I'm half Caucasion and half Korean, and I very much look like it. In a room full of white people, I definitely look not white, but in a room full of Koreans/Asians, I look white af. My agents and manager get me a lot of auditions for roles that are obviously for a full Korean character. IE, the character description is just "Korean and speaks fluent Korean," and then the character just speaks a bunch of Korean through the film. I don't feel like these roles are a good fit because I imagine they're looking for a very Korean-looking Korean. Like, in what world does it make sense that I, a very biracial looking Korean, am just speaking Korean all the time to English speakers? Idk, it just feels like these types of auditions are a waste of time. On the other hand, why else would casting choose my headshot to audition for the role? They have to know what I look like... soooo... (it's also possible they can't tell if they're just looking at the thumbnail). I always end up submitting a taped audition, but I'm wondering if I should start declining to audition for some of these. In the world of taped auditions, I feel like I need to be pickier because having to do three within two days is stressful af. Anyone else in the same boat? :/
Ever since the shift to self tapes has gotten more and more prominent (and lowkey permanent, especially for first rounds), CDs have been giving sides that are ridiculously long AND poorly cut. I'm not sure what happens in the background and whether their hands are tied because producers are demanding them to have actors do a particular scene but it's crazy. I've gotten sides where it's upwards of 12 pages for a FIRST ROUND. Listen, I know our job is to give in self tapes with a short turn around, but they certainly can't expect quality when they give 9 pages with less than a 72 hour turnaround. Today I had to do an audition where my character had, I kid you not, 4 monologues within 4 pages AND a time jump in the same scene. This is a union project too, in it's second season. I know this is bad writing on the writer's team, tbh, but the CD has to be able to see that and maybe cut it down no? Rant over.
My name is Tim and I am part of a product team for a class. I am looking for the freelancers, part time workers, contractors, basically those who work job to job or pay check to paycheck. Would you be willing to have a 30 minute chat with me so I can understand your experience when it comes to what do you do or think about when it comes to you money you make? If so I listed a Calendy link to some available times I have: https://calendly.com/tjkim224/call Thanks!
I've hired five voice actors from Fiverr. The first three all read each line 2 to 4 times. It was not written in their advertisements that they would do this (nor did I request it), but I was very grateful for it. However, the last two only did one take. The first person I thought was an exception to the rule but then the one I just hired did the same.
I’ve booked several commercials but only three costars and zero film. The funny thing is, it’s a catch 22: you need a reel to be seen for theatrical and you need theatrical credits for a reel. I’ve heard of actors writing and filming their own materials, but have any of you done it by chance? What was that process like? Did you hire a professional camera crew? What about wardrobe and HMU? Did you spend weeks or months scouting shooting locations?
I'm 16 and i wanna be a screen actor when i group up but my parents want me to do IT or something and do acting on the side, nida open courses work for that im just wondering how worth it those courses are. i plan to do the screen actors course. i'm also completely open to any new suggestions of any other courses or schools open to the general public and stuff :)
An honest poll of actors and aspiring actors. [View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/skfmu4)
So the title says it all. I got booked for a project and it was background role and NU, but the payment would have covered my rent and most of my basic expenses for the month. I tested positive for Covid (fully vaxxed and boosted) a week and a half before the filming date. Ironically, I think it got Covid from working on another job. The production company kind of played ball with me and said if I could produce a negative PCR test it would be okay, but by the time I got back to them saying I was still waiting on the results, they already went ahead and booked someone else. I get that it's for everyone's safety and I would not be okay knowing I was around others if I was still positive, but it just kinda sucks. Them saying they already booked someone else was kind of a gut punch, especially since I haven't really worked on a project like this since last October. Just wanted a space to vent a little since other people are understanding, but unless they're in your shoes they don't truly understand everything behind it all, especially as an actor right now.
