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Posted on Feb 2nd

do i NEED money to start acting? i've been wanting to become an actress for awhile but decided in July that i wanna start pursuing my dream. I've been trying to get a job (not acting) since last March but it's impossible. so is there any way i can start my career without money?

How common is it to live in Chicago and work in LA as local hire?

How common is it to live in Chicago and work in LA as local hire?

Posted on Feb 2nd

I live in Chicago but I have the means to fly to LA if I were cast for something. 1.Does living in Chicago make a project not want to even look at me because of my home base even if I can pay for my transportation? I see a lot of posts that says "must live in LA" so it just worries me. 2. How common/difficult is it for an actor to try to work in both markets? Does that make it harder to get representation since you're trying to dip in both?

In Ontario do nonunion bg actors get paid overtime?
Sound editor here, happy to connect with some voice actors!

Sound editor here, happy to connect with some voice actors!

Posted on Feb 1st

Hey all, I'm a mixing engineer/sound editor, recently got into VO & audiobooks editing coming from dialogue editing/mixing/mastering background, and I must say I really enjoy it. Looking to connect with some voice actors that may need a helping hand editing. Thanks!

Hi guys I am from Malaysia and I want to be a actor in Hollywood

Hi guys I am from Malaysia and I want to be a actor in Hollywood

Posted on Feb 1st

So let me introduce myself. My name Livinesh . I am from Malaysia and I am an Indian. Let's get started, I always wanted to be an actor in big Hollywood movies such as Marvel studios. It is my dream because I grew up watching Spiderman . Moreover, I came with a family that have no exposure on acting (most of my family members are doctors, engineer and lawyers) because of that my family is dodging my ambition (except my mom who is encouraging me )and wanted me to be a Software engineer which I am fine with it but I prefer acting . The thing is that Malaysia has very less English movies . The only movie I can think of is Crazy Rich Asian. Beside that I am not a rich and I can't study overseas. Is there a way for me to be an actor for English movie as a Malaysian .

I don’t like my pictures

I don’t like my pictures

Posted on Feb 1st

I(22M) have always disliked the way I look on photos. I get compliments about my looks on a weekly basis and I even decided to join acting based on that but I just don’t like watching what I do even though I actually love it and my acting teacher thinks that my look gonna help me in the industry. This might seem like a stupid question but is this sth normal with us? Should I just live with it or try to change it? As far as I’m concerned I have seen a-lot of actors say that they don’t like to watch themselves either

In need of Uta Hagen’s A Challenge for the Actor chapters 6, 8, 9, 14, & 24! Thanks!

In need of Uta Hagen’s A Challenge for the Actor chapters 6, 8, 9, 14, & 24! Thanks!

Posted on Feb 1st

Imgur link or dm of pics is fine! Thank you again!

Audition submissions in other states

Audition submissions in other states

Posted on Feb 1st

Hey all. I’ve been going back and forth on this for a minute and figured I’d ask someone else’s advice. So basically a couple months ago I got an agent in Chicago. Huge milestone and really happy that it happened; they were my first choice. I’ve been lucky enough to have done a few great plays in my short time as an actor but I’m deeply interested in moving more towards film and TV. So in Chicago there are a decent amount of film/tv auditions; they have a few shows shot locally and always at least a couple big movies/mini series’ shoot here a year. But it’s still obviously no NY or LA. Now basically my question is, would it be a big no-no to ask my agent if they, in addition to local Chicago stuff, could submit me for some NY things as well? I’m talking things like Law and Order. I just figure that opening up the pool of things I’m auditioning for could help the overall numbers game that auditioning tends to be. There are two parts to my trepidation in even asking my agent. The first being that I’m not sure if this would offend them in any way. The last couple weeks have been a little slow and I’m afraid the question may come across as me being dissatisfied with the work they’re doing for me in Chicago. The second cause for hesitation is just not knowing if this is even feasible. Sure almost all auditions are via self tape nowadays anyway but still just unsure on the plausibility. NY is, however, basically a second home to me so the actual practicalities of working as a local hire would be handled. It would mainly be an issue of being 12 hours away at any given moment. I’m also not even sure if agents have access to breakdowns in other regions apart from their own haha. Although my agency does have a NY branch. I don’t know. Let me know what you all think.

Background Acting and Taxes

Background Acting and Taxes

Posted on Feb 1st

Not sure if this is the right sub for this, but I need some help. So over the summer I was a background actor in a production based in Atlanta. I was wondering how I will need to file it in my taxes and have two main questions. 1. I don’t live in Georgia, but do I need to list that I worked in Georgia for this job so it can be taxed under them? 2. How do I report my earnings for the work I did? As in, is it considered a freelance thing or should I expect a tax form? Some other details: I worked on this project for one day and do have the pay stub still. I went through a company called Rose Locke Casting. Thanks for the help.

