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Social Media Paid Placement - contract needed?

Social Media Paid Placement - contract needed?

Posted on Jul 29th

Hello! Non-union actor here - I'm just wondering what the industry standard is for shooting footage that will be used in a company's social media, likely paid placement. Is this something that is sometimes shot without a contract? I know that for something larger, like anything broadcast, a contract is absolutely a requirement - but a close friend of mine has just offered me a low-key gig with his company, and I'm wondering if it would be a mistake to allow them to shoot and use footage of me without any kind of written agreement. Really all I want is something that says they don't own this footage in perpetuity to use in whatever way they like. But I also don't want to come off like a jerk asking for a contract for something that isn't that big a deal (only a couple hundred dollars, and again only for social media use, even if it is paid placement). Any thoughts would be appreciated - or also if anyone knows of any place to find example contracts to use for something like this!

Hi! AMA at 6pm EST!

Hi! AMA at 6pm EST!

Posted on Jul 29th

Hi, r/acting! I'm an actor in NY and I'm in quarantine out of town so I figured, why not see if anyone is interested in asking anything? My IMDB is here: I most recently played Mamie Fish on The Gilded Age, and before that I played roles such as Janice on Mr. Robot, Amanda on And Just Like That, Connie Kendrickson in Spike Lee's BlackKklansman, and about 85 other things you may or may not have seen. I also have done a few audiodramas (most recently Kitty Pryde in Marvel's Wastelanders: Wolverine) and broke into the industry by originating the role of Helen in Neil LaBute's "Fat Pig". At 6pm EST time, ask me anything for the next 24 hours and I will try to get to you! Hope this isn't a total flop and people ask questions!

I just had one of the worst experiences with a celebrity and not sure how to move forward?

I just had one of the worst experiences with a celebrity and not sure how to move forward?

Posted on Jul 29th

Hi all -- I'm working on a film and reached out to a celebrity actress earlier this summer to see if she'd be interested in joining the cast. Her manager responded immediately and shared the offer materials and script with her - about a week later returned and shared that she wanted to play the role for my short film. We scheduled a time that I could connect with her on ZOOM and I had that conversation today to talk character and story. ​ Straight up - it was one of the worst, if not worst experience I've had as a director connecting with an actress. ​ We talked for an hour and the entire time she had an entitled and airy tone in her voice and responses. She was on a private yacht in Europe during the call. Her character in the story has a fractured relationship with her sister and this actress literally could not understand sibling rivalry or tensions in families because it's not what she experienced growing up and she shared that her "parents treated she and her siblings good". She also didn't fully understand the concept of families drifting apart because is inter-family brokenness and even asked if that was something I knew or heard of before. At first I thought she just was wanting more clarity but then the call got worse. ​ I asked her what in the story she most connected with the character because I wanted to find an element from the story she was emotionally connecting with we could discuss. She literally got defensive and said "Well...I didn't prepare for this role because I didn't even know this film was happening and didn't know I was supposed to do character research and biography for this call." That wasn't what I was asking at all, and tried to explain this but she didn't understand and just said she thought the subject matter was important. Her character performs into a camera for a very important scene. I need an actress that has strong command with their eyes and was complimenting her that was something she had I knew would be perfect for the character and this scene, shared how I loved Tom Hardy's ability to communicate with his eyes in Christopher Nolan's past projects and before I could even finish the compliment she interrupted and told asked me "Have you ever acted before?" ​ As a director I told her no and then she literally told me "The eyes aren't really what acting is. Actors don't use their eyes for performance." I tried to explain how I believed the eyes were a powerful connection between performer and the audience, creating a linked physicality and she just said "..Okay." really weird. I asked her what she was confused over and if I could help with what she was getting stuck over and she again told me that wasn't what performance was about. It was so uncomfortable and awkward. ​ I then shifted to one of the themes of the story being shame, and how I wanted to express that through subtext of these other characters. Before I could finish she interrupted and said "What do you mean?" really sharp. I started to explain and she interrupted AGAIN and when on a how spiel about how "shame ISN'T something that's hidden, and that it's other people's problem for not recognizing it and helping those who carry it." - I told her that some people's experiences they conceal their emotions. She kept arguing back with this idea and added that "It's not that they're hiding it, they just haven't unlocked the ability to find closure and other people don't have compassion to see it." ​ I asked her four times across the call if she had ANY questions related to the project or story and she said "No." She said she "understood the story and what I was doing." ​ On dates for principal, I asked her what her Fall schedule was looking like, if she had any upcoming projects because we were trying to work around her schedule to make the film work. She just said really cold "Yeah.. I'll have to talk to my agent to see." No other information regarding if she actually has conflicting material or projects. ​ Overall, it was just a super awkward conversation with a celebrity. What I'm stuck on is that an offer was already given and she accepted, but I want NOTHING to do with her or bringing her on our film. No contracts have been signed yet. I just know that she'll be a nightmare to work with. Do we share a follow-up email with her agent sharing that we're shifting directions after the call? She had no enthusiasm at all and I don't want to pull teeth on a film where collaborators should be excited about the material, not challenging the director by saying "Have you ever acted before?"

