Hello, I'm looking for a female voice actor to audition for the role of a 911 operator. There are a total of 16 lines (119 words). The successful candidate will be paid $100.00 USD. You should have a home studio or access to a studio. I would like to hear a demo of at least 3 or 4 lines. Closing date for this project is Friday December 4th. If you are interested please send me a PM and I will send you the script. ​ Thanks! ​ **Edit:** **I sent an email/PM to everyone interested.** **Edit 2:** A few people commented that they were not able to contact me. I apologize, Im not sure why. Im my settings both "Who can send you chat requests" and "Who can send you private messages" are set to: "EVERYONE". I will watch this thread, post a comment if you can't reach me. ​
Hi ya'll, hope everyone is doing well. Quick question. So I'm brand new to all this and am just getting started. I've built a sound booth, have my mic and audio interface, etc. I was listening to a pro voice actor/ coach recommend to find commercials on YouTube or the net, transcribe them, and record your version for your demo. I like the idea of this, but it seems like it would infringe on their copyright or intellectual property. Is this allowed? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Hope everyone had a great turkey day if you celebrate it!
Hi, im an engineering student close to get my bachelor and ready to my master degree in robotics. When i was a kid i always dreamed about create a robot like terminator and such but back then it would be just a dream. Today we have a lot of robots and boston dynamics really doing what, me as a child, dreamed a lot. Working for boston dynamics would be awesome. How can i do that? Simple, get a engineering degree, or computer, get experience in the common field and send some CV and hope for the best! Easy right? But what about the acting part? When i was a kid i acted quite a lot with other kids. Some days we are fighting dragons, the other days we try to not fall down into the lava and the other day we are knight. We all acted when we were childs and i find this world quite fascinating except for the nude part where i feel really embarassed. But if i wanna persuade this job, how can i reach that? For the engineering part, i have a clean idea to how reach everyjob, at least, how i can try to reach that job but for the acting part i have no idea, like i don't know where to start. I live in Italy, but im really interested about UK and USA movies. I know people from my city that are actors, but because they are italians, and for other reason, they only work into the italian films. But if me, from Italy, wanna try to enter in the UK/USA films, do you have any ideas where to start? Like, enter in a school of acting in London or maybe, in London there are open casting for films?
For the first audition they gave us a list of monologues we had to do, so it was easy just to pick the two I liked the most. However, for call backs they require us to pick one for ourselves that connects to our actors stream or something. What type of monologue works best in these auditions? A super deep dramatic one? Or something else?
When I was younger and starting out my acting coach tried to recruit me into Arbonne, which looking back, was a massive abuse of power. A girl I took classes with is now shilling Kangen water, which is an MLM that's literally selling a thousand dollar water machine that makes "alkaline" water. I know we're all aware of agency scams more or less, but I'm surprised that this industry doesn't do more to protect actors from multi-level-marketing/pyramid schemes. They're so alluring because they have a facade of being an easy work-from-home side hustle and us actors just want a side hustle that'll let us go on auditions and work gigs.
hello, i doubt anyone will actually read this but i can try I guess it will serve me to vent anyways. I’m a ten age girl and I’ve been interested in acting for a few years (which makes me doubt a lot because almost everyone in this career had been interested in ir since they were really young, so maybe what I feel it’s not really passion and I’m just a liar) and I have always been shy and introverted as hell. that makes it so hard to go after a career or just simply attending this course. I’ve been in a pair of courses before, the first one was so lovely. I loved each second of it. I had so much fun filming it and I got to play the main character. It helped a lot too that I felt pretty confident because I liked the people in there and I got to be friends with them. so I think I felt free to play my character without the fear of being judged and I just loved playing my character. of course the feeling that I may be acting wrong or cringy ruined a bit the time but overall I loved it. the second one wasn’t so much as pleasing though. everyone in there already knew each other and I just was there. being the new one and alone. my focus went over not being embarrassed rather than doing good my part. now with this pandemic I’m taking a course through zoom but it’s just so difficult. I don’t know anyone, I can barely talk in there without forgetting how to speak or without my hands shaking for the solid 3 minutes after. we’re making this play and I got a character that gets me completely out of my comfort zone because she does everything I wouldn’t do in public in fear of being embarrassed. my focus is always in not do anything ridicule rather than doing my part and that frustrates me so much but it’s just that the danger when everyone focuses on me feels so real and I don’t know. I have to practice this choreographies for the play but I just can’t bring myself to do it no matter how hard I try. because maybe I think what’s the point of practicing them if you’re going to forget them at the last minute because of the fear of doing them wrong? or I just think sarcastically “yes sure practice them like you’re going to get anywhere pursuing this” or shit like that. I don’t know. I don’t got the energy and I end up doing nothing and feeling guilty. when I see a De Niro kind of actor instead of inspiring me it just demotivates me because I think that they have this special talent that I don’t have. that I could have never sort out the character they are playing the way they do and that I have to compete against that kind of people that are just so talented and that. and when a teacher or my parents comes at me and tells me that I’m good I just think “oh shit I actually tricked them into thinking I’m good” should I drop this? should I just not mess with my anxiety or whatever anymore?