Best format to write a script for voice actors.

Best format to write a script for voice actors.

Posted on Feb 1st

Hi friends Im just wondering whats the best format to write a script for voice actors. Im working on one and I can already tell its gonna be rough for anyone reading it so whats the proper way to format it and what are some tips you guys can give me to make it easier for the actors reading it. ​ Thanks ahead of time.

Voice teachers/classes in LA? And how to train my voice daily?

Voice teachers/classes in LA? And how to train my voice daily?

Posted on Feb 1st

I want consistent and long term training for my voice, especially for the stage, and so I’m looking for a teacher who can guide me through it. I would appreciate any such recommendations in LA. Also how would I go about developing my voice on my own? How do professional actors on here keep your voice in tip top shape?

just got cast as medda larkin in newsies… but im white

just got cast as medda larkin in newsies… but im white

Posted on Feb 1st

despite the fact she was white in the movie, in most adaptations of the musical, she is played by an african american actress. i dont want to use anything that could sound too much like blaccent, but i also don’t want to make this character fall flat. i thought about doing a 20s actress type accent? im not sure how to interpret the character appropriately. this is also the junior version of newsies, so now instead of “thats rich”, she has a song called “just a pretty face” (which can be found on mti’s website) i have no clue how im supposed to go into this, please help!

I don’t think I have what it takes to be an actor

I don’t think I have what it takes to be an actor

Posted on Feb 1st

I want to be an actor really badly, I don’t see myself doing anything else in future other than writing scripts or maybe being writing books on the side, but still acting is what I want. I watch movies and see how talented these actors are and I immediately don’t feel good enough. I think to myself that I’ll never be as good as them, or as talented or I’ll never get the facial expressions correct, I’ll never be as passionate as them. I know I’m a beginner and that’s not a fair comparison, but still it just doesn’t seem like I’ll be good enough :(

Feeling out of the loop in NYC

Feeling out of the loop in NYC

Posted on Feb 1st

Does anyone else feel this way? Two years of sending auditions into the void (booked two and a few pins), most of my actor friends gave up, moved, or we lost touch. Feels like there is almost zero community left here and all I do is go to my survival gig. Thinking about moving to LA or Atlanta but that comes with a new set of problems. Lol, help!

Why jeopardize your career?

Why jeopardize your career?

Posted on Feb 1st

Why would an actor trying to be on the rise put their rep in jeopardy by trying to exploit new people in the industry? Isn’t that self- defeating?