What do I call this role on my resume?

What do I call this role on my resume?

Posted on Jul 29th

I just got a call that I booked a role in a major movie. It’s just a one day role and it pays the SAG rate of $1082 for the day. The casting director specified this is not background and she used the term “principal.” I know it’s not background because I auditioned for it and also because of the pay scale. But I do not have any lines in the scene. They are going to be playing music over the part that I am in but I will be interacting with one of the main actors. Is this considered co-star? How should I put this on my resume? Also this will be on a streaming platform so would I put this under “film” on my resume or under “television”?

When Method acting goes too far?

When Method acting goes too far?

Posted on Jul 29th

First off, I've never been certain, despite trying to research it, what Method acting is defined as but it sure seems like some are a bit excessive about it. Isn't it a bit much to force everyone to carry you around because you're trying to play a handicapped person or gluing your eyes shut for a month to play a blind person? It just seems like some actors get a bit too extreme about it...?



Posted on Jul 29th

Hi! I've been an actor now for years but have always struggled with my voice. Male. But I feel it's thin, unreliable, slightly nasal. I have a hard time listening to it and I finally have some extra money to invest in a coach. Does anyone have any recommendations? Seems like a lot of it is geared around singing but I prefer Shakespeare and straight plays (although I understand it's the same vocal mechanism). Any recommendations would be amazing.

Meisner question - "fully doing" vs "as if"

Meisner question - "fully doing" vs "as if"

Posted on Jul 28th

I've been doing some Meisner exercises with a couple of fellow actors, following Larry Silverberg's book (thanks u/eogc9 for the fantastic recommendation!). We've gotten to the point of doing an activity, and we can't figure out something about "fully doing" vs "as if". Imagine you need to play a character that is juggling balls. There's two cases that confused us: (1) you're an expert juggler playing a novice, (2) you're a novice juggler playing an expert. Case (2) seems relatively simple to deal with - become an expert juggler before filming (simple, not necessarily easy!). But for case (1) it seems that juggling wouldn't require your full concentration; in fact you'd probably focus on making mistakes. But would the mistakes look like the kind of mistakes a novice would make? How do you "fully do" something that is so easy for you, you don't require full focus? How do you juggle "as if" you weren't an expert? We came up with similar scenarios, like doing math on a piece of paper. You can choose a level of math that is as challenging for you as the fictional math is challenging for the character - if you're playing a math genius but you're not, maybe just adding numbers would create the right level of challenge for you - you stay truthful, and externally it looks like the character is being challenged at their appropriate level. But how do you stay truthful in the juggling situation, where the activity is visible, and you can't substitute it with something that looks identical but has the appropriate difficulty level? Or are we taking "fully do" too literally? Is it just *"if you're playing someone writing a letter, actually write a letter"*?

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Posted on Jul 28th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

Rode NT1-A Open Box

Rode NT1-A Open Box

Posted on Jul 28th

appears to be available on Woot. [\_cnt\_wp\_8\_18]( Only posting this because I know this is a commonly used mic for voice actors. Good luck snagging it!

Actor Interview

Actor Interview

Posted on Jul 28th

If you had a chance to have a chat with one of the actors you most admire, what are the questions you would ask them? Not neccesarily about their roles and films, though that works as well, but also questions about being an actor in general, filmmaking, theatre, acting, anything at all that you would really like to know, and that they may find very interesting to talk about. Cheers :)

Toronto actors: am I ready for an agent?

Toronto actors: am I ready for an agent?

Posted on Jul 28th

I feel ready to submit to agencies, but I am hesistant because I know how important a good first impression is. I have been taking classes and working on my craft since January, I have done tons of extra work (not that that really matters?) and I’ve had lead roles in 2 student films so far. I have headshots and a professional looking résumé and a reel with some self tape shots and some from the films I was in. Is this enough? Do I need more on my resume in order to be considered?

How do I tell my manager to stop sending me out for non-union commercials?

How do I tell my manager to stop sending me out for non-union commercials?

