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Anyone have experience being a single parent actor in LA with no family support? Is it possible?

Anyone have experience being a single parent actor in LA with no family support? Is it possible?

Posted on Sep 28th

I’m just curious because I’m going through a divorce. Is it possible to be a single parent actor in LA?

Have you ever booked a role off Actors Access?

Have you ever booked a role off Actors Access?

Posted on Sep 28th

Have you ever booked a role off Actors Access? [View Poll](

Advice on being an extra?

Advice on being an extra?

Posted on Sep 28th

I’m thinking of trying to be an extra in a movie but have no prior acting experience and no ambition to be an actor later in life. It’s something on my bucket list and I think it will be neat to look back on. Any advice for my situation? (I’m 14)

Need 6-7 voices for 2-minute read of listener letters for podcast, a quick $10

Need 6-7 voices for 2-minute read of listener letters for podcast, a quick $10

Posted on Sep 28th

Hello! I need 6-7 people to record and email me an audio file (m4a, wav, or mp3) of them reading the text of a written letter, for a podcast a few weeks away from launch. Scripts vary in length but are all less than 500 words-- some less than 30 seconds. I need both female and male-sounding voices, also open to gender-ambiguous ones, and **do NOT need overly professional delivery, or a very high level of production value**. It should sound like an everyday person talking into a voicemail. **So you MUST be able to sound natural, like you are talking in your own words, rather than reading a script.** The scripts are all clean and safe for work, created from emails sent to the host's advice column. They all involve mental health quandaries. I will need a pretty quick turnaround on these, by Friday. I will pay $10 per recording instantly once the email is received and approved. (Each person can do only one script.) I'll pay by Venmo or PayPal, your choice. **REQUIREMENTS:** Message me with a description of your voice's vibe and, if possible, a link to what it sounds like, so I can be sure to cast a variety of voices **Ability to sound natural when reading a script (most important! You need not be an esteemed actor, but you need to sound like you're talking, rather than reading.)** Native/extremely fluent English speaker (open to various types of voices but need mostly American accents) Typical, natural, adult-sounding speaking voice Ability to complete in the next 48 hours Being okay with your voice being used in a podcast trailer and episode without being credited (sorry!) Ability to email an m4a, wav, or mp3 file to an email address **PROCEDURE:** If I message you back that you are chosen, in that same message I will cut and paste the script and the email address the recording needs to be sent to You will record the script as soon as you can, in m4a, wav, or mp3 format You will email me that recording at the address provided, along with your preferred Venmo or PayPal information I will give the recording a quick listen to make sure it meets our requirements, and then Venmo/Paypal you $10 and our eternal thanks, along with the name of the podcast if you want to hear yourself! Thanks for considering!

Any gift ideas for a female child actor?

Any gift ideas for a female child actor?

Posted on Sep 28th

Hi everyone, I'm not an actor, but a dear friend of mine has a daughter who is, and she's about to have her quinceanera, so I thought perhaps a nice acting-based gift would be called for here, since I'm going to splurge. The problem is I have no idea what to get a teenage child actor, so I thought to ask here, if anyone would be so kind as to help me out with some ideas. Thanks in advance.

Salaries in Hollywood question.

Salaries in Hollywood question.

Posted on Sep 28th

Made this account just to find out an answer since google is saying actors make 30k a year. If there’s a better place to ask you can direct me there. So I’m watching Loot and came across Joel Kim Booster who is a great actor. I googled him to learn more and came across his net worth (which I know is 99% speculation bc what celebs are posting their paychecks to instagram lol). It said it was around 1mil, but I don’t think I’ve seen him in anything plus his wiki said he was a stand up comedian. My understanding is that comedy shows aren’t where people make the bulk of their salaries. May be a wrong assumption. This made me think of newer/ unknown celebs and their salaries. I read that Ellen Pompeo is making 500k from Grey’s Anatomy, but I wondered what’s the general pay for a lesser known/newer actor? In a proper big show from like Netflix or ABC. To summarize, is it normal to get paid 5k an episode or do you make like 50k an episode? Do you get a big payday even if you aren’t established in a bunch of films and movies?



Posted on Sep 28th

Evening everyone! I just need some solid advice from fellow VO actors. I feel like I'm sorta in a weird bubble and stand still. I have studied with Crispin Freeman, Mick Wingert, Paul Liberti, Ned Lott, Richard Horvitz, and currently Nancy Wolfson. I have a somewhat "okay" commercial demo that was made back in 2018/2019 before covid. I audition pretty frequently and my commercial agent sends me some great VO auditions. I'm not sure what the disconnect is but I haven't booked a single VO job EVER. I know the competition is rough so don't need a lecture on that but I'm not sure where there is a disconnect. I can't even seem to get cast in non-paid projects either. I have the gear and training. I'm starting to think it's really my voice that is holding me back. I have uniquely different sound quality to me. I wear two hearing aids so, that already affects my speech a bit. It's just a different sound. My current teachers and past teachers seem to love my voice because of how different it is. They did stress that my voice might make it hard to book stuff - not impossible JUST HARDER. I'm curious if anyone has been in the same type of situation as me - training, auditioning, etc but no luck booking. At what point do I toss the towel in because training gets expensive ha. Any advice?

