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Chicago Actors-DeSanti Talent Agency?

Chicago Actors-DeSanti Talent Agency?

Posted on Sep 12th

I have an interview coming up with them next week and wanted to see if I could get the scoop from some fellow actors. I know they’re not considered one of the bigger agencies in the city but that’s fine since I prefer boutique agencies versus bigger ones. Does anyone have any experience with them or know someone that does? Thanks in advance!

Wondering if anyone has experience with acting while on anti-depressive medication?

Wondering if anyone has experience with acting while on anti-depressive medication?

Posted on Sep 12th

(CW: depression) So long story short, some recent heavy events in my life have led to me being prescribed an antidepressant. This will be my first time taking any form of mental health medication. While I'm optimistic at the prospect of feeling like myself again, I'm a little nervous about potential changes in my emotionality - wonder if there are any other actors that have experience with this? Did you notice a difference in the emotions you were able to access while acting? Maybe no difference at all? Thanks in advance!

TW: Weird scam — has this happened to any other actors out there?

Posted on Sep 12th

Hey guys. This is long and I’m not 100% sure about posting this but I had a freaky scam happen to me the other night. I’m wondering if this has happened to anybody else, and I want to let people know that there is weird, creepy stuff that goes on out there. If this is inappropriate, I apologize! I got a text the other night from an unknown number that said they were from a theatre that I did a show at 3 years ago. “She” (who knows who this person really was) said that they had a fashion mogul friend working on a big budget studio feature about ballet, and that she thought of me. This was a coincidentally convenient front, because I did a monologue workshop at that theatre in which I danced. So I figured it was someone who was there and that I didn’t remember, who remembered me. Anyways, she said this man, “David Emmanuel” (a catfish, I realized too late) was talking to another actress at that moment, and wanted to skype with me once they wrapped up. She said to get some outfits ready, told me to ask him to keep me in mind for other projects if not this one, and wished me luck. About 10 minutes later this man calls me, and though he doesn’t have his video on, asks me to turn mine on. I do, and things seem fairly normal at first. We got to know each other a bit, and talked about the movie, with him saying it’s a feminist film shedding light on the ballet world and how sometimes dancers get taken advantage of by teachers and coaches. And how dancers are underpaid for how hard they work. He said they wanted to show how toxic the environment can be for the dancers and that it doesn’t have to be that way. He said they wanted to collaborate with the cast and take their experiences into account. Things gradually started getting weirder and weirder, though. After asking me to do some ballet, he started talking a lot about sex, eventually talking about sexual fantasies of women he knew, and stories about successful actors and how exposing themselves in different roles helped them be successful. He was using very explicit language, excusing himself as he did so, but it made me feel so uncomfortable. At this point I was thinking “okay something is really off” There was a lot of coercive and isolating rhetoric, telling me not to trust my friends or family because they would get jealous. And that I shouldn’t be tied to a partner, because I need to be free, love life, and meet different types of people (with the intention of sleeping with them, was what he was implying). He said it was a beautiful world, once you make it in the industry. He asked me what my fantasies were, after telling me all these sexually explicit stories. I was extremely uncomfortable at this point and I kept trying to change the subject—I wish I had felt calm enough to just get off the call but it all happened so fast. He kept interrupting me when I tried to steer the conversation to an appropriate topic. There was a lot of other weird things too, but this is the short version. After an hour and a half of talking to his disembodied voice (he never turned on his camera) he finally wrapped things up. He gave me a number of his to text after, to reach out so we could schedule another call and speak more about the film. He gave me another contact as well, of a woman on Instagram who was verified and could “connect me”, but after some research about who she was that seemed very odd as well. I hung up feeling very upset and violated and freaked out. After, I messaged someone from the theatre where the first woman claimed to have met me. My former cast-mate said they’ve never heard that woman’s name — so I texted her saying I didn’t buy it. She said that I was being paranoid and tried to convince me I was overreacting. It was all just very odd, because they had to have been actively looking at my resume to see where they could pretend to have met me and personalize their approach. I’ve never experienced a scam like this. I’m guessing they were recording me the whole time my Skype video was on, trying to get me to say something sexual or embarrassing or whatever. Best case, it was someone who gets off on messing with people. Worst, it’s a blackmail ring/pornography ring/cult recruitment weirdness. I guess I’m wondering if anything like this has happened to anyone else on here, I also just wanted to bring awareness to these types of situations. I wish I had set boundaries, though it seemed real enough at first. Kicking myself now because it really freaked me out and I felt terrible and stupid afterwards. And I feel so gross that they probably have video of that whole conversation. If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading. This was definitely a lesson for me in advocating for myself, not being afraid to say “no”, or to say that something is making me uncomfortable.

Life Itself.

Life Itself.

Posted on Sep 12th

Hello I am a 18M, my question is what are you doing with your life other than acting I know many of us aren’t full time on being an actor and have real jobs. I’m 18 i’m close to signing with an agency but my question is what to do with my life ? it sounds pretty stupid but i know we aren’t going to get bookings left to right after signing with an agency or agent. I am currently in rolled for Business Admin in college for a back up but it’s been consuming so much of my time that i can barely even practicing acting, or take classes anymore. Should i just drop out and work a full time job until i can work as an actor full time ? What if i don’t become an actor full time ? There’s just so many questions I have. (sorry if this isn’t the right place to put it)

Going to graduate school while trying to find work?

Going to graduate school while trying to find work?