Posted on Jul 28th

I'm a SAG actor who signed with my new manager about 3 months ago. She's fine, but she keeps sending me out for a ton of non union commercials. 1. I am HORRIBLE at commercial auditions (I'm very much a narrative actor, and generally dislike commercials, but the auditions I've been getting are basically just "stand there, show us your hands, look hot, and show us a fun dance move" - I never book those). 2. I really don't want to work on anything non union, and I'm in the union for that reason. I don't care if I audition less, I want to just focus on co-star auditions and television and film and short film work. ​ How do I tell my manager this without pissing her off that I'll be making "less money" for her then?

A Fresh Face and an Eager Heart

A Fresh Face and an Eager Heart

Posted on Jul 28th

Hey there! My names Yusef. I’m and 18 year old aspiring voice actor. From the moment I finished playing Portal 2, I knew that I was destined to be a voice actor. Ellen McClain and Stephen Merchant were the two actors that pushed me to really put myself out there and try to accomplish my dream. After doing a few small time jobs and passion projects, I think I finally have enough experience to confidently put myself out in the field. Is this a good way to do it? Maybe, maybe not! But it’s free, and it makes sense to me. I am here to make myself available for any job, regardless of context, for a voice actor/voiceover for no cost to you. As much as I want to make this a lasting profession, I know you need to start small. And to put myself ahead of others, I am willing to work with anyone on my first job or project for 100% free. If you are happy with my work, we can discuss going into future business. But to give you a sample of what I have to offer, I will voice your project at no cost. I have a functioning microphone and have basic knowledge of how to work audio recording software. Thanks for taking tithe time to read this, and I look forward to working with anyone who reaches out!

Can you go too far when acting out a sex scene?

Can you go too far when acting out a sex scene?

Posted on Jul 28th

I vaguely recall Jennifer Lawrence saying she sometimes worries she’ll cross a line when filming a sex scene. Made me wonder if someone could go too far in front of the camera? I know there are specific angles, fitted clothing, or tricks to keep actors safe and covered while still making the sex convincing, but I’m curious if you could ever go too far.

Agent percentage

Agent percentage

Posted on Jul 28th

Canadian actors. How much is your agent taking from you? 10%? 15% 20%? I see that US agents are legally only allowed to take 10%. Curious.

Self Submission, Paying an Agent and Theme park Auditions

Self Submission, Paying an Agent and Theme park Auditions

Posted on Jul 28th

As a new actor, I have a couple of questions about the above topics: When self submitting, do I use the resume with the logo and contact of my agency? The second and third point are kinda one and the same, I have a theme park job audition, and was wondering if I should be paying my agent for that as well?

Motivation drain

Motivation drain

Posted on Jul 27th

Do you guys write a list of reasons why you’re an actor? Because sometimes I ask myself why I act and I genuinely can’t answer the question anymore because I’m so drained by it. I’ve resolved to write a list of reasons why it’s my career choice and I wanted to ask if this sort of strategy helped anyone else cope with a lack of motivation / energy. Thanks & hope everyone’s out there landing their dream roles!

Has RP English gone out of style?

Has RP English gone out of style?

Posted on Jul 27th

I'm a Canadian actor recently moved to London and I'm looking into working on an accent to add to my natural Canadian and Standard American. It seems like Received Pronounciation has gone out of fashion as an accent for actors and I've heard people say that productions are looking for something more in line with how people really sound. So now I've run into the problem that there's about a billion different accents in London alone and I have no idea where to start. Is Estuary English the one that is generally accepted as "Standard British" in terms of acting accents? Is there even such a thing as Standard British? In addition, I'd love any word of mouth recommendations for people's favourite dialect coaches! Zoom is fine but I'd prefer face to face. Thanks everybody!

Struggling to get emotionally attached to films

Struggling to get emotionally attached to films

Posted on Jul 27th

I'm finding that I can't seem to focus and enjoy films, as I tend to constantly analyse the acting. I have a hard time separating the actor from the character. Does anyone have any advice on how to let go of noticing the acting, and just enjoy the film?

Online courses?

Online courses?

Posted on Jul 27th

So I’m still pretty new to the industry and before I go out for auditions/agents I want to get as much training as I can to really know what I’m doing and be as prepared as I can be. I’ve taken 2 classes before and they’ve all been great but they are scene study focused. I kept hearing about Meisner and Chekhov throughout the classes and I think it would greatly benefit me to do a dive into their techniques. My question is: are there any good online courses I could take? My schedule is pretty tight right now so online is the most flexible for me. Even books you’d recommend for me? (Meisner/Chekhov related or anything for a beginner actor) Thank you all in advance!

