I used to dream of becoming a famous Broadway actor back in high school, but in the past couple years have decided that I don't ever want to be famous. I want to be able to run errands and do day to day things and not have cameras following me around 24/7. I used to think the ultimate goal of acting was to become some big shot celebrity, but the thing is, I don't act because I dream of making some absurd fortune. I act because I love acting, and so even if I just do community theatre shows for the rest of my life, I'll still feel content, because the process of putting a show together and creating a character is what truly brings me joy, not the prospect of fame and fortune. I feel alone in this, but I know that more than likely that's how most feel. What are your thoughts?
I'm an introvert and I'm shy and have some social anxiety. I do think acting is fun though. I have only taken acting for film classes before and I have now started a Meisner class. I don't know how to explain it but, during the last class I got a comment that sort ot indicated that my shyness is a problem. I do feel a bit stiff, but I know that the other people in class are stiff and nervous as well and the teacher even said that's normal in a new class with new people. We've only had the class twice. However, I guess I'm a bit more 'careful' than the others though and that's why it seemed like it was a bigger problem for me than the others. I don't know. The last class I was also feeling very low the entire day (I have mild depression) so I don't know if that impacted my performance. But that comment made me feel like I didn't fit in with the others. I mean, the others also got other types of feedback (like acting too much, thinking too much) so it wasn't like I was the only one. What is also weird is that the teacher has said that in the Meisner technique you shouldn't hide who you are or what you feel that day, and I didn't. So I don't understand why it was a problem that my energy was a bit low that day. It doesn't help that I still don't really understand the purpose of the repetition game. I know that it allows you to focus on your scene partner, but I wouldn't know how to apply that to the "real acting world" and I guess I'm starting to feel like it's boring and, well, repetitive. I felt more comfortable in my acting for film class, but I wanted to challenge myself with Meisner because I think it's good for my resume and myself to have tried different type of classes/techniques. Anyways, after the last class I started feeling a bit discouraged. Like maybe my personality doesn't fit with acting. Or maybe I'm just giving up too soon and need to work on it longer to see a change? I've heard about many actors who are shy privately so it must be possible, right? And I'm not saying that I'll be a Hollywood actress because I know I won't. I don't even live in the US. But it would be nice to at least get some small roles in the country I live in. And if not that, it would be nice if this expensive class would at least help me to combat my shyness a bit... To those of you who are acting and have a personality that is more shy or introverted, how have your experiences been? How long did it take you to be more comfortable and does the awkwardness ever go away? We have to act in front of other people in the end of the class and in my current position I'm not looking forward to it.
I'm just starting out and would love to sharpen my skills by doing some community theater. I know of sites like backstage and actors access but I'm wondering if there is a resource that's more focused on local community theater gigs?
They say you need talent and luck. I’m sure there are some exceptionally talented actors who never get a break. Or maybe you get some work but not enough to make it your full-time job. I always enjoy the acting, but I don’t love it to the point where I’m willing to go all out for it. I know there are some people who fall into it by lucky happenstance, but of course that’s uncommon. Or you could be like Jonah Hill and date Dustin Hoffman’s daughter. One thing I know I’m really good at is voice acting because I do a lot of accents and impressions, but it’s near impossible to get someone to give you a look
I'm a beginner who is interested in acting, and is currently trying to save up & build the courage to take an acting class. In the meantime, I sometimes like to reenact scenes of my favorite movies and record myself. When watching myself act, even when I was able to visualize my characters' world and was not in my own head, I feel that my acting is not very good. I've realized that I have trouble with my instincts/keep using the wrong instinct & I tend to overthink, and because of this, my delivery ends up being very mechanical and unnatural. To help with this, I watch actors in movies to help me observe human behavior & emotion and be aware of the different ways to react as a human, which I honestly think has helped me. but at times this makes me focus too much on trying to deliver a line the "best way". So I end up saying my lines the same way each time even when I'm trying not to preplan my acting, or I find myself accidentally mimicking the delivery of the actors I watch in the movies. Which is what I'm wanting to avoid. I suppose it would be more helpful to have a scene partner but I don't have anyone I could practice scenes with. Anyway I don't know if I should go about this in a different way to improve my instincts. I clearly am confused with all this and I honestly don't even know if what I'm saying makes sense
