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I'm in need of a female voice actor that can imitate the voice of a 10 year old girl

I'm in need of a female voice actor that can imitate the voice of a 10 year old girl

Posted on Jan 27th

I doubt that I will find what I'm looking for on here but in hopes that I do. I'm all writer/showmaker and I am putting together a voiceover scene from my YouTube channel and I need somebody to play the little sister of my main character. If you just so happen to be a voice actor that can do this I would really really appreciate it if you could reach out to me

Is there a role both physically and emotionally equivalent to a soldier in a war movie for female actors?

Is there a role both physically and emotionally equivalent to a soldier in a war movie for female actors?

Posted on Jan 27th

Kind of a random question, but I’ve been watching a lot of WW1 & WW2 movies recently. I think there are so many incredible roles to play for the actors that are both physically and emotionally challenging and demanding. Being female, I was wondering if there is any equivalent for women in movies and TV to these types of roles? I’ve been trying to think but I really can’t think of any that are close.

Where to meet other actors in NYC?

Where to meet other actors in NYC?

Posted on Jan 27th

Ive been in classes for a year- love the classes but feel like its not a good way to build relationships with other actors. Everyone is a working actor and it kinda feels almost like, competitive? We all go home and dont speak outside of class. How can I meet other actors just to hangout? Not even network? Maybe some theater groups that are low key and just for fun? Looking to just to meet people and f\*ck around lol.

A list of Free Resources, for Beginners who will want to go Pro.

A list of Free Resources, for Beginners who will want to go Pro.

