Not getting ahead of myself but curious—I have an audition for a sag podcast—if I book it, does it make me sag-e? I’ve seen how new media content creators can do this but not actors.
Acting is all about emotions. But I’m one of those people who are very “cold” and “unemotional” (while still dreaming of being an actor lol). The reason I’m like this is that I learned from an early age to “hide” my emotions, feelings, and opinions from certain people (namely family) in order to avoid being harmed, mocked, judged, lectured, or invalidated. This made me a really timid cold person and I would like to drop out of it. Weirdest thing is that when I’m talking to a therapist (or someone I really trust) I tend to burst out in emotions and my brain is all over the place (it’s usually someone I feel very “safe” around). Have any of you guys learned to overcome that? The only emotion I can do is crying and anger
I (14F) found a paid audition for a feature film that's being directed by Ethan Coen. It's for background characters in a scene and I am in the big age range for the actors. No headshot nor reel is necessary for the audition. To me it sounds worth it, and Ethan Coen seems like someone worth putting as a director I worked with for future auditions (even if I was just a background character). Is it worth it to apply for the part to you guys, the actors on reddit, as I am just starting out and looking for roles? The audition was found on Backstage which I heard was a good place for for finding roles, but is it possible that this audition is too good to be true and fake?
I’m looking for an acting class that can build me a solid foundation as an actor. I been looking into Lbacting,Armstrong, EVN, and pro actors lab but I want to know what do you think is best? What was your experience with these studios?
Hey Reddit! My name is Chris, I am a character and commercial voice actor with 5 years of voice acting under my belt. I just created a new channel I hope will help new voice actors grow. I'm going to be making videos on Audacity Tutorials, Voice Acting Tips, Business growth and marketing tips, Dealing with common misconceptions, and maybe even some funny voice over skits. The goal of this is to truly help the voice acting community and inspiring new actors get out there and book some jobs in the industry. If i can help you please let me know, and i will cover it in an upcoming video! God bless! [](
Hey r/acting, just needing a sounding board, and appreciate the input I’ve been thinking of bringing up a few things with my agents. For background, I’m in Vancouver signed to a full-service boutique agency that reps a good range of artists, from developing talent to actors that are co-represented by top ten US agencies. I’ve been really happy with my representation, I’m currently submitting for commercials only. Which is a common practice in my market for newly representing talents. I’m regularly getting self-tape requests and callbacks for commercials. I’ve been getting my self-tapes in on time and never late for auditions and always prepared. When I was signed, I was informed that we can have the conversation regarding Theatrical submissions in the future. I’m wondering when will be a good time to have that conversation with them. The second part of the discussion is, I think my agent is submitting for a certain “type” of roles for commercials , how would you go about and have a conversation with your agent if you would like to be considered for a different “type” or “range” Thank you
For major tv shows, motion pictures and animation vo.. how many get called back? My child is into acting and always gets called back by major networks such as Nick and Disney but he’s never actually booked anything. He got started two years ago and has a short resume. I keep telling him that he should be proud of getting a callback.. and it means hes talented.. but hes been so down lately. He’s only 8. I want him to keep all his doors open but he says acting is his passion. We tried putting him in Stem classes, sports, music, speech/debate and more.. but he only looks forward to acting classes. Theres not that many auditions out there for Asian kids. We spoke to parents of other Asian kids in the biz and they say the same thing. Their kids don’t get the same amount of audition opportunities that their non-Asian friends do. And most of these auditions that are sent our way require him to be bilingual or speak in an Asian accent. He often gets asked to read as a foreigner, a nerd or an exchange student. Our agent told us that to make it as an Asian kid in this business, he needs to be bilingual. He is not bilingual. As his mother, it’s so hard to watch him being rejected countless times. And truth be told, I don’t want him to continue acting.
