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Should I pursue acting? I’m not sure

Should I pursue acting? I’m not sure

Posted on Jul 9th

This is going to be a long post. So I’m 19M and am currently in Community College my major is Liberal Arts I go back in the fall. For the longest time I’ve had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. At first when I was like 10 I wanted to be an electrician I thought it sounded interesting but then once I learned more about it I got turned off from it. When I was 14 I got super into movies and TV shows I saw them as an escape from my boring life I remember I used to try to emulate the personalities of the main characters in the movies and shows I watched. When I was about 17 and in my junior year of high school I decided I wanted to get involved in the entertainment industry but behind the camera. I ended up taking this Filmmakers class at a BOCES school and while the teacher was a complete asshole I gained two things from the class. The first was I ended up meeting my now best friend and we instantly bonded. The second was for the class we had to shoot a short film and I got picked to be an actor for the project. I fucking loved it everyone I worked with was great and I felt a feeling of Immense Joy I can’t really explain it. Flash forward to fall 2021 I decided I want to go to Community College for money reasons/ not exactly knowing what I want to do yet and pandemic related reasons. I was majoring in Radio at the time but I ended up switching to Liberal Arts in December 2021 because I realized I didn’t really want to be a radio host or work for a radio station. Flash forward to now and the other night I had a realization. I want to be an actor I really have a passion for the industry. The reason why is quite simple, I want to be someone I want to make a legacy for myself. My dad works a dead end job at a travel agency and my uncle works at a lab and lives with my grandmother I don’t want to end up like them. I haven’t told my mom because I’m afraid what she might say and whoever ends up reading this might laugh and say “Good luck buddy thousands of other people have the same dream and they all tried and failed.” You might be right but I would rather try and fail then to not do anything at all. I’m not sure if this is just a crazy unrealistic fantasy I have or something I should actually try to pursue. I’m not even sure where I would start.

VANCOUVER ACTORS what are some acting workshops/ classes you recommend for newer actors?

VANCOUVER ACTORS what are some acting workshops/ classes you recommend for newer actors?

Posted on Jul 9th

Hi, I recently decided to pick up acting and managed to find an agent last week. I’ve had one audition so far but being that I am still new and haven’t acted on screen before, I am looking to take more acting workshops around town. Could you please recommend me some acting classes? I know it’s important to invest in this so I can hone my skills and also stand out during auditions since my main goal right now is to book my first job, but I also want to be well prepared for the job. If you also have any advice on how to stand out in self tape auditions, from a casting directors perspective, please let me know! Any tips in general is appreciated. Thanks.

Vancouver actors: what are your thoughts on ignite artists?

Vancouver actors: what are your thoughts on ignite artists?

Posted on Jul 9th

Hi, I was just curious to know about ignite artists as an agency because they seem to have a large roster but not many updates on bookings. Is it one of the good agencies? What are your thoughts?

What is Copy & Credit?

What is Copy & Credit?

Posted on Jul 9th

I keep seeing “Rate Of Pay: Copy, Credit, Meal” on actors access. Meal is obvious. But what’s copy & credit?

Was an actress in my country, in the US now, working hard on my English. How do I meet some Hollywood people to get my foot in the door? Please advise.

Was an actress in my country, in the US now, working hard on my English. How do I meet some Hollywood people to get my foot in the door? Please advise.

Posted on Jul 9th

So I was an actress in my home country, and moved to the US a year ago. I am also very pretty lol, no kidding. I've always been told that, and all my family and friends know that. I am 5'10, with green eyes and long brown hair. Now, my English isn't great though, but I am doing my best to improve it. How do I get in touch with some Hollywood people? Would it be better to move to LA? I live in the Midwest now.

UBCP/ACTRA question

UBCP/ACTRA question

Posted on Jul 8th

If an actor or voice actor is registered with the union ( UBCP/ACTRA ), can they still take on gigs without involving the union?

Is it time to throw in the towel?

Is it time to throw in the towel?

