I’m looking to create a group chat for actors in NYC & LA. That way we can help each other with self-tape auditions & give encouragement as well! Anyone want to join? If you message me your instagram, or phone number I’ll add you in:) Friendly actors only.
i didn’t get casted in my schools spring play now i’m looking for motivational stories lol
Hi there! I am sure this has been asked elsewhere and my apologies in advance if this is redundant. I just hope I can get the answers that I really need so that I can finally give myself a shot. I'm going through a bit of a difficult time in my life (ok, it is a very tough time for me) and it is time to live for me and pursue things that I want to do for once. To literally give myself a voice. It would be a dream to become a voice actor. I've watched a few videos online about voice acting and I'm definitely interested in it despite not having voice acted before. I have a variety of vocal ranges and think I could do different styles of voices. My voice is higher pitched and I was told I could do anime voices well, or maybe I could get into voice dubbing. How could someone with no experience like myself get into voice acting? How could I make myself stand out and give myself a chance at becoming noticed? Do you have any other pointers? Things to avoid? I am serious about turning this into my full time profession if I could. I should also note that right now, I don't have much money to spend on equipment (but I do know this is super important) so eventually I will invest. Right now, I don't think I can though. Is that going to be a huge issue for me?
I was thinking of becoming a voice actor specifically video games and I just wonder if I have the right voice for that. Here's my voice in an American Accent, reading a line from Life is Strange: https://voca.ro/11pZ8wWd049c
I have an event on April 21st 2022 and I am looking for two male actors to dress up as a Mountie downtown Toronto for further details please contact me
Throwaway account. I am an actor/singer in my mid to late 20’s living in the Chicago area. I have an acting degree, am currently non-equity, and do not have an agent at the moment. I performed in some store front theatre when I got out of college, but I haven’t yet worked with some of the more well-known equity theatres in Chicago like Goodman, Steppenwolf, or the bigger musical theatres like Drury Lane or Paramount. I have auditioned for these, and have gotten callbacks and positive feedback, but havent gotten cast. In March 2020, I was slated for an acting internship with a prestigious equity regional theatre. The opportunity would have made me EMC, and would have potentially helped with being looked at more seriously by these larger union theatres. Unfortunately, this fell through due to covid, and shortly after this, my survival gig that was keeping me afloat also dried up. I was so focused on trying to make ends meet and get out of debt, I became depressed, and discouraged. I moved out of my apartment, and went back home to the nearby suburbs, where I’m originally from. Since then, my career trajectory has felt very unclear. I have been depressed and discouraged from the lockdowns, theaters going dark or shutting down, as well as my own perceived failure and haven’t performed since. I no longer feel like this bright eyed and bushy tailed person with their whole life ahead of them like I did in my early 20’s. On top of that, I am dealing with the sudden and unexpected death of my significant other who passed early last month on his motorcycle. I did recently get an offer from one of my friends to be her roommate in NY in September, but I have no idea how I would succeed. My goal is to be a working, union actor, but I’m not even union, and have no representation. I fear that I would just be struggling to make ends meet and not even have time for auditions. Between all this discouragement, my mental health, loss, and grief, I don’t know how to move forward in my career. Need advice! Tl;dr: i’m not where I envisioned I would be as an actor at this point in life, and need advice.
(23F) I feel like so many of you have so much background in the arts, whether it be a professional schooling, starting young, etc,. I took a free class with Margie Haber and it felt like everyone on it had some kind of experience and I have 2 background roles in a play in elementary school and middle school. Like background to the point where I was a gobstopper in a Willy Wonka play. Is there anyone else just getting into this with relatively no background and feel like there’s not a way to make some sort of career out of it? Does anyone have any examples of famous actors that had very little background when first starting as an adult? I feel so discouraged to even begin trying. Edit: Grammar
Beware! This teacher is a narcissist. She claims to be an acting coach, but she knows nothing about the craft. She is a hack. If you disagree with her she will publicly shame you. She says that her technique is the only truth and only the good actors stay in her class and the shitty ones leave. Sounds like what a cult leader would say to keep their students hooked. She mainly teaches young people cause they are easy to manipulate. They are all brainwashed and they defend her from any attack. Open your eyes folks.