The year was 2019. Everything was great. I was a 20 year old fresh faced actor living in LA on my own. I had just signed with a well-known manager who started the careers of several big names and had a very few select actors in her small clientele. When first signing with her, she made me feel incredibly unique and as if I had star potential. She believed in me and had seen my work before so she knew what she was getting in to. I was extremely serious about my craft and practiced it diligently. Any opportunity to act, I’d take it if it meant working at it and sharpening my skills. As time progressed with this manager, she’d send me out to auditions and wanted to “coach” me. Which I found out was her way of basically sabotaging my audition. She eventually grew incredibly cold with me. Started manipulating telling me I have so the auditions *exactly* as she instructed me to act. She wanted me to act like a freaking robot. I was heavily agaisnt her notes and always told her I think it’s best I do the auditions the way I wanted because it was more natural. She constantly gaslit me and began to reduce me to a tiny being. And constantly threatened to take me off her roster. She said some ugly things to me that I honestly don’t even want to repeat. By the end of our relationship, I was broken and lost. I decided not to resign with her. I took every word she said literal and I quit acting. I grew extremely depressed and began to resent the industry. I lost touch with my love for acting and associated the industry with controlling narcissists who wanted nothing but power over their puppets. I can honestly go on and on about my views and how they’ve evolved. It’s been 3.5 years since leaving the industry but now have gone through therapy and have reached other areas of growth and that have reshaped my perception on a lot of things in life. I have since been regrowing my love for acting and trying to reach the level I was once at. But everything in the industry has seemed to have changed drastically. I feel completely new to this again. I don’t know where to begin. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
I was watching this interview about the voice actor of Neon from Valorant and was just curious, how did everyone start their voice acting journey, what are the pain points, and how do things actually work during a commission for work? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo9nscAUjPY&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo9nscAUjPY&t=2s)
I’m doing a scene for my acting class and all three of us actors are having a very difficult time finding a scene for us to do. Does anyone know of a good three person scene for 2 girls (18-21) and a guy (25-30)
So I’m an aspiring voice actor and I’ve spent around 4 hours over the past couple of days recording things in a small home studio I have and over those 4 hours I’ve not kept a sings voice line because I think all of them are completely worthless and not good enough to be heard by anyone, is it normal to think that?
Hii! I have a dream to become an actor in the US. The thing is that I have a little bit of an accent. I feel like I will never make it big with an accent and I’m having trouble getting rid of it. P.S my accent isn’t like Sofia Vergara’s or smth like that to become my thing. Do u think I should give up?
Currently in acting school, and my movement teacher has been quite adamant about not lifting weights, since they say we are working to get rid of tension, and lifting weight adds tension and is a very tense and straining exercise. I’m just wondering if this is true and if you agree with it? I’m wanting to lift weights again to get in and stay in shape.
Hi! I’m a non-eq actor & got the call this morning: I booked a summer gig. YAY! The pay is not great, but not horrible as far as non-eq goes. $400/wk. Unfortunately I still have to pay rent in another city, even though my gig provides housing. So I’m wondering if asking for a small raise to meet my needs is possible. This is my first professional job that isn’t connected the regional theatre where I’m training, so I don’t really know the etiquette of these things. Any advice? Does anyone know the standard weekly pay for a non-eq theatre actor? Should I not bother? In general, I think we should talk about pay WAY more as a field. Not knowing what anyone earns is damn hard. I’ve heard so many horror stories about unfair compensation, whether equity or not. It seems that if theatres can take advantage, they will. Thank you!!!