I never thought of the idea of being an actor at all previously in my life. And funny enough I moved to London for just over a year and I was thinking of being an actor after watching some great movies. I remember I was thinking, what would I do if I'm gonna die soon if anything can happen, and I thought being an actor in a movie is such a cool thing. I read "The Actor's Life: A Survival Guide", kinda got a glimpse of how hard it is to get into the industry not mentioning to be successful in this industry. I tried to do some monologues and researched a bit for different ways to get into agencies or get auditions afterwards. After a couple weeks I was distracted by some other things. But then after a few months (which is now), after watching Twilight on Netflix, my desire for being an actor struct me again. However, I don't have any acting experience, and was only involved in a tiny bit of school drama. How should I start carrying out my attempts on this industry? (I'm doing my GCSE soon, should I wait till I get to sixth form to join dramma clubs or what can I do right now?) I'm also afraid that I'm gonna be distracted again because I have lot's of different hobbies like coding, music, studying, sports and stuff. Any advice on balancing different hobbies as well? I would really appreciate any sharing of experience.
Hi guys!! I have a quick question about agencies. So I'm currently signed with an agent in a smaller market and am looking to branch out and find an agent in a nearby larger market. I'm an 18 tpy actress (I look too young to even play anything above 18) and am confused about if I submit to the youth or adult division. My current agent only reps 18+ actors, which is why I didn't run into this issue before. If any of you guys could help me out, that'd be much appreciated. Thank you so much!
Hey there, long story short our original voice actor did not come through. We run a Tik-Tok page that posts sports related animated shorts. We have 20.5k followers and average 50-170k views, with some reaching 3 million! Because of the time it takes to animate the cartoons we need the voice-work delivered as soon as possible! I’m looking for one actor who can play both roles. The gig pays $100.00 for 8 lines so 12.50 per line if you can get it delivered today! I am available to discord asap to help with any questions. The gig is a Halloween Special for the sports related channel. 2 voice ranges are needed, Jalen: average American, male voice. A.J : a deeper stronger African American male voice MESSAGE ME WITH YOUR REEL AND ILL RESPOND ASAP
I'm new to acting and I saw online about how you could find good casting calls on Actors Access. I have a full time job from Monday through Friday, so I can't really be asking for permission during weekdays, unless it's a really good role. So, in order to start gaining experience and start building a resume for acting reels, I wanted to start acting on the weekends. On Actors Access I see a good amount of weekend roles, which is good for me, but a lot of them include the Friday before the weekend on their shooting dates. Does this mean that they will be shooting the whole Friday or is it just in the evening? Or is there no way of actually knowing? I'm assuming that there would be a lot of beginning actors like me that could only shoot in the weekends. So I'm thinking that perhaps they try to accommodate for it by shooting on Fridays in the evening and Saturdays and Sundays during the day. I just wanted to ask here to see if my thinking is right.
What gigs would you be doing? What kinds of acting would you focus on, knowing that any gig you got into would pay the bills?
So I’ve been trying out acting for a few months now and have done probably 10 auditions or so. And I booked my first role, which is really exciting but also super nerve wracking because it’s also the lead. I’m not too sure how much I can actually say about it other than that it’s a short, but the cast and crew is not a short list, and a lot of money is being don’t on this. So I’m a little nervous about it. It would be one thing if they booked someone like me (no experience and no training), for a supporting character, but the story is about my character, and it’s a lot of pressure to perform well, be off book, take direction, and not waste time. Already had our first table read and met with the director and the lead actress and I can tell that it’s going to be a great working environment, but I can’t stop thinking about how to exist on a set for the first time. Any suggestions?
Hello, I've been aspiring to be a voice actor for a while and I've been practicing and I'd like to think I've got *some* acting skill HOWEVER; it doesn't mean shit when your voice can't handle anything remotely strong. I just can't scream. Like, when getting to a certain volume, you'd need to raise your pitch to go higher, right? My voice flat out refuses to do so, so I just get this pathetic little breathy whisper-scream because my voice just ain't up for the challenge. Any tips on how to not suck at that?