I mainly use Actors Access and Casting Networks to submit to roles and I just came across All Casting. Wondering if any of you guys use and if you get a lot of auditions/gigs out of it. Thanks!!
Hi folks! A couple months ago, as a rising actor, I started a petition to get an audition for my dream role as Static in Michael B. Jordan's upcoming superhero film. I was met with flack but fought on. Because I did, I not only made [the evening news ](https://longisland.news12.com/suffolk-county-engineer-hopes-to-audition-for-superhero-role)but I also booked a lead role in an upcoming *Power Rangers* film! In this industry, there's many things people say we "should" follow but some of the best changes to industry were brought by those who shook things up! If you're on the fence of taking a risk for your dream, just go after it and not let anyone stop you from going after it! Sign and Share my Petition so we can show what happens when we dream and put action towards those dreams: [change.org/ShotAtShock](https://change.org/ShotAtShock)
Looking for Voice Actress for tomboyish character, will need to interview through discord. Looking to make multiple videos in the future with same character and therefore VA, if interested please direct message. Payment though PayPal, $30USD but definitely negotiable.
I love entertainment and want to be in it so much. The escapism of it all just excites me and being in films and movies that invokes the emotions and laughs of the audience is some of my biggest dreams imaginable. It's come to the point where I literally spend a majority of my time constantly thinking about it and I hope to get an acting degree someday and achieve it. I hope all of you guys live successful lives as actors/actresses and pass on your talents to the next generations up ahead of us to come.
What does it mean and should I have it checked? Edit: forgot to mention I'm talking about casting/actor workbook
Hey! This question is directed towards anybody who is familiar with William Esper's books. He talks about finding the Essence of your character e.g perfectionist and also inner emotional lines e.g A depressed man. I am having trouble figuring out what is different about these two things? Could someone maybe explain it to me in simpler terms or in a way that I will understand and the different uses these 2 things have? He said sometimes you can create a character just by identifying their 'inner emotional line' but I don't see how this is different to the 'essence of the character'. Is the only purpose of the essence to give yourself a starting point of where to work from and allow for simplicity to avoid unnecessary information that is detrimental to the actor? And could someone please explain how I would integrate the use of inner emotional lines into my work. Will I always need them or is it simply a tool for when the scene feels a bit 'bitty'. Finally I would be super interested to connect with anybody else super interested in Meisner / Truthful acting etc as would be great to have some conversations about it all as it gives me such a buzz, I love it. I believe acting is an incredibly powerful art that has the potential to make great change and would love to chat to like minded people. Thanks in advance.
So I’m not really interested in pursing acting as a career or anything (yet… who knows what’ll happen) nor was I ever very interested in drama at school, but I do love movies and appreciate a good actor. I was looking for some knife skill classes online and saw a an acting class that was 9 sessions, 3 hours long, and at the end you perform in a play. I have no prior acting experience. I’m kind of self conscious and don’t have much confidence and feel like this could potentially help me get out of my shell a bit, as well as meeting new people. Plus I reckon it would be good fun. Do you reckon this is a good idea? It’s $585 AUD (about $420 USD) 24 years old btw.
Hey guys, like most of us I’ve always wanted to be an actor for as I can remember. I was wondering if there’s anyone out there who has any insight on how much (new face) leads in a West End show make weekly? For example roles like Epoinine in Les Mis, Christine in Phantom, The four seasons in Jersey boys etc.. that sort of role. Now I’m grown up and at the beginning of building my career I’ve become curious about the financial aspect of living in a big city, food and transport to theatres etc.
Hi all! I usually don't do much theater acting, but I got cast in a staged reading for a really awesome original play. We'll meet before the actual reading for a rehearsal, but it's fairly a short amount of time and I'm not sure what I should have prepared for it. Are actors mostly off-book for the staged reading? Do you have any tips for a first timer like me? TIA!