Hello, all. I know very little about this industry. I am not an actor nor someone who wants to become an actor, but I am very curious about this situation and want to know what you all think. I live in LA, and I was at a mall. An individual came up to me and said I have “the look” for this place that hires for commercials, acting, singing, etc. and that they work for the company. They asked for my contact info and gave me a business card that was “invitation only.” I just said sure, wanted to see what it’s about. The individual said I have to do auditions over there to see if I fit or not. I looked up the place and it appears to be some sort of acting school. You need to audition to get admitted. From there, you are part of a program where you are exposed to Hollywood talent agents during the weekends where they see your auditions. The agency/school/whatever has some individuals that ended up acting in some shows in smaller roles according to their site. Several days later, the owner, I believe, called and told me to come in for an audition as soon as I got an invitation. I asked about the details of the program. The audition or “tryout” is free, however, if you get accepted, you have to pay 1.5k for an 8 week acting program. The program has Hollywood talent agents that come and watch auditions. Most kids over there seem to be getting hired for commericails or some shows from the program. I said I am not really interested, but will think about it. I said I might come in for a tryout to see what it is but not go in the program. The owner said that would be a mistake because if I come in for the tryout “I will love it so much that I will want to participate in the program.” Again, I mostly said I am gonna pass on the opportunity. I have no real desire to act anyway. So what are your guys thoughts on all this? Is this a normal thing? A way they try to make money? A poor talent agency/acting school? Am I missing a good opportunity by saying no if I wanted to become an actor? I likely will not even go to the free “audition", however, I am definitely not enrolling. The place has an acting roster, but, they seem like a business who just wants $$$ to me.
I don't mean working actors. I don't mean celebrities. If you counted up everyone "trying" to be an actor in NYC, LA, USA, or globally. What do you think the number would be? I define "trying" as anyone who works or wants to work as an actor that spends some portion of their day either doing such or pursuing acting work. So submitting to agents, casting directors, backstage, actors access counts, even if it's just once a week. Cultivating a social media following? Debatable, but for this that counts. Just curious what people think the answer is
I'm a spanish actress and I'm considering doing some kind of course/workshop for professional actors in Dublin during the summer. I'm looking for tips, advice and recommendations and whether should I do It or not haha . :)
Hi, ​ When I upload a theatrical headshot for actor's access, and even if I have other photos. Do CDs for non-commercials only see the theatrical headshot or they only see that one first? The theatrical shot I have is very charactery and I was thinking if that's the one they see first, it'll prevent me from getting other type roles.
Hey guys, I’m having a Table Read in Hollywood today, Saturday 18th 5-8 PM and I’m looking for a young Middle Easter Actor for a role as one of my actors just cancelled. If any on here is available and interested, please DM.
My friend is in Los Angeles and hasn't been able to make it beyond small quick things and is thinking of going to Atlanta. I thought LA is the place idk how to get them to stay here or change careers is Atlanta a terrible idea?
Hey - staying super vague about this, obviously. I just emailed someone about auditioning from a casting call on FB. I gave him details, my IMDB, my experience, a reel, etc. He replied back without even needing me to audition — he basically just said “cool! happy to work with you!” and gave me the necessary info. He was a tiny bit pushy when I didn’t respond within only two hours, so I responded “ok!” out of feeling bad. It’s only a couple of pages filmed at his friends’ house… no IMDB credit or payment… idk. I just get a weird vibe from it all, even though there’s nothing blatant. He’s very very nice through e-mail, and letting me bring a friend, but it’s very far and the house situation is weirding me out a little bit. Where do I draw the line between getting reel experience as a beginning actor, and rejecting a role because I feel weird about the situation? I confirmed with him two days ago because I felt pressured by him saying I got the role, when I really just emailed about auditioning. It would be next Saturday. Is it too late to cancel on him? He didn’t even cast me as a specific character in the script yet — just told me to send over a video “whenever” of me reading lines I find interesting. Thanks for any advice, I super appreciate it :)
i know japanese va is different from western va in that they voice over completed storyboard animations, but how do they know how long to say the line before the action/scene changes?
I’m really nervous, but really excited. I’ve been dreaming of being an actor for awhile now and I can’t believe I’m starting. Week is gonna packed cos I’m also doing a different course at uni so hopefully I’ll push through. Any 19 year olds whose doing the same? Both acting classes and another course at the same time?
I'm 22 currently in a professional theatre show having just filmed two short films for showreels. I had one year of professional training and am now looking for the next step into getting work as an actor. Any advice would be appreciated as I know some people say to hold off getting an agent while others say its worth getting one to add to your acting cv. Many thanks
I just went to 2 different actors to take a x ray of my throat, thyroid and nose & all of them said that they are healthy and in super condition, How can it still be that I have a nasal thin voice that gets super dry and tired after singing/humming for some minutes? I have this symptoms for about a year now, and it makes it really depressing as I’m a musician… Any help/tips?