Agent Wants Me to Join Union, I’m Unsure

Agent Wants Me to Join Union, I’m Unsure

Posted on Sep 28th

Hi! I am based in Vancouver for context. I got my agent in April and have booked three things with them since then (a principal role, actor role and lead role, all union). After booking my third role they called me, nudging me in the direction of joining the union UBCP/ACTRA as now that I have 3 credits (I have enough credits to join), that the union will start penalizing my pay cheques. I’ve always been told to hold off joining the union as long as possible, for non-union commercials and other great non-union projects that may come up. However I’ve only done one non-union commercial in this time vs 3 union film roles. I’m anxious about potentially joining as it feels very soon (considering I’ve only been signed 6 months) and I hear of actors who join too soon then regret it because the union work dries up and they’re unable to do non-union. I do however want to be a professional actor long term. Could I get some opinions or another viewpoint? Im just afraid of making a choice I end up regretting.

Am I being unfair to my reps?

Am I being unfair to my reps?

Posted on Sep 28th

I’m a non-union actor based in Los Angeles. I’ve had my manager for 5 months now. At first things were pretty great, I was getting a good number of auditions that fit my casting and my goals fairly well. They’d also be pretty responsive within at least a couple days. I’ve booked once with them and gotten a few callbacks. As time has gone on, I’ve stopped getting auditions as often, and the ones I do get are…not great fits (most recently got one for a commercial for women 40+, and I actually discovered I could have self submitted for it). I’ve communicated my dissatisfaction with them indirectly (how is my reel working? Anything I can add to my looks?) and they won’t respond at all, or they’ll respond to another part of the email without addressing my question. I’m starting to get really frustrated. Communication started getting spotty and confusing back in June. I asked for a submission report back in June and I’ve been using that to target CDs, attending workshops, and I’ve been self submitting, self-analyzing my reel and adding self tapes to the gaps - so I’m not doing nothing, but it doesn’t feel right to be to be doing it without any input or reply from my managers. What do you guys think?

Why always the same Actors?

Why always the same Actors?

Posted on Sep 28th

I feel We as society do the same thing over and over, that very little is new and innovative nowadays. It’s widespread acknowledged in my circle that most programming has taken a major turn for the worse. So nowadays people are blaming actors because it’s an easy target they are in the spotlight. Maybe it’s not the actors fault,Maybe we need to let Actors be Great Again. I feel Hollywood is scared to let people on the spectrum or anyone with True intense emotions become an actor. There is a lot of division nowadays between who is on spectrum and who is not, who is mentally healthy and who is not. When in reality it is we are all One on Earth together. I feel when your Acting things are very complex in terms of mental health how do you determine if someone fits the bill in terms of being currently being “crazy”or just being very unique and intense actor? Its seems like in a lot of cases Hollywood only lets People become “actors” when they fit a certain bill in real life. So you have to Be and Act a certain way in life to even be accepted as an actor. My concern is that Hollywood really only accepts people from a certain crowd. You see nowadays they can just call an intense actor “autistic” or that the person is “crazy”. So my question is what do others think? It’s like what are the pre-requisites for being an Actor? Do you need a diploma and have to spend a lot of money to be given knowledge? Is it socially and morally acceptable? that a lot of actors have blood lines, family connections in the industry and that it seems the reason some actors, how they become almost sure thing super stars is they are born famous. Ultimately the real issue is the question over if a person is on the autism spectrum does that make the actor less than, or more of an actor? You see do you need to be a certain way in life to be considered an actor? With My life story alone and the energy that I hold is immense, I believe that as an actor I hold the power to make people feel however I want to in life. I can make people scared. I can make people feel however I want to In My life. Through work and immense pain and suffering. From Losing those closest to me. I have attained a truly glorious level of nirvana. I know I sound weird and crazy that’s the thing and I don’t care, at all, what people think or say about me. As I have broken on through to the other side of life. I have Reached total enlightenment. Im a loving down to earth person and I see now that I can be anything and anyone I want to in this world. That I truly AM anybody and I truly Am Nobody. I float through life like a butterfly and I can sting like a bee. Im an unstoppable force of Love. A sailor always sailing with the wind.

Models Inc? Talent Agency

Models Inc? Talent Agency

Posted on Sep 28th

So has anyone worked with Models Inc. SoCal Bay area / LA. I know they are pretty legit as I was referred to them by a fellow actor who was an extra in one of Christopher Nolan's films. I'm just nervous going over the contract and signing since it's my first time being represented by an agency. They take 20% commission which seems fairly standard now for non union. Thank you in advance. Can't wait for the auditions to come in.

An online presence is super important - make sure you're contactable!

