While this AI can’t mimic human emotion it’s unreal how accurately it can replicate speech itself. I absolutely despise this because I’m scared of many jobs becoming obsolete due to AI. It’s so annoying. Will voice actors be completely unneeded in the future because of developing AI?
Obviously it's a good way to show off your own talent, but it's almost a cliché at this point. Wouldn't it better show off your acting skills to have someone to play off of? Aren't most people more likely to see a multi-person show than a one-man or one-woman show? It may be easier to write for just yourself, but it almost seems harder to do well. Is it the difficulty of scheduling rehearsals with other actors? Is there something better about showing off your skills solo? Are they just simpler to write? What are the opinions, folks?
Hey, I have some self tapes i did that i need to submit through actors access. I’ve never submitted through them before. Bare with me! In the instructions it says to separate the clips. So would that mean like takeone.mov taketwo.mov or like separate within one movie file? Also my sides have a scene where i have no lines that my character is not in. Do i still film for reactions in this scene?
So I'm new to Actors Access - I have good student/semi-professional footage for a reel/clips (I've already uploaded a few), and I have headshots that will do for now (next on my list) Question though - when submitting for theatrical auditions, I know they generally prefer monologues from plays. Is this the norm on Actors Access? When they don't have any specifications or just list "video reel", are film clips expected? Because adding monologues could get pretty expensive quickly with the $22/min model they have, and other actors I've noted don't really have theatre-y footage on Actors Access unless it's singing.
I’m new to voice acting and I had the thought that I had no body interested in the same career as I am, and maybe I can possibly find someone to talk to about everything there is voice acting, and maybe make some lifelong friends along the way so I think it would be cool if I made or possibly joined a group chat with other people looking to get into voice acting. So maybe we can make a Discord and get some people together.
I read a book about the Stanislavskij method in my youth, but can't remember the title and wonder if anyone perhaps know what book I'm thinking about. It's written like a fake diary and is about a couple of actors rehearsing 'Dead souls' by Gogol. Does it ring a bell for anyone?
I don’t have an agent and am daily inexperienced when it comes to this field (acting for commercials). What kind of things do I need to know going forward, that perhaps an actor would learn over time? Thanks :)
Hey friends! I hope I am allowed to post this, as there is no business affiliation yet, and it's totally free. I'm soon offering a slew of voiceover resources and right now I'm looking to get honest feedback before they go live. As a result, I'm offering the following free voiceover materials in exchange for honest reviews and feedback before they are publicly launched. -plug and play voiceover and entrepreneur-related social media captions (this is a sample of the full document and includes 25 captions) -seo optimization checklist for voice actors -advanced marketing techniques (this is a sample of the full document and includes about 10 ideas) -105 voiceover content ideas to use in your blog or on social media -fillable instagram graphics (this is a sample of the full set and includes 10 designs) -fillable voiceover contract (written by a US-based attorney) -fillable voice acting resume template If you're interested, please either shoot me a message here on Reddit or email me at Alice@AliceEverdeen.com. Email subject: VA Resources. In the body, let me know which items you're interested in. Tanky tanky!
Does anyone know anything about breaking into Bollywood as a white female actor from the US? I’ve seen white actors in other groups say they’ve had some success in Bollywood and it got me thinking. I’m tired of competing against a billion women that look just like me. I’m sure there’d be far fewer roles for me, but maybe also less competition?
Ever since I was 5 years old I’ve been wanting to be an actress. First theater but then I discovered film and I loved it even more. I live in the Netherlands and I feel like our movie industry is horrible, so I sometimes don't feel like acting in a dutch movie because the movie will be bad anyways. But also i'm holding myself back, everytime I think that I should practice on video I'll find an excuse not to do it, school or work or something else, and I think its because i'm scared that i'm not good enough, and that I will disappoint myself. I know that I need to practice to become a good actor and I am fully confident that ill make it in the industry and that I can follow my dreams, but I was wondering if anybody else has the same and maybe some tips to be more confident about my acting :) I hope everyone has a nice day <3
Hey everyone. I'm having a bit of trouble deciding really what would be best for me to do next. I just got done with KCACTF and URTA auditions all in the same week. I've gotten a lot of offers for good opportunities, but the thing is, I'm not sure which opportunity to take. I got a callback with a small theatre company I worked with a couple summers ago, so I'm very familiar with the two people who run it and how things are run there. Plus, I heard that a majority of last year's company are coming back, and it seems like a really great group of company members. But I also got callbacks for the Stella Adler Studio of Acting and the Actors Studio Drama School at Pace University; those are the two training opportunities I'm considering the most. I do feel like I need more training so I can develop my craft, toolbox, and technique in a more structured and supervised way under teachers who are there to help. But I also feel like I need some real-world and life experience not just as an actor, but as a human being too. I do feel the need to try to get work instead of jumping into MORE schooling/training. But both the summer theater and acting studio are great opportunities that I know will provide different benefits for me. But I'm not sure which one I should choose. I also have worries / cons for both too, but I might not get into those now. Anybody have advice? Thanks everyone!
