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How can a non-American actor work in the US?

How can a non-American actor work in the US?

Posted on Jan 5th

I'm interested in taking the 12-week full time acting program at Lee Strasberg in NYC, but as a Non-American I'm unable to stay in the US once I finish (I am also unable to do any work with the particular visa I would be on). Any advice on how I would be able to stay as a working actor? I'm European, but see more opportunities in America. Any advice would be super helpful!

How to get back into acting?

How to get back into acting?

Posted on Jan 5th

Hi there! I'm working a full-time job and not currently interested in becoming a professional actor. I just did a lot of theatre in school, and I miss it now that I'm not in school anymore. Any advice for an amateur actor who just wants to keep performing for fun/as a hobby?

What are examples of being a “very strong type” in acting?

What are examples of being a “very strong type” in acting?

Posted on Jan 5th

Is it usually referred to for ‘dramatic’ actors? I saw this as a piece of feedback and wanted some clarification on it.

I’m a young adult actor in college and I’ve met with several agents and managers. Some have told me I’m not ready, whereas others have told me I have a great personality. Is a mixed reception normal?

I’m a young adult actor in college and I’ve met with several agents and managers. Some have told me I’m not ready, whereas others have told me I have a great personality. Is a mixed reception normal?

Posted on Jan 5th

I remember my first agent meeting, she told me, “It’s very clear that you need more training.” Fast forward to the last few weeks, I signed with two different great agents, one in LA and one in NYC. I just met with a manager for representation over Zoom and she said, “You need to be more dynamic when you talk, more zest. I notice you look up when you talk; look at me when you talk.” I’ve never really had anyone take issue with me looking up when talking. I bring this up to say, is it normal to have a mixed reception from people, like agents and managers?

Agency options

Agency options

Posted on Jan 5th

So i'm looking at some agencies (most of them are child/teen agencies because im 16f, and they're not huge ones) and was hoping for some advice. A few of them don't require a video reel, but a monologue instead. Should I apply for these ones even if I don't have much experience in film? (I'm hoping to get more and I've submitted some auditions). I have plenty of experience in theatre and acting in general, just haven't been on a professional film set yet. There's also one that says they are happy/like to work with both experienced and inexperienced actors to 'help them grow' in the industry. Should I apply? Is this a good idea? I think most of them have some credits on amazon, bbc, etc. I'm looking to get some good roles eventually to build up my career. Any help/advice would be appreciated :)

Places for acting

Places for acting

Posted on Jan 5th

Hi there a lot of good actors and movies are in America is that the best place to go for acting or getting into good movies or should you just start in other countries like Ireland

Hearing back from Actors Access

Hearing back from Actors Access

Posted on Jan 5th

Do you guys ever hear back about your audition before the deadline? Or is it common practice to for casting directors to notify whoever landed the role after the deadline? Had a role I submitted for a few days ago and the deadline is tomorrow.

"Why Actors Need Monologues"

"Why Actors Need Monologues"

Posted on Jan 4th

My latest on why actors need monologues and how to prepare them.

Balancing acting and personal life

Balancing acting and personal life

Posted on Jan 4th

Apologies if this post isn’t right for this sub but I’m curious, are there any actors who have significant others in another city after they made the move to LA/NYC/Vancouver/Toronto? What are your plans for the future? How is it going? I fell in love with someone from my hometown and while I can actually act there and all of my friends and family are there, I really love Vancouver and I feel like I’m just getting started.

Hello everyone, I’m new here and I have a quick question

Hello everyone, I’m new here and I have a quick question

Posted on Jan 4th

I was reached out to by someone that I talked to briefly on Facebook, and they said they need extras for a film that he is in. So far he has told me nothing about the film, and told me he will tell me a few days prior about all the details. There seems to be no obligation to sign a contract, and I was wondering if this seems not legit or legit in actors eyes. I also have to add that I’m 16 and not very experienced yet

Getting an O1 w/o Previous Credits?

Getting an O1 w/o Previous Credits?

Posted on Jan 4th

I am a Canadian actress who's just starting out and I'd like to know why actors w/o previous credits could get an O1 visa. Recently, I've watched shows filmed in the US that feature non-US, rookie actors. Ex. Maitreyi from 'Never Have I Ever' and Iman Vellani for 'Ms.Marvel'. Both actresses are Canadian, playing lead roles, their first professional acting gigs. So, I was wondering if there is an exception? Instead of having to prove your 'excellence' in your field, is it possible to have someone or a big studio like marvel, to write letter of recomendation or something? Does that also mean, that agents could submit us for big roles shooting in the US?