Posted on Sep 12th

I’m still in college (in the USA) and have two years left of my undergrad. I recently started taking acting classes and absolutely love it. However, I also love my field of study (which is in mathematical sciences) and wanna pursue graduate studies in it. I’m aiming for a PhD program in a big city which should have plenty of opportunities both in terms of my education and acting endeavors. Does anyone else has experience with this? Is this sustainable or even possible? I know graduate school is a *lot* of work and being a successful actor requires devotion so I’m wondering if its even possible to balance the two. I’d appreciate any input :)

Dream Come True.

Dream Come True.

Posted on Sep 12th

Positive venting here because, sadly, I'm at a point in my life where I don't really have that many people to spread good news to. Long story short, I'm a 21y/o who dropped out of college in March of this year after a mental breakdown. About a month ago, I auditioned for AMDA (the American Musical and Dramatic Academy) in NYC. It was mostly intended as a "hail mary," just to say I did it. There was literally no reason for me to do this. I was certain it was a fruitless endeavor. But I got in, with a $10,000 merit scholarship. I hadn't acted in any capacity since 2019. Three years. I honestly thought I'd never touch a stage again. Now, to keep things in perspective, AMDA isn't like, "the Harvard of theater" or anything like that. But It's the real deal. A significant portion of their graduates end up as real working actors. The LA campus where I'm going to be studying is like, right in front of the Hollywood sign. Two blocks away from the walk of fame. I know this is partly because I'm young and my ego is the size of Jupiter right now, but this feels like The Moment. Every young actor thinks they're going to "make it"- we should, in my opinion- but this does feel like the start of something special. Anyway, it'll be an honor to be among the make-believers again. In bacco al lupo.

Character Actors in Theatre?

Character Actors in Theatre?

Posted on Sep 12th

Is ‘character actor’ a relevant term in Theatre or is that mostly just for Film and TV?

Boone Helm

Boone Helm

Posted on Sep 12th

Has anyone else been asked to submit for many different roles to this film?? I have FOR TWELVE and I find it totally unprofessional and stopped after SEVEN. Does anyone have any info about this production? Paul Sinacore is the CD. I know of several other people who have been asked to read for at least seven roles. And then they keep extending the due date week after week after week. It’s really frustrating and weird and amateur. Anyone else? edit: now the entire project has been pulled from Actors Access

Editing video clips?

Editing video clips?

Posted on Sep 11th

Does anyone have any quick tips to edit over the dialogue only on video clips? My goal is to create a demo reel impersonating some of the greats and see how horribly off I am, accepting the wake up call that I can never be a voice actor and just focus my ass back to my day job. Thank you

How does anyone get more legitimate work or an agent to do so?

How does anyone get more legitimate work or an agent to do so?

Posted on Sep 11th

Applying on Actors Access and booking here and there does not, for the most part, lead to anything. A website just sits there. Plays and shoots all feel like isolated incidents. Social media does not feel productive. How are people (or you) turning what they (you) do into something? What can you do? What do you do? Not intending a negative tone here I’m just not seeing how people make use of their time. I do think self-producing is the best thing you can do. If you are able to male something really good, which is it’s own challenge. That’s also not everybody’s thing though anyway and many people don’t take that path.

Why do actors go to museums/art galleries?

Why do actors go to museums/art galleries?

Posted on Sep 11th

I always hear professional/famous actors say this. Usually, they're the ones who are considered an "actor's actor", the ones who take their craft very seriously. Even Larry Moss has said this a few times. In their interviews, they always say that actors should be going to museums and art galleries. What does this do for actors exactly?

Join Today to Discover & Connect with Other Filmmakers in Your City!

Join Today to Discover & Connect with Other Filmmakers in Your City!

Posted on Sep 11th

Hi everyone! Do you have an idea for a film, but have trouble finding other filmmakers in your area to realize your vision? Our platform, [](, allows you to discover & connect with other filmmakers in your city! Simply select the types of filmmakers you’re seeking for your project (eg. director, screenwriter, cinematographer, actor/actress, and many more), and you will see everyone with those positions in your city! When you visit their profile, you not only have access to their portfolio and social links, but also to the films they’ve worked on. These features allow you to carefully examine various filmmakers in your city, and ultimately help you find most suitable artists for your project. Join []( today! ​ ​ ​ ​

Eye Color Contacts Question

Eye Color Contacts Question

Posted on Sep 11th

Hi! This might sound silly, but it’s genuinely something I’ve wondered. Say that an actor was going in to audition as the child of an actor who had different colored eyes than them, or for some reason an audition where a different eye color would be beneficial. One can’t change hair color quickly, but putting in contacts can be done very quickly. Do actors who have colored contacts ever use them for this purpose, or even take headshots in should you ever want to audition with them? If you did use them to audition, would that be considered odd to do, or would casting be upset if they hired you and they found out that wasn’t your real eye color? Or would no one care? This is purely hypothetical, and just something I wondered about before as someone who enjoys colored contacts sometimes. Thanks!

