I can't seem to find anything on Youtube, does anyone know where I can find somethine like this? Is anyone familiar with a series of videos or something similar that touch on this subject? Maybe some interviews in which actors are asked these types of questions, I don't know. Thanks!
best way to email/contact an agent if you are new to the industry... with few or no credits and little training... can you appeal with ambition and proof of intro zoom classes? i began this journey after covid hit so in person training and opportunities have sucked... tips?? i know 'the steps' and i get its nearly (nearly) impossible to stand out this way or get representation with little experience, but i bet some agent/cd somewhere is willing to budge! can you appeal to a CD like this too?
What are you paying for covered california coverage? For unemployed people, I'm getting differing quotes for monthly costs, $75- 200 roughly.
I am sort of chubby, and I'm scared my weight will interfere with my ability to get lead roles in theatre. I feel like the only way I'll be noticed as an actor is if I weigh less. It's always super embarrassing when I have to put my weight on a resume. Any advice? And, no, I don't want those comments like "Ur so beautiful!!!! dont change urself evr!!!!". I understand that its kind of a bad thing to want to change myself, but I'm asking for advice not compliments that are illogical since yall don't even know what I look like.
i was wondering if anyone here could explain how UBCP / ACTRA works from the perspective of a foreigner...? (also are UBCP and ACTRA the same thing....?) let's say a SAG member (someone who's an American national) gets cast in an ACTRA production. i know there are people that are in ACTRA as well as SAG. are there any benefits to joining foreign unions...? (id assume they'd still have to jump through the loopholes of getting a visa to work, and etc.) this was something that i never thought of, knew that there were members of both, but recently came across my mind as to how joining a foreign union would help. (although i've mentioned ACTRA, i explicitly use the phrase "foreign union: cause im assuming there might be similar instances and other actors unions in other countries. if anyone has any experience with anything of the sort, i'd be interested to know!)
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
Hey, I'm looking for someone that could do a voice over for my horror stories. You would have to go slow. The horror stories could be wherever between 400 - 700 words. My needs : \-Someone with a deep voice \-looking forward to work long term \-good mic Pricing: I was thinking somewhere between 10$ for each story. Since I’m planning to work long term with you, I cannot pay you more at the early stages of development. I need 10 stories for now. Which I would pay 100$ for. Let me know if you have any questions, or would be willing to work with me!
I just learned that you could actually get an O-1 visa if your agent become a beneficiary for you and that's how most international actors got theirs. Learned it on a site for Australian actors. So actors who have knowledge of this or have experience in this, it is actually possible for agents to pick you up first then issued an O-1B petition for you afterwards, no? It's getting an agent that's the hardest part?
I see more and more representation of minority races onscreen - what do you think of the current industry climate in terms of diversity, are you at an advantage being POC/mixed race?
I've tried, hundreds of times. I just can't do it. I'm not one of those people that understands Shakespeare's text at all, it feels like I'm reading gibberish and it's always a hassle to finish a sentence. I know there are some actors like Joaquin Phoenix that have never read Shakespeare, but I know almost every talented actor has had some classical training involving Shakespeare. I've tried using websites like No Fear Shakespeare, but I still feel like an idiot reading the text's translations and because of that I don't enjoy the story as much. I really want to like and understand Shakespeare, but it is very difficult for me. Can I be a good actor if I can't even understand Shakespeare? Does anyone have any tips? Much appreciated!
At some point I know that if I want to make a living as a professional actor moving to L.A or NYC will have to be a must but, right now I cannot afford such a luxury. I’m just wondering if there is any other big U.S cities besides those with cheaper rent and less competition worth moving to.
Hi everyone! I am a new voice actor and I'm just about ready to start trying out for some gigs, but I wanted to know more about what the process is like for everyone else. What I mean by this is, assuming that you've finished soundproofing/buying a microphone and are good to go for recording, what process do you do to record lines, edit the clips, compile the clips to send? Specifically, can you tell me more about the routine that you go through while recording and also the editing process? I'm brand new and I don't know anything about the process, so any tips are appreciated!
