How many different BG jobs have you booked so far in 2022? [View Poll](
I've been registered modeling, voiceover, and acting, with their Detroit & Chicago offices for several years now. Lately with the Covid, I get that most of them are prob still wfh. But email comm. has been very hit miss. So irritating responding 1 or 2 word replies, which technically is the old school IM. Instead of actual phone call to make it easier. Half the time they don't answer or respond to calls anyway. Which doesn't work if you need immediate asst. They have FREE codes for Actors Access etc. But it seems an eternity before they ever send them to you
I thought about spending a few months in Atlanta just to try to establish a better agent who can get me auditions for speaking parts on TV shows and films. But everyone I know in Atlanta is just doing background work and trying to find a good agent themselves. And they spend a lot of their time doing no pay non-union work. I figure I can do that here. In the last year I've had two speaking parts in feature films and I write and direct my own projects too. But I get the feeling Atlanta agents do not want anything to do with an actor unless they live there.
Hey there! I’m still on the newer side to all of this, and I’ve gotten an audition for a character from Iowa. My natural accent is west coast US, and I have TX southern down (family…), but I don’t have much midwestern accent experience. I found a few Youtube resources I’ve been practicing, but am having trouble finding Iowa specifically. Does anyone by chance have recommendations on finding specific regional accents? Or know of a character/actor I can use as a reference point? I’ll keep searching in the meantime! Thank you!!
So I joined an acting class, my first session was today. I met some amazing people and joined their group chat, went to the pub afterwards. Got some very creative minds. Becoming an actor has been a recurring dream for a long time. I have a very active imagination, especially when I’m on my own. I love to make people smile and want to peruse it. But when the cameras were rolling when we were creating a scene, I stammered over my speech, had to pause a lot. My brain just went blank. I obviously need to work on this. Are there any tips on how to overcome this? Is it a common issue? Thank you!
Hey folks! I'm a professional SAG and Equity actor here in NYC who studied here and worked in the industry for 8+ years in film, theatre, and voice-over. I'm posting today to see if any actors new and old would be interested in tuning into regular Q&A livestreams on Twitch opening the floor for questions about the biz, technique, daily practices, or whatever else! I've been streaming for a while now and looking for what could work as a new show. Let me know in the comments if you'd be into it!
I know this is a hot button issue and has been for a while within the acting community, but I just have to express my feelings on this and ask my fellow actors what their thoughts are. I'm a fairly new actor who has worked in theatre and film before the pandemic. But now I feel like my career is over before it even starts because of the vaccine mandates on set. I'm signed up with a casting service and nearly all of the potential work emailed to me requires all performers in zone A to be fully vaccinated and starting March 15th a booster shot is also required now to be considered fully vaccinated. I don't want the vaccine and I don't plan on getting it. I'm not against it, but I believe it should be a choice. Not a condition for employment. That's unfair in my opinion. I know all productions are not mandating, but a majority of them are and that limits opportunities that I believe should not be taken away. Getting a foothold in this industry is already hard enough. If you're unvaccinated how have you dealt with this and what is your advice. I also welcome opinions from anyone that is vaccinated. But please be civil. I'm not trying to get all political here because it's not about that. All of this is just really discouraging for me. I don't want to quit, but the odds are that much more against me now.
Hes doing these Timoney Method Intensives and they aren’t too expensive, wondering if anyone here has done them or knows whether they are legit or not, thanks.
