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Experienced community theater actor wondering about going further. Looking for advice!

Experienced community theater actor wondering about going further. Looking for advice!

Posted on Dec 15th

Hey acting friends. This is something that has been on and off my mind a lot in the last couple of years and I figured I'd reach out and see what r/acting's take on it is. I've been a community theater actor for the last 8 or so years, since I was 25. I've been in 14 productions of different genres (mainly comedy, but a few dramas and one musical). I've been told that if I choose to pursue a life as an actor I could be really successful, and I have won multiple local awards for my performances (which, yeah, they're not big awards or anything, but my community is blessed with multiple theater companies and I was nominated alongside many incredibly talented folk). Being 33 now, I occasionally wonder if I missed my call as an actor, and wonder about if it would be worth it to seriously pursue auditions outside of my local theaters. The reasons why I ***haven't*** done so yet - well, I am married and a father of two, my wife and I just bought a house, and while my current job doesn't pay great, it is reliable. I worry that, in order to really go after any sort of acting *career*, it would require upsetting the balance that is day-to-day life right now. So, my more experienced friends of Reddit, is this even something I should concern myself with? Should I remain as an occasional community theater actor, or should I try and really go after bigger productions? And in the process of going after said productions, how much should I expect to give up, when considering time with my family, time at my day job, etc.? Thanks in advance for any insight and answers.

Why is it that the vast vast majority of successful working actors either began very young and worked their way up and didn’t have to go to college, or they went to college for acting/theatre?

Why is it that the vast vast majority of successful working actors either began very young and worked their way up and didn’t have to go to college, or they went to college for acting/theatre?

Posted on Dec 15th

It’s so rare for me to see any actors not in either category. Yet so many on this sub say to not go to college. Why?

looking for young actors, London based

looking for young actors, London based

Posted on Dec 15th

Was wondering whether there are any young(15-19) actors London/UK based. !not for a specific project! As an aspiring actress myself, I find it quite hard to find people to talk to about my goals/dreams (acting wise), and I was just looking for someone to have a chat about their current situation and their plans for the future... (for example about summer courses, drama schools, etc.) Hopefully this is the right place to post this :)



Posted on Dec 14th

What's up fellow Actors! I'm pretty new to the acting scene & am ineligible to even apply for SAG-AFTRA membership but I'm curious to know how you members' experiences have been with the union? I ask for a few reasons and mainly the #1 golden rule. I've not yet been cast in any professional TV/Film serious or movie so I'm not even sure if most professional sets are union. Are they? I've been doing some research on the union and have also been reading that just because you are SAG-AFTRA doesn't mean you have a better shot of landing a union job. You can also be a non-member. Sure you have benefits as far as retirement, medical, etc. but is that the main thing to look forward to when being eligible to become a member? Aside from that I don't see much benefit to being in the union. You have to pay a HEFTY initiation fee and then pay semi-annual dues, on top of never being able to be cast in any non-union film. As far as small productions that I've submitted to I always see the status being NON-UNION and of course the only real way to see casting calls for big projects are through an agent so I have yet to see what those generally look like "UNION or NON-UNION". So aside from it just offering you more "job like" benefits and being able to say that you are SAG-AFTRA, what's the point? Have any of you gone union and hated it? Can you back out and become a "non-member" again? Also I'd love to hear from any of you who are union and love it! Why? What am I missing here? Thanks for any helpful feedback guys!

Under representation

Under representation

Posted on Dec 14th

As an Asian America looking to be come a successful actor, I have realized just how under represented my race is in the industry. Lead roles predominantly go to white or colored actors. It is kinda of weird for me to see only 3 real Asian American actors that have received big roles I just thought it would be nice what other people think of this and why people think Asian Americans actors don’t always get lead roles compared to people of other races.

