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Is it worth obtaining an acting degree (or otherwise) to become a professional actor?

Is it worth obtaining an acting degree (or otherwise) to become a professional actor?

Posted on Jun 30th

Just wondering as I’m starting to make decisions about my future. I’m already taking acting classes (and have been for years) but I’m wondering if it’s worth going to an arts uni or college (or do an arts/theatre degree) to become a professional actor (particularly on film) Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks <3

How do the boyfriends of actresses cope with their significant other kissing and making love on camera?

How do the boyfriends of actresses cope with their significant other kissing and making love on camera?

Posted on Jun 30th

Ive always wondered how do certain people deal with the fact that some actor is making out with ur girlfriend on camera and getting butt naked in bed with them. You have to be crazy to let your girlfriend do sex scenes or kiss other dudes.

Trying to put myself out there as an actor.

Trying to put myself out there as an actor.

Posted on Jun 30th

Hey guys! I was wanted an option or advice on posting myself doing scenes and monologues on social media? Tiktok? Youtube? As a way to put myself out there? We never know who’s scouting on these types of social media platforms, especially tiktok where it’s easy to blow up or attract an audience as the algorithm on tiktok is usually in our favor. I have a professional looking backdrop and a tripod that I use for my self tapes, and I wanted to perform ordinal work and maybe published work on Tiktok?

Questions from a non actor

Questions from a non actor

Posted on Jun 30th

Hello all. Before I get into my questions, I want to thank everyone in this community for the content here. After a while out of acting, my wife is getting back into it and while I am doing what i can to support her, I don't always have answers or knowledge I need and I have been able to reference a lot of things I've found here to help me out, so I appreciate it First, as I said, my wife is getting back into acting after a while not doing it. I do what I can to offer support; searching through casting calls, driving her where I can, editing, filming, etc., but I truly want to do more. We are in the chicago market, and while I do utilize backstage and a few others, I was wondering if there are alternative options for finding casting calls. Can I reach out to casting directors directly? Are there places I am unaware of that post current projects? I really want to do more than relying on (mainly) backstage. Next, I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for setting up a recording space. Equipment suggestions? Software ( I'm using Adobe premiere right now, but I am no expert)? I'd like to actually turn a space or spare room into a recording area and was wondering if anyone had done anything similar and might have suggestions. I'm far from rich, but am willing to invest money into this to do it right. Basically, if anyone has advice for me as the spouse of an actor, I'm willing to take it all. As a side note, my wife recently got a role acting in a short film that was part of a sort of concept contest. Each filmmaker had 7 days to make a short 60 second film from start to finish (writing, filming, editing, etc.). As someone with no real experience in any of these things, I thought it was a cool idea. Beyond my wife acting in one of these, I have no affiliation with the project, but wanted to share the YouTube trailer for the contest which is live on July 7 (7pmcst, I think). Anyway, as I said, I just found it interesting and thought I would share it here as well if anyone wanted to check it out. Again, thanks to everyone for all the help so far and to anyone who takes the time to offer me advice or even read my post. It all helps me learn.

Feedback, anyone?

Feedback, anyone?

Posted on Jun 30th

This was my very first genuine stab at acting. I’d love thoughts from the fellow actors and directors in here. I had never done anything in the realm of psychological horror until I shot this film and I had an absolute blast. It ignited my passion for the craft but I want to do and learn much much more. I played Dr. Geoffrey Barter. The one and only time I ever had a beard! Enjoy xx

How to make self tape file size smaller

How to make self tape file size smaller

Posted on Jun 29th

I currently doing an Eco Cast self tape via Actors Access and the casting director has said they can’t accept files above 100MB, and that if it is over that I will be asked to resize. My self tape came out to just under 500MB. I don’t understand how I’m expected to submit to this as the sides are long in themselves. Should I just cut the take into several 100MB chunks? Or maybe cut out reader dialogue?

Should I take classes on cinema studies and film analysis/theory?

Should I take classes on cinema studies and film analysis/theory?

