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Toronto acting group

Toronto acting group

Posted on Mar 7th

Hello. I am new to the city and I was wondering if there is a group of actors or aspiring actors in Toronto in which I can join in. I would love to meet people in the same field and talk about it. If there is anyone let me know. Thank you

Creative ways Actors land Auditions

Creative ways Actors land Auditions

Posted on Mar 7th

​ ​ Casting wants to see the character they are looking for, emotionally and physically right in front of them. They want to see that Character from the script. It is up to you to show it to them. ​ []( ​ \#zombie #actorslife #horror #moviescenes #thewalkingdead #scary #creepy #creepyart #orlando #tampa #shocked #casting

Online private agent appointments?

Online private agent appointments?

Posted on Mar 7th

Does anyone on here know much about these private agent appointments offered by One on One and Actors Connection? Has anyone had any luck or know of someone who has? Seems like a great opportunity to meet some great agents but can’t help but feel this is just a major money spinner

What are the "slow" periods for background acting?

What are the "slow" periods for background acting?

Posted on Mar 7th

I'm a background actor in LA. I haven't been doing this long enough to know when the slow periods are. Are there certain months when you expect bookings to be sparse? Any months where you expect to be booking well? I'd like to know what to expect so I'm ready for it (emotionally and fiscally).

Is it possible for international students in US drama schools to find work there after graduating?

Is it possible for international students in US drama schools to find work there after graduating?

Posted on Mar 7th

I understand that as a foreigner with a student visa, you can only study there but you can't find work. After graduating and before the student visa expires, are there any ways you can get a job as an actor in that country? Even with connections and mentors there?

why don’t present-day actors shave off their unibrows ?

why don’t present-day actors shave off their unibrows ?

Posted on Mar 7th

i noticed a majority of actors nowadays keep their unibrows. a simple google search and barely zooming into their photos and you’re able to easily see many hairs in between their eyebrows. the reason i ask this is i thought that hollywood stars are expected to be well groomed, clean shaven; basically looking as handsome as extremely possible — and those little unibrow hairs on a majority of actors nowadays seems to go completely against the picture perfect hollywood look. have things changed recently that prompted actors to not groom and remove their unibrow hairs? is leaving the unibrow hairs, albeit not your typical super hairy looking unibrow, the “in thing” nowadays?

Looking for drama actors/voice actors for video game!

Looking for drama actors/voice actors for video game!

Posted on Mar 7th

Hello, as the title suggests, I'm working on a game that focuses heavily on the story and will rely on the performances of its actors. So with that, I'm looking for someone who has heavy experience within the dramatic acting world. Preferably someone who has acted in dramatic pieces before (stage, film, tv, other games). We have 4 characters to cast: ( 3 females who are POC and one genderless (and no ethnicity) character.) (Yes, you will be paid!) If you're an actor, voice actor, or both, and you think you would be a good fit, please send me a DM with your reel and we can go from there. Plus, if you live in the Los Angeles area, that's even better. (not required) (Hopefully, this is enough info! If you have any questions or concerns, go ahead and shoot me a message!)

Recently joined SAG because of a network guest star booking now what?

Recently joined SAG because of a network guest star booking now what?

Posted on Mar 6th

I notice I am getting less auditions due to my union status but what does this even mean? Any actors who have joined sag that fill this way. I was so excited at first but now I feel stuck.

Aspiring actors needed [mod approved]

Aspiring actors needed [mod approved]

Posted on Mar 6th

During the pandemic, I built a platform for actors to ask questions and get feedback from the esteemed in their craft. I’m looking for a few aspiring actors to try our beta (for free). You can expect to get private video feedback on your submitted acting work :) Years ago, I created a mental health app, and Reddit was wonderfully helpful in the early days. Any interest this go-around would be appreciated. Thanks!