Re: Actors / vaccines

Re: Actors / vaccines

Posted on Dec 14th

I'm a theatrical representative in LA who has been in the business for 16 years. Recently, I have been hearing several actors mention to me how they plan to avoid getting a Covid vaccine when the time comes. Some have given me the typical conspiracy-theory, anti-science reasoning and a few others just seem to be too uninformed to know what's good for them. But I have this warning for those actors choosing to go unvaccinated: I hope you have no desire to find work on any legitimate productions in at least the next two years. Because you will not be welcomed onto most sets, union or otherwise, if you do not assume the responsibility of getting a vaccine. Don't be left behind and unable to work jobs because you decided to not do the right thing for yourself and our community. Casting / networks / studios / production companies are going to be covering their asses, and will have no time for anyone who doesn't meet the health requirements. They will move on from you immediately and give the roles to others. And additionally, I and most other agents and managers will quickly lose interest in actors who reveal such uninformed selfishness. I say this with all of the love I have for actors and our industry. I want us to come back strong and rise again as an industry, but to do this, we have to participate and do right by ourselves and our communities. I wish you all a wonderful holiday season and look forward to a better year for us in 2021.

Actors in Dallas, TX ! Need your help!

Actors in Dallas, TX ! Need your help!

Posted on Dec 14th

Hello! I’m new to reddit ! I have searched for some community theaters in Dallas and nothing is available due to covid. I have zero experience. Starting completely from nothing. Is there any places where I can take traditional acting classes? Should I be looking into a community college? Online classes? I really want to dip my toes if this is something I truly want to pursue a career in but, I am also a 28 year old adult with bills to pay that has no time to get scammed. So, if I need to drop some money then it better be worth it. Any help is appreciated!

Some thought about Katie Leung who portraied Cho Chang in happy potter movies

Some thought about Katie Leung who portraied Cho Chang in happy potter movies

Posted on Dec 14th

I saw a lot of post about open casting calls etc. and the only result is that even there are open casting calls, the ones who go there usually are people who has studied in some drama school, or got some experience. And if you have no experience at all, it's impossible to get in. But what about Katie Leung? Seems, that there was a open casting calls, and her parents suggest her to try it out and because they fit the role, they choose her even if there were over 3000 actress with a better background. So things like that is possible?

How do you create the voice for a character from audition directions?

How do you create the voice for a character from audition directions?

Posted on Dec 14th

Just a bit of advice that I got from an VO audio engineer friend of mine. I've heard that auditions for projects, particularly in Los Angeles, often only include worded descriptions of each character in any given project, occasionally an image is given along with the description of the character, but not often (can someone clarify if this is true?). So my friend says that after years of being in the booth seeing a bunch of talented voice actors at their best behind the mic, he has learned that the casting description of the character is often the most vital piece of information to construct the voice around. Sometimes, the caster will specify that the character needs "a naturalistic/realistic read \[to the character\], and the character is tortured/lonely/angry/afraid/any description of the character's emotional/internal life." The VO audio engineer goes on to tell me that more often than not, "naturalistic/realistic sound" means your natural speaking voice, or something close to your natural voice. The description of the character's internal life/emotional life is where you hinge your vocal performance off of. You need to make an effort to sound tortured/lonely/angry/afraid as directed in the audition directions. Directors/casters take note of the people who make an effort to understand what they want in that audition description. And he also says that auditions of people who are confident but not arrogant in their vocal performance, and set out to "show" the caster/director what the character should sound like, are looked upon favorably. Other times, voice acting audition calls might give a more pointed description of the character, as an example - "Canadian white man, middle-aged, chef at a restaurant, \[character name\] is repressed after the loss of his wife," or something. A character image may also pop up, and quickly you can start to piece together a voice. For this one - maybe a Canadian accent (more savvy voice actors, I hear, will choose a particular region of Canada and hone a dialect from that region), pitched down to the baritone modal voice, maybe a quiet, more restrained version of my own voice may work. Another example - "diminutive, blue-skinned male blacksmith from an ancient city, old age." I might use head-voice, an exaggerated Southern accent, and a shaky, "old" quality/texture to the voice to sound like an old, dwarf blacksmith with blue skin. Of course, these are just rough examples. There are many things to consider with your vocal range when constructing the actual voice. If you feel a character is out of your range, it's best to look for characters that are logically within your range than potentially get turned down for work that isn't in your wheelhouse. And of course, just character images could be used. My friend feels these are the easiest way to develop the voice around the character since you can piece textures and tonalities together based on the character's visual features and once you're heard for the first time in the booth, the voice director will help you to get a sound closer to what they feel is right. From there, you can receive direction on performance and what makes the character tick. Just a bit of advice I received. I bet that the audition directions are things we all need to pay great attention to, when considering how to formulate a voice that sounds right performance-wise for the characters we audition for. I do appreciate getting this advice. What do you guys think?