Some Lingering Thoughts on the Handling of the Manatreed Situation

Some Lingering Thoughts on the Handling of the Manatreed Situation

Posted on Jan 31st

I will preface this by saying that this post is not intended as a defense of Manatreed, nor a "I believe the accusations against him are true" post. While I will try not to comment on the accusations itself, there are many things that are 'off' about them, some of which have been touched on and some of which haven't been. Additionally, I have *quite a few* opinions about how the community handled this and how we really shouldn't be as surprised as some people are. I apologize for not posting this yesterday when the accusations were perhaps more 'relevant', though I believe that many of the points I'll be touching on aren't necessarily things that will expire in the future depending on how the situation goes. **Source of the info** First of all, KF. This is a website that organizes doxxing and harassment against others to such a degree that it's led to the suicide of more than one person, and a site where alt-right weirdos love to hang around. Though I do not blame people for being uneducated about the source of the accusations/doxxed info, those who are familiar have no reason to delude themselves with the belief that the doxxers were doing this out of a desire to do what's "right" rather than as part of a harassment campaign that's involved people trying to doxx Dream and take him down for well over a year now. There's also the factor that leaktwt is considered a part of the minecraft stan community, one of the reasons being is because they're still considered a 'subtwt', much like 404twt or beetwt in name being identified by the -twt ending. And, yeah, from what I've seen SOME of these people probably are genuinely fans of the CCs, who have somehow convinced themselves that they're fans of the people they try to doxx and harass. However, we need to stop pretending that the vast majority of these people are fans rather than folks from KF who have come onto twitter because they knew that they'd be welcomed as members of the MCYT subtwt community by those who genuinely think they're fighting for what's right or whatever. I've seen the argument that "the timing of these accusations are sus", and like no duh?? It's clear that the people behind the original doxxed info are bad faith actors, the same who have been trying to take down Dream for the past year, so of course they would wait until after people have formed a connection with Manatreed (i mean look at all the simp posts during/after his stream) to post their information. They had no intentions of taking down Manatreed or preventing him from even possibly gaining a community as a streamer before he hit the go live button, even while he had a platform of pretty damn close to half a million people on twitter. Instead, shocking as it is, they may have waited for the time to release their info such that it'd be the most damaging to Manatreed and, wait for it, Dream. Wow, who could've known?? "**Believe all Victims" and how the community handled the situation** Naturally, the vast majority of people who saw the accusations and are in stantwt initially responded by either liking/retweeting these threads or expressing support for them and the fact that the individual whom is supposedly Manatreed out of the mindset that one must "believe all victims", which had time and time again been the centerpiece of controversy in the DSMP community and had led to many believing accusations that have turned out to be falsified before those situations were cleared up. Obviously, this belief/stance has developed over time with various CCs and other public figures online who have been exposed on the internet for doing bad things, and coupled with the inherent nature of humans to do want to do what's "right" and prevent bad people from being platformed, it's no surprise why "believe all victims" is a stance that's held dear by large portions of the community. While I do not intend on giving my own personal opinion of that stance, I will talk about how DSMP fans have (falsely) applied it to the Manatreed situation and used it against him. Members of the community were confronted with several threads accusing Manatreed of being someone implicated in a court case in Florida that revolves around 'Dating Violence (DV)' charges against him. Because of the "believe all victims" mentality, it was immediately believed that even if Manatreed is not the individual, that individual in question WAS an abuser and guilty. The problem with this mentality is that we know NO specifics about this court case, asides from charges relating to abuse. No statements from the victim have been found or shared about the case, and no further information that would implicate the individual exists outside of court documents verifying the existence of this court case. So how can people "believe" a victim whom they have never once heard of or seen any sort of statement from this victim? Because I can already see the "OMG wtf?? you're wrong" criticisms from a mile away, I am not saying that it is wrong to believe the victim. However, it certainly IS wrong and intrusive to pretend like you're knowledgeable about a case that you know nothing about outside of the name of the defendant and the charges against him. Assuming specifics about things like this isn't "believing the victim" or even helping them in any way, but it is harmful and can help encourage further harassment against people and sharing information that may not be true or may be misleading. There's a reason why "innocent until proven guilty" is a thing, at least in the United States. It's incredibly ironic to see the same people who would most likely agree with the statement "ACAB" or other criticisms of the American justice system (let's not pretend that dsmptwt is some paragon of neutrality free from political biases) also want to trust the court system to such a degree that those who end up in the court system with charges against them should be immediately ruled guilty and imprisoned. **Dream's Response** Of course, as dsmptwt likes to do, they immediately went from falsely accusing Manatreed of IRL crimes on the belief that a doxx from a bad actor website is true to getting pissy at Dream for defending someone who he's called his friend. This controversy involved getting upset that Dream referred to people as "gullible" to the fact that Dream was softblocking and/or unfollowing people. First of all, if you genuinely believe that Manatreed is a real life criminal and horrible person and you focused on getting upset at Dream for unfollowing people on twitter dot com, you're a weirdo. Please get off the internet and rethink your life and maybe come up with a set of morals while you're at it. Or maybe develop some critical thinking skills and not instantly trust info from just-as-bad-as-4chan to weaponize it against people. Like, I swear I could literally say Dream lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC and take a photo of Joe Biden's chin and say that's proof that Dream lives there and half of dsmptwt would believe it because "it has an address and information that some shady website said was true, so it must be true!" Second of all, I'll be less concise with this point because it's already been debated to death by the subreddit, but Dream literally has the right to unfollow anyone he wants, whether it's because they're believing an accusation that he doesn't believe or because they made him uncomfortable or whatnot. No stan account deserves a follow, and just like literally anyone else Dream has the right to curate his internet experience however he wants. If this involves removing people from his TL or locking them out of his private space that they don't OWE access to, then so what? It was incredibly disappointing to see a lot of the same folks who were probably advocating for Dream to unfollow all stans back during the June 9 thing or cheering Snifferish on when they unfollowed all stans back when that happened on their account to cry about Dream as if stans are owed anything. And, no your honor, unfollowing people on twitter doesn't imply that Dream's guilty of knowing that Manatreed is anything or that Dream is a horrible bad person or literally anything else. Claims like those are ridiculous and serve to detract from what's actually happening.