Choosing small clips for actors access media

Choosing small clips for actors access media

Posted on Mar 6th

I know people say to choose roughly 15 second clips of multiple different scenes for actors access, but my question is…how do you decide which 15 seconds to use? I mean..15 seconds is a really short amount of time… do you try and choose 15 seconds that show something super specific? Or 15 seconds of range in the scene? I don’t really know exactly how to word this haha but was hoping for others thoughts on how they chose which parts of the scene are best to put on actors access! Thank you:)

Actors who use Laban efforts:

Actors who use Laban efforts:

Posted on Mar 6th

What book or video series or teachers do you recommend? What in the script about the character tells you whether they seem to be Gliding versus Wringing? Is there a book that explains the clues that are in the text that lead to which effort would fit?

Acting classes in LA

Acting classes in LA

Posted on Mar 6th

Hello everyone, I have been wanting to become an actor for a long time but I need some classes in order to do so. Does anyone know any good acting classes in LA that they can recommend?

Audition process for Streaming Networks?

Audition process for Streaming Networks?

Posted on Mar 6th

Just curious, does anyone here have any experience on the audition process for big streaming services like Netflix for their lead roles? I know for network TVs it’s usually, pre read, audition, producers, then network and then studio test. I know in streaming they don’t make you “test” because it is not a pilot- so is it usually audition, callback, producers? or a chem read? I know each project is probably case by case, just very curious about the various levels we as actors need to clear, and if anyone has ever gotten that far, can share the info!

In Desperate Need of Acting Advice

In Desperate Need of Acting Advice

Posted on Mar 6th

I'm a 21 y/o actor who looks like a 16 y/o who found my love for the art late in high school. I want to be as invested in this community as those around me, but it's been four years since I've been on stage acting. I've auditioned for everything locally that I possibly can, even across my state. I have a resume and years of experience, I've taken and passed with flying colors college-level acting and directing classes, I've been on the technical side of shows, and I've had professional training from multiple professors and vocal directors. What the actual crap am I doing wrong if I haven't gotten so much as a callback within four freaking years? I'm so incredibly tired of seeing the same copy/paste "Thanks for auditioning, unfortunately----" emails. I've auditioned for two separate college theatres, a well-known community theatre, and a more professional theatre in my city. Around 43 shows collectively throughout four years, and absolutely nothing but half-hearted, emailed apologies. I don't want to see comments saying I should suck it up and move on. I want to know what I'm doing wrong. Actual advice is appreciated. I just need to know what's wrong with me that I literally cannot see in myself for theatre companies to practically avoid considering me for literally anything. Please help, I'm in desperate need of direction and advice.

Helping my son navigate college decision

Helping my son navigate college decision

Posted on Mar 6th

I posted a couple of years ago asking for advice for my son who aspires to be an actor. After much deliberation he decided to get a degree in theatre. We know college isn't necessary to become an actor, but it is the path he has chosen for various reasons. He has narrowed his choices down to 3, and I do not have much knowledge to help guide him in his decision. His final three schools he is debating between are UT Austin (BA Theatre Arts/emphasis in performer's process), Texas State (BFA Production and Performance), and University of Evansville (BFA Performance). As this point the financial aspect of each is pretty similar. He just want him to get the best experience and hone his acting skills. We don't know how to determine which school will be best suited to help him grow as an actor. Anyone have knowledge of these programs to provide an informed comparison?

Survival Jobs?

Survival Jobs?

Posted on Mar 6th

What are some jobs that actors can do to pay rent & survive in LA? Any suggestions??

Booking Commercials, but can't get a commercial agent.

Booking Commercials, but can't get a commercial agent.

Posted on Mar 5th

I've been struggling with this for a few months now. I'm an unrepped actor in LA. I'm SAG-E. I'm booking non union commercials, with big brands. I've booked 4 these last 3 months. (all online, or pre-roll ads, no TV) . They've been paying my rent. I have great headshots, I'm getting 3-6 auditions a week. I'm doing improv at the big schools here in LA, commercial classes with the top commercial teachers, etc..... But for the absolute life of me, I can not get a commercial agent and I feel so defeated. I have friends who have never booked anything and are signing with massive commercial agencies, and I am SO happy for them, but I can't figure out why I can't even get a meeting with boutiques. I know this is kind of a vague post, but I don't want to give away my identity on reddit by plastering my materials for people to analyze, so I come with just a single question: Commercial headshots... should they be bright backgrounds and big smiles, or is that a thing of the past? I'm not having trouble getting called into commercial rooms, I'm having trouble getting an agent. Maybe they see my headshots and think they're not commercial enough, so they don't even bother? They're more theatrical, but still smiley. They are very "typed". Small town girl, office intern, trouble young adult, etc. Should I get new headshots with brightly colored backgrounds and fun clothing, specifically for commercials and ham it up? Has anyone ever had this problem before?