Messed up eyeline on self-tape

Messed up eyeline on self-tape

Posted on Jul 27th

I recently got an in-person reader to help me out with my auditions, but she’s been standing a bit too far off the camera. I never noticed it initially or realized that my eyeline should be as close to the camera as possible (I’m a new actor who just got an agent), but now I’m wondering whether my bad eyeline has “disqualified” me from all the self-tapes I submitted this month?

Agent submits all my self tapes late

Agent submits all my self tapes late

Posted on Jul 27th

Whenever it says that my agent has submitted a self tape, it shows all of them submitted as a few hours after the stated deadline on Actor’s Access. Is the deadline I’m seeing a soft deadline on the part of my agent, am I submitting my tapes with too little of room to spare, or is my agent just submitting tapes late? Does this mean that my tapes will not be watched?

What does it mean when an actor enjoyed reading your script, but doesn't feel the role is right fit?

What does it mean when an actor enjoyed reading your script, but doesn't feel the role is right fit?

Posted on Jul 27th

Hey all - I've been speaking to a manager about locking a celebrity from one of the biggest shows out there right now and she said that her talent "Enjoyed the read, but doesn't think she is the right fit for the role, but wishes me and the rest of the team best of luck with the film and can't wait to see the final product." ​ Does that mean the character I wrote is weak? Does it mean the material is bad? As a director I'm just trying to work through if I need to go back into the story and adjust.

Sydney Sweeney interview - worth a read!

Sydney Sweeney interview - worth a read!

Posted on Jul 27th

I recently came across an interview with Sydney Sweeney that I found really interesting. While there's obviously more to her story and a lot that hasn't been said, I still appreciate her transparency about what she goes through even as a highly sought-out actor. I guess I assume that name actors have it made, so it's refreshing to hear that that's not always the case. Or rather, they still have to hustle and face unique challenges of their own (although to be the lead on an HBO show and have all these opportunities would be pretty freaking great). []( Some points that stood out to me: “I had no idea getting into this industry how many people have connections. I started from ground zero, and I know how fucking hard it is. Now I see how someone can just walk in a door, and I’m like, ‘I worked my fucking ass off for 10 years for this.’ ” “If I wanted to take a six-month break, I don’t have income to cover that \[...\] They don’t pay actors like they used to, and with streamers, you no longer get residuals. The established stars still get paid, but I have to give 5 percent to my lawyer, 10 percent to my agents, 3 percent or something like that to my business manager. I have to pay my publicist every month, and that’s more than my mortgage.”

To any CD’s out there, is there anything that can make an actor instantly unconsidered for a role?

To any CD’s out there, is there anything that can make an actor instantly unconsidered for a role?

Posted on Jul 27th

I’ve always wondered whether there could be pet peeves or industry “no-no’s” in the age of self-taping that could make a self-tape instantly sent to the trash. For example: 1. accidentally glancing at the camera once and breaking proper eyeline 2. Too much eye-twitching or eye ticks like looking up 3. Not having lines fully memorized and looking at script 4. Tapes submitted late 5. Lack of another reader reading you lines 6. Bad eyeline that obstructs face Which are these are “not ideal” vs an “instant no”?

is it possible to get cast for a huge role with little to no experince / connections?

is it possible to get cast for a huge role with little to no experince / connections?

Posted on Jul 27th

I've read article before about "new unknown actor star" but upon looking them up I find either their uncle was a legendary actor (connections) or they went to some prestigious performing arts school (experince) Are there any truly known people who got casted with no experince / connections? Say like someone who started learning for a year and auditioned for the role. I'm talking about big roles like LoTR / Star Wars / GoT etcs. Doesn't have to be fantasy, I'm just curious...

Casting Websites (Northern Ireland)

Casting Websites (Northern Ireland)

Posted on Jul 27th

Hey everyone! So Im from Northern Ireland and im quite stuck in terms of which casting website I should/can use as an actor in NI. I am not sure whether is only for Republic of Ireland or it allows Northern Irish on there too. Then theres ones for the UK like spotlight and mandy but I went on there and theres basically 0 jobs in NI. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Agency Recommendations for Non-Union actors in LA?

Agency Recommendations for Non-Union actors in LA?