Can Agents Submit Multiple Clients for One Role?

Can Agents Submit Multiple Clients for One Role?

Posted on Jan 4th

I'm starting out and looking for an agent. I'm doing my research on each agent's roster using IMDB Pro. My question is, is it possible for an agent to submit multiple clients to one role? If the answer is yes, could casting request audition from two or more clients under the same agent? In other words, could 2 actors under the same agent fight for the same role? I'm asking because I'd like to submit for an agent. I am BIPOC and the agent doesn't have a client of my race. However she has 3 other rookie actresses within the same age range as me. I suppose, if there's an 'open ethnicity' role, she could submit all three of us? Are those 3 other actresses my competition at all?

Is Pantheon Talent legitimate, seeing as they willfully hired a convicted scammer after he was charged with scamming kids and their parents, talent agent Nick Roses? Would you sign with the agency?

Is Pantheon Talent legitimate, seeing as they willfully hired a convicted scammer after he was charged with scamming kids and their parents, talent agent Nick Roses? Would you sign with the agency?

Posted on Jan 4th

I'm looking for advice. I'm torn because, outside of this, the agency has a very good reputation, is in top 500 companies on IMDb, and has many working and successful current actor clients. I'm in talks with Nick Roses and Pantheon Talent in general for representation as an actor. The thing is, Roses was charged with scamming clients when he was 21 years old, almost a decade ago in 2011, after years of working in the industry beginning when he was a teen himself. What do you personally think? Links: []( []( [](

When reaching out to agents and managers for representation, should you email using your stage name or legal name?

When reaching out to agents and managers for representation, should you email using your stage name or legal name?

Posted on Jan 4th

I know when submitting to literary agents, it's advised that you email under your legal name and put "writing under \[pen name\]". But in acting, is it the same, with the pen name being the stage name; or do you just create a new email and everything with your stage name, and simply sign contracts and such with your legal name? I've seen this done both ways for actors from my research. What is the proper way?

How to not care about what people think ?

How to not care about what people think ?

Posted on Jan 4th

So here’s the thing : I’ve always heard that nothing is more stressful for a human than when their goals are tied to the approval of others. But, being an actor literally depends on the approval of others. I mean, let’s be honest, I would much rather be the next Meryl Streep than the next commercial guy. But in order to be the next Meryl Streep, I have to build a network, be good-looking, be as good as I can be. All of this depends on the approval of others. Do you get what I’m trying to say ?

Where can someone search for inspiring actors online free?

Where can someone search for inspiring actors online free?

Posted on Jan 4th

Other than here on reddit, is there anywhere else i could post my ad , looking for actors/ or anyone who would like to act for free? All websites i found you have to pay to sign up

Anyone familiar with the industry in Spain?

Anyone familiar with the industry in Spain?

Posted on Jan 4th

I’d like to know for actors how it is terms of diversity, if there are many great agencies with US connections, if there are a lot of productions happening every year and if they are welcoming to Latino actors from SA.

Do you have to be in LA or New York to become an actor?

Do you have to be in LA or New York to become an actor?

Posted on Jan 4th

I live in Miami, and I was wondering if it's necessary to be in one of the two cities mentioned to have a successful career. Would I be able to do well in Miami?

I kinda have a dream to be an actor but I have a monotone voice and an unattractive face

I kinda have a dream to be an actor but I have a monotone voice and an unattractive face

Posted on Jan 4th

I always loved acting, and directing but I am the complete opposite of an ideal actor. Also I am young and don’t live near any large companies

How can I accept that my dream of being a frequently working actor won't come true?

How can I accept that my dream of being a frequently working actor won't come true?