our story starts out very simple. Audition, get cast, record my lines. Easy job. This was 6 months ago. Yesterday I get a email from on of the voice actors, to every voice actor in the project. " the "director" you are talking to is a imposter. There is no movie. I'm sorry". And then links us to a video. Of the ACTUAL owner and director of the show. A simple video warning people of a fake in his community. So we all contacted him and we now get mentioned in the credits in a future video. And we got offered roles. A troll, trolled us . and made us trade a 100 view job to a 300k view job. The imposter had all his accounts destroyed and or reported. I do have one worry now. What is this person using our voices for? Ive heard about some of those deepfake ai stuff before. (My lines were super simple but the others I worry more about) Your collective wisdom is very needed
I feel like voice actors should have regular social lives, should have a lot of life experience where they’ve met all types of different people and personalities in order to be a successful voice actor with a long lasting career.. because if you don’t have that how on earth could you produce compelling and interesting performances ? This is one of the things that discourages me in my pursuit of voice acting.. I’ve been bullied and socially outcasted for most of my life.. and have developed social anxiety from it so I avoid people. My social skills have drastically dwindled because of this. This seems counterproductive for a career like voice ACTING. It’s weird because I’m so fascinated by it and feel like I want to do it but what if your performances will always be lackluster because of your upbringing and possible disorders? I just consider most successful voice actors to be very outgoing, social, intelligent and have had many of experiences interacting with people so that it helps them bring their reads to life and make them more dynamic.. What do you think of this?
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
if you saw my 2nd to last post in this sub, an AITA, you would know that i accidentally missed 2 table reads that were virtual and felt bad about it. you would also know i was only notified about the second table read 2 hours in advance and the 1st table read not at all, they just called on skype and expected me to answer. i was napping for both and didn't get neither notification. now, last night, i see a post on their instagram. this company KNOWS i always see their posts, because i worked with them once before last year and we always comment and like each others posts and just generally support eachother. they know i saw this. their post had a list of roles still available in the movie, which they often post. However THIS time, upon reading the list i was SHOCKED to see MY characters name, "sydney", to be one of the new names there. i keep trying to rationalize it in my head and be like "maybe it was a mistake" blah blah blah, but no, i really think they kicked me out of the movie and didn't even care to notify me through email, or skype, or instagram dms, yet. everything else is normal, actually. I'm still in the movie's cast/crew groupchat on skype. they still follow me on instagram, hell, the older post they posted about me being the actor playing sydney is still up and not deleted. but they posted that post everywhere, on their timeline and multiple times on their story, they would have had to have saw if it was a mistake. so i'm a little confused. this just sucks for so many reasons. this would be the end of a great network relationship i made. they were always lovely to work with before, and i'd like to believe they thought the same of me. in our pasts movie table reads they always gave out the date/times around a week in advance and i was ALWAYS there, early. i wish they remembered that. this was going to be my first feature length film ever after all short films, and i was so excited. and overall it just sucks to be kicked off a film when it's so hard to even find credits in my market, but it would especially suck like this, not even properly notified, for something i don't even think is my fault. maybe i'm just being a baby about it. can someone reassure me that it's not my fault? or just tell me if you think it is.
Long story short. I got tired of not getting the roles I wanted so like any actor you write. I worked with production companies for free for 2.5 years on the last moments. So I already put my script through a script doctor, handmade the costume, got it created. Have photographic proofs of my tv streaming show with photos and now I'm working on getting video. Showed my idea to several dozen working screen writers and counting who loved my idea and logline and offered to script doctor my pilot for free because they loved the conversations we've had. I wanted to make just a few min of my script and the companies I worked for ghosted me when I am putting up X,000 amount of my savings to produce for proof concept to pitch and to show a literacy manager. Every single one of the people even some I just acted for free for their passion projects 2 weeks ago, Ghosted me. I did 30 hours for free last month for skills I paid thousands to obtain in acting. I already have 2 SAG vouchers. Legally I am a working actor taxes wise. This industry is so ***** stupid. Why is everyone think they're too good to be nice? I woke up everyday angry that the money I am putting up for a few minutes could help someone change their life and I can't even get a decent response from anyone, but they always expect me to memorize lines, showup, communicate and work for free on a drop of a dime for their projects. Im angry, upset and honestly so spiteful. This is the most hate I've had in my heart for years of my life.
Hey there! Brand new to this world, and wondering what the hell a SAG Voucher actually is for background actor work. Is it just a paystub that you'd get from a payroll company? Is it a special form of some kind that gets filled out and given to you in addition to a paystub? I see a lot of conflicting information, saying it *is* the stub, that the stub isn't enough, etc., and that you don't always get one even if you do background work on a production. If it *is* the stub then that makes no sense, so I have to imagine it's something else... But I can't find a damn thing! I just want a picture of someone holding one lol Any help us much appreciated!