Posted on Jul 8th

I’ve been trying to pursue a career as a working actor for a number of years, I have no desire to be famous, just that I would make enough from regular work to say it’s my full time job. It has been such a dry spell for me that I am honestly thinking about calling it a day, I’m male and just turned 30, haven’t had a gig since last November and just can’t get in the room. My agent submits me regularly but just nothing is happening, she says my headshots and reel are fine, I’ve also got firearms training but still nothing. I met with a potential manager recently who reiterated over and over my age might be a problem, as people my age who have way more credits will get seen. So how does that help when I can’t get work to get more credits lol Sorry for the big rant but I’m just really struggling to figure out what I need to be doing, is anyone else feeling the same ?

Whats with all these "Industry Influencers" on Instagram now? (Rant)

Whats with all these "Industry Influencers" on Instagram now? (Rant)

Posted on Jul 8th

Throwaway for very obvious reasons... But is anyone else getting annoyed with all these casting directors, agents, and aspiring actors becoming "influencers"? Tons of no name industry people are now making Instagram videos to "help actors" and they have gained a decent chunk of followers from doing this, (20K +). I notice that a lot of them are putting "Public Figure" in there Bio now as well, and it ANNOYS me. They have this cult following of green actors who always praise them, and I'm sure it fuels the ego. But I looked up the people behind some of these accounts... One of the CDs hasn't even cast anything in about 10 years. Another one is an agent, and I swear she spends more time doing lives, instagram videos, and club house talks, then she does actually being an agent. I know personally my agent is super busy most of the time, I can't imagine having an agent who is constantly on Instagram and making advice videos. Also, an actress who has a very popular podcast (not Audrey), makes money through actors supporting her on her Patreon, buying her overpriced Chinese self tape kit, and charging people for her advice. I looked up her IMDB and she only has 3 small credits from the last 13 years. Its so over saturated now, that its hard to find who is actually legit. And these poor novice actors are shoveling out money to them. It's like these "industry influencers" saw Wendy Allen Wrights scheme and wanted in on it....

VA training help

VA training help

Posted on Jul 8th

Hello Everyone. I am an aspiring voice actor in the Atlanta area and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestion on a coach or classes I can take to improve myself? I've already taking a few 1 on 1 sessions however I was hoping to find something that was weekly to help me focus on developing my voice and strengthening my quality of work. Does anyone here have any suggestions?

Discussion regarding future, and asking for advice and insight!! :)

Discussion regarding future, and asking for advice and insight!! :)

Posted on Jul 7th

Ok so I'm from a South Asian country, and I know that I want to be an actor and am willing to do whatever it takes and this is my current plan for the future!!! I don't want to be an actor in my country due to the lack of diversity and lack of genres, therefore I will be aiming for Hollywood! For now I will be joining a Canadian university this fall and majoring in Drama and English (double major cause if all goes to hell, my backup plan is news anchoring or journalism)!!! For now I've promised myself that for the next 4 years I will prioritize my GPA, and extra-curricular to get as many scholarships as possible and to avoid student debt as much as I can!!! I've looked up all the improv, public speaking, theatre clubs and they will be my utmost priority!!! I want to give in my best to my studies (for scholarships) and my best to extra-curricular activities (for experience, learning and improving)!!! After those 4 years I intend to stay I canada for another 1 year (the student visa allows you to apply for 1 additional year to work a job etc.) In that 1 year I plan on grinding and working hard to pay some more of my student loans and take part in alumni theatre!!! After that my plan is to apply for 2 things- On one hand I will be applying to Yale, brown, Juilliard, NIDA and Rada (MA theatre lab) and side by side I will also apply and audition for as many casting calls I stumble across on backstage, IG, and FB!! If I get a role, I'll apply for Canadian citizenship, ACTRA, and start working, otherwise I'll give in my best to the auditions and hope for the best!! This is my current plan for the future, I'm 18 Female and awfully optimistic!!! I hear my mum telling me to reconsider my choice every now and then and I see so many people tell their experiences and talk about their struggles... but I'm convinced that if I could survive my high school bullies, I can survive struggling and failing!!!! I know this is awfully hopeful but acting is the only career for me, it makes me feel good as a person and it's all I want to do in my life!!!! I'm putting this message out here hoping you can give me any advice, recommendations or anything you want to say in general!!!! I know this is a lot of planning, but this way I know what to expect from the next 5 years!!! Will be super grateful if you could share some insight, opinions, or comments!!! Hopefully 8 years from now I'll look back at this post and there would be 2 possibilities- 1) I would be struggling, maybe even questioning my choices, but I'd read this and feel encouraged to not give up! 2) I would have made it, and I'd probably update this post with information from my successful auditions!!!