I'm having trouble finding information online, but are non-union background actors eligible to get a meal penalty if they worked over 6 hours without a meal break? New York state law says that employers are required to give a 30 minute uninterrupted meal break, but I'm not sure if it specifies what happens when it is broken. I assume, the meal penalty won't be as much as a union background actor, but it seems like there should be some compensation for breaking it. This is not the first time a production did not compensate for a missed meal break.
I want to start doing audition stats every month if I can to show how much work goes into auditions and show my progress and show the reality that you will NOT book everything you audition for. I will start by saying that I am non-union and not repped so when I say 'Star, Co-star, Supporting' i'm talking about short films, student films etc. I'll try to lay out as much info as possible. Total Auditions: 30 Self Tapes: 27 Zoom Meetings/Auditions: 2 Agency Audition: 1 Student Films: 7 Short Films: 5 Commercial: 6 Feature Film: 1 Industrial: 1 Reality TV: 1 Hosting: 1 Photoshoot: 1 Pilot: 2 Internet Project: 2 PSA: 1 Theatre: 1 Star: 4 Co-Star: 3 Supporting: 14 Principal: 8 Casting Networks: 11 Actors Access: 13 All Casting: 2 Aura Casting: 1 Instagram: 2 Direct Website: 1 Open Call: 11 Requested: 19 Callbacks: 3 Booked: 1 (the photoshoot) Declined Auditions: 2 (not in total auditions count) The most auditions I did in one day was 5, both of the Zoom auditions and 3 self tapes and it was on a Monday. And the most auditions I did in 1 week was 12. I didn't write what was non-union or union projects because I didnt start tracking that until the last few auditions this month. I'll start tracking that in March. I keep track of all of this by using an Audition Tracker. I got a free template from this actor/youtuber named Kurt Yue under his [Audition Tracker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SS4xKgsO29I) video (I highly recommended getting it!) I'm really proud of myself because I never did this many auditions in 1 month...ever! Being organized is key! I have a whiteboard as well to write down auditions as soon as they come (might share a pic of it one day) and knowing when to declined auditions is also important. Yes I want to do as many auditions as possible but I also don't want to send in crappy tapes if I know I wasn't going to have time to get the material down. Thank you u/Wutini for giving me the inspo to do this. Now it's time to take on March!
Howdy fellow actors/artists! So I know that it’s frowned upon to use any sort or BG work on your acting resume for the sole purpose of it revealing one’s inexperience. However, I recently started a regular, fairly involved background gig on a high-budget/popular series that has me in full prosthetics (I’m spending 3-4 hours in the makeup chair daily) and quite heavily featured in scenes with the three main principals (there’s only a small handful of BG on this set so we’re getting a lot of camera time). Even so, I still don’t have a single line, and my role is still technically referred to as background despite the pay bump I’m getting. I’ve been really trying to get into creature work as of late, and a specialized role like this could make for a perfect jumpstart to head in that direction. But is it even worth including on my resume considering I was booked as BG? And if so, how should it be listed? Anyone else encounter this, or have thoughts on the matter?
And what type of actors do they attract? Anyone here who did the program?
So last year I decided to take a break from acting. This was due to many personal reasons and some acting reasons. I have always been self conscious, never been able to let go of what I am thinking and put it into my performance, and for this reason I self judge all the time. So much so that I left my agent as I didn't provide him with any ammunition to send out to casting calls etc I became so self conscious last year I didn't film a self tape because I couldn't think clearly and self judged, along with overthinking what I am meant to do from what I've been taught. Acting is what I love, and I really want to get back into it, but I want to go back and be consistent, meaning I want to film self tapes to send out, do my homework and not judge myself, and get lost in the character and bring a good performance (won't ever be perfect because perfection is subjective), but be happy with what I put out, and be able to continue with what I'm doing, so that I can atleast feel like I'm doing something! There were times I got stage fright Infront of my acting coach and performing my self tapes. I'm not a bad actor, I just have so much self doubt, and not enough self love Thanks guys, anymore questions you may have let me know, any advice would go a long way and would be very appreciated! Thanks!
