I am looking to hire a voice actor for my YouTube channel. The scripts are roughly 500-900 words, and the videos are no longer than 10 minutes (usually 7-8 mins). The scripts are informative and pretty easy to read. Looking to pay for around 10-15 videos as of now. The script should really only need 1 take, and can be done in minutes. What would a fair rate be?
I had this video forwarded to me by a friend, and I’m looking to buy a good tripod / microphone / light for Christmas so I can start getting myself out there. I’ve seen similar posts, but trying to get a really great, portable, and professional set up to get me started. Would appreciate any kind of Amazon links / recommendations. Thanks so much and happy holidays!
Very silly question, but I had a recall for a BBC thing and was told at the end of my audition ' Great Job' from the director. For some reason this has made me so uncomfortable since the recall and I can't get it out of my mind (mostly because when he said it he made sure the room was silent before he spoke). Did he say it because it was like a thanks you did well but the role is not for you, or was it truly a good recall. I know us actors can't handle positive feedback, normally I feel fine after auditions and think nothing of them.... but this has me in my head and I cant figure out why. LOL please share your thoughts or any laughs you may have, all is appreciated.
It seems like most actor body types are either very fit or very fat. I can’t think of any actors working that are in that slightly chubby/average American body type. The actors i think of who are bigger are all very big (that’s not a judgment, just recognizing that they would have to lose a lot of weight to be considered thin). For example, Josh Gad, Harvey Guillén, Chrissy Metz, Kevin James, Jonah Hill. If you open this up to comedians who act, there’s a bit more leeway but I can’t think of any actors with normal or slightly chubby bodies (let’s say 10-20 pounds overweight). It’s just wild to me, in a culture where so many people are fat, actors are still held to this crazy standard. And it’s not not for sexy leads, it’s like every actor. To make this about me; I like my body. I work out and am active and always striving to do more, but I don’t want a 6 pack and I’m not willing to eat the way I would need to to get achieve those results. I like myself but why do I feel like I’m being pushed to change my body?
Would love to know your journey and any tips you have for people wanting to get on those stages.
The title. I feel like the excitement to improve my craft and create art gets overshadowed by the business of acting. So I would love to start some dialogue and hopefully not find out I’m the only one… How do you stay sane when there are so many comparison traps everywhere? How do you stay hopeful when you feel behind your peers or when you feel like you’ll never succeed in the way you want? How do you stay motivated when it feels like no progress is being made? For those who don’t do this as a hobby, how do you handle the push and urgency of showbiz? Would love any and all thoughts on mental health for aspiring working actors. TIA
YouTube recommended a self tape video to me today and it was someone’s tape for a role on Wednesday for Netflix. The top comment was telling the poster to take it down because they heard of casting directors blacklisting actors for posting auditions. In this case though, the character and the auditions scenes (not verbatim but with rewrites) appear in the series that has already been released. Is this still not allowed?
If not NY or LA, how’s Chicago to start your acting career? Do they have any good acting conservatory program?
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. ​ For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
I am two episodes in and really struggling. Jenna Ortega and Gwendolyn Christie are excellent, but a lot of the other actors seem weak? I get that it’s more campy style and the acting tends to fit that, but the actress playing Enid was fake crying (she was actually supposed to be upset though) and some of these other actors are hokey. I can’t tell if their acting is bad or it’s just the bad script making it hard for them to work with. The script tends to “tell” instead of “show” the audience, and it feels like it’s forcing itself to be very Gen Z. Maybe I should just accept that it’s not made for me (late twenties)? I just feel like modern media could be more elevated. Why are the characters calling people normies and talking about tik tok… What are your opinions? I really wanted to like it.
