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Natural talent for acting, how can I make it a career?

Natural talent for acting, how can I make it a career?

Posted on Sep 18th

Many of my family and friends have always told me that I have a talent for acting and I should use it more. However, I never went about doing this. How do I become an actor, ya know, one of those on the popular TV shows and Hollywood films. I know it doesn’t start there but how could I get there? I also think I have the right look for it, I’m attractive and a tall guy (don’t wanna sound egotistical). Any tips would be appreciated, thanks!

I am a new director/cinematographer looking for collaboration

I am a new director/cinematographer looking for collaboration

Posted on Sep 18th

Hi I am a new director in the LA area. I have directed and produced a few short films and realized i need a lot more experience to get to the next level. So i would like to collaborate with local actors/actress if you need a director to help build your reel. I have full equipment and am available to shoot in the evenings during weekdays and both days of the weekends. Please DM me if you are interested.

[Revenue Share] [Ongoing Project] Established d&d streaming group looking for 1-2 other voice actors to join an ongoing Saturday game

[Revenue Share] [Ongoing Project] Established d&d streaming group looking for 1-2 other voice actors to join an ongoing Saturday game

Posted on Sep 18th

[Players Wanted]( Hey everyone, The D&D stream I run is looking to add 1-2 players to our ongoing **Saturday** campaign so I'm putting feelers out to see if anyone is interested in having a chat about coming aboard! Chaotic Fabulous are a group of voice actors that have been playing together for the past 2 years, with our current campaign being ongoing since the start of 2022. We currently run two streamed games (Wednesday and Saturday) with an unstreamed "home" game on Tuesdays. The games are all run parallel in a shared world so there are effectively 17 players all interacting on an ongoing basis (plus me trying to herd the cats in the right direction). It's an awesome, welcoming community of players so I'm certain any newbies coming in would get on great with everyone! Regarding the stream, we aren't massive but we are Twitch Affiliates and get reasonable viewership numbers, nothing crazy but we are always looking to grow.  Monies generated via twitch subscriptions will be divided amongst those taking part. Being a stream we would need any new players to be comfortable to be on camera for the game, and for them to have at least a reasonable webcam and microphone.  We would also require punctuality, showing up 15 minutes before we go live to make sure everything is set up and notice if you can't show up so that you can be written out that week; we completely understand if things come up but with it being broadcast we want to keep the game as professional looking at possible and that includes making sure the game is prepped for the right number of people. As mentioned above, the group we are looking to add players to is the one played on Saturdays at 8pm GMT.  Our group consists of players ranging in age from mid 20s to late 30s from the West coast of Canada to Mainland Europe so unfortunately, the day and time is unlikely to be able to change as it's the most viable for everyone across the different timezones. The game is run using the d&d 5th edition ruleset with some added rules/features inspired by call of cthulhu.  The reason for these rules is that while the game is LOOSELY based on the Strixhaven setting book (albeit in my homebrew world) I am adding some... Darker... Side stories for the group when the magic school breaks for the summer so it helps to have systems to handle your... Mental state. Character wise, you have access to all the D&D beyond content and I will be running the game on Foundry (Hosted on the Forge).  The game levels slowly, with characters presently at level 2 after 25 sessions, with us capping at level 8 at endgame. I want to be clear about this as I don't want anyone expecting a weekly level up! It's a very RP focused game, rather than combat focused (although it does happen from time to time). [To give an idea of the state of play, here's a crazy board one of the players is keeping.]( The world is, as I mentioned earlier, homebrew and not the usual medieval fantasy of the forgotten realms, it's more of a 1920s-30s setting with diesel punk elements (think... Fantastic beasts or full metal alchemist).  Most of the world of Tenebrous is zero magic and while the populous at large know magic is a thing, it's generally shunned in favour of technology (because it's what THEY can use) all players however will be born with the Spark of Magic, whether they choose to embrace it or not.  Being set in that particular time setting I will be more inclined to approve firearm users than longbows for ranged weaponry and greatswords/warhammers/platemail will be highly unusual.  That is not to say all characters need to be magic users, simply that certain martial classes will need to be selective of how they walk around a city! As a GM, I've been playing for over 20 years, GMing for most of them, and while we have some very experienced players in the group, we also have some relative beginners; we don't need you to be the most experienced player in the world, so long as you mesh well with the other players that's what matters.  I've always been of the opinion that you can teach the rules, but you can't teach chemistry between players and that's what I'm looking for. If this would be something you're interested in, drop me a message here or via discord (Welsh Grifter#9153) and we can have a chat. **Please** don't use the Reddit chat function as they never come up on my phone lol