Hi! I'm studying acting in university, and I'm working on a research paper. [Here is the link](https://forms.gle/vhSh8Sa46zAJ425w7) to my survey. It's about the business of acting, and I'm specifically looking for the perspectives of voice actors. Please take a few minutes to fill it out! Thanks! EDIT: There were some technical issues with the survey that have now been resolved.
Hey guys, I'm wondering how long a tv series production usually takes to get back to actors? I recently did a callback AND had a zoom call with the showrunners/creator of the tv show before Thanksgiving. The show starts early december but I'm wondering how much time they're giving to the actors to prepare? I haven't booked it yet so I'm wondering if I don't if they'll even get back to me? Definitely the biggest job I've ever been offered so it's new territory compared to independent features. Thanks :)
Have any of you actually had to get a tattoo release form? I haven’t talked to my tattoo artist in like 6+ years and don’t think he’s even at that studio anymore. I got some big tattoos before I decided to be an actor. They’re all covered by clothes and so I always wonder what to put down when they have a box to select whether I have tattoos or not. Because yes technically I have them but I’m not going to be walking around topless so as far as they’re concerned would that mean I have no tattoos?
Hello, I'm an aspiring voice actor, and a position for a VA job came up in my area (primarily video games, trailers, etc.) that requires putting together a demo reel/portfolio. Any tips that anyone may have for putting one together? I know that people are looking for a showcase of my vocal skills, and I can't just do impressions of cartoon characters or something, but just wondering what I should do or say in the video. Any tips would be extremely appreciated!
Ask away.
I’ve got a bit of a cockney accent that I would love to neutralise, so I could sound more objectively well spoken. I think I developed the accent over the past 8 years or so. This may sound quite pretentious but I feel like there is a huge disconnect between my accent and who I am as a person, my upbringing, socio -economic background, qualifications, career, hobbies and character traits etc. I’m not from the part of England where this accent is usually found, none of my friendship group have this accent and I don’t watch any tv shows with actors with this accent. So I’m not too sure where I picked it up from. It’s a bit of strange phenomenon and I can’t quite put my finger on the inception of my accent. But I suspect its from 6th form, I used to be quite friendly with the “football lads” and many of them had this accent. Do you know of any tips or tricks I could do ? Or even just any useful information. Thanks guys !
Hey everyone. I've just finished a 3-year course in acting for cinema in Paris, France and I'm actively looking for gigs and a talent agency there. Luckily I'm gonna be featured in a TV program in access prime time on national TV for 9 consecutive days in december and january. Only thing is... it's not a TV series but actually a trivia game show where I became the "champion" and managed to hang on for a while. Every day, the host (an actor himself) introduces me as an actor and both my opponent and myself play in a team with two guests (mostly screen and stage actors as well). Do you think I should keep a low profile (considering it's not an acting performance but rather entertainment where anyone can apply) or should I contact a few agent assistants with the usual resume and reels + let them know I'm currently on TV, to try and spike their curiosity or something ? Maybe the agents that already work with the guests on the show as an introduction ? I'll make sure that whoever wants to be in contact with me can easily find me on social media with just my first name and the name of the show but should I actively reach out to agencies and casting directors (this is french public TV, they produce a lot of original fictions) ? What would you do ? Thanks.