Tomorrow I Start my First Acting Class

Tomorrow I Start my First Acting Class

Posted on Sep 11th

Hello everyone! I (M25) don't know if this type of post is allowed here, so if it's not feel free to delete it. Tomorrow I take my first acting class, and to be honest I'm feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves. I'm m=25 now but when I was younger I used to love to watch people perform on stage. I have so many cringey memories of myself from when I was a teenager. My best friend and I used to pull scripts of scenes off the internet and practice it in my bedroom. I have no idea if we were ever good because we were strictly bedroom actors haha. I used to practice my facial expressions in my mirror, and I think there was a point when I was really young that I tried to call a random acting agent to get signed. Anyway, I was having fun with all those things so I eventually drew the courage to ask my mom for acting lessons. My mom was/is not the best, and she turned me down. She wanted to save money for her trips to Vegas, her hobbies, or her boyfriend's interest. There wasn't any budget for me or my brother's interest. I continued to be a bedroom actor, but eventually that petered out and I grew self-conscious of doing those things because my family found out and made fun of me for it. Now, as an adult, I have my own money and a boyfriend who loves and supports me in pursuing all my interests. I found a local acting class and tomorrow at 7 PM I'm taking my first lesson. I'm nervous, I'm so scared of making a fool out of myself, but there's a part of me that's looking forward to it and I feel like a teenager again. I don't even know if I'll be any good at it, but it feels like that doesn't even matter because it's something that I've always wanted to do. It feels like I'm giving a gift to a younger me that I've been waiting years for. Again, I'm sorry if this type of post isn't allowed, I'm just really happy and want to share the news with people.



Posted on Sep 11th

hey im an actor in nyc. I currently do background for income but i don’t enjoy it as much as acting classes. Any job recommendations in nyc?

Harry Styles?

Harry Styles?

Posted on Sep 11th

The fact that Harry Styles can just make his debut in a Christopher Nolan film, do a Marvel movie, and now have 2 back to back films to top it off with acting award talks?? I call BS. I understand the game and how unfair it is/the fact that Harry is a popstar and therefore has an audience to profit from but this makes me sick to my stomach. Just venting here as I think this kind of post is more welcome here than the harrystyles community PS - I have not seen any of the films he was in so I am not judging his acting. Edit: Not about me, I know the #1 acting sin is comparing yourself. The guy just came out of nowhere and there are professional actors who deserve the work. But I get the game

What would you like to say to screenwriters?

What would you like to say to screenwriters?

Posted on Sep 10th

Hey guys, I’m a screenwriter and I’m curious to hear if there’s anything that actors would like to tell screenwriters? It could be about anything. It could be something good or bad or maybe suggestions. I’m just curious to hear your thoughts. Because obviously these two aspects of filmmaking rely heavily on one another, but don’t often get all that much open interaction. And I want to take care of the actors performing my scripts, so is there anything you’d like to say to screenwriters?

Is Method Acting Dangerous?

Is Method Acting Dangerous?

Posted on Sep 10th

Hello! Just looking to get a general idea of what actors believe about Method Acting. I'd appreciate any participation and if you have any further responses, please comment :) [View Poll](

Actors and actresses, what advice would you give aspiring actors/actresses?

Actors and actresses, what advice would you give aspiring actors/actresses?

Posted on Sep 10th

I know it sounds pretty childish, but I’ve always wanted to be an actress. Not just to be in movies and have money, but cinema’s world in general is just so enchanting! I’m still very young and I’m still in highschool, but I really want to start somewhere and I plan to work hard to achieve my goal.

