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Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Posted on Feb 17th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

In search of Canadian voice actors for webseries

In search of Canadian voice actors for webseries

Posted on Feb 17th

Evening ive posted here before but reddits been a pain and theres been some changes to my project. So im a cabadian trying to secure a gov arts fund for a webseries. We are well underway at this point so its just a matter of time. Due to the nature of canadian funding crrtian funds require we have at least 80% canadian citizens on staff. So im primarily looking fir canadian voice actors. The webseries is an animated adult fantasy that focuses on mental health through the expierences of our characters as a sutble teaching tool. As such we cover some heavy subjects both relating to the realities (both good and bad) about mental health as well discussing elements of trauma. We have written 5 of the 12 scripts so we do have a list if people need to see that. We are in need of actors of all ethnicities as well as a nonbinary actor. If you are intrested comment below and i will contact you. It will be paid

Feel like its never enough!

Feel like its never enough!

Posted on Feb 17th

Recently I was cast as Clifford Anderson in Deathtrap and then set to play Elwood in Harvey right after. I should be happy?...right? But I feel like I suck as an actor. Even though I give it 100, I still feel as though I could've done better. Its community theatre so there are some individuals that are well known for taking the stage in my area. I'm not one of those individuals. I only really started getting involved within the last couple years or so. But I feel like everyone thinks I don't deserve the role and that tears my self esteem down a bit more. Any advice on how to really capture a character? How to show them that I really belong there?

Does Monster Acting experience count as a "unique skill"?

Does Monster Acting experience count as a "unique skill"?

Posted on Feb 17th

Hello everyone; I've heard it said that actors should look for a "unique skill" that differentiates them from everyone, like dialects, combat training, etc. While I am looking for all of these things, I was wondering: Does years of experience in haunted houses count as having a unique skill? I've worked in them since I was 10 years old, playing leading roles in each and every haunt I've done since I was 16. I've played zombies, clowns, vampires, pirates, many different types of characters. But, with the reputation of haunted attractions being "lower" than traditional theater, does this count as a unique skill that could be put a resume or mentioned in an audition? Thank you!

What keeps your motivation to act? Professionally or just for Fun

What keeps your motivation to act? Professionally or just for Fun

Posted on Feb 17th

Im genuinely curious to see other peoples motivations here, I’ll answer myself. Where I grew up acting wasn’t prominent, you wouldn’t even get to take an acting class until high school, and they were not informative by any means; one of those schools that just threw a production in your face and let the students wing it. But I went to a summer camp when I was in 6th grade, and decided I wanted to take on a theater production that they had offered. I don’t remember the name of the show, but I do remember my character was “cara de girl” symbolizing a card girl, she was like a side narrator to the story and she was a spitfire ditzy character. I remember how hard it was to memorize lines, but I worked on it so hard every night because just the idea of being on stage in front of hundreds of people was appealing to me. When we performed the show, being a first time actor, I felt my nervousness as I shook on stage, but after a few lines— people laughed at my character. She was funny, and people were enjoying it! I realized after that moment, I really loved acting. Not because of the attention (although its nice), but because when you go up on that stage, you tell a story, you embody someone else, and you’re able to entertain your audience by taking them away from their own stress and burden. Thats what motivates me. I get to tell a story to someone else and help them get away from their own lives for awhile. Im in college now double majoring, and though I may not ever get to be professional, its still just really fun to experience:)

What skills could help actors with their mental health?

What skills could help actors with their mental health?

Posted on Feb 17th

And how can those skills be learned?

Looking for SF Bay Area performers for Once on this Island

Looking for SF Bay Area performers for Once on this Island

Posted on Feb 17th

We at [Plethos Productions]( are accepting video auditions now through March 19,2022 for our upcoming production of Once on this Island in Castro Valley, CA. There will be 6 performances the first 2 weekends in June. If you or anyone you know has Afro-Carribbean dance experience and is interested in participating, please have them reach out! We are casting 8 adults (16yrs+) and a couple children (8yrs+) We are a 501c3 nonprofit and looking for non-Equity actors. We are volunteer owned and operated with zero staff, but we do offer small travel stipends to all cast and crew. Details and signup are at [](

To stage name or not to stage name

To stage name or not to stage name

Posted on Feb 17th

My question isnt about whether to take one or not- but is it too late? I am not represented, have been in only student films, been enrolled at an acting studio since this summer, had done a few CD workshops, am on Actors Access- is it too late to use a stage name? I plan to keep my last name and change my first. I never liked it and never thought it fit me, I always wanted something more unique and more of a statement.