Hey guys, I recently did an interview with Jimmy Kimmel out on the street. I’m afraid it will shed a bad light on me as an actor if it airs on tv.

Hey guys, I recently did an interview with Jimmy Kimmel out on the street. I’m afraid it will shed a bad light on me as an actor if it airs on tv.

Posted on Jan 31st

prior to this I did not know what the interview was about. They started asking me questions about weed and legalization. I told them I don’t have an opinion on that, I’m afraid this will shed a bad light on me as actor. What do you think ?

Cut from feature/ tv

Cut from feature/ tv

Posted on Jan 31st

Are actors ( day player or principal) notified if they are cut from final edit) . Do they get courtesy call or do they just find out when show airs/premieres?

Do you really think the actors of Euphoria haven’t taken acting classes?

Do you really think the actors of Euphoria haven’t taken acting classes?

Posted on Jan 31st

Hunter Schafer, Barbie Ferreira, and Angus Cloud all claim to be completely untrained. They’re all so good though. I mean I know it’s possible of course to just be that naturally good but do you think they may have taken classes or something and just were advised not to advertise it?

Trying to identify an unknown voice actor from a video game...

Trying to identify an unknown voice actor from a video game...

Posted on Jan 31st

I know this isn't quite what the usual posts here are supposed to be, but I've been trying to identify a voice actor from a 90's game called Drowned God: Conspiracy of the Ages for a month now with no luck, so I thought that maybe somebody on a subreddit for voice acting might know, or if there's a better way for me to ask people online about it then let me know. So the game Drowned God: Conspiracy of the Ages has very good voice acting for a game from 1996, but unfortunately while it does list the voice actors, it does not specify who voices who. I think I've managed to ID most of the major characters' voice actors in the game except for one, a character named Baphomet, and you can find a video of him [here]( Since this game was made in the UK, most if not all of the voice actors are from there so I'm not as familiar with them, however, the names of who it could be are as follows (excluding the one woman listed and the game's creator): Anthony Jackson, Peter Serafinowicz, John Baddeley, Billy J. Mitchell, Brad Lavelle, and Brian Eames. Again, I'm sorry to do this, but I've tried other gaming-related subreddits and I've gotten no answers, but if you at least know somewhere else I could ask and maybe get answers, do tell.

Looking to coach privately

Looking to coach privately

Posted on Jan 31st

Hey! Long story short, I’m looking to get out of my dead end day job and work for myself. I’m a working actor, have worked in film and commercials, my degree is in theatre education and because of that, obviously have a ton of theatre experience. However!!! I have no business degree or have a clue on how to run a business. I’m heavily considering starting my own private coaching/teaching but have no clue where to begin. If you started your own, what advice do you have? Anything specific business wise I need to know about that field? How’d you get started? Sorry, I know that’s broad but anything helps. Thanks in advance!!

Question about hiring voice actors.

Question about hiring voice actors.

Posted on Jan 31st

Hows it going Reddit. Im looking to hire voice actors for a project im working on. Its gonna be about a five episode scifi radio drama. Its honestly just a personal project for myself cause i've always wanted to do something like this but i've only ever gotten small work in sound design, so im footing the bill and doing it myself. Thats where my question lies, how much should i expect to pay a voice actor for something like this? I know that question depends on how many lines, how many episodes theyre in, lead roles, supporting roles, ect. Im honestly trying to see how much i should expect to spend and how I could write the story around it to make it more affordable for me without cheaping out on the actors or doing the whole "its great exposure!" thing. Im honestly looking to make a good show, I just have to work within my means. Im thinking so far about 5 main characters for 5 episodes, with about 15-20 supporting characters. The main characters possibly about 3-5 mins of dialog per episode with the episodes hoping for about 15 min 20 being max. Thanks ahead of time friends.

How do I act more masculine as a naturally feminine man ?

How do I act more masculine as a naturally feminine man ?

Posted on Jan 30th

I’m a theatre major and I love acting , but I don’t want to limit my roles by only being gay, but I find it hard to act straight because it’s so forced .. Any other actors have tips for me ? I also get very nervous when I’m so visibly film, and then getting up to act and trying to completely change to masculine !

Monologue Mondays

Monologue Mondays

Posted on Jan 30th

Hey all, haven't been around in a while! A few other actor friends were talking about monologues recently and I remember that a few years back, Monologue Mondays used to be a thing on this sub - what happened with it?