Posted on Jan 27th

As people starting up, there is so much to learn about, understand, and develop, *away* from the microphone, and outside of the booth. This is a list I have compiled for myself, and for those looking at getting into voice acting beyond a hobby. **Everything here can be accessed for Free**. (Some resources may need you to subscribe to emails, but they can be unsubscribed from afterwards.) This doesn't mean to say that those who aren't looking to 'go pro' can't find something useful here, but much of the content and advice in these posts and videos may be quite firm, in relation to business, marketing, recording *and* acting quality. I will clarify that being professional can be either part-time or full-time; it's about the type, quality and consistency of the work you're outputting, when compared to a hobbyist voice actor. Being a professional requires professional levels of commitment to learning the ins and outs of the business. This post is however, primarily about being a professional **away and outside of Fiverr, UpWork, and other freelance websites.** As it is outside of my personal interest, I have not shared resources focused on making the most out of those websites. It is also limited RE audiobook narration. I welcome any input, whether additional resources or *constructive* critisism - I am undeniably still a beginner myself, and am looking to *learn*, as much as I can outside of the actual "*doing*" of voice acting. I would also like to clarify that everything shared in this post, is what I have *personally* deemed helpful, and useful, as a resource.It is my opinion and interpretation - the working professionals in this subreddit may offer a perspective I have yet to see on a resource, and I will update this list accordingly. **I'm here to learn.** # YouTube Channels: 1. [Booth Junkie]( Starting with the well known, well loved, Mike DelGaudio. Offers microphone reviews and comparisons, guides on how to use the Reaper DAW specifically for VO, basic home-booth set ups, and excellent interviews with other professionals in the industry. Recommended Videos: [Essential Voiceover Jargon]( [Easy and Effective Acoustic Treatment Panels]( [Handle quick deadline VO recording sessions]( [Getting Started in VO, with Gabby Nistico and Anthony Pica ]( Additional Resources: [Setting Up Reaper Course - Updated and improved, compared to the videos on their YouTube.]( 2. [Gift of Gab]( Has brilliant videos on some of the specifics of voice acting and the business of it, that you may not have thought about yourself. Short and to the point, Gabby tells you what you need to hear (whether you want to hear it or not.) Recommended Videos: [5 Things You Should NEVER Do In Your Voice Over Auditions]( [How's your audio quality? How do you know?]( [Cold Email Secrets - Tips to make reaching out more effective]( [Number One Secret to Getting Better in Voice Acting! - Seriously, this is a big deal.]( Additional Resources: [Recommended Books, Blogs, and Trusted Coaches.]( 3. [Paul Schmidt Pro]( A fantastic channel focused on the business and marketing side of voice over work. Another channel that tells you the hard truths, with real, constructive advice to get to being a professional. Has the videos transcribed in [blog form](, and as a [Spotify podcast]( Recommended Videos: [7 Truths U MUST Know B4 You Get Started in Voice Acting]( [Using Online Casting Sites SMARTLY: 3 Scenarios]( [The 3 Biggest Voice Over Website Design ERRORS]( [3 HARD TRUTHS About Voice Over Agents]( Additional Resources: ["Top 10 Voice Actor Website Design Tips" booklet.]( ["7 Steps to Staring and Developing a Career in Voiceover" Booklet]( 4. [AudioHaze]( A very newbie-friendly channel on audio processing, with videos on the 'basics' of what EQ and Compression is. While the channel is mostly for music production, a lot of advice is given which applies to VO audio processing. Recommended Videos: [You're Destroying Your Voice When You Do This! - A Complete Guide to Vocal EQ (EQ Tutorial/Lesson)]( [This Will Make Vocal Compression WAY Easier - Compression Explained/Tutorial (Ratio, Attack, Release)]( [What Even IS Compression? - How to Use Audio Compression Properly]( [Voiceover is NOT Just EQ and Compression!! - Voiceover/Podcasting Mixing Tutorial/Lesson (Beginner)]( 5. [LennyB]( Channel dedicated to processing audio specifically for VO. Excellent videos to start seeing what needs to be done, and start training your ears to hear how clean audio *should* sound. Recommended Videos: [Voice Over Processing (Walkthrough]( [)]([What Does A Professional Voice Over Processing Chain Sound Like?]( [The Best Voice Over Recording Levels (And Why)]( [Removing The Boxy Sound From A Voice Recording]( Additional Resources: [Voice Frequency Guide for Understanding EQ Areas]( [Voice Recording Basics]( [EQ Techniques that Transform Your Voice]( 6. [VoiceOverAngela]( Has videos on gig sites like Fiverr, which I personally avoid, but has some really helpful videos on Audiobook Narration and ACX specifically. Recommended Videos: [Recording & Submitting an Audition for ACX]( [Audiobook Narrators! 2 tools to help you avoid being scammed on ACX]( [How to create a sample for ACX when you dont have any of your own]( [How to narrate and format an audiobook for ACX]( ​ The following are other individual/specific helpful videos and playlists I have saved, and channels that I follow and have watched some videos of, but not enough to form a strong opinion on how helpful they are overall. ​ Channels: 1. [Voice Acting 101]( 2. [The VO Booth Camp]( 3. [Podcastage]( (Popular and well known, useful for hearing a review of a mic you may be thinking of purchasing. Not VO specific.) 4. [Voice Coach - Bill DeWees]( (Well known, and great at marketing *his own content*. Has some good advice, but take it with a pinch of salt, and *do not* fall for paying for what is said to be their 'one-size fits all' coaching.) ​ General Videos: 1. [Why You NEED to KNOW what PFH means in voice overs.]( 2. [Focus on Nailing your VO Audition with Lili Wexu]( 3. [Using the Blue Yeti for voiceover (not Twitch streaming)]( (For those not ready to buy an XLR, but have a Yeti lying around.) 4. [$20 DIY Acoustic Panels]( 5. [Where NOT To Find Voiceover Scripts]( 6. [Stop Waiting! - You have to play to win!]( 7. [Learn how to edit your voiceover audio FASTER!]( 8. [Top 3 Ways to FAIL in Voice Over]( 9. [Being an Audiobook Narrator]( (Long, but has some great insights.) 10. [KICKING VO P2P ANTHILLS WITH PAUL SCHMIDT]( ​ Audio Editing Videos: 1. [Voice Over (EQ and Compression Walkthrough)]( 2. [How To EQ For Voice Over Recording]( 3. [How I Punch and Roll for Long Form Recording]( 4. [FASTEST AND EASIEST way to remove mouthclicks! SERIOUSLY easy.]( 5. [How To Set Your Microphone's Gain / Level for Beginners (FAQ Series)]( 6. [Breaking down ACX's Audio File Requirement]( ​ Playlists: 1. [How to be an Online Voice Actor]( (Fast paced, blunt, but funny.) ​ # Podcasts: I don't listen to many podcasts, but it can be a helpful way to glean information while doing chores, or playing simple games like Minecraft in your downtime. 1. [This Week in VO with J. Michael Collins]( 2. [SPEECHLESS: Real Life VO]( 3. [Marc Scott]( 4. [VO Buzz Weekly]( (Not limited to Podcast content - has some great 'back stage' type videos.) ​ # Rate Guides: 1. [Indie Rate Guide]( \- For smaller projects, when you're getting your first few gigs. 2. [Gravy for the Brain Rate Guide]( \- Great for those in the UK. 3. [GVAA Rate Guide]( 4. [Edge Studio Rate Cards]( 5. [Edge Studio Words to Time Calculator]( ​ # Specific Blog posts, Webpages and Comments I have Bookmarked: 1. [From Calm Talking to Roaring Screaming]( 2. [Is EQ Absolutely Necessary?]( 3. [How Much should you Edit your Auditions?]( 4. [Gravy for the Brain]( \- You can find their free webinars, under the 'FREE STUFF' tag. 5. [Paul Schmidt Blog Recommendations]( 6. [Travey Lindley Recommended Resources]( 7. [ACX Audio Terminology Glossary]( 8. [Making the Most out of Specific P2P Sites]( 9. [General Breakdown of Various Casting Sites.]( 10. [Edge Studio Script Library]( (For general practise - watch Gift of Gab's video above on where to *really* find VO scripts.) 11. [Edge Studio To-Do List]( ​ The One Thing I Recommend Purchasing as a Complete Beginner: The Art of Voice Acting by James Alburger. ​ I've been slowly working my way through this book, and it covers every aspect of VO, from the basics of the acting, to techniques used in the booth by pros, and how to market yourself, and your business. The latest version is the 6th edition, I believe. ​ I hope this has post has proven helpful. ​ While undeniably useful, I found the sidebar of this subreddit lacking when it came to really finding *specific* resources - much of the advice was vague, and it has taken me a lot of time and digging to find these videos and posts, to help me build myself a mental roadmap of the direction I wish to head in. I apologise if the formatting is poor.

