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Actors with strong arms? Sesame Street's big birds definitely win

Actors with strong arms? Sesame Street's big birds definitely win

Posted on May 5th

Have you ever wondered as kids (or adults, I just learnt this today) how is it possible for actors to move and act inside the big birds muppets in Sesame Street? Certainly only strong-armed people dare to audition. Read more about the origin of Sesame Street [here]( in this newsletter!

On average how many actors are called in to audition for a co-star role on a network tv show?
My Childhood Comic Is Doing An Audio Movie And Looking For YOU Talented Folks!

My Childhood Comic Is Doing An Audio Movie And Looking For YOU Talented Folks!

Posted on May 4th

I say news because this was posted as an update on the ElfQuest Facebook page. Long ago, it was rumored to be an actual film. Then it got shot down. Used to be a cartoon on CBS but got so flattened by censors it became "ElfBabies" as Richard and Wendy put it. As I'm not an actor but greatly appreciate you and those that I'll be hiring for my work, I thought I'd share this with all of you. Great comics in my very biased opinion. Give it a look! Would be cool to know someone here got a role!

Looking for advice on how to become a voice actor

Looking for advice on how to become a voice actor

Posted on May 4th

Hello! I've been thinking about giving voice acting a shot for a while, but I need some advice. Who should I contact to tryout? How should I do it? What equipment do I need? Thanks!!

Scared to commit to being an actor

Scared to commit to being an actor

Posted on May 4th

I have always wanted to be an actor, but why am I so scared? I’m not even so much scared ab acting in front of people it’s more that I’m scared of committing to it, cause I’m scared it’s not gonna work out. I’m scared that im gonna commit to going and studying at a a university, and not have it pay off. I also live in Canada, and I’m not sure that there r many opportunities for me here. Does anyone have any advice?

What are some books unrelated to acting that have helped you with your craft?

What are some books unrelated to acting that have helped you with your craft?

Posted on May 4th

There’s a lot of info out there about the best acting books to read, but I’m curious what unrelated books you’ve read that have still helped you with acting. A book that's helped me is Laziness Does Not Exist by Devon Price. Here’s some hopefully helpful ideas I read that correlated with acting. * “Your achievements are not your worth.” In America, where the Puritan work ethic is so ingrained in life that work *is* life and if you’re not productive you’re viewed as failing, this helped remind me that regardless if I reach some type of success in this field I can still be a compassionate person who cares about others and be just as valuable as a famous Oscar winner. I’d like to think it also makes working with famous actors a less intimidating process: if you don’t tie their achievements to their worth, you see them as just people living their lives like you. * The book also talks about “savoring” life, and how beneficial it is to really be present for moments, where you focus on the experience happening, stay mindful, and push distractions away. This obviously relates to acting, where the goal is to stay present in the scene. Price also recommends practicing “compassionate curiosity,” where you not only listen with compassion, but are genuinely curious with what is happening with the other person. This seems similar to the idea of active empathy and active listening for acting. I think that viewing performing in a scene as “savoring a moment,” as well as practicing compassionate curiosity in your daily life to enhance your ability to stay present, translates nicely to acting.

What exactly IS acting?

What exactly IS acting?

Posted on May 4th

I know it's a weird question, but in terms of education, I've been thinking a lot about the type of degrees and professional work in "acting". Today, there is mainly the branch of theater and dance, and the branch of cinemtography and audiovisual film. Can anyone relate? Is acting just becoming some archaic term? Why's it so annoying that you have to tell someome "I'm acting" in order for it to be appreciated as an artform outside of a stage or camera? Why does acting also have some negative connotations, like the actor being viewed as hard to trust, weird, or crazy?



Posted on May 4th

Hello Everyone, I am based in bay area, CA. I was in an acting workshop pre covid and was definitely building up my skill as an actor, but covid put a stop to that. Wondering if anyone had some advice or tips to get back on track. Is it worth it to audition for roles right now? What would be the best way to get back on track in your opinion?

where can i audition?

where can i audition?

Posted on May 4th

where become a child actor? I can cry on cue, my parents have given me practice lines and etc. i feel perfect for it, I wouldn't be in it for the fame nor money, I've been practicing for a few years, I enjoy it. but where are some places in LA where I can audition?

Does doing commercials/being an extra work against you long term?

Does doing commercials/being an extra work against you long term?