I could do it myself but I don't exactly know how to add a page or add the character on the voice actor's page, and I'm wonder if anyone this community know how to do it and it bothers since Fandom.Com wiki page is more active and up-to-date with the characters and who voices them
So I’m an actress in NYC, I have trained at HB studio back in 2017-2018 and Identity Drama School online training from 2020 -2021. Although, the online training was great, I really want to get back into in-person training, but I also feel I need an acting coach to get a more one on one experience. Can someone recommend an acting coach to me. Who is at a reasonable price
**Friday, February 10 - Thursday, February 16** ###Interesting | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 86 | [11 comments](/r/VoiceActing/comments/112fjzl/voice_acting_discord_server_that_has_weekly/) | `[interesting Link
Hello I wanted to ask if I could reserve feedback from any professional actors ?
Just got an audition request for a guest-star role on a television show that I have submitted for multiple times! However, when they sent the audition, in the instructions it said in all caps… “IMPORTANT INFO: MUST BE SAG-E OR SAG”. I’ve seen different opinions on still auditioning in hopes of getting to Taft-Hartley, but since I am not SAG-E or SAG yet and those were their specific requirements, should I decline the audition, let them know that I am not SAG-E yet & thank them for the opportunity or should I still submit an audition? (FYI I am not currently repped so I’m not able to talk to an agent or manager……yet
Becoming an actor is a dream that many people share. It’s a profession that allows you to express your creativity, evoke emotions, and entertain people. However, becoming an exceptional actor requires more than just talent and passion. It requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to continuously improve your craft. In this guide, we will explore the steps you can take to become an excellent actor in 2023. Step 1: Build a Strong Foundation Just like any other profession, building a strong foundation is crucial in the acting world. Start by taking acting classes and workshops to develop your acting skills. Look for reputable acting schools that offer comprehensive training in various areas of acting, such as script analysis, improvisation, and voice and speech training. Consider joining community theatre groups or student films to gain experience and exposure. Additionally, read books and watch movies to learn about acting techniques, methods, and theories. Some recommended books include “An Actor Prepares” by Constantin Stanislavski, “The Power of the Actor” by Ivana Chubbuck, and “Respect for Acting” by Uta Hagen. Watching movies with outstanding performances can also provide you with inspiration and learning opportunities. Step 2: Create Your Own Work In today’s competitive acting industry, creating your own work can give you a significant advantage. It allows you to showcase your talents, gain exposure, and develop your skills. Create your own content, such as short films, web series, or sketches. You can also write your own monologues or scenes to perform and share online or in workshops. Additionally, consider collaborating with other artists, such as writers, directors, and producers, to create projects that showcase your talents. Joining or creating a writing or producing group can help you network and find potential collaborators. [Read full article.](https://guidancetower.com/mastering-the-craft-how-to-become-an-exceptional-actor-in-2023/)
I have never seen anything sketchy looking on there like on sites like Mandy or backstage. But today I got a cmail request for a commercial and I felt like something was off about it, I went and did a little research and I can’t find a single name that was listed anywhere online with the exception of the producer who I found on LinkedIn but none of his sites work. The rest of the names I couldn’t even find a social media account matching them! It’s was the 57 variety’s casting if anyone in the Toronto area knows anything about it!!
i’m trying to decide if i should focus on becoming an actor or go to college. obviously if i go to college i’m still gonna try but i feel like i’d have a better time if i focused only on acting. what are y’all’s opinions?
Thought I'd finally hit the Voice Actor life. Like most of my projects, I hit a bit of a wall when preparing/over-preparing and veer a bit into eccentricity. That's benefited some efforts and not others. My question here is how is this no-direction sample of various male voices received? Too ridiculous or headed in a direction that could benefit me? I'm currently soaking in the reddit post here stickied to the top with links and resources and appreciate whomever made that available. I studied computer animation and so see voice acting as carefully including measured breath for partial and full characterizations. My real voice appears here and there: 45-ish, east coast US, male. I guess everything is a derivative of that for now, in what way does a sample like this help me, where does it hurt me? I'll move forward with those suggestions. Thank you! https://reddit.com/link/114y6wp/video/xdxgpefugtia1/player
My goal is or in this case was to become an extra in tv productions in order to pay for some of my uni bills. But also because I have a genuine fascination with the acting world. Well I had my first audition today and it went horrible mostly because of nerves and the fact that I'd never performed a monolog in public (I know, I know
I think what scares me about digging deep into myself emotionally for my acting is that I might come up empty-handed; meaning I won’t find what is needed or what I need in myself for the truth, if that makes sense. I’m also TERRIFIED of failure: that if I don’t dig deep and find something that is useful then I’ll feel like a complete and utter failure and a terrible actor and that I’m not meant to be an actor. I’m terrified of the idea that I might not have the “truth” within me. That my truth is wrong. That I’m wrong. I'm terrified of the idea that I might not have in me what is needed to be an actor. And all of that scares me so much that it prevents me from even trying. What can I do to turn this around? What can I do to stop this fear from stopping me? What can I do to not be afraid?