Basically booked a radio spot, got the session fee, then - nothing. Look sometimes these things don't run. But months later I had this feeling in my gut that it ran. I don't know how to describe it other than that. It was just an intuition. I used personal contacts to email the creatives at the ad agency and it turns out the spot did run and that (this is quoting their email) - the talent was not paid. Is there a late fee for this? I did it in Aug. and it ran and I just found out about it now in Feb. Yes, I will contact SAG about this but also wanted to know if you had experience with this? Sucks that so many actors don't get the residuals they deserve. Glad I did the work and used my contacts to hunt my money down.
I'm curious about how voice actor work in certain cutscenes, I've been playing Genshin Impact and also watching many anime series, there's something that bother me is there's some cutscenes where the character only said 1 line such as "Look" or "It's beautiful"... and that's it Take Genshin for example, in version 1.0, a character name Jean talk a lot about her story, but then she disappeared (because she was not involved in the story) and reappear in version 1.5, but she only said 1 line in the cutscene and done, and 1.5 is 4 months after 1.0 so, my question is, do voice actor come to the studio to record just 1 line for the scene ? or is it prerecorded ? or how does it work ? and how do voice actor get paid ? Also, in animation movies, the voice and the animation, which one come first ? thanks
If you want your acting friend to fix something, how do you tell them about it while being mindful of their feelings?
Pretty much what the titles says. I’m just curious, if LA agents even consider people who don’t live in the LA market.
Hi all, I'm currently trying to get my showreel done and I unfortunately don't know any actors who live by me, or really online. I have taken acting classes but many of the people in those classes did not keep in touch after the classes ended. Does anyone know any good resources to find people to do self-tapes with? Even if it's over zoom/Google meet. Thanks :)
Just wondering how actors starting off are able to secure such large agents. Just looking at IMDb, I see actors with no real credits signed with some of the top top agents/managers. Like, how does someone with no real credits Become signed with one of the top agents and is then cast in their basically fist role in a huge film? Like did the agents just see something in them and decide to sign? Did they just send in materials and it’s luck of the draw?
posting this here because this seems like the kind of space that would appreciate/celebrate this good news (admittedly when I told folks in person about this, they either didn't seem to care or didn't know how big of a deal was) but it feels very surreal to know that I'm part of an A-list roster of actors, writers, directors and a ton of celebrities. Never thought I'd be able to say I'm a Creative Artists Agency client but here we go
**What is the maximum amount of words per single line of an actors dialogue?** **AND how many lines are too much ?** *To my understanding there can be anywhere from 1 to 7* ***words*** *per line...(maybe 1 or 2 more)* *also, 1 - 4* ***lines*** *of words within the same dialogue...(again,maybe 1 or 2 more)* **Example:** Actor,Actor,Actor,Actor,Actor,Actor,Actor Actor,Actor,Actor,Actor,Actor,Actor,Actor Actor,Actor,Actor,Actor,Actor,Actor,Actor Actor,Actor,Actor,Actor,Actor,Actor,Actor.
What’s up everyone? I just moved to LA from NYC and over there we had One on One and to a lesser extent Actors Connection. I don’t think these are shoe ins by any means but if I have some CDs/Agents in mind I wanna meet it could be worth the Face time. Are CDs and agents out here too busy to bother with workshops or is there an equivalent? Thanks in advance!
Starting a new series of monologues. This one is from "After the quake" by Haruki Murakami. Hope you enjoy.
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
This post contains spoilers for the latest episode of The Book of Boba Fett on Disney+. I think many members of this community have been aware for a while now that AI programmes are beginning to be used in professional settings to synthesise voice. Famously, Duolingo use AI to synthesise voices across many languages for their language learning programmes. I’ve always managed to brush this aside somewhat. “They’ll always need actors - an AI can’t perform like an actor can, and surely that’s what voice acting is all about”. That is, until I watched the latest episode of The Book of Boba Fett. In episode 6 of thisStar Wars TV series, Mark Hamill’s Luke Skywalker returns as a deepfake, accompanied by one of the least engaging vocal performances I’ve ever encountered. Every line carried an almost Tommy Wiseau-like inflection, the tone was flat, there was little to no emotion communicated. It was genuinely bad. But, nevertheless, Disney and Star Wars, as two of the most powerful entities in entertainment, chose to use an AI rather than an actor to voice Skywalker. And people on the Star Wars subreddit were loving it. So that brings me to my question. Is there any hope for us voice actors, when studios and audiences so no value in good vocal performance?