An online presence is super important - make sure you're contactable!

Posted on Sep 27th

I've recently started producing my own short films with decent enough budgets and large casts/crews. One thing that got me was how little people self-promote. So here's some insight and tips from my journey. You've no idea how frustrating it is when trying to find good talent - maybe spotting them during an acting workshop and only catching their name - and not being able to find them online. And even when you do find good talent that you might want to work with in the future, it's a nightmare trying to index it all manually - if I can just drop a weblink into my spreadsheet, it's far more efficient than seeking out your headshot, email, phone etc from various sources. Facebook and Instagram are not good enough - they require sign-up to view a profile, and accepting their cookies/'privacy' policy otherwise you can't access content. If one is logged in and does a search, their 'algorithm' tends to show profiles it thinks will be more relevant based on country/interests/etc rather than accuracy of the name. Also terrible if your name is fairly common, eg Tom Smith. Twitter is better as you can easily spot a headshot, web link and usually their rep or contact email in their bio. So make sure your bio is up to date, regularly checking any links to make sure they're not broken. By no means am I implying you have to start worrying about follower count or posting regularly. Open a Private Browser (and if you have one, use VPN) and Google your own name. See what comes up. How hard or easy is it for someone to find you? Do a dozen other unrelated links and people pop up before/around you? Now try adding 'actor' to the search terms. Any better? If not, try figuring out how to improve those results. Try putting more relevant keywords in your Twitter bio or actor's profile. It's also extremely important to list your current city/country. The times I've stumbled upon a great actor who doesn't have this listed and I take time to reach out to them only to find they are half way round the world from me! The most effective way to present yourself online, where you're fully in control, is having your own website with a personal domain. Even if that website just redirects to your actor's profile/Twitter/A headshot and email address, that's fine. If your'e a bit tech savvy you can easily get something bare-bones created yourself, and it's cheaper than you might think. It also comes with the added bonus of being able to use the domain as your professional email address, which, sure, might be quite vain but I think it just shows that extra little bit of dedication subconsciously. If you want to go down that route, my recommendations: Namecheap: Domains sub $10 Hosting: There are free options (GitHub). Otherwise $20-60 annually (even better if you can get one for $100 for unlimited domains and share with your pals) Try not to use same provider for hosting and domain. Though sometimes the hosting service offers a free domain - fine. Avoid GoDaddy at all costs. Learn Bootstrap and how to edit Bootstrap templates. Otherwise, Wordpress .ORG not .COM Avoid Wix! I hope this is helpful to some. Take it or leave it - I'm by no means an expert, it's just my own findings. I *want* people to succeed! And I think this is one way to boost an avenue of success.

Call times and the actor

Call times and the actor

Posted on Sep 27th

i know it’s better to arrive early on set rather then on time. How early should i arrive, i fear that i’ll arrive way to early before crew gets there.

Would you work on a one-man crew film?

Would you work on a one-man crew film?

Posted on Sep 27th

Coming from a filmmaker. I'm making a short film, and I do not have a crew. The reasons are a mix of the film being a conversational piece and the fact that part of the project assignment (this is for film school) is that I cannot have a big crew. I need to have a major creative part in the film. All that considered, I just figured this can be something I can film by myself, but I need two actors. I will pay the actors for the one day of filming I am planning, but I'm just worried they won't take me serious if I say I am a one-man band even though this is a very serious project for me, and I have spent a lot of time prepping, storyboarding, etc. Should I mention on the casting call that I do not have a crew or after I talk to the actor? I’m looking for a somewhat experienced actor (non-union) which is why I'm worried that they wouldn't want to work on a film with no crew.

How to write character descriptions for auditions

How to write character descriptions for auditions

Posted on Sep 27th

So im actually gonna make my first screenplay happen. But i have no real idea how to write character descriptions. What do the actors need to know in order to audition? I find it difficult to make the characters be described correctly in so little words. Any advice?

Who sifts through submissions first, Casting Directors or Casting Assistants?

Who sifts through submissions first, Casting Directors or Casting Assistants?

Posted on Sep 27th

Does anyone have insider knowledge or experience with actor submissions? Who sifts through submissions first, Casting Directors or Casting Assistants- who makes the decisions to ask for tapes?

I had a one line co-star on a disney plus show - is it worth putting the clip on my Actors Access profile?

I had a one line co-star on a disney plus show - is it worth putting the clip on my Actors Access profile?

Posted on Sep 27th

The clip is short and it's only one line, but it's one of the only legitimate professional credits (not including student film stuff) I have right now. Is it worth adding to AA?

Never been casted after years

Never been casted after years

Posted on Sep 27th

For most of the past few years, i've been doing theatre. In high school, and in college, i've taken a myriad of acting classes. But no matter how many auditions I do, no matter how good, i have never ever gotten casted. I've been told many times by my teachers (who also happen to be directors, and do the majority of casting) that I'm an amazing actor and i give my all to everything i get. And yet i've still never gotten anything. Not even as an extra or ensemble. It's infuriating. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong! they host help for auditions and they give me a ton of tips that I use, and still get nothing! I feel like i'm at the end of my rope and i'll never be able to do what I love.