How do I make the most of my classes?

How do I make the most of my classes?

Posted on Dec 14th

So I'm currently studying in one of the best acting academies in my city--some really successful actors from my country have studied there. I'm currently one month into my classes, but I'd really like to know how I can take full advantage of my classes. What attitude and approach should I have when entering class? How can I learn as much as possible? How can I make the most of my time there? I also think it's also important to mention that I find it hard to express myself in the language that the classes are in, despite me understanding everything that is being instructed/said. Honestly, now that I think about it now, it's also a good idea to ask my teacher these things, but I'd like to know your opinions nonetheless. Thanks!!



Posted on Dec 14th

hi i found this subreddit and hope i could use it as a learning experience and i do hope to become a voice actor someday , and i also have a question . I was told i would never be able to become a voice actor because my voice is rough due to tonsillectomy but im able to make it slightly smoother than it is. question is do any of you have a rough voice and how did that affect your voice acting



Posted on Dec 14th

Hey guys it's me again. I have a question and a request for you guys' opinion on something. I'm a local ATL actor and I'm going to try out this company called "ATL Speed Scenes". They come recommended by someone I trust to deliver high quality footage. They're going to write 2 original tailored scripts for me, shoot the scenes in HD professional quality, and even offer a partner for my scene for $400. I have no other performance footage of me and I really want to give this a try to up my chances in getting cast for something good. I was originally trying to get this footage of me edited into a "demo reel" but upon speaking to the guy in charge he advised that instead of editing the footage into a "reel" I should simply just upload the content or pick the best 20-30 seconds of my speed scenes and upload that to my Actor's access profile instead. He says " I wouldn't recommend a demo reel of just speed scenes by itself, personally. Casting directors prefer to see clips these days over demo reels anyway, because they can get more specific about what they watch, and don't have to see things that aren't relevant to what they are casting for. " Do you guys agree? Also if that is the better route to go how do I send a CD a link to view my AA? Is it as simple as clicking the "preview profile" tab and copying the link from the new window that pops up and sending that? Thanks again for any help/advice! Also if any of you guys are local to Atlanta and have experience with this company please let me know your thoughts on them. Thanks! TL;DR: Should I not edit my speed scenes into a demo reel? How do I send someone a link to view my AA profile? Anyone have any feedback on a personal experience with ATL Speed Scenes?

Reaching Out To Directors?

Reaching Out To Directors?

Posted on Dec 14th

Hey fellow actors, I recently saw a book on tips on getting more auditions. One of the tips was to reach out to directors in your area and shoot them an email and send them your info and essentially market yourselves to them. Has anybody ever done this? Or with casting crew? Or anybody in the business?

It Only gets Worse - Bathroom episode

It Only gets Worse - Bathroom episode

Posted on Dec 14th

This is to spotlight the actors who helped with our show... Yadira barreto, Samantha Betancourt, and Mehra park. Hopefully they can get work from our low budget project. If any of you want to know about our show and how you can be part of it, message me. Always looking for actors here in LA. [](

Actor Access Eco Cast

Actor Access Eco Cast

Posted on Dec 14th

Hello, so recently I had auditioned for this movie and a couple days later they sent a eco cast out wanting some tapes from me. So i had a couple questions. Do the casting directors just send eco cast out to anyone who auditions or do they go through and pick out certain people. Also when do you think they would watch my tape and reply if they wanted me back? I was just very curious so hopefully some of yall could be helpful <3

Social media for actors who don&rsquo;t like social media

Social media for actors who don’t like social media

Posted on Dec 14th

So, I’m tryna get off social. Clear my head and I never really cared about followers or what people are doing so much. But in this day and age I keep seeing that you have to advertise yourself on social media, Instagram I can understand, but tik tok? Seems tik tok is just a quick way to get famous for just dancing and uploading corny videos, which of I have zero interest in. I’m old school. Get my hesdshots, demo, talk to people and network in person etc etc. I mean, I don’t want to miss out on an casting just because my follower count is below a hundred, there’s a lot of talent who don’t have a huge following and I’m afraid this industry is sooner or later going to turn in to a popularity contest as who is going to get cast. What happened with the good old days where there was some sense of mystery around our favorite actors? Anyone else feels this way?