Although this may seem like an obvious scam to some, aspiring actors/young actors may not know how to tell yet. They are holding "auditions" in Hollywood, Florida on the 18th of February. Adrian R'Mante (best...and mostly only known for his role as Esteban on Suite Life on Deck \[Disney show from the mid-2000s\]) has like 3 or 4 different companies that all do (or have done) the same thing. You take your kid, they audition, they "make it to the next round", the company asks you for over $1000 PLUS $500 for headshots (that must be taken by their people). They are not a talent group/agency, they are scam artists. Many people on their "testimonials/success" pages did not even work with this company. Many talent agencies on these pages have also said that they are not affiliated with this company. If your kid actually has an interest in acting, dancing, music, etc. Sign them up for lessons OR even go on Youtube and look for stuff on there (lessons can be cost-prohibitive for some). And if you believe your kid really shows potential do some research on an ACTUAL talent agency/talent manager that can actually get your kid working. There are various resources for this. Rule of thumb, if an "agency" or "manager" asks for money UP FRONT, leave. Real agencies and managers won't take a pay cut (usually 15% when non-union) until you book a job. They also won't have an in-house photographer meaning you can get headshots from anyone, not just their people. https://preview.redd.it/vmurp6mk1nfa1.png?width=504&format=png&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=71b6c475ebfbe3da5bfc327792bc056547c0761d
Im an American, near LA, who on the chance I get in is considering going to for example LAMDA in London, to then come back and work on film in Los Angles after my studies are over. This is because of the overwelming stats in favor, with the main justification being "brits get better training so they are better actors and thus get more roles". Please let me know any and all opinions you may have on this.
I’m a meisner actor and have trained in it for over a year. I’m at the point where I feel like a confident actor and I’m looking to add more tools to my belt so ive been seeking other methods and techniques to see if they help in any way. I love meisner but I do have some struggles with “big” emotions so I’m looking into adler, strasberg, hagen, chekhov, etc. I was just wondering if learning them via reading books, watching videos, etc was effective or not. Or would I need to take a technique class to really “get it”. I feel that I wouldn’t have learned meisner if I didn’t invest myself in classes but with the nature of the technique I would understand if it was exclusive to meisner. Currently I take on-camera classes every week and would apply what I teach myself throughout the week. I recently started working with substitutions and transferences and they feel effective but I’m strictly teaching myself and not necessarily getting guidance, however, my teacher has worked with some of the techniques I mentioned but not all so they help when they can. But for the most part, I kinda just experiment. Just any suggestions or advice would be appreciated. Thank you!
Note this is just my opinion .Willem Defoe .Bill Bixby .Peter Cushing .Peter Capaldi .Matt Smith .Michael Caine .Robert De Niro .Christopher Eccleston .Christopher Lee .John Hurt .Robin Williams .Morgan Freeman .Frank Welker .Mark Hamill .James Earl Jones
Hey everyone. I'm having a bit of trouble deciding really what would be best for me to do next. I just got done with KCACTF and URTA auditions all in the same week. I've gotten a lot of offers for good opportunities, but the thing is, I'm not sure which opportunity to take. I got a callback with a small theatre company I worked with a couple summers ago, so I'm very familiar with the two people who run it and how things are run there. Plus, I heard that a majority of last year's company are coming back, and it seems like a really great group of company members. But I also got callbacks for the Stella Adler Studio of Acting and the Actors Studio Drama School at Pace University; those are the two training opportunities I'm considering the most. I do feel like I need more training so I can develop my craft, toolbox, and technique in a more structured and supervised way under teachers who are there to help. But I also feel like I need some real-world and life experience not just as an actor, but as a human being too. I do feel the need to try to get work instead of jumping into MORE schooling/training. But both the summer theater and acting studio are great opportunities that I know will provide different benefits for me. But I'm not sure which one I should choose. I also have worries / cons for both too, but I might not get into those now. Anybody have advice? Thanks everyone!
