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acting help

acting help

Posted on Jan 12th

I just feel so pressured. i guess the weight of needing to be "successful" but also being financially stable are getting to my head. I love acting. I love acting just for the pure feeling of acting. I don't care to be famous or get super big. But i do want to do this. It makes me happy. I've been doing acting since middle school. I've done many school plays all throughout middle school, high school, and now college. I've even done some short films with friends for fun. I currently major in theatre and although so many tell me otherwise i can't force myself to do something else. acting just makes me know? I feel success is something that's different to each person. And i guess for me, success would be, being the best actress i could be and doing film and theatre. but i just don't know HOW. I'm so stuck in my brain and scared of failure. But at the same time, how could i fail when doing it for free would make me happy? but free won't pay bills. I wanna try getting into a talent agency soon. i wanna try. i wanna try really really hard to make this work. I'm just scared.. is it worth getting just my associates and just trying to get more hands on experience with the local theatres + whatever agency i join? or should i go for a bachelors and then try it out? ugh i don't know.. i live in texas. i feel NOTHING happens in texas like it does in LA or new york. could i still have a shot? or should i move to those places? could i still book stuff and not live in those places? i don't know..

thoughs about casting calls on facebook groups

thoughs about casting calls on facebook groups

Posted on Jan 12th

What do you think about these groups on facebook? Many of them are real actors? If it's yes, why they searching job on a facebook group? is it because they are graduated but still hasn't any agent yet? The casting calls are legit? I still don't understand if these facebook groups are full of graduated people without any agents in search of a job to start, and directors with low budget in search of affordable new actors, or in reality they are all amateur, where most of them don't have any degree in acting and such and full of scams

What can I do at this moment?

What can I do at this moment?

Posted on Jan 12th

Long post. Due to anonymity I'll also delete it in the near future. I will still appreciate advice. I'm 25F undergraduate student in Europe and will probably be between ages 27-29 when I finish major. As a child I loved the idea of being in a film and theatre as a job. Unfortunately due to lack of charisma I was never suggested to do such thing by people around me growing up. When I was 19 I did a very stupid decision. I dropped out of college because most successful actors dropped out of school. I didn't think things through, that they did it because they were actually busy acting unlike me not even starting and lost a year I could spend doing anything productive whether related to acting or not. Few months after dropping out I changed major (not related to acting though more than the previous, because I couldn't find a drama school I could trust, I was an easy trap to waste money as I was inexperienced and had fear the schools only wanted to take my money). I decided to take some acting classes and spent 400€ on a course that took place once a week for 3 months. I didn't understand much what was going on, maybe it was too advanced. I took the class that was compatible with my college schedule. I also joined FB casting groups and I feel like I only made a clown of myself because I was completely off the profile. I applied because this ain't LA and there are much less opportunities. While there were no direct remarks I feel that I got weird looks and might as well be the next Tommy Wiseau. Yes, I am working on my English and pronunciation, but for an actor perfect pronunciation is not enough. I know I lack a lot of self-awareness like Tommy Wiseau, but I don't know where. I don't feel the cringe others probably feel when I act. But seeing any videos of me make me cringe. And when I try to change it I still cringe. I also did some work as an extra and ended up feeling extremely insecure. All of the movies I was in even if at first they kind of put me right in front of the camera I feel like they cut me out completely now. Now, I know, I am not naturally talented at acting. I could hardly focus in a hobby group after I went broke because of that course. Still, I really wish to be in a movie once. I am ok with not becoming an actor as a source of living, but I really would like to be good enough to once be in a movie, even a small role is ok. My dream role, however is to play eccentric characters, doesn't matter if villains or normal. But if I manage at all to actually become an actress that would be great. How can I start? Due to covid many drama schools are closed and also, I cannot really afford classes at the moment. Are there any exercises that actually help and I can do at home, alone? Preferably not too loud not to disturb the neighbors, I did consider pursuing a degree in acting, maybe after I finish my primary studies. But I am getting old and like I said, I'm afraid I'm not naturally good to gain enough from it. But even if I decide to pursue acting after college (I'll be in my late 20s or 30s), what can I do NOW, that my 30 year old self can be thankful for? I gave up many times, but I always end up dreaming of it again. TD;LR 25F with no talent or much experience would like to get on the wagon by the age of 30. What can I do now?



