Hi everyone! I’m interested in acting and would like to take a class to learn important skills & meet other potential actors. I currently live in LA and do not have any professional acting experience, so I’m looking for a class that caters to that. If you have any recommendations for classes/instructors, I would truly appreciate you sharing them here! Thank you in advance :)
So I have straight and healthy teeth but I do have a little overbite and was concerned if it would effect my dreams of being an actor
Due to lack of funds, moving around, being in school, moving around again, then lack of funds again, I've had to depend on mostly myself to learn acting and hold myself accountable for growing my skills. It's really hard work with not a lot of validation until I prove myself in shows. I'm getting gigs and working hard and it shows. I'm damn proud. I've really struggled with physical acting - it doesn't come naturally to me and having little mentorship is HARD. I've been working out a lot and even got a tuition waiver for an SAFD cert, got a big discount on Tai chi classes, and continue to practice dance and movement with free YouTube videos. Then I hit the books and practice movement with text, and write down how I somatically interpret performance. Hours and hours. I'm just tired and my body is sore and I feel frustrated. I'm honestly just looking for some surface level encouragement from folks who know approx where I'm at.
I've personally never seen anything that i think compares. I didn't watch much Doogie, All That, or the Amanda Show, some people have suggested some of the kids on those. Any family sitcom I'm really familiar with, the kids fall short, except Will Friedle, but was already 17 when the series started. The only other kid from any Disney original TV show other then Even Stevens that I thought was truly funny was the sister in Phil of the Future. The kid in "The Man Show" was funny, but not sure if he had a mic in his ear, or if some of those lines are really his own. But none of these examples, to me, compares to Louis Stevens.
Looking for a Slovak native speaking voice actor (male/female) in the age of 25-45, for an animation video. The video will be used for internal corporate communication. A professional recording setup is a must. Video length: approx. 3 minutesDeadline: August 25th Payment: € 150 Terms: payment after deliverance final version within 30 days. Please contact me if you're interested!
Hey everyone I’m an LA based female actor…early 40s, started my career a bit later in life. (2016) First costar booking in 2019. I’ve had a lot of momentum audition wise (theatrical)through 2021 and 2022. I’ve got a great team who values me and gets me out there. I’ve had 5 pins and a producer session for a recurring on a Disney pilot. I’m very grateful for all of this and I KNOW that there’s an element of timing here…. My mantra is FAITH TRUST PATIENCE but…. Sometimes the not booking in so long..(since Dec. 2020) gets my self doubt going…and I’m posting here for a reality check. I’m in class, CD workshops, I coach for most of my auditions but man….it’s hard to book these days! And I’ve noticed episodic season is way slower than normal this year. And of course there’s the money aspect…at least there’s residuals! Thank goodness
Hi there! I am looking for an actor who can improv and tell a story that will be recorded. It’s super easy and laid back— just need the right person! The job in total should only take 2ish hours and you will be compensated! No need for camera work— just voice! Must have good internet connection and a quiet room to record in….
The most helpful thing I’ve learned from this sub is to truly let go of all expectations. I’ve realized that no matter what career stage we are at, we actors (and other industry folks too!) share so much of the same anxiety about what is going to happen next. I am slowly learning to lean into the uncertainty and simply focus on my part. It’s easier said than done but I’m glad I have community support like this sub to make me feel less alone.
Heya, I'm 18F from Germany, starting theatre school soon :) Anybody here maybe willing to talk alittle via DM and give some tips? Actors from Germany and/or in theatre especially welcome haha.
Hi there! I'm not sure if this is the right subreddit to ask this, but I figured people who do or are interested in voice acting might be able to give some advice. Basically, I am deeply fascinated by how people are able to do that super low, guttural, growly sort of voice and I'd love to learn how to do it! I am no voice actor, it's just this one thing that I'm really intrigued by and I find it really cool, so I'd appreciate it if y'all had any tips or at least some reliable resources to learn from! I am a 19 y/o male with a relatively deep voice, so I'm hoping learning to do it won't be as hard as I'm half-afraid it might be. Some voice lines to give you a better idea of what I mean: [https://youtu.be/1AIQXqTHWmA?t=52](https://youtu.be/1AIQXqTHWmA?t=52) The first part of [https://youtu.be/1AIQXqTHWmA?t=206](https://youtu.be/1AIQXqTHWmA?t=206) and anything from this: [https://youtu.be/JpRUQzPOouU](https://youtu.be/JpRUQzPOouU) (just to be clear, I'm looking to learn to do it with my own, natural voice, not in a software) Thank you for any and all responses.