Would it be inappropriate to ask a CD for a referral to an agent or manager after taking class with them? I’m just at a loss for options here, I’m not getting anywhere with cold emails or self-submissions on actors access. I don’t live near any major cities and literally nothing films near me so I can’t even “build up my resume” with shorts and student films. I’ve gotten a lot of great auditions through self-submissions but it just feels like without reps they are going off into the void. Like I keep track of who books the projects I audition for and it’s always repped actors, even if they had little to no experience.
I have been busting by butt to be a better performer. I moved to the UK from the US to get a masters in acting, and even secured a UK agent. Recently I won a broadway world award for best performer in a one woman show - I use this to pitch to agencies but they still don’t reply… I’m not sure what to do any more. I also got cast as a lead in a upcoming feature film, starring at Disney actress playing my little sister. This was by lucks chance as the Director came to see my one woman show performance. Does anyone have advice on how to secure an agent? Or maybe a manager would be more beneficial to me and can help me guide my career? I don’t want to give up because I love performing but I just don’t understand with such decent CV why I can’t get someone to represent me in the US. Please any advice would be so appreciated.
Hi everyone! I'm actually a writer on this board (former child/teen actor) and I haven't auditioned in yearssss. Looking for some inspo for a book I'm working on where my young adult protagonist has just moved to LA to be an actress. I did this for a couple of years when I was younger so I have some memory of that time, but I'd love to collect stories from other folks as well. Looking for tales of past acting experiences / best auditions / worst auditions / things you didn't know you needed to do, etc!
I've always wanted to be an actress, but I don't think I got serious about making it a career until I turned 13. Now at 16, having done a decent amount of stage acting, lots of acting classes, making short films with my friends (my only screen acting experience so far but I love it) and some festivals and competitions here and there. I enjoy all mediums, but I really love on-camera acting especially and I really want to TV and films, with some theatre here and there. I want to continue theatre but it's not really my main focus. I have a lot I want to achieve that revolve around my passion and I hope I can have a good career with several decades. The only thing is I feel discouraged, but there isn't anything to feel discourage about. I love my craft, I love auditioning, and am patient enough to deal with the reality (I've dealt with rejection enough to develop thick skin; for me the real world rejection is slightly easier than rejection for the school musicals because in auditions, eventually when you get them consistently, it's easy to do them and move on, and there's no "cast list" that's going to be posted where every theatre kid in school knows, in fact you don't know most of the others who auditioned if it's a tape, and there's just more opportunities overall so it's easier to move on) The real I feel discouraged is because my extended family tells me I'm not "old" enough to decide, but to tell you the truth I don't really believe there is a magic age to know your chosen career path. I mean I've heard of lots of current adult actors who got into acting by starting through high school theatre before going professional for decades. I've never been more sure of something in my life. Despite the odds and the hardships, I love acting and this is what I want to spend my entire "work future" doing. Advice on what I should say to those doubters? Thanks everyone!!!!
I’ve been planing on moving to Atlanta for my career as actor and I’m flying in the middle of February to update my headshots , create a self tape reel , film my demo reel , and also make a voice over demo reel. A but background of me. I have trained extensively at various acting studios , graduated with a BA in Drama , done several plays , short films , and also done background work. A teacher took class through zoom said I lacked basic tech skills which I do but I want to prove him wrong to improve mysefl no matter what. This past week doubt has consumed me and gotten the best of me that I will fail I’m this industry , that when I get an agent I will let them down despite being on top of my auditions , that I won’t succeed , and etc. I’m trying to improve and do better ? Any tips
https://youtu.be/ByCY2UYLHG8 Who’s the narrator in this X-men movie promo? What a powerfully deep voice. I’d love to know who the actor is! Thanks
I'm looking for someone who can voice vaggie for my hasbin hotel fandub !! Dm me if interested
I am a nsfw vore artist HOWEVER I only need voice work for the SFW parts of the comics. So no crazy stuff needed lol I’m especially looking for someone who can pull off a a more mature, womanly voice. But also need an age range of 18-40. I primarily need American accents. I’m paying on a .10 cents a word right now since I am mainly trying to fill character roles. But I will pay more if I need you for longer comics. Feel free to DM me any questions. Thanks!