Top 5 essential films for aspiring actors to watch

Top 5 essential films for aspiring actors to watch

Posted on Mar 5th

Hey my fellow actors, Just wanted to ask what are the top 5 essential films for aspiring actors to watch? I want some films with top tier acting performances. Thanks

Are my own friends...jealous of me? (25M)

Are my own friends...jealous of me? (25M)

Posted on Mar 5th

Hey guys. It feels pretty cringe-worthy to accuse someone of being jealous, which is essentially what this post is, but I am starting to feel like that's just what the case happens to be. I have a pretty close group of friends that I graduated college with, and they all are accomplished, stand up men who all work in highly respectable fields - banking, law, software, etc. I on the other hand, am an actor, (of course) alongside a few other side hustles to keep my income consistent in-between jobs. Over the last two years or so, I've gained a considerable amount of attention in regards to my work, relative to when I was in college. As of recently I star on a popular HBO series that most of you have probably watch or have heard of. Like you can probably assume, we share plenty of mutual friends, as we attended the same university and graduated in the same class. I'm starting to feel like they see the attention I occasionally receive from our other peers as a reason to resent me or try and bring me down. For example, sometimes they tend to bring up my past mistakes out of nowhere. (For ex, randomly out of nowhere bringing up some of my less-than ideal habits, or how cheated on my ex while we were in our early 20's in college) The only explanation that I come up with is that they want to make me feel less-than for whatever reason. Being that we are mostly open about our finances, I know that I do earn a bit more altogether than my peers, but not by a significant number. We are all fairly high earners for our young age, so I've never assumed it has anything to do with money. I really hate to make this a point but, I also usually do tend to have the better luck with women on group outings and such. Anywho, I just want to make sure I'm not drawing up irrational, self-absorbed conclusions or that this is just a normal gag of typical male friend groups. I spent most of my time reading, working and studying so these are really the only friends I interact with on a regular basis. Has anyone else ever felt the same way in regards to having close friends who are not working in the film/entertainment/acting industry?

Have on-set hairstylists ever mess up your hair?

Have on-set hairstylists ever mess up your hair?

Posted on Mar 5th

I know as actors we're not supposed to be so high maintenance, but I'm just a little annoyed that on set hairstylists never seem to be able to get my hair right. On low-budget productions without hairstylists, I actually seem to look more presentable because I can style myself before coming. But hairstylists for film shoots always never really seem to understand my hair type, would spend a long time styling it and adding layers and layers of product until its stiff as rock and something of a mess, and then wonder why they can't style my hair nicely. It does affect my performance when I'm walking around set looking much different from how the crew saw me during auditions, and getting raised eyebrows. Not really inclined to add the footage into showreels too. Would I be too much of a diva to request to hairstylists to allow myself to do my own hair (under their supervision of course)?

Looking for a monologue for film..

Looking for a monologue for film..

Posted on Mar 5th

I hope some of you can lend me some valuable and interesting suggestions. There’s a local casting call for a short film and they want actors to submit a short monologue. Plot: Drama that follows Isaac on his last day of living, when he unknowingly comes across the angel of death who gives him the kiss of death. Character (I’m auditioning for): Male, any ethnicity, 20-25 He is philosophical and intelligent beyond his years, and is always aware of his surroundings. Though always on alert, he can’t help but fall victim to his environment. — I was thinking of a Donnie Darko type character for a monologue. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated(: under 3 minutes please

Playful character driven motivation that isn’t boring?

Playful character driven motivation that isn’t boring?