Day in the Life Question - Hours of a co-star, guest star and regular / Single, Multi Cam, episodic (procedurals and half hour) shows and soaps

Day in the Life Question - Hours of a co-star, guest star and regular / Single, Multi Cam, episodic (procedurals and half hour) shows and soaps

Posted on Feb 17th

Am hoping an actor would share what the typical hours are today on set for each of the various formats and how many months they run for both network and streaming. Is an episodic 12 hours five days a week every day for example for a regular and a still a 12 hour day for a co-star? Am wondering for co-star, guest star and series regular on each type of show what the hours actually are. Any comments from working actors is really appreciated. Thank you.

Improvising: when and how?

Improvising: when and how?

Posted on Feb 17th

Im not an actor. Is it common to improvise in plays or movies? Is it frowned upon? How to react as an actor when another actor is improvising? These are some questions I have for a long time...



Posted on Feb 17th

We all know as actors that having a great demo reel as part of your package is important. Or it was? I have learned recently that Acting Clips are becoming the industry STANDARD. So what are Acting Clips? Acting Clips are 30 second to 1 minute clips of your performance from a project you did. What is great about an Acting Clip is that if you haven't done any projects lately, you can pick a SCENE (not a monologue) and film it in a self tape style! This is great for beginners, actors in smaller markets, and actors who are constantly training and improving because Acting Clips can be updated on YOUR time. You can pick a scene, you can write a scene, you can get your acting friends together and make a short film and yall can get clips from that short film. I did a project this past summer and I really liked my performance but I wont get the clips until this summer. It's so frustrating having to wait for your clips (especially in a small market because they are usually really slow). So i'm going to do Acting Clips that can be updated on my time and i'll be really picky about what I add in my demo reel. If you have a old demo reel that you are still using, please stop using it, now! It's holding you back. Go make some Acting Clips. ( I think Acting Clips are supposed to be only 30 seconds but I would say keep it under 1 minute at least)

Other actors so well versed in films

Other actors so well versed in films

Posted on Feb 17th

I’ve noticed that so many actors that I’m around are so well versed in the film industry and I feel like I’m missing out on something. I try to educate myself but I don’t know much beyond what I learn in class. How can I improve my film history? And is this necessary to be a good actor?

Up and Coming Voice Actors?

Up and Coming Voice Actors?

Posted on Feb 17th

Hey everyone, I am working on an assignment for class researching up and coming voice actors. So, I thought I would ask around for any people you might know. Thanks!

What are most actors thinking when engaging in a love scene?

What are most actors thinking when engaging in a love scene?

Posted on Feb 17th

I am curious to know since I heard they aren't really turned on and have some items covering their private parts to prevent possible penetration or something on that matter.

How to call off work for 4 weeks for a gig?

How to call off work for 4 weeks for a gig?

Posted on Feb 17th

I have a awesome job that pays the bills. I was just hand chosen to be a Stand in for the lead in a film that is directed by somewhat of a legend. He has directed movies with Brad Pitt, and a few other huge names. How do I call off my job LAST second for darn near a month for this? Is it a stupid idea? I know it’s only stand in work, but the fact that I’m standing in for a bigger actor and the director is WELL known in Hollywood, I feel like I have to do it.

I booked my first film! Help!

I booked my first film! Help!

Posted on Feb 17th

So I booked my first short film (vary happy obviously I’m now officially a paid actor) but I’ve never booked before and want to be as ready and professional as possible. What are some things I should do before during and after filming (besides memorizing my lines)

Any New England area actors in this sub?

Any New England area actors in this sub?

Posted on Feb 16th

I see there's a lot of info in this group about New York, LA, Atlanta, and Toronto, but little about the acting scene here in New England. With Massachusett's tax credit and the number of productions here, I would like to see better representation.Although, my experience up here is most of New England is very xenophobic, I'm not surprised to see little interaction with a more national scene.

Help with accents.

Help with accents.

Posted on Feb 16th

Hey all, I'm an aspiring voice actor, but I'm Australian. So I have a pretty noticeable accent. How would I go about learning a good American accent in case I want to voice in a show mainly based around American accents in the future?