This is a rant because I am tired of this industry and how they treat actors. This new age of self tapes is ridiculous. Basically we are expected to setup lights and camera and PROVIDE THE READER and edit the damn thing and submit it to casting!!?? These are all things that casting is supposed to do … and guess what?! They are saving money on all of this! They save money on the audition room, receptionist, camera operators and readers. So here’s my opinion: pay people to self tape. Give us some money so we can pay our readers (or buy them some beer). It doesn’t have to be a lot, like $50 then that would stop them from just spamming people looking for submissions. Also they should pay per page of self tape. Let’s end this insanity of the 10 page audition sides. You want 10 pages, you better pay for it. Also, give us more time. Did you not know you were making this movie until two days before? Okay rant over.
I ve done 2 parts in 2 series where they also hire amateur actors and now I will take acting classes to be able to do this professionally maybe next year. Do you guys think I need to make my book now or leave it for later ?
Hello, I have a role that requires me to feign having an allergic reaction. Do any experienced actors have techniques for quickly turning red in the face, sweaty, teary-eyed, or anything else symptom of a food allergy? (I feel like turning red in the face would be particularly convincing but I can’t just throw a bunch of makeup on mid-scene.) No snarky comments, please
Sorry, this is just to vent because I have had almost every casting platform over the past 5 years but have had so many issues with NYCastings I don't even know if it's worth the cheaper subscription cost...Every time I log in I check the mark that says "keep my logged in" but then as soon as I try to submit for a job, it logs me out. Sometimes this happens multiple times and I have heard this happens to others as well. I have gotten casting director messages that usually I get a notification about, but I have had some go almost unnoticed because I didn't get an email that I had a message and there are no obvious notifications on NYcastings like on other websites when you have a message/audition. I have also encountered scams on the website, and I know no casting website can be perfect but I have never encountered a scam on actors access. My profile seems to be screwy when I update pictures too and lastly there arent' many great casting calls...anyone else feel this way? I feel like if us actors are paying for a service with money we barely have in the first place, they should update the system
# [Welcome to the Ultimate 30 Rock Quiz - Season 6!]( If you haven't already taken the previous seasons' quizzes, they can be found here! [Season 1]( [Season 2]( [Season 3]( [Season 4]( [Season 5]( Season 5 proved to be our hardest quiz yet, with the average score of all 730 responses coming out to **9.77, nearly a full point drop from Season 4's average of 12.57.** We had some really tough questions last week, but the toughest of them all was about the Official A-List actor's website. **As Tom Hanks clearly screams into the phone while talking to George Clooney, Brad Pitt is the group's official webmaster, a fact that only 46% of you remembered.** On the plus side, we had a tie for best performance; **93% of you remembered the (in)famous line, "Boys and Girls Clubs of America: Be Great!" as well as Kim Jong Il's alter-ego while doing the Weather on Korea News 1: Johnny Mountain.** Season 6 represents the penultimate season of our favorite TV show. Just one more quiz left after this! Enjoy, upvote, spoilerize anything spoilerworthy in the comments, and see you next week for our grand finale! [Here's the link again.](
This is to new people and to people who are lost or demotivated when it comes to dramatic arts. Stanislavski The system should be treated as a guide and base for your acting career.
I'm 14 just getting into acting and I've fallen in love with it. I have signed up for theater class, preformed in the latest play and have been in choir for 4 years with multiple solos. Do you all have any tips that I should know getting into this field?
For example, I have sides, the story is in English, but I'm talking to a Russian character named Ekaterina Petrova. I speak Russian and I could pronounce her name fluently in Russian or I can pronounce it with an English accent. Have you ever had this happen? What did you do?