Posted on Jun 29th

I’m currently in college and have been taking acting classes. I’m also debating taking classes in cinema studies and film analysis/theory from my school. They sound extremely interesting and useful, covering topics like the structure of films, various storytelling techniques, cinematography, cultural impact, analyzing themes from different perspectives such as race, gender, class, age, etc. Would it be useful to take these as an aspiring actor (and maybe a screenwriter down the road), even though I’m already taking a bunch of acting classes? I think understanding how films work would be helpful but the only downside here is that these classes require a massive amount of time in my schedule since they have the regular 3 hrs/week class time plus an additional 3hrs/week for watching films. And my acting classes also take 6 hrs/week instead of the typical 3hrs. So taking them both leaves very little room in my schedule for other classes. As such, maybe I’m better off taking other classes that would be helpful in getting a job so I have some backup and job security (I’m a math and CS major so this would mean taking more CS/statistics electives). I’d appreciate any input :)

are any game makers holding auditions for their games? please let me know, i need brief info on the game and lines to read and where to submit the audition :)
What are the odds of a common person cutting it in acting?

What are the odds of a common person cutting it in acting?

Posted on Jun 29th

Hey guys 24-year-old man here. I'm interested in becoming an actor and stand-up comedian. This is especially hard in India for an average person with no ties to anyone but what's the situation/field like in Canada or America? How much of it is dependent on your looks and race? Am i too old to take a shot at acting? I have always been interested in movies and film but my family isn't supportive of unrealistic dreams like these. I grew up in school alongside the daughter of a very famous actor in my province. Now years later she's ll probably get into the field due to her family. Does it just come down to being born into the right family?

Austin Butler&rsquo;s performance in Elvis

Austin Butler’s performance in Elvis

Posted on Jun 29th

I saw Elvis movie yesterday and I am blown away. What a movie!!! Tremendous experience. More than that, I am mesmerised by Austin’s performance. I have a QUESTION to the actors who have watched his performance that how did he managed to get that voice?? Throughout the performance he maintained it and after watching the movie I was thinking about that only. How did he get that voice? To do so actors do some voice practice or something? And in general I had always this question, I have seen many actors changing their voice for the character and how they do that? If anyone has idea please let me know. Appreciate your response.

Feedback On My Audio Drama Please

Feedback On My Audio Drama Please

Posted on Jun 29th Aelfric's Side Story derived from my main audio drama, Coalesce: Crimson Flight is out now! So excited to work on these projects with my amazing Voice Actors! Stay diligent on your projects! Remember, our main story is a lot of work. Est. 2023 release. Please throw some feedback on our YouTube! This is my first time sound designing something a bit more immersive. We have out stories posted too! Note that this is not a demo of my voice, but a practice chapter for my voice actors and my sound designing skills for future projects.

Anyone know anything about international students and their ability to act in the US on a student visa?

Anyone know anything about international students and their ability to act in the US on a student visa?

Posted on Jun 29th

Hi Everyone! Im an actor based in sweden and im currently exploring options on where to study! I was wondering if anyone here knew anything about how the student visa system in the US works in correlation to working as an actor in the US? Ex. Can i work as an actor and take jobs as an actor in either a F, J or M - 1 visa? If so, please dont be shy to message me or comment!⭐️

Manager asking for contract before actor has accepted —— shady or industry standard?

Posted on Jun 29th

Hi all — I’m currently in talks with an actor who starred in a major film on HBO for a low budget short film. The role is literally 1.5 pages out of a 20 page script and we’re offering a few thousand to shoot with them for a day (it’s a sub-character role, reveal at the end). The manager asked for an offer and script and said they would get an answer from their talent ASAP. The offer, script, and treatment were sent over with all production details (production attachments, logistics, rate, billing, premiere, travel reimbursements, etc). The manager said that the actor is very interested (a huge win) but then asked the highest rate we could pay? I shared the rate from the offer again and they said “That’s what you said in the offer but can you go higher?” I shared that’s all we had for budget we can offer now, but if we get more lift in production budget, we’d be happy to pay more and can include this in the contrast, but the current offer is the cap we have. The manager “Got it” and is now asking for the contract to be sent that she can share with her agents to look over. Is this pre-mature? I haven’t even had a conversation with the actress about the role yet nor is she attached. Wouldn’t a contract be sent after attachment?? Something feels way off. We’re making a short film under $10K, not a branded commercial or PSA where we can pay tens of thousands. I understand we’re asking for celebrity talent, but if she’s “very interested” as the manager has said (after seeing the offer) I don’t understand why the manager is being so difficult.