Posted on Jan 12th

[Hi all, with the permission of Bob Bergen (legendary actor, known for voicing Porky Pig), I’m sharing his words from a Facebook group. Bob has long been deeply involved in the union, and is a proud member. Feel free to share, comment, email, etc. Here’s his post (the attachment he refers to is [this link](] Gang, this is long and detailed. But it is one of the MOST important issues I have ever been involved with on behalf of my fellow voice actors. Read the attachment below first, then come back to this long text. I’ll cut to the chase. With the exception of animation, the majority of voiceover is non union and has been for years. This has contributed to the disastrous lack of funds in our Pension and Health. The top agents in the industry are seeing fewer and fewer union opportunities everyday. I ask that you sign the attached petition and make your voice heard at SAG-AFTRA that their Board approve the proposal below, which has already been approved by both The National Voiceover Committee as well as The Hollywood Voiceover Committee, but stuck in the red tape bureaucracy of the union for over 2 years. This proposal is a 5-7 year plan, where SAG-AFTRA will suspend membership qualifications for voice actors. Actors may pay off their initiation at $50 a month for 5 years, during which they may continue their thriving non-union voiceover career while union staff works to aggressively organize their non union buyers without disrupting the buyer’s day to day. The union has been blind to the erosion of the union vo industry for 20 years. I believe this proposal is a proactive way to reclaim this work. But leadership needs to understand the landscape of today’s vo industry outside the union bubble. I have been trying to get the union to address this for these 20 years, which has come down to this proposal. Time is not on our side, and I truly believe this is our one and final shot to get a handle on this. I ask that every actor, from beginner to working pro, union, non, fi-core, as well as agents from every market large and small, and casting directors sign this petition and if comfortable comment on their experiences. IF WE ARE GOING TO MAKE A DIFFERENT AT THE UNION AND BRING THE VO INDUSTRY BACK TO THE UNION FOLD, WE NEED A HUGE SHOWING OF SUPPORT BY THE VO COMMUNITY BY SIGNING THIS PETITION. The bottom line: SAG-AFTRA is completely oblivious that the majority of the vo industry is non-union, and they need to make the hiring of union talent as fast and easy as it is to hire non-union. They need to embrace this thriving majority of voice talent into the union fold so more voice actors can enjoy guaranteed minimums, P&H, and residuals. By reclaiming the union vo industry we will bring more money into our P&H fund, reversing the current state which has been detrimental to so many performers. Some bullet point details: * We have seen disruptions in the entertainment industry for decades. Film disrupted Vaudeville. Sound disrupted silent films. Television disrupted film. Cable disrupted network TV. Streaming disrupted broadcast television. With every disruption, since the creation of SAG and AFTRA the majority of our performer contracts stayed union. Until the internet, whose disruption to the voiceover industry transformed voiceover from a geographic industry to a technological industry. For the first time turning the majority of a professional acting genre non-union. I call this the “Amazon-ization” of voiceover, creating a faster and simpler business model. * This all started with the perfect storm, as the launch of the online vo industry coincided with the commercial strike of 2000, technologically taking the vo industry outside the backyard of the union. And since non-union work is not tracked at the union, many if not most union staff and leadership were clueless this was even going on, let alone growing and thriving over the past 20 years. * Depending whom you ask, voiceover is anywhere from 60-80% non union. Bottom line: THE MAJORITY OF THE WORK IS NOW NON-UNION! It matters not how great our union contracts and benefits are if the majority of the voiceover industry doesn’t us them. * A HUGE issue with the union’s current business model is the majority of working voiceover actors around the country do not see enough union auditions to even qualify to join SAG-AFTRA. * The non-union vo industry is thriving. But these actors deserve for their work to bring minimums and benefits such as residuals, pension and health. These actors have for years been shunned and shamed by the union. They should be welcomed, with their business model studied and embraced. * I have been hands on with the vo community throughout the country. From actors, to agents, to casting directors, for the past 20 years all have shared with me their frustrations as they attempted to get the union to address the erosion of the union voice-over industry to deaf ears. We are living the results today. When I got into the business in the early 80s there was very little non-union vo work. Non-union used to mean less competitive, less talented. You could hear a non-union read a mile away. Not so much today. Watch an evening of Network Television and you cannot tell the union from the non union voiceover commercial. * Please sign the attached petition, and share this with every vo player you know. There’s power in numbers and we need to send a loud message to the union. I appreciate this is a radical proposal. But if we are going to reclaim this industry, if we are going to bring in more union work to more union members, we need to make radical changes. Because status quo has not, and is not working. Los Angeles and National Voiceover Performers Committee Proposal October 4, 2018, modified December 8, 2018 Summary: Due to major technological advancements over the past two decades, the majority of the voiceover industry (as much as 75% or more, by some estimates) is non-union. Voiceover work is increasingly being produced non-union and voiced by non-union performers, who along with their buyers have created a faster and easier business model, which is thriving. Simply put, voiceover can be recorded by anyone, anywhere in the world. The opportunities for SAG-AFTRA members working in voiceover areas has been steadily decreasing over the years and will continue to do so unless we take action now. Voiceover performers live in an anonymous and atomized landscape, unlike the vast majority of our peers who work on camera. Reclaiming this work will require an approach that may feel uncomfortable for some; it is an approach that meets the industry where it is, rather than where we would like it to be. The purpose of this proposal is to reclaim union voiceover by helping to bring both non-union buyers and voice actors into the mix and under the umbrella of SAG-AFTRA contracts. In order to mitigate the erosion of union voiceover work, the Los Angeles Local Voiceover Performers Committee recommend an added way to bring non-union voice actors into our Union. Our proposal is designed to modify the current payment plan for joining SAG-AFTRA and to make it easier for these performers to choose to join the union. Currently, SAG-AFTRA offers two payment options for new members: • Full initiation fee payment plus current dues , or • A down payment plus five (5) equal monthly installments until the balance is paid in full after six months. This proposal applies to New Joins who exclusively work in voiceover and our recommendation is that the $3,000 (or applicable) initiation fee be paid in equal increments over a three (3) to five (5) year period. Our proposal also recognizes the need to concurrently organize non-union buyers; something we believe can best be done by granting an organizing waiver temporarily suspending Global Rule 1 for these voiceover new-joins during the five year initiation payment period. This would allow voice actors to work for their existing clients while paying the initiation fee. We feel this would encourage them to report their work to a union representative, who can then begin a process of education and organizing of the buyers in this space. During the proposed three (3) to five (5) year joining period, the Los Angeles and National Voiceover Performers Committees and Voiceover Contracts Department, will work with agents, buyers, and talent throughout the country to help educate and proactively assist in converting non-union work. Another important piece of this is to concurrently develop technology that will streamline the signatory and hiring process for union actors in the voiceover arena. We believe this proposal enables the union to most effectively recapture an industry that has slipped away from us. This will allow us to organize in a way that recognizes and accepts the technological shifts that have occurred in the industry. We will also be working with the necessary SAG-AFTRA departments to: • Streamline the online signatory process; • Educate Members, Agents and Non-Signatory Producers; • Make the hiring of union voiceover talent as fast and easy as it is to hire non-union; • Create a business model within the Union that consistently and continuously organizes non-union voiceover work. [](