How can I become a voice actress?

How can I become a voice actress?

Posted on Dec 14th

Hi I am 15 years old and I really want to guest star on Bobs Burgers and Cyberchase? But what do I do? Do I need to do a variety of voices? Someone please help me!

Help: What is the acronym for Actors who sign a contract and are not allowed to talk about it.

Help: What is the acronym for Actors who sign a contract and are not allowed to talk about it.

Posted on Dec 14th

This is driving me mad. Its a 4 letter Acronym and its for people who are in the film industry that are under contract and legaly not able to talk about the work they are doing at the moment.

My voice in acting

My voice in acting

Posted on Dec 13th

I’m a 17 year old male. I am currently working on my craft as a film actor. The thing is, I have a somewhat feminine voice and it’s making me really self conscious about what I sound like when I act. I will most likely start auditioning in 2021 and I’m nervous that my opportunities will be affected. It’s not super feminine, but slightly. Can anyone give advice?

Worries of a French actor that would like to play in North American movie productions...

Worries of a French actor that would like to play in North American movie productions...

Posted on Dec 13th

Hello fellow actors, I could really use some insight here. Here's the gist: I'm French, 27 almost, caucasian. 2 years ago I decided to move to Toronto with a work permit to try acting. I took many classes, did a bunch of students/low budget projects, I was actually relatively successful and I believe in all honesty I do have something interesting from the feedback I got, although I’m quite a lazy ass and I could do much better. I'd say my accent is unnoticeable to 60 to 75% of people I've been acting in front of (I’ve been speaking English since I was 18 and lived 3 years in North America in total) However, all throughout this journey, I've been asking myself whether trying to act as a Canadian made sense and if it really increased my chances to be cast for leads. It is one thing to get small independent projects, but I do feel like the more I was stepping foot into the actual arena, the more my Frenchness was becoming an obstacle. Basically, I'm afraid I would be typecast for a few lame stereotyped secondary french roles, or I would just not get cast for a lead because of my accent even though my performance is well appreciated (which happened once already). I had two teachers encouraging me to go to Montreal, and I remember my very first acting teacher mentioning that the accent might be an issue, no matter how small. From the stories I've read from even the most successful and talented European people such as Schwarzenegger, Vincent Cassel, or Marion Cotillard, it seems many first owned their country which *then* earned them the opportunity to step foot into the American industry. But they never gave up on their origins, they used it to their advantage. Sometimes I just feel like a fraud and I'm taking a shortcut trying to be Canadian or American when in all reality I'm not, and I never will be. In the end, it's questioning my own identity. Thoughts? Let me know if you think I’m not making any sense, I’ll try to edit, and please upvote if you think this could help others. Cheers and stay safe, Corey.

is anybody in NYC available to read for me via FaceTime?

is anybody in NYC available to read for me via FaceTime?

Posted on Dec 13th

I have this short and simple co-star tape due in a few hours... is anybody available to read today via FaceTime? I'm happy to return the favor for you in the future! honestly would love to get a group of actors in / around Brooklyn / NYC to help each other out with tapes like this, super shitty being stressed out trying to find a reader last minute all the time

NY LA market jobs

NY LA market jobs

Posted on Dec 13th

Idk if it’s only during COVID Bc most auditions are Zoom now, but can u live in either of those places and get auditions in the other city? How likely are you to get auditions that cover travel expenses? And what kind of agents handle clients on both coasts? Also how is the NY market these days? For actors or other set jobs? Early 2021 move to LA, ATL, or NY ? Which seems most promising for more in person interactions and classes etc

Dealing with being jealous of &quot;lucky&quot; people

Dealing with being jealous of "lucky" people

Posted on Dec 13th

Hey guys I noticed myself being a bit bitter about the fact that people can get lucky and become famous/influential overnight. I was thinking about the Ms Marvel casting and how that actress (no hate intended) didn't have any experience beforehand. I just feel that it's unfair that people can get cast without any experience and suddenly become one of the most famous people on the planet and others will work their whole life towards something and get nowhere. How do you guys deal with this and push yourself to keep going?