Posted on Jul 27th

Hi all, I am wondering if anyone has recommendations of agencies here in LA that take on non-union, commercial and theatrical. Ive gone through the Sam French list of agencies and set aside all that represent the above, but Im wondering if anyone can recommend some other specific ones that I can research. Maybe a few that you have had experience with or have heard of yourself. Thank you

Lookin For Tips for Agent Inquiries

Lookin For Tips for Agent Inquiries

Posted on Jul 27th

There’s probably a ton of these posts on here. I figured I’d post on here though and ask anyones experience with seeking management and agents? I’ve done Actors Access’ Talent Link several months, I’m frequent with auditioning for stuff through Backstage, Actors Access, USC, NYFI, AFI, etc. Overall I’ve built up a thicker resume since moving to LA but between waiting for films to be edited, reel clips to be distributed, and how expensive getting my headshots updated are I’m sort of at a stalemate on how to go about getting representation? I’ve also done the whole mass emailing agents from IMDB that represent newer actors upcoming on all the platforms a week-few days ago but no dice so far. My student director/cinematography friend stated that it’s important and more enticing to ask managers and agents out for coffee/get in contact with an actor through set or other interactions to get your name further in the ring without being dismissed as some generic actor in their mailbox. Any other tips? TLDR; Another post requesting any and all recommendations for how to pitch yourself to an agency, agent, or manager.

How can one pursue a career in voice acting?

How can one pursue a career in voice acting?

Posted on Jul 27th

As my 21st birthday approaches and after a lot of self-reflection over what do I want to with my life, I decided to hand in my 2-weeks (technically 1-month) notice at work so I can go and fully pursue my dream of becoming a voice actor, since it's a career path I've always wanted to go with and people keep constantly telling me how my voice would be perfect for such things ...but truth is, I don't know where to begin. I don't even know if such a dream is possible to achieve for a nobody in NJ who cannot possibly ever hope to afford such things to make this a feasible career path such as recording equipment or a home studio and has no voice coaching in the slightest So I ask here, how *could* one hope to pursue a career in voice acting? Especially for someone like me? Or is this practically a foolish endeavor?

Difficulty pronouncing words with a lot of letter Rs in them.

Difficulty pronouncing words with a lot of letter Rs in them.

Posted on Jul 27th

I have a short tongue and, according to my friends and co-workers, I tend to sound like a toddler whenever I pronounce words like "horror", "terror", "rural", etc. Would that hurt my chances of becoming a voice actor? [Here's a sample]( of me pronouncing some words individually. [Here's another sample of me]( using them in sentences.

How to get a better agent?

How to get a better agent?

Posted on Jul 26th

its been a slow climb. many years invested into this now, from student films to getting a couple tv/film auditions a year, to now about 1-2 a week, having now read for 65 different major casting offices, 1 CD i've read for 14 times, a bunch at 5/6/7, many at 3, and many at 2, something like 140 tapes for tv/film in the past 18 months, 60% network tv co-star, 15% guest-star, 5% recurring, 5% supporting in feature films, 5% leads in major feature films, 5% series regulars in tv, 5% VO/video game. A couple call backs and 6 pins, most of which in the last year, most for network co-star, couple for small supporting in film. I used to help a guy from Yale, aka help him rehearse for his auditions, not mine, that read multiple times a day, like would go do a series regular in person, then tape a supporting for a film, while narrating an audio book, all in 1 day. If i had to guess probably 10 ish - 20ish tapes a week. Was repped by Buchwald at the time. Was also hispanic, if you believe that contributes to anything. he was also a really talented actor that put a shit ton of work into each audition, i like to believe that was the most important part. This was a couple years ago. Having had my experience, over the course of many years now, I just feel like i'm never going to get anywhere until I get a better, more reputable agent. I've read statistics like it takes 150-200 tapes for 1 booking, that seems really insane, but considering i'm at 140, i'm starting to take that a lot more serioulsy and it's very sobering. i can't possibily fathom having to go at this pace for like the next 5 years. that feels beyond masochastic, and such a ridiculous opportunity cost / sacrifice from a business perspective. It's like being a 3rd class actor, getting so few auditions. How can I get a better rep at this point? I feel like I've read for enough CDs and gotten repeats from some very big time ones and that should justify getting a better agent? I mean the experience of having a good rep and reading multiple times a week is just night and day compared to 1-2x a week. Just night a day. it's almost a joke, like how is anybody supposed to build a career with so few auditions? it just doesn't make sense to me. Anyway, for those of you who leveled up, how did you do it? I was recently accepted into a master class scene study with a very reputable teacher in LA, so I was flattered, as it will be my first time in a master class surrounded by (hopefully) very experienced and talented actors, so my heart gets butterflys for that. but otherwise I'm depressed to be perfectly frank. i don't know what else to do and can't help but feel like the showcases from the top college programs are really the only gateway to a showcase with top tier repts, and otherwise you're just screwed unless you grind for 20 years and somehow get lucky enough to book a series regular without one and then get poached by one. and as far as hustle, i do as much as humanly possibly for being a poor person. i have NEVER found a job, even waiting tables, that is A) makes enough money to afford rent in the major cities / food / AND the acting classes and all the things, and B) flexible enough to not only commit to all the things, like certain weekly classes, but also to switch around shifts for the random student/short film booking or self produced project. Maybe i just have terrible luck with bosses/managers but with the cost of living in LA or NYC / attitude of most businesses, doing things like unpaid theatre or any theatre / anything that basically pays less than a broadway contract, has been simply unfeasible for me, and it almost feels like a big joke that I'm not in on that any other actor whatsoever, outside of the super rich, are able to hustle and juggle all those things or have some magical survival job that allows one to do all those hustle things. so I've had to be very picky and choosy about that stuff, all while still basically living in poverty. blah. can anybody give me encouragement? thanks a bunch. this journey is so much harder than I ever expected it to be in a million years and honestly sometimes I feel utterly delusional putting my all into this, which i know it requires.