My boyfriend hates my acting classes

My boyfriend hates my acting classes

Posted on Sep 18th

I’m not saying my boyfriend is right or wrong, I just want to tell someone about this because I feel like I can’t tell anyone I know in real life without hurting their feelings. He’s not an actor. We just moved in together a few months ago. Before we moved in, he seemed interested in what my classes were all about and talked about them positively. I go to acting classes twice a week, one online and another in person. He’s always complaining about how much time it takes away, how much money I’m spending, and about the traffic during the commute. (Ever since we moved in.) He’s also the type of person who thinks most guys flirt with me because of what happened with his exes. There’s this one guy in my class, about 60, who I had a zoom practice session with today. And my boyfriend was making faces the entire time at me. He always has something to say about him in particular. My teacher and classmates know he’s a respectable man. He and my boyfriend met once while he was dropping me off for class. He says things to me about him like “that old guy just wants to take this class to get some young pussy.” “That guy gives me the creeps” etc. He has said things about my other classmates too. Like how they’re fake. He doesn’t know them. He said he can tell because of “the sounds of fake valley girls congregating outside.” He acts like every nice person is fake except for his twin best friends he’s known since high school. He even has something to say about the people they hang out with, but he doesn’t say it to their face that they’re too nice and trusting and the people they hand out with give him bad vibes. He has as much love for the twins as he does for me but why won’t he tell it to their faces that he hates their friends like he does with me? One time he went through my phone behind my back and started going through my text messages. He found this one guy closer to his age who used to be in my class and he was saying how he thinks we were flirting and how he thinks I had “something special with him.” Then my boyfriend was asking me why I was in his car. It’s because I needed a ride home from class and my mom couldn’t pick me up. He’s still not convinced there was nothing romantic going on between me and my former classmate even though I told him multiple times there was not, to which he replied “whatever, that was before we were dating.” He thinks people I’ve met through acting are fake. He says he’s the only person being real with me when he talks about the reason I never get gigs. Maybe he’s right. He’s also said that of course my teachers are going to say I’m good when they’re getting paid to inflate my ego. They’re going to say I’m good so that I come back and spend more money on their classes. And he said he’s the only one being real with me even if the truth hurts. When I’m in my other class on zoom, he makes fun of those classmates and my teacher. “That guy from the south says um a lot he acts like he’s trying to be all charismatic.” “Your teacher acts like he’s on drugs.” (My teacher said if he’s all over the place it’s because he has ADHD. So does my boyfriend) “Fuck that guy.” “Those classes are for people who don’t have a job and lives with their parents just spending time practicing acting” He says I’m wasting my time and money on these “stupid classes.” He thinks if I was good enough to be an actor I’d already be getting gigs left and right. I’ve signed up for auditions online and so far I’ve never heard back from anyone and he knows this. I would like to submit myself to an agent but I have nothing to put on my resume besides my training, so that’s made it harder for me to get gigs probably. He knows the reasons I want to become an actor and he says maybe it’s time I start realizing it’s not for me. He acts like I haven’t taken into consideration about what he’s said which isn’t true because I have. He’s angry because he thinks I want to spend more time with my “stupid acting classmates” and not him. I care for him and I know he cares for me and he’s just saying these things because he wants the best for me. He’s not a very trusting person, so he doesn’t trust the people who I’ve known way longer than I’ve known him.

Do actors that are beginning their career get to say yes or no to roles?

Do actors that are beginning their career get to say yes or no to roles?

Posted on Sep 18th

Or would they need to take any roles that come there way

What would you bumped into a very successful actor consistently?

What would you bumped into a very successful actor consistently?

Posted on Sep 17th

Just wondering as an inspiring actor if you were to see A list actor semi regularly, like at a cafe, is it inappropriate to try to progress your career through them? To show them your reel and ask them for any tips/tricks to the industry. Or is it inappropriate and rude?

Beginner actor here and I was reading all about the industry and I have a question about a certain actor

Beginner actor here and I was reading all about the industry and I have a question about a certain actor

Posted on Sep 17th

So I'm reading up on this cruel industry lol and reading up on what agents do and casting directors. A particular actor I found out about was Mena Massoud an Egyptian actor who didn't land a single audition since Aladdin. He was complaining about it In an interview which IMO I would've never done because you can't show weakness in this industry. But I read that if you don't land a single role for a while it's the agent's fault and that you should quit and find another one. Only reason I'm worried about Mena is because I am an Egyptian Muslim with tan skin I am scared they might treat me like him. One hit wonder type of guy. What is ya opinion on what happened to him do ya think it's a race thing like he mentioned or was it just his skill? And can it possibly happen to an Egyptian like me?

Out of curiosity

Out of curiosity

Posted on Sep 17th

Let’s imagine a situation where I’ve been an actor in Japan for about 7-10 years and I decided to move to the US( keeping in mind that I have an amazing level of English already). Combined with my previous experience, will it take long for me to actually get consistent roles and what might be the difficulties?



Posted on Sep 17th

**To all the new** r/VoiceActing **members, welcome! We're really glad you've joined the sub!** This is just a (okay, *not*\-so) brief reminder about what this sub requires of you to post and make comments. All of us mods really want people to be able to interact and exchange ideas and experiences, BUT our mod-box is pretty regularly overflowing with auto-generated messages about responses to posts that don't go through and get posted *exclusively due to low karma*. One might ask "Well, why don't y'all just *approve* them?!" That isn't really a solution because while that one comment may be approved, due to persisting low karma, *the commenter STILL won't be able to follow up*, which kinda defeats the purpose of having and conversation, and , well.. *Reddit overall*. So here's a bit of a refresher about our karma and posting requirements: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ To post in /r/VoiceActing, your account must be older than *three (3) days*, ***and have a combined post/comment karma of more than five (5) karma***. This is to prevent new accounts from being created to spam the subreddit. On Reddit, your ‘karma’ is a score for your profile that is based on the number of posts and comments you make, and how people react to them (-via- upvotes or downvotes). It breaks down like this: * **Post Karma:** Your score for the number of posts you have made, and the number of positive or negative votes that others have given them. * **Comment Karma:** Your score for the number of comments you have made, and their votes. * **Awarder Karma:** When you give an award to a comment or post, the award has a positive number added to your karma. * **Awardee Karma:** When someone gives an award to one of your comments or posts, the award has a positive number added to your karma. ***The total of these numbers is added together to compute your overall karma score***. It’s important to note that filters like the Automoderator for /r/voiceacting do NOT take award karma into account. In the case of our subreddit, your overall karma score and/or account age is too low to get past our anti-spam filter, which prevents accounts with low karma scores from participating in our subreddit. The easiest way to raise your karma score is by positively interacting (commenting on) posts ***that appear on Reddit’s main page/screen*** \[See [here]( for an in-depth explanation of what Reddit karma is/does.\] If your account age is also too low, you must wait until enough days have passed since you created your account before you can post or comment. ***Once the two conditions are met, you will be able to post and comment in*** /r/VoiceActing\*\*\*!\*\*\* Thank you for your understanding that /r/voiceacting is strictly moderated, so that we can keep our part of Reddit a valuable resource for voice actors. Hit us up with questions, and **please remember to review our** [**Rules and Getting Started Guide**]( Welcome to our community. We're glad you're here!