I posted here about a month or so ago about some relationship problems with my manager and how he does things, specifically eyeing to break things off. Feedback from this community is always excellent! I figured I’d post an update, get some opinions given we had a chat about how I’m feeling, and as the title mentions I still feel I’m In a grey area. Timeline with this person has been about a year and a half, solid amount of auditions, mostly commercial, little bookings. Relationship wise I’ve always treated them how I thought a manager should be treated—going to for advice, asking about connections and how I can be pitched, the whole 9 yards. Speeding up to now, I’ve just been unhappy. Communication is summed up as me asking something, and their response coming off in a “shoo-shoo now” manner (as if I’m a burden). Their advice feels not super constructive and fulfilling (they once told me to never edit my headshots…). I finally spoke to them and didn’t hold back about how I felt, about communication issues, asking if I’m being pitched by them, that it all feels off; all this while acknowledging they have a full roster they need to pay attention to, that there’s work I’m doing on my end, and yes how there’s areas I’m trying to improve on myself and know I need to do better. Long story short it feels like we sifted through things pretty thoroughly, Questions we’re answered, yet I also have this feeling that things just might not change. They told me they do not pitch to CDs or agents, that *I* need to be reaching out to CDs, to not focus on agents, basically in my eyes that they’re just a button clicking “manager” that doesn’t do the whole hands on approach. A lot of this I understand, given an actor thinking the journey is over after acquiring rep is delusional. I network to the best of my ability, I focus on my craft. I appreciated them being honest, but something feels off—that more could be done by them outside of just submitting me. It doesn’t really feel fair/make sense that I’m self submitting and booking, they get 10% of my pay, for what? It literally feels like they are doing nothing except submitting me to the breakdowns I can’t see. Dare I say I felt a little gaslit about everything that was said, maybe I’m still on guard. Our contract expires at the end of this year, with no solid wording in the contract saying there’s an out. However if I feel nothing really has changed by May, I’m going to propose we just break things off and get it in writing. I wanted to get Reddits opinion on their relationship with their managers, if I’ve unfortunately fallen in with a dud, if My expectations were too high and what the general thoughts are.
Hey y’all! I ( 22 F) recently applied for a Day Player For A Feature Film, They Responded Back Immediately, They Sent A Script and Asked Me To Self Tape which I did ! Hugeeeee Director. I did one Non - Union Production before as a Featured Extra ( New Netflix series! Not out yet , Had to sign a contract, nothing about SAG ) Now I’m just waiting to hear back
At [Memoria Studio]( we are looking for **Japanese Male and Female Voice Actors/Voiceover Artists**, mainly to record for YouTube videos. The job is to record one video per week, per client. Payment starts from $20 per minute. We make payments every week. And as we are currently closing with new clients, you'll have a larger stream of monthly income. If you are proficient or native in Japanese and an outstanding voice actor, that is skilled and flawless with recording software, please submit your CV and sample recording to my personal email: []( Subject: “Japanese Voice Actor/Actress ” **Script to record:** [Click Here]( *Looking forward to seeing your submission!*
hi guys! i just wanted to really quickly make an appreciation post for this subreddit. i used to act in plays when i was a freshman in high school and loved it, but i convinced myself it wasn’t a feasible path and moved on. now, i’m a second year in college pursuing the medical field, and although i love that too, i’ve just felt so empty. reading this subreddit pretty much every day finally pushed me to start acting and take it seriously! i’m still pursuing the medical field as well, but i just wanted to act in some shape or form. i started actively trying again two weeks ago, and as of now have had 4 auditions and i think i just aced an audition today! from the bottom of my heart, i just wanted to thank you guys for being so helpful and actively encouraging aspiring actors. you have no idea how much happier i am now. <33
Hey there! We're a few game dev students in Stockholm, Sweden, looking to find a voice actor to narrate a few cutscene sequences for our current project. The game wont be sold, and is for internal usage of the school only. As we're only students, our budged isn't very high and we're therefore looking mostly for people who have voice acting as a hobby, sidegig or are learning themselves, and looking to practice their craft. Male or female doesn't matter, but if you're young it's preferable that you don't have to much of a "young", bright or energetic voice. Preferably you're a native english speaker, but it's not necesarily a requirement. We're looking at about 300-500 words - our budget max is $20 for 100 words. Our school retains the licence over the recorded files, and signing a contract saying as much is required. We have deliberately written a script in a sort of archaic/shakespearean manner, so if you think you can deliver lines like that with some gravitas that's a huge plus. If this interests you, please DM me with your rates and samples of your work. ​ Thank you!