I just read "A Practical Handbook for the Actor" and it really made sense to me. I feel like it will be my main resource moving forward. I have learned so much from lots of different books and various YouTube videos etc. I'm keen to know, what has worked best for you? What did you like about it?
For many years, I've had a speech disability. No matter how I speak I always have issues in some way. I do sometimes get criticism on my Gaming Youtube channel for my narration style although not as often as my ToastMaster meetings. The reason being is because my content I write is more informative rather than trying to voice act or roleplay or live act a character. Is the speech unbearable/unlistenable? Depends on who you ask but it's for the most part average. I've been thinking since the 2020 lockdown to maybe get into acting. However, I feel that my speech disability is holding me back. It's not like I'm inexperienced at narration or public speaking. It's also not like I'm "nervous" with anything. It's just I have trouble gathering my thoughts most of the time. I tend to say words in a choppy manner. I really don't know how I can get into acting if I never get rid of this speech disability. Does anyone have a speech disability but still became a serviceable actor?
Additional question: if you live in cities that production companies film in for tax breaks are you ever hired (aka local talent)? Or are actors always hired from people based in la or New York? I don’t have an agent and I’ve only seen postings for extras so not sure if they are ever casting characters in local markets.
I've been rapping for a couple years and I'm about to release my first EP, as well as maybe 6 to 10 other songs this spring. I consider myself pretty skilled and genuine but I do occasionally rap about substances, hypersexuality and the usual macho shit (since I live in the midst of it). I'm also about to graduate from a credible university with an arts degree. I just worry that because I'm Caucasian and more distant from the culture, my image could be dictated by my music rather than who I am otherwise. Should I really be concerned before people might even know about me and my music or should I carefully consider social media images, etc.? Do casting directors and agents consider it much? Is there a difference between how LA and NYC reps perceive artists trying to act? I also wonder if my music could further define me as a potential actor in a positive way for role eligibility. Or, if the music doesn't pick up steam, that it might be entirely irrelevant.
[That Circus Show](https://youtu.be/jOzunfHvqgw) is all about navigating the industry through the lens of a working actor. It will contain personal experiences, interviews and AMAs. I’m rounding up as many questions as I can in hopes having some of them answered and I know a lot of us here have a lot of questions. So, what are your questions? Anything from *what’s your worst audition experience*, to *what’s the deal with agents never getting back to me?*. Or maybe even *how did you find your type and play into it?*.
After a meeting with a CD I learned my agent very rarely picks up the phone to pitch actors so I’m now on the hunt for a new one. Does anyone know of forums specifically for LA actors to talk shop?
In terms of my appearance, I’m neither pretty nor ugly. I’m smack in the middle. I’m neither skinny nor fat (maybe by the industry’s standards I am) and I’m not curvy. I’m a good actor, but there’s nothing about me that makes a strong first impression. How do you make a mark when you’re exceptionally average on a surface level?
I’ve been with my agent since October 2019. I had an audition for a network tv show for basically a co star role (creature on a sci-fi show) and then a regional commercial that was interested in booking me off my headshot in the same week (Jan 2020). Didn’t book the costar and my commercial booking fell through in negotiations. Since then I have gotten one audition in august I didn’t hear anything from past an initial request to tape. I see people signed want agent booking with similar looks and age ranges to me without me being asked to even read for these roles. I haven’t asked for a submission report as I’m deathly afraid of her. She’s very strict on who can contact her when and frequently complains about her actors contacting her. I’m not even sure she’s submitting me. I know it’s a pandemic since March but she’s posted about booking the entire time and I just want to know if I should move on and find a new agent. Is her behavior typical? Even for a boutique agency in the SE? She has no one else to work with her, she is the sole agent of her agency of about 200-250 clients.