Posted on Sep 17th

Hello, I'm an actor here in the states, and I'm working on a Project for a studio. I need help with the Russian dialect. If anyone here could help that would be great. I would just send you the sides and I would ask you to record yourself speaking the lines, just so I can learn from listening. Please let me know ASAP! ​ Thank you, JKC

Jealousy for an actor

Jealousy for an actor

Posted on Sep 16th

How do you control jealousy, as an actor, for another successful actor? I’m almost the same age as Timothée Chalamet, and I have followed his career very early on, when he did short films and smaller roles, and how he had his breakthrough with Call Me by Your Name. To the point I chose monologues for auditions that I knew he had done. I love how he approaches characters and their mannerisms in a different way, and yet maintaining himself. I love how he talks about acting in interviews. Other actors I admire talking about drawing inspiration from him, makes it even more painful, it sounds strange. Sometimes I think about giving up pursuing acting because I will never be as good as him. How to cope with jealousy?

can you live of a 4-5 season main role?

can you live of a 4-5 season main role?

Posted on Sep 16th

So I'm rewatching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Angel. I got looking uo a lot of the main cast and aside from these 2 shows a majority of them never really went on to do anything massive, Alyson Hannigan did How I Met your other, and Anthony Head did Merlin, but the rest of them haven't had many parts since and even then it's they are only small parts. Does being a main character in a popular show for 4-5 seasons pay well enough to set an actor up for life pretty much? How much would they have been getting paid per episode?

Feedback on my acapella

Feedback on my acapella

Posted on Sep 16th

I just wrote these two mini songs with my acapella singing. I submitted them to Backstage (the website for actors and singers) in hope of getting auditions. Let me know what you guys think of this. Any feedback will be appreciated. ​ [\_pop/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3]( ​ [\_blues/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](

Best group line memorization app?

Best group line memorization app?

Posted on Sep 16th

So I’m doing a local play and was wondering if anyone has a good app for memorizing lines, but one where it’s easy to get other actors involved. I have LineReader and it’s good, but looking at the process to give/replace lines with another actor seems a bit complex and fiddly. Any alternatives?

Would you be an actor if you only made $22 an hour?

Would you be an actor if you only made $22 an hour?

Posted on Sep 16th

A Lister's obviously make huge sums of money. SAG's National Executive Director got a $40,798 raise \[in 2020\] and now makes $600,458 a year. I'm sure you know, SAG don't release what their members make, but: >The Bureau of Labor Statics released the average salary for several jobs within the entertainment industry including actors, producers, and directors. Of the 155,740 actors, directors and producers included in the survey by the Department of Labour; the average person made about $89,000 in 2013, which equates to about $42.80 an hour. The median is quite lower at $30.48/hour. But, it gets worse for actors. According to the report, **the median hourly pay for an actor is about $22.15 or** [**$52,000**](**.** Actor wages are also inconsistent year to year. So a good year, or a few good years, doesn't guarantee that for the next year. It's challenging being a working actor for little pay no matter what. A lot of luxuries have to be passed over. But, it seems like it gets harder each year for actors because the cost of living keeps going up. Years ago a family of four could have a great living situation on one persons income. It can of course be a financial struggle and hard to get a job in many industries now. The film (and theater) industry is particularly tough though. It's not just actors, writer's, VFX artists, theater folk, all get paid little and don't always have security. Most of the money stays at the top. I don't know, *career* doesn't seem the right word somehow. This information isn't new to me when I think about it. On the other hand it is. It's like I knew and ignored it. It wouldn't apply to me. If you're good enough, the work will come. It's become a lot clearer to me though, as I've gotten better, that talent doesn't have anything to do with it. There are a lot of good actors who make $22 an hour. There are a lot of good actors who don't make anything and never will. I know it's a depressing reality, which is why we don't like to think about it. What I'm saying is, if we really face that reality, what does that mean? I think it's better to be honest about how this all works than delude ourselves. A lot of people make a lot of money off of, and prey on, hopeful actors who are deluding themselves. I think delusion also prevents positive change. If there was more discussion of the reality, it might create more strength and unity. We might be better able to see through teachers, say, who are duping actors that they have the answer, or schools that charge exorbitant amounts of money for their facilities and prestige when they guarantee nothing. Great success is always the rare exception. Anyway, I'm getting too far into the abstract and vague. What do you think about this $22 an hour?

should I drop out of this project as a new actor?

should I drop out of this project as a new actor?

Posted on Sep 16th

Hi guys! I got cast as the lead for a student short film. The short film is kind of intense actually, there’s a big love confession with tears. I was so happy when I heard I got it, I got great feedback from the director and producer. The problem is that I have zero chemistry with the other lead playing my love interest. He’s a brand new actor too, but his skill set is far below mine which makes it so hard to do my best. He says his lines like he’s thinking of what to say, and it’s mostly because he didn’t even know them. At rehearsal, when he looked at me (as I’m trying not to cry cuz that’s the role), it’s as if he’s holding in a laugh because he’s embarrassed by the director watching. He was so unprepared. We have a kiss as well, and since it’s choreographed with the intimacy coordinator, it needs to be done correctly. He kept screwing up the timing for it which made me so nervous because it won’t be our hands as stand ins while we film, it’ll be my actual face/lips. With intimate scenes like this, you need to be confident and precise to make sure your costars are comfortable. This is my very first role so I don’t want to turn it down, especially since we film in a couple days. I got cast this week, and had one rehearsal, so it’s moving pretty fast. I don’t know what to do?! I really need the experience and the reel, as they’re giving me a copy. But at the same time, I don’t think I can do my best work with my current co star. I want to help others create things of quality, and I’m unsure I can provide that with the current circumstances. I want to email the director tonight and be honest, but IDK. Should I do it anyway for the experience? Thanks guys, I appreciate this.

How do credits get recorded?

How do credits get recorded?