I just feel that I'm not doing enough... is there more I can do???

I just feel that I'm not doing enough... is there more I can do???

Posted on Sep 27th

I'm an actor in NYC. During the pandemic I was taking virtual acting classes, and doing workshops/seminars at various acting studios in the city. I got headshots and signed with a commercial modeling agent. I've been getting on set doing background work that I usually secure through Casting Networks. I just feel that I'm not doing enough to feel that I'm giving my maximum potential to this career choice. Every morning I submit on Actors Access and Casting Networks, which usually leads to background work or the occasional audition. I'd like to start booking more shorts or even student films just to get some credits on my IMDb. I'm wondering if there's something I'm missing that would aid in my career? I see many people booking shorts on here and it seems I'm missing those in the breakdowns. Any veterans that can give some advice? Thanks in advance :)

Must an actor be a show-off?

Must an actor be a show-off?

Posted on Sep 27th

I ask this as an older person who used to be an actor in NY in my 20s and 30s without much success. Now in my 60s I'm taking a class again, preparing to jump back in, and I'm wondering... I have a personality flaw that I'm a bit of a showoff and loudmouth. I can be pretty funny sometimes when the stars align. At work (I'm a tech writer) I have learned to keep my mouth shut unless I have something substantive to offer (which is, tbh, a struggle sometimes). And in my family I have learned that it is almost always a better choice to listen and ask questions. I mean, it's hilarious and tragic that the best thing to do in life is almost always to sit down and shut up. I guess that's wisdom. Also, as an actor, being a showoff (and a loudmouth, don't forget that part) may be the thing that makes it so important to be on stage. But it also draws focus away from where it should be, namely your partners on stage, the script, the story, the audience. I am posting this rumination to get other actors' responses. Are you a showoff? Do you think it is helpful to your acting? Harmful? Maybe the (boring) answer is that it's good to be aware of it and keep a balance. What do you think?

Got hired for my first background job.

Got hired for my first background job.

Posted on Sep 27th

Signed up for Central Casting and got booked for my first job. Big show. Actually my favorite TV show. I almost died when I got the offer. Will be fun. I know it’s not acting but it gets me on a set and maybe make contacts or friends. Who knows. I have manners (cause I am old) and will not bug people and watch the hell out of what’s going on. Plus this way I don’t look like a newbie when I get hired as an actor. Any tips how to maximize this? I think I am good but there might be things I would not think about. You don’t have to tell me to be on time. I am German… can’t help to be on time. Annoyingly so.

Booked my first lead in a feature, SO in my head about the actual shoot…

Booked my first lead in a feature, SO in my head about the actual shoot…

Posted on Sep 27th

So basically, after 5 years of trying and trying and booking a ton of random acting jobs across a bunch of different genres and budget levels, I finally booked my first lead in a feature length film. My issue is, I have gotten very comfortable crafting my very best auditions and then sending them into the void expecting to hear nothing. Now I’ve actually booked the leading character, and I’m having all of this imposter syndrome. It makes no sense to me as in my real life I used to be very shy before I started getting into art and I love sharing my other art forms and don’t care at all if nobody understands it or thinks I’m being “too much/ too free/ too avant garde”. I am a natural performer when I’m not afraid and I LOVE that feeling of sharing a story in dance or in writing. I have no problem being the life of the party or presenting outlandish ideas that inspire me, but…. Whenever I book, I somehow forget my entire personality and start to freak out that I secretly don’t even have one. Like, my superpower is gone. I can’t stress enough that in other art forms I don’t even think about it, the artistic expression comes completely natural and I believe in what I’m doing. Even commercials are never an issue, it’s strictly theatrical stuff that I get freaked out about AFTER BOOKING. When I was pinned for one of the leads in a TV show I had this terrible fear of booking it because I knew deep down I didn’t feel ready because of this. Is there some way I can prepare for this amount of material without defaulting to making the character have no personality? It seems so easy for all of the other actors to just come in and be themselves. This wasn’t problematic for me in the audition but something happens in this stage where I freak out and go emotionally blank!

call for actors and extras film in San Diego military them apply on IG

call for actors and extras film in San Diego military them apply on IG

Posted on Sep 27th

follow on ig and dm bio and headshots male and females 18-60 actors 100-200 day rate extras credit and food [](

Toronto Actors: Compass Artist Management

Toronto Actors: Compass Artist Management

Posted on Sep 26th

This is a throwaway account, but I've been hearing a lot of horror stories about this agency withholding payment from actors. Please use this thread as a place to communicate about this situation.

Is legit?

Is legit?

Posted on Sep 26th

I’ve heard and seen a lot about it across the internet and it’s just a bunch of job postings for actors, etc. Pretty much everyone in the entertainment industry. Has anyone used it? Is it legit?