Posted on Mar 5th

Hi friends — I have a question regarding motivation of my character and a way that’s playful for my actor and the character’s inferiority. The story is about a student turning in their frat brothers to the school after several sexually assaults a girl at a campus party. The issue I’m fighting is that for me — this story is about the struggle to do the right thing, the social stigmas that will come and loss of relationships for speaking up — but right now I don’t feel like there’s tension enough, and so “doing the right thing, speaking up” feels boring. I don’t want to complicate the story, but are there any tricks or ideas to adding conflict to internal character driven decisions so my actor can really express and explore and playable action. I’d love to add a “ticking clock” but I don’t think the premise allows for one besides the “stress” of knowing the right thing to do and holding back. The only idea I thought of was that the character could have a sister that was also assaulted years prior and creating a personal connection to the issue and why they speak up and snitch on their frat friends.

(Atlanta) New Agency has offered me a contract. Should I accept?

(Atlanta) New Agency has offered me a contract. Should I accept?

Posted on Mar 5th

I've been with my first agent for a few years now, and I've always been told they're a starter agency. They've gotten me work, but the truth is that my agent has way too many clients and has dropped the ball on several things. I've got a foot in the door, having done a few commercials and a supporting film role. I'm ready to move on. I've been applying for different agencies and really only gotten a couple responses. One of those has been a newer agency that's actually based in my market of Atlanta, but so far has mostly represented Broadway actors in New York. I had a Zoom meeting with the owner. She asked me questions about the CDs I have a relationship with and what type of shows I could see myself in. She seemed knowledgeable about the market, and we talked about all the top CDs. She said they're looking to beef up their Atlanta roster and that their focus is Theatrical. A few things kinda give me pause, though: 1. They're a SAG-AFTRA franchised agency, and she told me they don't usually accept non-Union talent. This is Atlanta. Georgia is a "right-to-work" state and primarily deals in commercials and costar roles. The vast majority of actors in this market aren't Union because commercials, the bulk of our work, are almost exclusively non-Union. We're often told, even if you're eligible, hold off until the last possible moment. I am SAG-E after getting a Taft-Hartley for working background on a SAG Industrial last year, and I do like the idea of belonging to a franchised agency and becoming SAG in the long term, but as a working actor in the Southeast with limited credits, I don't plan on joining anytime soon. 2. I looked up the agency on IMDb Pro, and I don't see any other local actors that I recognize, nor do the actors I do see have many recognizable theatrical credits. She said she had about 100 clients, but it appears they're mostly on Broadway. Only 29 showed up on IMDb. She seemed to know who local Casting Directors were when we talked (Atlanta and the Southeast really only have so many), and she said that the agency is actually based in Atlanta, but the focus has been in New York since she used to be a Broadway actor herself. 3. She said they encourage Managers, and if you have questions about your career that's really who you should be talking to. Again, working in the Southeast, this is mainly a commercial and costar market. Most actors that primarily work here wouldn't have managers. I've always heard it said you need something to manage before you hire a manager, and it makes a lot more sense to hold off until you're booking guest star and recurring roles. 4. She offered me a contract pretty much immediately. She said that she didn't have a lot of talent in my age range (I'm mid 30s, but play younger), and she said I have a lot of versatility and she could see me in a number of different worlds, which is flattering, but I also know I have my type. I'm a character actor with some everyman vibes. Even though I still look pretty young I'm a darkhorse candidate for a lot of middle aged roles (in case they decide to cast younger) or the office drone type or I do well in period pieces from the 50s - 80s. When all is said and done I have one theatrical credit from four years ago, a supporting part in a horror film with a B-list actress in the lead that made its way to Netflix. Everything else I've booked, or even had callbacks for, has been Commercials and short films by local independent filmmakers. So, I'm thinking that she doesn't really know the market and she's pretty much looking for any warm body to fill up her roster. I'm not sure that's what I want or where I need to be to take the next step in my career. My immediate goal is to book my first costar, which I could still do with my current agency until someone better and more established offers me something. However, perhaps my doubts are unfounded. What do you guys think?

Readers for actors here! Share with others who may like this resource

Readers for actors here! Share with others who may like this resource

Posted on Mar 4th


Can I have a voice acting career with rhotacism?

Can I have a voice acting career with rhotacism?