Hi, I just recently booked a background job and I’ve done background work before. It doesn’t appear to be featured background yet they still asked if we had acting experience and the role is listed as union. Since I’m non-union would this mean I’m guaranteed to get one SAG voucher? Thanks for any help!
So I’ve been signed with a great mid tier agency since October of 2021 and I’ve gotten some great auditions out of it. But, sometimes I feel like it’s a bit slow, especially now. Sometimes I get 4 auditions in a month, other times 3 auditions in a week for big networks.It’s super random. To also give you insight on my type, I’m a young Black and Asian actor who’s in my early 20’s. My actor friends in LA too say that it’s a little slow with auditions in the industry right now. Same with my actor friends in New York. Anyone else feeling this as well?
Hey guys! Beginner actor here interested in film acting. I got a backstage acc and have been auditioning all around for student films, short films, etc. but have gotten nothing, and I’m at uc Berkeley so I feel like there’s not toooo many audition opportunities that I can access at least in SF? Also in a theater class but my prof is not of much help. Can anyone offer me some advice?
Hi all!!! So, I applied for agencies a few days ago and got some emails back from: Oscar Abrams Zimel (OAZ) Amanda Rosenthal (ART) Hero Artists Compass Artists (CAM) DaCosta Talent Newton-Landry Talent Butler Ruston Bell Amy Hines Choice Talent Valerie Carr/Exposure Talent Glickman-Alexander Talent Premier Artist Carrier Talent Management Edna Talent Management ​ If anyone has had any experiences with any of these agencies- I would love to know. ANY guidance or insight would be so helpful for me as I am a new actress to the business and most likely am missing out on a LOT of common sense industry knowledge when it comes to agencies /getting signed etc. Thank you all!!!!
Using a throwaway because I don't feel like going on main. I've been an actor for 10 years. I started when I was 15 years old and while I hadn't had many resources, a turbulent financial situation, and an unsupportive family who wanted me to quit from day 1, I'd studied from acting books and attempted to remain in shows. I started taking classes at community college roughly around 6 years ago. I took every single acting class at the schools I've attended (I've transferred between three schools) and attended all outside acting & improv classes that were available to me considering my financial situation (one acting class at an outside studio and 4 improv classes). I even attempted to study what was in the free Reddit acting class. Despite all of this, my acting skills only slightly improved. And I say slightly. Before then, my performances 10 years were IDENTICAL to my performances 6 months ago. Think over-the-top Disney Channel acting. Obviously, I do not have a reel or representation. I booked once a year before the pandemic hit, when I began creating my own content. Everything I've found so far shows most people at my stage would quit. And everyone, even my own brain, is telling me I don't have "it". But here's the thing: I don't wanna quit. I truly love acting. I'm sad and discouraged and I feel scammed by all those teachers, because I walked away from their class without learning anything, but I wanna see it through and I genuinely want to improve my acting skills. Has anyone been through a similar situation where their acting skills barely, if ever, improved for a long period of time (5+ years) and how did you break away?
In my country there are several websites that posts work for actors, for commercials, film and TV but I don't think they are legit since sometimes I see Netflix is looking for actors. I want to find auditions/work another way. Do any of you guys know how to get/find auditions in different ways?
I’m in rehearsals for a play and AEA requires us to take a Covid test 3 times per week. Each day when we arrive at the theatre, the SM takes our temperature and asks if we’ve had any cold or flu symptoms. Yesterday, I foolishly admitted to having a tickle in my throat and was immediately sent home—even though I had a negative PCR test. I just don’t understand the point of testing if we’re going to be sent home for the tiniest sliver of a symptom. Years ago, I performed in HAIR with the flu! Whatever happened to “the show must go on?” The show I’m in only has 5 actors, so when one of us is gone it hurts the whole rehearsal. I’m livid; especially since I drove for an hour to get to rehearsal. Does anyone else think these Covid rules are too strict?