Who is your favorite voice actor/who inspired you to pursue your interest in voice over work?

Who is your favorite voice actor/who inspired you to pursue your interest in voice over work?

Posted on Sep 26th

Not just limited to English VAs! All are welcome. Me personally, one Zach Aguilar. He's in a ton of stuff I'm a huge fan of (Fire Emblem, Genshin Impact, Demon Slayer, Bubble, etc.), and I always find myself watching something that has his name on it, even if it isn't my personal cup of tea (for example, Netflix's Cyberpunk: Edgerunners). He also streams on YouTube, so it's really interesting to be able to consume content he produces, and not just works that he's in. The content he makes is based around what projects he's in and it's clear that he's very passionate about them and I love that (if you wanna find him over on YouTube, search up airzach)! I am really curious to see what you folks say, because there are hundreds of amazing VAs out there and I'm excited to know who especially feels important to you as people who have decided to pursue voice acting.

I wanna be actor

I wanna be actor

Posted on Sep 26th

I’m 17. My names elijah. I wanna get a theater degree. How does one go about life after college ?

Weird Journey so far. (NO COMPLAINTS!) Any input

Weird Journey so far. (NO COMPLAINTS!) Any input

Posted on Sep 26th

I have a facial difference and have been posting videos on tiktok for about a year and a half to two years about myself, my facial difference, and my opinions and daily life stuff to inspire others not to judge a book by its cover. Then as of about six months ago, I added a new category to my videos...Acting duets and voice acting duets...Why you ask? Well initially people see me and they notice my facial difference and THEN SECOND my energy and everything else positive people claim when they first meet me. Since starting TikTok I have been sought out for a few reality shows and then a fully produced featured movie for two roles. After I did one role they called me back for another one as well. I told myself...hmm maybe I don't suck. I had wanted to be an actor growing up (specifically a soap or romance/romcom actor) but figured a guy with a facial difference wouldn't go far in Hollywood...but now I have a shot. Following doing my small scenes in the movie I signed up on backstage and IMDB pro and within a day someone wanted me for a part in their indy film. I had headshots done but having more done in a few weeks by someone else. who is also going to help me with a reel. He says I can act a few scenes out I asked if thats a thing. lol I thought a reel was, clips from various projects you have been in. So I am trying to understand self tapes...Like do I just do scenes from movies or something lol (half kidding. ) Also on my list if things I have done. 1. did well in extra role in big movie. 2. got offered second bigger role in said movie. 3. signed up on backstage 4. Signed up for IMDB pro. 5. landed indy role 6. got headshots done...and 7... Because of my facial deformity and my life in general I feel like I'd be a publicist's dream for many reasons or a talk shows dream...or a morning news show...reality show, etc. While I wait for my projects to come out to get my reels from them and have more to go on as far as my THIS where self tapes come in? I am going in this a weird way but am trying to figure out what more I can do to keep things going. What would should I do next? Would these "Self tapes" be next? Can someone sorta elaborate on them a little? Any tips appreciated.

1-on-1 Acting Teachers in Toronto

1-on-1 Acting Teachers in Toronto

Posted on Sep 26th

For those actors in Toronto (but can be from anywhere), is there a highly rated acting teacher that provides 1-on-1 instruction?

Is there much of an acting community in Nevada?

Is there much of an acting community in Nevada?

Posted on Sep 26th

Originally I was going to move closer to Los Angeles for acting (right now I live about 2 hours from LA) but now im looking to move to Las Vegas for cheaper housing very soon. I’m very green but still want to pursue acting along with any PA work even though I’m moving farther from a major market. So will I still find good resources, communities of filmmakers and most importantly, acting classes in Las Vegas? I’d like to hear from any actors or filmmakers living in Las Vegas.

How should an audition reader deliver the lines?

How should an audition reader deliver the lines?

Posted on Sep 26th

Basically the title. I have a non-actor friend helping me be a reader for a scene. In the scene, I scare her so she is angry at me. Should the lines be delivered in a neutral tone or actually sound angry? I want to make sure it's as professional as possible.

Q about efficiency of online classes

Q about efficiency of online classes

Posted on Sep 25th

Hey everyone, I'm sure this Q has been asked before, which I tried to find but couldn't, so apologies for the repeat if so. I'm a combat (spact) / stunt actor but I want to learn screen acting more to apply for roles. The nearest acting school / class to me is 4 hours away and I was wondering if taking online classes would be a good substitute for learning techniques and better my skillet? I know anything is better than nothing, but I'm curious if one can genuinely build a strong skill set via this route. Thanks :)

How affordable is studying acting in USA?

How affordable is studying acting in USA?