Any alternatives to O visa in the US?

Any alternatives to O visa in the US?

Posted on Jan 12th

Obtaining an O visa is pretty difficult for actors, especially if you live somewhere with limited acting opportunities. It’s borderline impossible to obtain such experience at a young age. So I’m thinking, does anyone know loopholes to this? For example getting a work permit, having a main job and parttaking in acting classes/casting? Would that be possible? Or any other way?

Identity School of Acting Question

Identity School of Acting Question

Posted on Jan 12th

Hi, I am currently a high school senior really looking to continue my education in Acting in order to become a film/tv actress. I was planning on taking a gap year to save money, take acting classes, etc and apply to colleges to get my BFA in Fine Arts- Acting starting next school year. I have heard of Identity School of Acting where it is a couple months long and some of my favorite actors have went there for training such as Amelia Eve and Letitia Wright. I was just wondering if this school is taken seriously to casting directors or is accredited before I look into it further? Thank you!



Posted on Jan 12th

Please don't try to find a loophole or anything like that. You can't use H1B, or P3, or other available visas other than O1B and EB1. Start somewhere, start building your career from anywhere you are. And stop finding loopholes. It is what it is, folks.

Austin Agencies

Austin Agencies

Posted on Jan 11th

Recently moved to Austin. Looking at agencies in the area but GOOGLE isn’t providing much information. Any represented actors in this area who have recommendations on who to submit to? I am SAG-must-join, if that matters.

Dealing with casting disappointment. Should I be sad?

Dealing with casting disappointment. Should I be sad?

Posted on Jan 11th

Hey, I wanna start this by saying I’m in no means an “actor”. I’m doing a science postgraduate degree which is probably the furthest from performing arts you could get. Our university had our auditions for our second musical today (I had a decent role in the first one with a solo song so they already have seen me perform). We’re doing The Wizard of Oz and I auditioned for scarecrow because I love that character. I spent a whole month practicing my audition song and so many hours on my monologue, and I got cast as the Wicked Witch of the West. Who has no singing lines. At all. I’m just really disappointed, I put my whole heart into that audition and the song and I love to sing. The person who they chose for the role is apparently a performing arts student (and is also male, but they did say multiple times that females could audition for the role) but I’m not surprised at that really, I’m not gonna be as talented as someone who does it for their degree, it was just a bit of a kick in the teeth (especially because another student got cast as tin man and he can’t seem to hold a tune to save his life). I love to act, but singing is just special to me and I’m sad I won’t be able to sing in the production. But should I be disappointed? I mean the witch isn’t a small role, and it’s important I guess. I’m also not dropping out because they’re gonna struggle to find any replacements. Sorry for the rant, I just don’t know how to feel right now. Tl,dr: didn’t get the part I auditioned for (scarecrow), got the wicked witch, won’t be able to sing. Mad disappointed.

Do some shows pay more than others?

Do some shows pay more than others?

Posted on Jan 11th

I don't want to become a voice actor, I'm just interested in them (Tom Kenny is my favorite), one question I have is regarding wages: Do some channels or streaming services pay more than others, and does the popularity and age of the show affect payment? Like I heard Simpsons voice actors get huge salaries thanks to the popularity of the show, the network's wealth, and the fact that the show has been running for over 3 decades, like they make $300k per episode, is this the same for other popular shows?

What camera settings are best for iPhone self tapes?

What camera settings are best for iPhone self tapes?

Posted on Jan 11th

So I film self tapes on my iPhone (like many of us) and I'm wondering if there's any tech savvy actors who could help me out. I have a iPhone 11 pro max and the quality of both the front and back cameras looks great on its screen. The problem is, when I transfer them to my Mac via AirDrop, the quality absolutely plummets. The way I've been working around this is by editing them on iMovie on my iPhone and then uploading them to YouTube (these are for student projects so not on Casting Workbook). The quality is slightly better when I view the Youtube link on my Mac than when I Airdrop directly, but it's still not great. What is the best settings you've found to put your iPhone on for self-tapes? Anyone know what my problem is here? Thanks!

When those BRIGHT LIGHTS hit you!