The Benefits of Doing Background Work

The Benefits of Doing Background Work

Posted on Sep 10th

Hey everyone, I wanted to highlight some PROS of doing Background work and have people more interested in doing it, especially if you are a beginner and are just learning about the industry. Being a background performer for close to 7 years now I found it has benefited me in numerous ways. I myself am a working Actor but I do background on the side for many reasons that I'm going to dive in and talk about. Also I'd like to note that I am a Non-Union Actor. One great thing about doing background is that you can do it in between principle gigs and a lot of the time Background gigs come by short notice. It's better than going to a temp agency and working in a factory or doing some other industrial job that a lot of Temp agencies do. You can have more then one Background agent, hell, you can have as many as you want but word of caution is that if you get too many calls and have to say no to a background agent, they most likely won't want to bother getting you gigs in the future so take note of that. I've heard of people just having one devoted background agent and I've heard of having five background agents as well. It also depends if you are Unionized or not, since union background jobs are sometimes less then being a non union background performer, so you have to think about what your options are. Having 2 or 3 Background agents is most common I find with people. Atleast that is the way it is in Toronto. In other places like LA and NY they have a different way of how Background Agents are used, please indulge us. It's like a masterclass, you get to see actors and the crew do their work. It's a really good experience just to try even just a few times. Also, if you get into the Union, doing Background work pays really good money just to do what you love. It also helps with your acting abilities as you take direction, even if it's just a little bit of direction. There are going to be times when you are doing a principle job and will have to do some background work during a scene without a doubt. It's not like doing principle work where you are having line after line but it's the next best thing . I also feel like being on set really helps with managing nerves and getting it out, it's like being on stage for the first time and getting used to people all around you - it's perfect practice. As well when you are first starting out, or even if you're not and you are doing a docudrama or true crime show, doing background will help you do reanactments in front of the camera. It does take skill to act in front of the camera and what better way to hone down your skills then to do some background around some of the A list stars out there. Speaking of stars, it's really cool being in a scene with Cate Blanchette or Bradley Cooper for instance. Working along side great Actors is inspiring and you really can shed off those nerves while you're at it being in the presence of stars. As well, take note that you shouldn't talk to the stars UNLESS they talk to you first, if they do then by all means have a small conversation with them. It will get you psyched up, atleast for me it was really cool and it makes the job that more priceless. Sure, you might not get a lot of catering done for you in between scenes, for example instead of having a whole array of food for you like Actors get on set, Background Performers usually get free oranges, apples, digestive cookies or my favourite, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. But that all depends as well if they are Union or non union sets. I've been on Non-Union sets as Background and I was fed like a King, it really just depends sometimes, though mostly on Union sets it's usually not the best for Background Performers... just incase you were wondering. Another thing about doing background is that you'll see how the crew works as I was mentioning before, but you have more time in holding or satellite holding (A holding closer to set) as well, being on set watching how people organize things and what part/role everyone is doing. If you are on set you usually are standing in the same place or doing crosses for 12 hours sometimes and during that time you really see how everything works, from how the gripper, rigger and lighting technician work to the Director of photography, Sound guys,1st AD, 2nd AD, 3rd AD, script supervisors and Director all collaborate with eachother all at one time - it truly is like looking at an Army Unit working collaboratively. (Fun Fact: When Hollywood was booming during and shortly after the 2nd World War, that's when film crews were getting bigger and working together as a larger Unit, they took after how the military would do there exercises and how they worked with eachother- it's a similar type of practice, though now they have Walkie Talkies to get things moving a lot faster) it truly is a really cool thing to see if you're just starting out as an Actor and it really is beneficial to see how things work on set before going on set and not knowing what everyone is doing, knowledge is power I find and knowing what you're looking at, yet again, calms your nerves, atleast it did for me. Another thing about doing Background is if Assistant Directors get to know you and see you on set and know you are pretty darn good at doing crosses, acting etc they will get you to do some major moves. For instance I was on set one time and the AD told me to do like 15 things, "Okay what you are going to do is go over to that desk over there, write something down, then turn around and go over to that wall over there, scale the wall as if you're looking for something, then go to the bench and mime talk to someone on the bench, shake there hand ( sometimes movement can be really specific ) then go past that other bench, look up at the train schedule and look at your watch and smile. This is what makes doing background really fun because you get to memorize things, especially movements and actions and sometimes you are the Hero Background performer doing multiple things. In cases like these don't be surprised if the Director of the show gives you props for doing such a great job. It really can be rewarding and you really can learn a lot. Now, one CON that for sure gets people turned off from doing Background work is that they say, "it will interfere with a role if I'm seen on camera for a particular show and I won't be able to audition for it". Now let's be real, unless you have a lot of credits and are doing very VERY well, have an agent that has resources and networking capabilities with casting directors for Union shows in particular, are getting major roles in general, have been auditioning for roles for series regulars in the past, sure I can see that being a problem BUT if you are just starting out or don't have those types of auditions coming in, you shouldn't really worry about that until that time comes and trust me, if you keep at Acting for long enough you will get to that point. So if you do and you decide to do background, remember to just try to blend in and actually be in the background as a fuzzy little ball of meat on screen. Please if you have anymore PROS specifically or any CONS from doing Background work, please leave a comment and have a discussion with me and the community!

SATIRE: Our Country Has Finally Realized That It’s Simply Not Okay For Actors To Pretend To Be Something They Aren’t

SATIRE: Our Country Has Finally Realized That It’s Simply Not Okay For Actors To Pretend To Be Something They Aren’t