Posted on Sep 25th

I'm from SA and here we don't have a cinema industry per se, so getting into acting beyond as hobby and experimentation is hard. The refined acting school are too expensive and working in cinema/TV may prove a really almost impossible task to burst the bubble and get a space. So since USA has the biggest industry worldwide, I was wondering how is it affordable to get into a good school there? I see there a lot more options, but a few schools I was looking up seem to be so expansive from a foreigner perspective. The nycda must be a wonderful experience, but how hard you guys see it to get into it 'cause of money? I do get the sense that even if there a lot of courses, it seems to me that actors kind of pass them and go directly to get a agent or get into a agency and starting to apply to roles. I mean, this happens a lot around here too, but since the options to studying are so more, I also wonder how this hinder the process there, a place where you can choose so many ways to learn acting.

How Do You Find Monologues That Fit Your Type?

How Do You Find Monologues That Fit Your Type?

Posted on Sep 25th

For the most part I just use google and youtube to find monolouges, just wondering if there is a better way that more experienced actors have found (I'm still pretty new to the game).

Dream Plan opinions

Dream Plan opinions

Posted on Sep 25th

I just turned 17 and I recently realized that I want to be an actor. I did some acting classes as a preteen and I was on a couple plays but now I know this is my way. I live in Italy but I’m currently on my exchange year in LA (chose la just for this reason). Next week I’m starting acting classes at Margie Haber acting studio here and I’m so excited. (opinions/experiences on the studio?) Right now I’m planning every step to take to achieve my dream and I just can’t get it out of my brain. I think about acting when I wake up every day and before going to sleep. Now, I’m getting back to Italy in Dicember and I want to do how much I can do. It’s still a super competitive market, but I think it’s way less competitive than here and the us in general, I know I have to start there. I’d like to go on auditions for short films/commercials in my small region and possibly do acting classes over there too. I’m planning december-september auditions and september-june acting classes with aiditions possibly. (after june I finish high school) Now, after school I’m planning to go to Rome, as it’s the biggest city in Italy for these things. Do you think I should try and get into one of the really big three years acting academies in Rome? They would give me a degree in acting (useless) and it’s really difficult to get in. Or should I just start doing auditions over there and get an agent asap? I think the latter would be better, as I have more possibility to work. Getting in the crazy good schools means no auditions/contracts by rule of the schools. But I don’t know if just two/three acting classes would be enough on my resumè… Do you think it’s a good plan? Tips very much accepted, hope my dream can come true…



Posted on Sep 25th

I read another post saying that LAMDA totally abandons the MFA program students, and that staff see them mostly as a cash cow because of how much international students pay for that program. (I'm from the US and would pay more $). So I wanted to ask if anyone has info on if the MFA at Lamda is worth it? I have already joined Sag in the US, so I'm not new, and would largely be using the MFA to get good reps, leave with a great reel, and make actor friends, if I'm being honest. Any info is appreciated, thank you :) Also does anyone know if London agents will take on an American if they graduated from LAMDA?

Last Minute Scheduling Changes with Survival Jobs

Last Minute Scheduling Changes with Survival Jobs

Posted on Sep 25th

I’m a working actor that recently moved to Atlanta from Richmond VA, but I’ve always relied on survival jobs to keep the lights on, and I keep running into issues when it comes to them working around my schedule. When I was still working at a movie theater, I booked a major speaking part in a cable docudrama series… the day before I was supposed to be on set. Of course I was scheduled to work the next day, and promptly let an assistant manager know. He seemed fine with it, but told me to call the GM the next day to remind him. While I was on set, I do just that only to be shouted at by this man (and I quote), “Geoffrey, if you want to be a movie star, what does that do for me here?” A few months later, I ran into issues again on a Showtime miniseries when I was cast on set (when I was doing background) to work as a photo double for one of the leads that had fallen ill. In short, it was an amazing opportunity for the next couple weeks that paid extremely well, and I even became SAG-E,, but I once again had issues with this movie theater job, especially since the production kept extending the time I’d be needed. One day, I simply had to call out and the GM threatened to write me up. I later moved onto working a better job at Lowe’s during the pandemic. Once production started again, I booked a webseries that needed me on various random days throughout 5 months of shooting. My supervisor (an assistant manager) actually gave me his personal phone number and let me text him whenever something came up, and he was always happy to change my schedule at any time, as long as I kept him in the know (it helped that I was working in a team unloading freight, and didn’t always have to have to be covered by another person). I had a second small job as a grocery store cashier that was similarly accommodating most of the time. But then I moved here and transferred to another Lowe’s, and it’s been a struggle balancing my acting with work. I told absolutely everyone what I do and why I moved here, and they all seem happy for me. But then I booked featured background work on this movie that pays very well, and the schedule is constantly changing. I can already tell the HR lady here is a bit stressed about it, and just today after two days switched at the eleventh hour, a head cashier suggested I put my two weeks in if this is my “real career,” not understanding that I need money in between gigs. My roommate is also an actor, and waits tables 4 nights a week at a very expensive restaurant for excellent money, but he also has to deal with this issue. He booked a print ad the day before it was supposed to happen, and was very worried that he wasn’t going to make his shift. I asked him what would happen if he booked something for a scheduled shift, and he said he would have to pray to get it covered or risk being fired. So… how do you all deal with all of this? I know it depends on the job, but it’s something that’s caused me a great deal of anxiety.