Posted on Jan 4th

I'm 28/f and am UK based, I only speak English and I'm just an average looking white girl. I'm ok at acting but I'm not amazing. I have confidence and anxiety issues and have burnt a lot of bridges in the industry in the past. I've been on a break from acting since late 2018 but for a six year period 2012-2018 had quite a few opportunities and even managed to book professional screen work, but fucked it all up because of my anxiety and poor interpersonal skills. I was always hardworking, punctual, etc - but always tripped myself up over my anxiety, insecurities and the way I come across in email and in person. I've met countless agents over the years, including very big ones, have been initially rejected by most of them and have been dropped 3 times by the fairly prestigious ones who did take me on. Casting directors and agents have an acute memory of people they've seen and met and my issue is that I was exposed to such people before I was at the right level with acting - I lacked skill, technique, and ability to manage my nerves. I was bad at accents and accessing deep emotion in high pressure situations. I started the game in 2012 while I was still at university, doing short films and fringe plays I found online and had a few professional auditions. At the time I had only done drama at school (pre-18) but over the next six years I took a lot of classes. From about 2015-2018 I was properly in the game (had agents, few jobs, fairly regular auditions). I have no formal training and I think at 28 it's too late to do a three year course somewhere, and I've always been told that masters courses aren't respected and are a money making thing (also covid has suspended many). When I was working I couldn't really "learn on the job" because I never got theatre work and only ever booked small supporting screen roles with a few shoot days here and there, and was always super anxious and insecure which prevented me giving good performances. I feel deeply ashamed of all my screen performances, previous audition performances and my appearances on stage in unpaid theatre stuff that directors and casting directors have attended. At the age of 28, after so many failures and bad auditions/meetings/awkward email exchanges, I just don't think I'll be able to successfully get back into it as people will remember me as that untalented weirdo from a few years back with a tainted history. If I was going to attempt to get back into the industry I would have to start using a new name, get facial surgery, dye my hair, remove all previous credits, etc etc. This is just insane, right? I mean I should just accept that the game is over, right? I've been in this limbo for 2 years now, feeling like I want to act but feeling unable to get back in the game. My initial idea was to go to RADA for 3 years. The last agent I had from 2018 told me to audition, so I did and got onto the waiting list. After I was dropped I tried again in 2019 and then again in 2020 and was rejected straight away (not even getting recalls). I feel like I've lost whatever spark I had when I auditioned in 2018, or maybe RADA were just impressed with the fact I had a good agent and had booked some jobs back then as it was written on my form. Or it was likely just a fluke. The agent I had in 2018 told me to adopt an 'urban/street' vibe in how I present myself generally in the industry to stand out from other 18-25 white girls which I adopted at my 2018 RADA audition so maybe that also could have been why they were interested. I did a self tape this year and haven't heard back yet but it wasn't very good so I doubt I'll get a recall. My idea of a successful career is spending at least 100 days of the year working on fairly decent, uncompromising speaking roles on paid jobs. My aim has never been to move to the USA or become a big celebrity, I have always just wanted to be a busy, well liked, respected British actress who can get public transport without being harassed. I would love a career like Patsy Ferran or someone like that, someone who isn't famous but is busy and well respected. That's the aim and I would have wanted to get there in the timeframe I was in the industry for. Anyway I don't believe that I will ever be able to achieve what I want, and I am so depressed without having acting in my life, without being an actor. I can't just do it as a hobby because I get obsessed and want to make it everything. I need to move on and let go of this dream but I just can't. I feel that at my age it's too late to start fresh as the industry is so ageist towards women starting out in the industry - I'd never be able to get a decent agent or regular auditions. I really need to be free of wanting to act but I just can't shake the dream, I think about it every day and cry about it all the time. Please can someone offer some advice, sorry I know this post is very long.

about student films or indipendent films (not big bois, just amateurs, after grad students, low budget)

about student films or indipendent films (not big bois, just amateurs, after grad students, low budget)

Posted on Jan 4th

As i said in the title, in this category, is it ok to have inexperienced actors or usually they prefer always to have someone who already good at acting?

Monologues For Teens

Monologues For Teens

Posted on Jan 4th

Hi! I’m a 13 year old actress and I’m looking for some teen movie/tv monologue recommendations. I do a monthly film acting class where I do a scene and a monologue. I’ve previously done monologues from The Fault in Our Stars, Glee, Booksmart, The Haunting of Bly Manor, and many others. If someone could give me some good tv and film monologues or even some sites that would be great! Monologues are just so hard to find! Thank you!

looking for a monologue for a female 30 - 40 actress

looking for a monologue for a female 30 - 40 actress

Posted on Jan 4th

Hi, there I'm looking for a 2- 3 minute monologue for my wife who needs one for her acting class. She plays mid-thirties. Looking for monologues from very modern plays or current screenplays. Thanks

Has anyone joined a good agent in Jan/Feb - which is right before pilot season?