Working in other departments as an actor

Working in other departments as an actor

Posted on Feb 16th

Hey guys, Does anyone know if you are able to work in other departments on set (ie. costuming/wardrobe, art dept.) if you are a unionized actor? I know they have their own union you must apply to. Just wondering if anyone has done this or knows more about the protocol surrounding it. For reference I am based in Toronto and would be unionized under ACTRA as a performer. thanks :)

Agents in DC? Casting in DC?

Agents in DC? Casting in DC?

Posted on Feb 16th

I’m an actor newly based in DC, I’m hoping to get an agent in the next year or so, and I’m starting to do research on who’s in the area? Any actors here who are in DC and have experience with what agencies are good? If you have an agent, how did you get them? Or is it better to get an agent based on New York? This is a separate question but why not: What’s casting in DC in terms of TV/film?? Are there casting agencies I should know about?

Fellow actors, do you write stuff down? Not like personal feelings and stuff but like character ideas, movie ideas, dialogues?

Fellow actors, do you write stuff down? Not like personal feelings and stuff but like character ideas, movie ideas, dialogues?

Posted on Feb 16th

What role does your writing play in your personal approach to acting?

Why are good actors awful in anime?

Why are good actors awful in anime?

Posted on Feb 16th

I avoid anime because the acting is so terrible even in the “good” ones like Attack on Titan - but I know many of these actors from their work on games and television shows etc and outside of anime they do great work. I assume they do these rushed delivers because they are trying to meet lip flaps but regardless - there is so much unnatural sounding acting in anime that it almost seems like they have directors that say to the actors “no, no, when you say the line about how you are still grieving the loss of your grandmother you sound sad when what you should be sounding like a person who has had their balls slammed in a car door and for no reason at all you are going to say ‘hmmm’ at the end of this and probably extend the word ‘grandma’ to a weird amount of time.’

Being an actor made me realise how I don't want to be one

Being an actor made me realise how I don't want to be one

Posted on Feb 16th

So I've been acting for quite a while actually, and I love it! It's really fun and amazing and all but, at the same time it makes me realise how much I want to be on the other side of the coin- as in a director. Perhaps it's because of my personality and the fact I HATE being ordered around, because not being the one in charge of a everything is so boring and exhausting tbh. I constantly find myself disliking how the theatre director directs a play and it's one of the most frustrating things not being aboe to change it (even if it's their own play). Wether it was a role i like or not. I hate doing plays. I love improv on the other hand, because I can be my own hilarious self there, make poeple laugh with my comedy, dont have to stick to a script. Or maybe it's just theatre acting that I dont like, needing to be so expressive can begoddamn tiring. Still though, I feel like one of my passions is definitely being a director, not an actor. I don't know if this is a common or uncommon experiece...It's just a hobby at the end of the day, but its also very helpful in the future for me to understand how actors feel on stage/camera, so imma continue doing it. There's just something addicting abt being in charge of everything, and being respected for it aswell

Jealous acting peer?

Jealous acting peer?

Posted on Feb 16th

Just recently I was cast as Wadsworth in the production of clue at my highschool. I was surprised as I don't have any prior acting experience. Im super excited but also very nervous! I have a lot of lines! Unfortunately another actor seems to be sour. He has much more experience than me, a better british accent, and everyone thought he would get the role. Today was our first rehearsal and I felt like he was trying to intimidate me? kept saying things like "hope you can keep up" and "still really surprised about the casting." When i asked him to elaborate he said "some people really fit roles and they just werent given them." I feel like his presence at these rehearsals is really going to through me off my game. I messed up a line and he laughed! What should I do? I feel like hes just waiting for me to give the role to him.

[Serious, not a joke] If, after you had become a successful actor/actress, you knew for sure that after your death you’d be deepfaked in commercials, how would you feel ? Is success worth having capitalists own your face forever?
Is it too late???

Is it too late???