[PAID] In need of a female voice actress for a voice over. Budget is $120

[PAID] In need of a female voice actress for a voice over. Budget is $120

Posted on Sep 24th

The job is performing a battle rap verse, impersonating Toph from Avatar The last Airbender. The word count is about 570. It also requires me to be able to use your voice for monetization. Please provide me with your demos! Thank you!

IAMA Film/TV Actress AMA!

IAMA Film/TV Actress AMA!

Posted on Sep 24th

I have been in 4 film/tv shows * 1 major Hollywood film * 1 UK film * 1 Hulu show * Currently filming a Netflix show Ask me anything :)

The "What is The Method?" Quiz - How Well Will You Do?

The "What is The Method?" Quiz - How Well Will You Do?

Posted on Sep 24th

Several recent articles about The Method -- mostly in Variety -- don't seem to have a clue what Method really is. The acting we see from the likes of Jeremy Strong, Daniel Day-Lewis, and Jared Leto, for example, is certainly great, but it's not Method acting. Actors who do the Method correctly are Bradley Cooper, Al Pacino, and Robert De Niro just to name a very few. But I'm curious if the misunderstanding of The Method extends to most actors. So, with that in mind, here's a short quiz to test your knowledge. 1. True or false, is staying in character during the entire shoot of a movie a must? 2. Finish the sentence: Sense memory A) trains the instrument to respond to imaginary circumstances B) is used to find long forgotten memories C) is a term that is mistakenly used for affective memory, D) used as a way for an actor to recall experiences of things that he or she has done in preparation of a scene such as eating live octopus or getting frostbite or E) none of the above. 3. True or false, giving up sex for six months before shooting a movie as Andrew Garfield recently did, was often discussed by Stanislavsky, Stella Adler, and Lee Strasberg. 4. Finish the sentence: The Method is A) a way to create situations in daily life that can be used in a scene B) is a conscious approach to free the unconscious C) is used as a way to train an actor's willpower and focus or D) the way to immerse yourself in the character, so you become the character. 5. Finish the sentence: Speaking out A) is the only way to help an actor with particularizations, substitution, and personalization B) is the same thing as subtext C) ...the inner monologue is the actor’s awareness of the actor D) is speaking the character's subtext E) ...should never be done when acting.

Question from Outsider - is Living in LA; NYC; or Atlanta; ETC Necessary anymore?

Question from Outsider - is Living in LA; NYC; or Atlanta; ETC Necessary anymore?

Posted on Sep 24th

First off, not an actor or aspiring actor. Honestly no desire to be one. This is just something that I question with the extreme ease of access to record yourself in today's world. Is it still a necessity for the up and comers to pack up and move to Los Angeles or New York City or Atlanta or Toronto for the footwork anymore? I see the list of websites this subreddit has for auditioning and with the fact that everyone has a camera now, does it really make sense to uproot your life and move to these cities anymore? I'm sure once you're a "working"\* actor or you've "made it"\*\* it might make sense to use long-term hotels or furnished apartments for periods of the year, but I don't see the current reason to move to these cities unless acting actually still uses the "footwork" method everyone was taught for getting jobs before you realize not one hiring manager wants to see your face in the middle of the day, just apply online. \* - working as in you are in a steady stream of acting work and able to live off of the wages you earn there without supplemental income. \*\* - made it as in you don't really audition anymore, you and your agents just go over scripts and salaries and decide which projects to undertake a la Chris Evans or Scarlett Johansson vs say Florence Pugh or Hailee Steinfeld who might still get asked to audition here and there despite their Marvel productions and award nominations.

Need an acting agent

Need an acting agent

Posted on Sep 24th

male actor here. does anyone know where or how to find an acting agent I have been looking for awhile but cant find an agency. any tips are great

Black Friday Shopping List Part 2

Black Friday Shopping List Part 2

Posted on Sep 24th

This is a continuation of the previous post. ( This is focused on what deal to look out for, for the voice actor on the go. You either stay in hotels for your day job, or just live in a noisy area and have to drive in your car to someplace quiet to record. This post will focus on the environment, specifically your portable booth (or not) situation. What would be the best choice to look out for a deal? [View Poll](

Cash Pay at Non Union Job so How do I join SAG Union

Cash Pay at Non Union Job so How do I join SAG Union

Posted on Sep 24th Hello I'm an upcoming artist and I want to join the actress Union and on the side website it said that you need to have 3 days worth of non-union work and I was able to land a gig which allowed me 5 days worth of non-union work but they're paying me in cash at the end of the day 100 dollars a day at the end of the work. On the side website that it said it will verify our work at a non-union play by our pay receipts but these people are not giving me any parasites is there another way to show that I did 5 days worth of non-union work to join the union. Few Notes: Working in New York Long island Area Act is in New London Connecticut going there because it's my first gig as background artist and hopefully it will make my reel. Image uploaded to show that payment is going to be in cash. Thank you for your advice all.