I’ve wanted to become an actress since I was verry little.My mom tried to put me in acting classes when I was 8 but I refused because I was young and stupid.After that I tried to want a different career,but that made me want to act even more and I knew that if I did something else I would regret it. So I started taking classes again from the start of this school year (iam a senior in high school).And it turns out that I actually have talent for it too,which motivates me even more to Actually pursue it.My only problem is Money and the fact that I live in Belgium.My plan was to start here and then move to the us once I have made a name for myself,but turns out that it isn’t that easy either.I don’t come from a rich family,so I’ll have to work multiple minimum wage jobs and somehow balance it with auditions.Why?because Flemish actors are notoriously being underpaid.Belgium also has a pretty small film industry so my hopes of getting casted abroad are kind of low.And getting a visa and a green card also sounds almost impossible and I just don’t know what to do anymore.I’ve been overthinking it all for almost a month and iam hopeless.Iam kind of considering giving up and pursuing a different career,but I know I’ll just hate my life. If anyone has advice for me I’d really appreciate it because I’ve literally overthought every single option I could think of and I feel like iam going to go crazy.The fact that iam a senior in high school and that I have to pick a study next year is making this even more stressful.
I'm FINALLY out there as a professionally working trans actor, and oh my GOD, I heard stories about making self tapes, but I had no idea just how much they can royally suck sometimes. Right now, I'm trying to find a better ring light, but I'm not sure exactly what to get. Any tips on getting used to making self tapes, or getting off-book quickly???
Hey guys! I'm looking for voice actors/actresses for a new animation channel on youtube based on animes. In fact, I already have a monetized animation channel, but all the videos are dubbed in Brazilian Portuguese, so I already have more than 20 videos available to be dubbed in English on the new channel that I'm going to create. The videos has 2-4 minutes each (average), and I see great potential to grow on the platform with the English dub. Regarding remuneration, I will be more than happy to compensate the voice actors/actresses once the channel is monetized, to be negotiated with each voice actor/actresses for each animation. In other words, unfortunately I'm not able to pay at the beginning, but we can negotiate a fixed amount, in a single shot via Paypal, conditioned to the monetization of the channel, but I have no idea of a fair value for it in USD. Thank you all for the attention and I will leave here the link of my animation channel in Portuguese for your reference and data regarding the channel below: Youtube: 13,000 followers, Total views 1,600,000 [https://www.youtube.com/c/GutoKenji](https://www.youtube.com/c/GutoKenji) Tiktok: Followers 40,000, Total views 1,400,000 [https://www.tiktok.com/@guto\_kenji](https://www.tiktok.com/@guto_kenji) In addition, Facebook pages and groups shared my animations totaling more than 3,000,000 views and I was featured in articles on news sites of games and movies in Brazil. All the above data were obtained in 10 months since the opening of the Brazilian channel. If you like animes and a have a good voice for it, please send me a message. Beginners are welcome too! To community moderatos: If this remuneration format is not accepted, I ask you to kindly remove the post and I apologize if there is mistakes in my english text.
Hi guys. As a newbie actor based in the UK, can I audition for roles that is outside my location? Like US, Canada etc? Also, is there any complications with auditioning on an international level?
So, I (18) just want to be an actor, a musical one would have my preference, but I got rejected from acting school, they didn't even tell me why. And "the next best thing" just doesn't feel right, I was thinking visual art, but acting keeps being all I want, but I feel like I'm too late. I started relatively late with acting classes (11-ish), and I quit after two years, which devastated me because "I had to focus on school". Biggest mistake. I feel like I'm too late now, I have no connections, and I only recently started singing now that I have enough money. I still feel like I can't even do musical classes because of 1) I don't have that money and 2) I'm not even good enough for that. So what now? Is there still a way to the stage for me? And what now?