Looking for chill young adult female VA

Looking for chill young adult female VA

Posted on Dec 12th Above is the link to the pilot of the show, incomplete as of yet. The final product will be ~11 minutes. I need a nonchalant, casually cool voice actress for Nyx. It’s a $75 dollar job. Please DM me a recording of you saying a line or two. Thank you for your cooperation!

Going from Actor to Filmmaker or vice versa?

Going from Actor to Filmmaker or vice versa?

Posted on Dec 12th

Which is easier and makes more sense: Going from Filmmaker to Actor OR going from Actor to Filmmaker? [View Poll](

Senior Thesis Project - Looking for Actors

Senior Thesis Project - Looking for Actors

Posted on Dec 12th

Hi! I'm creating a senior thesis project documenting the process of creating theatre virtually during these restricted times. I am directing an original play over Zoom and am looking for actors! I have organized a production team of individuals who have worked on virtual productions previously. This is a non-profit production and therefore actors will not receive pay - this is an educational experience for both myself and others involved as we traverse the journey that is creating new work in a virtual setting. Auditions are a one minute contemporary monologue either on Zoom December 14th or by submitting a self tape by December 14th on the form below. Here is the link to the Casting Call and Casting Breakdown: []( Here is the link to submit for an audition: []( &#x200B; If you have any questions, let me know! Really trying to find actors who want to have fun and be part of this process.

AMA: Seeking questions about acting

AMA: Seeking questions about acting

Posted on Dec 12th

Hi everyone! I'm planning to make a podcast (beginning production in mid-2021) about acting (main focus) and related professions (eg: directing, producing, screenwriting/playwriting, dialect coaching, etc.) to answer important questions my audience and I have. I'm planning to have a lot of different guests with a diverse range of skills and qualifications coming on to answer these questions. What are your burning questions? At this stage, I have some episode topics planned out, covering what you need to become an actor (resume, headshot, demo reel, agent/audition resources), useful skills, training and more. However, my topic list is far from complete because there's always so much to learn! Also, if there's anyone you'd like to hear from on the podcast, I'll do my very best to have them come on the show. I'll let you all know when the podcast is launched!

If the only way to get an agent is through having professional credits or them spotting you at a class or showcase, but you can only afford college for acting due to financial aid, then shouldn&rsquo;t you pursue college?

If the only way to get an agent is through having professional credits or them spotting you at a class or showcase, but you can only afford college for acting due to financial aid, then shouldn’t you pursue college?

Posted on Dec 12th

I always hear people say to “go to acting class” and that “you don’t have to have a college degree in acting to be successful”. But what is the alternative if you can’t afford to attend acting classes? William Esper, Stella Adler, Groundlings, American Conservatory Theatre, etc. all but never provide aid and scholarships to students. It seems like really only people from wealth can afford to attend these classes. So then how does someone even break into acting? People say to apply on Playbill or Backstage, but casting directors pretty much never choose actors without somewhat professional credits, let alone what’s considered good or prestigious training. So how does someone even get their foothold in the professional acting world if they can’t afford classes? Agents rarely accept cold submissions, particularly if you’re 18+ and you have no training.

The Undoing (of casual viewing)

The Undoing (of casual viewing)

Posted on Dec 12th

I finished The Undoing and thought it was amazing like I'm sure many of y'all believe, but I've heard a growing sentiment of not enjoying the ending. I thought the acting elevated the story (even if you could see it coming from a mile away), but I feel I'm looking at with 'artist eyes'. Anyone else have opinions about the show/ do you view shows and movies different since becoming an actor?

When you book acting jobs or you&rsquo;re in the running for a role so you have to take time off work, does your job allow you to take, say, a week off or do you resign jobs over and over?

When you book acting jobs or you’re in the running for a role so you have to take time off work, does your job allow you to take, say, a week off or do you resign jobs over and over?