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Posted on Jul 7th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

LF nervous male voice

LF nervous male voice

Posted on Jul 7th

I got an oc named Parker, his only personality trait is just being timid pretty much. I just discovered this subreddit and I thought posting in here would be easier than going down voice actor websites, spotify music, and realistic text to speech bots so here's some more info: he's a teen to young adult, easily off-put and not hard to scare. not always but there's usually some hesitancy and fear in his voice. I would describe it like Taro Yamada from yandere simulator just more whiny if that makes sense. another thing is I found this song here: [](, it sounds almost exactly like how I picture their voice except it'd be more masculine.

Should I Shave My Head for A Featured (Non-Speaking) Role in Blockbuster Film, Where I Work Opposite An A-List Actor

Should I Shave My Head for A Featured (Non-Speaking) Role in Blockbuster Film, Where I Work Opposite An A-List Actor

Posted on Jul 7th

Today, a huge director picked me for a non-speaking, yet "pivotal" role in a blockbuster ($350M+) production. My name was put up for the role at 2pm today, and by 3:50pm, I was offered the job. I would be shooting for two days, earning 3k, where I, among a crowd of extras, are selected in the scene to work closely opposite a huge A-list talent (Marvel big), before having a breakdown in reaction to the character's dismissal of myself (a good scene to show off my chops, yet no lines or character name). The role, however, would require me to shave my head ***tomorrow***. My representation suggest to take the part, considering the size of the project, and that auditions are slowing down, due to a lack of new productions over the next few months, allowing me to grow my hair back in time. I just got new headshots, and wrapped a leading role in a 10 episode show for a small network which is releasing in a month from now. I'm worried about not being able to ride the wave of that show, yet my gut says to take this role, as I'll live in regret if I don't take up the opportunity. I've dreamed of working with this director, yet I'm worried about how this shaving will threaten other roles for me. It would take about 6 months to grow my hair back. I would love to know your thoughts. [View Poll](

acting class with social anxiety

acting class with social anxiety

Posted on Jul 7th

i signed up for acting class for next year of school (hs) and if i get it i will be really embarassed and anxious. i have social anxiety and i have slight feelings of regret for signing up but i really want to be an actor some day. sometimes when all i have to do is read in front of the class i get a little shaky and i have no friends to help either since im also introverted. i hope this didnt sound dumb. i think its a little foolish that someone who struggles to talk to people wants to have a job where its mostly talking to people. opinions? help? tips? again, sorry oeifhdkcnjenjqjcoemc

Tattooed actors

Tattooed actors

Posted on Jul 7th

I’ve worked for a long time as a musical theater actress but decided a few years ago it wasn’t bringing me the same joy it used to. Since then I’ve done all the things I thought I wasn’t allowed to do as an actor, mainly getting lots of cool tattoos. As much as I love them I’m feeling slightly regretful as I want to get back into acting. Do any actors here have experience with tattoos? Were you ever turned away or do you cover them up for auditions? Would love to hear from fellow tattooed actors.

“Looking” like an actor

“Looking” like an actor

Posted on Jul 7th

Deleted my previous post because of rude, snarky comments. What does it mean to “look” like an actor? What are some actor stereotypes that might cause people to assume you’re an actor? Do you think comments like these are based on your appearance or overall persona or something else?

Reached a tiny breakthrough in my acting class.