So I can't find much info on google so I thought I'd try here. You know how known and relatively well known Animation and VG VO actors go to conventions to sign things, do panels? Does any body have any info on: 1) What is the lowest level that a "Convention agent" would consider someone? Can you think of an example 2) Can you name some agents that do this kind of thing? Thanks!
I have little acting experience but I want to audition for commercials, tv and film. Which platform is better for that?
Older podcast episode in regards to the show but it covers voice acting with a professional who’s been in the industry. https://www.podcasttheway.com/l/the-voiceover/ Description copy and pasted: Today's guest is Don Grant; a professional voice actor whose work has even appeared in Super Bowl commercials. There's a lot to discuss in the profession of voice acting, from the technical to the historical. In this episode, he shares his perspective that comes from decades of practicing and performing. Tune in to learn more, or you can always just tune in to hear my voice outclassed for an entire episode.
Hey all, In this pandemic it has been hard to meet others and I thought it would be nice to create a discord for creatives in NYC. This discord is intended for hobbyists to working professionals. I have made channels for every major industry department, eg: actors, G&E, costume, etc. and there are more general channels for filmmakers trying to talk shop! The intention is to also have this discord have regular meetups so that we can meet each other in person. This is a brand new discord so forgive me if it needs a little touching-up. But I'd love to have anyone interested join! The link to the discord server is below. [https://discord.gg/kz9G8QBG](https://discord.gg/kz9G8QBG)
Hello fellow Toronto actors. I have been take classes since October and I am thinking of submitting to agencies for represention. However, I don't have any experience just some training so I was wondering what are my chances of being accepted by an agency. Two people that I know from my classes were just accepted to AMP Talent who are in the similar situation as me. I did some research and found out that AMP is not listed on the Actra site but has good reviews on goggle. Would joining an agency not on the Actra site wise or should I submit to ones on Actra site. Thank you all for your advice.
Hey everybody, my name is [Scott Cleverdon](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0166526) together with my wife [Assumpta Serna](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0785264) we have taught film acting for the last 20 years. We've also done the job, Assumpta more than most will ever do in their lives (and in 6 different languages). Follow the IMdb links to seeSince the start of this pandemic of ours, we have been livestreaming on the subject of film acting technique, career management, agents, casting directors, international work and pretty much anything you can think of. [trying to be easy on the eyes an ears](https://preview.redd.it/j7rh5zyppof81.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=65fe86483acdf86c79227d36ba8b780fac6b9b5f) We're live simultaneously on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/escuelaassumptaserna), [Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/assumptaserna), [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/assumptaserna/) and [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/assumptaserna), four days a week and on thursdays we're in English at 7pm GMT. We usually review showreels and give our advice and help on what we see can be improved and we're always open to new ideas. I'm relatively new to Reddit and I thought this might be interesting to this subreddit. Our english playlist is [HERE](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYIEtBLIwJsK7eojqrrmDyxHWHGp5kLsF) The latest is where we're debunking that [charlatan at the Actor's Academy.](https://youtu.be/9BAueS_GsP4) And we'd love to know what you think and if any of y'all would be interested in having your showreels or headshots critiqued.
I live in Texas and travel to LA a lot, right now I don’t know whether to use actors access or backstage, which would be best for me? As someone who’s trying to do films exclusively.
Agencies like UTA, ICM, Innovative, and CAA and more seem to be referral only or email. And I feel that sending an email won’t be effective at all since I imagine these agencies get a million emails a day from strangers everyday. I know that referrals come through connections but it’s tough for someone like me for example that has no ties to the industry whatsoever. Any networking tips for people that wanna get industry referrals and contacts to get further ahead? I get that talent has a lot to do with someone’s advancement in their acting career but it seems like the actors who get good work are all signed by good agencies and are well connected. How does one become well connected? :/
I feel like I over act. People tell me I'm not, but when I watch my self and compare it to people on tv or actors I like I don't feel like I'm over acting. I know I shouldn't be thinking about acting and just be, be the character, but I feel like even when I am I don't seem natural when I watch myself. When I try to not over do it, it looks full and unexpressive. Any advice? Thank you!!