Posted on Mar 4th

I am a sorta successful electrical engineering student and I love what I am doing. But evet since I heard the voice of gollum from lord of the rings, voice acting has become my passion. I think I am good at putting emotion into my voice and making variety of different sounds. The problem is, I have rhotacism which means I can't pronounce the R letter correctly. It is not so bad, I can say 40% of the words with R letter but the rest hard for me to say and doesn't sound right. I can get voice therapy to strenghten my vocal cords that may help with the rhotacism but I don't have enough time to do that due to my harsh engineering career. I am willing to burn all the bridges and get into voice acting if I can be sure that my rhotacism can be cured. Can I have a career even If I can't fix my disorder? TLDR: I can't say R properly, Can I have a career as a voice actor?

Anyone else hate the secrecy and think it’s unnecessary?

Anyone else hate the secrecy and think it’s unnecessary?

Posted on Mar 4th

Some of my most recent bookings play the secrecy game TOO much. What I mean is that they don’t even send me call sheets. No sides until I get to my trailer. Just like how the grips or electricians need the call sheet to prep what and how they will plan their day, actors need the same thing! I had this happen for a _commercial_. Like dude, no ones gonna leak a dang commercial!! Cmon now… I can skirt by because my roles are small in the grand scheme of things but it’s so annoying to be treated like some kid who can’t handle responsibility. We’re hired for a job, so give us the tools to do the job. Another booking I got recently sent me the entire script even though I only have 1 line. I appreciated it. Anyone else feel this?

I feel somewhat lied to?

I feel somewhat lied to?

Posted on Mar 4th

I submitted to a management agency in January because this manager ive been following on twitter for a while said in a post that he just signed an actress with no credits. Saying that credits don't really matter. I have been waiting to submit to this management but when I saw the post I was like, "Why not submit now?" I have some credits (not big credits). I sent in my materials and heard nothing back. I didn't really care because thats common until I saw that they did see my materials. Like damn, I can't even get a simple meeting? At this point I feel like I can't even be picky anymore because of my type. I think it feels worse because management is more personal. Like you don't see worth in me at all? Any advice would be appreciated. I would also like to add, please do not leave just encouraging words. I learned in therapy I don't take well to encouraging words without advice or tools.

Toronto! What acting studios do you go to?

Toronto! What acting studios do you go to?

Posted on Mar 4th

I have experience (went to school and all that and booked gigs) and have a mid tier agent in the city. What studios do you go to? I haven’t been in an actual class in a while, but have been doing so privately. I’m currently choosing between ProActors Lab and LB Studio, but I need to know more about them. Any insight on these studios, or even recommendations?

How to tell if it's you or your agency

How to tell if it's you or your agency

Posted on Mar 4th

Perennial actor problem, I've been with an agency (NYC) for about nine months and they've gotten me enough auditions to keep me on the hook, til about three months ago. I emailed to see if there was anything I could do on my end to make myself more marketable and they wrote back with my February submission report and said they'd try a different main headshot for me to see if that helped shake things up. They'd submitted me to 68 roles, tons of recognizable things I would have been *thrilled* to read for, mostly costar from what I could tell which is totally what I should be targeting right now anyway. Zero auditions came out of that. This is a really small agency so I have no idea if they're just not getting considered in their submissions, or whether there's something about me or my materials that isn't cutting it. My contract is up in May so I'm trying to decide if it's worth sticking it out with them longer or chasing someone else. I got them through a big mailing last year and no one else really gave me the time of day, so... I'm a white guy late 30s/early 40s, plenty of training and a full resume, just not with recognizable film/TV credits. It's all shorts & webseries & Off-Off theatre & self-produced stuff. Any thoughts? Stay or chase someone else? Or is there a way to even figure out why I'm not getting seen that I haven't considered?

Los Angeles and NYC actors are you auditioning theatrically a lot lately?

Los Angeles and NYC actors are you auditioning theatrically a lot lately?