For those of you who attended an actor's conservatory/MFA program, how did it change you?

For those of you who attended an actor's conservatory/MFA program, how did it change you?

Posted on Jun 29th

Whether personally or professionally. It has been 3 years since I graduated from mine and very often I think of something one of my instructors told us one day. It was in the middle of him tearing into the class because we weren't pushing hard enough on our assigned Shakespeare pieces, and at a point, he said: *"When you get out of this program, you're not going to know who you are."* I am finding that I've been having some challenges wrestling with whether I still want to be a full time actor. Half of me enjoys having reached a place where I don't have roommates and I can enjoy my own apartment that I pay for, and the other half knows that while financially things are okay, my 9-5 is also the reason I don't have the time or energy to dedicate to artistry. I was very happy when I was immersed in it at school, and now self tapes feel like a chore and an extreme disinterest \[unless its a role I REALLY WANT and connect to\]. Still, whenever I see plays or see my other friends doing theatre, I get that rush again, I realize that I miss this part of my life, and I beat up on myself for not having the same accomplishments as my peers. I know this is something actors wrestle with all of the time, but I realize that I didn't have any of these.... crazy inner conflicts and self doubt periods... until I attended acting school. I don't regret it. I'm not blaming the school. I like to think that experience is what I needed to really learn about myself and be honest about who I am, who I think I need to be, and who I wanna be. But I just wonder, did anybody else go through a period of transition with self after attending acting school?Please share your experience.

How important is it to build a social media presence?

How important is it to build a social media presence?

Posted on Jun 29th

Do you think it’s important to have social media as an new actor? And if yes, what are the benefits? Thanks!

Do agents submit you every other week?

Do agents submit you every other week?

Posted on Jun 29th

Okay maybe I’m crazy but I seem to get a flux of auditions co star and supporting from my agent one week and then absolutely nothing the next. The pattern appears consistent. I’m wondering if this is something agents do, like alternate the actors they send in for? Im so tired of not getting consistent auditions and the anxiety is killing me.

Started a new acting class, but&hellip;

Started a new acting class, but…

Posted on Jun 29th

I’m new to the acting world, and I’ve only begun taking classes this year. While I do have a dynamic personality, my nerves so far have gotten the best of me. I’m so used to acting with myself that doing a scene with someone is a definitely new challenge. Is this is a normal obstacle that new actors often come across?

Actors Working in Healthcare

Actors Working in Healthcare

Posted on Jun 28th

Hello! Is anyone currently working in the healthcare field (doctor, nurse, CNA, etc) and is also an actor at the same time? How do u do it? What has it been like for u? Asking out of pure curiosity

Has anyone heard or seen any casting calls for 'The Summer I Turned Pretty'?

Has anyone heard or seen any casting calls for 'The Summer I Turned Pretty'?

Posted on Jun 28th

i know it's too late cos Jenny Han said they'd be filming this summer BUT i just wanna know if they were looking any new characters for season two and if anyone heard about any casting calls on actors access or somewhere else. i'm too impatient to wait for a casting announcement lol.

Smoking weed onstage- CBD as substitute?

Smoking weed onstage- CBD as substitute?

Posted on Jun 28th

So I’m working on a play and, well, it’s themed around drug and alcohol use. Im not a big weed smoker but I’m considering smoking CBD flower for the scene. It won’t have any psychoactive or memory affects, and regulates the cannabinoid system, as opposed to marijuana or THC, which would get you high and possibly paranoid onstage. I smoked herbs onstage before and it’s awful and gives you a weird buzz. CBD is about as close as you can get to weed without being it- like an O’douls non alchoholic beer. Legal in all states. Body chill and anti anxiety effects. Smells like real weed… So. Wondering if anyone has any strong opinions about this one way or another. As actors we try to blur the line between real and imaginary in any way we can. I think this is an elegant solution with the risk of a possible square audience member mutiny.