Should I put non reputable acting classes on my Resume?

Should I put non reputable acting classes on my Resume?

Posted on Jan 26th

Long story short Johncasa Blancas got me. A bit embarrassing but whatever I already payed for the classes in full so I was like fuck it let me finish the classes since I already paid it all. I finally finished it took quite a while but would putting them on my resume hurt my resume or does it not matter. I might be over thinking it but I’m afraid that since they have a bad reputation it’ll effect me getting jobs. I am now going to a way more reputable acting school like they have a great reputation and people trust their actors should I wait till I finish my classes with them to put training on my resume?

how to ask a fellow actor for a referral?

how to ask a fellow actor for a referral?

Posted on Jan 26th

We have been studying in the same drama school for a few months and I really like his agency - has great actors, but he's also told me before how they work and I really like that. However, we get along well but we are not friends-friends. How could I ask for a referral? Should I ask him if I can just include in the email that he recommended it to me? I've heard the ideal case would be to put him in CC and for him to also write something recommending me, right? But I feel like that's too much to ask, I don't want to come off as a freeloader

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Posted on Jan 26th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. ​ For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

Pursuing acting to clear off a goal?

Pursuing acting to clear off a goal?

Posted on Jan 26th

Hey! I am \[18 M\], currently in my first year of BTech in Mechanical Engineering. Out of the blue I have just kind of made up a goal, completely different from academics to like give acting a go as a hobby of course. I won't be making acting as a mainstream career for myself, Engineering is something that I like well enough. But doing the same thing again and again for a long time just makes it boring for me. Thought of why not go for acting? It'll help with my shy/awkward behavior and would probably help my social skills as well (yeah, my social skills are quite poor). **I haven't tried acting yet.** But I surely will in my second year of my college to get a feel of what it is actually like, maybe give myself a year or so to this thing and see patiently if I genuinely like this from my heart or not. Though I must say, it does look quite fun to me. So, yeah it may seem stupid about making up goals without even giving a small start to something, but I just, couldn't help my "wishful thinking". Well, the goal was to basically just reach the point where I can audition for Co-Stars or Guest Stars in TV Shows, maybe films as well, but just good enough so that I can work on set alongside some good actors, hopefully my own idols. So, with that mindset, is it good to pursue acting as a hobby? Secondly, will I reach my goal in like, around my 30s if I give it a proper start at 22 when my I would have acquired my degree?

Recommended forums for where I should post acting jobs?

Recommended forums for where I should post acting jobs?

Posted on Jan 26th

Hey, I'm looking for actors/actresses who can film TikTok style commercials from their phones. This would be 15-25 second short form videos that will be used for TikTok/Instagram ads. Any tips on where I should look? I haven't really done any hiring of actors before, so I'm not familiar with what marketplaces/websites I should be checking? Any other sites other than backstage? Thanks! (of course, if anyone here is interested in the work, then a DM would be much appreciated)

At what point should you conclude that it's just not in the cards for you to be a working actor?

At what point should you conclude that it's just not in the cards for you to be a working actor?