When those BRIGHT LIGHTS hit you!

Posted on Jan 11th

Hey fellow actors, first time here. So I have a small part in a web series that’s in its 3rd season. I memorized the two paragraphs that I needed to do my lines. I’m on set, waiting for hours for my turn (def. not a problem, I was so excited to see the entire process unfold in front of me) and as soon as I got in front of the camera, and those bright lights hit my face, it was like I forgot the last 25% of my lines. I was so embarrassed. Yes I got through it, but after like 3 takes and they let me read if off my phone as they got some b-roll shots around me. Other than obviously knowing my lines frontward and backward, what do you y’all recommend when all eyes are on you, the bright lights flash on get rid of those nerves?

Call me a skeptic

Call me a skeptic

Posted on Jan 11th

Joined Freelancer today. Getting multiple messages from someone offering me $300 a week to be their personal assistant for 3 hours a day online. I listed myself as a voice actor and haven't even added any samples. Has anyone else seen any scams from this place?

USB Mic choice for a Theatre Company moving to Zoom: MV7?

USB Mic choice for a Theatre Company moving to Zoom: MV7?

Posted on Jan 11th

I'm outfitting a theatre company [that is now going online]( \- I just ran the first production with virtual machines, multiple Stream Decks, etc., it was fun! The actors sounded poor using their onboard audio, so I'm looking to upgrade both their cameras and sound in the coming weeks, sending out potentially a dozen pieces of hardware. For the microphones: Since we're shooting "on set" we can't audio treat their spaces much, so dynamic mics seem best. Plus these people are not technically minded (nor is there much budget for interfaces and pre-amps) so they need to be USB mics with simple controls. I had settled on Shure's MV7s because I like the similar-enough-to-SM7B sound and of course they're dynamic, so don't pick up as much room noise. The downside is I'm not sure how they cope with being on a desk a foot or two from the actor, since like the SM7B they love to be eaten (though I do see the MV7 software has a 'Far' option). Do you have any opinions or alternatives?

Actors who have played villains/ evil characters, did/do people who just met you treat you differently irl?
Question regarding actors in Colorado

Question regarding actors in Colorado

Posted on Jan 11th

So I’m browsing Backstage, open calls auditions near me. But on the location section Colorado is not on there. My guess is Colorado is not a big enough hub for big production.. So, my question is, what would be the best option? They got the New York ,Los Angeles, the United Kingdom ,San Francisco, Chicago, Miami, Austin, New Orleans, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Seattle, Boston, Las Vegas ,Washington, Charlotte, and the rest is in Canada and Australia. Any tips or suggestion? BlessUp

Are you supposed to email casting directors?

Are you supposed to email casting directors?

Posted on Jan 11th

I’ve seen a lot of actors talk about emailing casting directors but I’m terrified to just do that out of the blue. I’m assuming actors only email casting directors they’ve auditioned for? Am I supposed to be emailing casting directors?

What’s your best acting technique?

What’s your best acting technique?

Posted on Jan 11th

Hello everyone, new actress here. I’m working on learning how to better my acting skills and I was just wondering what was the things that helped you the most while learning acting? And where did you learn acting? I’d love to better my monologues and scenes for auditions. I’ve been going through master classes with acting but they only seem to go over the importance of techniques and not so much how to actually portray characters realistically. If you have any advice, it would be much appreciated!

Wannabe Actress looking for advice

Wannabe Actress looking for advice

Posted on Jan 11th

Right now I'm 20 in my final year of college studying computer science in london, however my passion has always been acting. I never really acted on this desire because I was always struggled with my confidence and insecurities, however recently I have made the decision to transition into acting. My plan is to get a part-time job after I graduate and try to get some acting experience. I have heard it is incredibly hard, with many giving up the dream after some time because of hard it is. Considering I'm not really a trained actor, having very little to no previous experience how hard is it? How hard is it to get agents and get into agency's? Are people with no experience even considered for roles? I dont want to work on theater, but would like to start out on tv to get some experience and then concentrate on movies. Welcome any advice people have to give! :)

How can I be a great actor?

How can I be a great actor?

Posted on Jan 11th

I am 17 and have wanted to act for as long as I can remember, a lot stemming from my obsession with movies lol. Anyway, I am planning to take an acting class really soon. I really really want to be a great actor. Not a good one, a great one. I am in awe of some actors performance's and I really want to learn how to be that incredible at acting. I feel like when I watch a movie it is really easy to recognize the difference between someone who is decent and someone who is great. However, what are the specific qualities that separate the two? What is it that makes you think that this person is great vs just being decent?

Thinking about adding one these clips to my actors access profile. Which would do yall think is better?

Thinking about adding one these clips to my actors access profile. Which would do yall think is better?

Posted on Jan 11th

So I currently have no video media on my actors access, and i think it would help me a lot if I added a video. I'm between these two clip (im the guy in plaid): Clip 1: Clip 2: So yeah, which one should I add? Should I add both? Should I cut one of them down? Do they both suck and should I not add either? Please be honest! Thanks yall! Also, shameless plug for where these clips came from: Its a spec TV pilot about car drifting with anime themes, and it was a blast to work on :)

I’m not particularly attractive. Can we create a list of female actors who aren’t cast for their looks?