Where are all these new and inexperienced actors coming from?

Where are all these new and inexperienced actors coming from?

Posted on Jun 28th

i've noticed that over the last three years there's been a wave of new actors mainly poc who seem to not have many or even no credits to their name landing pretty life-changing roles. i know there will be people saying "they weren't picked off the street, they had to have connections!" but as a poc, i feel like poc actors particularly south asian actors are in no position to use connections and nepotism in hollywood just yet. i've heard the new girl who plays ms marvel has said that her family are "far removed from hollywood" so what is it? how are these actors doing these things and does it set unrealistic expectations for other young actors?

Is it easier to &ldquo;make-it&rdquo; as an actor or an artist/rapper?

Is it easier to “make-it” as an actor or an artist/rapper?

Posted on Jun 28th

Make it as in achieving a decent amount of money, fame, success, etc,.

Advice for beginners

Advice for beginners

Posted on Jun 28th

Hey, I recently met a director, and she said she wants me to audition to be in one of her movies, I have never acted before, but more than interested in this, very very. Interested actually, What advices would you give me? Are there YouTube channels I can watch to help me get into acting? Any tips? Do actors usually think of something sad when they want to be sad, or is it a different mechanism? I know nothing of the acting world but would absolutely love to be a part of it, so any advices would be greatly appreciated Thank you in advance

Has your sexuality ever been a conflict for you related to your acting?

Has your sexuality ever been a conflict for you related to your acting?

Posted on Jun 28th

I hope this is an okay question to ask on this sub because it does relate to the process of working as an actor. I’ve always had a hard time emotionally connecting to a scene/scene partner where I’m supposed to be feeling romantic/sexual desire. Through other situations and experiences in my life I’ve recently come to discover that I’m aroace (aromantic and asexual), and it’s really frustrating me because I feel like my own sexuality is holding me back from doing my work. I know there are stories that don’t revolve or even include romance or sex, but I’m interested in doing work with stories like that as well, I love romance stories, but I just can’t feel that kind of attraction. I know that there are plenty of actors who are gay and have to perform as a straight person or vice versa, but there’s still the understanding of romantic or sexual attraction despite that not being the gender you’re attracted to, but with me I literally don’t understand how either feels and it’s only making me loath myself for not being able to access those feelings. Does anyone have a similar experience or advice?

Exclusive agreement

Exclusive agreement

Posted on Jun 28th

How do I drop my exclusive agent specifically? Also why are actors offered exclusive agents in the first place?

I want to be an actor, but am nervous that I will never get work

I want to be an actor, but am nervous that I will never get work

Posted on Jun 28th

I am still relatively young and perhaps shouldn't think about my career yet, but here we are. I'm aware it could very well change. Preferably I'd work somewhere where I'd have a bit of consistency so I could have an acting/lit-related day job; probably working as an actor rep company/a paid directing position in a community theater? The sort of thing where you get to know the people so well that even when the season is over, you're basically guaranteed work in some shape or form. I know these can be hard to come across, but I've also heard that actors are supposed to get more employment over the next 10 years, or something like that. I am the kind of person who, even if I can't find plays to do, will make them for myself. I'd get a bunch of friends together and put on a casual production of Two Gentlemen of Verona but in drag in the park if I didn't have anything at the time. Because why not? Performing gives me life. My dream is to do Shakespeare on the west end. Will that happen? Who knows, but I'm not betting on it. I just want to be in plays. I suppose what I'm asking is, do I need to be afraid? I will work hard, show up, and always find a way to perform in some shape or another, so should I be scared?

Classes/Conservatories in Atlanta?

Classes/Conservatories in Atlanta?

Posted on Jun 28th

I'm considering relocating to Atlanta, GA to continue working as an actor. I'm wondering if anybody has recommendations for solid classes/studios/conservatories in Atlanta. I know ATL has been blowing up with all the productions they have going on. So that must mean the same goes for great acting classes and teachers who have gone there. I'm looking for something more than just a scene study or audition technique class. Maybe even something similar to conservatories that one would attend in NYC. Technique classes, mask work, voice & speech, movement, Shakespeare. All suggestions are appreciated.