Posted on Sep 16th

For example, if I pick up a role on backstage or let's say actors access how will credits show up? Does the owner of the post have to put it in on the website or something else? Or does he put it in the film? Like how will there be proof of my credit to show an agency of some short?

CD Cancelled Audition on Actors Access?

CD Cancelled Audition on Actors Access?

Posted on Sep 16th

What do you guys think happened here? I got an Eco Cast on Actors Access on 9/8 saying it was due 9/24. I went to submit today (9/16) and this came up. I'm thinking one of two things: 1) They already cast the role and the 9/24 deadline was more for them than for me, OR2) I looked into it and I realize I did another ecocast for this CD back in August, so maybe they remember me and changed their mind about wanting to see me audition for whatever reason. Has this ever happened to anyone? If it's super rare or something maybe like the project's been cancelled or it was an accident... ​ [Cmail Message when I try to open Eco Cast](

Animator here I Need a scp 049 voice actor I’ll pay you 11 in robux if you read these lines for me and send me the audio recordings.

Animator here I Need a scp 049 voice actor I’ll pay you 11 in robux if you read these lines for me and send me the audio recordings.

Posted on Sep 16th

“PESTILENCE” preferably in a worried voice “I have saved yet another” in relief And last one “your clear little one” Message and we can discuss this in further detail

What would you do in my position?

What would you do in my position?

Posted on Sep 16th

Hi, younger actress here at 17. I’ve been interested in the business for over a decade but only just getting properly into it now. I want to work really hard this year to eventually start getting an agent etc once I turn 18. For background I am enrolled in a Screen acting and filmmaking class where we mostly focus on film (that is what I want to go into) we have a couple under our belt and one has recently been awarded a bafta rating (which is pretty huge in Britain) and has been seen by some pretty cool people. I now really want to focus on the acting side. What should I do, what classes should I join to make the most of this year. I used to think I’ve was running out of time (my stupid self honestly) but I’m so young and have so much ahead of me So if you were starting again, at my age what would you do differently. Thank you for reading excited for the responses

What would be "dipping your toe in the water" when it comes to seeing if you would even enjoy Voice Acting?

What would be "dipping your toe in the water" when it comes to seeing if you would even enjoy Voice Acting?

Posted on Sep 16th

It's an idea I've flirted with in the past, and I've kinda *always* had people tell me I had a good voice. Even when I used to work with a guy who was a *complete* dick and seemed to hate me, I remember recording a script for the company just to test the equipment, and him commenting that I "had a *really* good voice for this stuff". I've had one friend actually send me links to online lessons and stuff, trying to get me to work on my voice, which I guess should've been a sign to really look into it. But for some reason, the thing that *actually* got me thinking about it, was I was just picking up food from the drive-thru one day, and the cashier commented she knew it was me, that I "have a really nice voice, like a Disney character or something". I mean, I love video games, and so even when I was a kid, if I was home alone (which was often), I'd just kind of practice talking like all these cool-sounding voices from games like Baldur's Gate and Warcraft III. I have a major appreciation for voice-actors, but I guess I've just never *really* considered trying to... well, actually do *voice acting*? I'll admit, it might just be my "small town way of thinking", but I just always assumed any sort of "*real* actor" would probably have been involved in some kind of theater club in school, or pursued it in college? I dunno, how would you just kind of... "dip your toe in the water", and see if you might actually enjoy it, or have any sort of promise?

Has anyone here lived in LA/NY and moved away while still landing work in those markets?

Has anyone here lived in LA/NY and moved away while still landing work in those markets?

Posted on Sep 15th

I’m a SAG actor who has lived in LA for five years as well as a couple in NY — in truth, I’m not a big fan of life in either city. I’m way happier in smaller towns. Meanwhile, in the two and a half years since COVID began, I have had ONE in person audition. I’ve booked a guest star and multiple co-stars solely off tapes/Zoom auditions. I want to find out how feasible it is to stay competitive in these markets if I were to move to a different state where I can really enjoy my personal life. I have friends that I can stay with in both LA and NY, so what’s stopping me from self-taping as a local hire and, if I book a job, fly out to work it and then leave? I understand it’s probably not the wisest thing as far as networking goes, but the only time networking has ever really worked for me anyway is when I’m making friends with the people I’m on set with from my booked job. No random run-ins with other actors at a bar or in a class has really led me to gaining any footing. Has anyone done this sort of thing? How has the experience been for you?

Is it feasible for an Indian to come to LA to become an actor?

Is it feasible for an Indian to come to LA to become an actor?

Posted on Sep 15th

What kind of roles am I looking at ? Also, what's the competition like for roles specifically for brown people?

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Posted on Sep 15th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

Affordable NYC classes and casting director workshops?

Affordable NYC classes and casting director workshops?

Posted on Sep 15th

Hi everyone. I’m surprised there isn’t an acting sub just for the NYC market where we can help each other with resources. (Or is there??) I was in LA for a long time and through luck found affordable casting director workshops at a place called ITA. Here in NYC, I’ve only found One on One and Actors Connection, neither of which are particularly cheap. (Especially considering so many of the workshops are now on Zoom, I’m not sure why they’re so expensive?) Are there other NYC casting director workshop sites that an actor here should know about? How about on-going once a week acting classes at under $200 a month? Online or in person. Thanks in advance!

Narrator needed for a fan infomercial

Narrator needed for a fan infomercial

Posted on Sep 15th

For my video editing class I am making a commercial for the album known as "Everywhere at the end of Time", and I will need a narrator, for my one and a half minute video. I want a voice actor sounding similar to [Mark Eliot](

Does having a day job in the biz helps?

Does having a day job in the biz helps?