Hi everyone, I would love to be an actress and just trird to do a monologue from "The notebook" However it's in french so if anyone speak french here and is willing to give their opinion, i would be really happy. It's far from perfect and the video quality is mediocre but I really tried. Please tell me if you think i have potential (and for non French speakers maybe you could listen to see my tone, expressions and emotions. Anyway thank you to anyone willing to do that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlmwS9ij4CI&t=27s
Obviously at the moment, before we have a vaccine, UK theatres are basically out of action and production levels are lower than usual - but I’m interested to see how people predict things will be post-covid, also considering Brexit.
I'm a voice actor primarily, but I've also noticed this whenever I do any form of performance; the mood I'm in plays a gigantic role in the quality of my performance. For example, last week I landed a couple of VO jobs within a day of one another which put me in a pretty good mood. For the next couple of days, I wasn't stressing over my reads and my shortlist numbers went through the roof. It was like 3 out of 5 jobs I auditioned for I was getting shortlisted. Then I was informed that a job that was sounding very promising was getting given to someone else, which sent me into a slump. The life in my reads died and I haven't been shortlisted for a few days. It's not like I'm not a capable voice talent. I've consistently got good feedback from a number of very big names within the industry as well as all the clients I've worked with; my reads just fluctuate so much with my mood. I love acting and I'm well aware that anyone who is successful in it doesn't let their thoughts get to them. I've heard various things like "Auditioning is the job, landing the gig is payday", but none of those have sparked a major mental shift in how I feel about rejection. I know I'm capable of getting over the habit of letting these things affect me; I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice as to how I can go about reaching that state? Thanks in advance!
From my research I’ve noticed that a lot of the big leading agencies in the UK have undergone significant change this year. I assume it’s no coincidence that it’s also the year of covid, which has obviously massively affected production levels and theatre. Some changes I’ve observed: - The former managing directors of Troika appear to have left agenting and the company is now undergoing rebranding. One of the leading agents there has moved to United Agents with their list of actors - The leading agent of Shepherd management has moved to Artists Partnership with her list - Curtis Brown Group have acquired Markham Froggatt and Irwin - A few agents at Waring & McKenna have left to start their own company bringing their clients with them - Hamilton Hodell have restructured - Probably more examples that I don’t know about I wonder if this could be because the industry quietness has given agents/agencies more time to reconsider things they normally wouldn’t have the time to think about (E.g. whether or not individual agents with their own lists within a bigger agency want to continue working in their particular agency / whether or not the agency as a whole wants to continue in the same way they have been going / etc.)? Or could it be that maybe a deeper economic problem caused by covid that has dismantled things and has forced this change to happen? But then surely these bigger agencies with loads of high earning actors wouldn’t be so badly financially affected? Even without high production levels I would imagine there would still be lots of money coming in through royalties/franchise stuff/voiceovers etc. But then what do I know? Or perhaps the problems in the production industry has created personal/professional conflict or tension between individual agents at larger agencies which has encouraged people to leave etc? Obviously this is more of an agent issue than an actor one but thought it was worth posting here in case people have insight. There’s evidently A LOT of change happening with agents so I would imagine that this would be of interest to actors.
Hey guys - getting my ducks in a row for an 18+ video game and am in need voice actors. Right now, we're looking for just female actors to record tracks for the promo. The point is to have one dedicated voice actor per each character - so everything from normal conversation to sex moans and sexual noises. This is a passion project, but definitely paying for high quality voice acting. This means you must have a way to record your dialogue. I normally use Voices(dot)com, but I don't think they allow sexual content. Or if they do, they don't state that. If you're a voice actor and willing, feel free to reach out to me. Or if you know of a site that allows sexual material for voice actors, I'd like to know. One last thing: getting my ducks in a row means I'm not going to throw money at this until Q1 of 2021, so I won't have lines for you to record until then. I'm looking for quotes and measuring interest at this stage. Thanks!
Hello, I'm an aspiring voice actor, and a position for a VA job came up in my area (primarily video games, trailers, etc.) that requires putting together a demo reel/portfolio. Any tips that anyone may have for putting one together? I know that people are looking for a showcase of my vocal skills, but I'm assuming I can't just do impressions of cartoon characters or something. Any tips would be extremely appreciated!
I currently live in NYC and I heard NYC is great for commercials and dubbing but I want to do animation, such as cartoons. Would it be better to live in LA to do that?