Reached a tiny breakthrough in my acting class.

Posted on Jul 7th

New actor here. For the past couple of days, I was practicing how to be vulnerable for a monologue. Aside from being able to cry on cue, I found it extremely difficult to really let the emotion play in my mind for it to be authentic. It wasn’t until the actual day of class that I was to really able feel something real, even if it was for a brief 5-10 seconds! Honestly it almost felt like this whole acting thing may not be for me if I couldn’t do the most simplest thing, but my teacher gave me enough good direction to push through. It’s the small wins that count, right?

I don't know what job to pursue if I don't do acting

I don't know what job to pursue if I don't do acting

Posted on Jul 7th

I've always wanted to become an actor but if I'm being honest with myself, I don't know if I want to become an actor badly enough to actually become a successful one (in terms of making it my only source of income). I've always thought that I wanted to become an actor because I wanted to make something that I was proud of and do something that I truly enjoyed, but I've now realized that if I'm not able to become an actor that makes a decent amount of money, then I don't want to pursue it nearly as much. But the main reason I want to become an actor is because of how fun it seems to have the relationships with other cast members. So I'm writing this to ask if you guys have any ideas for jobs that are very social and you can develop really good relationships with people. ​ TLDR: I want a job that is similar to acting in the sense that you can develop great relationships with people

Got my first audition on actors access!

Got my first audition on actors access!

Posted on Jul 7th

I submitted to my first projects yesterday and just got my first audition for principal part in a commercial! I’m ecstatic and don’t want to screw this up! Does anyone have tips for nailing commercial auditions? As I know they differ from film. Thanks!!

I'm 14 and my dream is to be an actress. What do I do once I'm 18?

I'm 14 and my dream is to be an actress. What do I do once I'm 18?

Posted on Jul 7th

I'm 14. My life long dream is to be an actress and be known in the world, but I know how difficult the industry is. I'm scared that I'll fail and never reach my dream and make it in the industry. I know how difficult it actually is to become famous, but I'm not looking for fame. Yes, I dont want to obviously make an impact and be known as an actress but it's not my MAIN goal. I just love acting and it's my only passion, but I still want to "make it" fortunately i know my parents are there to support me with this. But does anyone have any advice? I'm really afraid that nothing will ever work out because I want this so bad and it's the only thing I can ever picture myself doing in life, but I know how hard it is. Please help. if you have anything, let me know. I'll take any help/advice/info you can get no matter what it is. Thank you!!

What actors/actresses are exciting you lately?

What actors/actresses are exciting you lately?

Posted on Jul 7th

Who or what performances in the world of acting are getting you excited lately? It doesn't have to be something new, just someone/something lately that that made you think “Dang I just wish I was that good”? I'm posting on behalf of r/hobbies. We're trying to better understand the aspirational side of acting, so that we can get people excited to try something new. I don't know much about acting, hence why I'm here. Any and all feedback is appreciated :)

Using Instagram to Brand Yourself?

Using Instagram to Brand Yourself?

Posted on Jul 7th

I'm starting fresh on instagram again using my name. I'm 24, I like to act and direct. I took courses in college and my degree is towards that however since the pandemic, I haven't been able to kick start my career. I was wondering if I could use instagram as a way to promote and brand myself as an aspiring actress/director by posting reels and vlogs documenting my journey on Backstage/AA/CN? Any advice would be highly appreciated!

Best Acting Studio/Schools in Chicago?

Best Acting Studio/Schools in Chicago?

Posted on Jul 7th

Anyone have experience with Studios for Actors in Chicago ? Which would you recommend and Why? Thanks in Advance.

Advise for aspiring actor/voice actor?

Advise for aspiring actor/voice actor?

Posted on Jul 7th

I've been involved in acting for year now. I am a freshman in college and I've been acting since I was in 8th grade. I love acting and it's something I'm incredibly passionate about. I want to do bigger things in my life and I don't know where to begin. I love the idea of voice acting (though I've never tried it before). Any kind of acting is appealing to me (theatre, shows, movies, anything). Where is a good place for a teenager like me to begin?