Posted on Dec 12th

I’d like to hear how you personally, as an actor while working a survival job, do this? Like, the only kind of job I can think of that would allow you to leave work for a week, a month, or several months would be that of an acting/dance/musical theatre college professor. I’m trying to understand how you work while also pursuing acting personally. Does your job allow you to miss work over and over, even if for a month? Or do you keep resigning from jobs and finding new ones over and over?

Juilliard Drama Audition Tips!

Juilliard Drama Audition Tips!

Posted on Dec 12th

I auditioned for Juilliard’s drama program recently, and I know quite a few actors from the school who’ve graduated in the past one to five years, all of whom are now signed with the Big Four (CAA, ICM, UTA, and WMA) and have successful acting careers. Here are some tips to increase your chances of at least getting a callback. - Be creative and memorable! This past week, an actor got a callback after he performed a contemporary monologue using a colorful hand puppet. This was not only creative because most students don’t use props in their auditions, but also because he used the virtual Zoom setup to his advantage to pop the puppet into the frame. For his song, he sung traditional country, rather than singing a musical theatre or pop song like most students. - Your acting matters much more than your age does. The aforementioned actor was called back after pursuing an undergrad degree, and he’s in his 30s. Several students admitted last year were either transfer students or pursuing their MFAs. - Try to audition on the first day. A large number are chosen on the first day. For last year, five of the actors who are currently attending were admitted after initially auditioning on that day. - Be mindful of the monologue timing. Faculty did complain about a few actors going over their time limits. - Choose monologues that not only speak to you, but also shows your talent. It’s an added bonus if the monologues you perform are not well-known.

Am I going overkill with my equipment?

Am I going overkill with my equipment?

Posted on Dec 11th

Hello! I'm an aspiring voice actor and I started my voice-over journey in May of this year. I've recorded all my audio on my phone microphone since I started. I'm now planning to upgrade my setup into something more professional but on a budget. I have about 250$ and this is what I'm planning to buy: -Audio Technica AT2020 (XLR) -PreSonus Audiobox USB 96 And they'll run me about 250$ from where I live. So I've been thinking... Am I going overkill on this? I'm a 15 year old with quite a deep voice (check my profile for samples) and I'm working towards a voice acting career. But am I moving too fast? I don't have a lot of money and I sure would love to keep some of the money I saved up after buying a new mic so... Is this the right way to go? I've listened to a comparison on YouTube between the AT2020 and Blue Yeti and I barely noticed a difference. I also listened to a comparison between the USB and xlr versions of the AT2020 and again, could barely notice a difference. I'm in this to make a career and to move forwards with my life because I see talent in myself. What is the right choice to make on my limited budget?

Considering all the recent Disney+ news, how do you think this could impact non-famous actors?

Considering all the recent Disney+ news, how do you think this could impact non-famous actors?

Posted on Dec 11th

I mean, the title pretty much sums it up, but I just saw all the announcements and couldn’t stop thinking about how they own almost everything now, and all of these new projects starring well known actors, and I began wondering if this could result in less opportunities for those actors that haven’t made it to Hollywood yet, or if it’s actually the opposite.

Why would an actor choose to leave a top-tier agency, like Paradigm, CESD, or APA, to go to the Big Four (CAA, WME, UTA, and ICM)?

Why would an actor choose to leave a top-tier agency, like Paradigm, CESD, or APA, to go to the Big Four (CAA, WME, UTA, and ICM)?

Posted on Dec 11th

Like, obviously I know it’s a good career move. But why exactly? Wouldn’t the former agencies get the same breakdowns/auditions for their clients as the Big Four?

Do big movies post their roles or is it just invites to major actors/actresses?

Do big movies post their roles or is it just invites to major actors/actresses?

Posted on Dec 11th

I’m asking because I’m curious how it works. Obviously they don’t post on like Backstage or AA (or if they do, I’ve never seen it). Is there somewhere else they post it? For example, Disney announced today that they will be making a Fantastic Four movie. Do they post somewhere for all the roles? Or just invite actors/actresses to audition who they think would work?

So I saw that sign there that said that there was no stupid questions....

So I saw that sign there that said that there was no stupid questions....