I am looking for playwrights that want their work to be presented through our theater group. Of course we are a low-budget group but maybe we can work something out.
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
I am aspiring to work as an actor, and I am thinking about starting a Theatre degree or a Cinema degree. The institution that offers the Cinema degree is more accessible for me in terms of life cost, but I may also manage to enter the institution that offers the Theatre degree. Should I study Cinema? Will it help or harm my efforts to become a professional actor? Thank you very much.
hello! I'm a 17 year old who's been participating in an acting course organized by my school for the past three years. I really started to be interested in acting and kind of want to get into it more and maybe, who knows, make it my job. The problem is my family all wants me to finish high school and then attend university, when I tried saying I would like to do an acting school they all said I absolutely can't do that because it won't grant me a job and doesn't provide me much education. It seems that basically all professional well-known actors attended one or more acting schools after high school, but is it possibile for me to be an actor while being in university and maybe attending an acting course instead of a school? Has anyone had a similar experience?
Hey all, fairly new to acting here. I've done a few theatre things now and two short films. I'm struggling right now to find work, but I have an audition with Middleweek Newton in London next week. The audition is for their screen acting course, which consists of 4 terms with the opportunity to audition for agency representation at the end. I'm worried that this is more of a cash grab to get inexperienced actors to join the course in the hopes of representation. They do have a lot of actors on their roster though however I can see the work is sometimes very scarce (some haven't done anything since 2017) or they're doing extra work (nothing wrong with that it just isn't what I'm looking for). Is it worth paying for this one in the hopes I may be taken on for representation or should I go to a more reputable course in London? Middleweek also don't have any kind of award when you've finished it but other acting schools do?
Can an actress be discovered on the street? Does that ever happen? If a girl is strikingly beautiful can she get discovered on the street (offered a role)?
Genuinely asking. It scares me
Hello guys I am an international student in the UK (non-EU) and i was wondering if I could get any tips of how to get into the acting industry here in London. I am doing acting classes and joining online improv classes currently in order to improve my skills. i was wondering if i could get any tips from any expat actors who are currently working in the UK and maybe tips on how to get started. That would be greatly appreciated!
Can someone help me out with the agency tier's in Atlanta. Like, who are considered mid tier who might give actors a shot to join, and who are considered the elite tier that is super hard to get into. just the idea of leaving my city of Chicago has been floating around my head. I think I'm ready. This say Chicago is the city to get trained and a good resume and I think it's good enough for more opportunities. Chicago doesn't have as much work as ATL. I'm not getting any younger and I think it's to try a new area. Thank you to anyone who helps.
I’m an actor in Brazil and also have an EU citizenship, trying to make it big enough here in my country so I can apply for an O1 visa at some point. But it’s all so confusing to me, because of course it’s not just that simply. I would like to know how foreign working actors (like Ana de Armas, Margot Robbie) get LA agents and managers without living in the US or under any work or student visa first. How do they find the agents, managers? Would going to LA on a tourist visa for short term courses like Ivana Chubbuck, that don’t require any student visa or anything to join, be a good way to try getting to meet other new actors and people in the industry? So while just being there, I can search for agents, see if they could write the letter for the O1 visa process. Or is there any other way to get to LA and audition LEGALLY that people in the industry just don’t want to talk about? I mean, a lot of foreign actors working in huge films and streaming tv shows didn’t have a big career in their home country so I doubt they had an O1 visa, unless it’s easy to get one. Katherine Langford, for example, auditioned for 13RW via Skype and they asked her to get all the documentation papers and go to LA... so being lucky enough to find a worldwide casting call online and getting picked would be one way to get in this industry, but I don’t think worldwide casting calls are that popular right?!
Does anyone know who to get in touch with to audition for kenobi? I am an actor who is self represented I have worked in GOT, Outlaw king and many Scottish based shows but I am trying to find some information to audition for a role in kenobi I have the character details and the age but I can’t find anywhere to submit if anyone can help out in any way I appreciate it!