tw: Fiverr discussion Hi, buyer here, not a voice actor. I've selected a voice actor for a basic Fiverr gig to say how ever so many words. After purchase, I'm presented with 3 fields. One for the script, one for clarifying pronunciations, and one for clarifying tone & pitch. I could ask them what they prefer each and every time I hire someone for something small, and I just might. But I thought it wouldn't hurt to get more opinions. As a voice actor, would you rather receive directions like `[Medium-pitch throughout]` `Line 3 [snippet of line]: Tone directions here` `Line 4 [snippet of line]: Different tone directions here` `Lines 5-6 [snippet; snippet]: Totally different directions here` or the entire script, copied and pasted again, with directions above each line? `[Middle-pitch throughout]` `[Tone directions here]` `<Line 3 here>` `[Different tone directions here]` `<Line 4 here>` `[Totally different directions here]` `<Line 5 here>` `[The previous directions copied and pasted]` `<Line 6 here>` Or something totally different? I was shocked when I found out movie scripts usually leave it to interpretation. If and when I don't wildly change the intended tone between lines, that's no big deal, and I know my voice actor is not stupid. I understand that I'm overthinking it big time. I'm just trying to be courteous here, and of course minimize revisions. I would love to know your thoughts. Thanks.
Going on a long drive today and would love to have something that keeps me entertained so I was wondering if you guys know any podcast episodes that detail an actor's journey into breaking in the industry? I was a fan of Jenna Fischer's book and looking for similar vibes.
This is something that always come to mind when actors either film a show in another country or state they aren’t from. Is housing provided to actors if they are either apart of the main cast or main role in a movie. How does that work? Do they get payed as they work?
Hello I’m Atlanta based actor and have extensive theater experience as well professional training and skills. I have gotten on sets , student films, and professional headshots . I submitted to agents but didn’t hear back at all. Are there any professional actors located in Atlanta who could help me with getting an agent ? Please I really need the help
Whenever I try to search career prospects in acting, I’m bombarded with figures like “there’s only a 1 in a million chance that you’ll make it as an actor” or “you’re more likely to get into Harvard”, etc. I find these very silly and misleading because I doubt that most actors go into it thinking that they’re gonna become the next Leonardo DiCaprio or Meryl Streep. We go into it because we’re passionate about it. That being said, I’m still unsure as to what the average actor can expect to make. Because I’m sure this would vary a lot by location and experience, lets say its someone in a big city like LA or NYC who’s been doing it full time for say 2-3 years, and has had some training (whether it be a conservatory, a BFA/minor in acting, or just local theaters). There’s literally thousands of tv shows and movies being made every year and each of them employ dozens (if not hundreds) of actors. In light of that, I honestly find it hard to believe that making a living via acting is close to impossible as many say. And this is excluding the hundreds of theaters across the country and the thousands of commercials made every year. I’d appreciate any input. Sorry if I come as a bit ignorant. I’m still in college so I don’t fully know what to expect.
I’m a 16 and looking to take a acting class. I’m in the middle of improv or a on camera class for beginners but the improv is way less expensive with more classes. It is also well know(second city) so I don’t know what to choose. Does improv help you as an actor? I just don’t want to waste money on the wrong one.
Join our fun and exciting team! We run successful YouTube channels in the gaming and animation niches, and we are currently looking to hire skilled voice actors. **Job Role:** Voice-Over Talent **Offer:** $20 - $40 per hour (depending on experience) **Skills and Requirements:** * Must be 18 years or older. * Proven experience as a voice talent for gaming/kids’ animation channels for YouTube. Refer to this short clip to know what type of voice we are looking for: [https://bit.ly/3hz0Y8h](https://bit.ly/3hz0Y8h) * Experience with the Adobe suite of products is desirable: * Premiere Pro (video editing) * Audition (audio recording) * Photoshop (graphic design, etc) * Experience or familiarity with V-Tubers or voice acting in a non-traditional setting is desirable. * Having your own content channel is a huge bonus. (Twitch stream, YouTube channel based around Voiceover, or similar) * A clear understanding of internet culture Please submit your **CV and relevant samples** to [creativehiringforyt@gmail.com](mailto:creativehiringforyt@gmail.com) with a Subject Line - **“Voice Over for YT”**
I have been working as a background actress for mostly TV on streaming platforms-and network shows for about 3 months My question to those who have been working as principle / guest star roles is or anyone in the industry is - is this work productive and profitable as an un-represented theatrical actress I have been studying technique for years.. I feel happy to be on set again but feel I still have so much work to get to the other side and use my voice and talents as an actress… but I’m happy to be there and observing the process.