College Major Help

College Major Help

Posted on Jan 30th

Which would be better to major in? Acting for Camera: Associates First Semester: * On-camera acting technique * Acting l Techniques * Film & TV History l: Survey * Improvisation l: Foundations * Dance and Movement for the Performing Artist l * Voice, Production and Speech l: Foundations * English Composition * Screenwriting l: Technique Second Semester: * Acting ll: Contemporary Scene Study * On-Camera Acting ll: Scene Study * Film & TV History ll: Styles * Improvisation ll: Techniques * Dance and Movement for the Performing Artist ll * Voice, Production and Speech ll: Techniques * Introduction to Oral Communication * Screenwriting ll: Development Third Semester: * Introduction to Filmmaking & Production * Improvisation for the Camera * Introduction to Auditioning for Film & TV * Career Preparation * Applied Logic and Critical Thinking * Screenwriting lll: Original Works * On Camera Acting lll * Stage Combat l: Unarmed Fourth Semester: * Industry Preparation * Reel for the Actor * Short Film Project: Original Works * Multimedia Performance * Advanced Stage Combat: Combat for the Camera OR Acting: Associate of Occupational Studies Semester one: * Acting l: Beginning Scene Study * Acting l: Techniques * Iconic Theatre: 19th through Mid-20th Century * Improvisation l: Foundations * Alexander Technique * Dance and Movement for the Performing Artist l * Stage Combat l: Unarmed * First-Semester Seminars * Voice, Production, and Speech l: Foundations * English Composition Semester two: * Acting ll: Contemporary Scene Study * Acting ll: Period Scene Study * Iconic Theatre: Ancient Greece to Romanticism * Improvisation ll: Techniques * Dance and Movement for the Performing Artist ll * Acting for the Camera l * Stage Combat ll: Rapier and Dagger * Voice, Production, and Speech ll: Techniques * Introduction to Oral Communication Semester three: * Acting Styles * Acting lll: Advanced Scene Study * Career Preparation * Acting for the Camera ll * Voice, Production, and Speech lll: Advanced Techniques * Applied Logic and Critical Thinking Elective 1: * Improvisation: Introduction to Long Form Or * Ensemble Singing for the Actor ✅ Elective 2: * Film Studies: The Art of the Motion Picture Or * Stage Combat lll: Broadsword ✅ Semester four: * Acting Production Showcase * Acting Scene Showcase * Industry Workshop * Mock Audition * Film Projects * Finding Your Voice: Digital Tools for the Performing Artist

Ethnically ambiguous look- a blessing or a curse?

Ethnically ambiguous look- a blessing or a curse?

Posted on Jan 30th

I’m a middle eastern, Asian, and Caucasian mix. People can never guess my primary ethnicity, and I don’t look like one particular ethnic group. I’ve had people guess that I’m Hispanic before, but also Italian, Native American, and all sorts of ethnicities that are not my own. I can’t pass as white even though I’m 1/2 white, but I also don’t look like a particular ethnic group. I am an agency signed model and my old agents would encourage me to do things to look “more white” (everything from straightening hair to lightening skin). They would say I’m not “ethnic enough” but also not “white enough”, and I need to fit in somewhere. Now that I’m getting into acting, I notice characters who match my type are, for example, the daughter of a white man. I might be a similar type, but I definitely don’t appear as though I could be that man’s daughter. I also see the reverse happen where I definitely appear more Caucasian than the character (to the extent that I would not be casted)… I am really happy that there is more diversity, but I rarely see people like me on TV. It kind of bums me out, and makes me question if I have a place in the industry. I guess I look more middle eastern than anything else, but I rarely see middle eastern people on TV or in films tbh. So, that also sucks haha. I’ve heard people say it’s good to be ethnically ambiguous, but I’m questioning if that’s actually true. Anyone else in the same boat? What has your experience been as an actor?

Advice for not getting taken advantage of as a newbie

Advice for not getting taken advantage of as a newbie

Posted on Jan 30th

I recently had a really bad experience where an actor was trying to coerce me into sending nudes so that he could submit me to an agent he knows. He gave some BS explanation that he got fired from a job because of his recommendation for a girl with an inappropriate tattoo a that he didn’t know about. So he wanted to “vet” my body type. He also made a point of making me agree to “deleting everything from our chats” ( I didn’t…) Supposedly he has a small role in something coming to Netflix soon. Is this something normal to deal with in the industry? I try to be open to knew opportunities, but how do I avoid creeps?