San Francisco actors: Actors Access or SF Casting?

San Francisco actors: Actors Access or SF Casting?

Posted on Jul 7th

Just moved back to the area and I'm unsure which is currently the better platform. Previously, I was seeing more/higher quality listings and getting consistent auditions and work from SFCasting compared to AA, so I'm leaning more toward SFC despite the higher cost. But I know that a lot could have changed in the 5 years I've been away. What are your thoughts?

Getting Into Acting After Retirement From Regular Job?

Getting Into Acting After Retirement From Regular Job?

Posted on Jul 7th

I was just wondering how to go about this in Los Angeles. I have seen some actors and actresses on tv and in movies do this...but was not sure where to start? Thanks.

Success, what is it and how do I get it?

Success, what is it and how do I get it?

Posted on Jul 6th

I read the posts on this community with interest. I work in the arts firstly I was an [actor](, then a [writer]( and now I produce theatre. I work in 'show' business, with the emphasis on the business. This is something the arts has a problem with, yes we have to be innovative, imaginative and arty, but we must never forget that to be '[successful](' we need to be able to carry on repeating the process and earn a living. I'd like to hear your thoughts on success and what being successful means to you all.

Hello I’m a new theatre actor

Hello I’m a new theatre actor

Posted on Jul 6th

I’m a new theatre actor ( I mostly do film) I’ve done one play so far but it was a short one in a list of other short ones. I got offered the lead role for this full length play based off my performance from the first. Anyways I kinda get a little nervous thinking about putting on a play. I made a post recently about thinking about quitting this play but the director didn’t let me go easy but instead talked me into staying. The script on the pdf was about 100 pages so I’m not sure just how long that will be to perform. Anyways the director says for rehearsals we’re not gonna rehearsal top to bottom but instead we will rehearse all scene that happen in this location , then rehearse all scenes that happen in this location, etc. and she said she wants to give as much time off as possible. We perform in September and we start rehearsals in August. Is it ever normal to not rehearse from top to bottom ?

How much should I ask for as the voice of a podcast?

How much should I ask for as the voice of a podcast?

Posted on Jul 6th

The work will start unpaid. That's fine. I knew what it was when I signed up. Mostly doing it for fun. But producer did say that if they decided to monetize actors would be payed. But there was a sentence in the contract that says I waive any right to compensation. I'm not signing that until I get in writing that if they decide to monetize I get a percentage. I'm just not sure how much to ask for. Voiceover rate guides don't really mention podcasting ad revenue. Figured I'd ask here.

Will i ever make it as an actor?

Will i ever make it as an actor?

Posted on Jul 6th

I am going to graduate from high school in around 6 months or so, I have planned to apply to a list of numeral Acting colleges and my college applications start in November. I have a decent amount of experience acting in short films and projects due to luckily my mother owning a production house and allowing me to learn how its like working on a set. I've always wanted to be an actor ever since I was little. I love acting from school assemblies to competitions I've loved doing them all, is always like to add to the background of the character I am supposed to be as it helps me become more immersed. My plan seems to be pretty solid on paper but I'm scared, what if I don't make it to a good college? Once I do that does not guarantee me jobs in the field, I'm Indian but I don't look like an average Indian I would say I look more white than most of the people here but don't look 'white' enough to be considered as a role for a white male. Now obviously that affects my chances right? Cuz when casting directors are looking for an 'indian male' character they are looking for someone more brown, however when they are looking for a white male they are looking for someone who is ethnically white so that would disqualify me from a few roles and how would I fit into a niche category for these directors to find? im sorry if this seems like a rant but im overall very scared as this already is a tough field and even though I love being inf front of an audience or a camera im just really intimidated by the idea of being out there alone, trying to make it as an actor.

Berlin people: Is moving to Berlin a nice idea?

Berlin people: Is moving to Berlin a nice idea?