Posted on May 3rd

I’m relatively new to acting, but wanted to know if people who do commercials and work as extras on set really make it to those substantial roles in tv/film. I’ve seen quite a few people getting put into this box of doing commercials or extra work for a long time after having started. Additionally, looking at the backgrounds of quite a few actors who have made it into bigger roles, a fair amount of them didn’t start out doing commercials/extra, or sometimes if they did, they didn’t do it for very long. I know those jobs pay the bills and as actors we certainly need to be able to survive, but do you think that in the long term, those jobs could actually be setting you back? Eg: Would casting directors find it difficult to picture you as a lead or costar if all they’ve seen you do is extra work or commercials? Apologies if it’s a dumb question. But it seems to me the best way to go about it is doing that type of work to get equity/sag card, then stopping that and dedicating all efforts to getting better roles on tv/films. But please let me know what you think. Thanks

Acting Webinars

Acting Webinars

Posted on May 3rd

Hi! I'm from the Philippines and recently turned 15 and I have developed a strong admiration for the arts since I could remember! My parents don't really mind with this and they're perfectly fine with me possibly becoming an actress in the future. I was hoping to learn more about the fundamentals of acting and learn more from actors' journeys through an educational webinar but I have not found any -- then, I found this blessing of a subreddit! So, are there any upcoming educational webinars about acting?

ooking for voice actors! $5/per line (can vary depending on how much someone would like :D) looking for a younger male teenage voice for my boy jax!

ooking for voice actors! $5/per line (can vary depending on how much someone would like :D) looking for a younger male teenage voice for my boy jax!

Posted on May 3rd


Resources for becoming a voice director/producer?

Resources for becoming a voice director/producer?

Posted on May 3rd

Hello all! I hope this is an appropriate place to ask this, although it seems like the best choice. I am a game developer and eventually plan to work on my own, bigger games that will require voice actors. Since I am a solo dev, I plan on doing the directing/producing myself. While this will be a long ways away, I thought it would be a good idea to start learning early. I haven't been able to find much; I am always redirected to voice acting. I do plan to look through interviews with voice directors, as well as learn about the voice actor experience, but I was wondering if anyone had any good resources for voice directing. Perhaps behind the scenes videos of directing? Alternatively, I would like to hear from all of you! I would love to hear about your experiences with directors, the directors that did a good job and the ones that didn't... Also, I would love to hear what you, as voice actors, ideally want out of directors and an experience, as well as what you need. Feel free to comment or send a DM, and I look forward to hearing from all of you!

Can a non native speaker succeed in this line of work?

Can a non native speaker succeed in this line of work?

Posted on May 3rd

I am a non native English speaker and I am thinking of putting some effort into becoming a voice actor or preferably an audio book narrator in English. I am wondering if it is possible for non natives to make into this field which seems niche and artistic. I am not trying this because it is my life's dream but because it seems like something I could do by freelancing and that I may be fit to do if I work hard at it. I just don't want to work hard at something impossible. Link for a recording I made reading an excerpt.

Is it possible for a person become a on-screen actor in Vancouver without taking acting classes except a drama class in high school?

Is it possible for a person become a on-screen actor in Vancouver without taking acting classes except a drama class in high school?

Posted on May 3rd

I’m a 22 yr old female in the Marketing program. Having doubts to spent money on acting classes that will also delay my studies.

Worldwide Work - Advice Needed

Worldwide Work - Advice Needed

Posted on May 3rd

Trying to find paid work worldwide, how does one do it, where does one do it, and how does one showcase their ability? I am an actor, who is struggling during this time and I am trying to make ends meet and am in urgent need of work. I am not US-based. I need help to understand how to get the ball rolling. I would appreciate any advice.

What I've learned from 95% of my audition being self tapes.

What I've learned from 95% of my audition being self tapes.