Hey! I’m an actor based in NYC and was wondering who your favorite managers & agents are that actually got you booked. I started acting around a year ago, singed to an agent and though I thank them for my experience in the industry they do not work with me as much as I put effort (I believe it should be equal work & communication between the agent and the talent). My original agent left the agency so that might’ve caused it to go downhill. Any advice would help! I’m thinking of not renewing that contract since I’m getting auditions all by myself and haven’t gotten one through the agency in like 3 months.
Howdy, howdy! So, i’m trying to play a clown in a show set in the late 1800s and SUFFERING. I’m trying to be creative and silly, but I am generally an exclusively dramatic actor and i’m really struggling :( There are two main comedic moments for my character (though if you’ve got any unrelated physically silly things to suggest FEEL FREE TO SHARE) — one is someone calling me a donkey, and so… I act like a donkey (donkey noises is… about all i do) and the second is me meeting someone for the first time and like, circling him and messing with him (I act like a cat as a circle him, staying low. I look up at him once i’m in front of, jump up to honk his nose, pretend i’m searching his coat for money, and if i have time, I pretend to pick a flea off of him and eat it.) Literally ANY ideas you have please share bc I am terrible at coming up with comedic stuff and I’m ONLY doing things my director has suggested for the most part, so :(
Hi everyone, I’m directing a short film about two French teenagers/young adults living in LA. We’re shooting March 12 and 13 for 7 hours both days. However, my lead roll just bailed! If anyone on this subreddit is a 17-21 year old, fluent french male actor who lives in LA, please reply and i’ll contact you back asap. Thanks.
I am writing and working on a solo piece, I am then planning on producing it at a small off broadway theater. I am an AEA actor, how would I work on getting "myself" under an aea contract, when I'm paying myself?
I auditioned for a student film (paid) on Tuesday and heard nothing back, presuming I didn’t get the role I made plans for another audition and a meeting the following Monday which had been the suggested shoot date. Lo and behold Saturday evening at 9pm they let me know I’ve got the role and ask if I’m still free for Monday. I haven’t even read a script yet (all I’ve read are the sides from my audition which were vague anyway) I have no idea how much I will be paid, where the shoot will take place, how long I’ll be needed or indeed what the film is even about! How they expect me to learn my lines and bring some kind of idea about the character in less than 24 hours is beyond me, not to mention the logistics of actually getting to the shoot. For any budding film makers out there or students currently in training, please appreciate that actors cannot be expected to turn up in the 11th hour with no idea what they are getting themselves into. At the very least, give us a couple of days to prepare and be very clear about the plans for the shoot. We are people with lives and organisation is the key to balancing our careers. The whole saga has annoyed me and as a result I think I will reject the role, which always feels a great shame when work is few and far between. Anyone else got similar stories? Rant over.
I want to apply for a summer program at a drama school and to complete the application I have to write a short essay (250-750 words) on „my goals and objectives“. What exactly do they want me to write about? Do they mean I should write about why I want to study at this specific drama school or about how I plan to become an actor (for instance take classes, be in student films, create reel and headshot, get an agent, hopefully book some great projects)?
I'm a Tv/Film actor and I'm trying to integrate voice acting into my career, something I've always really really wanted to do. I do have a "booth" set up in my closet for recording because I do a lot of vocal auditions. Luckily I already have a voice coach but what I do not have is a demo. How do you create a demo to send in if you don't have any work to create a demo?
I run a small production company that specializes in shooting showreel scenes for actors and to a lesser extent, short films. Next month, we are shooting a short film off our own bat. When it is completed, we intend to do a festival run, and after that, if we can't get the short in with a distributor e.g. Shorts TV etc., we'll throw it on Vimeo/YouTube and circulate on social media, the way most folks do. We also will be using some of the footage for a music video of an artist who is funding the production. We had a great actor booked in for one of the roles, but her agent told her that she wasn't very happy about the usage - how it would eventually be circulate on social media, or that she would be seen in the music video. We offered to ensure that she wouldn't be in the music video, but our social media plan was something we'd be doing in a year or two, as a final send off to the film. The agent wasn't happy about this, for some unknown reason. Does anyone have any light on this? I understand that if you are the face of a brand, other brands would be less likely to hire you as this can create brand image confusion. I don't understand this practice with short films.