Posted on Dec 11th

I am 26. I have no acting experience except for in middle school when I took one semester of beginning drama and then moved up to advanced before the next semester(boo-yah huge upgrade). Sorry for the run-on sentence!! Here goes... How do I become an actor?

Will you be my Zoom psychic?

Will you be my Zoom psychic?

Posted on Dec 11th

I am looking to find an improv actor who can pretend to be a psychic on a Zoom call... A little background, we are a group of friends from high school and now are all in our mid 30s. Every year, I organize a trip for our group of friends to reconnect around this time of the year. We are going to reunite over zoom this year. We thought it could be fun(ny) to have a psychic join the call and read our friends fortunes/make predictions. After all, we all want to think beyond 2020!! Unfortunately, “actual” psychics take their job very seriously and will not do a group reading. So... we are looking for an improv actor with comedic skills that can play the part of a psychic and hop on our Zoom call!! It will be up to your discretion if we let my friends know you are an actor, or we can just let them think you are convening with spirits and telling their fortune. :-) We need to find a fun loving actor who can play this part for about an hour from 8-9pm PT on December 19 via Zoom. We want to compensate this person. Can you help or do you know someone who would be good at playing this role?? Thank you in advance, ask me any questions!!



Posted on Dec 11th

What are some good talent agencies for actors in Atlanta?

How is the acting industry in Spain like these days?

How is the acting industry in Spain like these days?

Posted on Dec 11th

So I live in Latin America and since my grandparents were Spanish, I’ve been thinking about moving. I’d like to know how the industry is for foreign actors, if there’s more work in Madrid or Barcelona, if there are many agencies in Spain, if there’s been a lot of streaming shows and movies, etc.

I&rsquo;ve been told I won&rsquo;t get jobs or signed because I&rsquo;m white.

I’ve been told I won’t get jobs or signed because I’m white.

Posted on Dec 11th

Okay, so I understand that white privileged is a thing. As a white person, I recognize that I have had certain opportunities and advantages because of my whiteness. However, I have been told by several actors, coaches, mentors and agents that I will not be signed or hired because I’m white. That I have a harder chance at this career because I’m white. I’ve watched my friends who are bipoc get jobs or agencies with half the training and credits I have. I constantly hustle to audition and take classes. I’m wondering here, how is reverse racism not a thing? How are white people at an advantage in this industry??? I’m quite literally being told that i won’t receive jobs due to my race. If this were reversed, that would not be ok. I’ve even seen casting calls asking for ethnic people only to apply. I understand that white people have had advantages in the industry over time, but it’s seeming to me that this version of “equality” we have created is not true. Thoughts?

Marymount Manhattan College vs. Pace University?

Marymount Manhattan College vs. Pace University?

Posted on Dec 11th

Which is more selective? And which is better in your opinion for a BFA in MT? I’m looking to attend college in (or very close/commutable to) NYC. I was rejected from Juilliard. I got a callback for the BA in Theatre Performance at Fordham, which is in the next few weeks. So I’m really just down to Marymount and Pace. I was accepted for MT at Marymount. The only thing that turns me off about Pace is the lack of successful actors in terms of notable alumni. For some reason the faculty is great, but there’s only a handful of successful acting alums. I do already have two talent agents. But due to the pandemic (and maybe because I’m a dark-skinned minority) I haven’t been getting many auditions. But what are your thoughts?

On-camera scheduling uncertainty—how vague/changeable are principal actors’ call times?

Posted on Dec 11th

I do background work, and all I know ahead of time is what day the project I’m submitting for will shoot. It’s not until the night before (and it’s getting increasingly later in the day) that I find out what time. Last night I found out my call time for today (Friday) was 2:30 PM, which quickly changed to after 4 PM. This must affect principals, right? As a principal actor, do you have any better idea of your call time, and does it change often?

NYC actors?

NYC actors?

Posted on Dec 11th

Not sure if it's appropriate to post a casting call here or not, but I don't see any other subreddit about this specifically for NYC actors... I need a middle-aged female actor on Wednesday December 16th 10 a.m. or 12 noon for about 2 hours, filming a scene for a promo video at a psychotherapist office ( West Village area, closest subway station: 14th Street). Very straightforward, minimal acting required, and just a bit of speaking with the psychotherapist, looking sad, looking happy, looking animated, maybe pretending to cry, looking down head in hands that kind of thing. Anyone interested, please DM me and I can give you details. Paid gig.