Posted on Jul 6th

I am an unemployed 24 year old actress in Portugal. Right now I am studying to get a plan B but I am so tired ot this country. Finding jobs in the creative scene is impossible!!! But not only in the creative scene. It is impossible…. Plus our salary is TERRIBLE. I dont speak german. But in 2 years I think I can start learning. I would love to share some ideas

How do you slow down?

How do you slow down?

Posted on Jul 6th

I sat in on a webinar with a voice actor and did a read. While I was thankful to make them laugh with my delivery, it was repeated for me to slow down. How do you pace yourself?

Acting classes

Acting classes

Posted on Jul 6th

does anyone know the best actors who do 1 to 1 acting classes

Casting Networks VS Backstage

Casting Networks VS Backstage

Posted on Jul 6th

Hey there. This may have been asked a hundred times already (I may have even already asked) but I’m curious… Is anyone finding more success on one platform over the other? I see Backstage has more roles aligned with what I want to be doing. I’m getting auditions via Casting Networks though. Just want other actors’ thoughts and opinions. Casting directors, please feel free to weigh in as well. Which one is more worth my money and time sifting through? Thank you.

People keep asking me if I’m an actress

People keep asking me if I’m an actress

Posted on Jul 6th

There have been multiple people (complete strangers and acquaintances at work) who have randomly asked if I’m an actress, or who say I should be an actress. Why would they say this without even knowing me? Is it purely a looks thing?

Stage name question

Stage name question

Posted on Jul 6th

My current last name is the same as a couple famous actors who used to be relevant 10+ years ago (no relation). I have been thinking about changing my “stage name” to my birth name (not a name I’ve ever used publicly as I was adopted as a baby)… however my birth name is Italian and I don’t know that I necessarily “look” Italian - I have dark blonde hair and am fair skinned, but my grandparents on my bio dad’s side were from-Italy-Italian. I look at some famous Italian actresses (Edie Falco, Drea De Matteo, Lady Gaga) and they’re all blonde.

What’s your dream role?

What’s your dream role?

Posted on Jul 5th

Hey guys, what’s your dream role? For screen actors and teather actors as well! Or even what kind of character you would like to be in the future? And if you already got it, who it was?

ELI5 What even is SAG?

ELI5 What even is SAG?

Posted on Jul 5th

I’m sure this question gets asked a lot, but I’m literally someone that has no idea how unions work, and I’m extremely confused. Are these unions the same as like a working union as some people protest for? I’m just so confused. What makes SAG kinda necessary and what even is it? It says it’s like a group of actors but like I’m still extremely confused. Explain like I’m 5? From the beginning as much as possible.

Is getting a nursing degree worth it for an aspiring actor?

Is getting a nursing degree worth it for an aspiring actor?

Posted on Jul 5th

Just graduated high school. Is nursing a good job for pursuing acting?

What role were you cast in that surprised you the most?

What role were you cast in that surprised you the most?

Posted on Jul 5th

I see a lot of posts where people seem discouraged because they don't think they have the model looks or they are too old or that their race or height or gender will set them back. I thought it might help some newer folks to hear stories about how actors get cast in roles they never in a million years thought they would get. It doesn't have to be a big part, just something where you were cast against type. My example: Tears ago, I auditioned for a major commercial where I was supposed to play a supervisor. The supervisor was training the lead character (20-something man, all men auditioning were White or Asian)on his first day of work as an aerospace mechanic. I did not get the part of the supervisor but I did get the lead part of the 20-something...they rewrote the script for me and I'm a 40-yr, BIPOC woman. Surprise! Sometimes good work in the audition is enough to make them rethink the script. So, be okay with being yourself.

New specs on role I submitted for

New specs on role I submitted for

Posted on Jul 5th

Not sure if there’s really an answer, but I sent in a self tape for a role in a low budget feature and I thought I did really well. The deadline was yesterday, and today the breakdown was posted with new specs for my role specifying that they want actors who are exactly 17-19 years old so they look like high schoolers. They said not to resubmit, as they are still considering all actors, but that feels like a lie to keep people from resubmitting. I just, like just, turned 20, and I look young, so I feel like I have a chance, but I also feel like they’ve given up on the past submissions. Is it just false hope thinking I’m still be considered/got the part?