While I am sure there are a lot, it doesn’t seem widely discussed. Putting aside the flexible hours and outrageous income and networking potential, I feel like Sales is a professional discipline that applies 90% of what it is to be in the moment as an actor. Specifically I’m talking about Business to Business Sales. I feel like so much of the skill set translates you are practicing acting while at work. I’m sure you can do that in any field, but that’s the nature of B2B Sales. I learned a lot about acting when I was selling products that A. Nobody asked for and B. That didn’t really work. It wasn’t until I worked my way up into products that I do care about that I found financial stability, but the lessons were on the job type training the failures were intense and extremely valuable. I stop short of a recommendation as it’s not for everyone, it’s a lot like waiting tables in that regard. I just see so many “I’m 25 should I quit and go back to Indiana???” Posts, I feel like it’s a type of field you grow hand in hand with your artistic pursuits. If anybody else has any experience in this, or possibly any insight that might be useful for this current economic environment for anyone who might be looking for a new revenue stream in order to stay in the game feel free to share!
Hey guys! Just wondering- which agencies look on Talentlink, from actors access? I’m on it this month, and I’m wondering who likes to look at it. People who’ve been signed/know people who’ve signed via Talentlink, which agencies got you?
Hi guys, I hope you are all safe and well! I recently moved to an agency which is slightly bigger with more reputation. I didn't move for that reason but simply I liked the philosophy of the agency (agent) I moved to. One day I was checking my past submissions and tracking who got the role I auditioned for, which is unhealthy I know, but I wanted to find out to see if I can improve anything. Turns out all the roles went to actors who are with much much bigger agency than mine and made me think, do I have to be with even bigger agency to get a role? I personally don't want to believe it but I wanted to hear your thoughts. Roles I auditioned were co-star roles.
I’ve heard that it’s really hard to do this in the UK as a non-UK citizen. Please help!
Aloha guys. This post is pretty random and filled with a bunch of questions lol I’m thinking of taking the next step on my journey to becoming an actor and applying to some agencies(in Toronto) but Im a little nervous. I have some experience(2 students films, 2 music videos and a year and a half of acting classes) but my resume looks a little bland. *Side Note*- Can music videos go on my resume even though I didn’t have any lines and if so, what header would I put it under? Do you guys have any recommendations of agencies I should apply to in Toronto? I heard Amanda Rosenthal is good but I’m not sure if I should apply to her cause I don’t have that much experience.Also do you think it’s a good time to apply to agencies(November-December) or should I wait a little bit longer? Lastly, I kind of have a draft of what my submission would look like but I’m afraid that it’s too long/wordy. I also don’t have a demo reel(working on it) but I do have some footage from class. Would that be okay to send in? Thanks in advance for all the help!!!
Hi guys, I recently started doing BG work and I decided that I want to get really into acting. I made an actor's access account and I've been looking at roles and I've found a few that I fit but I have no idea how to begin. I don't have any experience other than my current BG work and maybe high school musical theater. The applications ask for a demo reel, and photos, and I don't have anything except a recent good photo of me smiling and sitting down. Is this enough? I just want to apply in the correct way and get on something so I can learn.
What's up everyone? Just wanted to drop in and let everyone know how much we appreciate being a part of the r/acting community! We love seeing the posts come through on Discord and many times, we get in to discussions about the posts. If you haven't already, come and join us in the "Actors Network" Discord community! [https://discord.gg/yXYgYmm](https://discord.gg/yXYgYmm)
Hi everyone, I hope everyone is safe, healthy, and happy!! I had a question about acting classes. So in July, I started my own Etsy store/business to raise money for acting classes, which I did! During this time, I also got an IMDB credit for VERY VERY VERY small role (I actually haven't even seen myself in the final product yet) for a self-taped virtual movie and participated in a 10 day monologue challenge on Facebook with a group of actors. Regardless, I really want to take acting classes; I know that if you don't have the credits on your resume, you should definitely have classes to make up for that. I'm sorry for rambling haha, but basically my question falls to this: are there any acting classes you recommend I take online? I just don't know how helpful they would be since the camera can make it harder to receive criticism??? I've applied to schools in California (I'm 17, a high school senior) and I'm pretty sure I'll get into my safety schools in Los Angeles and Redlands so I don't know if I should wait to take classes there in person or if I should take them online right now. I still want to go into California with some experience... Any help or suggestions would be very appreciated. Thanks so much and have a beautiful day!