Hey folks! I wanted to share a story that I hope will inspire! Long story short, I'm a rising actor and when I heard Michael B. Jordan was producing a live action Static Shock movie. Although I felt discouraged at first since I wasn't a big name actor, I decided to take a chance on myself and start a petition to get some attention for an audition. By doing so, I gathered up 700+ signatures within a month and had my story featured in multiple news sources ***worldwide***. The only limits we have, especially as actors, are the ones we make for ourselves; don't let anyone stop you from living your dreams. Hope I inspired you to live yours! Lastly, if you could support the cause by signing and sharing, I'd greatly appreciate it: [change.org/ShotAtShock](https://change.org/ShotAtShock)
I really want to pursue acting seriously. I live 30 minutes from LA, and don’t have time for much, so what should I put my time into for now so I can best attempt to start some traction? I was told making voice acting reel might be a good idea ?
Especially a male who could be a potential killer? I'm creating a pitch deck and all I can think of is Christopher Lloyd but I need a younger actor.
Specifically talking film & tv, and taking into consideration the changes in the business due to the state off the world (self tapes being the norm, etc.). Is actually living/moving/being based in LA as important as it once was? Even more?
I'm a Korean high school student in the age of 18 and I wanna be a Hollywood actor I will start acting career by next year and I'm wondering what I have to do. Should I move to USA and start my career or stay in my country and be an actor, and then move to USA?? I don't know what should I do
This may be the silliest question posted on here, but do you prefer showering the morning of a performance, class, audition, etc. or the night before? Thanks.
I live in a place where acting is messed up even the most renowned actors here are absolutely mediocre, the acting schools don't teach any specific technique all they teach is how to get better at expression, how to maintain voice In a scene basically doing everything to make a scene look real rather than getting out of your head and immersing in a scene. I want to learn and I know there are online acting Courses too, so all I want to know is what are some great acting Courses available online? Any help will be appreciated.
So how do actors speak when on camera with fake teeth. Especially like the scifi style that has like fangs or knarly teeth. I can barely speak with a normal set of veneers on.
Find your personal truth, and build your work off of your soul
I’m located in Dallas. I’ve been with the same agency for 10 years and it’s time for a change. I’m thinking because all the best Texas stuff is in Austin, it’d be best to get reps there. Do any of you know first had who the best agencies are? Thanks in advance!
I’m pretty new to acting, getting new headshots and starting new classes this month. I want to work through Arizona, California , Nevada, New Mexico and Utah and I’m wondering if that’s a possibility the more I train How common is it to travel as a working actor. I want to stay in a state that’s relatively cheap but not too far where I could fly out. Edit: On Actors access AZ, UT, NV, NM are all on the same listing so I just wondered if is possible to be traveling. And how hard is it to manage?