How do casting directors know which actors will have good chemistry together?
What do you do to get a sense of productivity when not acting?

What do you do to get a sense of productivity when not acting?

Posted on Jul 5th

Hey folks, As per the title I am struggling a bit to maintain my productivity when out of work. I suppose it's the great irony of acting that actors tend to spend more time not acting than actually doing so. I have a strong work ethic and want to continue to feel a sense of accomplishment each day so I'd be curious to hear what daily rituals you all have to keep in the game. So far I have been focusing on writing, reading (scripts, plays etc) and doing some vocal exercises. It feels good but I have this nagging sensation that the best way to hone my craft is by doing it, so it tends to stay in my mind. Any tips, tricks or ideas you have would be greatly appreciated- I'm sure there is something I could be doing that I'm not or working on some skills that would make me more employable! Thank you

Actor’s Access Eco-cast description changed from “role name” to “role name - SENT TO PRODUCERS”

Actor’s Access Eco-cast description changed from “role name” to “role name - SENT TO PRODUCERS”

Posted on Jul 5th

basically the title but basically after my callback/director’s session, my eco cast description changed and it said this. Does that mean I specifically got sent to the producers or the role itself got sent to the producers? I know none of it matters but just wanted to know if this has happened to anyone else before? Thanks in advance!

8 years into LA … and …

8 years into LA … and …

Posted on Jul 5th

Hey y’all. I’m 33 and just feeling disgruntled and beat down after 7-8 years in LA. I just wrapped up a lead role in a small theater show here in LA proper that was really well received… the producers are searching for a bigger venue/theater right now. I have a speaking part on a cable tv show (not network) airing in August and I’ve worked with some serious heavy hitters- directors and actors but mostly in the capacity of indie short films and indie features and the few and far between commercial. My point is - I’m now 8 years into this city and I have yet to book an episodic on a network show or a studio feature etc etc. i have my SAG card, but don’t want to give up but also don’t want to be delusional. There have been so few auditions lately I’ve even thought about switching markets. Atlanta maybe ? Thoughts on any of this appreciated. Much love to everyone in this thread for keeping going and doing the damn thing!

Moment by Moment

Moment by Moment

Posted on Jul 5th

Hey actors, do you generally plan out your characters emotions moment by moment, or just understand the scene as a whole?

A question about preparation

A question about preparation

Posted on Jul 5th

Actors, how do you know you’ve done enough preparation to fully play your role? You can prepare till the cows come home but when is the point where you trust you are ready?

Suggestions for finding an agent. CO or LA?

Suggestions for finding an agent. CO or LA?

Posted on Jul 5th

Hi everyone. I'm an actress living in CO. I used to live in Los Angeles but moved a few years ago. Currently, I have no agent. I have a manager and get maybe 1-2 auditions a year from them. Does anyone know if talent agents in Los Angeles would be willing to represent talent that live outside of LA? I have a good reel, including an Oscar nominated short film I worked in. Recently, I worked in a historical biography (I found the auditions via Facebook groups). I train consistently and practice, honing my skills. I love acting, and will never give up! I would love any guidance or suggestions. Would getting a talent agent in CO be better, perhaps?

How can actors work on acting?

How can actors work on acting?

Posted on Jul 5th

When you play a sport you can always take private lessons to get better. But after those private lessons you can go to the park and practice your kicking, or throwing, or skating, etc. When it comes to acting you can also take classes to get better, but what is actors “going to the park?”

Kinda confused wit union stuff

Kinda confused wit union stuff

Posted on Jul 5th

So based of the little bit of research I did. You can work union (SAG-AFTRA) or non-union. And apparently, in order to join SAG you have to work at least 3 days on a union project. So I guess my questions are. 1. Could I work for a union project on actors access like SAG even tho I’m not in a union? 2. if I get into SAG am I not allowed to work non-union projects anymore?

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