Posted on Feb 16th

I went to school for acting in NY. I’ve wanted to do this since I was little. Then right before my graduation, a cab accident completely derailed any plans I had. Long story short, I got depressed, I was scarred and I ended up leaving NY and moved to CT. After 13 years, this dream has never gone away and I want nothing more than to act again. I’ve been submitting endlessly. I’ve had auditions but nothing has come back. I read countless books, I watch countless films and am constantly working on my craft. I’ve filmed monologues but nothing on my professional reel is recent. I just want work to build my reel. I’ve even started writing my own scripts to film so I can make a reel out of that. What am I not doing? I guess I’m just having a moment of feeling defeated. I want this so bad. I’ve been working so hard and just feel like I’m kidding myself. I know every actor feels this way at some point and we just keep moving forward and doing the work but how do I overcome this? What more can I do? I can’t help feeling that it’s just too late for me.

the movie Boiling Point

the movie Boiling Point

Posted on Feb 16th

have you guys seen this movie? done in one take, it has some of the best acting i've seen in a long time. it's like an incredibly intricate play with dozens of actors and props. ive seen a million plays but something about all of these actors hitting every mark perfectly for 90 minutes was wildly impressive and totally new. [would highly recommend checking it out]( i'd be curious to hear anyone else's thoughts

Getting started

Getting started

Posted on Feb 16th

A couple of months ago I got a vr quest headset and as soon as I went into vrchat for the first time people told me I had a wonderful voice. It was always funny to do a deep voice just to do a complete 180 on them and blow their minds. After some time I made amazing friends and everyone told me I should try to become a voice actor, even if it was just as a hobby. To try and start that I purchased a surface laptop go and a basic mic setup. I now have my laptop and I am still waiting for the microphone to show. Until it does I would like to ask questions like what voice recording software would be good for a windows 10 laptop and how would I try to get my name out there? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated and thank you for listening.

Acting Program Scene Partner giVing mE NOtes

Acting Program Scene Partner giVing mE NOtes

Posted on Feb 16th

I think I’m already over it. But it took a bit of processing the boundary crossing. But it makes me think for the future how to prevent this or stop it right away. Should teachers/schools have rules in place about directing your fellow actor? Should actors have this talk right off the bat-like hey I have a rule for myself and I wound like to request it from you. I don’t give you notes, you don’t give me notes. If something isn’t working I’ll take it to the director, and I request the same from you. I read an article that said a sure way to stop it right away is to say to the actor giving notes: “Thank you for the note.” But I’m not sure that fits for me, is there something else to say? Or do you accept notes from your scene partners?

I wanna be a background actor in Dune Part 2 but have no idea how to

I wanna be a background actor in Dune Part 2 but have no idea how to

Posted on Feb 16th

Just for some quick info about me: hi, hello! My name is Megan, I'm 19 (20 in April), and I've thought about acting my whole life, but it just never seemed like a realistic, stable career, so I never let myself pursue it. At least, that was until I read and saw Dune. I saw the film 3 times in theaters because I loved the directing, acting, cinematography, all of it so much! Ever since then, I think and dream about some way, somehow being on the set of the upcoming part 2 every day. If I wanted to be REALLY ambitious, I would love to play Princess Irulan. I think she and I share a sense of grace and wisdom/maturity beyond our years (or so I've been told), and I'm confident I could deliver her 3 lines of the book well. But, since I have literally only auditioned for one thing in my whole life, and don't even at least have headshots, I'm focusing on trying to be a background actor lol. Nonetheless, my biggest quandary, so far, is: I have no idea where to even start the process of fulfilling this dream of mine. I know background actors don't need any experience or to even audition to be casted, but with Dune being such a huge film, I have a feeling the background casting process won't be that easy. Should I get an agent? (Yes, I am serious enough about this to pay for an agent just to get this small part). Could I just submit an audition on a site like Backstage or Casting Networks? Would a film this big even post to sites like Backstage or Casting Networks? Is there even a real chance of me being casted for this? (I mean one scene in the book calls for 10,000 people, and I know they're not actually going to get 10,000 people, but still there's a lot of room for extras). Any advice, guidance, opinions, whatever feedback you're willing to give is very much so appreciated! Thank you, guys.

What subscriptions/memberships would you consider absolutley necessary for actors?

What subscriptions/memberships would you consider absolutley necessary for actors?

Posted on Feb 15th

ActorsAccess? CastingAbout? Etc...? Any lesser known ones that have helped you out? Anyone expensive ones that are worth the cost?