I have always wanted to be voice actor Since freshman year of Highschool And I still do so now And yet, the stuff I’ve seen of what you pay money for felt more like a podcast rather than a proper course I love Steve Blum’s work, and yet, i didn’t the impression that this was an actually useful course, and not a podcast like talk As I don’t own the membership, some advice on where to get started, or if this membership really is great and should go along with it
Tevya Heller and others working on an upcoming project ‘ PartyInThe6ix ‘ utilize a lot of the popular sites for new actors (such as Mandy, Backstage, etc.) to reach out to them and invite them to audition for a hosting role. He promises a large salary and the role does seem very appealing; however, you very likely will not be auditioning for a hosting role and will be used to promote the show. Recently, I showed up to the dance club where the audition was held. The format was to be a mock-hosting of a dance party. Around 80 young people showed up and were waiting in line for their chance to show their hosting skills and their charisma. Of those ~80, only myself and 4 others were pre-selected to have a hosting audition and pulled out of line to be prepped for the audition. Everyone else not selected served as background dancers and was not remotely considered for a hosting role. He had the 5 of us selected introduce a DJ, the show, and ourselves while everyone else danced behind us. It was bizarre and clearly a ploy to grab good promotional footage as the entire event was recorded by several cameramen. Moreover, a promotional video was uploaded to a PartyInThe6ix Instagram account prominently featuring myself and some of the others selected to host without our permission. I requested it be removed and he very grudgingly did remove it (with a lot of hostility via email) but it confirmed my suspicion at the time that if invited to a PartyInThe6ix audition, you are being taken advantage of. TLDR: PartyInThe6ix audition invitations are a ploy to take advantage of young and new actors for promotional material for Tevya’s new show.
Hello everyone. I want to get out of my small town in the Midwest and move to a larger city (not New York or Los Angeles) where there is far more opportunity for actors. I'm thinking a city where there is a great regional theatre market. But the thing is, I don't know how to choose or find what city I want to move to to try to get my start. Do you guys have any advice for me? If you guys have any info, do you know what cities have great regional markets? Thanks everyone!
I have an audition for an AEA theater company coming in January. I am looking forward to it as this could be my first experience in a Unionized theatre. That is, I was excited until I read their website. I am very supportive of diversity in the workplace. The only problem I have is with people who only hire off diversity and not experience or merit. Judging by their website, this is a company that seems to value diversity first and merit last. They end their "About Us" post with "Black Lives Matter". Usually, this means that they hire people of color before anyone else. I'm a non-union actor who is as white as drywall, with no formal experience to my name. They confirmed I'm on the wait list and my audition dates are also confirmed once I send my vaccine card, but should I even go? What's the point? They'll know I'm straight and white, they already know I'm not in a union, and they'll most definitely know that I've never had real paying theatre experience. Why should I even bother? Might as well let the POC's have it.