Hey guys! My male best friend would always tell me he wished he had the talent for acting and how he never tried to actually learn it because he never thought he could become a good actor. However he is pretty good looking and I think he could do something. Any advice I could give to him?
Should I go through every single agent in an agency? Is there a quicker way to do it? Also i can’t seem to find anything about specific ages or breeds needed? Should I look at their past works and see if I fit with the actors they’re representing? Thank you so much for all the help!
Two years ago I met with this agency which seems to be a big agency with great google reviews. I went there and I didn’t like the agent, he came across to me as rude and a weird attitude and didn’t really take the time get to know what I did at all, he seem to be very rushed but there was no one else there, he only said everybody starts at the bottom gave me this form sign as an “extra” not an “actor”, which previously I was about to sign with them as an actor with a different agent person but was disrupted due to the pandemic and that person left. He told me he liked me but I didn’t feel comfortable working with him. He didn’t seem care to me. On top of that, they were to charge about $300-400 (I don’t remember exactly) for headshots and their database to join them. I read the online google reviews, whenever people give them negative review, the owner of this agency would reply back to them rudely, I would not want to work with an agency like that. My friend once joined them but he said he doesn’t recommend and he is no longer with them. I think I made the right decision that I decided not to sign with them. For now I have worked in a few projects got speaking parts with self representation.
So ive been using backstage for a few years now and gotten a few casting calls, really hard considering im still a minor, i was thinking of opening an Actors Access account aswell to help out but at the current moment i do not have any way of paying for the subscriptions so i was wondering without those applications what are free ways to contact directors or look for casting calls to help grow my career?
The creators of the short film made sure to promote all the actors on their social media, so that was nice at least. However, I thought that this role would have more screen time. Turns out it's mostly voice acting in a phone scene. Should I tell them I've changed my mind? Is it worth it for the experience?
hi, I'm trying to do some trolling and need a female voice actor who can talk on discord calls. not payed, just something funny
Hi all, I have previously done a little bit of work with Central Casting, and used to get frequent texts about available projects. I declined most of them because I also have a nearly full-time job, but every once in a while, I'd book something. A couple months ago, the messages stopped entirely, which I thought was weird, but didn't really look into it, and just kinda fell off as a background actor for a little bit as the winter came and work was probably going to be slow (and cold) anyway. Well, I finally looked into why they weren't notifying me, and I realized that I had an overdue yearly Anti-Harassment training course. I just completed said course, and combed through the rest of my profile for good measure- everything looks fine. I'd let that Anti-Harassment course lapse for a couple of months, though... But now that I've done the due diligence, my profile is active and all seems well, should I start automatically receiving casting notices from Central again? Is there anything else that I need to do- do I need to call the office at all? Or am I just now back in the casting game like usual? Thanks in advance for the help :)
I have shopping for health insurance since planning on doing acting more fulltime in March. Any ideas from other actors on here ?
Hi all, Currently, I am living in a poverty family where paying for an Acting education is merely impossible. I want to fulfil my dream of becoming an actor or singer, and I wish that you would consider donating a small amount towards my cause. Any donation sent is greatly appreciated, and from the bottom of my heart, I am forever in your debt. I really hope that the video provided shows a small insight into my performances, and I do believe that no matter the size of the donation the impact will drastically affect my life for the better, and hopefully, one day shine on the big screen. Of course, you don’t have to make a payment. Whether its a small donation or a large, anything will be appreciated. Thank you, here’s the link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/fund-a-young-actor-fulfil-his-dream?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet
You're pitching, you're submitting, you're getting their name out there. You've got a client with great credits, materials, and talent. But no appointments are coming through for months at a time. What do you recommend to your actors when casting isn't calling them in? What goes through your mind when this is happening, and have any of you successfully gotten your clients out of that rut? Mostly curious for the LA and New York markets but open to anyone's advice! The last post like this was so insightful for so many actors, wanted to do a follow up :) As always, grateful for this community - thanks y'all.