Fellow Acting 101 Student Keeps Trying To Do Standup - Rant From A Student Director

Fellow Acting 101 Student Keeps Trying To Do Standup - Rant From A Student Director

Posted on Feb 15th

this is just a post to let off steam since I'm a wannabe Director who is taking acting classes to get a better understanding on how being on stage is like and being an actor in a play feels like so I can direct actors on a more personal level as I will know what it's like to be in their position. because how can I direct an actor if I've never acted before you know? anyways there's this one kid in my class who wants to be a stand up comedian. he's not very good because from what I can tell from a technical side is that he has no practice being up on stage in front of people and the anxiety that it brings comes out in his attempts at jokes which doesn't allow them to land. if feels like he's trying to over compensate his anxiety with basically anything he things will make people laugh. with practice he can get better but I doubt he'll be "Netflix special" good as he wants to be. it's more a statistical thing than a dig at his talent. for a project we had in class yesterday we had to do a scene that involved the fourth wall. we had to pretend that the fourth wall was up and we were alone doing our own private moments. ie. making a sandwich or reading a book or getting dress ect. most of the students did very well! I could tell a few were too aware of the audience to truly allow the wall to come up but again this is a beginning actors class and only the beginning of the semester so I'm sure theyll be able to tune us out in a few weeks. they all have potential I can see it in them they just need a little direction and help getting over their stage fright to truly get into character. I believe they can be great actors they just need a little push in the right direction by the right person. but this guy, let's call him Evan, is dead set on being a stand up comedian to the point where I'm not sure why he's in this class to begin with. the teacher told him outright not to do standup for this project. like I heard the teacher say that to everyone because even he saw through this kid. well the day came and guess what Evan did for his project. the whole routine was him walking around making jokes about how bored he was. like that was it. nothing else. there was no direction in the scene. no point A to point B. I couldn't even feel the beat of the scene because there was none. he didn't even pretend there was a fourth wall. a side note, as someone who has directed before I can say that I can see the fourth wall when it's up like mentally and visibly. I can tell when you truly feel like you are a character alone in a room and talking to yourself or someone else and thinking you're alone. it's truly a beautiful sight to behold because I feel like I'm a voyeur looking into a moment I shouldn't be seeing. that I'm intruding on a moment that should have belonged to you and you alone but now it also belongs to me and you don't even know it. but I can also tell when the fourth wall isn't there at all. like when you guys didn't even try to build it, just outright left the building materials off stage and are now trying to convince us that you did build it. we can tell from the moment you walk on stage all the way to the end of the scene. you can't hide from us lol anyways the moment he walked on stage I just knew he was going to do a stand up routine and it was the longest two minutes of my life. I didn't care that the jokes were bad and not landing. the worst part was that he wasn't "pretending" to be alone he was outright trying to connect to the audience in the worst way possible. he was told to do the scene correctly and thought he could get away with it but he failed miserably. it was truly hard to watch. the teacher tried to explain it to him nicely but I ended up outright calling him out on it because I knew it was going to get even worse as the semester goes on. he tried to claim he was trying to make himself laugh but like come on man. you weren't in laughing in the scene itself don't lie to us. in the end the teacher pulled him aside and gave him a scene to do and guess what IT WAS AMAZING I felt the fourth wall there, I saw the window I was looking through into this one moment he was having alone on stage. he was truly ignoring the audience and I saw it. it was honestly the best one out of all of us. I saw how great an actor he could be because it look so natural. I saw the razor he was using that wasn't there, the water and the aftershave. the sink and the mirror. he was alone on stage and I could see the bathroom he was in like it was actually there girls and boys I wanted to fucking scream out of happiness because he truly took the instructions of the project and fucking demolished them. he can truly be an actor, a great one, if he just stops trying to hide it behind a stand up routine that feel unnatural. he truly felt at home in that bathroom on stage and I wish he would stay there forever. I guess if you can learn one thing from this rant is that as directors we want you to succeed. we can see the talent in you and we want to build it up into something great and beautiful. we can tell if you're scared on stage but we can also tell when you're comfortable and yourself. we can see right through you because that is our job. we want to make you the best you can be because we can see what you can do when you truly feel at home on the stage even if you can't. you just have to put forth the effort and not try to bullshit us. we will know the moment you walk in so don't even try. but I can promise you this your stand up routine that you think is killer probably isn't and you should stick to monologues for the time being just saying

MFI 2-week actors program (NYC)

MFI 2-week actors program (NYC)

Posted on Feb 15th

I am looking for an acting summer course in New York and found out that the Manhatten Film Institute offers one where you will shoot two short films and wanted to ask if anyone has experience with them since it‘s on the pricier side. Thank you in advance for answers :)

What does (actor) and (supporting) mean in a casting call?