Hi guys, I was wondering if someone can provide any insight. My bf is 31 years old and loves acting . He has done some plays in the past while in college and screen plays but for the last couple of years he has been playing survival catch up. He didn’t finish college due to being chronically ill (has UC), financial aid issues, and had the sentiment that he is going to be an actor anyway, so he doesn’t need to finish. We currently. live together and he has been doing various jobs just to survive such as leasing agent and Uber but he lost his leasing job and ubereats has good days and bad days. His car is currently breaking down and doesn’t have money to get a new one. We live in NYC and everything is expensive. I personally can’t not fund his life and because I’m a social worker/therapist and already don’t make enough for myself and then someone else. It seems right now, he’s just trying to survive health wise and financially that he doesn’t have the space to dedicate to acting such as acting classes, head shots, good diet (which all takes money ) I have suggested him possibly going back to school and finishing his BFA degree and minoring in CS. I felt it will provide him the opportunity to practice his acting and network with people more which, can give him some opportunities and then CS he can possibly do when he graduates to support himself and work on his health and also fund his acting. I also believe CS job that is remote that provides work/life balance can help. I’m honestly, not sure what to do or what to suggest. He has stated , currently he would like him to do more jobs that are in the realm of acting and theatre like production assistant. So, he can pay his bills and also be apart of what he loves.
so, I'm not quite a voice actor, but I did just get started doing youtube let's plays and something I noticed is how I just "puff" out any breath I have after finishing a sentence or certain words. so for instance instead of hearing me say "can", it'd be "can-\*breath\*ahhh", or "this won't happen" becomes "this won't happen-\*breath\*ehhh". what is the best way to force quit doing this outside of "just don't do it lol"?
Got cast as an understudy and I have 1 week to memorize the whole script. I haven’t seen any rehearsals of the principal actor yet. Any tips on how to do this efficiently?
I'm just about to enter uni (in Australia) and planning on studying acting either as a minor or second major and am currently looking at my future career prospects. The industry in Australia is apparently closed off in general, like people more often cast who they already know, and Asian actors have it even harder because as I've read from some people, it's mostly white—probably whiter than American productions. After I graduate and probably earn a bit to live off of (with a 9-5 job), I'm considering moving to increase my Job opportunities and am wondering which would be better. I'm half-Japanese but I was born and raised in a South East Asian country and am not as well equipped for Japan, not being fluent in the language and knowing little about the culture (though I'm working on it). I'd probably have a better chance there than in Australia though, and I can actually focus on acting instead of prioritising how to make a living because I can live with my dad instead of renting. I'd probably be also highly valued with my ability to speak different languages and formal training along with possible experiences even in community theatre in au. I'm thinking it might be good even for just a few years to just at least break through the ice and have something to show for a reel, but then again, I have no idea how the industry there actually works, so I might just have as hard a time. On the other hand, I've read some posts that say Canada is a good place for Asian actors because a lot have been getting opportunities, at least compared to America. So I'm considering moving there as well, especially because it'll be closer to America and its productions. I'm not very familiar with the industry there too though, so I'm still not sure. But it seems like a better version of what I imagined my career prospects would be like in Australia so I *am* highly considering it as well. Experienced actors, what would you recommend? Any advice?
Hi all, I am a talent manager for social media influencers. One of my TikTok influencer clients, who primarily does funny character sketches, is doing very well on the platform (3.1 Million Followers). Long-term, he is interested in becoming an actor and just expressed an interest in procuring a talent agent. He has no background in acting and has not taken workshops. Is it possible to secure an agent at this stage? Do you recommend he takes acting classes / auditioning classes before searching for gigs or an agent? Any help here would be extremely appreciated as this is not my wheelhouse!