Posted on May 2nd

This is more about my personal relationship and journey with the craft instead of the technical aspects of how to produce a quality looking self tape. Been Acting in l.a for 7 years. Man how to the game has changed. Now basically all auditions are either Zoom or self tape. Some people love self tapes, others hate them, it's complicated. I for one used to hate self tapes -- I loved how with a traditional audition I could get in there, get out, and my work was my work. Now I have the option to work the same piece for hours, take after take to try and get it just right. It's a luxury, but also the pursuit of perfect can be dangerous. Gotta stay fresh. Now I hate self tapes a lot less. What changed for me? I've come to accept what my work *is* and what I bring to the table. I don't think I'm an incredible actor with a huge range of character ability. I think I'm a GREAT actor at certain archetypes. And i think I've gotten a lot better and just owning that. Now when I get material, I honor the words, the writers intentions, but I do it for me -- I do it how *I* would perform that character best. I put it into MY body, and own that 100%. Most recently I've turned down a couple of auditions -- Purely due to me knowing 100% that I will just look like a shit actor if I try to be that far out of my range. I just know I'm not that guy, and that's okay! So many things we book in the beginning are just a shade of who you are as a person -- you're either the guy, or you're not. Nothing personal. Before this recent breakthrough, I subconsciously was trying to *hit* what *they wanted*. We all know this is a bad idea but I think we do it on a very unconscious level because of course we want to book the job. Which is such a trap. Curious if anyone else has gone through this metamorphosis? My self tapes are WAY better, they are so natural, it's easier to memorize the words, and It's way easier to make every time we roll a new take completely different from the last. I'm truly in a state of play - bringing my pure essence into the performance. It's what makes a person castable. I've booked with my self tapes in the past -- but holy shit doing it this way is far more gratifying and genuinely fun.

Vancover Actors Alert Auditioning after you get your 1st agent?????

Vancover Actors Alert Auditioning after you get your 1st agent?????

Posted on May 2nd

Hey, a local actor from Vancouver just got an agent just wondering if any of you guys when you were new to the industry how long after you got your first agent did you start getting auditions. Info would be so so so very helpful!

College Advice

College Advice

Posted on May 2nd

Hi everyone! I’ve wanted to be a voice actor for years now. I love creating characters and doing voices. I’ve recently gotten into, and completed a play. I’ve also been doing a bit of voice work on a website called I’m also doing classes and trying to really hone it. I’ve recently been thinking about what I’m going to do after high school. I’m a junior now. I have a rough idea, and that is that I’m (hopefully) going to attend college for something in voice work. But I’m not sure what college would be best for that. I’ve been looking, but I also wanted advice from you wonderful people! Any advice would be much appreciated.



Posted on May 2nd

BEAR WITH ME! I have no professional experience with voice work, but I am a singer, stage actor, and musician. I have always had a knack for making character voices as well as some celebrity impressions! I am willing to do free voice work for any animator that needs it, in exchange for a copy of the work to display in my professional portfolio! I've always had a passion for animation, imagination, character creation. However I never thought until recently that maybe it something I could use my talents in, instead of being a pretty voice on a customer service toll free hotline! I am a Baritone-Tenor almost 3 and 1/2 octaves, to give you an idea of my voice range. I can do classic characters such as Mickey and Goofy, Elmo and Cookie Monster. I list those for juxtaposition, in that I have a wide range. I can do a pretty convincing Rick, but my Morty needs a little work. Please let any amateur animators know about this!! I'm looking for real work, and I need to build a portfolio and some artistic relationships!! ​ PM me if you're an interested animator or have a voice work project you need a voice or two for!! Or pass it along to your animator friends!! ​ Thank you for reading!!!!

Consolidate my IMDB profiles

Consolidate my IMDB profiles

Posted on May 2nd

Good evening (or morning or afternoon) friends! I decided to search myself on IMDb as I am supposed to have at least one credit... turns out the credit I was promised is not there, BUT I have two other credits. Problem is, they are separate profiles! Does anybody know if there is a way to make it so both of my acting credits show they are the SAME actor and not two different actors? I have been getting back into acting lately and would like these to be consilidated. I assume this has happened to other actors before? Thank you so much for all the help you guys have given me up to this point!

[Hiring] Looking for a Black male actor for audiodrama [see details below][pays $300]

[Hiring] Looking for a Black male actor for audiodrama [see details below][pays $300]

Posted on May 2nd

I wrote and produced an audiodrama called The Death of Dr. Davidson, which features a large cast of talented people. Unfortunately, my main actor is now unavailable and can't complete the last three episodes (we have 9 episodes done so far). I need a Black male voice actor, age 30-50 who can approximate the style that our first actor developed for the character. You don't have to sound exactly like him, we will announce that the character is now being played by you, but I'd like to get as close to the style of delivery as possible. Please have a listen to this episode to get a feel for it. The audio is set in the 1930's, and is very derivative of Agatha Christie. It started out as a fun project but I would really like to finish it, for my sake and for the sake of the other actors who have donated their time. I can pay for this role since it's so pivotal to completing this project. Please PM your details and voice samples Thanks! Eve

What next

What next

Posted on May 2nd

India based actor here !!! I just finished with my classes. I am really confused with all the online auditioning. Where do I go from here ?? Or will this be it ??? Auditioning until I get somewhere . I have never been a part of theatre as well. So how Do I approach a theatre group is beyond me . I’d love any advice at this point.