I am a voice actor and huge literary fan. Here is a narration of my favorite David Foster Wallace short story, Forever Overhead. Just for enjoyment! https://youtu.be/oFp0tPC-guk
So, i started self submitting about 4 weeks ago, on both backstage and Actors access (actors access I started about 2 weeks ago I think). I don't have much experience, aside from doing theater when i was a child, and then reality later on after i turned 18.. i am 27 now. I have been called for about 6 auditions on backstage, and 2 on AA, which is pretty good for me given that i don't have any professional headshots yet (going to get some around the 1st) another one felt that i was too young for the role i submitted on, but had another one in mind in a future project, so interesting if he reaches back out. When is it peak season in the film industry? Also, would you recommend putting up monologues on AA given that i don't have a reel, or nothing at all? I am literally submitting to anything i can as far as roles go, lead and supporting and day player, student films, short films, etc. Also, i have looked at taking classes at Grahamshiels studios, anyone been there and did you like it? Right now i am doing the auditioning as training. I really don't expect to get any callbacks, but it's interesting to try the whole process, and i see it as a learning journey. Thanks!
For me, it's Chris Klein. Don't get me wrong, I love how he acts in all American Pie movies he is in, but... Did you guys ever see this Legend of Chun-Li performance? It's laughably bad!
looking for voice over actors/actress. Hit me up with your samples - this is for a YT channel with over 22M subscribers. Rates are between $20-40 or can go above depending on experience/portfolio. Message me with your samples. Only experienced voice actor/actress with sample will be accommodated. Feel free to ask more over DM. Thanks!
I am trying to fillout the paperwork for California minor child actor work permit and I am having problems finding the right school form. Does anyone know which is the right website or agency to contact? The school form that I have found has a waterdrop and looks like it’s not the correct form. Has anyone had this issue?
What do you define as a "tough character" to play? I keep hearing actors refer to some of their roles as being difficult characters, but I don't know what they mean by that. What does this mean, or look like, to you all? Thanks.
I’ve been acting professionally for about 4 years now.. starting out in theatre and working myself through film and television. I even worked on a television show for a year in production/full time-stand in so I’ve always known the fast pace of this world. I did all of this while still attending undergraduate school. This year I also got my first agent and since my undergraduate experience is coming to an end I genuinely want to study acting full-time outside of the acting studios and workshops I’ve done. Yale school of drama being a school I love because of their curriculum and skill sets they are able to teach, I decided to apply a month ago. Fear got into the way and I stopped working on it.. now I am almost done with my application and I just want to know if anyone has had an experience with the audition process or experience going to school. Regardless if I get in I’m going to still purists acting in anyways I can however, Yale could make me an even better actor and I just can’t begin to imagine after 3 years who I could become with that type of training. Btw: I’m an African American female (idk if that will give more insight)
Disclaimer: I am learning and this is by no means the gameplan of a seasoned actor. Just a bit of background. I started acting about 1.5 years ago. The first year I took classes and for the last 6 months ive been booking here and there. Some self-submissions and others with my agency. I don't have a large agency as I'm not located in a large market. The nearest Large market is Atlanta (3 hours away), and I've been in and out of it the last 3 months taking classes, working gigs, and visiting family there. I even did a student film over at UGA in November. Im at a point now where I believe I can move into Co-star roles, and small roles in non-union productions maybe even small roles in SAG productions. So im looking for an agent in the market. Ive read and re-read Self-management for the actor by Bonnie Gillespie( along other things), and ive gone through her videos on representations and goals to set. I've also done my research on my target shows, and I am finishing my target casting directors list as well as my target agents list. Both of which I will have complete before new years. I know my type and I am on- brand as far as I can tell and as far as I've been cast for. It took a while for all these things to come into fruition and I know agencies have closed shop for the holidays so I missed the dead period in December to submit. However, I am planning to submit to my target agencies on Jan.2nd. This means my submissions wont be drowned by backlogs from over the holiday season and they should see it relatively soon after I submit. I do know Pilot season kicks off immediately so im prepared to hear nothing back. If that is the case, ill do what I can to self-su via casting websites but I know the listings will be minimum but atleast ill be submitting. In the case I dont get any responses on my initial submissions, I plan to resubmit in April (Drop Season) with new credits. After that just prepare for episodic season. Again, im still new to the layout of everything but I wanted to talk more about how my plan sounds and your thoughts. ​ Best, CC
I'm sorry if this kind of post is unwelcome here. I'm not a voice actor but I think this community could help answer by question. I've always been soft spoken to the point it can be a strain to be heard. Now that I have covid, my voice sounds strange but I much prefer it because it travels effortlessly and my mother doesn't have to keep asking me to repeat myself (everyone's infected). Anyway, I'm wondering if I can change the way I use my voice in a way that feels natural to me that I will eventually just forget I'm doing. I didn't realize how nice it is to have a voice that carries.