Posted on Mar 4th

It’s been commercial only for me as of recent. I booked and shot my first co star like two weeks ago and I thought having it on my resume would bring in more theatrical auditions but its been very quiet. Someone comfort me and tell me it’s dead right now lol

Toronto Agents for beginners

Toronto Agents for beginners

Posted on Mar 4th

Looking for recommendations for Toronto agents that are more likely to take on beginner actors that have proper training, headshots, self tapes but no credits yet? I’ve looked through the ACTRA list but am having a hard time gauging which agents are more “low-tiered” and would actually consider actors without any formal credits yet. I understand it’ll be very challenging seeking representation as a beginner but appreciate any input!

Can I submit for a role that is out of my state?

Can I submit for a role that is out of my state?

Posted on Mar 4th

For some reason Actor's Access has been sending me "I'm a good fit for..." recommendations in Louisiana, Atlanta, and Arizona. I'm an Los Angeles actor. I double checked my notifications to see if I accidentally checked something but it says that it's all Los Angeles. So, it got me to thinking: Can I submit to them? There are some great roles too. I'm trying so hard to get my SAG card and there are some amazing opportunities out of state. What's everyone's view point on applying for out of state roles?

Where do agents find casting calls?

Where do agents find casting calls?

Posted on Mar 3rd

Besides casting sites such as Actors Access and Casting Networks if anywhere else. Also, do all agents get access to the same casting calls no matter how small/big the agency?

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Posted on Mar 3rd

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

Seeking Voice actors for a podcast series.

Seeking Voice actors for a podcast series.

Posted on Mar 3rd

Hi, I’m looking for any voice actors to act out a script I’m writing for a podcast. This is not a paid gig, but it’s great to add to your acting resume. If interested please message me.

Im afraid of pursuing my dream "becoming an actor" ....need help / a different mindset

Im afraid of pursuing my dream "becoming an actor" ....need help / a different mindset

Posted on Mar 3rd

Hey there :), for a very long time now (my aunt likes to say its been since I was a child) I want to become an actor or do smth acting related. Since I didnt have the easiest childhood I havent had much time for acting or theatre but the dream remained until i started participating in musicals (from 7th grade on) and late in a student movie where I won a casting for one of the main roles. At the same time I was in the final 2 years of school and my mother didnt want me to accept further offerings but to focus on finishing school instead. After school was done I wanted to do smth creative, applied for theatre and design, got accepted but my mother vetoed again and told me to do or at least try smth "with perspective". So I started studying smth entirely different. The dream to learn and do theatre/acting related things remained though and thats why I quit after 1 1/2 years and applied again. This time my mother "supports" me but doesnt want me to waste more time. So she told me about entrance exams for the local acting school which are in 3 weeks. "But wait...thats good news, isnt it?" You may ask...well yeah it should be but somehow isnt In the last 1 1/2 years I slowly build up an anxiety of actually pursuing my dreams without noticing it. I wanted to do little projects like they´re to find on CastingCallClub for example and actually recorded but never send my recordings. Just because I was somehow too afraid and too disappointed. Now I feel like im nowhere in the state (neither mentally nor in terms of preparation) to go to these entrance exams and I dont know what to do. In the course of the last year the questions "do i rlly want to do this? Is this rlly my dream or just a stupid idea? Why havent I done more for it if it is my dream?" came to my mind. The funny thing is that I wanted to apply for entrance exams at the end of the year after I´ve done more preparation. I wanted to study theatre first because I thought it would help get into the mindset and find other creative people but now I believ I just want to stall and eventually give up on it completely Yeah I rlly could use a piece of advice on how to get rid of the anxiety. Hopefully it wasnt too hard to read. Have a nice day :)

ACTOR LIFE HACKS: Postcard TIPS to get instant results

ACTOR LIFE HACKS: Postcard TIPS to get instant results

Posted on Mar 3rd

Thanks for the advice on my past posts - I am gonna postcard some CDs and I am curious as to what secrets/tips you've used to get instant results? \-Do you wait til after the project comes out or send the week of / try to time it to release as it comes out? \-What companies do you use to print? \-Do you directly target CDs you love / wanna work with or do mass? Thanks so much for any and all feedback - **a few of the movie stars on set took funny backstage pics with me and I know it's so low-brow and cheesy to put those on the postcard but I do feel it kinda does build clout. Thoughts on this?**