Lost my Way

Lost my Way

Posted on Sep 24th

The title may sound a little off-putting but mostly this is for advice. I do want to become an Actor. I’ve putting in a lot of effort in school(Senior Now) ) but it’s time for me to decide what to do after highschool. Although I do believe that Acting will workout, in case it doesn’t I’d plan on going to Trade School. On to the topic at hand, I understand that I need connections and money however since am poor. Well I wouldn’t say poor but I’m not that well off. I’d hoped to go to college just for the experience and build up connections and do maybe student films but It’s a lot on my plate. Here are the options I’ve considered after highschool. Option 1: Community College (preferably Online Classes) Then University (HOPEFULLY with financial aid)while maintaining Working so I can afford things like Backstage Subscriptions and whatnot Option 2: Possibly an affordable Drama School While Working Trade School P.S. I understand that my options may be considered “grim” and that I may not be able to handle the workload but I just don’t know what other options I have. I don’t really have a plan on what to do after highschool in order to become an actor…So this brings me to the question that begs for the advice: What do I do? How do I get started? (I may delete this post after a while)

I'm afraid I behaved unprofessionally in rehearsal by accident.... what are the consequences?

I'm afraid I behaved unprofessionally in rehearsal by accident.... what are the consequences?

Posted on Sep 24th

I am currently in rehearsal for my 1st Equity show in NYC (technically an Equity showcase, but it's my first time in an Equity cast) and I am super stoked, but also really scared of accidentally behaving in a way that could leave a bad impression. I have autism and sometimes it is hard for me to see how I come across to other people. I can't stop replaying the moments in my head that I'm afraid might have made me look bad. Today, the dance soloists were learning their steps with the music and everyone else was given down time. I was chatting with a buddy on the other side of the room by the water cooler, and the director told us to keep our voices down. I'm super embarrassed. I thought I was far enough away and I didn't know how loud I sounded. When we were transitioning from one scene to the other and getting set up, I mentioned to one of my fellow ensemble actors how this weird guy I know is blowing up my phone with text messages. In hindsight, I realize I shouldn't have mentioned something from my personal life during rehearsal hours. I am taking an antibiotic right now which is unfortunately causing me lots of bowel discomfort. A couple times today, I found myself having to rush off to the bathroom at inopportune times during rehearsal. I apologized and explained the situation to the director, and she told me to just let her know next time that happens. I have a small role in the show (about 25 lines). We are still on book and this week, there have been a few times when I missed lines. Tonight, the director took away a couple of my solos in the musical numbers and distributed them to other ensemble members. However, she also gave me a little bit more dialogue. I definitely regret all these moments and am totally cringing as I write them down. I'm really worried about how my reputation might be impacted. Are any of them seriously bad enough for them to not rehire me again?

Need help on Agent.

Need help on Agent.

Posted on Sep 24th

Hi. I am relatively new to acting with minor experience but a quite a little bit of knowledge. Anybody with IMDB Pro can you look up “Icon studio dallas”? I am close to signing onto their agency, however I want some opinions and insight. I met the agent at a modeling audition and he has an actors access , casting network etc. How can I verify it’s actually legit. They have prices which are average for what i’ve seen like $300 for a photo shoot etc. Can anyone give me insight or knowledge on this agency? Thanks.

Ethnicity in Acting

Ethnicity in Acting

Posted on Sep 24th

I am technically south asian, but I could pass for hispanic, middle eastern, or ethnically ambiguous. My question is, can I only apply for roles that need south asian actors? Can I apply for other ethnicities as long as I can look like I belong to that ethnicity? Right now I am only applying for backstage/actor's access auditions. But someday if I get an agent, will they be able to submit me for other ethnicities?

Jobs Hiring actors to give “testimonials”

Jobs Hiring actors to give “testimonials”

Posted on Sep 23rd

Why can companies get away with this? I initially thought they needed actors to play the part of actual/real customers who have given actual testimonial but were just too shy to appear on camera so they’re hiring actors to say their lines….but no it turns out they just want you to completely fake a testimonial saying how great their company is and this and that, then they pay you $50. It just seems so wrong but they post the job as if it’s completely normal and ok?

Music Video Actors Needed

Music Video Actors Needed

Posted on Sep 23rd

Hi I have a lead on a music video needing actors in Chicago. The artist is Charles Jenkins - he has over a 5 billion Spotify streams - former pastor / inspirational singer - it’s an aspirational wholesome “we can do anything together” dance house track. The shoot is today and we need a lead female for the role. Is anyone available?

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

09.20.2024 Achieving On-Screen Success: How to Leverage User Experience for Acting Success
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Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

09.06.2024 Grow Your Acting Career with an Unforgettable Online Presence: Proven Strategies for Actors
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