Posted on Jan 26th

this journey has been utterly miserable for me. the only people I see succeed have a connection to money, which allows them to go to a BFA / MFA, and even that is not enough for all of them, but that gives them the best shot. I've been struggling for so many years I can't even think straight anymore. I've done everything I possibly thought to do, and I still can't book a professional role to save my life. I'm tired of taking acting classes, i don't even enjoy them. they are overpriced and you barely get to work. it's all "woo woo" and teachers name dropping to stroke their own ego, and no practical application what so ever, not nearly enough personal attention to actually get better, its a all a fucking joke. auditioning is also completely different than actually filming, and why we have to be put through auditioning when it's not even the same thing as shooting on set, never made any sense to me. they are two completely different skill sets, and why one has to be "good" at one to be considered for the other makes 0 sense to me. i've been stuck with low level shit representation for years and years, all they do is waste my time, and they can't get tapes bigger than bullshit co-stars, which is demoralizing and a joke. these people shoudn't even be allowed to operate agencies, all they do is waste your time and gaslight you. if you aren't auditioning EVERY SINGLE DAY it's pretty much impossible to book anything or create antyhing even remotely close to a "career". nobody wants to talk about this or even acknolwedge this. auditiong a few times a month isn't going to EVER build you a career. its all a joke and a waste of time. despite having TONS of repeats from 17+ casting directors, I still dont have consistent auditions, in fact, my numbers went backwards the last few months, for no reason at all, becuase i have absolutely no control over antyhing no matter what i do. just more money on headshots over and over and over and over again from photographers that overcharge and don't give a fuck about making you look your best because they just care about money like every other selfish asshole on this planet. i have no idea how to find work on my own outside of student fimls that pay NOTHING and are a logistical nightmare trying to call out of work, to go make $100........ like how the fuck does any sane adult do this without being a rich person? it literally doesn't even make sense. don't even get me started with theatre, which is even a bigger logistical nightmare to try and do. all of this is a joke. this professional is a joke, this pursuit is a joke, and it's only for rich people. plain and simple. i'm tired of being depressed about this. all pursuing acting has done is make my life a living nightmare, and prevent me from doing plenty of other careers where I would have actually had a living wage by now. I couldn't be MORE miserable than I am after having dedicated years of my life to something i thought i loved, and only got spit in my face by it. I'm starting to realize most people don't "give up", they just never even get a real chance to get started, becuae this industry is so absotuely impossible to break into, so absolutley unfriendly to people who don't have connections, so uninviting to people who dont already have professional credits or who weren't lucky enough to be able to attend a professional quality school. i wish i could have my life back. i wish any young person reading this would realize how utterly imposisble this is, and if you are not born into money / connections, your life will be utterly miserable trying to pursue this.

ChatGPT answering the question that is most often posted in this sub...

ChatGPT answering the question that is most often posted in this sub...

Posted on Jan 26th


Who are rising actors that live in New York City?

Who are rising actors that live in New York City?

Posted on Jan 26th

Curious - so many actors seem to live in LA. But who are rising actors (like Timothee Chalamet, Lucas Hesges) that live in Brooklyn or Manhattan? What are the advantages of living there versus Los Angeles?

“I realised that a top-class footballer could be over the hill by the age of 30, and I was already 23. I decided to become an actor and it turned out to be one of my more intelligent moves”. Sean Connery.
How to respond to an actress asking why she wasn't called back for one role (but was for the other)?

How to respond to an actress asking why she wasn't called back for one role (but was for the other)?

Posted on Jan 26th

I made my round of callbacks, and someone applied for two roles. I really loved her in one of the roles and she's definitely the front runner at the moment for it. I really just couldn't see her in the other role and I don't think it's necessarily anything she did wrong, but moreso I didn't see her anywhere near what I had in my mind. Everyone else watching agreed not to move forward with her in the role, but to move forward with her in the other role. She's so talented but again, I don't think there's any directing tips I could give that could all of a sudden make her fit in the role. She emailed and asked just out of curiosity why she wasn't called back for the other role and what notes I could give. Would it be weird to say something along the lines of "the role was very competitive, you didn't do anything wrong, I just see you as a better fit for the role of Samantha"?

Random agency question

Random agency question

Posted on Jan 26th

If you had the choice to sign with WME or CAA which agency would you choose and why? I ask this because I'm on imdbpro and I'm looking through the filmography of both agencies and their actors typically do the same projects with other actors of that agency. Also if you have inside scoop on what its like at a top agency lol thanks!

How do I get started?

How do I get started?

Posted on Jan 26th

Hi guys. I'm a total noob here and just wanted to take a stab in the dark and ask you guys a question. I have been told I have a nice voice a for a few years many times ( I don't think so but if I can sell it its a win win) and was wondering where do you start as a voice actor? What sites do you guys get work on and what hardware would you advise to start out on? If I haven't asked the right question and need o know something starting out feel free to enlighten me and I will bestow upon you a happy weekend if you believe in that stuff. Thanks, Cathal, the lad with the voice of an angel.

I'm a professional NYC actor. AMA

I'm a professional NYC actor. AMA

Posted on Jan 26th

I've worked in theatre, film, and am repped for VO. I went to a great NYC 2 year conservatory and learned a lot. What do you want to know?

best acting classes in LA (or online classes based anywhere)

best acting classes in LA (or online classes based anywhere)

Posted on Jan 25th

Ive been doing some research and the best ones Ive found are: * Ruskin school of acting * Cynthia Bain young actors studio * Warner Laughlin studios * Gloria Garayua * Sam Stiglitz * Baron Brown * Playhouse west la * BGB acting studio If you have any information on any of these or other recommendations Id be happy to hear.