This one stings

This one stings

Posted on Jul 26th

I’ve never seriously tried to be a professional actor. That was a dream I had a long time ago, but never had the financial resources to commit to it, so I moved on with my life. When the acting itch would strike, I’d do a local community theater production, get a major role in it, and have an absolute blast. I had zero delusions that I was destined for something better. I was 100% happy acting for free in local shows, and still having the time and energy for my wife, my daughter, and my high-paying day job. Let other people deal with the stress and rejection of “real” auditions, I was perfectly happy volunteering my services for free in the musicals that I loved doing. But this morning, for the first time since 1996, I was outright rejected for a community theater show I’d auditioned for. I’d hoped for one of the starring roles, but I didn’t even get offered a background/chorus role. Rejection is a big part of acting, I know it — but usually, it’s reserved for the people who are trying to get paid! Ha. I was volunteering, for free, and I still wasn’t good enough. I’ll be fine. I have plenty of other good things in my life. But local community theater is where I’ve always gone for validation, and this is the first time it’s rejected me in more than 25 years. Just letting it sting for awhile.

Who is the voice actor for the Skeleton in "Everything That Will Kill You... From A to Z"?

Who is the voice actor for the Skeleton in "Everything That Will Kill You... From A to Z"?

Posted on Jul 26th

Can't find him credited anywhere but his voice is really cool. Link:

Add to the List: who is an actor, director, cinematographer, etc.. that you feel anyone in this industry should know.

Add to the List: who is an actor, director, cinematographer, etc.. that you feel anyone in this industry should know.

Posted on Jul 26th

Add a name and what they are best known for so we can create a list of the greats. These are the people that you should know if you are pursuing a career in The entertainment/acting industry.

School vs Career?

School vs Career?

Posted on Jul 26th

What is the best education for a teenage actress? I have a choice between my local public school or a magnet school with Academies according to what you want to pursue (I want to be in acting, especially film, and they do theater), and I'm trying to find what will be best for my career. For the local, I'll have easier but good classes as I'm a great student in my opinion, and a lighter work load, and will have enough free time to work on auditions, do acting classes on my own time, and explore more of my passions. But at the magnet school, there are teachers specificly for the program who help with learning monologs, and tell you about classes outside of school you can attend, and as mentioned there are classes focused on theater (one period, but there's other bits a pieces that I'll be exposed to, as theirs a different class under the academy each trimester). The academy school is VERY stressful, and very big on college prep, with little free time on school nights to do anything other than study, but I feel like I might get opportunities here that I may never get again. (for a little more context, the academy school is a one opportunity only, if I don't go or drop out, I'm never allowed back). I do struggle with stress and anxiety, and the lower grades I get here may hurt me and my academic validation views, but I'm really just focused on the make or break moment this holds on my career: start auditions earlier in life and (hopefully) hit the screen, or focus on just classes and education in both theater and school. (ps, I'm a rising freshman, incase is wasn't obvious, I need to make a decision tonight) (I've posted other questions around this topic if you could check out my account and help me out right now as this feels like a really big decision, and I'm lookin g for guidance here)

Relationship between actor and agency/agent?

Relationship between actor and agency/agent?