Posted on Sep 10th

**NOTE: This piece employs a once widely familiar device known as parody and contains flashes of what some might call sarcasm.** In June of 2020, the actress Jenny Slate had apologized for her “flawed” decision to voice a non-white character on the Netflix show “Big Mouth.” Slate announced that she is stepping aside from the role, acknowledging that her initial decision to voice the animated character was a symptom of her “white privilege.” She explained that she originally thought it was okay because her character, Missy, has a white Jewish mother. But she now understands that she could only take on that role because of “unjust allowances made within a system of societal white supremacy.” She makes a salient point, of course. It is well known that the ultimate goal of any Nazi or Klan member is to be a voice actor for a mixed race cartoon character. Slate promised to do her part to fight the white supremacist scourge by “engaging in meaningful anti-racist action,” and she expressed deep remorse for anyone she may have “hurt” by doing voice overs on a cartoon show. On the same day, actress Kristen Bell stepped aside from her role voicing a non-white character named Molly on the animated show “Central Park.” She apologized for her “lack of awareness” of her “pervasive privilege,” and admitted that “casting a mixed race character with a white actress undermines the specificity of the mixed race and Black American experience.” It is not clear how a cartoon character’s voice could “undermine” anyone’s “experience,” or even what it means to undermine an experience, but whatever it means, and however it happens, the point is that Kristen Bell is very sorry and wants you to know that she’s one of the GOOD inherently racist white people, not one of the bad ones. In the Twitter thread she posted on this issue, the humble Bell responded to a person thanking her for her decision by saying she doesn’t “deserve a thank you” but instead “deserves to acknowledge my part in the problem, and then rectify it.” This was an impressive answer and it goes to show that in no way whatsoever did Kristen Bell come to this racial enlightenment at this particular moment in time, and dramatically announce that enlightenment in a public forum, because she wanted applause and approval. That was absolutely not the point at all, to be clear. I personally find these decisions by Bell and Slate to be so inspiring that I’d like to suggest other characters that should be canceled along similar lines. Obviously Darth Vader has to go. He is a white man in a black suit voiced by a black man. I’m not sure how this is racist but I’m sure that it *must* be, in some way. Bart Simpson is a boy voiced by an adult woman. For years I accepted this problematic dichotomy because I assumed that “The Simpsons” was headed for a story arc where the young Bart discovers his inner female identity, comes out as transgender, and begins hormone therapy. But after 30 years on the air, this moment STILL has not arrived, and I’m beginning to despair that “The Simpsons” will ever make the expected transition into a nuanced, introspective drama about the experiences of transgender adolescents in modern America. Other characters that should be canceled, abolished, outlawed, imprisoned, executed, or at least recast, are perhaps a little less obvious but nonetheless crucial to defeating white supremacy. E.T., from the film “E.T.,” has only a few lines of dialogue (a problem in and of itself), and those lines are handled by a white voice actress named Pat Welsh. It boggles my mind that, in the whole entire cosmos, populated by 100 BILLION galaxies and TRILLIONS of planets, Steven Spielberg could not find even one *actual* extra terrestrial to take on this role. A white actor cannot empathize with the lived reality of alien beings enough to capture the fullness and depth of their experiences on screen. We have to remember something: acting is not about pretending to be something you’re not. Acting, in an ideal society, would consist of people being themselves, and doing and saying all of the same stuff they would do and say on a normal day. In a truly progressive culture, films would have NO characters, NO script, NO plot, and instead the audience would watch people — none of them white, of course — going about their day, running errands, checking the mailbox, preparing dinner, etc. Every film would be like this, all of them would be titled “Experiences,” and all of them would win every Oscar every year. The fact that this scenario I concocted in my head is not a reality just proves that white supremacy is real and literal Nazis are running the country. Another bigoted film that must be eradicated or changed immediately is a disturbing fascist manifesto called “The Brave Little Toaster.” The film, released in 1987, tells the story of appliances, led by the titular Toaster, who embark on a quest to find their owner. There are a number of obvious problems here, including the deeply insensitive reference to “owners,” which brings to mind the legacy of slavery. But more to the point, none of the characters — Toaster, Lampy, Blanky, Radio, Kirby the Vacuum — are voiced by actual household appliances. It is difficult enough for toasters to find work in Hollywood. If they aren’t even allowed to play toasters, how are they supposed to find a foothold in the industry? Similar problems can be found in the film “Babe,” where the protagonist pig is not portrayed by an authentic pig; “Boss Baby,” a film in which Alec Baldwin ruthlessly appropriates a role that could have gone to an actual toddler instead of a man who simply acts like one (both in the film and in real life); “A Nightmare Before Christmas,” a movie about undead humans that exclusively casts *fully alive* humans; the 90’s Nickelodeon cartoon “Hey Arnold” which features a person with a normal-shaped head voicing a character with a grotesquely deformed head, a casting decision that still rankles the Grotesquely Deformed Head (GDH) community to this day. Many other examples could be provided. The point is that a great many films and television shows — arguably, ALL of them — have for *decades* featured actors playing characters that are in some way different from their real selves. This needs to change. Kristen Bell and Jenny Slate had helped us to take the first step. We must have the courage to go all the way. Until then, ALL movies and shows are canceled.

Looking for a voice actor. [Paid]

Looking for a voice actor. [Paid]

Posted on Sep 10th

* Project name THRIFTED * Project description * \- Recording of a voice-over for a video montage broadcast during the internal convention of COURIR stores (sporting goods) * Usage of the recording - Internal Event * **Voice actor requirements** * Language English - British * Voice gender and age, any of: Female young adult, Female adult * **Work details** * Length of the recording 30 seconds * *send* Recording and delivery options Digital delivery ​ ​ * Script for custom audition: Hello, this is Dua Lipa ! Welcome to the COURIR convention. Here is a glance at the forthcoming "Thrifted" campaign dropping on December 19th ! Contact me at Mohab#3384 with the custom audition. OFFERS WITHOUT THE CUSTOM AUDITION WILL NOT BE RECOGNIZED. ​ * Deadline for getting proposals Sep 11, 2022, 10:35 AM * **Money matters** * Budget Up to ᴇᴜʀ €130

Honest Opinion Request

Honest Opinion Request

Posted on Sep 10th

Hello everyone! I have a strong interest in Voice Acting. I always sort of have, just never been confident enough to pursue. However, lately, something has changed and I feel more confident about the idea. I know its not exactly as easy as it may look or sound. The interest really started when I worked at a call center, the callers constantly thought I was an automated recording so much that I had the highest hang up rate. (as they wanted to talk to a "real person" really) I have zero formal training but would be willing to purchase equipment and maybe a mentorship. I guess my question is: When or how did you know you had what it takes to make it as a voice actor? Any advice?

Agency Recommendations For Beginning Actors

Agency Recommendations For Beginning Actors

Posted on Sep 10th

Hello, I am looking for an agent for Television & Film, Theatre, and Commercial work. Does anyone have any advice for what agencies I should submit myself to that works with actors that are entering the industry? I'm trying to submit myself through the talent link on Actors Access as well, but I accidentally deleted the item before paying, and I haven't been able to get a new link after asking for assistance via email and Cmail. So if you have any recommendations for me, that would be greatly appreciated!

How to do cocaine?

How to do cocaine?

Posted on Sep 10th

Hi all! I’ve been cast in a theater show where my character does cocaine. Not like insane, over the top cokehead. Like “business man cokehead”. Haha. Notably, he does it standing up…not the snort off the coffee table thing. I have zero drug experience/knowledge. Is there like a YouTube series that shows actors how to pretend to be people who are very familiar with drugs? Haha.