Posted on Sep 15th

For the working actors (and musicians) out there. Do you find it useful to have a day job in the entertainment business? Say you’re an IT guy, a technician, or a marketing admin at a studio or some media company. Would that help you when it comes to networking and finding opportunities in this industry? I’m thinking about using my skills as an IT guy to get into the entertainment industry but wanted others perspective

Methods in Memorizing Lines - Chunking versus Traditional -

Methods in Memorizing Lines - Chunking versus Traditional -

Posted on Sep 15th

Greetings, /Acting! I just wanted to help those who need some assistance in memorizing their lines for maximizing their full potential in their acting endeavours. WHAT IS CHUNKING? Chunking when it comes to establishing short-term or long-term memory is basically when an actor memorizes one line of dialogue after the next, slowly and gradually, after repeating one line of dialogue about three to five times, or it could be more depending on the person's mental state or intelligence level. Intelligence level is very important, and you cannot successfully memorize your lines if your mental state is not pure or not stable. It's just going to mess you up. Memory is often broken down in the short-term and the long-term, but for acting in the entertainment industry, one must master their long-term memory because when it comes time to perform those lines, this performance could be days to even weeks after you've memorized your lines, or perhaps hours, depending on the blocking of scenes by one's director or producers; especially since most Film/TV productions, each scene is not blocked out or scheduled chronologically. One would have to masterfully remember Scene 1 to Scene 4 to then Scene 10 and Heaven forbid, Scene 45. Not, Scene 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. How unfortunate! That's the industry! Trust me, I had this experience but I'm from the traditional theatre tradition, and I just master my long-term memory quite religiously instead. Short-term memory is remembering something like, "I am the law." Remember this by saying three to five times in focus, either aloud or silently, word-for-word, and then perform it in less than five minutes. But can you remember this line after you fall asleep or hours from now? This is where you get long-term memory. You need to further memorize this line every now and then in preparation for a performance, this is the traditional theatre ideal! Rehearsal! But anyway, in the professional world, if you get any major supporting roles instead of leads, meaning you get roles that are visible but not that visible compared to the lead or a co-lead, then you must remember at least ten lines of dialogue and perform it meaningfully with that scene objective in mind. Try studying this formatted script and CHUNKING is basically tied to long-term memory in that you have to pace yourself in memorizing one line after another. Do three to five times for one line as if that's your only line, and then go on the next one and connect it with that scene objective. If you have a partner, this works much better! Have that partner say the other line and this gets you, the actor, to remember YOUR CUE! And then, the magic begins! When you intensely memorize your lines, you would tend to notice something... your eye contact focuses, and you look at your subject directly for whatever that subject is. You start to get into a trance, and this is what some call, method acting. ***TOO LONG DIDN'T READ:*** *Chunking is basically building lines, and to advance in your memory in general, try just saying three to five words at a time in one piece of dialogue and move on to the next for the second round, if there is only one line of dialogue in the entire script.* Try out this script:' ​ >INT. YOUR LIVING ROOM - EVENING >>>>A Reddit User is on their computer, reading random things before - >>REDDIT USER >>I, I... >>Then, >>REDDIT USER >>I, I... am not amused at this thread. >>REDDIT USER >>I, I, am not amused at this thread, and I am upset. >>Then, >>REDDIT USER >>I, I, am not amused at this thread, and I am upset, goddammit! Dammit, dammit, dammit! >>Then, >>REDDIT USER >>Argh! >>END OF SCENE

How much daily practice is optimal?

How much daily practice is optimal?

Posted on Sep 15th

Hey guys, new actor in training here and I’m currently taking a 3-year drama course - this course can be done within a year if I’m able to meet graduation standards in that time frame (something I aspire to do) How much time a day do you feel I should focus on acting training and practice or better question, what what you consider ‘too little’ or ‘too much’ time and effort Thank you

[Paid Gig] FEMALE ONLY - Dark Romantic Fantasy - $100-300/PFH

[Paid Gig] FEMALE ONLY - Dark Romantic Fantasy - $100-300/PFH

Posted on Sep 15th

Hello there! I have a client who is looking to fill the role of a female audiobook narrator. The male narrator has already been cast. **Specifically, she is looking for a Black or Afro Latina actress.** This project will be done as a dual-narration (not to be confused with duet-narration). Please, only submit auditions if you are experienced with audiobooks. RATE: $100-300/PFH, rate is negotiable (punch and roll recording, audio must be clean with a noise floor not exceeding -50dB) EMAIL ME FOR SIDES: with the subject line "The Rat King Audition" GENRE: Dark Romantic Fantasy CONTENT WARNINGS: Consensual Sex, Attempted Rape (she kills him before it happens), Violence/Death on the page, language. **\*\*\*AUDITIONS DUE BY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 23:59 (11:59 PM) PST\*\*\***

How would you make a resume for online casting?

How would you make a resume for online casting?

Posted on Sep 15th

I've opened an account with Backstage and Actors Access. I'm extremely new to this but wanted to give it a try. How would one make a resume when you have no experience? I was told I had to have an agent but then I was told I didn't. Thoughts? Advice?

Is it ever possible to be an actor/improviser and still have trouble public speaking?

Is it ever possible to be an actor/improviser and still have trouble public speaking?

Posted on Sep 15th

Maybe I’m just a terrible actor cuz there’s something about public speaking (not even just giving a big presentation to a big crowd, even just giving instructions to 2-4 people) where I can’t even control my reaction, I just freeze up and lose all train of thought, the one thing ur not supposed to do in improv. Do other actors feel this way? Or am I just a shitty actor? I guess maybe I’m just supposed to “act confident,” but that contradicts with the advice of “being yourself.”

What do you see as the biggest challenge for being in the moment ?

What do you see as the biggest challenge for being in the moment ?

Posted on Sep 14th

The one thing we all talk about as actors is “being in the moment” The challenge is acting teachers, directors , casting directors and other actors will often tell you… “ just be in the moment…” but what they are not understanding about acting is … Acting is not REAL life … everything is done under fake / imaginary circumstances … Without understanding this massively important reality , they’re expecting actors to create TRUTHFUL human emotions and responses without ever actually teaching the critical skills that make it possible to BEHAVE TRUTHFULLY under imaginary circumstances. What do you see or hear from people that either helps or makes this a bigger challenge for actors ?