Has anyone joined a good agent in Jan/Feb - which is right before pilot season?

Posted on Jan 3rd

I am getting new headshots in two weeks and pilot season is right around the corner. Usually actors get new headshots to prepare for pilot season. How about to join an agent? Has anyone here had any luck? I would hate to be agent-less during 2021 pilot season.



Posted on Jan 3rd

Hi guys,tomorrow I have my first workshop with an actor(He has 30 credits) he seems like a cool guy willing to help us. Do workshops actually help? Or is it better to take classes only?

Double Majoring in BFA in Acting and BBA!

Double Majoring in BFA in Acting and BBA!

Posted on Jan 3rd

Is it possible to do a double major with BFA in acting and BBA in US? Do the colleges allow this combination? This kind of study is really important for me and hope it's possible to do! I am an international student trying to do my undergraduate in US. I am really interested in learning acting in US but also need a backup which can earn me a comfortable or near to comfortable living there till i make it as an actor. Hence the decision is to do a double major with BFA in acting and a BBA! But i don't know if that's possible! Really need help! If not BFA in acting, how about BFA in filmmaking with BBA!

I'm 30 with no formal training/experience. Can I still act?

I'm 30 with no formal training/experience. Can I still act?

Posted on Jan 3rd

Hi everyone. I just turned 30 this year and suddenly felt panicky about my life/career choices. I've had a secret passion for acting since I was a child, but never really pursued it (I was in one play in middle school, went to one audition as a kid but didn't get the role, another audition for a commercial in my early 20s but was told I was too fat - mind you, I'm 5'2 and 110 pounds). I was told acting isn't a viable career choice, and so I ended up leaving it as a fantasy. Now, having experienced a global pandemic and entering a new decade I have more drive than ever to pursue this dream of mine. I do not actually look 30 (I still get carded at liquor stores!). People keep telling me I look 20-25. I'm part Asian and can thank my mother for the youthful genes! I'd like to take acting classes in either London or NYC, but wondering if I'm too old. I'd love to actually make a career out of this, and not be a struggling actor with survival jobs (at least not long-term anyway). Anyone have any tips/advice? Thanks!

Big Head Theory

Big Head Theory

Posted on Jan 3rd

I would love to hear your opinion on this “Big Head Theory”. Basically, it says that those who have bigger-than-usual heads(literal heads, not ego) have a larger chance of “making it big”. Here’s a Facebook post from author David Morrell (First Blood): “Yesterday I posted about having watched Burt Lancaster give an acting seminar to the University of Iowa’s drama department when I was a professor in the English department. People ask, ‘What did he look like?’ The same as he did in his movies, especially his broad smile. Most major movie stars have one distinguishing characteristic. Their heads are large in a way that is out of proportion with their bodies. McQueen, Newman, Stallone, etc. Director Norman Jewison called move stars’ heads ‘Roman.’ The camera likes the perspective that a large head gives to an actor. In person, it looks a little unnatural, but onscreen, the large head allows them to dominate.” Opinions from those who actually work in the industry would be greatly appreciated.

what degree should i get while trying to become an actor

what degree should i get while trying to become an actor

Posted on Jan 3rd

i’m a freshman in college and i’ve been pondering on this for so long but i really want to get into the film industry and act one day, but i also need a degree that gives me a stable income so i can pay off student debt and have a job that supports my acting pursuits, while still being able to get me a job afterwards. i’m really good at writing, communication, being creative, and problem solving. english, history, and language are my strong suits and i’m not horrible at math but a primarily math based degree would be really difficult for me. this may be a lot to ask but does anyone have any idea what degree i can pursue? i am still undeclared and taking a bunch of gen ed’s right now so i need to declare by april of this year, anyone have any ideas?