SAG-AFTRA Waiving Taft-Hartley Fines for Actors with Theatre Degrees?

SAG-AFTRA Waiving Taft-Hartley Fines for Actors with Theatre Degrees?

Posted on May 2nd

Is this true? Can anyone find documentation to back it up? ​ I needed a new podcast for when I drove home last night to get my second COVID jab and started with The Insiderz which I saw recommended here. There is an interview with casting director Cara Rosembaum where she says it at around the 52 minute mark: ​ []( ​ It doesn't matter to me anymore but finding ways to get union eligible had been something I had schemed for since I was in high school. I have even in the past said an advantage of starting out in the ATL market is that it is a right to work state where the fines are not enforced so you can be in the game as soon as you can get an agent. If true, it turns out I had nothing to worry about in that respect if I finished my degree and went straight to L.A. or New York. ​ Now this is something else that should be pointed out to kids asking about the pros and cons of training in a college program if it is the new reality.

28 year old looking to get started.

28 year old looking to get started.

Posted on May 2nd

Hello everyone! I'm a voice actor trying to get started on my career. But like any other starting actor, I have no idea how to get started. Currently, I got myself a mic and a mini booth box, starting listen to the voice acting mastery by Crispin Freeman, and been reading a little to practice. However, I feel as though I should be doing more. I know I have my shortcomings, having ADHD, and haven't taken any classes as of yet. Not to mention that I'm currently living with family which of course leads me to trouble, but I really would like learn more about voice acting. If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear what you guys have to say. Thank you in advance.

Acting and Mental Health?

Acting and Mental Health?

Posted on May 1st

I’ve heard about several actors who’ve needed therapy or felt depressed after playing a role. Some of which are Michael B. Jordan for Black Panther and Lakeith Stanfield in Judas and the Black Messiah Is this something we should be concerned about for ourselves

Anyone looking to rehearse?

Anyone looking to rehearse?

Posted on May 1st

Hi, I’m a beginning actress looking to make friends to rehearse and talk about acting with, I’d you’re interested please DM me!

The Role of Breasts in Acting

The Role of Breasts in Acting

Posted on May 1st

I have noticed that certain female celebrities seem to have variable breast sizes. Sometimes, depending upon the movie a lady is presented as very busty and exposing lots of skin. Other times in public appearances the ladies are very much less so. How common is it that one has their bust size changed for roles? Is this done with cosmetic surgeries or do they enhance natural bounty with padding, bra design and such? Do actresses resent the male influence on these physical attributes? I hope this post is not offensive, I just wanted to have real actors opinions.

how do you deal with discouragement with wanting to be an actor?? and the money aspect of it?

how do you deal with discouragement with wanting to be an actor?? and the money aspect of it?

Posted on May 1st

ive been fixated currently on what actors make for money recently. as i’m getting older and i have to figure out what i’ll exactly do when i’m older, this is when i start researching more of the financial things of an actor. but with doing this it has really discouraged me as an actor. i keep researching and researching to only hear that barely anyone makes it, all actors are poor, it’ll be impossible to live comfortably working in the industry.... all these things seriomakes my heart literally sink. i have never cared about fame and much of the money with acting but again, i’m getting almost to 18, and i have to think logically on what my dream career is going to get me. the more i hear about the reality, the more it’s pushing me down. idk what to do. i just maybe need some encouragement? and i love acting don’t get me wrong but it’s just so so hard that all i hear about is that acting pretty much can never get you anywhere....yes pretty much sums it up from every youtube video, and website article i’ve read. i hope i can change this mentality bc right now it’s really messing me up!

Any way to know what acting technique is taught at each drama school?

Any way to know what acting technique is taught at each drama school?

Posted on May 1st

Pretty much what the title says. I’m just trying to figure out what techniques my favourite actors use to see if there is a pattern. Thanks in advance

Help! Advice for a Aspiring Teen Voice actor!

Help! Advice for a Aspiring Teen Voice actor!