I’m looking to expand my own portfolio as an actor and model, in addition to helping photogs in the area.
Is there such thing?
Hello! I've recently been feeling a bit down about this career because I haven't had much success from the few auditions I've seen and applied to in my area (Philly). My theory is that there's so little work right now, EVERYONE is applying to the same few that come up so competition is fierce (Example: A non-union project I auditioned for wrote on FB that they sent out 180 emails to actors. 180 for a low budget short film!!!) Anyway, I was booking a lot in January and February of 2020, then for a brief second in November, and now it's practically disappeared again. I can't help but wonder if it's me, or if Covid really is to blame for my decreased luck. What has your experience been? Are you getting fewer auditions than usual? When you are getting auditions, are you booking? I don't have representation yet, so my experience might be different.
So like most of you, I am an aspiring actor. I am mixed race. My father is white and my mother is black so I have a very racially ambiguous look. I have tan skin and loose curly black hair. Sometimes people assume I am Hispanic, some assume I am a white man with darker skin, very rarely do people assume I am black. I am looking to start auditioning soon but I notice that a lot of the character descriptions ask for a “white man” or “black man”, “Latino man” etc. but never someone like me. I guess out of desperation I was wondering if I should just show up anyway for roles asking for a white man. Tbh the race of the character never actually seems important so I wonder if it would be a big deal. And also I’m not technically lying. I mean I am white...just half tho. Please tell me if it’s a bad idea or what I could do to find roles for someone who looks more ambiguous.
Instead of people with more acting chops but looks like most normal people? Or are their chances about the same, the good looking person and the person with lots of acting experiences? I wonder whether the industry cares more about people who has EVERYTHING else going for them instead of people who are passionate about acting? I was inspired to ask this question because I've seen a thread talking about this.
Hello, I am an aspiring actress (22, eu citizen, germany), and its been my plan to move to the uk to act there, get an agent, auditins etc. (and someday maybe the us) and support myself with a job. Now Brexit happened at it feels like every door is being shut. How could I ever be able to get into the uk to act especially when I am just starting out? The second question is would Ireland be an alternative to be able to get into acting internationally?
\--- Approval to post this was asked of the moderators of /r/acting beforehand; second post --- **Are you an intuitive or analytical actor?** **What is this about?** We have created a survey of people's acting experiences and behaviours, to measure how intuitive or analytical actors are in their acting and everyday life. The survey also includes questions about personality, spirituality, and some demographic questions. It takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. **What is in it for me?** At the end of the survey, scores reflecting intuitive and analytical ability and engagement in everyday life and acting will be presented back to you. This means you can get an idea of how you score on these variables. Moreover, you will get the option to enter in a draw to participate in a free online acting intuition training study. **Take me to the survey!** The survey is open to actors (18y+) of all experience levels (novel, amateur, student, professional etc.); you can find the survey here: [https://coventryhls.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV\_9vu7ZW3lNMug8UB](https://coventryhls.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9vu7ZW3lNMug8UB) **Ok, so what is in it for you?** We will analyse the data from the survey (including all questions), which will inform our broader research on acting, intuition, and spirituality, submit the research to an academic journal, and report the results back here. Many thanks for your time. We hope you enjoy the survey! Dr Valerie van Mulukom ([Research Fellow](https://pureportal.coventry.ac.uk/en/persons/valerie-van-mulukom)) and Micia de Wet ([PhD student](https://pureportal.coventry.ac.uk/en/persons/micia-de-wet) & performer) from Coventry University (United Kingdom) P.S. We need many more participants, so please feel free to share it with other actors you know. Thanks very much in advance!