Monologues from TV &amp;amp; Film?

Monologues from TV & Film?

Posted on Dec 11th

I'm curious to understand if this is a thing. From my PAST experience, auditioning with a monologue from TV & Film was a HUGE no no. The material had to be from a play, which did and continues to allow lazy actors to buy those Best Monologue books without reading the play and therefore failing to grasp the full circumstance and relationship, BUT at least their in the right arena. For what purpose as it is most likely that the original performance bleeds in to some measure?

Anyone a member of Arvold AWS?

Anyone a member of Arvold AWS?

Posted on Dec 11th

I've been following her twitch recently and YouTube channel for years (shes a CD that books actors even without reps via Actors Access etc). She talks a lot about her educational membership called AWS. Is anyone a member and if so, do you find it helpful? I took a pay what you can class over the summer and it really didn't resonate with me but that was just one workshop, I know lots of things are offered.

Secret celebrity actors on here?

Secret celebrity actors on here?

Posted on Dec 10th

Curious... are there any undercover celebrity-level actors that frequent this forum?

Johnny Depp Study

Johnny Depp Study

Posted on Dec 10th

So I've spent some time watching and seeing the aftermath of Johnny Depp and his feud with Amber Heard. Hearing the tapes and testimony.... It kind of wants me to think about a deeper meaning. Curious about what you all think. At first: * Sociopath - No he clearly shows feelings an affection * Naccasicst - Listening to the testimony and tapes he wants what's best for both of them and wants to make things work * Egomaniac - Maybe? * .... Trying to figure out what got in his head so badly that turned him in from one of the greatest typecast actors of all time (you want a bit of an insane/goofy/funny/enjoyable character you get Johhny Depp). What drove him this time it seems like he is just off the deep end?

Is the Stella Adler technique better than Atlantic Acting school one?

Is the Stella Adler technique better than Atlantic Acting school one?

Posted on Dec 10th

I'm reading the Atlantic book. I do like how direct their technique is because you can get there faster, but I don't like their actors because you can see their intentions as a paint by numbers performance. Stella actors seem to have cleaner brush strokes. Thoughts/experiences? Thanks

id like to share a scene i did for a film that was in a big film festival please tell me what you think

id like to share a scene i did for a film that was in a big film festival please tell me what you think

Posted on Dec 10th


Feeling like my brains just not wired right for acting.

Feeling like my brains just not wired right for acting.

Posted on Dec 10th

Hi guys, this is my first post on Reddit, but it seems like a really great community and I’m happy to be a part of it! For many many years I’ve dreamed of being a great actor (like most of us who are pursuing acting). I’d love to one day be able to tell stories in the way that people like Saoirse Ronan, Tom hanks, or Andrew Garfield do. The minute I realized I had this dream, I began training and auditioning as often as possible, doing anything and everything I could to make myself the best actor I could be. I’ve been training for several years now and I’m currently finishing up my BFA in Acting degree. While I’ve been fortunate enough to have already gotten some amazing acting experiences on stage and in film, I just have never felt like a good actor, and I’m never proud of the work I do. I don’t tell the truth for a second when I’m acting. No matter how hard I train and practice on my own, or how much I improve and learn new techniques, there’s just a part of acting that I feel like I’ll never understand. My body keeps rejecting things that I’m not actually feeling and I find it impossible to “behave truthfully under imaginary circumstances” as I’ve heard many times in drama school. No matter how detailed of an understanding I have of my character, I never actually feel like I’m embodying that person. It just feels as if I’m trying to do an impression of the character, rather than actually being them. It always feels like I’m faking it. And no matter how much I train, and practice, and rehearse, and improve, that aspect has never changed or gone away. Because of this, I’ve been feeling recently like my brain might just not be wired correctly for acting. This of course breaks my heart because I still have that same dream of being able to tell stories through acting. I’m sorry that was so long, but if anyone else feels this way or maybe has any advice, I’d love to hear!

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

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Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

09.06.2024 Grow Your Acting Career with an Unforgettable Online Presence: Proven Strategies for Actors
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