"Dead Eyes" Podcast - highly recommend

"Dead Eyes" Podcast - highly recommend

Posted on Mar 3rd

This podcast is a great listen for actors - talks a lot about the rejections, triumphs, and struggles of the typical actor. Some of the episodes have great insight about the profession, and great guests. Here's the premise: A NYC actor, Connor Ratliff (UCB NY, "Maisel", many other credits), when he had finished grad school in London back in the day, had landed a small speaking role on Band of Brothers and then lost it and it got back to him that Tom Hanks, who was directing the episode, thought he had "dead eyes." So he decided to make a podcast with the end goal of hopefully one day talking to Hanks about it. On the podcast he speaks to actors about their successes and times they lost jobs along with other aspects of the industry. And they just announced that Tom Hanks himself will be on the season 3 finale episode!

I want to become an actor

I want to become an actor

Posted on Mar 3rd

I’m living in Canada right now and I have no experience but I want to. What can I do to achieve my goal from the smallest step possible?

I Feel Like My Own Being Is Not Meant for Acting

I Feel Like My Own Being Is Not Meant for Acting

Posted on Mar 3rd

For the first time, someone offered feedback on my audition (that I think went incredibly well) and told me I was too rigid and that I wasn’t listening enough, even when I was improvising. That’s something I keep hearing and that has always kept me from having interesting roles. I have been working on this my whole life (personally and professionally) and feel like I can’t get any further than what I have already achieved. And no, training even more won’t help, too much training actually makes me more rigid, even my teachers confirm that. I swear, don’t recommend more training or I will hit you. It’s not my acting that is rigid. It is me, as a person. The thing is I am autistic. I am rigid. I love to follow strict rules. I can’t be anything else. That’s just part of my own being. I have learned how to appear normal. Everything I do is a performance. I don’t listen to others the same way other people do. It is hard for me to listen to someone even in my real life. This is who I am as a person. It actually works great at other jobs where I am very happy and successful, often more successful than neurotypical people. But I think I just understood that I can never be an actor because of what autism makes me as a person. I can’t change who I am just like you can’t ask someone in a wheelchair to walk for a role. There is no way to fix this. I don’t belong there.

CD wants me to send my IMDb but I don’t have one - what should I do?

CD wants me to send my IMDb but I don’t have one - what should I do?

Posted on Mar 3rd

I’m a newbie actor who’s just getting started! I’ve been doing whatever open call or auditions that I can get my hands on, and I recently got my first callback ever! Today the CD reached out to me again days after I submitted my callback tapes to ask for my IMDb page. I don’t have one because I don’t have any credits yet, but I do have professional headshots and a self-made monologue reel. Should I send those to them in my response, or should I ask them if they want to see them first? I feel like it would be more efficient to just send them, but I also don’t want to be a nuisance haha.

Should Tom Holland be nominated for an Oscar or an Academy?

Should Tom Holland be nominated for an Oscar or an Academy?

Posted on Mar 3rd

I think he’s a great actor and very like-able as well. What are your thoughts?

How often are you in an acting class?

How often are you in an acting class?

Posted on Mar 3rd

This is mostly directed to actors with agents, auditioning regularly, and *(very fortunately)* booking professional gigs. I’m thinking of getting back into a class, as I’ve seen only been doing one on one coaching with my acting coach. Would doing a class and some one on one coaching be overkill *(it would be overkill for my bank account)* but would it be overkill, in terms of I don’t know, learning/knowledge?

actors tips

actors tips

Posted on Mar 2nd

i want to get into acting, I’ve been doing some extra jobs- should I now get an agent?

What is the best way to meet agents/managers on the east coast? Theatre actor branching into tv/film.

What is the best way to meet agents/managers on the east coast? Theatre actor branching into tv/film.

Posted on Mar 2nd

Hi folks, I am a theatre actor in the DC area and would like to branch into tv/film. The theatre scene here is very casting driven so agents and managers have never really been a necessity but I know I must get one for the tv/film business. I have easy access to NYC so that’ll probably be my best bet. I thought about joining the AGR 2% program to get some assistance and guidance but the price is INSANE and I know Jen Rudolph and her business have gotten some shady reviews… I also know a bit about One on One. Any reviews/personal testimonies on those would be super helpful. Thank you kindly!