My names Peter Azmy I am both a Computer Engineer and an actor. I’m a first generation Egyptian-American who would love to work with Ramy Youssef, Rami Malek, Mena Massoud, or even Bassem Yousef someday (honestly if any of you knows somebody who knows somebody... pls help) I am extremely qualified in both film and engineering My qualifications and my film reel can be found down below and I’d love any advice in the industry, I’m about to be in an Amazon film and it’s (my first paid supporting role) https://www.solo.to/PeterAzmy
The SAG-AFTRA Young Performers Handbook has been extensively updated and expanded. I really consider this a must-read for any parent (and older child) in the business, even (especially!) if your child is not in the union. Chapters include union eligibility, work permits, Coogan accounts, the casting process, safety, and more. Please read and pass along to any families you know with kids in the business! [https://www.sagaftra.org/files/sa\_documents/young\_performers\_handbook.pdf](https://redirect.viglink.com/?key=397bc07bc09201be2208744802636e51&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sagaftra.org%2Ffiles%2Fsa_documents%2Fyoung_performers_handbook.pdf&prodOvrd=RAC)
Ive wanted to get into voice over since I was 10 years old. I’m a theater kid so I’ve been around the industry my whole life. I’ve been working one on one with a voice coach, who is a current working voice actress, once a week for about 7 years. She has helped me in lots of ways, but I’m no closer to even having a demo tape to use. Should I drop the class and just find a one time class that will help me make a demo? Or should I stick it out? Paying for this class is my biggest expense. I also welcome opinions on what kind of hardware I should get (mics, pop guards, sound proofing materials, what kind of computer I should get, etc.)
So I wrote and produced a web series about two women trying to navigate life in East Los Angeles while dealing with their insane friends and family. The first episode just went up. We have five more in the can and a lot more being worked on. We're a no budget production but with great scripts and some really talented people onIt Only Gets Worse board. We're looking for actors who would love to work with us. Take a look at our Halloween episode and see if this is a series that you'd like to work on. FYI, I've met actors that I thought were good people and I wrote characters specifically for them. I'm always open to help struggling actors. My show is called, IT ONLY GETS WORSE [It Only gets Worse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1txES9Ol1nA&t=617s)
I have acting training but I wouldn't call myself a TRAINED actor. I've done live theatre ish and a few other gigs here and there. I've never worked with an acting coach until today. She was so nice and very helpful! I just feel bad about it. I'm not sure if they usually have lots of notes or what. Is this usual? She was helping me prep for something. I'm just feeling very self-conscious about my abilities and feel like I wasted her time. Maybe, I"m being too harsh on myself? I did notice was that I'm probably running dialogue too much and have gotten into a specific pattern with the dialogue. She pointed that out! I"m wondering if anyone has any advice on how to avoid this and be more flexible? I've been using line learner and my bf has been reading it to me (he's not an actor at all)! I just want to be ready for this audition but I know I'll be nervous and they're gonna do it in a way like I didn't rehearse.
I've just turned 19 and lately I've really been considering what I want in life, and I think acting is the way I want to go. I'm just not sure if I should seriously pursue acting. I'm in the PNW right now, near a big city, but it doesn't seem to be a huge market with COVID and all. I'm in college right now (freshman) and I was wondering if I should try to transfer to a school in LA or NYC so I could actually start my career. Also, I'm Asian, so it's pretty discouraging to see such few listings targeted towards Asian actors. Additionally: would it also help my acting career that I look like a teenager (I look anywhere between 16-24) and have modeling experience?