Switching Voices/Accents

Switching Voices/Accents

Posted on Jan 30th

Hello! I'm not too sure if this is the best subreddit to ask my question, but I was thought it'd be worth a shot to try. (if there's another one subreddit that's better suited for my question, please let me know!) I'm curious about how people can temporarily deepen their voices. Specifically, altering between one's normal speaking voice to a deeper one.. for this question, the subject is Danny Phantom Exe. I've always thought it was fascinating and just curious how it works. :-o I've tried googling and researching, but most of the stuff I found is for permanently making one's voice deeper (which isn't the case with Danny, his normal speaking voice is pretty high), or it has warmups (also didn't see Danny do in his videos). And is deep voices only achievable by guys? Most girls would prefer to have a softer or a higher voice, and I get it. But physically, I'm curious if there's any female voice actors/voiceover artists capable of doing a deep voice. Thank you for taking the time to read, and thanks in advance for replies! :)

Hey guys, I’m a starting up actor….

Hey guys, I’m a starting up actor….

Posted on Jan 29th

So I’d say I’m fairly new to this, I’ve done background work already, and have done a couple auditions, but have never actually been booked for anything. I’m kinda fairly low on income so even my headshots aren’t all that great. Any advice I can get on how to keep advancing? Possibly get an agent or something?

Pros & Cons of Film/TV vs. Theatre Careers

Pros & Cons of Film/TV vs. Theatre Careers

Posted on Jan 29th

I’ve already got a list of my own but I’d like to hear your opinions. I’ve been in the professional theatre world longer but among other things in the film realm (better pay, more opportunities for jobs, etc.) I’ve also noticed that as an introverted person (but an extroverted actor) my personality seems to be more accepted in general among the film realm. Whereas in the theatre world it’s almost like part of getting hired is being a loud/extroverted/takes up the room personality type (and if you’re not you’re more easily excluded.) Any thoughts? I have love for both fields but am interested in your thoughts too because I don’t think it’s something actors talk about enough.

I am a full time student in NYC, but my dream is to be an actor. Should I try to take advantage of being in NYC, and put myself out there?

I am a full time student in NYC, but my dream is to be an actor. Should I try to take advantage of being in NYC, and put myself out there?

Posted on Jan 29th

I am a 20 year old male. I go to school in NYC, but I don’t live here year round. I am a full time student, not studying acting or anything related. But it’s my dream to be an actor. Is it feasible to try and pursue anything while I am living here? Or would it not be possible while also being a full time student? I have virtually no experience, aside from a couple of basic acting classes and some student theater in high school. I know it sounds kind of crazy, but it also kind of seems crazy to be living in NYC, essentially on my parents dime (that won’t last after I graduate), and doing nothing to pursue my dream. If it does sound crazy to try and be an actor right now while also a full time non-acting student, please tell me, because I genuinely do not know. And if it’s not crazy, do you have any suggestions? Where do I start?

Youtuber (me) Needs Performing Advice from Actors (you)

Youtuber (me) Needs Performing Advice from Actors (you)

Posted on Jan 29th

I'm a very small youtuber with 80 subscribers and 100 videos. I'm trying to increase my views by doing everything I can find on SEO, thumbnails, color grading and so on. My editing isn't worse than the next man who has over 10k views. I mean, some youtubers don't edit at all and get over a million views. I add even sound from the YouTube Audio Library. Meanwhile I get only below 100 views on most of my videos. Last I was asking around what could be wrong, and most people said my presentation on camera wasn't as good as it should be. Either I look to negative, talk to fast, use wrong language or don't express myself enough. My first thought was to ask people in YouTube subreddits or the likes. Then I figured why not ask the professionals when it comes to performing. What do you suggest I do to increase my performance skills? How do I appear better on camera? How do I get my expressions more clear? Some general tips? Most of my future videos will be in the categories vlogs, challenges, comedy and entertainment. I hope this is the right subreddit for these kinds of questions. I've always been interested in acting, but my location is not really giving me much possibilities in this field, so YouTube came as a solution to that. I like YouTube. It could be a possibility to get recognition and gain some skill.

Is this a scam?

Is this a scam?

Posted on Jan 29th

Hey all, I was browsing craigslist for PA work, and I found this posting. I applied for this acting position on a whim, and they replied asking me to come into the studio tomorrow for a pre-screening/possible reading. Is this a scam? Should i go in tomorrow, or is there too many red flags?