What does (actor) and (supporting) mean in a casting call?

Posted on Feb 15th

I’m looking into a casting call and I saw those titles beside two different characters. I’m still very new to actually going out and auditioning so I’m just confused as to what they mean. Any help is appreciated.

What's the best way to find good casting calls?

What's the best way to find good casting calls?

Posted on Feb 15th

I'm subscribed to Project Casting, Backstage, Actors Access, and Casting Networks. However, I rarely find a good casting call that's fit for me. Anyone got any tips?

are you serious about acting? pay 10k for a course.

are you serious about acting? pay 10k for a course.

Posted on Feb 15th

Just saw an ad for an acting course and it was 10k!! Yes im serious about becoming and actor but 10k is a joke as far as im concerned. Honestly im thinking of giving up my passion because.. You guessed it i dont have the cash. Ive been on a couple of acting courses that were fairly cheap well.... Is £500 cheap. And i have seen some talented actors who never get seen and end up not pursuing their dreans because of the cost.

Question for experienced actors: should I loop my agent in on this (possible) booking?

Question for experienced actors: should I loop my agent in on this (possible) booking?

Posted on Feb 15th

So I’m pinned for a SAG MLB that I found on my own. Not sure I’ll book it or not but I’m also curious about this for the future. Should I reach out to my agent to negotiate and earn commission when I’d be making $370 a day for 7 days? Is this worth it to them or better to just handle it yourself?

Director replaced me, is this normal?

Director replaced me, is this normal?

Posted on Feb 15th

Booked the lead role in a film. Was a bit slow responding to messages (24-48 hours) about paperwork and costumes since I was busy (this is unpaid MFA film work btw), director messages me and tells me I seem too busy and it would take too long to discuss back and forth so they decided to go with someone else. I was shocked and messaged them back saying I was busy and would be happy to reply faster, but they did not reply to me (ironic!) is this normal practice, and whose fault is it more? It was really out of the blue and I’m really upset now. Edit: after hearing everyone’s opinion, I do recognize that I could and should have been more prompt in responding to messages and emails. I’m still a relatively new and inexperienced actor. I texted the director to apologize, promise to be more prompt, and asking to please reconsider. I am upset but no matter the outcome I guess this is a learning experience.

What are some must read plays for actors?

What are some must read plays for actors?

Posted on Feb 15th

I recently made a post acting for the must see movies for actors, now what about plays to read?

Timeline question

Timeline question

Posted on Feb 15th

Hi there! Im a non-actor and landed a role for a National commercial. It was me and one other guy in the commercial. I filmed in mid-January and it still has yet to air. I’ve read around enough to know not to expect anything ahead of time regarding residuals and just be patient, but when should I generally get paid for the work days that I filmed? Is that usually bundled with the first residual? Any insight is greatly appreciated!

What are some must see movies for actors?

What are some must see movies for actors?

Posted on Feb 15th

I am relatively new to acting and film in general. What are some must see movies that feature noteworthy performances that an actor can study?

Do you read the whole book before you record?

Do you read the whole book before you record?

Posted on Feb 15th

I’m interested in following a voice acting career. I’ve been watching a lot of videos, listening to lots of pod casts and lurking here for a while. I studied audio production for a few quarters in college and know the basics, could always study and learn more of course. I was a singer and actor in high school and other productions, so some basic voice and breathing method training as well, it’s been over a decade though. Considering a coach or maybe a course online for more information also. My biggest question right now, besides any advice anyone wants to give, is, if narrating something over say 5 or more hours do you read through fully before you record? I’ve always been a fan of fantasy epics over the 20 hour mark and just always wondered if they read it first to familiarize themselves with the characters. Thanks, I really like this place and the overall community outside of Reddit seems dope as well. Really willing to help newbs without judgement. Just encouragement. Awesome.

Unknown SAG Actors Who Don't Do Shorts?

Unknown SAG Actors Who Don't Do Shorts?