Posted on May 1st

Hello big people, as a small person, I need help. I am a teenage actor that is trying out voice acting. I’ve done musical theater, film, and I’m vocally trained. So the training isn’t what I’m worried about. I’ve also done research and saved up money for equipment (Technica AT4040 Mic, Scarlett audio interface, pop filter, stand, Sony headphones, sound proofing, you name it). Where my trouble lies is the actual technicalities of the industry, especially since I want to do animation. I have little idea as to how create an appropriate demo as all the examples I’ve found are for kids or adults. I also am concerned about knowing my rates, and eventually becoming my own franchise. Or maybe should I just adjust my agency to see if they’ll put me in for voiceover work so I don’t have to bother with a home studio unless absolutely necessary? I also probably need a lesson or two on audio tech. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated

How do you "heal" yourself from an emotionally taxing role?

How do you "heal" yourself from an emotionally taxing role?

Posted on May 1st

I need an advice on how to deal with my emotions. I'm that type of actor who has to dig deep into my personal emotional trauma to connect to the hardships of a character I'm playing, and while it does make everything seems more authentic, at the end of the day it's so tiring. I mean of course talking to a therapist and spending time/talking to my closest people helps but, idk, maybe you guys have a better advice on how I should deal with emotional drain? Thank you and have a nice day/evening Reddit!

Take a moment to look back on old self tapes- You'll be surprised what you may find.

Take a moment to look back on old self tapes- You'll be surprised what you may find.

Posted on May 1st

What a simple yet effective tool to measure progress. Watch yourself from 6 months, 1 year, 2 years or more back. Do your performances make you cringe? Are you catching all of these rookie mistakes and errors that went under your nose before? ***GOOD***. You're learning and improving, and being constructively critical of yourself and seeing where you needed improvement is pivotal in growing as an actor. Also, it may make for a good laugh.

For UK Actors- What would you say the Top 3 Agencies are?

For UK Actors- What would you say the Top 3 Agencies are?

Posted on May 1st

What are the best acting agencies in your opinion?

Canadian Acting Agencies

Canadian Acting Agencies

Posted on May 1st

What are the best Canadian agencies? Am an actress based out of Toronto and am looking for a great agent.

First check!! What did you buy?

First check!! What did you buy?

Posted on May 1st

Hey all! I can officially call myself a professional actor as I am receiving my first check from an upcoming commercial. I am looking to buy something to commemorate the milestone and was curious about what you all may have done with your first check.

What other casting sites do you use aside from the usual?

What other casting sites do you use aside from the usual?

Posted on Apr 30th

We all know about Actors Access, Casting Frontier, Casting Networks, and Backstage. Does anybody here use Cast It Talent? What about Now Casting? Any other sites? I find Cast It Talent not user friendly at all but that is where the majority of television roles get posted. It's so frustrating to use, they need to post a tutorial. \*sigh\*.

CANADIAN ACTORS: Any good online audition classes in Canada to recommend?

CANADIAN ACTORS: Any good online audition classes in Canada to recommend?

Posted on Apr 30th

I'm interested in taking auditioning classes. I'm based in Vancouver but I'm okay with taking auditioning classes across Canada online (ie Toronto). Let me know which ones you guys are taking and which teachers/studios you know have a great track record. Thanks!

How do you deal with other actors who gossip and make up false rumors about you?

How do you deal with other actors who gossip and make up false rumors about you?

Posted on Apr 30th

Throwaway bc i dont want this associated with my main account. I've always been anti social and didn't relate to many people at school. Never had good social skills and wasnt popular. I was considered one of the best actresses in acting school. Some teachers would tell me i would make it big. I had a classmate, she didn't like me very much. She started spreading rumors about me and everyone in school believed her. Because I was so shy I could never stick up for myself. At a party, a drunk colleague told me some people talked shit behind my back. I never asked what they said, i just wanted to leave that school. One day, this old man showed up to our last show. He was a famous director. He called me and i started doing voice acting work for animated series and movies with him. Everything was going well until he left the company, so i started working with another director, we got along, so i thought. Then, one day, the phone stopped ringing. I didn't understand why, we had fun, he praised my acting skills and said he was gonna call me back. That never happened. I find out a few years later that that girl is not only dating one of the young directors of that company, but she's also working there. She's friends with a lot of actors and directors now. I'm considering giving up acting. My mental health and anxiety have been affected, it's a small industry, everyone knows everyone, they think they know who i am and i feel like i dont have a chance anymore. I feel like you'll have more opportunities if you're outgoing, hangout with all these actors and right people, and you'll be getting a lot of contacts from people of the industry and i'm not good at it. I'm looking for some guidance, advice and would like to hear your experiences.