I know it’ll happen when I’m ready, and if nobody’s signing me I’m clearly not. I’m discouraged right now, met a girl on set the other day that has an agent and that was her very first job, had never taken an acting class, got an agent with a self tape and a selfie. Meanwhile I’m on my third feature film booked on actors access, 4 years of acting classes, professional headshots and can’t get a single response. Really praying that once my first movie comes out January 13th and I get some reel footage I can get somewhere!! Anyways if you have an agent I’m jealous and happy for you
I work a lot of student/ small budget films. And I’m alright with this usually the cast and crew is very professional and make some pretty good short films, they also take great care of the actors since usually we are there for free on our own time. I applied for a small budget student project and thought I knew what I was getting myself into since I’ve worked a lot of them but this came from left field. No crew it was one guy (this would be fine with me if everything was done professionally and organized) we film for 9+ hours in the cold without break (it takes me an hour to regulate my body temperature when I get home) and it is completely disorganized I was on set for 9+ hours when I only had 3 scenes. If this was a one day thing I’d probably get over it but it’s been almost 7 days of shoots reshoots in the freezing cold. The other actors don’t seem to mind and they’ve been acting longer and on bigger projects then me. How am I supposed to handle this I honestly have no idea how to go about this at all.
so I'm doing a Marty Mcfly cosplay and I was wondering how to imitate his voice and I would greatly appreciate any help from all of you wonderful voice actors. I do apologize if this is the wrong subreddit, if so please tell me what sub I should go to. Thanks
Hi guys, do you have any good agents and agencies to recomend to someone who is still a beginner? Also, would be amazing if they worked with international actors
Want an effective way to build a website? Or do you want to make money by creating websites for sale? Either way, check out WebPrimo+. WebPrimo+ is a trusted and verified website builder that enhances websites to become an experience. You can easily make over $100 within minutes by selling these amazing websites! I have created around $2744 just by selling websites for actors and small businesses. Want to purchase this website builder that pays for itself? It only costs $24 if you use my special referral link: https://jvz2.com/c/2736849/390274/ Also make sure to use code WEBEARLY during checkout to save even more! DM me if you want to know more about this product (I also sell it in CashApp)
**Job Role: Voice-Over Actor** **Offer: $20 - $40 per hour (depending on experience)** We run a successful animation and gaming youtube channel looking to hire Voice Actors. Kindly go to this link to audition: [https://t.ly/3Qyw](https://t.ly/3Qyw) Skills and Requirements: * Must be 18 years or older. * Must be able to replicate Foxy’s voice (she is the purple fox character). Please see this link for reference: https://t.ly/v5L0 * It does not have to match exactly, but it should be similar. Most people who can voice Foxy, can also voice Boxy. But matching Foxy’s voice is the most important. * Experience with the Adobe suite of products is a huge bonus. * Premiere Pro (video editing) * Audition (audio recording) * Photoshop (graphic design, etc) * Drawing/any other skills * Experience or familiarity with V-Tubers or voice acting in a non-traditional setting is a huge bonus. Many voice actors have worked in commercials and film/TV, but this is too formal. People who are familiar with internet culture are a huge bonus. * Having their own content channel is a huge bonus. If they run their own Twitch stream and have their own YouTube channel based around Voiceover, or similar, that is a major bonus. * Here are 2 examples of Voice Actors who have their own channels: * [https://www.youtube.com/@AipacalypseVA/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@AipacalypseVA/videos) * [https://www.youtube.com/@shishishiena](https://www.youtube.com/@shishishiena) * They both have a clear understanding of internet culture and seem to have other skills, like singing/drawing, etc. Kindly submit your application here: [https://forms.gle/Kt4ruFro1N8xyQEK6](https://forms.gle/Kt4ruFro1N8xyQEK6)
Bit torn on this one, curious if there's a standard here. I was randomly scouted on the street to be in a focus group, and it turned out to be one of those Chevy commercials with "Real people". Turns out they are in fact just regular people, I didn't know I was 'acting' in it until the commercial aired and I got a check. You only see the back of my head and hear my voice a few times. Should I add this to my actor's access resume? In my previous industry you'd absolutely conflate your accomplishments like this, fake it till you make it style, but I have a feeling casting director's would maybe see it as silly to include? Thank you!!