Posted on Jul 26th

What exactly is the relationship between a actor and their agency/agent? Like, are they in charge of you, are you both equal, or do you, for a lack of a better word, "use" them to get gigs. I'm a student currently trying to decide between a really busy school, or local, and just want to know if I can still get an agency  and sorta be like: "hey, im busy a lot, here are my hours, can you help get me gigs where in order to be cast i only need to audition at these times?" (it's complicated, but I think you get it). Just wondering, because either my education or my career will struggle if I'm missing out on one over the other... (I posted other questions on this sub if you could help me out and answer the newer ones, I have a bit of a problem right now that I need help deciding)

Gear Recommendations

Gear Recommendations

Posted on Jul 26th

Title says it all, now I'm currently doing more in my Voice acting side-gig/hobby. Ranging from reading anything out loud, to reading a book (mostly Lord of The Rings, World War Z, or Dracula) out loud for 1 or 2 minutes, to doing audio diaries, and even talking my thoughts out loud. And course course watching anime dubs, animation films, and NSFW stuff from audios to animations to dubs, yeah I'm getting into that field. So I did some research and well I'm amazed on the gear some voice actors have, an example is a NSFW VA going by KB (Kumbomb, yes that's her name) has a Vocal Booth to go Audio booth and that thing is like 1000 bucks, now granted she's doing this full time, but with me I'm doing this part-time and as a hobby but that doesn't mean I'm slack off, I'll put the same level of dedication & determination into this just like how I do in my culinary classes. But I also don't plan in putting 1k or more into gear, I'm looking and I want something that is both budget friendly but also gets the job done, like in my previous posts I showed my closet, so I'm looking for either good sound blankets or acoustic foams and a good mic, while the Voice Recorder App on my Samsung works just like great I know I can't use that forever. Also fun fact; I have posted two SFW comic dubs yet somehow doing the NSFW stuff seems easier for me than the SFW ones.

Any advice for side jobs that work well with high anxiety?

Any advice for side jobs that work well with high anxiety?

Posted on Jul 26th

I’m an Actress and Creative Writer living in NYC and I’m having a hard time find a job that is low stress. I have put my hat in so many different jobs like: customer service, desk receptionist, life coaching, etc. I’m finding it hard to find stable income because my anxiety gets really high in jobs in which require too much work for little pay (minimum wage) or feeling crazy working 5 days a week from 9-5 pm. I’ve been looking into freelance writing ( copy and content writing) but I am worried that it will be very inconsistent. Would love help on any jobs or fields that are entry level and have live-able pay & ideally remote.I have experience in social media, writing, and content creation. Not sure what’s out there that doesn’t require being an entrepreneur at this point

At what point would you feel comfortable joining an agency like Paradigm, Buckwald, CESD, A3?

At what point would you feel comfortable joining an agency like Paradigm, Buckwald, CESD, A3?

Posted on Jul 26th

Posting for a friend who got an offer from an agency on that tier since he doesn't have reddit and I've only worked production so I can't help him: They have huge rosters, at what point would you sign and not feel like you'd disappear in the thousands of actors they have? I have 4 co-stars and 1 guest star--is that something that makes me competitive enough within the agency or would staying with my boutique agency (which isn't getting me into series regular/recurring guest star rooms) for the meantime be best?

Feeling a bit envious

Feeling a bit envious

Posted on Jul 26th

Can someone give me an ego check or something? I’ve been comparing myself with other successful people on social media, and took Instagram off my phone because of it. I’ve always liked acting and the process of filming, whether that be a small or big production. But the industry is so inconsistent, I couldn’t make this a full time commitment. However, I get super jealous of the people that do make it pretty big. Not like Michael Jackson once in a lifetime big, but like I’ve seen locals like Aaron Rodgers, and amazing actors like Andrew Garfield, or even Sydney Sweeney who got nominated for an Emmy. I’m not necessarily envious of their fame, but more of the fact that they got lucky enough to work with the biggest companies in the world. And especially for a lot of young people that breaking through are my age, it makes me wish I was successful as them. I think it’d be so cool to just experience that, and to be able to have a job that you love in that industry. It’s always been a dream of mine. I know these people do it not for the fame or because they expect to get big, but obviously regardless of what you say, your ultimate goal is to be where they are. I’m fortunate enough to go to university and study to get a good paying job. But I guess I just feel envious and that if I had time and money to pursue acting, it’s always that “what if”. What if that could be me. It’s a feeling I’m getting deep down, but I also know it’s basically impossible. I guess I just don’t feel like I’ve accomplished much because they’ve accomplished such big things.

super lazy please help me find a new mic

super lazy please help me find a new mic

Posted on Jul 26th

hi! I'm a casual voice actor on casting call club. i have a moano condenser mic from amazon, but it doesn't take loud noises very and has random spikes here and there, and i was wondering if anybody has any recommendations for a new microphone. my budget is about 100$- 300$. I'm looking for something that i can basically scream into with good quality and something with relatively crisp audio. preferably something I can get on Amazon, but if not that's ok. i also dont know anything about microphones, but i need something to connect to my computer. (usb)

Do casting directors ever take a percentage of an actors salary?