Should I even try?

Should I even try?

Posted on Sep 10th

Reading up on successful actors bios, even if they got a late start, pretty much all of them started taking acting classes when young or in college, or at least expressed interest in acting when young. I’m 27, have absolutely no acting credits and have never taken any kind of acting class or participated in any school play. To add to that, I’m plus sized and dark skinned, two characteristics that Hollywood does not really appreciate. Right now I work in the government and I want so badly to just quit and move to LA and hope I’m a lucky one. Any advice?

Acting in latin america

Acting in latin america

Posted on Sep 9th

I’m 23, from argentina, i have been doing self tapes for the last 2 years and a half, (mostly for commercials, but for some tv and movie roles too). Here, you don’t get an agent until you have experience, so most of the self tapes i did were for open casting calls or for auditions that the casting agencies sent me when i subscribed to their database. And when i see the commercials and who got the role, it’s usually an influencer, an actress that already has an agent or for a tv/movie role, its always the same group of actresses my age, that are already known, what should i do to not get discouraged when this happens?

Stage name question

Stage name question

Posted on Sep 9th

Hello! So, I’m a young actor and I have been debating on 2 versions of my name. I have 2 last names, and one of them is very unique, but also hard to pronounce. Which one would be better for a stage name? Donovan Boursiquot (Boo-c-co) Wade Vs Donovan B. Wade

Getting better at acting feels hopeless

Getting better at acting feels hopeless

Posted on Sep 9th

I’m a terrible actor. I have no formal experience learning how to act and I feel very behind compared to my peers. I am currently a freshman studying BFA musical theatre in college and I’m afraid I’m not making any progress whatsoever. According to my 4 year plan, I’ll only be taking 3 semesters of acting classes within the 4 years so I feel like I don’t have enough time to progress. Any tips on how to feel less discouraged in the college setting and how to improve by yourself? Or how to get better in college?

terrible actors got leads for production i auditioned

terrible actors got leads for production i auditioned

Posted on Sep 9th

Hi everyone- I just wanted to vent...but to also say its fine if you dont get cast...most of the time, the cast they do use is so basic it doesn't even matter..

UK actors, what agencies do you recommend?

UK actors, what agencies do you recommend?

Posted on Sep 9th

I'm a 27 actor based in the NW of England. I have some decent experience and I'm spotlight registered of course. I've tried different agencies but I don't seem to get much work (or auditions) from them so I was thinking of scouting for new agents. Any recommendations? A plus if they have a Manchester base. Thank you!

not an artsy person

not an artsy person

Posted on Sep 9th

I am not at all what most people consider to be an 'artsy' person. My strengths have always been, math, physics, computer-science, chess etc) I have done a bit of creative story writing which I'm told is good. But besides that I don't have any experience or skillsets on the arts side. Part of what I am excited about in drama is to awaken that side of my brain further and become a more rounded person. I have often been interested in acting/drama however, and have finally built up the courage to pursue a minors in drama alongside my physics/comp-sci degree. My dream right now is to start here, never stop taking acting/drama classes and eventually build to getting roles in theater and low-budget films. Or more if I was so lucky. Of course I am still on the first step and will have to see if I enjoy the art as much as I did in my mind. But I am curious if there are many other people here who feel they are very much right-brain dominant. And naturally have an outlook and skillset leaning towards logic and hard science, as opposed to the creative arts side. Is this a major obstacle in becoming a great actor?

*another* question on acting schools...

*another* question on acting schools...

Posted on Sep 9th

I know this question has been asked a billion times already, but I still need some clarification. I want to be film/tv actor and I want to get a formal, good quality training from a conservatory program for a year or two either in New York or Los Angeles. What schools would you recommend for someone ready to put in the effort to refine my craft.

How to start out

How to start out

Posted on Sep 9th

I have a new interest in voice acting, but I don't know how to start. There are so many factors to consider. Vocals, reading ability, acting ability, equipment, voicing material, etc. Before getting into the technical side of things, I would need to work on vocal training. What are the areas voice actors focus on while doing vocal training? Vocal Range? Pronunciation? Impressions? Stamina? There are too many to list. Can this be practiced solo or would it be better to have a vocal trainer teach? I have a USB mic for gaming/streaming purposes that was on sale (HyperX QuadCast Condenser Microphone). I bought it mainly for better sound quality when I do voice chats with friends. I thought of starting with this but I've seen proper setups with XLR mics, amps, soundproofing, audio editing software, etc. However, the equipment can be pretty expensive to get. If it's better to get the more proper gear, what should I get? I thought of starting with this USB mic and audacity to test the waters. But it's hard to gauge whether or not I'm doing good. What are things to look for while editing after recording? Even if I make a recording that I'm proud of, what platform is best for voice work? I thought of posting work on youtube in the form of vocal skits, but it doesn't seem right. If there are more things to look out for, feel free to share your thoughts.

