina.
Hey there so 2 years ago me and a freind of mine made a comedic horror trailer that was kind of a inside joke ive always liked movies but it was when i recieved feedback from the kids at my school that i decided i wanted to be a filmaker now where making a sequal trailer so i can use my new skills ive learned i am looking for a dutch voice actor to narrate the first bit of the trailer as a news reporter preferably for free.
Basically what the title says, I’ve been auditioning for films of all sorts these past few months and I finally get to say that we wrapped up everything on my first ever film set as an actor for a Lead role! All COVID guidelines were followed but I’m just so happy with what we accomplished.
Being an actress is my lifelong dream but lately I’ve been thinking if I will book jobs once I really put myself out there. I’m very insecure with how I look and the prejudice against POCs aren’t really helping my confidence. I used to view Hollywood as the poster-blonde-blue eyed-tall girls land and I’m not that. For years, I’ve struggled with internalized racism. “Why do I look like this?” “Why is my bone structure not as pretty as theirs?” “I wish my hair is blonde/red”.. All of this took a toll on me and this turned me into a more insecure person. Lately, Hollywood is becoming more diverse. Casting more POC, even having an Asian as a lead character. I feel like this slow progress is a good thing but I think there’s still a lot going on behind the scenes. There’s still a lot of POC actors struggling with racism they face. Obviously, I have not experienced the extent of the prejudice they’ve faced but I’ve dealt with some racism in the past. I even used to tell my self I’m hispanic passing. People of color struggles with booking jobs because of the look requirements. Now, I don’t know if this is really true but I get the feeling that it is. I think that people of color, especially Asians, has it harder because most TV shows and movies don’t cast Asians for big roles unless it’s crucial to the plot. Anyway, rant over. I’m just hoping that POCs can really be fully accepted and seeing some POC movie/TV characters gives me hope for the future. I know that achieving this dream will be tough and I’m prepared to face judgements but I just want to be able to act whether it be for a blonde or brunette character. I hope this made sense. Let’s work hard for our dreams <3
hi all hi all im an actor based in los angeles and i need a new reel as soon as possible. does anyone here know of any places in LA that are open during the pandemic to help me film an on camera demo reel? ive tried to do it at home but it did NOT work out very well. any help/suggestions are welcome!! thank u
I am looking to cast a voice actor for a project I’m working on. The part is a birthday clown, so it’s a more goofy, upbeat type role, not like a scary clown or anything. It’s a very easy part, only 4 lines, and of course I am willing to pay for your services. Please contact me either here or email me: cole.simp32@gmail.com if interested
I don’t mean like filming something because I’m perfectly fine doing that, but taking pictures like with photographers makes me so nervous. Is this normal among actors or just me. Probably just me!
Good day everyone. 19M here. I'm an aspiring actor and an artist, and I wanted to ask about video reels. I've heard that you're supposed to put previous work in your video reel, like participation in student projects. I've applied to be part of many student projects, but after receiving the scripts, I've always been frightened to participate in something that, more often than not, ends up being hella cringey. I don't know the long-term effects it might have on my career. Btw, I'm Lebanese and currently in Lebanon. Beirut (the only modern city and cultural center in Lebanon) got blown up in a port accident recently and now everybody is scared to live or produce there, not to mention rebuild it. I'm a very creative person, and I was wondering if companies, producers, and casting directors would be satisfied with videos I've made on my own? That goes to production as well as storytelling. I have a few ideas, but any badass storylines or idea recommendations would be highly appreciated. I love fantasy fiction and sci-fi shit. From your personal experiences, what exactly goes into a video reel? Please describe what kind of artist you are, and the atmosphere of the people you've worked with who've accepted your video reel. Thanks in advance and best of luck always, everyone!
Hey i’m looking into acting classes in toronto such as ones at LB studies, EVN studios, pro actors lab and armstrong acting academy. I was wondering if any had experience with these especially since it all went virtual, like what’s the lay out of the classes, learning wise, participation wise, how scenes work, critique etc ? thanks
"No matter how hard you work and how big a celebrity you become, you'll never be as famous as cheese" -Dan avidan. Seize the day fellow speakers, actors, and hosts!