Hello everyone, I am a Lego stop motion creator by the name of Silly Boy on YouTube. Here’s a link to my channel if you’re interested: My newest video I’m working on will be a short “A DEATH IN THE FAMILY” video depicting the death of Jason Todd. I’m almost done editing but need a voice actor to play the Joker. If anyone would be willing to help me out that would be amazing. It’s not too many lines and it would really help me out. Unfortunately I can’t offer any money but will obviously credit you for your work at the end of the video. I was hoping for a more Mark Hamil sounding performance but as long as it sounds like Joker it will be fine. Thank you! Have a great day
I saw they made a new post for one of the characters, which I'm guessing means they've found their actors for the other characters?
I recently got cast as Borachio in my college theatre production of Much Ado About Nothing. I was really gunning for the role of Benedick, and I was convinced that I was going to get it. But instead, I feel like I got the short end of the straw and now I’m VERY disappointed. In fact, I’m rather PISSED. I have so many questions, none of which I feel like I should ask the director. The director is someone with whom I’ve confided a lot of my insecurities and struggles with acting in, and I feel a bit betrayed. To add to the injury, a couple of years ago she said she could see me playing Benedick. So this is kind of like a jab in the heart a bit. I have been in almost every mainstage show that my university theatre department has put on the past three years I’ve been here, and the director has even told me that she believes I’m one of the most consistent and reliable actors in the program they have, and I’m a senior. Now, this makes me feel sick to my stomach. Now, I feel upset and angry. I feel like punching holes in my wall until my knuckles bleed and throwing stuff across the room. I don’t understand why she cast me as BORACHIO. BORACHIO!!! What could she possibly have seen or thought to make her think “I’ll put him as Borachio instead of Benedick, even though on his audition sheet, he said he was trying out for Benedick, ideally.” I was hoping to get Benedick because I wanted a challenge, but one I knew I could do, and one where I could do some things I’ve never done before; play a kind of character I hadn’t before. A Shakesperean lead. Add some new skills to my toolbox that will greatly help me become a better actor. I’ve never done Shakespeare before. But now I have to play a Shakespearean drunkard, which seems like a role that will add less of a challenge and not as many skills as Benedick would. If I was cast as Benedick, I know I’d care a lot about the character, but now that I’m just a Shakespearean drunkard, I don’t feel like I care about THAT character. I was also looking for some opportunities to be more dramatic. I’ve been doing that for as long as I’ve been in college. But every time I audition for something dramatic, I’m either put into a role where the kind of dramatic moments I was hoping to tackle aren’t there, or I’m cast into a role that just requires me to be “The Comedic Actor I Always Am.” While I am in a constant inner yin and yang battle of thinking “I’m a good actor, I do just what I need to do in my roles and I’m getting better” vs “Why am I not as good as I should be? I should be putting on better performances and being a better actor than I am”, I feel like my director has just taken the talent I have and just threw it into a place where she won’t have to worry about it doing anything wrong instead of giving it an opportunity to blossom even more. Rehearsals begin in three days. I know I’ll just swallow my anger, confusion, and negative feelings of unfairness and just do the work because that’s what I always do, but I feel bad that I feel the way I do about this. I feel like an arrogant, conceited, spoiled brat with an inflated ego just blowing things out of proportion because I didn’t get my way, but at the same time, I feel like I have a right and justification to feel what I do. And I don’t want to be an arrogant, spoiled, actor. I know I should be grateful, and to an extent, I am, but I can’t help but feel…bad. And I don’t really know how to get over all this crap and just embrace the damn role and experience. I know this must be what all actors go through, and I’m no different. So be it. I’m still going to pursue my dream of acting. But I’m just not used to caring so much about something only to get the short end of the straw. Does anybody have any advice, affirmations, or words of wisdom to help me get out of this rut? Thanks, everyone. I appreciate you all.
For example, for those that have been acting for decades, would they remember a crew member or actor they used to talk to during the filming of one movie 35 years ago? If so, how common is it to remember, stay in touch, or even forget people throughout your career?