When to move on from an acting class?

When to move on from an acting class?

Posted on Sep 14th

I want to preface this by saying that I love my acting class. It has helped to drastically improve my acting. My teacher is incredibly kind and supportive, and never misses an opportunity to tell me how proud they are of me when I book something. I feel a little conflicted currently tho. It's an ongoing audition technique acting class in LA, and each session is 4 weeks long. I've been at this studio for a year now. Continuing to renew after the 4 weeks is up. Its a group of 10 of us in class, and its a solid 7-8 actors that renew and enroll every month, so I'm around the same group of people for the most part. I'm fairly "new" with the group, since I've only been there for a year, others around 2-4 years. So they are all friends. And I'm friends with them too, we just don't have as long of a history... These last few months I've been feeling that class has become more of a social hour. Students memorizing the scripts right as we get to class VS the whole week we had prior. As a class, we get off topic a lot, and tend to talk about unrelated things for a good 15 minutes, a few times a class. A lot of students have been friends for years, so they'll sometimes go off in little groups and talk about personal lives. And also a handful of students aren't pursuing acting seriously, they are doing it more as a hobby? We only have about 3 of us in class who are booking things. Now I don't mind the extra banter and off topic-ness, cause I'm guilty of it too. But thats exactly my point... I feel like I'm too comfortable in class now. I put in the work, and memorize my script, and make my choices, and perform, and 95% of the time I'm happy with my performance. But these last few months, I feel like I'm plateauing. That I'm not having any breakthroughs? Is this normal? Is it time to switch things up? Get comfortable with being uncomfortable again? Will the same process happen when I enroll in another class and continue to go month after month? (Also, this isn't my first acting class. I've studied at a few of the big schools in LA. This is just the first acting class that I loved enough to keep continuing, even after the initial session ends)

Is voice acting still doing remote gigs or are they going back to studio time?

Is voice acting still doing remote gigs or are they going back to studio time?

Posted on Sep 14th

So I’m still a relatively new voice actor, but I was wondering if since the pandemic the industry has since gone back to studios, or is it still possible to get gigs remotely? I want to find out before I move and that’s *if* I move in the first place. So, would I need to stay put? Or could I still have some potential security?

Do you HAVE to take Drama in school?

Do you HAVE to take Drama in school?

Posted on Sep 14th

Love acting but I hated drama, I dropped it in S3. Acting is fun, I love it, I’ve wanted to be an actor and stuff. My mum said that I can’t because I’ve not taken drama for the last two years. I’m now S4 (Year 10?/11. Grade 10)

Will the quality of my home studio make me more marketable?

Will the quality of my home studio make me more marketable?

Posted on Sep 14th

This might sound like a dumb question and on its face the answer is probably yes, but I guess I'm wondering how big of a difference that makes. And before I get a bunch of "your skill as a voice actor will determine your success" comments I want you to assume I'm good there. I specifically want to know if having a well treated home studio with industry standard VO gear and the ability to professionally edit my own audio will be a serious selling point or if it will help only marginally. Thank you in advance for the feedback!

Did I Get The Part?!

Did I Get The Part?!

Posted on Sep 14th

So hello. I’m going to give you a quick introduction first. So we had singing auditions first, which I believe I actually did quite good(I am NOT a good singer but my voice was blended in.) I’m not bad but I’m Not Ariana Grande. We had dancing yesterday, which I absolutely… FLUNKED. I kept messing up, I didn’t know the dances, people were in my way etc.. And finally, today we had acting. I got up and I was a small roll and she asked us to do it a second time. And commented that ours was the tiniest bit slow. I only had 3 lines and I tried to show it with emotions and made sure I didn’t over do it. She asked me and a couple other people to exit the room, which I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing and she had a little chat with the others, one really good actor came out with me. I don’t know if it is a good or bad thing, I asked a couple other people who auditioned and they said I was really good and that I just needed to project my voice a little more. I don’t want to wait till next week, advice please?

How do you deal with jealousy in the biz?

How do you deal with jealousy in the biz?

Posted on Sep 14th

Depression can play a factor too. There are times when people who want to be actors but never really pursue it, audition, or anything will get a big part in something because their buddy is a director. Not saying I wish that person didn't get it, but it's just frustrating is all. I'd never wish poorly on people, but I guess I find it hard over the years to be "happy for everyone" all the time. I try to stay off social media and just focus on myself. I just turned in last night a 10-page self-tape with high emotions for a feature. I swear, it was like a one-act play. By the time I was done filming it (physically and emotionally), editing it, and sending it to my manager I was exhausted. Then I read someone I know got the lead in a "big feature" (which who knows what that means), but they are staring with one of their best friends. So I know they were cast by who they knew, but it's just frustrating because I know this person doesn't pursue auditions. No agent, manager, or even updated headshots in like 10 years. Every role they've gotten has been through a buddy or something. Again, nothing wrong with that, but just kind of makes me pull out my hair when it's 1am and I'm trying to send in my tape to be seen the next morning--most likely with no response. Sooooo, I'm sorry if I sound a bit negative, maybe this was a bad time to type this, but I think I just needed to rant. I hope the sub reddit here is understanding. Again, I'm so sorry if it's too much, I hate feeling this way, but what advice do you have to deal with stuff like this?