Is acting something I should pursue?

Is acting something I should pursue?

Posted on Jan 24th

Hi there! I’m a 21 year old transgender woman from the Vancouver area. I used to do theatre in high school, being cast as a lead several times. I have no idea what I want to do with my life and no potential career options have given me the same joy as when I was acting. Even though I suffer from severe social anxiety, it all seems to melt away when I can play a character on stage. I’ve fallen into a deep depression and have retreated into myself. I’m feeling quite lost in life. I just don’t think I have “it”. I’m not very attractive (at all, really) and being trans severely limits the roles that are even eligible for me. I do think I could be a somewhat decent actor, but nothing standout. But at the same time, no other career option seems to be for me, everything else just makes me more depressed.

Can I cast a SAG actor for a personal project of mine

Can I cast a SAG actor for a personal project of mine

Posted on Jan 24th

I’m wanting to film a scene from a pilot I wrote. Would just barely be under 13 minutes. Not sending it to any festivals. Just something to post online. A few of the actors who are friends of mine, are SAG. I am not. Would I be able to use them in this simple project? One that I just plan on posting on social media. Or would I have to go through the sag signatory thing? It’s paid as well. Extremely low low budget, but it is paid

Bad productions

Bad productions

Posted on Jan 24th

So I have agency representation, but still get bookings through backstage and the like. I just turned down a shoot and feel so disappointed. It met my day rate, but did not cover parking in a major metro area, was not providing lunch and despite an 8hr shoot, had no hair, makeup or wardrobe. I can manage all these things, but no way am I going to look as polished in the afternoon and I feel like those are red flags. I just saw the final product of a similar shoot I hesitantly accepted, and it was a mess. They had us walk 7 miles in said metro space and tried to get us McDonald's after hour 6 of shooting. They forgot to tell me to bring athletic wear, so I look wildly out of place in a beach scene and my hair completely fell. We had to change in a parking garage. I'm only in my third year of acting, and am getting bettwr at setting professional boundaries, but I am still really sad to say no to another line on my resume. I mean, I get that a bad final product doesn't cancel my paycheck, but I don't like being in the hands of people who aren't taking care of their actors. And yet I still feel about about passing. How do you all manage these situations?

[Networking] Any actors in Staten Island?

[Networking] Any actors in Staten Island?

Posted on Jan 24th

I make zero budget film and occasionally act. I used to work in post production. I fell out of it and am now falling back into filmmaking. I'm focusing on short film and I've done a 20 minute superhero piece, a 5 minute zombie piece and am about to shoot a little time travel piece. You can see some stills and behind the scenes of my work on my instagram. []( I am always looking for collaborators. If this seems like it might be your thing and you're in Staten Island or the surrounding boroughs/Jersey and don't mind traveling, let me know and we'll talk!

3 things I follow as an Actor

3 things I follow as an Actor

Posted on Jan 24th

1. Take your craft seriously, not the industry. 2 Be careful of the toes you step on today, as they can be attached to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow. 3. When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

Actors, what city do you live in for Acting? How is that going?

Actors, what city do you live in for Acting? How is that going?

Posted on Jan 24th

I am in school for performing arts and once I graduate I was going to move to either Atlanta, New York, or Los Angeles. I've been doing research on each possible location to see what would have the best opportunities specific to me. Atlanta seems like the cheapest option as New York and L.A are really expensive. And Atlanta has been the location of a lot of recent movies and TV shows. L.A is good for movies and a lot of tv shows film there. And New York is really good for Theater, Film, and Commercial work. All the cities seem like good choices and I feel like I would be missing out by not picking the right place to work. I would like to know about where you currently (or plan to) practice acting and what your experience has been like? Also, how long have you been at it and how do you feel about the progress you've made?

I’m think about becoming a voice actor, should I?

I’m think about becoming a voice actor, should I?

Posted on Jan 24th

Right now I’m almost 20 years old, and currently a Bio major, but I don’t know if I can keep this up. It’s seems as if I lost my prior motivation for coming to college in the first place. I’m honestly considering becoming a Voice actor. Because I not only love doing different voices and repeating lines, but I just love the idea of being able to immerse yourself into the character your voice acting as. I remember when I cosplayed for the first time and it felt amazing! And I want to be able to replicate that feeling through voice acting. But I don’t know if it seems like a passing fancy to me, or the real deal tho. Can y’all help me out? What do I need to do to become a VA? What’s it like to be a voice actor? How difficult is it to become one? What’s one’s day to day life like? How much do they get paid? Would I need to get a second job in order to make a living? I just have a lot of questions, but I don’t know know where to look. If y’all can help me out that would be amazing! Thanks for your comments, please be nice, and have a great day!