I Really Want to Perform (and i just need to rant about it a bit)

I Really Want to Perform (and i just need to rant about it a bit)

Posted on Jan 3rd

So for anyone who knows me, this is the *no shit, button* newsflash of the century. But, like. It's also a really big deal for me? I (23f) graduated in 2019 with dual BAs in acting and linguistics from the honors college of a major university. That's all well and good, but around 2016-2017, I had a mental break/ prolonged dissociative episode exacerbated by my coursework from which I spent the better part of a year trying to recover. (Spoiler: apparently I didn't quite manage.) Anyway, I seriously considered quitting acting, since it seemed like my degree was pretty directly responsible for my head breaking a little bit. Why I didn't is a rant for a different day, but I know now that if I had, I would have regretted it. So I kept going, and I excelled in my training, because I am good at what I do and will keep pressing until things start working. (I know this sounds conceited, I know training is not the industry, but credit me as halfway decent.) I happened to fall into training without which I would not be the same person, let alone the same actor - but I had another degree and a thesis to worry about, and I *could not stop* long enough to figure out where I was going. I just kept going. So I graduated. I took a year off to gather a nest egg and come up with a game plan (two years now, thanks to COVID :/) or so I said, but let's call a spade a spade: I was burntout. I come from a family who really expects grad school to be an eventuality, but I had nothing - no drive, no momentum, no idea. I didn't even *want* anything. (I think it's hard to understand this if you've never dissociated; I know I have a hard time explaining it. When I say I *didn't want* anything, I dont mean that I had options that I disliked or rejected - I mean that I was so passive and so far removed from myself that I *could not* want or desire anything, let alone devise a career plan.) Side note: during my "recovery" period, when I was clawing my way back to myself, there was an acting teacher from LA who visited my cohort. He had us introduce ourselves and say what our dreams in life were - then berated us because *none of us were dreaming big enough*. On the off chance you're reading this - and you'll know who you are - from the bottom of my heart, fuck you so very, *very* much. At a period of time when I openly and honestly shared that my only dream was to be happy and make nice things, you decided that wasn't enough? *Fuck* yourself. You can tell me all you want that you have to really *want it* to succeed in this industry - and maybe that's true, what do I know? But I *do* know that a romanticized as acting is, it is a job, one for which I am trained. I know that I joke about *running off to be an actor* but for the past year and a half, I knew I eventually would, because otherwise I would have wasted all the work I'd already done, back when I wasn't sure what I was working towards. Back when I was only working so I didnt quit. I haven't given a live performance since March 2019. Since then, I've done a few short films, a web series, some live character performance work, and a few virtual productions - I even turned down a role and a callback because I knew they would tax my mental health - but I have not stood on a stage and performed for an audience, and that hurts. I am empty, and I am rusting. I've been questioning if it's even worth it to try if I don't have the heart for competition (I don't, but that's a different rant for a different day). Then a few things happened: firstly, I started dreamhouse hunting. I just got my first place, and while I adore it, it's not my forever home - so I started thinking about what *would* make a perfect home for me: a sewing room/studio, plenty of closet space, and enough land to put up an outbuilding with a small stage. In my head, this stage is barely a platform, without even a proscenium. There are maybe 50 seats, 10x5, on benches like church pews. I have been to too many sunday matinees not to view theatre as a form of worship, and I want my altar. I want a stage to practice and to try and to create. (The animator Don Bluth - *Anastasia, Land Before Time*, etc. - lives in my area. He is one of the kindest people I've met; right in that 2017 timeframe, he told me if I kept working hard at acting, I'd go far, and I still smile thinking of it. Anyway, he now has an actual, teeny-tiny theater space, but when he retired - "retired" - he decided he wanted to start staging community theatre - so he did! In his living room. *That's* what I want - just in another building for the sake of my nervous cat.) I would perform on it, too - for my family and my friends, for my tiny theatre's ghosts, for myself. I *would*. This led to the epiphany that no, I don't need to be rich or famous for my version of success. I would be happy playing characters with whom I connect and telling stories that are soft and true. I'm probably going to have to pursue acting professionally to really do that - no tea or shade, I just doubt the kind and calibre of work I want to do will ever be available at a community or local indie level in my market - but there are types of roles I like, and performing them wouldn't just be because I'm afraid of wasting my talent or my potential of my effort. This should have been obvious. But my head likes to break. And we are in the middle of a global pandemic. Then, yesterday, I binged *Julie and the Phantoms* on Netflix (a phenomenal show). I've been listening to the soundtrack all morning. I was watching a clip of *Stand Tall* and it hit me: I want to perform. I *want* to perform. I know, *no shit, button, you're posting this on r/acting* - but this is a really big deal for me? I want to stand on a stage with the energies of an audience and a text and translate them into something magical and breathtaking and true. I want to *be* that conduit. I know it sounds so dumb, but this is such a big deal for me. For the first time since 2016, I've *wanted* this. I *want* this, and I've been alternating between crying and laughing from the relief of it all as I've typed this. I still do not have a game plan. I still do not know how I'm going to build a career. But I know I'm on the right track. That's something. That's a big enough dream for now. For anyone questioning if this is the right place for you, ask yourself: would you perform if you could? If you had the space and the resources, would you? If there was no money, if there was no glory - if there were no audience, would you still act? Cool. Break a leg. (and thank you♡)