What should I prepare for before my 2 Year Acting course? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

What should I prepare for before my 2 Year Acting course? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Posted on Sep 13th

I just discharged from army and back to my civilian life (Still adjusting to it). I auditioned last week with NO ACTING EXPERIENCE and got accepted to the Academy of Film, theatre & Television Bachelor of Creative Arts (Acting) course. I smashed my Shakespear and a scene from Vikings Monologue! This made me so happy!! Acting is just something I’ve always been drawn to. It is something that I am deeply passionate For. And I have decided I will pursue this as a full time career! I love the way an actor can relate to the characters they portray. My goal is to be an actor who embodies the characters and roles they land with authenticity and realism. I understand that this is an art demanding passion, dedication and hard work. I believe I have shown commitment and motivation to be continuously learning and trying to improve myself in all aspects. During my time as an Australian soldier, we lived values of courage, teamwork, Respect and initiative and with these four core values and the support from my family and Fiance, I believe it will help my passion to succeed As an Actor. My course starts in a month, is there anything I should study to help my life in the school easier? I actually can’t freaking wait!! any advice would be appreciated thank you

Best ways to get started and learn about acting?

Best ways to get started and learn about acting?

Posted on Sep 13th

I (14F) started highschool recently and decided to take some sort of action in a passion of mine. I've always been interested in the IDEA of acting but never tried to gain any experience. I joined drama class and if this continues to interest me, I plan to take professional acting classes but since I'm young and have a tendency to switch interests, I want to hold off on potentially wasting money until I'm sure this is what I really want. In the meantime, I really want to LEARN about acting. Business-wise and what my future would look like. I also want to learn some extra skills that may pose themselves useful and what they may be. All in all, useful skills people look for in actors, things I should know and where I should learn them, and future classes that would be useful to take. I know acting is a VERY hard and competitive career so I want to push myself to learn as much as I can before I waste money on training for a career I don't know the ins and outs of, so I can be aware of the work I have to put in and the negatives of this career. Mostly in a way to attempt to scare myself off and see if it's true passion and worth my time.

We’re doing it wrong

We’re doing it wrong

Posted on Sep 13th

No offence, I do not mean to offend anyone by how I say this. But I am a firm believer in the fact that if we’re hoping to become “successful” in this industry relying on talent isn’t enough. What do I mean by this? Let’s take for example another lucrative industry like the music one. The knowledge I’m about to share on how record labels operate comes from me personally knowing an employee at Capitol Records. They only sign on new talent once they have picked up traction and have an established fan base and it seems profitable to sign them. Otherwise they don’t even look at the “talent” people claim to possess. Doesn’t matter how good you are, you need a profitable fanbase. Look at artists such as Tekashi 6IX9INE, absolute GARBAGE, but he has a very strong fanbase who for some weird reason like his music. I saw a post by some guy complaining about Harry Styles getting roles. Imagine the starving amazing musicians in LA who aren’t making a name for themselves but 6IX9INE is. How do I translate this into the acting industry? Pretty simple, you as an actor need to build your fanbase. Not go to auditions 24/7 and have a “lucky” breakthrough. But you need to make your own content and make sure it’s being seen. Take for example Issa Rae, Emmy nominated actress. Many people think Insecure was her first gig, but if you study her story that wasn’t the case. She had her many web-series on YouTube which led to her following. She then came up with her breakthrough show titled “Awkward Black Girl” which had a massive following. In fact it became so huge that it needed a fundraiser and ultimately had Pharrell Williams as an executive producer for the second season. This led to her rise to fame. No auditions, no “Hollywood is based on nepotism”just her building a solid fanbase and a show. If you’re on this sub and you’re “trying to make it” based on auditions, I’m afraid you have to do much more than just audition. You need to create and push. I’m starting my campaign soon, you’ll only understand once it’s too late.

So do i need to live in Los Angeles to work as a voice actor?

So do i need to live in Los Angeles to work as a voice actor?

Posted on Sep 13th

i want to get animation and videogames mostly, i heard a while back that because of covid the requirement of living there might be a thing of the past and people can get good recordings from their homes, i dont know much about it honestly. I'm quite the beginner in this and i don't really want live in LA but i will if i don't have much choice

NY vs. LA

NY vs. LA

Posted on Sep 13th

I’m well aware that NY is theatre and LA is film/tv, but I’m curious about the challenges/differences/practicality of seeking film/tv work while living in NY. My HS-junior son is an aspiring actor/screenwriter and wants to move to LA after graduation to do the typical wait tables while doing creative work thing. However, although we currently live in Austin and I work remotely, the center of what I do is in NY and I would actually like to move there. My son has no connections in LA and both cities are, of course, outrageously expensive. It would make more sense for him to simply come with me. He likes theatre, but he’s not a singer/dancer. He likes drama and (to some degree) comedy. He doesn’t want to go the traditional college route but he *does* want access to workshops/coaching. I feel like there might not be enough of that for writing or acting in NY with a focus on the screen. Thoughts?



Posted on Sep 13th

I've been recently thinking about taking a break from acting. I'm 21, a senior in college, and have been lucky enough to be involved in pretty much every mainstage show in my university's theatre department as an actor since I was a freshman. I'm going to audition for the upcoming mainstage Shakespeare play and if I get cast, I think that might be the last show I'll be in for a bit. The reason I'm thinking of taking a break is because * I feel like I'm starting to be burned out * Low on creativity/inspiration * My own love of the craft and my craft is dwindling, and it needs to be rekindled. * I've got to shed my negative mindset about "I have to be a good actor because if I'm not, then I'm not worth anything". I feel like I have to develop a more positive mindset towards acting. I've been wondering if maybe if I stepped away from acting for a little bit, then maybe I will recharge, be re-inspired, my creativity will be fed, and maybe when I return to acting, my craft and creativity will be richer and my acting will be more informed, specific, and hopefully more authentic and truthful. I've also been getting advice through comments from some people on this subreddit. I've come to the realization that I don't have strong friendships and relationships, and that I don't have much of a life outside of acting. Maybe I need to find a purpose/value/joy outside of acting, so when I return to acting, maybe my acting is more informed and richer. Although, I am worried. I'm afraid if I take an intentional break from acting, my craft/skills won't be as sharp or I won't be as skilled when I return to acting as opposed to if I didn't take a break. I'm afraid if I stop the grind, I won't be as good as I could be. Like I'm afraid of not doing any active work to help make me better as an actor, such as monologues, reading acting books, sh\*t like that. It's almost as if I value my potential success more than my own personal overall health. Is there/could there be any objective truth in my conclusions? Should I take a break? Any advice/positive affirmations? Words of wisdom?