Posted on Feb 15th

Why is it that some actors have NO short film credits? I mean "unknown" SAG actors. Like I've noticed quite a few lately on IMDb in my market that for the past like 5-10 years doing this, they only have major TV and film credits. And they're not big roles. Roles like nurse, drug addict #2, juror #8, terrified bbq party goer. Wouldn't SAG short films be a great way to be creatively fulfilled, get good footage, and sink your teeth into larger roles you wouldn't get to necessarily play on a major level? Are they turning their noses up at them? Why? Why would anyone do that. Even named actors do shorts all the time. Maybe I'm just crazy and they just audition for them but for whatever reason don't book them? I mean how do you book like 8-10 major productions and not book a short then? The competition has got to be less...

Best Acting agencies in texas

Best Acting agencies in texas

Posted on Feb 15th

Hey guys, so i'm a local actor in san antonio texas, I have a lot of experience acting i've done a few background jobs in commercials, 2 local films, and acted in a handful of plays in college (and all in high school) I'm gonna be going to texas state for my bachelors but my question is.. Are there any good agencies in texas i can apply to? I wanna take my acting to the next level i just don't know where to start. I wanna try and do bigger films and get more under my belt. I wanted to maybe try to apply to agencies in LA but i know that wouldn’t really work because im here in texas. Also would anyone recommend moving to LA? Like what agencies are good there? Is it worth it?

American going to drama school in UK?

American going to drama school in UK?

Posted on Feb 15th

Applying to a bunch of schools in the uk. Does anyone have any opinions or experiences if it’s worth it or not? Will I just be spending my money on nothing? Do they want American actors in the uk? Will finding a job in the states after studying in the uk be harder?



Posted on Feb 14th

What are the top drama schools/academies/conservatories that the top talent agencies most likely visit to cast new graduates ? Does anyone knows about this?

Been working on a Videogames demo, will swap feedback.

Been working on a Videogames demo, will swap feedback.

Posted on Feb 14th Been doing mostly E-learning and Commercial stuff for a few years as it's simple, I'm good at it, and it pays much better than looking for bit parts in games. But I've become sick of using the same voice on every job, and would like to branch out into more Voice *Acting*. If you let me know what you think and how to improve this demo that I've put together myself (seems most people here are Voice Actors, less Voiceovers), I'll give you feedback on your commercial or e-learning demos, or anything you want me to really. Post your comment/feedback below as well as a link to your page and others may help you out too :)

To all my unrepresented actors looking for an agent or manager…

To all my unrepresented actors looking for an agent or manager…

Posted on Feb 14th

This is partly a rant but also advice for anyone looking to be in this industry… It took me 4 almost 5 YEARS until a mid tier LA manager signed me. During that time I sent hundreds if not a thousand unreturned emails. I received MAYBE 10-15 replies with “No” or “not looking to add new talent right now” over the course of that time. Then one late December day in 2020 I got a phone call with an offer. I was absolutely thrilled. Literally on top of the world...”I have a MANAGER!!”. And that feeling was the best. It lasted for weeks…Maybe even a few months. And then…it went away. Since then I’ve been auditioning for a little over a year now having gone 0/25 on auditions so far (about 2 a month). A few “avail check” sprinkled in there. But no Callbacks or big bites. You have to find a way to stay happy and to stay sane. Exercising regularly, having a day job that doesn’t make you hate your life, friends, family. You have to find your happiness in other things. And that’s shit I need to tell myself lol. That if it this acting thing doesn’t fucking happen, we’re all gonna be OK. So keep at it friends. Sending love. TLDR: Basically what I’m saying is that getting an agent or manager isn’t gonna magically make you a star overnight. Hell, it most likely won’t even make you a working actor. It’s just getting to level 2 in an impossible video game that takes year and years and a lot of luck to beat. - A Crappy Deal for Talent? - A Crappy Deal for Talent?

Posted on Feb 14th

I make science videos and my company uses []( Per policy we can't use the self service method, and so have to use the one where the project is managed by Voices staff. Over the years, the project management fee has gotten bigger and bigger. Now, it's even more than what they pay the talent as a line item in the statement of work! This seems like a raw deal for talent. I value talent more than project management, and that's what I want to pay for: a good voice. It bothers me as a creative. What do the voice actors out here think?

Do you think the roles actors play must have some part of their own personality, even small, hiden parts to be playing them well or are there actors that can do anything even if there is nothing similar?

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