I’m not particularly attractive. Can we create a list of female actors who aren’t cast for their looks?

Posted on Jan 11th

I’ll start. Hattie McDaniel. Changed Hollywood forever for the better and didn’t do it as an ingenue. Kathy Bates. Love her so so much. Bridget Everett. Her performance in Patti Cake$ was heartbreaking, which leads me to Danielle MacDonald. Killed it in Patti Cake$. I’m just now realizing all of these women are plus size and that I have some ingrained fatphobia to work on. Lots of OITNB cast members. SNL cast members too. Maya Rudolph, Leslie Jones, Rachel Dratch, to name a few.

Hair crisis

Hair crisis

Posted on Jan 10th

I have alopecia where the hair follicles are scarred. The follicles have been closing but I've been trying a dermaroller to combat this. Not consistently though. I want to know if I should just give up and be bald because if I let it grow it doesn't suit me well marketing wise. At the same time I feel I will lose out on alot of roles because actors with hair get those certain roles. What say you?

When is it a bad actor versus bad casting?

When is it a bad actor versus bad casting?

Posted on Jan 10th

So I’m watching Wonder Woman 84 and disliked it. Started listening to some reviews who praise Gal Gadot (and praised her for her solo movie) but had a different tune during the sequel. Now, excluding just the external parts like writing, directing, etc, and just taking in other actor’s roles, presented me this question: When is it just bad casting or can an actor be flat out bad? What makes a performance bad, what makes a character bad, and what makes an actor bad?



Posted on Jan 10th

So I live in Brisbane, Australia. Definitely not the hub for film & television. I've been spending lots of time taking a look at different actors agents on IMDB Pro. The most common Agency I see across lesser known actors to very famous actors is William Morris Agency. How would I get into a well known, 'A-List' agency? I do keep in mind that in order for ANY agency, big or small, they have to like me, because if they don't think I'm very good and therefore won't get roles, they won't make money. I'm just still stuck on what the hell I say or do to find and get an agent, especially in Brisbane.

Instead of being very limiting, I feel like the O-1B/EB-1 requirements are actually in favor of the actor.

Instead of being very limiting, I feel like the O-1B/EB-1 requirements are actually in favor of the actor.

Posted on Jan 10th

This is for people who ever thought of wanting to go to America straight away to "chase their dream". No matter how very limiting the visa options are in terms of requirements, it's favoring us as an alien entering the United States. Acting is an expensive dream without any guarantee of success, unless you are, of course, extraordinary, and in order for you to be considered as such by the government officials who might eventually give you your visa, you have to prove that: - You have been in a leading role or starring role of a successful production or be a major part of a successful production such as its director, screenwriter, producer, etc. Hence you will be: - Paid more than those in your fields/have a high salary. And when you got those things combined you will have: - Articles talking about you, having your name be mentioned in an article, etc. Meaning you would have bagged at least a decent enough experience to get yourself: - An agent or a manager willing to be a beneficiary for the visa. And once you have all of that in your pocket you need to: - Have upwards to $7000 in order to get your visa. So basically it ensures that we won't be living a miserable life in USA. When you have experience and land yourself a good agent, you will be able to go to a good audition and if your skills are any good, land a decent role which will pay you enough. It also ensures that we're actually rich enough to sustain ourselves without having a day job, thus we could focus on going to auditions and honing our crafts. Does it feel limiting? Yes, because it is. >"But what if I live in a country where they wouldn't give a lead role unless you have massive social media followers or if you're a YouTube star, etc?" Feels unfair, doesn't it? But that's the showbiz, A BUSINESS, and business needs to make a lot of money, and you know who could make you a lot of money? A person who's proven to be "marketable", meaning those who have found success in their endeavor with social medias and streaming services. >"But most of them are good looking! And I'm not?" You know what else is HIGHLY MARKETABLE? A good look. But one that's also accompanied with TALENT AND SKILLS. In other terms, you need to be "extraordinary". And no, there are people who aren't good looking that are still famous, and those are " extraordinary " too. Be this second one if you can't be the first one. >"But the showbiz won't make exceptions for my religion/belief/etc?" Find a neighboring country which doesn't need a visa to work in, and start your career over there. All in all, the restrictions (or requirements, you choose what to call it) are there to save us from having to go from scratch. So for those who would like to go to the states? Start now. Nothing is impossible and you need perseverance, but you'll get there one day. Oh, and... #Acting isn't for those whose goal are to become famous.

Recommendations for clear, helpful scripts (from the voice actor POV)

Recommendations for clear, helpful scripts (from the voice actor POV)

Posted on Jan 10th

Hello all, I am planning to hire voice actors to record short voice clips for a game. I have checked the libraries and resources for sample scripts, but I am not a voice actor (alas) so I don’t have a good sense of what the difference is between a script that makes you nod and say “right, I get what they are looking for” vs. one that makes you want to tear your hair out. I would be grateful for recommendations to sample short scripts (and/or tips) that make your jobs easier! If context helps, the script I am drafting is one where each in a series of 30-60 second voice messages is played as the player makes progressive choices in a story branch.