The Claudius Diary

The Claudius Diary

Posted on Sep 13th

2 months of 'Actor Nerd' coming up, fellow thespians, as I take you through the invention of a Human Being in the person of Shakespeare's greatest Villain. I do not foresee any packed houses, so I'm looking at this time as the almost orgasmic joy of rehearsals, with any actual bums in seats as a 'cherry on top'. Now...I'm off to learn the Ghost's role, too!

How long could you record yourself speaking naturally (per day) before your voice would get strained?

How long could you record yourself speaking naturally (per day) before your voice would get strained?

Posted on Sep 13th

Hello! I teach English, and in trying to do some very simple recordings for my students, I've realized it's not quite so simple as just recording myself :( So here my questions if anyone could please answer them (and I'll include more info below): 1. Could you record yourself speaking naturally like you do to your friends easily for say an hour each day? Or would you still need to utilize your training (eg breathing techniques) to avoid vocal strain? (you would just be reading off lists of simple sentences) 2. Unfortunately, I have no background in singing or acting, and my goal is to sound exactly as I do when speaking in conversation. (so, I don't need to focus on resonance or enunciation and actually should avoid that) What would you recommend I look up on youtube? eg I found one breathwork video aimed at voice actors (by Voiceover Masterclass), otherwise most are aimed at singers. 3. Speaking of which - um I feel so ignorant saying this, but I've noticed a lot of these youtube videos are aimed at singers, but I imagine whether it's for singing or for people recording themselves it's the same sorts of exercises right??

How to overcome a lack of attention to detail when you don't like your job?

How to overcome a lack of attention to detail when you don't like your job?

Posted on Sep 13th

I posted this in another subreddit for career guidance but I wanted to share it here since this is a reddit for creative people and I'm sure many of you have went through this I was recently separated (mutual agreement) due to poor performance. I am a copywriter in the pharmaceutical advertising space. I used to work as an IT desktop support specialist. The poor performance was due to a lack of attention to detail, understanding and following processes, and not fully learning what we were doing. I'm not gonna lie. In both professions, I had the same problem. When I'm bored or unhappy with my jobs (basically every single job I've had), I just can't pay attention to detail, and learning technical stuff becomes mental torture. I try to force myself to pay attention, or I re-read stuff over, but it doesn't work. Studying for IT certifications was a miserable experience, but so is doing technical stuff. I've taken ADD and anxiety medications before and tried both CBT and analytical psychology therapy, but it doesn't work. In my last job my manager and I tried many different methods to improve my performance and they noticed an improvement but just not up to expectation. I tried waking up early (though it didn't last too long because I became a bit depressed into the job) and I tried creating manuals and re-reading my work. I tried eating healthy. But nothing works. I've had the same problems with IT. Not following processes, not understanding the stuff (or really lack of care), and not paying attention to detail. In all of these jobs I was somewhat unhappy to outright miserable. This surprisingly doesn't happen when I'm learning complex concepts in music theory, composing and producing my own music, singing (doesn't really require that much attention to detail) or when I'm making an acting video on TikTok or writing a poem or song lyrics. I can catch mistakes and solve problems in those instances (and believe me, composing and producing music involves as much problem-solving as intuitional creativity). The only job I ever liked was an advertising internship that was a bit misleading about the nature of the work. We were tasked with creating big picture campaigns, stories, and scripts for health brands. So much of the work was nonprofit or socially impactful stuff and all they asked for was "give us ideas". I felt like an artist and a journalist because we had to convey something complex in a simple yet creative way. I felt in the zone when I was doing the graphic design part because my graphic design partner was lazy. I also once volunteered to write journalistic articles on the side as a volunteer and I could catch myself making mistakes. Sometimes I needed to be told about them) but at least it wasn't terrible. I still use Grammarly though. I know that most of us don't have the privilege to pursue our artistic passions full-time. Has anyone else been through something like this before? How did you guys overcome this? How do you get yourself to perform at a high capacity when deep down, you feel like a highly privileged waiter? For the actors pursuing acting yet somehow surviving their dreadful full time jobs and paying attention to details, how do you guys do this?

Can a SAG actor do UGC promotions?

Can a SAG actor do UGC promotions?

Posted on Sep 13th

First, I just want to thank everyone in here for giving me some of their positive vibes and mojo on getting my SAG card. I JUST GOT IT!!! I swear I never thought I would. Such a relief too! Okay, my question. I've been doing the UGC (user generated content) promotions for a little while now. If you don't know what that is, think of all those annoying ads on TikTok, Facebook, or Instagram where its a real person trying to sell you something and it's not coming across like a commercial. It's a real person using or telling you about a real product that they use. My SAG orientation meeting isn't until next month and I couldn't find this on the website. I was able to find "new media" and "influencer" info but it's not specific enough and left me confused. Am I allowed to still do these or are these considered non-union? Thank you in advance.

What to do

What to do

Posted on Sep 13th

I’ve taken a couple acting classes and my instructors pointed out an eye opener for me when they stated if we want to be big into this business, that we had to take classes, audition and network within the major cities that focus on what we’d like to work on. I’ve been watching videos and researching and to me it seems that Atlanta would be a good start for beginning actors. What is your take on this and what advice would you give?? Am I over thinking this too much? What do you guys think that have been doing this for awhile?

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

09.20.2024 Achieving On-Screen Success: How to Leverage User Experience for Acting Success
Check it out »

Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

09.06.2024 Grow Your Acting Career with an Unforgettable Online Presence: Proven Strategies for Actors
Check it out »

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I'm your buddy Bottie, I was hiding behind the scenes, but now that you've found me I'd be happy to tell you what I'm doing.

Actor Website helper: Bottie

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