How do you act with a bad/neutral performer?

How do you act with a bad/neutral performer?

Posted on Apr 30th

Recently took up some acting classes and what I learned is that I’m not always gonna get the best actor to perform with (I’m in intermediate) or I’ll have to do auditions where my costar is someone who is doing a cold read. What I’m struggling with is reacting in the moment to a bad performance. It’s hard to argue and cutoff someone who is slowly going through their lines with that half-yell inflection or feel sad when the person telling me the story is reading through the lines like a shopping list. I don’t want to attribute my bad performance to another actor but I’m starting to get a little frustrated with the whole ‘in the moment’ direction when the moment is barely there to begin with. Any tips?

I submitted to an agency and was offered representation, but I'm afraid it's a scam. Help me with figuring out if it is or not?

I submitted to an agency and was offered representation, but I'm afraid it's a scam. Help me with figuring out if it is or not?

Posted on Apr 30th

I'm usually really good at figuring out if something is a scam or not, but this one is tricky because it seems extremely legitimate from their website and I have a friend who is signed with them and says he gets lots of auditions, but I was interviewed today and a couple of red flags came up... First of all, there is a $100 website fee, which is fine and I know some agencies do that, but then they also said I need more training before I'm ready to compete with top actors. Which is true, but I have been training for three years with multiple LA and Atlanta based coaches and was about to start training with a specific coach soon. But they basically said that they'd recommend me to a coach and it would be $600 for eight weeks. That is about the price I'd pay normally for classes for two months anyway, but it seemed weird that they were recommending it to me to the point to where it wasn't even a question. I told them I was out of town and had to wait until Monday to pay because I'd have to go to my bank and add money to my debit card, but they encouraged me to go ahead and pay what I could now. So I went ahead. It just seemed rushed since they told me about all of this at the beginning of the interview and expected me to pay by the end. If this isn't a scam then the money truly isn't an issue, but I have a bad feeling about it. Another thing, their contract mentions that they like their talent to be positive role models on social media and to also never do nudity in scenes, which is overall fine. I never do anything that would go against that, but it makes me wonder if that rules me out from getting any type of HBO or Showtime auditions?

Getting Started Tips? Anything helps!

Getting Started Tips? Anything helps!

Posted on Apr 30th

Hi all! I'm new to the whole posting on reddit thing so this may be kind of wonky. But, let's give it a try, shall we? This is going to be long, just a warning. For reference, I am in my final year of college with one semester left in a major I hate. Thankfully, I live very close to a bustling industry area (NYC). After some personal setbacks after high school, I jumped from major to major, hating every one I applied to. Working these setbacks, I got my confidence back and got back into acting. Once again, I realized this is what I wanted to do in my life and where I needed to be. I got back into school theater, and just finished my first student film! I really want this to be a career for me. I have read up about "getting started", all of that -- headshots, finding casting calls, etc. By this summer I'll grab some headshots and sign up for some subscriptions for casting calls (Backstage, Actor's Access, etc). My troubles have laid in these two areas: **finding good classes** and **making a demo reel.** Like I said, I'm still in college. As of right now, I am unemployed as I am focusing on my school work. Being in an area like NYC, there are tons of schools, classes, and conservatorships to choose from. The choices are overwhelming and the prices even more so. I'm broke now and going to be even more broke getting out of school, even when I pick up a job. Some conservatorships are just as expensive as a semester of college, and that daunting price is keeping me away, as much as I want to do it. If anyone lives in the area or is familiar of schools and classes that are on the more reasonable price near the NYC area, I would super appreciate it! Now, demo reels, my enemy at the moment. The process of "you already need experience to gain more experience" cycle from the casting sites I see terrifies the crap out of me. My only camera work has been this one student film. I am uncertain if monologues being used that I tape myself with my phone will be viewed as unprofessional by some. I've seen studios that make reels for actors that charge an arm and a leg, and I have no idea if they are even trustworthy. Once again, any tips help about building a demo reel. I have seen some calls require a cover letter as well, and so many sites have so many different examples that it can become daunting to see which one is the "right one". Like I said, I would like for this to become my career. I would love to act, book roles, have an agent, all of that jazz. All I know is that article upon article from sites telling me twenty different contrasting things have made my brain fry. I would love to know your experiences and tips, if you would be willing to share them with me. Thank you all so much for reading this super long essay! Trust me, anything helps, whether that be here, through a message, or through chat. I hope whoever is reading this has the most amazing day.