Can a non union actor perform in a SAG signatory project?

Can a non union actor perform in a SAG signatory project?

Posted on Jan 24th

Have a short film with a SAG actor and non union actor both interested. Obviously, the project needs to be SAG signatory for the union actor to perform, but a, I allowed to use non union actors as well? My understanding is there’s a special contract drafted for them.

How does a first time feature director get a BAFTA winner, Emmy nominated actor Paul Mescal to star in her film?

How does a first time feature director get a BAFTA winner, Emmy nominated actor Paul Mescal to star in her film?

Posted on Jan 24th

I absolutely adored Aftersun, I’m just genuinely curious as to how Paul Mescal, who was an acclaimed actor, still somewhat up and coming in some regard I guess, gets attached to a small indie like this with a first time director. Anyone know? Like I said I’m literally just curious as to how Charlotte Wells got such a talent like Paul to lead her film despite only having done a couple shorts that weren’t even that big or acclaimed. Thanks! And congrats to Paul for the extremely well deserved oscar nom!

First Chemistry Read (any tips)

First Chemistry Read (any tips)

Posted on Jan 24th

Hey all I submitted a self tape for a supporting role in a sag short film and received a call back asking me to come in for a chemistry read with the other actors, i’m super excited but nervous at the same time, have any tips on how I should prepare?

Cold Reads

Cold Reads

Posted on Jan 24th

What’s the purpose of them? I think they’re unnecessary. You’re not going to be unprepared when performing so why do it for an audition? I would argue it’s even worse because you can have an actor who would fit well for a role but because they can’t read while being in the moment well, you’re judgement of their performance really isn’t accurate. Am I missing something of value from them?

A Fun Little Question: Pros and Cons of TV vs Film vs Voiceover

A Fun Little Question: Pros and Cons of TV vs Film vs Voiceover

Posted on Jan 24th

What are the things you like (pros) about each medium and things you're not a fan of (cons) about each medium? I'm mainly asking this as a fun little thing for everyone to contribute their point of view to. I love acting in any form (I'm currently a stage actress trying to break into screen acting; I really love acting for the camera and it's always been my dream to be an on-camera actor) but I am mainly drawn to TV, all genres, streaming/airing anywhere, doesn't matter, I love it. Curious to know, however, what are the pros and cons of doing TV vs film vs Voiceover. Also, voiceover is something I got into it recently when I noticed that there are a lot of cool things I can do with my voice. I also am mind-blown at how much you can make out of a character from just your voice, and it will be cool to see your friends' reactions when you watch something you're in and hear your voice but see someone completely different. Note: Instead of seeing this as a chance to complain, look at it as a chance to remind yourself of the good parts and to be grateful that we get to practice what we love. That's what I hope to get out of this post, I like helping others see the good in things. :)

Has anyone taken beginner acting class from T. Schreiber?

Has anyone taken beginner acting class from T. Schreiber?

Posted on Jan 23rd

Specifically the HAGEN, STRASBERG & MEISNER TECHNIQUE class with Pamela Scott? Beginner actor who acted in middle and high school a lot but not anymore. ​ I plan to take this and Barrow Group at the same time since I don't get any online exposure. ​ Thoughts?

Any recommendations on expert literature covering cold (prima vista) reading for actors?

Any recommendations on expert literature covering cold (prima vista) reading for actors?

Posted on Jan 23rd

Hello, I’m looking for some professional literature (books, articles, studies, etc.) on theatrical cold reading. I’m not as interested in finding ways to learn to read a specific text or monologue in order to prepare it well for an audition or a performance, as much as exploring how reading something out loud for the first time can be used to train your voice skills, boost your confidence and help you become a better actor in general. If anyone has any idea whether this has been covered in various techniques, I would really appreciate it.

Is it possible for amateurs to get casted in professional theatre, or is training a requirement?

Is it possible for amateurs to get casted in professional theatre, or is training a requirement?

Posted on Jan 23rd

Sorry if this is a bad question, but can do professional theatre even if someone has no training and little experience? Also, is a professional theatre actor simply a paid actor, or is there something else that specifically makes someone be considered a professional?