A few days ago I applied at a posting where the only descriptions is "We are looking for young performers ages 13-20 of all experience levels from across Canada." Im 25. I saw the age range and knowing I can pass for younger I applied and I got an audition. I know usually the age range on casting calls is playing age but the way it was worded has me a little worried. This is for a reboot of a show that's known to cast actors closer to their character's age. My friend's agent also told her she couldn't apply because she was too old (she's younger than me). I'm not exactly sure what to do. I don't want to be lying to their face, you know... Thoughts on the situation?
I moved to L.A. almost a year ago. I have had a lifelong dream of being a creature/character actor, ideally I would love to play monsters. When I was young my grandmother tried to help me get into local theater but my experience was one of "Talented, just not what we're looking for." This experience has left me feeling dejected about any potential acting career in my future. I recently experienced this again when I was told that my face wasn't "generic enough" to be a viable candidate for special effects makeup and to try modeling. Which confused me because I've done my own makeup numerous times and it's turned out fabulously monstrous! Also, I have tattoos and I don't know of any actors other than maybe Pete Davidson (who is getting them removed if memory serves). Every time I try to make a move I find myself second guessing and then the analysis paralysis kicks in. Now normally, I would just ask my grandmother for all the advice but she passed from dementia a couple years ago. I know this industry is tough to break into and many who try don't make it. It's also a bit of a crapshoot. I am willing to give it my all, I just have no idea where to start and I'm not getting anywhere by sitting on my ass and overthinking it.
I’m interested in both.
Hey guys, like most of us I’ve always wanted to be an actor for as I can remember. I was wondering if there’s anyone out there who has any insight on how much (new face) leads in a West End show make weekly? For example roles like Epoinine in Les Mis, Christine in Phantom, The four seasons in Jersey boys etc.. that sort of role. Now I’m grown up and at the beginning of building my career I’ve become curious about the financial aspect of living in a big city, food and transport to theatres etc.
Hi everyone, Apologies, mods, if this isn't allowed. I am a journalist and former actor and I'm working on a story about the new Guaranteed Income Program for Artists in NY State and how the pandemic has affected NYC actors, specifically nonunion actors. If anyone is willing to speak with me, please let me know! Thank you, Julia
Right so i'll keep it short , the only thought stopping me from going full head on with my acting career is the fact that i might try my hardest bestest of work without not much in return when i could put that insane work ethic in trying to make money to secure my financial future . So there you go , i'm 22 with all the energy and ambition to do something but i'm stuck between these 2 thoughts , one is telling me go try my hardest as i can to succeed as an actor because i think i love it , the other is telling me go hustle get money invest and yeah , which one will i follow ? I guess i can try acting and if it doesn't work then just go build my financial freedom but it doesn't work like that it's either i go full head on into it or i don't at all . I have nobody to guide me or give me some words so i would appreciate any reply that could help me . Thanks very much :)
Any place that has an image of you or your reel or your resume put your email on it! Add your email to your Actors Access resume! And for God's sake if you have an IMDb Pro account add your email! It blows me away how many people have a website with no way to contact them and an Instagram page with no option to message them directly. I see so many actors wallpapering themselves all over the internet but there's no way to actually connect with them and offer them an audition. And there is no excuse to not have any media or at least a slate shot. Even if all you can do is record yourself talking with your cell phone, do it! Nobody is going to consider you just based on a bunch of pictures without being able to hear your voice.