I have some "scripts" for unusual roles. The roles are people who are being interviewed for a long time. The ENTIRE thing is questions and answers. There are almost no instructions for shots, actor movement, or anything else. It's all dialogue. As an actor, would you want this formatted like a normal script or would you not care if it was written in a non-traditional format. We're going to be reformatting them into traditional script format later today, but if enough people say they wouldn't care we might leave them as is. It seems easier to read this way (to us) but then we're not actors. Right now it's just written in a plain text document. The scripts are for the person answering. Here's a made up sample. **Cop: What color is the sky?** Bob: Blue. The sky is blue. **Cop: What is the capital of New York?** Bob: Many people think the capital is New York City, but it's actually Albany. [View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/krou19)
Ofc there are those famous successful actors that everyone notices, but there are still MANY actors out there that go unseen. I ask this because some may measure success with fame in this industry, even though that’s not what it’s about imo.
I'm producing a YouTube series which interviews indie filmmakers, actors and various artists. I'm an experienced film producer myself and I just wanted to raise some attention on those at the beginning of their careers. I felt that Emily Louise Knutsson, who made the move from the USA to Scotland, born out of a love for history and Gothic Romance - made for a compelling and unique actor! So, here is the interview [https://youtu.be/KlG1VUDr6a8](https://youtu.be/KlG1VUDr6a8) from my series 'Hex Talks'. If you would like to appear on my show, then you can always say hi to me on [channelhex@hexmedia.tv](mailto:channelhex@hexmedia.tv) I hope you enjoy the video - and we can and must do more to support new actors.
Hi all! I know most people on this sub are professional actors but I am wondering if anyone has any input for a newbie. I am not necessarily looking to act as a career but I love the idea of being on stage (or screen, or zoom I guess in Covid times). I really just want to learn and practice and have fun with it, and I am wondering if anyone has any insight into where I may be able to do that during the pandemic. Community theater in my area is on hiatus due to Covid, so unfortunately that’s not an option for me right now. I am taking virtual classes which are awesome, but I would love to find a space to practice with other artists outside of class without paying sums of money. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Hi, I am a full time animation student needing some voice actors for my animated project I'm working on. The project will be under 4 minutes in total. Amount of experience doesn't matter. Gender doesn't matter. I would be happy to pay you got this. (£150 max because I'm a student during a lockdown
I dont wanna toot my own trumpet here, but I wanna be an actor, and I just wanted to know. Thanks
Guys, is there any way to be able to use Actors Access for free, or with some kind of discount? I'm in Brazil and here we earn in real, the real is for 5.60, which means that if I sign the 68 dollar plan I will pay almost 400 reais, which is a lot of money .... Sorry if the question sounds stupid.
Not the typical age question, I swear. Although I do feel old as fuck in my early 20s and want to lie about it sometimes and say I’m like two years younger since everyone thinks I’m in HS anyway. I’ve just been wondering about when it comes to women in Hollywood, I do feel like there’s been an increasing (not really lol but compared to before...) number of actresses getting their big major role in their 30s. Lashana Lynch, Ana De Armas, Alexa Demie. All obviously booking a lot of roles before, but getting real buzz only in last few years. Most of the new GG kids actually being almost 30 too. Do you think that’s the result of the some changes in the industry thanks to MeToo or in reality because nowadays it seems like 20-35 people look a lot younger than their actual age? I personally feel like it’s the second option. Unfortunately. There’s still so many recent films with some middle aged guy and a love interest that is young enough to be his daughter. It’s just terrible.