Looking for actors who shot their own reel (and also short films) for feedback

Looking for actors who shot their own reel (and also short films) for feedback

Posted on Jan 10th

Like the title says, I'm looking for actors who shoot their own material to create a reel. I'm currently at a point where I could use a reel but don't have one, partially due to not having received any footage from the short and student films I acted in yet. I looked into reel companies and while I have the financial means to go that route, I'm not so sure if it's really worth it (I heard mixed things about how they are perceived by CDs). So, now I'm wondering if I should ask some of my actor friends to join forces and write and produce our own reel material (not sure how that is received by CDs haha). I personally only know people who created their reel with reel companies, so I'm hoping to find some people here who produced their own material on best practice tips. Like, what would I need in terms of equipment, did you pay someone to edit your footage, did you specifically write scenes for a reel or did you go all the way to shoot a short or maybe even feature film and used your best scenes for the reel? I think I would benefit from actually producing my own reel, especially since I'm working on a script for a short, I just have absolutely no experience behind the camera and with everything technical going into it and would appreciate any feedback/tips/ideas/best practices etc. Oh, and if anyone is interested in collaborating for short films, feel free to DM me! (Should've added my location, I'm in LA.) Thank you :)

Would you use this app?

Would you use this app?

Posted on Jan 10th

I am thinking of making an app that lets actors act together as animated characters in real-time. Basically, it would be like Apple's Animoji's but you could record scenes together, import scripts, etc... This is not a money making thing, I just want to see if there is interest in being able to work out scenes and practice together in this manner. I could see it being useful for table reads perhaps too.

Acting 101 kids/adults...

Acting 101 kids/adults...

Posted on Jan 10th

I have an opportunity to present/teach/work with kid and adult actors in a smaller town for a local theater company who want to learn more about acting. I will have at least 4 hours for kids and a separate 4 hours for adults. *I’m wondering what you wish you knew early in your acting career/life that may have helped you get further faster or become a more confident performer.* I am planning on touching base with the concepts of memorization, listening, atmosphere, movement and dialogue. Any additional ideas are welcome! Thanks!

What can I except after my first important role ?

What can I except after my first important role ?

Posted on Jan 10th

Hi everyone! I'm a 17 years old girl and I'm currently in my first year of university in Europe. I want to be an actress. I'm pretty sure I will get to play a role soon. I still have to do a last meeting but from what the casting directors told me and my parents I should have it (the meeting is to confirm their choice and discuss some details) It's for a movie that will be released in movie theaters and after that on tv by one of the top distributors in my country and it's produced by a well know production. The role I will play is not the lead but it is an important one and I will have 30 days of shooting. My question is, can I except to get an agent and maybe other roles after that? Or will I go back to my daily life? Would this be enough to launch my career and make things easier for me? Of course I'm not talking about becoming a superstar or stuff like that just having opportunities and maybe make a living out of it. Idk what to expect.

Are any other Actors on Discord?

Are any other Actors on Discord?

Posted on Jan 10th

*Hi!* My name is **Andre**. Only a few of my acting friends on Discord, and that's mainly because of video games and work. Discord is great to run lines together, work on scripts together, meet, practice improv. I want more acting friends to talk to on Discord! I like meeting new creative types, and I'd like to make some friends i can actually talk about plays with. If you're on Discord, send me a friend request: ***PUNCHiE#9914*** I'm on there every day for work and stuff. So just shoot me a message!

Do male actors dye their hair for roles?

Do male actors dye their hair for roles?

Posted on Jan 10th

I'm studying to be an actor but my hair's blonde. Like reeeaally blonde. Literally almost white.. And I think if you have brown hair there's more open roles/chance to get a role. Do male actors dye their hair for roles?

Do agents submit resumes/reels through actors access to casting directors?

Do agents submit resumes/reels through actors access to casting directors?

Posted on Jan 9th

I know agents submit on breakdowns but this pulls info from your actors access profile right? I'm looking at an agent's website and they have all of their talent's actors access accounts linked but most seem outdated, would this be where their primary resume/reel is or is that on another profile. Just trying to see the level of talent/number of credits at said agency. TY!

Casting Type and Voice Don't Match

Casting Type and Voice Don't Match

Posted on Jan 9th

I don't know how i'm going to get any role that isn't hidden in the background. I am an aspiring theatre actress. The problem is that my appearance screams "little ingenue/sweet innocent girl next door" character, but my voice is very deep. My singing is deep, too - I can fairly easily sing as low as the highest male voice. How do I overcome this to get a role in any kind of musical? No directors like me because I sound too smoky/brassy/low but I also don't easily look like a "evil" character or a man (unless its a young boy; think Cherubino from the opera The Marriage of Figaro). I am absolutely tiny (5 ft) I love singing Phantom of the Opera songs, but not as Christine Daae, as the Phantom himself. Another example is sounding fine singing Curly's songs from Oklahoma, but I could never sing Laurie. Is there anything I can do? Learn to fake my tone of voice a la brittney spears? Change up my look?

Questions about MA/MFA.

Questions about MA/MFA.