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
do anyone know where i can find a filmmakers/ actors party in nyc. I missed one last month and it seems interesting
I love the resource, use it as an actor and reader all the time. Of course the site has some flaws but no need to get into that here. As a reader, I've been getting \*zero\* requests suddenly? I have about 50 positive 5-star reviews and whenever I logged on I would usually get at least one request in a sitting. There are multiple professional credits attached to my IMBD and I have reasonably priced (or maybe not??) reader rates ($5/15min, $10/30min, $20/hr). I leave my beacon on all day long and for the past week and a half it's been literally crickets. Am I missing something? Maybe just a bizarre coincidence? Would love to know if anyone has any tips to get more readers, as I really enjoy having this tiny little side source of income -- grocery money!!
Auditioning for Dream team talents Atlanta Division does anyone know if they are a good agency and get their actors auditions frequently?
Greeting! I have a medieval fantasy game I am building for mobile. I am looking for two actors to record their voices for the games introduction. I am looking for a female voice actor who can record a 7 paragraph script speaking as a elf. I also need a male who can record the same script speaking as a dwarf.
Hi all! I've been asking dumb questions all over this wonderful subreddit and of course on my journey to becoming a va more of these come up. I got a little role in a videogame demo, which made me happy. It's by no means perfect. It's over acted and made under a blanket, but it's a start. I want to become a videogame voice actor. It's a hobby since I just like learning accents and making up voices in my head, trying them out, tweeking them a bit and such. I DON'T WANT TO MAKE BIG BUCKS I have a job for that. So that's what I wanted to ask. Is it worth to just shove off all the work to an agent? I have abysmally low reply rating on all the cites and emails I send. Usually the v.g. companies just tell me "we use an agnet, sry". So, maybe I shouls get one? If yes, than which ones are better? What company should I go to? If not, why?
Just passed the one year mark since I signed with my agent. We have a great relationship and I've gotten a few pencils, callbacks and have auditioned for some cd's multiple times but no bookings yet. Just got updated headshots and got my showreel sorted a few weeks ago as well. Is there a point where you would start worrying if you'll get dropped? I have confidence in my abilities and I know I'm doing well but the fear of getting dropped just won't go away.
I have always loved watching movies and I wish that I could be in those worlds that the movies create. Like, I want to fight goblins, fly on the back of a dragon, use magic, become a superhero, survive on an island, and get lost out in space. So I thought that in order to be in those worlds, I could be an actor. My parents are skeptical because they think that I might just want the reward of acting (like being famous and making lots of money), and this is fair because they don't want me to waste my time on something that I don't actually love, yet I think I actually do love the process of acting but I'm not sure. What do you guys think? What could I do to figure all this out?
I'm a part of a boutique agency in Chicago. In the last 5 months, I've had 3 theatrical and 8 commercial auditions. Is this too slow? I'll note that I am a relatively new actor so that may be why and I should just have more patience.
I live in Los Angeles and have been acting for two years. I use Backstage and Central Casting but have gotten way more background roles than any audition call-backs. How can I get more roles for lead and supporting? I have professional headshots and a demo scene, as well as one IMDB credit. What else can I do to get more roles? My current goal is to get an agent but I feel like I need more demo scenes before applying. I've been lead in about 3-4 scenes, all student film material but I don't have the footage.
Hey all, I've been in the union for 10 years now; I've learned more about what happened before I joined, and I've seen a lot happen to the VO folks of the union since joining, and it is hard not to be angry. Voice-over is rarely treated like a full-fledged career in the union, and it usually is approached more from the lens of "This is something fun you can do when you're not booking enough on-camera work!" The reason I'm posting is because of a talk I joined last week. They offered a panel discussion on how to get into live-action dubbing. I'm already somewhat in that world, but I thought it might be good to learn some more names and faces. I stuck around long enough to hear the MC ask, "What voice-over demo do you want to hear when you're reviewing actors?" and this casting director straight-up said "a live-action reel." I understand this CD is not a SAG-AFTRA rep, but it really summed up the union's attitude toward VO. It's just something to do on the side. I have no issues with more actors from outside of VO exploring it. I think it's great. But VO didn't even have its own department until 5-6 years ago, and we still don't have a ton of resources for us specifically. I'm looking for discussion on how fellow union folks handle this, what your attitudes are about being in the union as a principally VO person, and what you think we can realistically do about it. Cheers.