Do casting directors ever take a percentage of an actors salary?

Posted on Jul 25th

I have never heard this before, but due to the never ending situation here in China (where casting directors 9 times out of 10 ask for a kickback) I was wondering if this ever happened in the West. I'd assumed not, but then I read this article; "According to a professional in the field, some casting directors take a percentage of an actor’s salary or a straight weekly salary. This can mean anywhere from $100 per day up to $800 – $1000 per day." Like I said, I'd never heard this before, so wanted to ask the community if it's something normal or if this article is just BS.

Adding self-taped auditions to Spotlight profile?

Adding self-taped auditions to Spotlight profile?

Posted on Jul 25th

What do fellow actors think of submitting self-tape audition videos to your Spotlight profile? Good idea, or not?

I finally have a manager!

I finally have a manager!

Posted on Jul 25th

I havent posted in here is a while but as the title suggests, I FINALLY HAVE A MANAGER!!!! I have been going through a lot recently. I took a break from submitting for months without realizing it. I was going through a depressive episode and someone who is my "support" system talked me down so badly for pursuing acting and modeling. I felt defeated for a short while but I go this new fire back because I knew what this person said about was not true. About 2 weeks after the incident, I saw that a talent manager was holding auditions on WeAudition. I was ok i'll try it. Something in my head was trying to talk me out of it but I did it anyways. Long story short, I was 1 of the 6 actors chosen out of 57 that auditioned to be signed! Not only that, I got a scholarship to go to The Groundlings!!! Even though those hurtful words still swim in my head everyday, I know they aren't true and I am where I need to be. I know this is the career for me because I never wanted to do this to make anyone else happy. It was for me. Now me and my manager are working on my package to submit to agencies

Amateur actor - should I audition for the role of:

Amateur actor - should I audition for the role of:

Posted on Jul 25th

The Creature (the monster) in a production of Nick Dear's Frankenstein? I have done several amateur plays over the years - comedies, mysteries, Agatha Christie plays. I'm a 50 year old male. Frankenstein is one of my all time favorite novels. I found out about an audition for Frankenstein. I am so excited and creatively charged about auditioning for the role of the monster. But, I see it as a difficult and huge role. I don't want to make it cheesy and campy. Is this one of those roles I should just avoid because it is too difficult for an amateur actor in a small town?

Any tips for handling anxiety when it comes to acting?

Any tips for handling anxiety when it comes to acting?

Posted on Jul 25th

I’ve been taking acting classes and I’ve learned that I get extreme anxiety over memorizing lines. I have anxiety in general, but didn’t think I would be this bad. I do end up remembering my lines but during the process of practicing I get really nervous in case “I forget”. I hate that feeling. Yesterday we were practicing “emotional memory” and I’m usually a very emotional person but I think my anxiety affected that, also. I had to remember a sad time in my life and usually that moment causes tears but I feel like my anxiety was sort of “protecting” me, preventing me from displaying my sadness. I need to learn how to break this emotional wall. I’ve just starting seeing a therapist so that should hopefully help but was wondering what other actors here could suggest? Have you experienced this level of anxiety?

Do actors have to take off jewelry that mean something culturally?

Do actors have to take off jewelry that mean something culturally?

Posted on Jul 25th

For example, jade bracelets? Would they be required to take it off or because it has some sort of meaning would they style around it? Could they refuse to take it off?



Posted on Jul 25th

Is it the work of an actor or the work of a writer to write a backstory for your character?

Casting Directors are a sham.

Casting Directors are a sham.

Posted on Jul 25th

Does anyone else think CDs, for the most part, are irrelevant in the 21st century? Unless they are out actually scouting, the online submission process has made them a redundancy that breeds nepotism. I know this because the ones that like me cast me, and I can’t get a lick from the ones I don’t know. Now CDs casting for lead roles on studio budget projects- I’m not sure. But I think they should just thank their show’s social media marketing departments for spewing out garbage memes blowing every single casting choice. Euphoria casting blows c^ck and nearly every character could be recast and the audience would be just as happy. I actually like that CD, but A24 will make it impossible for her to do any wrong. The bullshit advice columns on social media are pretty much made to sell their classes and are so broadly subjective there’s nothing for an actor with actual experience to glean from it. Maybe it’s just too hot outside.

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

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Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

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