I used to know it, but now I've forgotten. Is it Jan - May the slow season? Advertisers cut back on spending starting in January through March and I believe that affects commercials overall. Also, a bit unrelated. But how many of you think commercials are worth pursuing? I sometimes question my interest in it. It's like, I like the idea and the challenge behind it. Money isn't a motivator. But I can't but to think of all these actors who've never landed a single commercial role and they've been auditioning for them for years.
I'm not just talking about strange non-human voices but accents from different cultures. How do actors learn to do different accents? Is that the same way voice actors will go about learning to do them?
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. ​ For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
I use instagram to put behind the scenes stuff on short films I'm doing. I'm usually behind the camera these days but I enjoy keeping one foot in acting. One thing I've discovered through talking with people though is for any sort of attention on instagram there really needs to be a steady stream of content. Which makes sense. I have been generally posting a batch as I get them. I was thinking about recording some monologues and posting them. Someone mentioned it being cringy and saying something about instagram actors. Is that how it's generally viewed? I was also going to take a notoriously horrible script and cut it up into tiny 20-30 second interactions and film them out of context as an homage. Is that cringe? Thoughts? Edit: Damnit. Always double check you title. Monologues.
My college is putting on a play about the holocaust and I am up for the role of a jewish man in a concentration camp. I’m not sure how this sits with me. Can anyone advise?
I signed up for The Mandy Network the other day and within the next day or two, someone reached out to my via text message saying they found my number on the site. They told me they are looking for models/actors for an upcoming commercial project. They said they would be sending me a check that covers the costume and fees for the project, but that I still need to send measurements as well as a photo of my driver's license. It seems okay to me so far, but I wasn't sure and wanted to know if anyone has heard of Tram Production as well as any tips or advice on how to be able to spot casting call scams. Thanks! Edit: Here is the website they sent me: [https://www.tramproduction.eu/](https://www.tramproduction.eu/)
Hello voice actors of Reddit! I've opened commissions for demo scripts for character, animation and video game reels. I've been trained as a script writer through uni and I've also helped produce several reels. I work with you directly, samples of your voice, what you're wanting to showcase as a voice actor or voiceover artist. I also provide 72 hour (or less) turnaround time. If you are looking for a script writer, please let me know. I do work with budgets and am currently trying to make a bit extra so my fiance and I don't lose our house. Please reach out to me if you're in the market.
If you're planning to do a demo reel, please (PLEASE), try to start by speaking normally in your most natural voice... don't rush into a frenzy of over-acted cartoon characters with music blaring in the background. You should try to open up your acting range a bit, even if your only goal is to voice anime or Saturday morning cartoons. Let your natural self help you add a bit of uniqueness to your candidacy (just in case, God forbid, someone is looking for something other than a pirate-sounding baritone or a screaming yandere schoolgirl). I've just listened to at least half a hundred voice acting reels and I'm going bananas with how ridiculously difficult it is to know what the actors really sound like and how far their acting ability can go beyond screaming in a parody. I believe this tiny change could expand your possibilities without closing any door (and it would be a great help for those looking for something different).