Hello I’ve always wanted to be an actress my whole life. I’m not the stereotype skinny blond though. So I don’t know how much success I would have. I’m thinking about going to a acting school in nyc. I’m terrified of leaving everyone and everything I know for a busy city. I’ve lived in a small town my whole life. I’m also so scared of failing but I feel like I need to start now and my window is closing because I’m already 20 and I’m getting to old. Idk what I’m saying I’m just scared and I feel like I already missed my opportunity.. please if anyone has any advice let me know.
I’ve been wanting to be an actor/voice actor/writer for a while now and after i watched Godzilla Vs Kong, i was pretty motivated. I wrote a screenplay based off of the Batman Who Laughs. I used the character, Jim Gordon, added a few characters if my own and made a complete plot-line of my own, intense but not extreme like the comic. I wanted to get an opinion so i wanted to see… anyone interested in reading a piece of it? [View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/wqg15v)
Can I get a perm (M) if I want to be an actor, or should I stick with my natural straight hair?
Casting Networks sent me an email today about a role in my area that starts out with a casting note, saying "only submit actors". I signed up with a non-exclusive casting agency for extra work a year ago, but I emailed them and asked them to put me forward as I'm confident I can do the role, which is a speaking role in a small part of the film that requires an accent. I just want to see - how likely do you think it is that an extra agency would willingly submit someone who has only done extra work, if I have a look that they might be after and confidence in my ability?
I've just been brought on my first project and are really thrilled to be working. I got some lines, I recorded, and it sounded great on my end. But after I sent them in, my audio was really low compared to the other actors. Im using Audacity at the moment so maybe I failed to set something correctly? Any info would be greatly appreciated!
I’m directing a short film in my home town, and I want to thank my actors for working so hard on my project. I’ve heard of people giving the director a gift, but not so much about the opposite.
I tried reading a book from Stanislavsky and I couldn't understand a thing, so I would like to know what book do you recommend and is easy to start reading about acting.
I'm talking about the "walk around doing random body movements and loud sweeping noises" stuff, or the stuff where people stand in a circle and basically do a bunch of guided babbling and literal shrieking. They say it's to get you out of your head, but for me it does the exact precise opposite. It feels too self-indulgent -- here I am, an Actor being Actory, and I'm inventing all of this sound and movement and shit because I'm supposed to, with no motivation or reasoning other than I'm Paying the Person Who Tells Me I'm Supposed To. Apparently it means I'm too closed off to ever be a real actor. My experience is that I can go there when the character does -- I don't hold myself back in that regard. But the situation has to call for it or else I just feel like an adult theater-kid stereotype. I feel like it's not necessarily reasonable to expect that every single acting student will respond the same way to an exercise, and they might just need a different approach to get the effect you need. We can't all be coming at it from the same angle because that literally is not what human behavior or art or any of this is about. I really want to train with someone who knows how to work with different types of people, but I don't want to be a nuisance. Or entitled. Or whatever my actual issue is. What's your take on this? If I genuinely need an attitude adjustment I'm open to that.
I am a teenager who wants to become an actor but I’m trans and not necessarily out so does anybody know what I should do like should I just register as my assigned gender or like should I come out and register as my gender?
How stupid am I for wanting to be an actor to become wealthy? Are the odds for me to become the next Di Caprio as big as the odds of me getting into space ?
Looking for Mexican/Latino actors to voice a Hispanic mob boss. If interested, let me know through my email sbj.tv@yahoo.com
How many times a week would you say the average actor auditions? Or you yourself? Really all there is to it. Thanks in advance.