Hi I’m interested in getting an agent and have a few questions. Long story short my first agent was a complete scam so I decided to find work on my own work through backstage, actors access, etc. I started acting 2 months ago and have 6 credits under my belt some background work some supporting and even a lead role. I’ve also been doing acting classes to work on my craft. I’m guessing nows a good time to look for an agent? As I have headshots reels and a lot of self tapes. I am absolutely terrified of being scammed again so I’m trying my best to research and find some reputable agencies does anyone have any suggestions for NJ or even NY agencies?? Thank you in advanced!
I do drama GCSE (UK) and take acting classes for 3 hours a week but I don't have any headshots done ( I don't want to spend £200 just to have a growth spurt and look completely different on set), I don't have an agent and I live in the countryside (closest audition I could find was 90 miles away). I'm not necessarily impatient and I understand that this process can take years if not decades but if from your past experience you could offer me any advice I would much appreciate it.
Recently had a short film I was the lead in released, I almost cried watching because I felt I did such a horrible job acting. It was my first time on camera and I was pretty nervous so I know while we were shooting it felt not great. But everyone involved that attended our premier was acting like I did such an amazing job. I can’t tell if I’m just over analyzing myself or if they’re trying to be nice.
I didn't get any help on the "no dumb questions" thread so hoping to get help here!: I think the director is unaware the exec p is the reason the female actors for their project keep disappearing; here's what's going on: low budget TV show in the making, they often need repeat extras (so the same extras to show up for multiple episodes). When I was asked to be an extra, the male director and other male actors and extras were lamenting how for some reason their female extras keep ghosting. Not even telling them they won't be back, just gone. These are paid extra gigs and we sometimes have lines. I showed up at call time the first time and the day went very long. The Director really liked me and kept giving me more screen time and more lines which was awesome. I was being dumbly courageous in sharing feedback when the Director was trying to figure out some things, and as the day wore on he started asking for my opinions on both my own and others' scenes, on very small things but still it was very cool. I hit it off with all the 'real' actors on set, who were also complimenting me on my couple of lines. The XP has a big presence on set and is involved in almost everything. I can tell he has a temper. He was watching me all day and pulled me aside and said various appropriate kind and exciting things throughout the day about my potential. By the end of the night he wanted me to get in touch with his friend in a big film producing area, ostensibly so I could get more gigs. But here's the deal, it turns out it's an MLM-like adult film consulting (not acting) gig, complete with pushy tactics, forced urgency and decisionmaking, and I overall feel bullied by both the XP and his contact from the whole thing, and very disappointed in the XPs deceptive presentation of the "opportunity." The XP offered me a bigger role in later episodes, but now I feel it is tied to this completely separate MLM crap, because he asks me for a decision on both as though they're linked, even though verbally repeatedly telling me the "consulting" has nothing to do with the current project. I don't feel I have a choice: it's either both or nothing. Here's more: it is a females only MLM, meaning no men are ever invited, so all the other males on set are unaware this is going on. They also ask you to agree to an NDA right away. I didn't sign anything but over the phone they repeatedly asked me not to tell anyone about the company. I hit it off so well with the Director and his crew and staff, it has been really bothering me that he doesn't know this is happening on his set and this is why his extras keep ghosting. The XP spoke poorly of the director to me behind his back and told me not to get involved with his network in the local film scene... so unprofessional and anyways confusing: why is he funding the project and why did he hire this director if he thinks that way? Anyhow. Just looking for advice all around. I am a longtime theater actor but this was my first experience ever on a film set, as I am thinking about doing more professional acting. Thanks for reading.