Is it necessary nowadays to have a social media presence to achieve success as an actor?
Where Do I Find Voice Acting Positions?

Where Do I Find Voice Acting Positions?

Posted on Jun 28th

I was really gonna just do some voice acting as a one off thing, but my family actually thinks I’d make an amazing voice actor, so I think I’ll give it a shot. Is there anything particular site or app or something that would be good to place myself for voice acting jobs? I’ve also never actually had a job before, but I’m gonna have to cross that hurdle when it comes

Curious about how c rying works when rehearsing/filming

Curious about how c rying works when rehearsing/filming

Posted on Jun 28th

So let's say the scene involves two people, and one of them begins to cry about 30 sec into the scene. When you are on the set rehearsing RIGHT before filming, do actors bother getting the tears out? This might be an insanely stupid question LOL And when they are filming - if it is a situation where the crier's angle isn't being filmed first, do they still get physical tears out?? I've seen behind the scenes moments where the actor whose back is to the camera is making funny faces etc. I get that it's important to stay in character for your fellow actor of course, but when it comes to crying, how does this all work? &#x200B;

I need a little help

I need a little help

Posted on Jun 28th

So I don’t know how many voice actors are on here but what are some good sights to find jobs as a 14 year old

Speech therapist in Vancouver with experience with actors?

Speech therapist in Vancouver with experience with actors?

Posted on Jun 27th

Howdy--by chance does anyone have a recommendation for a speech therapist in Vancouver who has specific experience with actors/singers? &#x200B; Thanks!

Vomiting for a stage role

Vomiting for a stage role

Posted on Jun 27th

I was chatting to an actor about challenging roles and he said that he had been in a stage play about bulimia. For one of the scenes he binged on food then made himself vomit, all of it for real. The performance was three nights in a row, and he also did the same in four rehearsals. While I admire his dedication for doing this, and it was something he was aware of at the audition stage, I can't help wondering if this is too much for a director to ask of their actors. Has anyone here heard of anything similar to this in a stage play, and how would you feel if asked to do it?

Beginning Actor:

Beginning Actor:

Posted on Jun 27th

Hi,I have my first audition in two days and I need some tips for going to an audition please!

Video game facial scan library

Video game facial scan library

Posted on Jun 27th

Hello! Just wondering if anyone had any opinions about accepting work as a scan talent performer for video games? If a listing is non-union, doesn't specify any particular video game, and says that your facial likeness scans will be added to a large library for creating various roles, is that a potential red flag? I only ask because I can't find much information on actor likeness contracts in video games specifically, but it reminds me of warnings I've heard about selling one's voice to voiceover AI companies to add to their "library", and how that can be bad for a performer down the line. But maybe if your face is mashed up with other faces, and therefore unrecognizable in the final product, it doesn't matter? Then again, they still might own rights to your likeness...any thoughts would be appreciated!

Roe v. Wade Impact on Atlanta

Roe v. Wade Impact on Atlanta

Posted on Jun 27th

As an actress who used to work in Atlanta, I’m curious how the Roe v. Wade decision will impact the industry there. I remember when directors/productions threatened to pull out of Georgia permanently when voting rights were an issue. Thoughts?

Random question, because I&rsquo;m curious. An acquaintance of mine is (or was) an actor, but got arrested for sexual offences. What will happen to this person?

Random question, because I’m curious. An acquaintance of mine is (or was) an actor, but got arrested for sexual offences. What will happen to this person?

Posted on Jun 27th

We went to college together, although we weren’t studying the same thing, we were in the same building for anything Performance related and have mutual friends. This person is only one of the few who graduated that is actually pursuing the industry, problem is, well, the severity of the offences (yes, plural). What will become of this person’s career in the industry? I checked this person’s IMDb, and nothing on there is a pro gig, so this person’s pretty much a newbie. What will happen to someone this *new* in the industry, while some serious offences are tied to this person’s name? Like if you type this person’s name online, you’d see the news articles immediately + the mugshot. SMH, shocking is an understatement.