When you start out as an actor you I know you shouldn’t be picky about you’re roles. If you’re talented you should be able to perform and shine with any material given. While I agree with that to some extent, I also feel like we should stick to our strong suits. I really love film, I love filmmakers like Harmony Korine and the Safdie Brothers who tell interesting and unique stories and use actors that can convey hyper realism. I really wanna book roles in unique projects. Not sure if I’m making sense but you know the kinda of projects that get picked up by A24 or HBO or do well in the festival circuit. If you know you know. Best way to get casted for projects like Good Time, Licorice Pizza, Hereditary, Euphoria, Uncut Gems, Zola
I've been slowly getting more and more VO work. It's definitely been a learning curve, but I've really been enjoying it. Mostly corporate work for me at this point. I think it might be time to invest in a new/better mic. Anyone have any suggestions?? I don't have a ton of money to burn, so any cost effective suggestions would be really helpful. Thanks!! I also wanted to share about one of my favorite voice actors! James Arnold Taylor is a legend! Not only is he incredibly talented, he's really kind and encouraging. I admire how positive he is. He even created a book called JAT365 with daily journaling prompts to help keep you in a positive mindset while going after your dreams (it's also free on his YouTube). It really helped me through a difficult time in my life. I figured I'd share this all on here in case anyone is feeling low and needed to seek out a pick-me-up. I know VO work can be tough sometimes. He always gives great advice on his youtube and insta. Plus I just recently learned he voiced one of my all time favorite Star Wars characters! He's Obi-Wan Kenobi from the Clone Wars!!!!! I just listened to a podcast episode all about him and it was so fascinating. You can listen to it here if you want: [Discussing the Talents of James Arnold Taylor (Voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi in The Clone Wars)](https://anchor.fm/most-things-kenobi/episodes/Episode-36-Discussing-the-Talents-of-James-Arnold-Taylor-Voice-of-Obi-Wan-Kenobi-in-The-Clone-Wars-e1djhob) I don't know about you all, but I try to consume a lot of material produced by and about VO artists who are successful. You never know when you might stumble across some great advice. Any suggestions of an artist I should look to for inspiration?
HIIII I have my first call back next week and I ned urgent advice! This may sound self-explanatory but I wanted to ask should i wear the same top i did in the audition and change anything looking back at the self-tape? Add more emotion? or stick to same? they are looking to test chemistry, any advice on that? do i print the script to the callback? or do they have copies?
Hello. I for so many years been into all sorts of television and movies and all sorts of other entertainment. I as a little boy had such an active imagination over the stuff I would watch and it would serve as my escapism from the stress of life. But ever since last year, I have been watching all kinds of movies from some parts of *"The Green Knight"*, *"Eternals"*, *"C'mon C'mon"*, *"Marrowbone"*, *"Ip Man Series"* as well as so much more movies. What all of them have in common is that while some aspects of the writing isn't up to par, they do their jobs in serving as entertainment, with the actors/actresses being able to express themselves and to craft a wonderful story with their brilliant acting. I've also been into martial arts movies and the movie series I listed up there was so fun and inspirational to me including the spinoff film. It gives me hopes and dreams of maybe achieving something like it and being able to make a great life for myself and to push myself beyond limits. Since I am only 20 years old, I have some desires revolving around this and sometimes find myself jealous of child actors, who got their start very early, the most recent example being Woody Norman from *"C'mon C'mon"* who seems to have accomplished more in a year than what we on average as normal everyday working citizens would do in a lifetime. I have only 1 life to live and I want to spend it making it big and showing any talents I think I may have and to hopefully inspire others with the same kind of entertainment I always was enjoying as a little boy. So in conclusion, I have been in college as an English major for only a couple years since 2019 with about 50 credits and I talked to a counselor on maybe finishing my Associate's degree for English while taking some theater classes to at least have some of those credits or more for transferring to a possible university for more experience. I have some form of social anxiety, currently going through an identity crisis based on my terribly average looks and may not be that great at acting, but I still may want to try it out and see how it goes. My original career was wanting to be a librarian, but I don't want to waste my life working a boring job and not doing anything better with it. I want to write books, getting better at drawing, earn more experience with painting, to read a whole lot more and gain sufficient knowledge capable enough of helping me succeed through life as a result. If anybody has any suggestions for me I would love to hear your ideas of where I could go from here and what your experiences were like in figuring this out in your life as well. P.S, if you have read and made it this far, then I thank you so much for being really patient with me and taking the time to read through all of this and hope you are all making it in your future acting careers.
Weeee, you found me!
I'm your buddy Bottie, I was hiding behind the scenes, but now that you've found me I'd be happy to tell you what I'm doing.
I just wrote a few fun facts about Web For Actors
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Click here to check them out. I hope it will cause involuntary audible response.