From ages 14-24 I took many acting classes at Stella Adler Studio of Acting (NY), Stella Adler Academy Of Acting (LA), and some local theatre classes in NJ and CA. A good chunk of beginners acting classes, lots of money and some small parts later… After having a rough go of it in CA (I up and moved with no plan at 21 years old)- many actors do without a plan- I took a step back and have spent the last 10 years and growing as a woman, an artist, and human. My question regards classes: I have a coach from LA who I love and while I love my relationship with her I don’t feel comfortable jumping back in to the working world and would love to do an in person class HERE in NYC. Should I go back to the beginning? Should I start from scratch? Or should I speak to the studios and try to find a common ground? I am NOT opposed to taking beginners classes again but I don’t want to waste my money or feel unchallenged and ultimately disappointed. I have also been looking for stand alone studios not like the bigger (Barrow, HB etc) but am I crazy to jump back in and audition for or ask for an intermediate class? Can someone guide me? Side note: I am not the same person I was when I took those classes before (I think I’ve grown a lot and have a better sense of responsibility now). I would say I was a somewhat mature but emotionally immature 20 year old.
I’m from an English speaking country and I’m thinking of going to London to try my luck with the acting scene. I’d like to attend some auditions and if I’m cast, stay for the production. Realistically, how far would I get without the right visa for actors? I obviously don’t want to get myself in trouble, but I figure it would be a good opportunity to get the feel of the place and potentially network with directors and producers who may be willing to sponsor my visa down the track. I’m less worried about the auditions and more about actually taking on the work if I’m successful.
I’m a beginner actor who is currently in acting school . I just started lexapro 10 mg (for anxiety and minor depression) 5 days ago and besides the side effects ( nausea, dizziness, tingles,etc.) For scenes now I can’t seem to get myself upset (anger or crying) for a situation. My brain keeps on telling me to calm down and it’s not a big deal. What should I do? Have you any techniques that will help me while my brain is adjusting to the medication?
I'm just asking if it is necessary
I tend to search the IMDB/wiki of actors in shows I stumble upon (an actor thing lol). And noticed that NYU Tisch tends to have the most successful working actors in starring roles/main roles (a few of the bigger schools peppered in). ​ Other than attracting already talented students, what is it that gives them such a competitive edge? A list of those working: Brianne Howe (Ginny & Georgia) Gina Rodriguez Savannah Lee Smith (Gossip Girl reboot) and plenty of others! lol
How does an actor know the size of their fanbase, besides social media channels? Which isn't an accurate measure. This might seem like a dumb question, but I'm genuinely intrigued in the answers.
So I’m a Mexican who is about to move to Madrid, and I want to continue my acting career there, now I was wondering if my accent is going to stop me from getting the same kind of opportunities… Should I learn the Spanish accent or am I safe to find some roles that I could potentially book? Any actor from Madrid who would know this? Thank you!
Curious to know - what was it like for you originally starting, and stepping out of your comfort zone? How has acting and putting yourself out there changed you over time? Sincerely, a scared little man still hesitant to make the first leap of 'bravery' by signing up for a class
I’ve been wanting to get into acting for a while, and I took a class last semester at my university. I ended up dropping the class towards the end of the semester for personal reasons. Now, since I’m in NY until September, I wanted to take advantage of it as much as possible. I plan to save up enough money to take a class over the summer. In the meantime, I wanted to start auditioning. I’m planning on using Actor’s Access. The main issues are I don’t have headshots and I don’t have a demo reel. How crucial are headshots to getting booked? If they are critical, how can I get decent ones without spending hundreds of dollars? Is the best route to make a demo reel out of monologues performed at home? Are a backdrop, a ring light, a stand, and a mic (AT2020) enough to start taping? Also, if anyone has suggestions on groups I can join or classes I can take when I save up the money, it would be much appreciated.
Im an actor located in Chicago and I recently just got represented by an agency. They offered me a contract with an in perpetuity clause and I was told never to take those. So I denied that audition and I’m anxiously waiting for the next opportunity. Did I make the right decision denying that commercial? Should I let my agent know that I change my mind and I’ll accept in perpetuity contracts in the future? How frequent do agents send auditions to people new in their agency? Thank you!
I'm going to VO Atlanta this year, and between the registration, flight, hotel, and food, it's going to be expensive, especially for a beginning voice actor. Are any of the X-Sessions worthwhile? They certainly seem great - small groups of intensive, focused study with some VO masters, but for $199 on top of everything else, I am having a hard time pulling the trigger. It's not that I can't afford one or two of them, but I feel that going to normal sessions will be a great education in and of itself, and I don't know how high the added value of an X-Session will be. Has anyone been to one in the past, and can give me some insight about what it's like? When they say small size, how small? 10 people? 30? And what differentiates it from a normal session? Please note: I am not asking about this year's X-Sessions - I already see a bunch that are interesting to me. I'm wondering what the experience of attending one is like from anyone who has done so. Thank you!