Hey there. I'm an Indian who is extremely passionate about Drama and Films. After having done a Bachelors in Commerce, I seek admission in LAMDA. I've read up online ( Not heard from anyone since I don't have any friends who want to apply to UK for Dramatic arts) that LAMDA, RADA, etc are extremely difficult to get into. I realise I need to get an IELTS score of 7 and above for applying , but that shouldn't be a problem hopefully. As for my past experience, I've worked on multiple local Hindi plays in Mumbai as an actor and backstage worker. I have also worked on a mainstream Bollywood movie as an assisstant director. With this as my past exp, I don't know if it'll be enough. Looking at the competition (English speaking students of Bachelors in drama wanting the same degree), I am worried whether I should even apply for top unis in UK. Please help me with any opinions about your admission experience, or about the selection process. Thanks
For those that didn't see it, here's the full email (I've highlighted the bit I was most interested in): "Launched in 2011, the Audiobook Creation Exchange has paved the way for exponential growth in audiobook production and consumption, today supplying over 200 audiobooks in store per day to Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. The ACX online rights marketplace and production engine is available to all authors, publishers, literary agents, narrators and studio pros in the US, UK, Canada, and Ireland. ACX.com connects and educates independent authors and rising actors—many of whom are among 20,000 professional actors who have worked with Audible in the past 5 years—in the art of audiobook performance and creation, and provides title-promotion tools and methods to drive sales and audiobook awareness, allowing our creative stakeholders to reach new audiences on Audible and beyond. Free programs, including ACX University and the Promo Code Tool, seek to level the playing field and further expand opportunity for authors, narrators, rights holders and producers alike. As you know, we’ve been working to address some ACX authors’ concerns about Audible’s overall exchange policy, and we appreciate your feedback. The intent of this program is to allow listeners to discover their favorite voice, author, or story in audio. In instances where we determine the benefit is being overused, Audible can and does limit the number of exchanges and refunds allowed by a member. But as designed, this customer benefit allows active Audible members in good standing to take a chance on new content, and suspicious activity is extremely rare. We hope this helps convey perspective to our valued writers and ACX partners as to the impact of our current returns policies. **However, in recognition of these concerns, moving forward and effective as of January 1, 2021, Audible will pay royalties for any title returned more than 7 days following purchase. This adjustment does not impact our customers' current benefits of membership,** and we look forward to continuing to welcome millions of first-time listeners, enabling our members to discover new content they enjoy and growing the audience for our valued creative partners.Respectfully, The ACX Team"
Hi everyone. I live in Toronto, and sent my materials (headshots, resume, demo) out to agencies about a week before the worldwide lockdown in March. Awful timing. 1 agency got back to me and nothing came to fruition from it. A lot of my friends told me not to worry it’s not my fault it’s just that agencies are downsizing or just not looking for new talent during a pandemic. Fast forward to to a few weeks ago when toronto was open and a photographer took some new headshots for me and told me about a few agencies were looking for new talent. So I sent my package out once again looking to be signed to agency and a little under two weeks go by and toronto is in lockdown again, and about 4 emailed back saying their rosters are closed. How long should I wait to resend my materials to agencies? Is it annoying to agencies to see my email and face a bunch of times? I’m genuinely worried that another year may go by and I will continue to be an agent-less actor which I know isn’t the end of the world but it’s very demoralizing. Thanks for reading.
Hey guys, So I'm currently in LA and will be for the foreseeable future and I'm looking to enroll in a Foundational acting conservatory in the city. I've never really had a formal acting education, so I'm looking to learn an acting technique (or multiple techniques) so I can have something to rely on when I'm acting. My focus is 100% on Film/TV and I'm trying to attempt to "recreate" an MFA education at a top-level university (The acting aspects of it, at least. I know voice and movement and other aspects will be hard to recreate). The places I've interviewed with so far are: 1. Alderson Studio (Virtual Meisner) - The upcoming Meisner class here works great for my schedule. My concern is that Bill Alderson is getting up there in age, and I'm not sure how long he'll be around and if the Meisner training here is the best in the city. 2. Taylor Studio (Virtual Meisner) - The class here is more difficult for my schedule since classes are during the week, but it seems like Alex Taylor is the go-to guy for Meisner in Los Angeles? All of the other Meisner studios seemed to have shut down classes due to the pandemic without an ETA on when they would return, but would you recommend one studio over the other on this list? Or is there a most-recommended acting conservatory in Los Angeles for actors looking to build a solid foundation? I'm open to learning any technique, and I'm not looking for any finishing teachers like Lesly Kahn or John Rosenfeld; just foundational acting conservatories (Meisner, Adler, Strasberg, etc.) Thank you!
Hi all, I’m a singer/new actress and JUST signed with an agency. No prior experience in this industry aside. I understand a little of it from having relatives/friends in the industry. Aside from 800casting, what sites are you using for auditions for tv/film? Reviews on 800casting?
Weeee, you found me!
I'm your buddy Bottie, I was hiding behind the scenes, but now that you've found me I'd be happy to tell you what I'm doing.
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