Ever since I was 9 I had a dream of being an actor. I don't remember what performance inspired me to do so, or what event in my life influenced this decision, but I had never been so sure about anything in my entire life. I started taking classes at school and pursuing this career at about that age. At age 10 my drama teacher booked me a meeting with an agent that went very well, and I was very excited to tell people at school all about it. I felt so happy and proud of myself. The next day I went to school and in a non braggadocious manner told my friends about my meeting with the agent and how I wanted to pursue this career. To my surprise, people's reactions were not what I was expecting. Everyone laughed and made fun of me for pursuing this career. They basically said I would embarrass myself and my family if I made this decision. In my "society", people usually follow in their dad's footsteps and become successful bankers, lawyers, doctors, etc. It's usually people with a ton of money that want to keep making a ton of money. That's the way it's always been and that's the way they will always want it to be, but I never had any interest in numbers or law. From that day forward, I stopped pursuing this career publicly (I've still acted on my own and done skits and videos). I told my parents I was going to become an engineer and so I did. I am now a 24 year old industrial engineer with zero ambition or goals to do anything other than act. I am not good at anything else. I copied my way out of college. Acting is the only thing I've ever thought about doing for the last 14 years. I even created an instagram page a few months ago to fulfill that gap in which I uploaded short skits and I had over 2,000 followers and even got a DM from an agency showing interest in my acting which was awesome. However, I didn't really feel like I could do it or tell my family about it so I deleted my account. But now I realize that all this time I thought I hadn't pursued this career because of what others thought about me, when in reality, that was not the issue at all. The issue is that I don't believe in myself or my talent, so I look for validation in other people. When I don't receive validation from them, I blame them for stomping on my dream, when really, it's my own insecurities pulling me back. If I had believed in myself, I would have never cared what people thought. People don't give a shit about your life. They think as much about their life as you do about yours. And they think as much about you as you do about them (which is nothing). Anyway, I guess this is to tell other people feeling this way that it's okay, and that the only problem is yourself, not others. I am finally taking my first step.
I am writing a script where my main character is an aspiring actor in LA and I just want to get to know how that life works a bit better. If someone with experience in that area would be willing to answer my questions it would be much appreciated. Thank you.
I can’t decide. I have to take new shots in the next few months. These photographers have shot successful actors whose shots helped booked them work, especially the first two. All three photogs are respected by agents and CDs, and I think they all shoot beautiful pictures. Which is the best to you and why? I’m stuck between these three. Todd Estrin: https://www.toddestrinphotography.com Jeffrey Mosier: https://www.jeffreymosierphotography.com/m/ Sean Turi: https://www.seanturi.com
Photos, slate shots, fees etc. They're really out here grifting millions of people. Where does that money even go to lmao. Maintenance of the site? Please, that shit looks like it hasn't been updated since 2002.
It’s like, every agency where I live (Texas) has either bad reviews or is too local or is too far away (like in Dallas, I live in San Antonio.) I just can’t seem to find any good agencies in Austin. I think Paradigm looks good but it doesn’t look like it is accepting actors right now.
Hello! I wanted to hear from the LA actors who have taken virtual classes with all this Covid craziness going on. How has your experience been? I’m conflicted. First off, I hate that virtual classes are the same cost as in person classes. I feel like half of the learning experience is getting to do it in person and interacting with other actors. And I don’t feel like you get that through zoom. Also, Virtual classes aren’t super ideal for me, because I have dogs and my condo isn’t always the quietest, therefore they bark. But I feel like I’m stuck with no other options. But on the other hand, I know in person classes aren’t a thing that’s happening now and I feel like I’m wasting time sitting around waiting for in person classes to open back up. I really want to be proactive. Has anyone in LA taken virtual classes and feel like they are worth the sometimes high price tag? Who did you train with? What was your experience like? I’m looking at all sort of classes. General acting classes, commercial, and classes run by casting directors. I’m trying to stay away from self tape classes, because I already have a good system for my self tapes. Would love some recommendations. Thank you!