How in the HECK does anybody ever get a dang SAG waiver!! I’ve been acting for years and have built up my resume with tons of short films, student films, feature films, plays, tons of training, low budget commercials, I’ve even done a couple of roles on tv for true crime re-enactment shows. I have a website, an IMDb, a reel, professional headshots, an ActorsAccess profile and a backstage profile. Im in dozens of local Facebook groups looking for castings, I’ve done background work on big production projects including celebrities like Kate Winslet, Jason Segel, Michael B Jordan, etc. I promise I am NOT above background work. But how in the heck am I supposed to get a SAG waiver!! A lot of people say to get it from three background roles but every background job I see is just casting NON-UNION background OR SAG background so how can I even get cast as SAG when they can just cast me as non-union background? I’ve applied for SAG roles online and never get responses. I don’t know what to do anymore. Is it because I don’t have an agent yet?
I'm not one to usually post the "how do I audition for this show?" threads, but because this usually casts publicly, I'd thought I'd ask here: Has the new Power Rangers series started casting yet? I ask because I saw a few Power Ranger audition videos floating around on Vimeo these last few days, all with the same script. I know casting is pretty notorious for having open call flyers posted for these things, but I haven't been able to find one for the new season. Is Iris Hampton still casting Power Rangers? I'm an LA based actor, with high level training, a good reel/headshots, but no agent. I'm consistently meeting high level casting directors every 4 weeks though my acting class, and getting great feedback from them. I'm not getting the more coveted breakdowns tho because I'm not affiliated with an agency. I was curious if anybody had any insight on this casting? Has anyone heard anything? I know its a big no no to personally reach out to casting for auditions, but because these auditions are usually so public and widespread, I figured it may not hurt to ask.
Dear Friends, I know this is a sub for actors alone, but I feel this is the best place to ask this question. I am planning a fantasy web series, based on Greek mythology, for my YouTube channel. Finding models through agents will be disastrous considering the budget. Is there any database where I can find aspiring actors ? Please help. Thanks in advance and lots of love.
From In Cycle 7 [of America’s Next Top Model], the models were pushed to the limit in a photoshoot that was completely unnecessary and dangerous. In a shoot directed by Tyra Banks, the models were placed in a freezing pool while they attempted to pose. In the episode, viewers could see the models shake from the freezing temperature and frequently complain about it. The photographer and Banks dismissed the claims by telling them "cold is in your mind," and "this is real modeling." After countless shots, one model, CariDee English, finally asked to leave the pool as she began to convulse. She was immediately told that it was her fault for not speaking up earlier about being in pain. Other contestants accused her of being dramatic and needing attention. This episode is just another example of the contestants being pushed to their limit and then being chastised for not being able to handle it. Petition:
Hi, I wasn’t sure if this was the right place to post this question but I’ve noticed a couple of my favorite voice actors have a similar way of sounding out certain words and wondered if there was a name for it. It kind of sounds almost like a little puff or huff of air at the end of certain words - like a breathless laugh in a way? [Here’s what I’m talking about](, you hear it at around 0:32 when he says “popular” and again at 0:42 when he says “maybe”. I notice it a LOT with Brian Bloom in particular and also Jennifer Hale when she voices female Shepard. I just wondered if there’s a reason behind it, if it’s a forced thing or just simply how their voices work when doing particular characters - I thought it was a form of devoicing?