So I (19f) am a newer actor, I have some experience but not much. I was recently contacted over Instagram by a man who was casting a tv show. I looked it up, there’s already an IMDb, trailers and things like that and he said they are just finishing up and he was casting a small role just added in. He said the show was gonna stream on multiple platforms so I was super excited and accepted. I received the sides and they are very sexual (groping, making out and sexual dialogue like saying he’s my master and stuff) which normally wouldn’t be a huge issue for me but I looked at imdb and the person I’m being sexual with is the guy who is casting the project and he’s 55, I feel guilty saying I feel weird about it since clearly the show is real but I just feel really weird about it. Are age gaps like this common in smaller productions? Edit: I also just feel like with that age gap there would be a reason they were looking for someone so young. But by reading the full script for the episode it just doesn’t seem necessary which also threw me off. But again I’m very new so maybe this is more normal than what I’m making it out to be. & it pays 100.00 a day, seems pretty low budget based off of the trailers but he said he’s in talks with Netflix which is what made me want to accept
i take acting classes and I’ve been in casted in school plays. i’ve gotten good feedback after classes and the plays yet I still feel like i’m holding back in class and during performances. every time i get called on, or it’s my turn to perform i get so anxious. i don’t know how to step outside of myself so i can act to my best ability.
Playbill, actor's access, it all seems to be auditions for musicals. Are there just not that many regular plays that hold auditions? Regional / small black box in NYC, anything really. I expected to see a lot more, it's sort of surprising.
I am in Meisner classes and so they have people pick out something in the other person and say it back to them. Well, twice I've been told, "You're wearing glasses." Ugh. I hate that. Like, can you please point out ANYTHING other than my visual impairment. Also, everyone I meet suddenly thinks I'm smart because I have glasses. I look fine in them whatever, but I want to be cast as love interests, romantic leads, and even like warrior type female. All of whom, would never have glasses throughout the length of the feature film. On another note, my vision is never that clear, and light constantly penetrates through them making a glare even though I have all the bells and whistles of lenses to make them the best, anti-glare, anti-reflective, blah blah blah add-ons. Glasses are such a pain because I adjust them 200 times a day and have to remove/replace them anytime I shower, get dressed, put on makeup (all while being blind and seeing nothing but fuzz)... but they are the only alternative thus far. It makes it really hard to easily do a self tape or come into an audition. Because people will see me as the "nerdy smart" type and not the "sexy pretty" one which I am more cast-able as. I mean, isn't Elon Musk like a genius? Don't we have geniuses walking the earth who are going to build cities in outer space? Ok these geniuses need to come up with eye drops that fix the cornea temporarily for like 10 hours so you don't need any contacts or glasses. Anytime I put in eye drops, I notice my vision improves a lot while the liquid sits on my eye, but then when it goes away, it's back to watercolor city. As an actress - I feel this hinderance is such a burden to prevent me from being cast for roles. I cannot wear contacts more than a couple hours. At my age, my eyes have become intolerant. I'm only 35, but I have dry eye and allergy to dust and my cat so I use histamine drops to try and reduce irritation. I can't get Lasik because my myopia is too high and it's too risky, I run the risk of permanent cornea damage which would be even worse than wearing glasses. I want the EVO ICL but it is very expensive and that surgery also comes with risks, so it isn't in the cards for me at this point in time. Does anyone have tips on how to overcome the need to wear glasses in this industry? Should I just market myself as an intellectual, glasses-wearing woman? I look great without them - and it truly does make me sad I can't see a thing otherwise. I love to makeup my eyes and do all the things, but the last few years I just can barely do it without extreme difficulty because I can't even see my face unless I hold it 4 inches to the mirror...and if you ever tried to apply makeup that close, the brush constantly hits the mirror and it's just extremely hard. Yes I can put in daily contacts and do the makeup and then throw them out, but it is a waste. :(
Hi, gang. For the most part, I am a fairly social media adverse human. I have a reddit account, a facebook I haven't updated in years and kind of left it there. My agent has recently stressed the importance of having an Instagram for my acting career. She says casting frequently looks to instagram when looking at an actor. I am kind of at a loss of how to begin. What does casting want to see when they look at an actor's Instagram? What should I post? What do I tag and who do I follow? Any good tips? Thanks, gang!
Usually whenever I read a script/sides and the characters info I usually know the "correct" way to say the lines (at least from my point of view and my take on it.) And a lot of great big actors have said things like "I wanted more takes coz i can deliver the line better" etc. However, the giant acting rule is to go off instinct. To never "plan" anything. How do y'all go about the process with lines? l can read something a million different ways but in the end I always know that there is only 1 correct way to deliver the lines that it just feels right. It feels wrong for some reason. I see some performances sometimes and the delivery is so unique and it kinda makes me wonder if they just had it come out naturally or its kinda something that they had in there mind. Would love to hear everyones opinion on this.