Posted on Jan 29th

Actor with credits asking for somewhat nude (you can cover the parts) body comp pics so they know my body type for sending me to an agent that they know for modeling. This seems like an obvious red flag but is this legit? They held an acting class on zoom that I attended with others.

questions about the day-to-day reality of working in voice acting/voiceover

questions about the day-to-day reality of working in voice acting/voiceover

Posted on Jan 29th

Hi voice actors and voiceover artists! I am at some kind of life crossroads and am trying to lock down a career that I feel passionate about and can commit to long term. I have always been interested in voice acting, but I have no idea if what I assume the job itself is like is actually accurate. So if any of you could give your thoughts on your day-to-day work-wise, that would be amazing! Specifically, I’m wondering: \-How did you get involved with voice acting/voiceover? \-Do you feel you are paid fairly? \-Do you often have work you are required to finish at home/outside of work hours? Do you often work overtime? \-Do you find your work particularly challenging? \-What do you spend most of your work time doing? \-Do you feel fulfilled at work? Would you recommend others follow you down your path? \-Is most of your work done independently, or with other colleagues? \-Are you under a lot of scrutiny from higher-ups, or do they mostly step back and let you do your work? \-How much vacation time do you get? \-How are the benefits? \-Do you often feel stressed about work? and any other details that might be useful for me! I will be working in the US and/or Canada if that is relevant. Thanks so much!

Is being able to cry on cue the standard for a good actor/actress?

Is being able to cry on cue the standard for a good actor/actress?

Posted on Jan 28th

It totally takes me out of the moment when I'm watching a scene where the actor is crying and wailing but no tears are coming out of their eyes. So I'm doubly impressed when I see an actor crying real tears but am unsure if that is a fundamental skill of a good actor or if it's even something that is difficult to do.

Background Agencies in Toronto

Background Agencies in Toronto

Posted on Jan 28th

Hello fellow actors, I signed up with a background agency (Showcatcher Talent) in October and just got booked on a show last week. While I was on set people recommended I sign up with more then one agency for better results. I was wondering if anyone had advice on which background agencies are good to join. Thank you.

Infant actors

Infant actors

Posted on Jan 28th

I know it’s a really bizarre question but I’m a film student and I really need an infant for a short film I’m making. They would just literally be on camera for two shots (put there to make a bundle of blankets and crying noises seem believable throughout the rest of the project). Does anyone know where I could find non union infants? Also would there be additional fees or insurance involved since they are so young, even though it’s just for a student film? Also does SAG even apply in this case in the first place? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Showreel UK

Showreel UK

Posted on Jan 28th

Hey ya'll. I'm doing a showreel soon, 3 scenes I need to write. Is anyone interested in being my scene partner? I need 3 actors obviously

Finding my passion in acting again.

Finding my passion in acting again.

Posted on Jan 28th

Hi there, reposting this because I feel like I worded it wrong the first time. Basically I have been acting for years now, and ever since I was a child I wanted to be an actor. I’ve been training, doing local theatre, extra work and short films you name it. A few months ago I was spotted by an agent and signed after a couple meetings. However, in the last few months I’ve experienced a lot of health problems and it’s made me very drained. I’ve been loosing my passion for acting over the last two months, I don’t know why because it’s literally all I wanted, but I’m really struggling to keep my head a float. I don’t wanna quit, it’s obviously just a bad period of my life at the moment and I just need to try ride it out, but I also feel like I’m wasting my agents time if I take time out. I just don’t want to let her down, but l’m very overwhelmed with everything and I just don’t feel the way I used to about acting. Sorry if this is dumb or confusing, I just honestly feel really lost. Does anyone have any experience with this feeling? Should I speak about this with my agent?

I don't want to become an actor, I want my good looks and voice to be out there and find small gigs. Do I still need a talent agent?

I don't want to become an actor, I want my good looks and voice to be out there and find small gigs. Do I still need a talent agent?

Posted on Jan 28th

Hello, I have no interest in becoming an actor nor do I have acting experience. I have this idea of just having my face out there for the world to see and have them need me for small gigs like commercial or voice. Would I still need a talent agent?

Self tape receipt confirmation request after a few days?

Self tape receipt confirmation request after a few days?

Posted on Jan 28th

I am new to this industry and its dos and don'ts. I submitted a self tape for an open call and got a callback email requesting for additional self tape audition materials from the casting assistant. After the self tapes were completed and placed in a Google drive, I replied with the links back to the casting assistant. No reply from the assistant. I have read in this forum to do the audition and then just forget it. But... It's been close to a week now and I am second guessing whether I followed the right instructions regarding the submission of the callback self tapes. Or what if they didn't see my email? Is it bad practice to ask for confirmation that they received the callback self tapes, even though it's already been a few days? Do casting assistants normally follow up if the actor failed to submit the callback request? Thanks.

How does an actor act like they're bad at acting?

How does an actor act like they're bad at acting?