Looking for an agent while moving - Advice needed

Looking for an agent while moving - Advice needed

Posted on Mar 2nd

Hello fellow actors! I currently live in LA but I will be moving to the PNW in 2 months. (Advice saying don't move is not helpful bc the move is already set and non-negotiable.) I am also looking for new representation. My current plan is to submit to agencies as living in LA (bc I currently do) and update them when I move, assuming I get new representation. Does this seem like a decent plan? Here are my questions: \-For those in LA, are you getting a lot of in-person auditions? I'm hoping I can still audition and be connected even in the PNW since so many things have gone virtual. \-Should I disclose from the beginning that I am moving? \-Should I disclose at all after I move? I had an actor friend who was like, why tell them at all? But that seems like an easy way to get caught in a lie. Thank you in advance!

Thinking of Dropping Agent

Thinking of Dropping Agent

Posted on Mar 2nd

I'm an Australian actor who signed with my current agent 12 months ago. She runs a smaller agency with a big book filled with stand-ins, picture doubles, extras and commercial actors, no real big successful working character actors. I signed with her with only a few credits and a headshot to my name, since then I booked with her some extra work on an Amazon show as well as a guest-starring part on a big network show episode which we filmed in December, for which I am very grateful for. But the auditions have stopped since, it's been 6 months. In this 6 months I have picked up heaps of student films, independent webseries and made shorts with friends to piece together a showreel, which I completed in January and feel is super solid. Also have gotten new headshots in this period and I always keep my agent updated with the work I am putting in. There has been little response to this work from my agent and the auditions simply aren't there. I want to be sending tapes off every chance I can and can't help but think that with an agent with a better reputation within the industry, more auditions would come my way, certainly more than one in 6 months. I have all but decided to drop her and shop around for a new agent with proved success using the materials I have gathered in the past 6 months but wanted to see if there was any advice anyone had on here :). I am in love with cinema and want to make good films with great people, just trying to maximize my chances for this dream!

An actor who never watches film or television?

An actor who never watches film or television?

Posted on Mar 2nd

Hey everyone! I'm an actor in his mid-20s in Los Angeles. I've been pursuing acting for the past few years. The problem, if you can call it that, is I never have any time to watch movies or television. I'm busy 24/7 with acting classes/rehearsals, reading scripts, breaking down characters, self-submitting, memorizing scenes for class/auditions and self-taping. Not to mention eating, working out and working my day job. I have no romantic or social life to speak of. I also never have any time to watch movies or TV. I'm astounded that some of my actor friends watch 2-3 hours of television daily to keep themselves aware of what's out there nowadays. I did got to the movies last week because my sister was in town but before that I can't remember the last time I went to the theaters (yes - mostly due to COVID) or even watched something alone at home. Do you believe a person can be a well-rounded actor if they're not exposing themselves with great acting performances regularly? Thanks!

Agent Blasters. Anyone used it?

Agent Blasters. Anyone used it?

Posted on Mar 2nd

Hello actors of Reddit, i’m an active based in LA I’m a member of actors equity and I’ve been working professionally for the past 13 years across the country in theater (musicals mostly. Some Shakespeare). I’m desperately looking for film and TV representation but because I don’t have a large résumé or a real is quite difficult to be seen as most places don’t “build“ anymore. Then I stumbled upon “agent blasters”. Looks interesting if not a *liiiiiiittle* sus. I’m just wondering if anybody in this community has ever used it or have friends who have used it and what your/their experiences have been. Is it worth it? Did you get reps out of it? Or did you just waste 90$? Thank you!

Unvaxxed Actor.

Unvaxxed Actor.

Posted on Mar 2nd

So I my agent just sent me an audition for a great show, *guest star role*. Obviously it requires vaccination, but for personal reasons I don't, and will hopefully never get vaccinated. Has anybody else missed opportunities because of this?

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

09.20.2024 Achieving On-Screen Success: How to Leverage User Experience for Acting Success
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Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

09.06.2024 Grow Your Acting Career with an Unforgettable Online Presence: Proven Strategies for Actors
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