This poll is identical to the one linked below. Please do not look at the link below before voting. [https://www.reddit.com/r/polls/comments/sy3r5q/whos\_the\_best\_actor/](https://www.reddit.com/r/polls/comments/sy3r5q/whos_the_best_actor/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/t32wre)
Should I get a USB Microphone 1st or start taking Acting Classes? I really want to be a Voice Actor, just want some tips how to begin Voice Acting. Also do you think a USB Microphone would be Good & if you believe I should start with a USB Microphone what other equipment would you suggest for auditions?
Whether choosing an auditioning monologue or coming up against a monologue in a part I've already been assigned, I get so stuck on the stupidest stuff. Especially for monos that seem especially stylized or "writer-y," I can't get past how I don't know how to make the line work and it's gonna sound clunky. I always feel like I'm missing the point of the monologue entirely, especially if it's a storytelling monologue that's clearly supposed to be laden with significance. I'm not necessarily bad at analyzing plays but sometimes I zero in so much on every word of a monologue that I can overlook the meaning entirely and just think, "why are you even talking right now?" Which of course is not a good thing for an actor to find themselves thinking, ever. I'm coming up against this again now because I'm trying to fold in some new auditioning monologues and work on my range. Every monologue and part I read...none of it resonates with me, and I just feel this huge welling-up of panic and anger that I can't do the part the way it needs to be done. It feels like a joke. Anyway. Thanks for letting me rant, and if anyone has been through this I'd love to hear it. If I'm just being dumb, I'd love to hear that too.
For example in online games like League of Legends, VALORANT, DotA, etc. where the characters have a voice over that is always heard as long as the game is online. Does that give voice actors the right to get money periodically because they're technically part of the game? This might sound dumb, but me and one of my friends were talking about this earlier, and I'm pretty sure that even in online games voice actors get paid once for the recording itself, and that's it. But I could be wrong. Does anyone know how this works?
I live in a small town in TN and I have always wanted to be an actor ever since I was 16 years old. I’m 28 now and one of my dreams is to act. My issue is, I just don’t know where to start. I haven’t acted since high school, when I was in 2 plays. What do I need to do to begin my acting career? How can I begin my acting career?
I know some actors like to use stage names for privacy, but what comes with this? What other things do you do to ensure separation? For an example, I've known of people using a different phone number for their business-related contacts than the one they use for their friends and family. Thanks!
Mods, feel free to delete if not allowed or relevant. I know there’s a VO sub, however, I’m curious if any TV / Film actors here have transitioned into VO and what their experience has been. I want to continue with TV / Film but I’ve always been interested in VO. I get auditions here and there for it but nothing too crazy.
He actually has a pretty long list of movies (check Wikipedia). Which means that right now he is just playing a role - like Schwarzenegger in action movies. And he is playing the role so well because he is always method acting and filming on location. ;-)
Hi, I've been an actress for most of my life on a school-wide level and I'd like to try and take that into the professional world, in both film and musical theater. However, I have no idea where to even start looking for auditions. I have found a website called Backstage but I don't know how legit it is or if it's worth paying the money they want for premium. I am willing to travel potentially but I'd like to start in the Denver CO area if possible, as I am currently living there. Does anyone have any good directions they could point me? (I'm already fairly familiar with how the audition process works but tips are welcome also)
I've been taking acting classes for only a year but, man, I can really notice bad acting where you have to think, even the actors realize how terrible the script is.. Man, I was watching Perfect Storm just now...That intro/establishing stuff. . OMG. So BAD. Clooney, Wahlberg, Dianne Lane.. WTF???? Anyone know what I mean? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbmDfuVjSc0&ab\_channel=clipsman25](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbmDfuVjSc0&ab_channel=clipsman25)
And why do you think it's Tiffany Hadish?
I’m an aspiring actor and I’m wondering if anyone has any tips for ways I can learn when watching other actors, so that watching movies would be a productive and educational activity. What traits and nuances should I look for when watching successful actors?
Weeee, you found me!
I'm your buddy Bottie, I was hiding behind the scenes, but now that you've found me I'd be happy to tell you what I'm doing.
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Click here to check them out. I hope it will cause involuntary audible response.