Waste of Time or Solid Plan?

Waste of Time or Solid Plan?

Posted on Jan 3rd

I’ll try to make this as quick of a read as possible! So I have a fairly solid reel of work that I’ve done in the past. What I don’t have are clips of me 1. using my strong suit accents (British and Russian) 2. Performing in ASL and 3. A good super specific type-a teenager scene. My plan is to contact my filmmaker friend who always produces good footage that looks professional and ask him to help me out. If he says yes (he totally will) then I’ll get together a few one page scenes of the above categories and find actors to help out. I know that the footage would be nice but I guess my question is; will this open me up to new opportunities and make me more competitive, or will it be a waste of time?

Looking for a voice actor for my JRPG, (video game).

Looking for a voice actor for my JRPG, (video game).

Posted on Jan 3rd

Hello peepz! As the title suggests we are currently searching for talented voice actors for our upcoming JRPG "Cell of Orbital Mastery". **This gig is for all genders :)**. We are looking for a fluent English speaker that will voice the Queen's mistress. You will have 2 line. One of which will have an excessive amount of swears and slurs put throughout the sentence. So be prepped. Private message me at []( if you are intrested :)

Looking for a japanese voice actress for a video game project.

Looking for a japanese voice actress for a video game project.

Posted on Jan 3rd

Hellooo as the title says I'm looking for a japanese voice actress for a small part on the demo I'm putting together for my video game Ha_Bits! this is a paid position so let me know if you are interested or know about any talented person. Here is a short film we made about the project. Thank you in advance.

Looking for friench Voice actors to voice a friench translation version of my comic Bamoon circuit. Looking for Male and Female voices

Looking for friench Voice actors to voice a friench translation version of my comic Bamoon circuit. Looking for Male and Female voices

Posted on Jan 3rd

Actors Access/Breakdown services website down?

Actors Access/Breakdown services website down?

Posted on Jan 3rd

Anyone else having issues connecting to the website? Been down since morning for me (west coast)

Do acting schools teach you how to get out of a role?

Do acting schools teach you how to get out of a role?

Posted on Jan 3rd

I know sometimes actors can invest so much into some characters (such as method acting) so they may find it difficult to get back to their own self. Beside teaching how to become someone else, do schools have a class showing how to get rid of fictional character in your mind when you get home? And do all actors use the same methods to keep balance in life or each actor will have unique technique to control what happen in their head? Thank you for your answers in advance.

Should I do everything except focus on acting if I want to be a professional actor?

Should I do everything except focus on acting if I want to be a professional actor?

Posted on Jan 3rd

And then think I can compete with actors from all over the world who have been doing it professionally since they were little kids? While holding down an 8:30-5:00 office job? Even though I don't have any acting experience past my high school musical? Like in a business suit in a fluorescent lit cubicle? The higher stress the better? With a constant light pit sweat? So I will be so totally focused when I go to my on-camera acting class once a week where they will teach me how to ask, "May I take your order? or yell "He went that way!" in medium closeup? Then get the rest of my experience doing all those wonderfully written student films on weekends? I so can't wait to get the four one-liners it will take to pay off my union initiation fee. It's totally my jam. Once I have those, the sky's the limit, right? Won't I be totally ready to be a lead on a tv show or in a Marvel movie after that? It isn't arrogant, entitled, or clueless thinking at all to believe that agents will fall at my feet to put me up against those theatre losers that went to drama schools like Juilliard and LAMDA, is it? I'm very special. I promise.

What documents can i request from actors that will feature in my project?

What documents can i request from actors that will feature in my project?