What should I do? Advice about a course

What should I do? Advice about a course

Posted on Sep 9th

Hey guys I’m 20 and trying to find my way into the industry. I have a place on a course (in London) which to me seems pretty expensive for what it is. But the school claims to have very good industry connections: which seems legit as a lot of good actors have gone there such as John Boyega, Melanie Liburd, and Olivia Popica who are some to name. It’s my understanding they were scouted by the agency the school runs and that’s how they made it into the industry. And in this way, as I have no current connections seems like quite a good pro of the course. It hasn’t started yet but I went to an induction day last week and I didn’t feel entirely convinced the environment was right for me. It seemed most people on the course were there just to fuck about. So it doesn’t seem to add up as the actors they rave about were once students at this school. I wonder if it’s all a marketing tactic and I worry that if I go I’ll feel like I won’t get much out of it. I don’t know what the quality of the teaching or the lessons are like but I don’t particularly want to be in a class of people who don’t take what they’re doing seriously or put in the work. What should I do? Should I give it a go despite the high fees and hope to be pleasantly surprised by my peers to be? hope the quality of teaching is good? Or should I just learn/ study on my own, create my own work and find an agent by myself and make my own industry connections?

International Travel for a role

International Travel for a role

Posted on Sep 9th

I was just wondering: if an American production would shoot partly in Europe, do the actors then need a visa for that specific European country (and the production company just takes care of that) or not because it’s still an American production company that they currently work for?

Actresses, what are roles that immediately turn you away from a project?

Actresses, what are roles that immediately turn you away from a project?

Posted on Sep 9th

I’m curious to experiences you’ve had for roles offered that turn you away. What are typical female characters that feel typecast to you? What have been roles that challenge and attract you to the character, especially showing the writers and director care more than just being a typecast.

I’m desperate for a technique/studio that is trauma informed. Any information is greatly appreciated.

I’m desperate for a technique/studio that is trauma informed. Any information is greatly appreciated.

Posted on Sep 9th

Ok so I don’t know if it’s me but almost every class I’ve taken has resulted in some form of trauma. It probably sounds like I’m being dramatic but hear me out…in the 6 years I’ve been studying acting I’ve been victim blamed, verbally abused, shamed in front of an entire class, pushed to share details about my personal life, told I should quit acting and have been literally pushed to the point of having panic attacks on stage. Not only that, the market I’m in is extremely competitive and there is endless nepotism in classes. It’s been such a terrible experience that I have almost no motivation or joy for the craft. I’m starting to think there’s something wrong with me. At the same time, I get that actors need to have a tough skin, but I don’t think they should have to endure literal abuse. I don’t want to share what market I’m in but I will say it is one of the three big markets in the US. I really need help understanding how to identify potentially dangerous studios and /or techniques. It would also help to know I’m not alone. Has anyone else had similar experiences? How did you navigate.

Shameless Grifter

Shameless Grifter

Posted on Sep 9th

So let me start this out by saying I used to work on the Walking Dead wiki way back in the day, I was a huge super fan of the show. Years later I got the opportunity to work as an extra. Flash forward to a few days later a friend of mine sent me picture of a Walking Dead actor at a convention and I immediately recognized him, my friend didn't remember him from the show but I did. Years ago when the show had less characters and BG, a guy was added onto IMDb and the community was very curious about who he was. Episodes come out, and he was a barely featured extra. He did an interview with the moderator and claimed they gave him a name, said he was told him his profession before the apocalypse, the writers told him he was a secret character who they several ideas for, talked about how he got super tight with the cast. He even campaigned on Twitter to return to the show despite being very clearly killed off, he was even hyping up his role on Twitter before his episodes aired which is a no go as far as NDA's. He was never anything other than an unnamed extra who lied about his role and sadly everyone has seemingly bought it. But apparently hes been going to conventions all this time and profiting off them. I searched him up on YouTube and there were a few interviews of him by smaller channels, listened to one where he claimed he got the role through his agent (bullshit). Looking at his filmography his TWD "role" helped him get a lot of indie horror projects ever since. I even checked his resume and Walking Dead is listed despite him being an uncredited extra. I don't know why but this guy's sheer arrogance and deception really rubbed me the wrong way. It also makes me laugh too though because its not something I would ever expect to happen, or have ever seen since. Do you guys have any other examples of shameless grifters?

ACTORS NEEDED- For a short film

ACTORS NEEDED- For a short film

Posted on Sep 9th

Hello all, I am a writer/director from the DMV Maryland area and Im shooting a short film this fall. The story revolves around a young girl and a young boy but its not exactly a happy love story. The film will have a runtime of 30 minutes Shooting will take place in the DMV area this month! \[It will be shot with a Sonya73 camera\] I am looking for: MALE actor ages 18-22 FEMALE actor ages 18-22 When the film is done, I'm sending it to as many film festivals as possible, so there will be exposure for you. There is no pay ( Im broke, I spent all my money on camera equipment lol) but there will be exposure! Im submitting it to film festivals and you can share and send it however you please. I want there to be something in this for you as well But I'm not affiliated with a movie studio of any kind. This is a solo mission from me. I just simply want to make a cool movie. Ive shot movies before so I have experience in film making. This project is simply to push myself farther in the world of film and if you're interested in doing the same let me know I will send you the script if you're actually interested. a lot people seem interested but never follow up so I dont wanna send the script to someone who won't even read it

3 weeks of several callbacks for the role of the main character in a feature film; not chosen. No agent, no sag eligibility. Five years trying. Several years in acting school and college. Time to retire?

3 weeks of several callbacks for the role of the main character in a feature film; not chosen. No agent, no sag eligibility. Five years trying. Several years in acting school and college. Time to retire?

Posted on Sep 9th

Hello everyone. It’s official. My previous posts detailed my situation of applying and having several callbacks for the main role of this feature film and it turns out after three weeks I did *not* get the role. I’ve realized after spending nearly five years trying to act professionally I have little success or achievement. Never got an agent, only did seven things which only a few actually came out. No sag eligibility. I’m 19 and have been acting for a while now, trying to make it a career, and unfortunately it just seems not to be in my cards. I guess it’s time to retire as an actor? I did my hardest work and was truly led to believing I would get this role and jumpstart my career in my first feature film. Not chosen in the end.