I'm excited to share that I've been accepted into the CalArts MFA Acting program! While I'm grateful for the opportunity, I'm feeling a bit ambivalent about it because it wasn't my first choice. I applied to 11 MFA programs, (I know it’s a lot… just had to toss my hat in the ring and see what would stick since I’ve never been in a play. Just took a bunch of acting classes. Got coaching. And come from more of a writer/director/filmmaker background (short films)) Took me a while to get into my groove auditioning. Felt stuck for the first couple auditions, then changed my mentality and reminded myself that I absolutely love doing this. Found my freedom in the monologues. Then, hit 3 auditions really well, I thought. Made end of day callbacks at UCSD and Juilliard. Juilliard was just crazy. I felt like it was a mistake every time they posted my name. I was in shock that I got called back that many times. UCSD said: “Excellent! Good audition!” And CalArts told me they were really excited about me and I felt like they were really trying to get me to go! Got the offer from CalArts a couple days ago with a pretty decent scholarship. Didn’t get the invite for the callback weekend for Juilliard, and I’m pretty sure I didn’t get call back weekend for UCSD(no notification, while heard others on Reddit said they have been notified, but maybe there’s hope? Idk.) I'm wondering what the reputation of the CalArts MFA program is in the Film/TV industry, and if it's worth accruing around $100,000 in student debt to attend.(I know it’ll be hard, but I think I can manage it, because there’s no stopping this train. I’m gonna be a working actor if it kills me.) I’m really applying for training/actor friends/network/mentors, but would like to hear what you think of CalArts MFA program. If there are any CalArts current students or alumni who could speak to the training, I would love to hear from you. I have questions! Please DM me! I’m a little torn right now. “You get out what you put in” is what I’ve heard for advice on drama school. I feel like I really just want to go to any grad school because well I’m a 28(M) with a baby face and I know when I get there I’m going to make the most out of it and learn as much possible and work hard and just absolutely kill it. And LA and film/TV is where I want to end up and what I want to do. And so being in/near LA would be a dream. And the fact that CalArts has a great film and animation school and other creative art schools is amazing. I could network and make amazing friends there in a city where I want to end up anyways. Then on the other hand, I just feel kind of bummed that I got kind of close to the top schools. And think maybe next year I could apply and get into a top 4 school. While I'm torn between attending CalArts and trying for a top 4 school next year, I know that school prestige isn't the only factor in achieving success. As Richard Feldman from Juilliard in an interview mentioned about Juilliard acting students, “i'm sure it's less than 50 percent maybe way less than 50 percent of people that are still acting, there's more people who are involved in the performing arts one way or another” There's no guarantee of success as an actor regardless of the school attended. I think what really matters is work ethic, patience, and well, luck. Ultimately, I'm seeking advice and insights from others in the industry. While I know that no one can make the decision for me, I appreciate any help and guidance offered. I know that was a bit of my rambled thoughts there, but thank you for taking the time to read my story. Heavy Hitters of this sub: (any advice? Please? Thank you so much for all your contributions throughout the years, I’ve learned so much from all of you and you have influenced and helped me so much over the years. Glad to be taking this crazy journey with all you as artist actors!) u/thisisnotarealperson u/winonaportman u/b2thekind u/onionsandradishes2 u/iamnotdrake u/Juilliardgrad u/outerspaceplanets
I’m a college student in NJ and am relatively new to acting (started about a year ago and have done some roles in student productions since then). I’m hoping to sign up for summer acting classes in NYC (or perhaps a conservatory) as its not far from me and I hear it has amazing programs. Plus, my college doesn’t offer any summer acting classes and I don’t wanna be out of class for 3 months. So does anyone have any recommendations for classes that are good and geared towards intermediate actors (that is, for non-professionals but who still have some experience), preferably around NYC Penn Station area. I’d appreciate any suggestions!
Weeee, you found me!
I'm your buddy Bottie, I was hiding behind the scenes, but now that you've found me I'd be happy to tell you what I'm doing.
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