Posted on Jan 28th

just genuinely curious on how they do it... if you're good at acting, how do you act like you arent? idk if my question makes sense

Can someone explain why the delivery in old movies sounds different than today's?

Can someone explain why the delivery in old movies sounds different than today's?

Posted on Jan 28th

If you just listen, you know when it's a movie from the 40's or early 50's. I'm not sure why. Can someone articulate the difference? I had thought it was the change that came about with Lee Strasberg's method acting, but last night I watched a British series, Dalziel and Pascoe, which was made before wider screen TVs, but after the European Union was formed, and those actors used the same clipped style of delivery. I'd be interested in any thoughts. SS

i'm puzzled..

i'm puzzled..

Posted on Jan 28th

I'm a 19-year-old (freshman) nursing student. Halfway through the semester, I had this "epiphany" of not really wanting to end up working in the medical field. I want to be an actor. It's a dream I've always set aside since I'm the eldest child in a typical Asian family. I've been told that it's an impractical and expensive career to lead on. That there's a higher chance that I won't make it big, and I would end up miserable and without any use in the family. I've always been a big dreamer. I dreamt of making it big in Hollywood, working with many, many creative people in the industry. The "glitz and glam" is just a plus. I may sound like a naive (yet another wannabe) teen (or young adult? 19 is a confusing age) but I'm well aware of the horrors of this path. But if given a chance, I will take it right away, no looking back. See, the problem here is that I can't really afford to take both nursing and acting at the same time. I'm a university scholar, and it feels impractical to get off college and start pursuing an acting career—which, if I actually decided to do it, I have no idea what and where to start on. I have no acting experience whatsoever, and of course, I have no idea if I'd really be able to reach my dream. Thinking about it, it seems extremely impossible knowing that I live in a different country (and in a place wherein careers in arts aren't really held in high standards) and is basically just a nobody. All I can afford to do right now is wallow in self-pity and pray that my university days are finally over. It's just frustrating when you wanna start working on projects around the ages of 18-25 but cannot. People around me don't even take me seriously. Please, I need your advice. I'm honestly feeling lost right now. I just want to freeze time so that I can have more of it to organize my thoughts and wants in life. Edit: My classes for the second semester start on February 28. If anyone can recommend LA or NYC-based classes that take in inexperienced international students (online, of course), please do.

Jared Leto

Jared Leto

Posted on Jan 28th

Would you consider Leto to be a good actor apart form Suicide Squad? I just see people trashing him for his performance in SS but I think he is a good actor in general. What are your thoughts?

Any other actors not getting we-transfer download confirmation e-mails sometimes even though their agent says that they did download their tape?

Any other actors not getting we-transfer download confirmation e-mails sometimes even though their agent says that they did download their tape?

Posted on Jan 28th

She said it seems to happen when she uses her laptop instead of her computer to download. [View Poll](

Yuri Lowenthal

Yuri Lowenthal

Posted on Jan 28th

How is it that no matter what I'm watching or playing I almost always hear him voice someone, how has he managed to be in absolutely everything and he uses his normal voice allot of the time as well which makes him stand out way more than the other actors that seem in character which can sometimes take me out of the moment as I go hay look it's that guys voice again I don't mean for this to sound like me hating on him I like his voice and for the most part it's fun noticing voices I recognize in different things I'm, mainly curious how he's managed to pull this off

I was able to help Monty’s voice actor receive the credit he deserves!

I was able to help Monty’s voice actor receive the credit he deserves!

Posted on Jan 27th

I realized after doing a bit of research that ALL of the voice actor websites including the FNAF wiki used the wrong image for Cameron Miller, Monty’s voice actor. I ended up finding the REAL voice actor’s twitter and noticed he was aware that they didn’t give him proper credit, and he didn’t know how to fix it. He only had 90 followers! I knew something had to be done. So I took it upon myself and made a tiktok raising awareness. It ended up taking off and we were able to have all the websites changed. (I was able to edit the wiki myself, but a few people including myself messaged admins of other websites). I’ve been able to chat with Cameron a bit throughout this. He’s literally super funny, sweet, and genuine. I’d recommend giving him a follow, he’s great with interacting with fans. He has a [twitter]( and [Instagram](

Any discounts on IMDBpro for non-SAG-AFTRA actors?

Any discounts on IMDBpro for non-SAG-AFTRA actors?

Posted on Jan 27th

I want to sign up for IMDB, but wondering if there are any tips/tricks to getting a discount. $150 per year is a bit hard to swallow, so I'm seeing if there's any other way to get it for cheaper. Thanks for any advice you can give!

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