Manager Question

Manager Question

Posted on Jun 27th

Hello I'm an actor based in Los Angeles. I was curious to know what the best way to find a manager is? I feel like managers are more on the down low, versus commercial and theatrical agencies who are all over Instagram. Would my best bet be to just go to IMDBPro, and look up actors on the same level as me, and see who they are repped by? How did you find your manager? I book a lot of commercials. I booked two just this week. But I really struggle with getting called in for theatrical roles, so I'm hoping to obtain a manager who can help me with that side of my career. I'm hoping all my commercial bookings can give me something to offer them in a sense, since my theatrical credits are almost non existent. I'm in acting class every week and do really well, I just feel like the public breakdowns are slim pickings for the unrepped. Would love some advice! I don't feel like I have the resume yet to get a decent theatrical agent, so I think a manger would be a good start and to work my way up from there. Would love to know your thoughts.



Posted on Jun 27th

Is it just me or has anyone else been scammed by con artists such as Pretige Talent, PMTM model and talent, or similar companies, that like to put you through training for months then make you pay for an "agency showcase" Happened to me when I was a green actor, looking back it's actually upsetting.

I Don&rsquo;t Know How My Mental Illness/ Health &amp;amp; Artistry (Acting) Can Co-exist

I Don’t Know How My Mental Illness/ Health & Artistry (Acting) Can Co-exist

Posted on Jun 27th

Does anyone ever feel like they picked the worst job/ industry for their mental health and wellness? Especially if you already struggle with your mental health? We can try and pretend that the countless doors closing in our faces and uncertainty of the next gig doesn’t bother us, but if it didn’t bother us (not even a little), then we wouldn’t be human. I felt like I was making some progress prior to the pandemic. My anxiety would get in the way of myself a lot, but I have an agent and I was on check avail/ hold a lot, I was getting callbacks. I was also constantly pushing it. My mental health was not great, and the pandemic forced me to slow down and take a good, hard look at myself. The pandemic also made my mental health significantly worse. Not having any creative outlet and little energy to try anything new led to a really bad time. The world around us felt like it was crumpling My mental health is still something I’m still avidly working on it. I’ve made progress, but a lot of days are still very difficult. I had a realization, kind of an obvious one, that the industry has zero accommodations for those struggling with mental illness. In the industry, you can’t really have bad days. Obviously, there are not really accommodations for anyone with disabilities (seen or unseen). I love performing. I love acting. When I’m given the opportunity to work, I do it extremely well, and I feel better because I feel like I have a purpose. I’m pursuing my passion. The gigs have been far and few between, though, especially at the moment and it hurts. I hate the industry. I hate the nepotism and the gatekeeping, the fact that it comes down to looks a lot of the time. I hate “networking.” The gatekeeping is really the worst part of it all. The same actors getting cast and tight knit cliques. I hate that influencers who have never acted in their lives are getting acting jobs. I just want to work. I’ve felt stuck in this city (Chicago). I feel stuck in my life because I don’t want to do anything else. I wonder if I should move elsewhere to pursue. I’m just burnt out and tired, and I don’t know what to do next. Maybe I need a break from it all. Literally don’t know what the point of this post is, maybe I just needed to vent lol. Thanks for reading if you read it all!

Radiating and Chekhov

Radiating and Chekhov

Posted on Jun 27th

I've been recently taking an interest in the Michael Chekhov technique and what it can provide an actor. As an actor who is consistently "in my head" too much and relies more on an internal to external approach (maybe a bit more than I should), I've heard that Michael Chekhov's technique can offer some beneficial tools that are more creative than intellectual and are grounded in a more external to internal technique. I've practiced molding, flowing/floating, and flying, but radiating is difficult for me to understand and grasp. The other three movements are easier for me to understand and feel sensations from than radiating. Does anybody have some advice or perhaps a different way to approach radiating? Also, I'm conflicted as to what I should be practicing from the Chekhov technique. Should I be practicing the molding, flowing/floating, flying, radiating qualities, or the psychological gesture more?

No notice for commercial auditions!! Bout to quit.

No notice for commercial auditions!! Bout to quit.