How do you know if an agent or a management is legit? I know there can be lots of scammers roaming around the industry especially for young and starting actors. I’ve been in the industry since I was 15 and was affiliated with multiple guilds that help get to auditions, I’m 22 now and I currently don’t have an agent in where I’m currently based. I’m looking forward to move to LA(due to work opportunities) and pursue acting besides my full-time job. And I heard from some LA actors that it’s hard to find casting calls w/o an agent to help you. Though subscription to AA, Casting Networks, Casting Frontier, and Backstage is a thing in LA, I have very least idea on how these work
I am an international student who is trying to apply to US for my undergrad studies. I also posted sometime back about related topic. I am very passionate about films and acting. I wanna make my life in it. I am willing to struggle in Hollywood. But being an international student, i have some restrictions and have to double major. I am thinking of double majoring with BFA in acting and BBA! Is this combo possible? And if not i am considering BA in acting and BBA double major! I really need help! Please do answer some of these following questions of mine! 1. How much skill would you develop with a BA in acting degree as an aspiring actor in compared to BFA? 2. How will the opportunities be for me after i graduate BA in acting being well groomed as an actor? 3. How will be the combination of BA in acting and BBA as double major, where BBA is what i am doing to support my living, helping me earn till i make it as an actor? 4. Is double major in BFA in acting and BBA possible? 5. Will it make huge differences if have to go with BA in acting instead of a BFA? (My ultimate goal is to be an actor for life! But due to restrictions i need to do a double major. What do you guys suggest? Please do help guys!) Thank you in advance for any suggestions and comments. I really appreciate it.
If I'm not mistaken the annual subscription fee is somewhere around $150 with added stuffs, right? Or is it more? It's not that expensive, given the features but is it good to have for someone who's just starting out?
I’m in this situation.
To be an actor someone should certainly have some particular features. What are some characteristics they should have? Expressiveness?
So recently, I posted here about my interview with Indie Gamer and a cartoon I was in winning at a festival. With those posts, came a fair few DMs asking about how to get cast and I've randomly been receiving emails asking the same thing. It seems everyone is more interested in games than they are cartoons, and indie games are what I have recorded for more so than anything else. I'm no Nolan North so can't help you with the AAAs but here's a few tips on how to land indie games... 1) I'm sure I don't have to tell a lot of you this but do not use P2Ps. Much to my surprise, some of the people messaging me are unfortunately throwing their money away on this - don't do it! I landed my first 2 video game roles on CCC and VAC. Most of my other worthwhile voice roles have been through those 'free2play' sites. -- 2) As James said on my Wayward Valley post: be quick! If you get your audition in as early as possible, and you smash the read, it sticks in the casting director's head and can be hard for them to shake. -- 3) Don't take character descriptions and references as gospel. If an entirely different voice occurs to you and you get a gut feeling about it, go with it. This has been the case on two different occasions where I was cast in the role and it's effective in getting you noticed. Obviously, if you go against the description, you're going to stand out of the pack and sometimes show the dev something that feels more appropriate even though it never occurred to them until you came along. Certainly do not let your inability to do an accent or specific reference put you off. You have nothing to lose, may as well try. -- 4) I'm sure I don't have to say this but make sure your environment and final clips are tight: no background noise, clips, popsbumps, or knocks. Make sure your recording with an XLR mic. Don't give them a reason outside your performance not to cast you. -- 5) Seen this more times than I ever expected to: VAs posting with worry because they're only landing small parts and are now wondering if they should bail on the job. It seems that for some people, if they're not leading, it hurts their ego. I've recorded for 7 released games and far more that never saw the light of day. I think I've only voiced the lead once in all those castings. It doesn't matter to me though because I love recording small parts. The smaller the better if you ask me. Another notch on the bed post and you get to be in something cool in exchange for a minimal amount of work. Don't let ego trick you into thinking you're not doing well just because the part is small. If you're landing anything and you're getting paid or the project looks amazing, you're doing great. -- 6) Play to your strengths. For 6/7 video game castings, I used the same voice. It's a Northern English regional accent that for some reason, devs seemed to love for scifi/fantasy. Don't worry about developing a ton of range right away and just focus on acting. I think sometimes VAs feel a little imposter syndrome if they can't do a ton of voices but the acting is the most important part. The range will come with time. For