Posted on Jan 3rd

What is the norm? Is it like what a boss asks a regular employee? Can i legally ask for a copy of their id to confirm their age? And can i, as the project maker, write a document known as the terms and conditions work contract and ask them to sign it, then give them a copy, without me consulting a lawyer? Like can i write it up myself, the terms and conditions from the top of my head? Or do i need to ask a specific entity? I'm not a professional, i'm a regular guy working with a camera, but id like to have my rules established on paper as proof, including payment info etc, any help please? Can i also ask for covid test proof?

Does It matter in acting that I am not photogenic?

Does It matter in acting that I am not photogenic?

Posted on Jan 2nd

Would It matter If It were about acting on tv? I do not find myself attractive nor photogenic. I was even told by everyone that I am not photogenic. They also say I look better in real life. I talked seriously with one of my friends who I know I can trust her words, and she said that I am not ugly, I am just veeery average. Cute veeeery average. She lacks a bit of empathy for people (me too) and I lack being "average emotional". So it doesn't hurt me that much. I have big ears, very thin lips. I mean very. Not many people see a real thin lipped person, I know. I have a little little bump at my nose bridge. my lips are assymmetrical, I mean one side goes a bit down. I have a "dead" look in my eyes. Actually.. there are pictures of me at my reddit posts. I asked in /amiugly.. I am just like.. I have been drawing for most of my life. I am 18. I only like to draw humans. And I rarely get myself to draw if i am not in school (i am at an art highschool). I feel fine not drawing. I think it is starting to clear up that it is more like a hobby. Maybe. When I see someone drawing, I dont feel that "jealousy and fire and almost irritation" that I feel when I see people acting. I feel those feelings towards acting because I am jealous that they can act at that moment, right there and I cannot join. When asked the question: "Would you spend 1000 years to become an artist?" I would say," I dont know.. probably.. I have much patience. But I dont care though. I think i would get bored." and would probably also say: "what else can I do? Theres a perfect human I just drew.. and then? What now..?" Now, if someone asked me: "Would you spend 1000 years to become an actress?" I would immediately say, "yEs! :)" and then I would think about how happy would I be to have that many years to master my craft. I would not get bored. I also thought about writing stories.. But then I realized I am not fit for it because I just like to read stories. I just generally..actually think that I would like a job which has something to do with movies. Acting catched my eyes so far. It catched it since I was maybe 10. It went like this: "ohh look, what if I I do this instead of acting and drawing? Ahh.. nah.. I want to be an actress instead.. OH wAIT waht about this onE? :O Nahh... lets just be an artist.. like everyone wants me to be.. BUT Wait.. DO I really want to be an artist?? I want to be an actress afterall.. Lets tell parents.. They dont believe in me at all.. Lets just continue with drawing.. But I dont feel any connection to drawing.. I get bored.. Acting acting.. Why does it keep popping up?? I want to do it.. But I am not fit (they say).. Its a childish dream, they say.. They say I want fame. Do I? I dont know. Not many make it.. But I want to be an actress....Want to try. Also, the only people who I have been looking up to are all actors and actresses. I cannot look up to artists the same way I look up to actors. I just love to see perfect/realistic acting.

How often do you actually get told you "have a great voice"?

How often do you actually get told you "have a great voice"?

Posted on Jan 2nd

We always see the stories of "heard I have a great voice, everyone says I should be on the radio!" How many of you that are working voice actors have actually gotten that compliment, unprompted, without the person knowing you do work with your voice? I never once heard it prior to doing voice over work, but now when I'm talking to someone about what I do, they will hit me with the "great voice" bit. I've definitely put a lot of work into improving my voice, so I'm glad it shows, but I also never hear it any time someone doesn't know I'm a voice actor.

What makes a script appeal you as an actor?

What makes a script appeal you as an actor?

Posted on Jan 2nd

I've been producing for years, but I'm finally working on a project which has the budget and scope to *possibly* be of interest to some smaller known actors. We're still working on our script. It's well beyond first draft stage but we still have a lot of work to do. Do you have any advice on how to make the script appealing to actors? More importantly, do you have any advice on what we should *avoid* so as not to turn off any potentially interested actors?

Which role would you rather accept [serious]?

Which role would you rather accept [serious]?

Posted on Jan 2nd

If you're an actor, please consider answering this poll. We're having an internal debate about what type of roles actors prefer. Your answer will help us settle it. There are two choices for females and two for males. COMMENTS WELCOME. ​ [View Poll](

Vancouver or Mtl?