Hi I know the headline sounds incredibly naive but please hear me out, haha So I've been an actor for some years and have had some small to mid-size roles in things shot over here in Europe, some of them pretty big projects. Of course I've been looking into work permits for the US and it should still take some time before I would qualify for an O1, much less a Greencard. However, through my (London-based) agent I've had auditions for big projects produced and shot in the US and they didn't even ask for a visa because I guess it's just one phone call away for them. Now I've been wondering if anyone could recommend a legit boutique agent or manager who I might try? Another client of my agency's here has one but he doesn't seem to do much. It seems that 99% require you to have a visa but maybe there are some that would take on international clients, because as I said it seems to really not be a problem if a production really wants you. Feel very invited to send a PM if you don't want to share publicly. Thank you!
Would you rather have a speaking/lead role in a small independent company movie with non-famous actors or an extra/non-speaking role in a mainstream big production company movie with famous actors ? Why?
Hello\~! I'm starting my career as a voice actor/talent and would love to receive feedback from you. :) Any advice is welcome, even bad comments haha
Hello, A wall of text will follow. TL;DR at the bottom. My background goes something like this: I'm a singer and dancer/physical theatre actress that wanted to do voice acting proper for many years. However, I'm a persecuted minority where I currently leave, so I've not had many opportunities to actually perform outside of choreography and doing noises/ambient stuff in a costume that hid most of me or singing from behind the stage in a booth, never getting speaking roles. I'm hoping to escape this place this year, and until then I want to start doing things for myself. I have a very wide gap in my experience, as I can move and use my voice, but I've not spoken on stage since about 5th grade. I've been studying physical theatre, butoh and various dances for 12 years and singing for almost 20 years; I've been a movement teacher for 9 and voice teacher for 5-6 years. I worked with a lot of actors (mostly theatre and MT/opera), as well as trained voice actors (including finding various voices and extended voice techniques such as growl, rattle, speaking and singing on inhalation, etc) and public speakers, focusing on developing the voice, posture, presence, working with the audience and the costume. We concentrated less on the actual role since that was taught by a different coach. I have heaps more teaching than performing experience. Before the pandemic, I found an acting coach that worked with the Stanislavski method, but our lessons were cut short. Then I found someone working with Chekhov's and a bunch more, but everyone either died or disappeared due to the hell happening in my area. Suffice to say, I had no other opportunities, and I don't have any money to spare since I'm preparing to move countries. My head is a mess, but using my voice/dancing makes me feel alive, so I want to learn and do instead of sitting behind the curtain. For that, I need to learn more, especially since English isn't my first language. I'm looking for maybe someone who'd be willing to barter-coach online or just share stuff that could help me learn in addition to all the self-study/reading. I'm used to bartering my lessons in exchange for a lot of stuff, and I can offer: physical movement, physical theatre with butoh elements, breathwork, meditation, yoga-ish (15 years of study and pretty papers, but I won't call myself a yogini), voice tech/singing, self-massage, solfege and application of elementary music theory, basics of jazz harmony and improvisation (jazz and otherwise) for the keyboard/voice. A lot of online stuff I can only access with a VPN, and these are being blocked one by one, as VPN is illegal here. Reddit is somehow still okay; most social media is blocked, but Discord works. Please, point me to where I can find someone like that and forgive me if I'm completely out of place in this subreddit. TL;DR: a voice teacher/dancer/singer from a Big Bad Place wants to learn how to perform/act in English in preparation to migration. Offers barter in exchange.
Hi all, looking for suggestions others might have done. We have an older lead actor that just can't get his lines down. If he just needed some cues I could put a starting line or two in areas for him, but really he needs his script as he can lose it mid sentence. I figure I'll have to get some kind of large book he can "read " in his lap and hide pages of script inside, maybe ring bound or something. Any creative ideas?
Weeee, you found me!
I'm your buddy Bottie, I was hiding behind the scenes, but now that you've found me I'd be happy to tell you what I'm doing.
I just wrote a few fun facts about Web For Actors
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Click here to check them out. I hope it will cause involuntary audible response.