i wanted to see if I could get the opinions of some others actors, especially anyone NYC based. I’m 25F, earned my BA in theatre two years ago. I live in a medium sized city with a decently sized theatre community. I’ve been consistently auditioning and have been in 5 shows in the last two years, as well as done some short film work, modeling, and put on my own show. Obviously Covid hugely impacted everything, I would’ve hopefully had way more work if that hadn’t been a thing. I’ve been feeling very bored and unfulfilled, so I started auditioning for grad schools and conservatory programs. I got accepted into a great conservatory in NYC and I could start this fall. I love NYC and I’ve always wanted to live there. It’s also a great school and I already have an apartment there too. But moving has been a huge stressor and put a huge financial strain on me and my family. My mom has been generous enough to help me pay for everything, but it’s getting to that point where I’m not comfortable borrowing as much money as I will have to. I’m starting to have major doubts. I wonder if I should stay another year in my smaller market to save up money and hopefully do more shows and gain experience here. but I’m also afraid that if I don’t go, I’ll miss out on some major connections that could really kickstart my career, and I’ll always wish that I went. The conservatory can hold my spot for one more year, I guess I’m just afraid I might get “stuck” here and not end up going next year. I currently work as a nanny and just do acting on the side. Im honestly not entirely sure what my career goals are yet. I’d love to be an actor full time, but since that’s pretty hard to make a living off, I’d love to do something else theatre related as a day job. I just don’t know what. Part of me thinks going to the conservatory would help me figure that out, but part of me thinks it’s a huge waste of money to go when im not a hundred percent sure of what my career path is yet. I would miss out on the apartment I have out there, which is a really good deal, if I don’t go. That’s also something to consider since NYC is so expensive. Would love some input from anyone older and wiser or who knows about the current market in nyc
I started acting when I was 11, and I just turned 25, and I have this bad habit of comparing myself to other actresses my age who are successful. My main passion is Musical Theatre, but I would love to get into tv and film, as I’m going back to college for a communications/theatre degree. Is this normal to feel behind because there’s other people your own age who are constantly booking jobs?
Do you guys ever see an actor/actress who is relatively close in age with you, same ethnicity etc etc, but they’re like hella successful and you just get filled with jealousy? I’ve had to block certain actors bc of this. It’s also not that I wish bad on them, it’s more like I wish i was in that position in my life as well. Is there a healthy mechanism you guys know to grow out of this mindset and stop getting jealous?
I’m 20 years old from Alaska and I’m starting from scratch in the acting industry. That means I don’t have an acting agency, I haven’t taken any acting classes, and I haven’t audition in any theaters, shows, or movies. The only thing I have are acting résumé, headshot (unprofessional), and demo reel (technically compilations of my TikTok videos. I know. That’s not enough and it’s bad). The reason I’m trying to be an actress is because I loved watching behind the scene videos and action movies (I know this isn’t a good motive since I haven’t tried it out first, but I’ll give it a try). Plus, my primary career is crashing down at the moment. So, I was thinking to start acting and see how it goes. However, I can’t find any auditions in my hometown and I’m trying my best to hide this from my parents since they would rather have me follow through my primary career than acting. So, I’m here to ask: where/how do I start my acting career?
So here's my question, I'm not trying to come off as cocky or arrogant, this is a question I need an answer to. Do you think I need a professionally produced demo if I am a good writer, know how to professionally mix and master my audio, and I already have an acting coach to direct me? I have always been good at writing. I won a scholarship in college against several thousand other students for an analysis I did of A Bar at the Folies Bergere by Manet. I have had several articles published in big publications. I feel like writing some copy for a fake ad or for a character reel should be no problem for me. I also have a very nice home studio with proper gear and sound treatment. I make music and have been mixing and mastering audio for years. I took an acting class from a Hollywood actor who is not super well known but has several big movies on his IMDB page. He will direct me when I make my reel. Should I still hire a professional if I have these skills and resources? I'd prefer to save the money if I can. Will a professional give me something I can't already do for myself besides the obvious?
And how did she get the role on The Sandman? I keep reading she’s a “Zimbabwe actress” but she has no IMDB credits?
Hey all, I’m new here but I just had to share this moment from my very first background gig this week (2 night shoots). And wanted to know if anyone else has had these experiences on set as background? We were filming at a theme park for a tv show and right away I noticed this one BG actor seemed like he was definitely on something or at the very least VERY strange. So during the last shot of the day (in the blazing sun) they placed me with the weird guy and one other girl in foreground with a stroller. They yell action and the girl and I start are very natural “normal” fake convo, and all of a sudden the dude starts faking that he is angry and yelling at the baby in the stroller. And I mean like HUGE arm motions, over the top, totally crazy fake yelling and pointing. The girl and I had no idea what to do. They didn’t seem to notice the first time, but during the second take, HE DID IT AGAIN! And even more over the top. Then the main actor (pretty well know guy) stopped during his take to ask the guy if we were with them (he thought maybe we were just random people) the crazy guy said “uh yeah” and the actor was like “oh ok sorry” but I could tell he was trying to nicely make a point that this guy was being distracting. Then the assistant director came over and had us move out of frame, and a minute later the pa removed all background from the scene (including the people behind us). I felt so embarrassed to have been roped in with this dude and his random wild actions, and had no idea what to do in that situation and for the fact that the main actor was the one to say something! And the worst part was the dude just thought it was funny and laughed walking away like “guess I must’ve scared him with my yelling at the baby”. I didn’t say anything and just kept walking. Have you guys ever had or witnessed a moment like this with background work? I imagine they have a lot of wild stories since they don’t really vet any background people ahead of the project. It just sucks when you’re trying to be professional and other people don’t seem to care if they ruin a take.