Ethics of nude scenes

Ethics of nude scenes

Posted on Jan 23rd

Got a self tape for a non union indie and although the breakdown said ‘some nudity’ I really wasn’t expecting full frontal nudity in the sides. Now obviously I’m not about to strip for a self tape, but I really don’t know about why non union productions would include this. Idk, just the fact that non union is generally unorganized (in my experience) and that it’s usually just some person with a camera, who knows where the footage will go? Like actors who apply for unpaid nonunion productions are generally still aspiring actors and are a little desperate to take on any role they can get, it feels a little sleazy. I would say nude scenes should be union only so proper rules and protocols are followed. Would love to hear some opinions on this

need advice for my first audition

need advice for my first audition

Posted on Jan 23rd

so basically i 16f submitted for a role on actors access, my first time ever submitting for a role (I literally snuck to Walmart and bought a prepaid visa and did this behind my mother’s back lol). I got the email this morning that I was selected for an eco cast, which I know isn’t a huge deal and doesn’t mean much but it’s still exciting for me! My problem is that the headshot I sent in was from a few months ago when I had a fringe, and now it’s grown out some so it’s like curtain bangs. I couldn’t get another headshot bc i’m terrified to be upfront with my mom about how I want to be an actress, so my hair is a little bit different than the headshot. I honestly didn’t think I would hear back so it wasn’t a big deal to me when I submitted but now I see how that may be a problem. Not to mention the fact that my hair is naturally curly and I have it straight in the headshot (is it obvious I’m a beginner? Lol) anyways I’ll take any advice on what I should do, or if this is a big deal or not.

Any fellow actors based out of NY want to work together on scenes for a reel?

Any fellow actors based out of NY want to work together on scenes for a reel?

Posted on Jan 23rd

Since a lot of acting is reacting, I had the thought of why not take the initiative and film some scenes with partners. I think collaborating with other actors on a a couple short scenes would be more beneficial for development than just monologues or an unenthusiastic reader. I have my own canon camera and scoured different plays till I found some good scenes that are for 2-3 people. But if you have any you’ve been itching to do I’m all ears. I’m based near the NYC and Long Island area but would be willing to venture towards parts of NJ. Looking forward to talking to anyone who’s interested and I’ll answer questions in my dm.

Casting sites

Casting sites

Posted on Jan 23rd

When you get an agent do you still have to pay for Casting networks, Actors Access, Casting frontier?

Where to Start? Interested in Anime or Games Voice Acting

Where to Start? Interested in Anime or Games Voice Acting

Posted on Jan 23rd

Hi everyone, I'm 28-Male and hoping to become a voice actor in Anime English dub or Video Games. I have no experience in voice acting but it's something that I really want to do and I think I have a pretty decent vocal range. Any advice on where to start or how to navigate this career path would be appreciated!

Would it be weird/rude to ask actors in callbacks if they're interested in reading for a different role as well?

Would it be weird/rude to ask actors in callbacks if they're interested in reading for a different role as well?

Posted on Jan 23rd

I'm in a predicament in which I have a ton of people who auditioned for the two male leads and there are four actors for one of the leads that I REALLY like and three for the other that I REALLY like. The problem is that I can only hire two of them. However, there are four supporting male roles that none of them asked to audition for and I haven't found anyone that I really like yet for those. Would it be weird in the callback email for the second audition to ask all seven of them if they're interested in also reading for any of the supporting roles? I don't know if that'd be considered disrespectful or if it'd be awkward to act with the people who ended up getting the lead roles?

Thinking of doing a career consultation - any suggestions for online/NYC based services?

Thinking of doing a career consultation - any suggestions for online/NYC based services?

Posted on Jan 23rd

I really feel like I've been spinning my wheels for the past 2 years. I booked 1 co-star 2 years ago and haven't booked since. I'm constantly in class and meeting CDs, getting consistently good feedback, but still nothing, and now my auditions have started to dry up. I don't have great reps; I think they are part of the audition problem since I used to get auditions regularly until late last year. It's like they've sort of forgotten I exist. I tried reaching out to them but they weren't very helpful and didn't give much advice. I'm afraid to drop them all before securing new reps, but I'm sure new reps are also wary of taking me on if they see I have an agent/manager on my Actors Access. My headshots are good, my reel needs work (mostly self-taped stuff) but each time I've paid to create reel footage I haven't liked the final product, especially considering the price. I really just need a professional to talk with and see what exactly is going wrong and what to do next. I'm so tired of staying stagnant like this, and I'm very driven to improve my (lack of) career. I'm doing some googling but not sure who is really legit. Anyone have good experiences with this kind of service in NYC or online?

How do you deal with getting callbacks but NOT booking?

How do you deal with getting callbacks but NOT booking?

Posted on Jan 23rd

I consider myself a pretty good actor. I have the credits and the training to back it up, I'm constantly in classes and I feel like I'm improving every month. For where I'm at in my career, I feel like I'm doing well. But I am going crazy with getting callbacks and not booking. I had a commercial audition on Friday that I feel like I did pretty well at, and then I had a callback for it on Saturday that I feel like I did even better at. It shoots on Friday and I still haven't heard anything. I know I still have time, but I still feel like I'm getting beat down with these constant callbacks and not booking. I'm grateful, but its mentally exhausting to keep coming close and then not securing the bag. Prior to this, I had two callbacks for films last month, and didn't book either. Last year, I had two callbacks, then chemistry reads for two different series, and when it came down to me and another actor (both times) the other actor booked it. I know the deal "do the audition and then forget about it", and I do, but when it comes down to the wire and final stages, I just find myself constantly checking the clock and my email. I can't be the only one right? It just feels defeating after awhile.