Vancouver or Mtl?

Posted on Jan 2nd

What’s a better city for actors? Vancouver or Montreal? I’m a fully unionized actor with an agent and seeking more opportunities. I hear a lot about Vancouver. Please help. Thank you

Should I go through with my grad school auditions?

Should I go through with my grad school auditions?

Posted on Jan 2nd

Hey everyone, I have URTA coming up. I've been looking forward for five years. Something always came up and never been ready to apply. Last year, applied, but Something came up again..couldn't afford flight. They let me reapply for this year and now its on zoom. However, Something came up again. I don't know if it's how rusty i am, or the what if of it all. I just want to also take a break from it all..not think about "i have the time now, lets take classes!" But then..I haven't even had the audition or the offer.. I know if I do the prep, I can get an offer..but Again..this is the big time..not small pool of actors.. I'm just stuck. Any thoughts?

American/Canadian Actor studying in the UK?

American/Canadian Actor studying in the UK?

Posted on Jan 2nd

Hi! I am starting to apply to schools and I have found programs I love in the UK. Is it a smart idea for me, being a Canadian American to go to a school over there? I’m really not sure so any help would be useful. :) thanks

Two key things that turn me off about a career in acting..

Two key things that turn me off about a career in acting..

Posted on Jan 1st

Hello all I’ve been someone who has a passion for acting and I’ve grown a lot in my craft. Booked some gigs it’s all good , I understand the nature of being an artist with the ups and downs financially but also the cutthroat nature of the business is such a turn off. Cant make real friends it feels like if you’re actually trying to get the ball rolling. Any tips I guess to secure more financial stability as an actor And also how to navigate the catty environment

Dream Roles?

Dream Roles?

Posted on Jan 1st

I am a writer and director looking to create some lower budget projects. My question to the actors around here is: What are your dream roles? What kind of characters would you most want to play right now or sometime in your career? Also, why do you want to play a role like this? I would love to hear from you guys on this and get an idea of what appeals to actors.

Is the O1 visa no longer of any value? Are studios unwilling to look at actors under temporary work visa?

Is the O1 visa no longer of any value? Are studios unwilling to look at actors under temporary work visa?

Posted on Jan 1st

So I’ve been reading about the O1 visa in the industry and how there are restrictions on O1 artists which are imposed, not by the USCIS, but within the studio system. I’ve read articles about it from like 2008, so I’d be very surprised if production companies are still doing this whole “only permanent resident status or a green card” thing. I’d like to know from foreign actors in LA or anyone in the industry how accurate this still is. Was this something that was going on just for a period or still very much happening? I mean the whole point of the O1 visa is to be able to work in the US, yet foreign O1 actors can’t book any roles because the producers won’t hire them for being O1 holders? Oh, c’mon. I get that some people were lying about having this visa and the production companies could be uncertain about hiring anyone under an O1 for awhile, but can’t they just ask for the actor’s manager to send in their petition and the proof that they’re there legally before the audition? Is the only way to work in the US as foreign actor now if you already have a job offer waiting for and sponsoring you? Also, would you say because of this refusal it’s become even more complicated to get a manager and representation? Or do they just skip the productions that are all “no O1 holders” for you?

How can a regular writer advertise auditions for anyone interested to audition?

How can a regular writer advertise auditions for anyone interested to audition?

Posted on Jan 1st

Alongside enjoying acting, i am first and foremost a writer of content, so when i wish to get anyone interested in a role how do i legally and professionally go of it? Say for a short youtube movie? I'm a 1 man team currently, for my own content id like to get actors (again nothing tv related) but how, and how would i present my written work to interested people without them showing/reproducing my ideas in the event of it happening? Do i write a formal contract and issue it to anyone interested in auditioning...i sound stupid so id defo appreciate clarity

acting degree means 100% sure job?

acting degree means 100% sure job?

Posted on Jan 1st

if someone get a degree in a drama school or in an acting school, i dunno, for example the drama centre london, they will already become an actor after that, or happens that many people can't find any job and stopped to pursue this career?

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

09.20.2024 Achieving On-Screen Success: How to Leverage User Experience for Acting Success
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Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

09.06.2024 Grow Your Acting Career with an Unforgettable Online Presence: Proven Strategies for Actors
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