Posted on Jan 9th

I've been contemplating on getting an MA/MFA in acting/theatre next year (or whenever this covid situation gets better, the sooner the better), but I would like to know an inside opinion for this, since I'm going to be an international student. Is RADA great? Between RADA and Yale, which one should I go to? Which offers a more natural style of acting, in terms of what they taught? Which one will help me the most on connecting with the right people? Also if I already have the requirements to file an O-1B/Tier 5, should I just skip MA/MFA or should I just do it first, then launch my career abroad after I finish it, changing my visa from F1 to O1/Tier 4 to Tier 5? Thanks for the help, actors of Reddit. I wish you all the best in your journeys!

Chat with Abbs

Chat with Abbs

Posted on Jan 9th

Which actors/actresses inspire you? I'll start. I love Aubrey Plaza, Henry Cavill, and Tom Hiddleston. Amazing actors, amazing people. What about you?

Anyone ever heard of CGEM TALENT?

Anyone ever heard of CGEM TALENT?

Posted on Jan 9th

I found this MGMT on Instagram and they represent a lot of actors that are indeed booking, some with verified accounts even. But I’m not sure if they’re legit because they posted that they also represent tik tokers now, so...

Is finding work in production/film industry a good gateway for acting?

Is finding work in production/film industry a good gateway for acting?

Posted on Jan 9th

Title of this post is a little confusing, I didn’t know exactly how to word it. Basically I graduated recently with a degree in Communications but have struggled to find work I won’t absolutely abhor (while potentially trying to pursue acting, I’m taking a class right now to get back into it). I realized that with as much as I love tv/film and storytelling/creative work, I could potentially mesh that with my degree to find work in the industry to make money and gain experience. At the same time, it would offer a behind the scenes, new perspective on how things are done and help me build up connections too (because connections are everything). Is this a good idea? Because I really need to work and I think I’d actually enjoy this kind of work (and am even applying to positions right now!), but also I am interested in acting and wonder if I could essentially help get myself into the industry by at least starting to work in it in other positions. Or would it be too difficult to break from non-acting/production type work to be seen as an actor too?

Want to act but can’t do nudity/intimate scenes

Want to act but can’t do nudity/intimate scenes

Posted on Jan 8th

I want to become an actress really badly and I’m willing to take classes and practice my heart out. The only thing is, I’m religious and come from a religious family and I can’t do nudity or sex scenes. Is it possible for me to make it far with these restrictions?

Accent/Dialect Coach?

Accent/Dialect Coach?

Posted on Jan 8th

Hey guys. Anyone has a good recommendation of a coach for online one-on-one sessions? I’d love to know from foreign actors in the US because I want to work on the American accent.

Actor prospects who are held back by their teeth

Actor prospects who are held back by their teeth

Posted on Jan 8th

Hey people. Im a dentist from Turkey, just opened my own practice in the West Coast, doing mostly dental tourism. Have seen a couple posts here, especially young people who think their teeth is negatively effecting their chance of progressing in their careers. I need a couple people to do a photoshoot for my advertisement, and the new virus and lockdown in UK prevented my plan A from happening. So my offer is, I will give someone a smile makeover(veneers or crowns, implants, whatever needed) who is willing to cover their expenses (flights, hotel, and lab costs). For a photoshoot. Just the face will be seen, nothing else. Everyone is welcomed to shoot me a DM. I dont discriminate any race, religion or gender. Have a nice one.

UK Drama Schools During Covid

UK Drama Schools During Covid

Posted on Jan 8th

Any actors currently attending UK drama schools? How has covid impacted the classroom setting? I'm currently applying to UK Master's programs in acting overseas in the UK but I'm questioning whether the pandemic has negatively impacted the drama school setting. I live in Chicago btw. I doubt things will be back to normal by this fall. I've always wanted to train over there in classical acting. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Do I have a chance if I’m a hijabi living abroad?

Do I have a chance if I’m a hijabi living abroad?

Posted on Jan 8th

Hi! So I’m in a bit of an unusual predicament. I’m an aspiring Egyptian actress who’s a hijabi. The thing is, I can’t really work in Egypt because the film/TV industry here will absolutely not give any chances to hijabi actresses, and nepotism is almost the only way any young actor gets big roles here. Everyone I’ve talked to who works in the acting industry in Egypt keeps telling to take off my hijab if I want to work (which is not gonna happen), so I’ve almost given up hope on acting here. Side note: we don’t have agents in Egypt. I did a lot of theatre at university, but I haven’t been able to get a single audition since I graduated (about a year ago), so I’m thinking I might have a better chance of at least getting auditions in the US or the UK (you know, because they’re trying to be more diverse). My English is pretty fluent and my theatre program at university was mostly in English, so language isn’t a problem for me. But I can’t afford to move abroad, and it’d be difficult to get a visa anyway if I don’t already have guaranteed work there. Would it be possible for me to get an agent in the US/UK and just do self-tape auditions? Isn’t that what everyone’s doing during COVID anyway? And then maybe if I get cast in something, I’d be able to get a visa and then move? (I know, it really sounds like wishful thinking). I know I’d have very limited options, but would any agency even give me the time of day? I’d appreciate if anyone could give me any advice on what to do because I’m feeling very lost and discouraged.

How much experience is needed to get into drama school?

How much experience is needed to get into drama school?