Good evening all. I’ve got a meeting with an award winning producer next week, it isn’t to talk about acting as such. I want to understand how the world of producing works so I messaged him and he wants to go for a coffee, so I’m guessing it’ll be a casual chit chat? What would be good questions to ask a producer from an up and coming actress? Help! I want to be prepared :)
So I started this convo in another Reddit post on here, but I decided to just make my own post asking because I realized I really don’t know what to do and it’s been on my mind for a while So I signed with this agency about 4/5 months ago, and I haven’t heard from him or gotten any auditions from him since I signed with him. I got a role for myself in December, and when I emailed him letting him know the good news, he never responded which made me feel like he’s probably too busy for me to keep sending him emails whenever I get a new role. Now, I want to emphasize I don’t blame my agent AT ALL for me not getting auditions, I believe he’s submitting me and working hard for me because he wants to make money off of my success too. And I know he thinks I’m talented because he wouldn’t have signed me if he didn’t see something in me. I just feel like it has to be something about my package, whether it’s my demo reel or my pictures that’s causing me to not get auditions through him. I just don’t know what it is and I don’t want him to think I’m nagging him by emailing him and asking. My fear really is just to come off as that annoying client ya know. I have done the things hes told me to when he signed me, like continue acting classes and CD workshops. The contract I also signed with them is that if I haven’t gotten any work from them in 4 months they can decide to drop me, which he hasn’t done yet so I feel like that’s a sign I guess my real question here is, I know he has a lot of other clients and is very busy, but do you think it’s okay if I do email him just like an update email once a month or every few months saying what acting classes I’m doing and what films I’m in? Do you also think it’s okay to ask him what I can change about my package? Cause he did send this group message out on ecocast on actors access saying how if we aren’t getting auditions we should probably change our pictures or re watch our demo reel, but I did that and nothing changed so I just need advice from him, someone who knows the industry well, to know exactly what I should change for me specifically. Because if it is my demo reel or headshots then I don’t wanna pay for new ones just to make the same mistakes I made in the past just to not get auditions again from them. Sorry this is long lmao this has been building up for 4 months
Hi folks, I'm an aspiring actor and I just got accepted into NYFA for their 1 year conservatory acting program. At the same time, I've also applied to the Gaeity School of Acting, Dublin, which is a 2 year comprehensive actor training program. Which of these is a better choice?
Hey y’all - this message might be a bit long, but I’m in need of some advice here. So this will be my 3rd year auditioning for most schools I already applied to. I’ll also potentially add new schools to my list (if I decide to audition for a 3rd year) Every year I usually get a few callbacks from 2-3 schools I apply to, but I never make it to Callback Weekend/ Acceptance Offers. Though I’m incredibly grateful for the great experiences and people I’ve met on this journey, I must honestly say that I’m also a bit frustrated and confused on what to do. I don’t have a BFA. I graduated with my Bachelor of Science degree in 2017 - I’m 27 currently. Though most schools suggest you don’t need a “BFA” it seems like most of the students who are accepted DO have BFA’s. I’m concerned that it’s my lack of a BFA or training that’s holding me back. I’ve done a summer intensive, I’m currently in an acting fellowship program. I also hired an MFA acting coach this year and I also have 4-5 years of experience/ maybe about 8-10 credits on my resume (Short Film + Plays + Staged Readings) I’m wondering if I should first enroll into a 1 or 2 years conservatory program in NYC (I live in NYC) or just take a ton of acting classes with acting coaches and/or studios to help build my foundation/skills and maybe try MFA Auditions again for a 3rd go round? If conservatories should be the route next, any recommendations? Bonus Question: I applied to Yale 3 times - I know they discourage applying again after 3, but they never said it’s unacceptable
I keep thinking of Elizabeth Berkeley in Showgirls how that movie ruined her career for a long time because critics and audiences hated her acting. But in her defense, she was only listening to what the director was telling her to do. His career wasn't ruined from Showgirls. So, shouldn't the director be responsible for bad acting if they are the ones who are supposed to make sure the final cuts that stay in the film are the right picks for the final product of the movie?
Hi guys, I am trying to refer a friend of mine to the agency that I have been freelancing with for the last few years. Is there a good way to do this? I'm specifically going to be sending an email with his credits and saying that he will reach out. Thanks
I’m trying to get voice actors for a project yet I don’t know where to find them. Help would be nice. Thank you!