Posted on Jun 27th

I’m a fairly successful commercial actor. I have a national running at the moment ( aired during playoffs and Stanley cup ) But im feeling like joining the great resignation due to very audition being last minute. I’m fi-core so I get both SAG and non-union but no matter what the union status I rarely get 24 hours to get a tape in. I’m getting notice at 5/6pm for a tape due the next day between 11-1 and it’s not cool. And if I’m not cool I mean it’s just not just not feasible, especially when the tapes require a reader and Al some thing where they wanna see my comedy chops and I have to really get into character. I like commercials and I’m good at my craft but I can’t even put my best foot forward not to mention I am just resentful and feeling like I don’t have any way to manage my time. Anyway, I’m really considering throwing in the towel because I’m feeling like the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. I’m wondering if any other actors out there I feeling the same way. I want more theatrical auditions but they’re just not really happening. Commercially I do well but I’m just so pissed at the lack of respect with these last minute auditions and feeling like a naughty child if I don’t look at my phone 24 hours a day. Rant over.

On a call tomorrow with a Hollywood actress starring in a major studio project and am scared?

On a call tomorrow with a Hollywood actress starring in a major studio project and am scared?

Posted on Jun 27th

Hey all — director here having a call tomorrow with a studio actress who stars on a major project right now and am nervous. We got my screenplay to her and she read through it, the offer and agent said she is interested and would love to hop on a call to talk about the story and character. I’m a bit nervous because I’ve never had this type of call or discussion before with a true Hollywood talent. Any tips to not fumble the bag would be appreciated — as a director what are things that I can say to help her feel better about the project and hopefully join?

Actors coming off like they're &quot;reading&quot; instead of performing?

Actors coming off like they're "reading" instead of performing?

Posted on Jun 26th

What do you do when your actor comes off like they're reading straight from a book, instead of a strong performance? My cousin has a short film with an actress I'm working with and I'm struggling to believe her character because it truly feels like she's just reading lines from a book. Does anyone have any thoughts to how to help an actor NOT come off with such artifice?

Acting school

Acting school

Posted on Jun 26th

Hey guys! Im a 13 year-old with hopes and dreams of becoming an actor but I want some training first, like acting schools. But its difficult to find legit and worth it acting schools/online in Miami. If anyone knows a legit and worth it place please let me know! I really don’t want to give up and I want to start acting at this young age, but its really hard since I cant find an agent and its also hard to find legit online auditions. So, if you know any good acting school/agent let me know.

Are you willing to act for a budding filmmaker?

Are you willing to act for a budding filmmaker?

Posted on Jun 26th

We have to start somewhere. Looking for a mutually beneficial endeavor where a budding filmmaker works with a budding actor. This will be my second short film. It will be a mutual learning experience and you will get to build your portfolio. There is no money involved, just sweat and tears!

Vancouver actors

Vancouver actors

Posted on Jun 26th

Hi There, I am thinking about moving to Vancouver to start my career as an actor. I am very new to this industry. Thinking about taking some acting classes and working as an extra. Just wanted to know that is it possible to make a living as extra? Some recommendation on the acting classes pls?

Trust and acting

Trust and acting

Posted on Jun 26th

I’ve heard and read that trust is the key to more powerful/vulnerable acting. To be clear, I've read that trust IN ONESELF as an actor is the key. But, I’ve never felt like I can really trust myself as an actor. That I don’t have the right instincts or impulses, the right tools, the right access to my emotions, the right emotions, the right inspirations, the right imagination, process, etc. I don’t know how to allow myself to just trust not only myself but also the work and the process itself. I think I don’t trust it out of fear that it won’t bring the results I wish for or want. How do I combat this fear and allow myself to trust?

I got casted but, I need advice....

I got casted but, I need advice....

Posted on Jun 26th

I can't give away information here because this is a gigantic project and I never acted in a project before. I'm also new to this sub, seeking advice really. My question is, hypothetically, let's say you were casted to work on a massive project and you never acted before but you want to use this new opportunity to grow in the industry. What's the best advice you can give to grow in this industry or network with other people, such as actors and casting directors? (Or something totally different, I'm a baby here.)

What one realization or tip/trick helped you infinitely in becoming a better actor?

What one realization or tip/trick helped you infinitely in becoming a better actor?

Posted on Jun 26th

Any adjustment or note, realization or trick that made things just "click" for you? I'm so curious.

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