I just moved to Atlanta and I’m looking for projects to work on in the area I’m on actors access and sent to a few casting background agencies but haven’t heard back is there anyone who has advice on where to go to look for castings that will book and what agencies to apply to here in Atlanta?
I've had a few people tell me I should do podcasts or something because I can have a nice deep voice ... I just don't know how much necessity there is for a deep voice...
I know some of you guys have read Sydney’s take on finances in Hollywood but I’m really curious, to anyone who’s pursuing acting in Hollywood. What are your thoughts on finances? Is it possible to survive as an actor if you’re only in middle class?
TL;DR Overall, 60% of all roles in film, tv, and theater are cast as white. Please do not use racism as an excuse to why you’re not working. A recent post from a successful actor in this subreddit got me *heated*. This actor blamed his lull of work to “his sort of roles trending towards other races” which is a racist assumption. What does that even mean? Actors have no idea why roles are being cast as they are. We can’t know that unless a casting director or producer shares that insider information. We may not ever know why we book or don’t book a job- your manager may have fucked up your submission, they need someone shorter than the lead actor, the producer thinks you look like his ex, etc. No matter what reason the idea that “people of color taking my job” is a dangerous, ignorant, egotistical, and a fucked up assumption. If want to look at the facts, UCLA creates a comprehensive report of Hollywood’s Diversity in [film](https://socialsciences.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/UCLA-Hollywood-Diversity-Report-2021-Film-4-22-2021.pdf) and [television](https://socialsciences.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/UCLA-Hollywood-Diversity-Report-2021-Television-10-26-2021.pdf). And the Asian American Performers Action Coalition does reports on racial representation in [NYC theaters](http://www.aapacnyc.org/2018-2019.html).
There's a video making the rounds on Twitter of some of Mel Blanc's screams for his iconic characters. Between him and William Hanna's screams for Tom and Jerry, what other voice actors would you say have pretty impressive pipes?
Worked on a shoot today and it was for an indie film with a small crew, an actress who was literally hired for 1 scene was one of the most demanding and rudest divas I have worked with in a long time. She spoke so poorly to every crew member, tried to speak over and give “notes” to the director and gave everyone else her “advice” in the green room. It doesn’t matter where you are in the pecking order just be humble ffs. Especially when you’re literally a minor role like that. I’ve even worked with extras that carry this complex around with them, like seriously, why ?!
I’m a beginner actor and I’ve done stage acting for 4 years . I’m trying to do screen acting and many agencies are asking for demo reels . How do I do that with no type of screen acting footage
I auditioned for Dear Evan Hansen at one of those cattle calls back when I was like seventeen and got called back almost three years later (a few months ago). It appeared in an email with a zoom appointment with the entire artistic staff -- a complete surprise. They were looking for an understudy replacement for zoe/alana for a date that has come and gone. I'm kind of silly about it-- I gingerly check my emails daydreaming. I occasionally search my gmail for keywords ("DEH" "TARA RUBIN" "my name") basically everything under the sun in case some sort of mail was lost. I spent a lot of time thinking about everything I could have done better over zoom or what could have happened if covid wasn't a thing and we went straight to in-person auditions and this and that. Lots of what if's and a lot of regret and guilt for not doing better. I had these sides to learn and this and that and it was just a lot of variables that dance in my head. ​ Because I didn't receive an email or anything back the part of me that still has a bit of hope keeps itching at the bug bite like one day I'll magically receive the coveted email to move onto the next stage (likely in-person interviews etc. based on the email) but at the end of the day these things just happen. And I know that, and I was fine with it for a while-- but I've been thinking about it the last few weeks and what "could have been" like one of those unscratchable itches. ​ I really wish they had sent a formal rejection or some sort of email to end off the interaction and zoom meeting because there's an anxious part of me that is thinking xyz (even if unreasonable). And I really just don't know what to do about it in my mind-- like where to place it. Actors getting rejected is just such a common thing but it's really difficult to wonder about how many variables could have resulted in me moving to NY and my entire life flipping on its head. ​ I got soooo close!!! but not close enough. ​ I guess I don't know what I mean to get out of posting this-- Part of the reason is only my immediate family and close friends know I even auditioned in the first place because I wanted to keep it private. I guess I wanted to put my feelings into words somewhere. I mean-- I'll be fine, and I know my email excavation is very silly, the rejection was implied with no follow up email. These things happen. But MANNNN!!! ​ I wonder what to really do from here. Keep on keeping on-- and stop checking my email haha. I wish I knew what went wrong, but I guess that's the mystery of all auditions.