Hi lovely people. I scroll through this sub and read all of your wonderful stories, but something in particular has come to my attention: a lot of us actors weren't really taught about how much power WE hold in our own careers. I read people's fears about not being tall enough for a part. I read questions about what people should say to agents, how they should approach interactions, and I want to bring something into light: **Each and every one of you have everything you need to create a project yourself, without needing to impress ANYONE in the process.** [I wrote a blog post about this week or so ago](, that with the help of making a space in your house to help you create, you can truthfully start working on your own projects and worry less about what "big producers" think of you and more about what YOU truly want in your career. I just want to remind everyone in here that there's a bigger purpose to what you're doing. Don't let these "big decision-makers" cloud your vision of how capable you are of getting what you want, with or without them liking you. ;)
This is so frustrating. In 2020, I had a pin, check avail, and what seemed to be an offer. 2021 and onwards, I’ve gotten requests for tapes but have not heard any feedback. And these are places where I’m a resident local and with CDs I’ve read for before. This question was actually asked on the Audrey Helps Actors newest episode, but the answer still didn’t make it any palpable. I miss in person auditions!! As per the backstage post I was supposed to get paid but I never received payment or signed anything. I was a day player role but I was only needed on set for maybe 4 hours. This is my first time so I’m unsure if I’m even supposed to be paid. For clarification, I’m an actor and was hired to be a day player. I did have a couple of lines for my character as well.
Hi everyone, I’m new to Reddit and just found this feed. Not sure if it’s appropriate to share but I saw some of the posts and thought it could be useful. I host a podcast which is basically about the journey to making it as an actor. This podcast isn’t about interviewing people who have made it and are A lost celebs like so many podcasts but about giving useful tips and hearing stories from people about the struggle, how they deal with the depression etc. If this promo isn’t allowed please feel free to delete but it’s something I’m proud of and thought it may be useful to some. Thanks. [Actors Making It](
23NB, I'm doing acting studies in France and I start to put my life in question a bit. I don't know how it is for you, but here in France we have a really specific system for acting and art studies. I'm in a "conservatoire", that provide free art studies at a great level, after an heavy selection among candidates. Took me 3 years to get into the one of my native city, did 3 years there, around 15h/week of showing scenes, rehearsing plays, getting feedback from teachers, and working on it alone or with my classmates the rest of the time. There I did my "cycles", and my goal was to get into a professional class, with 25-35h/week of classes and lots of masterclass with professionals. And it's done, after an other heavy audition, I got into a professional class in a different city, I'm there since last October. BUT, I learned when I came, that this isn't the end of the path. All my classmates are trying these "national schools of theater", there's 13 of them in France. Usually, they do one audition every 3 years, with 700 to 7500 candidates each time for 10 spots. This year, I'm trying 3 of them. If you get in, it's another 3 years of study. For now, I did one of these big audition, and it was super depressing. You rehearse your scenes for 2 month, pay 150 euros for audition fee and train ticket, to be exactly 5 minutes in front of the jury and leave. You have no reviews or feedback, 30 lucky ones are taken for the second round of the auditions, the rest of us just need to try again. While I'm doing that, I'm wondering. There's plenty of people my age that are already successful actors in cinema. For public theater here in France, they only take these peoples that get out of these national acting schools, tailored to fit the criteria of this or this public theater. The studies are great, in a way, all the masterclass are really useful, and I know how lucky I am to be where I am already. But the rest of the time, we don't really work on plays, only these 3 minutes scenes, over and over again, for the contests. I'm wondering if I'm losing my time, losing my youth, losing my need for art and creativity, by solely focusing on these studies that are maybe taking me nowhere, because most people don't get into these national schools. I think I would love to have some insight from outside this box, does this seem dumb to you? Am I on a good path, or am I just losing time in a small box? I sometimes think that at this point, I would learn more by moving to Paris and starting working right now. But also, you can't try these national schools after 25 years old, so I guess I might regret it if I leave. How your studies were? How long they were? Now, looking back at it, do you think it really made you what you became, or you learned more by just working? Thank you for giving a bit of guidance to a confused young actor.
Hi. I’m a 19 y/o actor and I’m just starting out with this. I have no experience besides some extra work and my undergraduate degree I’m currently doing. Is there any advice anyone can give me with starting out?
I always see kids and teens on movie and tv shows as well as broadway, and I’m curious what the next step for me is if I want to become an actor. I’ve been doing theater for almost 5 years and I love it with all my heart. I cant see myself doing anything else as a dream career. My mom says to just wait for college and stuff because that “makes it easier” but if I let her see that I was really serious about it, she just might let me start early. What are some tips to start being serious about acting at a young age?
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I'm your buddy Bottie, I was hiding behind the scenes, but now that you've found me I'd be happy to tell you what I'm doing.
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