How do you feel about film directors asking actors to work for "exposure"?

How do you feel about film directors asking actors to work for "exposure"?

Posted on Sep 9th

Hello actors, I'm an upcoming film director and I am currently auditioning actors for my next short film. It's a self funded production and I am unable to pay any salary on this project, including the technicians. Meals are paid, and gas is refunded. It's a 2 day shoot, from 9h to 17h, with 1h for lunch. Every take can be used by the actors for their reels, and I offered my video editing services for free, to do just that. The thing is, I got a few emails from actors accusing me of cheap labor and not respecting the craft. This is really starting to get to me, and I've considered postponing the film until I have gathered enough money from my day job to actually pay people. Is filmmaking only for the rich? How do actors feel about unpaid work?

How do I pay taxes as an actor?

How do I pay taxes as an actor?

Posted on Sep 9th

I have recently started getting paid for my acting, and I dont know how to set up a business or anything. Please help lol

As a minority, how hard is it honestly to make a career out of acting?

As a minority, how hard is it honestly to make a career out of acting?

Posted on Sep 8th

Do you find yourself having to work twice as hard? Do you get rejected because you don’t have the look they want? I really like the idea of being an actress, not necessarily to “make it” but to have a steady income from it would be a dream. I am a minority woman and hearing how competitive it is already makes me doubt myself a little.

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Posted on Sep 8th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

Can you recommend plays for three "actors" ?

Can you recommend plays for three "actors" ?

Posted on Sep 8th

We are 18 year olds, a girl and two boy. A drama would be nice, but we would love to hear about anything. The duration have to be around a 45min-1 hour, but we can make it shorter/longer so don't worry. Thank you in advanve guys, gals :)

[Hiring] Voiceover for YouTube videos

[Hiring] Voiceover for YouTube videos

Posted on Sep 8th

I run a virtual assistant agency that regularly develops content for clients. I am developing content packages that include articles, social media, and videos and I am interested in adding a voiceover actor to my agency. Our process is this: * We create the article * Our automated tool helps us generate a presentation tool from the article * The voiceover actor would do the voiceover for the presentation based on the article and the presentation slideshow. The article would be the script in this case. Each video would be likely 10-15 minutes long. I was thinking perhaps $50 per voiceover. If you would find this kind of project interesting, PM me with a link to your voiceover demos.

[HIRING] Female voice actor

[HIRING] Female voice actor

Posted on Sep 8th

Hello,I own a business that works through discord,and Im looking for someone to be voicechatting with people on discord(no cam,just talking),we would go 50-50 on the money I would be the one to get the customers,and u would be the one to talk to them.Hopefully u are from Europe aswell so timezones wont be a problem. Comment on the post below or DM on Reddit if interested.Payment rate:10 bucks for 10 minutes of talking.

[TASK] Source and upload scripts and scenes for actors to Wordpress based website ($6 hour)

[TASK] Source and upload scripts and scenes for actors to Wordpress based website ($6 hour)

Posted on Sep 8th

TASK: Find monologues and extracts from TV, Film, and Play scripts to be uploaded and categorized on my Wordpress based website. Full details: I'm developing a website for actors to be able to search and download monologues and scenes from plays, film, and TV. I'm looking for someone to assist with curating and uploading content for the site. Simply, what I need is someone to find individual scenes with 1 or 2 characters from plays, films, and TV, THEN save them in PDF format to be uploaded and categorized on the website. There will be three main components to the job: 1: Identifying parts of scripts (scenes / monologues) to be transcribed and reformatted if necessary. 2: Save the transcribed files as PDF files, following a set naming convention (to be discussed) 3: Upload each file as WordPress post with Title Name and adding relevant tags Additional info: For SINGLE character monologues from plays, the text should be copy/pasted into a document before saving as a PDF to keep consistent formatting. For scenes from film/TV, if taking from a full script, you must identify which part of the script will be a good fit for a scene: 1. It should have just 1-2 characters (max 3) 2. It should have a good amount of interesting dialogue. 3. It should be ONLY 1 scene. After identifying which scene from a film/TV script you want to save, you will have to CROSS OUT any text that is NOT part of the scene (IE anything before or after the scene heading) and save ONLY the page range as a separate PDF file following the naming convention. (Please note SCENE = 2 or more characters. MONOLOGUE = 1 character.) You will be able to source material online, and I also have a large collection of links where you can find full scripts you would be able to take content from. You must have a good understanding of the task and this type of content, as well as WordPress ideally. If this is clear, feel free to message me. I'm looking for someone to work on an ongoing basis and I will be happy to discuss in further details, and I can provide a link to the website and other examples for reference. I'm willing to work on an hourly basis, or based on a set amount per # of scripts uploaded.

Question from a non actor

Question from a non actor

Posted on Sep 8th

What's the best way to find non-union actors? Facebook group? Backstage? Personally I would prefer to build up a database of talent than selecting from a random group of people who applied to casting call promising a position immediately. What do you think?

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

09.20.2024 Achieving On-Screen Success: How to Leverage User Experience for Acting Success
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Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

09.06.2024 Grow Your Acting Career with an Unforgettable Online Presence: Proven Strategies for Actors
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