Posted on Jan 8th

I'm 15 years old and aspire to be an actor. My father is in the film business and wants me to attend drama school eventually, if I want to be an actor. Therefore I'm curious as to what one needs to do to prepare for drama school. I hate to say it, but taking classes would be tough, due to lack of time. I also live in Europe and don't get a chance to act much in school. I have however had some experience on stage in my former school from ages 7-12 in front of around 300 people , not all entailing acting, however this experience has made me comfortable on stage. Currently I'm reading books about acting( meisner, esper etc.) and plays. As to which schools I would like to attend, the schools are mainly in the United Kingdom. Therefore I would like to get advice from people who've had experience with drama school, especially in the uk. I'm also curious where everybody auditioned for and which ones they attended and what advice you could give me moving forward. Thank you!

Need a new mic

Need a new mic

Posted on Jan 8th

Hi guys. I've never done voice acting but it's been a lifetime wish to do it. Finally I wanna get serious and give it my best. At the moment, I only have a shitty Steelseries Arctis 3 mic so I'm looking into buying one. Since it's my first try in voice acting, and im also a student, I'm looking for the most budget friendly mic possible. I'm studying in Slovenia so mics like Fifine aren't really available here. I'm also going to go for a USB mic (I know yall hate that) but I just need something to get me started. So the microphones I've considered: Razer Seiren Mini - about 60 euro, Behringer C1U USB - 35 euro, Superlux E205UMKII - 54 euro, Lewitz C100USB-W - 55 euro. I'm looking for the most bang for buck. I'm going to start working soon (not as a voice actor), so I'm going to do voice acting as a hobby, but if I get any luck in it, or if I get better, I'm definitely going to invest more money into a microphone. I'm also probably going to try streaming sometime, so the microphone should be good enough for that too. If none of these are considerable, I can link the sites from where you can see which mics are available. Thank you in advance!

Terms I dont understand

Terms I dont understand

Posted on Jan 8th

Hi, can anyone explain what the following acting terms/words mean? I've heard them loads and dont quite get what they mean. SAG/non-SAG (is that a thing??) Union and non-union SAG-AFTRA and whats the actors guild? what does it do? are there any other terms i should know if i want to go into film/tv acting?

Just getting started and need advice on how to find jobs

Just getting started and need advice on how to find jobs

Posted on Jan 8th

Hello Everyone, I'm just getting started as a voice actor, I have been in some things but nothing I would call serious, think parody's and support roles on YouTube videos. I am looking for some advice on how and where to find more jobs and opportunities.

can you become a successful actress if you are not beautiful?

can you become a successful actress if you are not beautiful?

Posted on Jan 8th

hi, i’m 16 and looking to getting into acting. i’m looking for acting classes at the moment, but I am still learning about the industry. do you have a chance at being a successful actress if you are not a 9/10 in looks? most of the actresses you see in larger screen productions (which would be my preferred medium) are really good looking. i am not - i’d call myself around a 6 out of 10, so not exactly on the standard of most successful actresses. i don’t particularly want to be type cast as being an ugly girl, but is this unavoidable?

Ready to start chasing a dream.

Ready to start chasing a dream.

Posted on Jan 7th

First time poster, longtime dreamer. I've been wanting do be a voice over artist for as long as I can remember now. Back in 2004, my best friend and I made a bet to see if we could audition and make it to the advanced choir class for our eighth grade year. (We were in the advanced band class, so we made fun of the idea.) Unfortunately, he didn't pass the audition and explained that he was happier in band anyways. I on the other hand, had to make a decision and discuss with our music teacher my possible transition from band to choir. It was a difficult topic because all of my friends played instruments at the time with myself at the tuba. Which made it an even more difficult talk on my teacher as I was the bass/base of the advanced band. It was decided, I'd start in the Advanced choir the following year. Things changed for me, I had a voice that people liked and they wanted to hear more of it. I was shy as hell at first, but I soon broke out of my shell. It followed me throughout high school as well when I joined the choir there. My teacher heard and saw a lot from me and wanted more for me. And it took me only until last year to realize that I wanted more too. I wanted to do something with my voice and make a living out of it. As a kid, like most of you, I was raised by a television due to both of my parents working and leaving my siblings and I to be looked after by our grandparents. Cartoons, sitcoms, music videos, movies, and old video games were at my disposal and I took well advantage of it. I'd listen to the voices and try to imitate the characters on the screen. I would play a game where I'd try to match a voice of a character from one show and compare them to a character from another channel/show. (i.e. "I know that voice!") For too long now, I've let everything get in the way of my dream and I've made too many excuses. I want to be a voice actor. I want to be able to bring life to a character that someone could either learn from or love to hate. I've taken a few classes through online zoom sessions from our local acting school that was taught by Aliki Theofilopoulos. I was hooked, and I still am. So world, be ready, because I am going to be doing my best to get myself out there and making my voice heard. Thank you if you've made it this far into my rambling. I just want to be able to build up a demo reel so I can have something to get me through the door. If you have any advice to give, please feel free to message me or leave a comment, or whatever you feel is best! \-BIGG\_KAT **tl;dr version:** I wanna make a career out of my voice and enjoy what I want to do because everybody deserves a chance at their dream.

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

09.20.2024 Achieving On-Screen Success: How to Leverage User Experience for Acting Success
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Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

09.06.2024 Grow Your Acting Career with an Unforgettable Online Presence: Proven Strategies for Actors
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