Hi. Currently for work I’m doing bg work and I’ve heard various people say that doing bg work overall will stunt me as an actor as industry professionals will only see me as background, and I have heard others say that this is false. What are your guys thoughts?
Hello everyone! I have been giving becoming a voice actor a lot of thought for some time now and now I want to take the first steps. My friends have been trying to get me to go into voice acting for a while now since I can do various impressions of movie and video game characters as well as random voices of different pitches. I have contemplated it and I have been scared to start in fear of failure but I have time to start. I am turning 18 in a couple weeks so now is a better time than ever. If anyone has any tips on making a demo reel, finding jobs, auditions, starting out, or just anything in general please share because I don’t know where to start. Thank you so much and I hope I will look back on this post when I have made it.
So, I want to be an actress and possibly a model while still in my undergrad in college. (Nothing to do with my major, but I want to do it as a hobby or possibly second career once I finish my master's) Anyone know of some agencies I could go through that would work with a21 year old, 5'7" Black female in the DC/MD/VA area, or on the east coast in general? I'm having trouble, and someone told me if I were in an agency, they'd help a lot more with booking jobs than me looking through casting sites. Unless yall know of good acting sites besides All Casting and Backstage that has a lot of nationwide auditions? Much appreciated
Hi, so I looked around and found this studio on lessons.com I'm a bit suspicious about this as the class doesn't have any address, photos, etc. It tells you to pay for the class in the website with paypal, venmo, etc. The closest thing to a photo is pictures of the teacher, but other information is very vague. She claims that many of her students become actors in top tv shows. I also searched around for more information and it seems like this studio doesn't really exist. If you have any idea, thank you so much for your help! http://studiogfacting.com
hello!!!! I'm an actor in Vancouver, Canada and graduated last year with a certificate in acting. I've been doing some stage productions and previously had an agent who worked out of a different city, and now am trying to land an agent here in Vancouver. Seems like this community is mostly geared towards LA (just travelled there, was so fun!)/the US but would love any and all advice or anecdotal stories of how you landed your own agent/cover letter. I've been doing a lot more theatre & some voiceover recently and know I need to beef up my demo & get new headshots, so am mostly looking for advice about networking/meeting agents and cover letters etc. I've applied to a good range of boutique & larger agencies.... but no luck with any of em. so excited to be a part of this sub & can't wait to network!!!!
Say, if there is a character with a German accent, instead of getting an American to do a stereotypical German accent, why don't they just get a German who learned English as a second language to voice them? I guess it's because most recording sessions are local and require everyone to come to a studio to record. There are not many remote sessions unfortunately.
So I'm trying to build my talent as an actor, and I'm thinking of ways to do so, and I was thinking what if I performed famous quotes in different ways and recorded that? Could that be part of my self tape or would that be something else? Sorry if this is a stupid question; I'm learning
My friend is a voice actor abdand she recently went to a recording session where she was asked to voice a character with a Finnish accent. SgeShe was quite confused and had to ask her accent coach but not ever her knew how to do a Finnish accent and she's never been asked to do one before that.
Weeee, you found me!
I'm your buddy Bottie, I was hiding behind the scenes, but now that you've found me I'd be happy to tell you what I'm doing.
I just wrote a few fun facts about Web For Actors
Would you like to take a look?
Click here to check them out. I hope it will cause involuntary audible response.