At what point realistically do you think someone should give up?

At what point realistically do you think someone should give up?

Posted on Jan 23rd

It’s always been my dream to be an actor, but unfortunately I think it’s time to give up. I’m sure some people will say never give up, and some will think me quitting now is over due so I’m curious what everyone’s thoughts are. I started acting at 13, spent years not being able to book a single role. I’m almost 23 now, These past few years have been pretty good I’ve booked leads/supporting roles in a few shorts/feature films. One of the movies is going to be on Netflix which is pretty cool. However I thought this was gonna be it for me and I’d finally get somewhere, but even after spending 1000$ on headshots, training three times a week at the studios everyone recommended to me and finally having a reel from work I did I still didn’t have a single agent respond to meet with me. I submitted to over 25 agency’s, spent hours making sure they were personalized and still nothing. After 10 years of work, and not being able to get an agent still I feel like is a sign it’s time to give up. If you were in this position, would you keep going or quit? I just feel like I’m hitting my mid 20s with almost nothing to show for it, Genuine question!

What websites can you make a voice actor profile to see if you can get picked up as a VA?

What websites can you make a voice actor profile to see if you can get picked up as a VA?

Posted on Jan 23rd

I am currently working and about to go to college, but really want to try acting/voice acting so where can I post a public profile to see if maybe someone will pick me up or show interest?

Make the most of the Oscars?

Make the most of the Oscars?

Posted on Jan 22nd

Hey everyone! I’m a UK actor and lead a short film that has been nominated for a BAFTA and shortlisted for an Oscar (find out on Tuesday!). I don’t want to jump the gun…but if I were to be in LA for the Oscars come March time, does anyone have any advice as how to best use the opportunity? Currently repped by a local agent here in UK, but looking for representation with bigger reach. What would you guys do?! Thanks!

To: Toronto actors

To: Toronto actors

Posted on Jan 22nd

Hi guys I’m a 20 yo filmmaker, GTA based. I want to make short films but solo filmmaking is damn near impossible. It would be great to have an actor star in my short films. Someone that I could potentially become friends with so we can be a director/actor duo like Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson. Give each other feedback and help each other become better at our crafts. So if ur around my age and location pls hmu.

Can I send different sides for the callbacks?

Can I send different sides for the callbacks?

Posted on Jan 22nd

Director here, I'm preparing to send callback invitations to a handful of actors. Since the initial audition there have been several changes to the script. Is it okay to send new sides for talent to memorize for the callback? Can I even send sides from a different part of the script to see their range? Or is it better to keep the sides the same as the initial audition?



Posted on Jan 22nd

Hello, there. I’m 22 and I’m Italian. I’ve never had an acting job and I’m more interested in film industry outside my country bc Italian movies and tv shows are not it… too predictable and there’s always the same actors involved that are most likely to play the same part all over again. I like American Netflix shows and hbo shows. My question is… how do I start? Can you recommend some books or YouTube videos that I can read/watch. Any advice?

Actors access audition

Actors access audition

Posted on Jan 22nd

Hey y’all! I just got my first audition through actors access - I was wondering if any fellow redditors have experience with booking auditions through actors access and, if so, what usually happens? Do you get an email saying you got it? Or do they call you?

How long is sufficient time to give actors to submit an audition tape?

How long is sufficient time to give actors to submit an audition tape?

Posted on Jan 22nd

For the first round of auditions actors had anywhere between 5-13 days to submit their tapes depending on when they sent me their headshots/reels/resumes. The second round of auditions will be all virtual as well, and I'm wondering how long is appropriate to give actors to submit their second tape? Sundays are the only day everyone on my team is free to watch, and I was hoping to email all callbacks by Wednesday late afternoon. Would it be too soon to request tapes be submitted by 9 PM that Sunday, or should I give them 12 days and ask for the following week?

I’ll be streaming omori but I want to make it interesting

I’ll be streaming omori but I want to make it interesting

Posted on Jan 22nd

Hello ima be doing an omori stream pretty soon I love the game and have played it once but not finished it but I can’t do it alone I need some voice actors if your willing to join Im on Xbox and will be streaming on there I can make a party and we can do it together just three people will do so if your interested let me know by direct messaging me☺️

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

09.20.2024 Achieving On-Screen Success: How to Leverage User Experience for Acting Success
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Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

09.06.2024 Grow Your Acting Career with an Unforgettable Online Presence: Proven Strategies for Actors
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