Hi all, have a question that would like to ask for opinion, currently l'm new in acting and got casted by a project it stated it has some compensation…... Well during the production day the production house didn't ask me to act much basically nth much did maybe just one shoot for few seconds?not sure if they recorded that actually... Then they told me to leave. Ok so in this case, do they have to pay me? Thanks you all I'm new here
Hey everyone, I’m visiting New York in November and I’d love to experience a New York acting class looking for recommendations for any drop in acting classes I could attend for professional actors. I am hoping for either an just a short evening class but all I can find are long courses. Any suggestions would be great.
The city I currently live in isn’t renowned for its acting but I joined an 8 week acting class to keep up my training as I do auditions off in the city. The first class was tonight and man, I hate it. Firstly, I’m a 20 year old woman and 90% of the class is 60+ year old men so don’t know what that’s about. Secondly, I’m not by any means an acclaimed working actor, but I’m trying so hard to get there, and when the teacher asks if anyone knows what an objective or beat is and people shake their heads, I’m just exhausted. Everyone is nice and passionate about acting, but I’m so much more than this. There’s only one another studio in my city I can try for classes, but this studio doesn’t offer any sort of refund and I don’t know if I can stick it out. It was a couple hundred dollars so I dunno if I can just drop it, but it’s two hours once a week I could spend doing meaningful work on auditions. I’ll try and ask/beg if I can switch into another class w people my age but I’m not sure it’ll happen and this studio seems pretty amateur and probably doesn’t care abt my acting development more than profits
Hi everyone! I'm new to the forum but not new to acting! I'm a bilingual (eng/한국어) acting coach and I've recently taken on a new client. She is a very well-established actor, but is just starting to learn how to act in English. She tackled her first monologue like a champ, and now we're moving into dualogue work. The only problem is, I'm struggling to find solid examples of 2 woman/ gn comedy scenes from television. Most comedies/ sitcoms are massive casts, like 5+ people (Friends, HIMYM, New Girl,) and it's been like a needle in a haystack trying to find a two burner with women. So, if any of you are avid television watchers and can think of a scene that had you in stitches, please drop them below! I don't mind doing the transcription work myself as long as I can find the episode somewhere.
I've been in LA for 4 years now. The first two don't really count when talking about auditions because I spent them in a 2-year acting program learning the craft and not auditioning. Then Covid happened. I didn't try to work during covid, as I was focused on staying home and staying safe. I landed my first agent mid-2021, with whom I only ever received one theatrical audition (albeit for a great show), but they had 1000 clients so probably not the best person to get me out. I've since signed with a boutique agency, 100 clients, 20+ year industry veterans, so a lot more focused, but I have yet to receive a single theatrical audition through them despite everyone telling me I have great headshots, including my current and former agent, and being SAG-eligible. Is it "normal" in the beginning of your career to rarely get auditions even if you have an agent? I'm 20s-30s age range & female so lots of competition but I do have a bit of a character look and identify as lgbt. I have a reel that I paid to get produced, plus some footage from a short film I produced and it's okay. Definitely decent enough to land a co-star audition I would think. I have spent lots of time (6+ years) in acting class and am currently in a booking class so I think I'm capable of booking but I just....don't ever get the opportunity to book the job. I do self-submit on actor's access and am auditioning through there and I'm also producing some stuff on my own, so I'm staying busy, but I want those big theatrical auditions that you can only get through an agent and I've yet to really land any despite having an agent. I'm wondering what you folks did to get yourself to that point. Building relationships with casting directors? Joining SAG? Having a bunch of credits on no-name projects around town? Getting a great agent? How does one get a great agent without having recognizable credits? I'm just frustrated because I feel like I'm right at the precipice of breaking through that wall, and I see it happening for my classmates, but I just haven't been able to cross that bridge yet. Tips?