Actors Access Demo Reel

Actors Access Demo Reel

Posted on Apr 30th

Is it worth it to upload a demo reel at $22/min on actors access? I’ve only ever done small student/independent short films and my goal right now is to get more footage for a better reel. I see all the breakdowns request demo reels and it looks to me like the only option to upload a reel is to pay that fee right?

Understanding your time frames from the writer's POV

Understanding your time frames from the writer's POV

Posted on Apr 30th

​ Tl;Dr - Not sure where to post exactly, skip to bottom to know where I am in my project. ​ So, getting started. I have a single chapter that I feel is ready to have recorded. A single chapter, that's right. I have gotten around the writer's block, and am making progress. The one person I want to see it, will never see the full book, let alone series. My father is dying from COPD and other complications from other health issues. So, with failing sight I figured an audio version would be best. ​ ​ I'm not sure he'll make it to his next birthday (Sept), let alone father's day. So there's the time crunch. ​ ​ How long does it take a single voice actor to record? I mean, it not being a whole book, will probably bring the time down some, lol. It's approx a 25 page chapter (fantasy pocket size pages). And I want it fully voiced. That is, a voice for each character. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. Financially it's probably cheaper to hire a one and done narrator. But if my story is not to succeed, I want it going down in full dress, lol. ​ ​ 5,246 total words by MS Word count. The narrator would likely only have about 4800 words once the dialogue was dispersed among voice actors. ​ ​ Narrator - male (preferably but not a deal killer) Hero - male Support 1 - Female Support 2 - Female Support 3 - Male BBG Demon - Male? (Need deep voice) Misc demon vocals (human through reptilian. ​ So up to 6 different folks. I have considered narration myself, but I can't stand my voice. And I don't understand how people can listen to me, lol. ​ So if I have separated out the dialogues with descriptions as to tone or inflection/situation is that good for you folks? Or do you prefer to have it in-context? ​ ​ Steps I've taken this far: Finished manuscript portion for recording Signed up on Voices and Fiverr to look for potential voices. Posted a question here in hopes to find guidance with my rushed deadline. For those concerned: This recording would absolutely be paid and NOT sold. Strictly personal/private use by one person who doesn't know how email works.

How has acting impacted your life?

How has acting impacted your life?

Posted on Apr 30th

I was thinking about how being an actor, and continuing to study and practice acting, has impacted me as a person. It's fascinating to me that it's one of the rare professions that is so intimately linked to who you are! I've always been a pretty guarded person, but I've been realizing that acting has made me a lot open and more vulnerable in daily life. I make a lot of unconscious facial reactions now that reflect my inner thoughts, which was nonexistent before. I used to have a pretty sturdy mask! It's a little scary since it makes me nervous to think that I'm easy to read, but I also love that it's a result of my acting, and more importantly, being more connected to my emotional state. How has acting impacted your life or personality?

Scouted for Short film and confused?

Scouted for Short film and confused?

Posted on Apr 30th

Preface I'm 20 AMAB Non-binary turning 21 So yesterday around 5pm I get a DM from a casting director assistant who identifies herself as such/ tells me who the casting director she works for is (I look her up and she's valid -- I asked my friends in the creative industry if they knew her / her work as well and she's legit). It took me by surprise tbh because while a lot of my friends are creatives in the industry I am not on anybody's radar/didn't submit to anything or contact this person. She fully reached out to me and said she found me through her "research." She told me they were casting for a short film (lead role) and that if I was interested she wanted to send me an email with details. Verbatim of the DM: "Hey (my name), I work for casting director (insert her name). We’re currently working on a short film set to shoot in (name of location) in June and I came across your insta in my research. Would it be possible for me to get your email address so I can send you some details to see if you’re interested? Thanks so much!" I responded back, thanked her and gave two email addresses-- she responded promptly and friendlily and said she'd send over more info /details "shortly." I anxiously/excitedly waited but no more messages (though she was active on social media after). I'm now here at 3pm the next day with zero emails in either of my inbox and feeling like the excitement was all for nothing. I looked up the film and fell even more in love with it and there's some major contributors to such (would open a lot of doors I think). Is reaching out randomly/the ghosting a normal occurrence? Did they just move on / realize I'm not what they wanted (as again I'm not a training actor-- I don't market myself in this way online though whatsoever) should I reach out her again on social media / email the casting director personally (my friends in the industry told me not to and that it may take some time) or do I just smear the dream and move on? I know they're probably scouting a lot of other people so it's possible that maybe they found a better fit but still? Again not an actor, don't know how this scene operates, I don't have an agent / a portfolio or headshots and am in college. However, it seems like they want "off the streets" people with this kind of close experience. Typically I'd move on but this has never happened / the role feels perfect for me and the characters narrative is central to my own experiences and I want to do everything I can to secure such potentially. All advice welcomed!