I have a TikTok account, and posting a video each day is getting really tiring. We have 25k followers and we want someone to record 7x15 second videos each week... script provided... am I allowed to ask here? This is a paid gig... happy to share more info via PM. Past tiktok experience would be great, so please PM me your account link if interested.
Hi! I’m a young adult age range actor that’s taken multiple foundations/on-camera/intermediate acting classes and am looking for a scene study classes that’s high quality with a pretty small class size. Which do you have experience with and would you recommend? Some places I’ve been looking into: - Berg studios - Baron Brown - BGB Studios - American Conservatory Theater (Does anyone have experience training here?) Thank you :)
There are six feature films planning to shoot in my state this summer, and I'm interested in auditioning to be in the background of those films, but don't know how to start. Is there a website or something you would recommend? Or do they post on [Indeed.com](https://Indeed.com) or something? Thank you!
I’m not talking about fanmail but more like, how Carey Mulligan sent Julian Fellows letters when she was 18 to ask for him to help her start her career and guide her. Or other cases where actors say they sent emails/letters to celebrities or other established industry folks who could help them. First of all, how the heck do you get them to reply? I can’t imagine most celebrities being interested in replying. Secondly, do these people get the celebrity’s private email/actual address to write a letter to? Or send Instagram DMs? Or through their agents? It’s something that’s always baffled me as I’d be too anxious to message Phoebe Waller Bridge and ask her to mentor me or even give me advice.
I’m moving to nyc soon and hoping to pursue acting as a hobby outside of my job. I’d like to know which parts of nyc have a strong acting community if there are any? Maybe close to some of the classes and whatnot. Let me know :)
Besides acting I am also a low / no budget filmmaker on the side. I can post a breakdown on some boards advertising for a student DP, Editor, Composer etc looking to build their reels and resumes. Is their an Agent equivalent? Someone to scan breakdowns and submit resumes, clips, and headshots to suitable role breakdowns and setup auditions on behalf of an actor? I know they couldn’t negotiate the contract on behalf but are there entry people who help with the legwork for a fee / percentage and experience?
Hello everyone! My name is Mauricio, and it is my first time here (I love how supportive and empathetic most of the people here seem to be of each other). I am making and acting in one episode of a short series I am writing on my own for fun, and I am looking for a couple people who might be interested in joining. Voice recordings (and video recordings - if any) will be totally remote. This will be for fun, and I intend to share it on the Internet when it is ready. I would be happy to talk more to anyone interested! \- Mauricio.
I have some acne scars and it makes me very self conscious as an actor. I wish they showed more actors on television and movies that didn’t have perfect skin!
Taking a zoom acting class, and first assignment out the gate is your standard "Who Am I?" 5-min any format you'd like just make it theatrical autodrama. I am not one who likes talking about myself. I know, I know- WHAT?? An actor that doesn't want to be the center of attention?! As much as I love performing, and using personal experiences to feed what I do, I'm not one to shaaaarrre. What have y'all done for this assignment in past? I've watched ALL sorts on youtube, and am at a "too many creative possibilities" and "how superficial can this be without looking half-assed" brain block. And 5 days til it's due
So I auditioned for the New England Theatre Conference (NETC, similar to SETC, Strawhat, and other cattle call auditions). This past year was the second time I auditioned for NETC and both years, most of my callbacks have consisted of conservatories and summer acting programs. This year, I got a callbacks from Stella Adler and Commonwealth Shakespeare Company for month-long summer acting programs. Have any of you taken part in either of these programs, and if so was the experience worth it? If not, what acting conservatories have you been a part? All in all, is it worth it to pay money to be in a program and will it advance your career as an actor?
Weeee, you found me!
I'm your buddy Bottie, I was hiding behind the scenes, but now that you've found me I'd be happy to tell you what I'm doing.
I just wrote a few fun facts about Web For Actors
Would you like to take a look?
Click here to check them out. I hope it will cause involuntary audible response.