I’m planning on moving to Atlanta next year and hopefully start my acting career. I’ve heard plenty of nice things from the city but I would love feedback
Is another network co star role (rhymes with shash bee oh) worth doing if travel/per diem/hotel isn't offered and I'd probably spend more than I make? Weird situation is I'm sort of being submitted by a known sag franchised agency that is submitting me, as well as a manager overseeing stuff, but I haven't signed with either. Could be due to the fact I promised them (via email) that I'd hook them up with more than above average commission, for a first role (up to co star) before they had to sign me. I have a good film look I guess, terrible commercial look, and 6 credits but they're all pretty good considering I've only been in the biz a lil over a year. For context, I have 2 network co stars (fx/nbc) both with speaking roles with A-B listers, plus a leading role in a non union Indy with a budget of 200k and a good supporting role with a sag low budget film with a budget of 2M ish, and a few scenes with another popular actress. I turned sag E within a month of acting class (Chicago PD/NBC) (Jan 21') and was Taft Hartley-Ed into the next union gig (FX/The Bear) then got a union feature (strong supporting) gig within my OK-30 status. I'm a must join now. I haven't worked since then and have started auditioning for series regular stuff and was pinned for my first one day guest star (but was released from first refusal a couple weeks ago
I am asking this question because my client doesn’t post much on social media. He has a talent agent and I respect that it isn’t in his personality to post videos and pictures on his feed daily. Also, I do improvising as a hobby and see some actor/improviser friends hustle too much online. They post too much videos and some of it seem like just a cry for attention. It can get annoying. I don’t want my client to project desperation into the world. So, what type of content should he put out just for people to know that he wants to get into acting? How can social media attract casting directors? As for his natural experience, He currently as a lot of videos on hosting because made his own documentary. He also beatboxes and does martial arts. He wants to get into hosting. I pitched him to do podcasts and YouTube video where he comments and gives expert advice on pop culture (movies, reality tv shows) as an occupational therapist/beatboxed/martial arts expert and wildlife life hunter. Is this is a good thing?
I'm not sure is that common question, or just outrageous one. But how to start voice acting I mean I done this twice for my purpose, but it was just bad as you can expect form someone who never done this. I would like to improve my self, to work in some projects. Without experience, and good microphone (I'm using blue snowball) I wouldn't even try to waste time, someone who's looking for voice actors in any paid job. I'm not native English speaker, and due to my luck in English lessons in school, I got tendency to messing up pronunciations. That's why I think I need to practice a lot. So where I can find any community auditions, or other fandub auditions? Oh and a bit off topic but how you guys avoid killing your voice after speaking in other voices? Like if I'm not speaking in my normal speaking voice in something like 15mins my throat is hurting, so I'm defiantly doing something wrong. Hope my questions are not too stupid, I'm sorry if they are.
Hiya, my name is Robert and I know I’m made to act. I’ve always had an overactive imagination and sense of immersion which lets me really easily feel powerful emotions and feelings. I know acting is something i would thrive at but I just don’t know how to get there. Help please!
So whether it's relevant or not, it's been my career for bout 10 years now. Full time singing and acting, on stage mostly. Im pretty embedded in that space, but have always wanted to do voice acting. I'm interested in the whole spectrum of it, from going for character work in shows and video games, to doing small voiceover jobs for companies, commercials, etc etc. ​ I'm just looking for any and all help/advice from people experienced in these areas. I have a friend who is willing to help set me up with his agent, and thats all well and good but I am just really looking for anything anyone has to offer me in the ways of advice or direction. ​ I have a Microphone, the brand/model is a Rode NT-USB USB Condenser Microphone. It's brand new, a friend recommended it to me, so any feedback on the quality and capacity of this mic in the world of voiceover work would be great as well! ​ I've seen a few of these kinds of posts sprout up over the last couple weeks, so I do apologize if this is redundant on this sub. But I would greatly appreciate any and all advice! Whether its websites to sign up and work off of, where to make certain profiles, what equipment/set ups work best for just starting out, etc etc. ​ I'm willing to put a lot of work and effort into this so hit me with whatever you got, I know I could carve out a space for myself and I'm confident I'd be good at it, I just need some help on where and how to start. ​ Thanks!