Why are south Asian people so badly represented in this industry ?

Why are south Asian people so badly represented in this industry ?

Posted on Apr 30th

Hi so , I’m a south Asian (Bangladeshi to be exact) and I’m an aspiring actress just starting out. I couldn’t help but notice that many acting jobs or castings in the acting industry aren’t as diverse as I would’ve hoped them to be Like for example when I search up the cast of a specific movie or tv show that I really loved, most of the cast is made up of white people , black people , mixed raced people and sometimes oriental Asian people too , but I almost never see someone who’s south Asian And whenever I do see south Asian people, They are basically playing the part of a character who has this stereotypical Indian persona or they have a family who is represented as the stereotypical classical Indian family. south Asian people aren’t that well represented in this industry:/ Which kind of makes me mad :D And obviously I’m aware that there are also castings that specify that they are open to all ethnicities but,even in that case they almost never pick the south Asian girl ( or guy) So what I want to know is Why is it that south Asian people are so badly represented in the acting industry ? If anyone can answer my question ,I will be forever grateful :D I just want more diversity and I want to keep on acting ya kNow :’) ( also if you’ve read so far tysm )

Struggling with a comedic monologue assignment...

Struggling with a comedic monologue assignment...

Posted on Apr 29th

TL;DR- I have to deliver a comedic monologue that features the N word at the end, I fear for shock value. I'm looking for perspectives from directors and other actors as to how valid my concerns are, and advice on how to act 2ce my age for the role. I'm a mid 20s white (this'll become important) male amateur actor who's been assigned a comedic monologue as part of an acting class. I'm trying to develop the character in my head and I've got a reasonably decent grasp of the purpose of the monologue as it applies to the wider scene. The monologues were distributed to pose a challenge and mines a doozy. It's from 'A behanding at Spokane' by Martin McDonagh My character was mutilated at 17 for no reason and his attackers stole his dismembered hand. He's put a bounty out on his hand after 30 years of searching and 2 scam artists have turned up, offering him an aged, dessicated hand of a black person. The skin colour is not immediately apparent to the audience (at least I don't think it is) and the body of the monologue is to be played fairly straight as he tells the bizzare story of how he lost and how he's searched for his hand. The end of the monologue is the problem, I think. I am ultimately disappointed at the lack of my hand, and I refer to what the scam artists have given me as an n---er's hand- twice. The piece ends on a note of disbelief and anger from me. So, as far as the wider play goes, I'm not against the use of this language in an artistic medium. As a monologue showcase goes however, there are some concerns I have- 1. If I'm going to deliver this straight, given the language used, I want it to be funny and valid as a piece of art. 2. I have no idea how to sustain an old tough guy persona when delivering exposition essentially. 3. I'm afraid that the N word is being used as a punchline rather than as an expression of who the character is. As a comedic piece it feels like the former, whereas, as it happens close to the beginning of the play, it's the latter, at least as part of the play.

How to email casting directors? (Extras)

How to email casting directors? (Extras)

Posted on Apr 29th

How do you email a background actor casting director. A show is set to film near where I live in a few months and I've never applied to be a background actor before but it's something I've always wanted to do! I have no experience other than 1 event a few years ago but I know extras generally don't need experience. I just want to know how you're supposed to email them to submit yourself as an extra. (They posted their email for us to submit ourselves just so nobody thinks I'm going out of my way to annoy a casting director)

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Posted on Apr 29th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

09.20.2024 Achieving On-Screen Success: How to Leverage User Experience for Acting Success
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Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

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