Ralph Macchio being my favourite actor, I wonder which acting techinque he uses. Is it The method, Meisner, any other???
> *"I listen for one authentic moment—which most auditions have zero of—and then figure we'll bring you into the studio and get a few more moments out of you."* Another useful quote I remember: "Well-trained actors sound like non-actors. Non-actors sound like bad actors." ([What is Voiceover]( has some tips on how to achieve authenticity in voice acting.)
Has anyone done this? For background: I'm British but I've been in the States since high school age, so my acting agent is based here. I know Spotlight changed a little in pandemic so that actors can use a recommendation from an agent (that is part of the Talent Agent's Association? on mobile so I can't 100 percent check right now) to join, but I'm wondering how you all went about if you joined via recommendation vs joining via drama school or having the correct amount of credits. I'd predominantly be using it for voiceover or remote work for now, and while I would like a UK agency in the future, I know most if not all won't give you a second look unless you have a Spotlight account. Also, for anyone who is using Spotlight that's based in the US: how did you explain it to your agent when they asked what it was? Should I expect to field any questions from them?
I am really interested in film-making industry and being an actor, but I have no idea how or where to start. Please, all suggestion are accepted.
I’m taking about the ones with actors such as Samuel L Jackson, Natalie Portman, Helen Mirren, etc. on Has anyone done them? Are they work the 15/month (which is pretty cheap compared to some others? What was your experience?
Hi guys, so I just joined a film acting group to gain some experience and there’s a ton of amazing resources and networking and I’m very excited. However one problem I have is feeling like the other actors are not my friends but more like competition. Even the guys and girls that don’t even look like me?? But at the same time I’m so excited to work with them because I’ve never had an opportunity to work with other actors and I have the freedom to be creative and it’s a comfortable space to grow and learn. I guess it’s a little bit of jealousy too from actors with more experience? But like that doesn’t help me at all. I don’t even know if I’m going to dive into the acting industry…I want to but it’s scary. but in the meantime, how can I change my mindset around this?? It’s toxic and I feel like an asshole thinking like this. I’m really excited to produce films and stuff and actually work with other people interested in the same things.
So I had a situation the other night where I was at work waiting tables at my restaurant and i waited on a woman who basically told me she was a producer and asked for my info, she seemed normal and nice so i gave it to her, long story short she emailed me and told me she had a friend who "used to work at X agency and now has their own". (one of the big 3) so in the email after saying it was great to meet me etc., "I made a call to X. I think it's better this way". the name of the person was not searchable. A person with the same last name, and a very similar first name, IS the person she was most likely describing from what i researched. (used to be a big deal at one of the big 3, now has their own agency). but then in the follow up email she used the wrong first name again! (maybe she was drinking? she made a joke about being tipsy when i waited on her at the restaurant in the first email) ..... but they rep below the line people..... mostly DPs and editors that have worked on major blockbuster films by A list directors.... but still it's not actors.... I'm thinking this lady is just super nice and was just feeling good and wanting to help me, but not really knowing how things work? or, this below the line agent that used to be a big deal at one of hte big 3 could potentially pass along my info to his agent buddies that do rep talent? now i already have rep and tape on a regular basis so i don't really care / am not putting stock into this just as i never did the 15 million other times people have said and promised random shit like this in the past.... but what do you think?
Weeee, you found me!
I'm your buddy Bottie, I was hiding behind the scenes, but now that you've found me I'd be happy to tell you what I'm doing.
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