My girlfriend is an actress. She wants to be on screen in any capacity and here in Minneapolis there are only so many options. We just got a film tax credit so hopefully there will be more opportunities soon. in the meantime, she's been talking about wanting to move to another market. LA or Atlanta come to mind, but I came up with an idea that might be worth looking into. Since I work for an airline, we get free domestic flights and discounted international. How would you use this benefit to your advantage as an actor? Is this something that she can utilize to find (ideally paid) on-screen work around the country? Can you even market something like that to an agency?
I recently watched Easter Sunday, Prey, and Crazy Rich Asians in the same weekend. Prey's Dakota Beavers is tremdendously good, gets wild action scenes, dramatic emotional moments. And he's never acted in anything before this film. Henry Golding had never acted before Crazy Rich Asians. And quite a few people from Easter Sunday have relatively small IMDB credits. Do you find it inspiring or deflating? I personally find it inspiring. Your life can change with the right role. I dont think seeking blockbuster level fame is realistic and its not why we do it. But its so cool how your life can change if everything does comes into place.
I don't have any particularly high aspirations, apart from just improving on the skill of acting just for the sake of fun. I do want to become as good as I can be, but it's just for myself. That being said, I still want to become good at it. So here's my question: Can I become a good actor by learning and acting on my own? My goal is to learn as much as I can about acting using resources online, as well as studying human behaviors in a social context and seek to accurately act out a certain emotion, or complex set of emotions, embodied in a script that I will write then act out. I will most likely record it, and critique it myself through harsh criteria. And through doing this, I hope to maybe teach myself how to act. Down the line, I wouldn't be against learning with other people, but I don't know if I'll want to do that for quite some time. Does this seem like something which could plausibly give some benefit? TL;DR Can I teach myself to act on my own, through a combination of learning as much as I can about the topic and writing scripts and recording myself acting them out? I'd be willing to adjust how I approach recording myself acting based on new information learned, of course.
I've not booked anything yet, however I've auditioned for a few projects recently and haven't heard back. In the meantime I was wondering how other actors prepare before a project so I'd love to hear how you prepare for various things; for example, I've heard of actors hitting the gym religiously before starting to film main roles on film & TV to make sure they have enough stamina to endure long hours on set and look their best (even if the character doesn't require lots of strength or fitness). I've heard of actors also getting facials and beauty treatments just before filming, like teeth whitening or haircuts/colouring. How does that adapt if, say, you got a commercial? How do *you* prepare for a role?
When you have an agent, and they give you "nudge access" or "full access", do you still only see the breakdowns you'd see without an agent, or do you also see the ones sent to agents that might match your profile?
From all my lifetime, I met two people who did acting. One was a theatre actor and the other did for TV. They are both very energetic, loves to talk and have lots of friends. The thing is, they both kinda lacks the authenticity when talking. When I say something slightly funny they laugh out loud, or something slightly sad they show to be very empathetic, but moments later they are in "another vibe"... In other words, they overreact yet it feels very unnatural. Both of them told me how acting changed their lives for the better, they learned to manage their emotions and improved their social skills, but in my judgement, it actually made them use sociability and emotions as a tool to interact with the world but not being apart of it. Now before someone say "not all are like that" or "I'm not like that", i want to be clear that i don't think acting makes people sociopaths, they might have something else instead of just acting, but the fact that both never met each other, yet they both did acting and appear very artificial in social interactions is a weird coincidence, and I don't doubt there are thousands of actors just like them, which is a bit concerning imo.
And I’m not in one second of it, even though I have a strong supporting role. I know I did an awful bland job. They have all the other actors pictures on the movie Instagram page except mine, they’re following all the other actors but me. I’m 33 and I dedicated my whole life to this with nothing to show for it, I’m poor and have no friends and am talentless. I am a stupid negative narcissist and I wish I was dead
Weeee, you found me!
I'm your buddy Bottie, I was hiding behind the scenes, but now that you've found me I'd be happy to tell you what I'm doing.
I just wrote a few fun facts about Web For Actors
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Click here to check them out. I hope it will cause involuntary audible response.