some, it never really does but it doesn't matter, they still do really well because they can act. -- 7) If there's a project you really feel you can add something to, feel free to message the dev even if they are in early development and haven't thought about casting yet. Don't make a habit of this because you don't want to get a rep for being annoying but this has worked out for me on occasion. Only reach out if you think you can really bring something and you have the samples to back it up. I'm extremely selective and careful about who I approach - I don't want to piss people off or get a rep for being annoying. I only do it if I really feel there's something specific I can bring and it seems obvious I could fit well. -- 8) Do gigs for exposure! A few of you will probably rip me open for this suggestion but if you're right at the start of your career, do jobs for exposure but be measured about what will and won't get you exposure. So often, I see unpaid castings with zero concept art and a lot of people dropping their info. Fair enough if you want to go there but I think that's crazy. A lack of concept art should always be an indication of a mad lark. It's an obvious red flag if somebody can't be bothered to demonstrate their concept beyond a script and they expect you to work for free. Don't waste your time because they are certainly going to waste yours. My first ever game casting was for 'exposure' but I was very measured in my decision to take the role. I sought advice from fellow VAs about whether it was worthwhile and I thought about it deeply before spending my time recording. As it happened, the project had a lot of concept material to show off including a trailer with over 120K views. Obviously, I took the gig and the project went on to land over 2M downloads and a writer's guild award for it's creator. For me personally, it lead to my first paid video game job instantly. Do jobs for exposure but be measured about it. Whatever you do, don't mindlessly condemn people who can't afford to pay. If they haven't put the work into developing their concept but expect people to work for free, that's another thing. -- 9) Never lean on other VAs for anything other than advice. 99% of the time, they can't help you to get cast and when someone acts like this, it just makes them look naive and as though they don't know how things work. A friend of mine was extremely pissed at me when I wouldn't hand his details along to Modern Storyteller and Pathea... we're not really friends anymore. I gave him a ton of advice but he's still bitter towards me to this day... I'm sure I don't have to say this but never approach a VA with this in mind. It's happened to me a few times and it's a very awkward position to be placed in because I really have no sway in that regard. I'm lucky to be in the room myself. As a VA who receives quite a few advice requests, I really don't mind giving anyone advice and sharing what worked for me... as you can see... But VAs have no sway whatsoever with devs. Remember this in approaching VAs for advice, and please do go and ask the VAs you admire questions, they can help you. They just can't deliver the golden ticket some people expect. -- 10) Remember there is no golden ticket. You have to keep working at it constantly. Yes, in the past, I've landed a job based purely on the fact that I was in something else and they liked me in that project... but this is rare. You have to keep working at finding projects constantly and just because you've done great things doesn't mean everyone will want you now. I've been in some very successful and popular indie games and I still get kicked to the curb all the time. -- 11) Never let not landing a part hurt you. Don't get down and don't view it as a comment on your performance or you as an actor. It's very saturated out there. More so now than when I started 5 years ago. Keep going and never let rejection knock you off course. -- 12) Be a producer. Be a writer. Make your own projects whether that is trying to get games going yourself or other VA ventures such as cartoons, audio drama or podcasts. For years, there were parts of my range no one was interested in. Making my own cartoons was the only way to get that side of me out. Often, my friends who are VAs complain about never being cast but that's exactly why you should be working on your own stuff too. Doing so has lead to some huge opportunities for me. My passion projects have lead to jobs that have paid the rent and bills for a few months. They've even lead me ending up on a Q and A panel at festivals. Don't just stare at your inbox waiting. Fill your time. -- Sorry for the looong post but I've found myself writing this over and over for various people of recent. It occurred to me that it could be useful for others and from now on, I can just refer people to this post :) I hope these tips were helpful :)
Do you think it’s crucial that an actor has an IG or social media? Or is it better to have an official website with work samples, etc.? I ask because I’m thinking of deleting my IG and focusing on creating a website instead for my work, images, etc.
Weeee, you found me!
I'm your buddy Bottie, I was hiding behind the scenes, but now that you've found me I'd be happy to tell you what I'm doing.
I just wrote a few fun facts about Web For Actors
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Click here to check them out. I hope it will cause involuntary audible response.