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What survival jobs can you NOT have when trying to be an actor?

What survival jobs can you NOT have when trying to be an actor?

Posted on Apr 17th

I’ve seen articles saying what survival jobs you *should* have as an actor. Honestly, none of those jobs are jobs that I’d want to have anyway. I’d rather know what jobs I WON’T be able to have so that if I do pursue a certain survival job, I won’t be wasting my time or juggling a survival job and pursuing acting with difficulty. So what jobs would be *terrible* to have as a side/survival job?

Should I sign up for SAG?

Should I sign up for SAG?

Posted on Apr 16th

The following points involve my history with acting, SAG, and where I'm at with life. I've been going back and forth with getting the membership, due to the cost, but any input on what I should do would be greatly appreciated. ​ * I used to act in my high school's musical club and received good reviews for my comedic performances. During my senior year, I won a local regional acting award for my performance as one of the managers in Phantom of the Opera. * I went for my undergrad in film production and attempted some acting on campus with bad results. It was a big music school and the acting department was very toxic. I tried doing acting as a minor but ended up dropping out, due to the toxicity of the department. My experience there made me realize that I have a lot to work on. * While this was going on, I did four SAG background acting gigs at my nearest city and became eligible for membership. This was in 2018 and I haven't acted in anything professional since. With that said, I do really enjoy being a background actor. * I just recently got my masters in film production and have been dedicated more to the writing, editing, and production side of the film industry. I really want to get a start in the industry now but due to my current location, I am struggling to find work. * I plan to move to NYC and try the scene there. Ideally, I wanted to try Central Casting and see if that would work out but the pandemic put a pause on signing up. I'm getting my second vaccine soon and I was hoping that they would open up registration for those who are vaccinated soon. Would getting a SAG membership now benefit me now or should I wait? I'm just trying out a bunch of things and feel loss in general. I can better explain my situation in the comments. This was pretty rambling but I'm kinda feeling sad that I'm struggling to get back into filmmaking, either on or off screen.

Auditioning on Backstage and Actor's Access?

Auditioning on Backstage and Actor's Access?

Posted on Apr 16th

Is getting the membership for both sites the way to build up my resume? I'm new to acting, but I've been taking some undergrad classes at my university to get some training. I don't have any credits, so I don't have a reel; But, I do have some headshots that my friend took of me. I'm also looking to start local (Bay Area, CA) to increase the probability of booking. Overall, do you think it's worth using backstage/actors access or is there another way to build up my resume? Thanks!

looking to network with NYC based actors

looking to network with NYC based actors

Posted on Apr 16th

currently auditioning mainly on co-star level for network / streaming shows, had a few series regular / recurring / guest reads, and couple weeks ago had a tape for Oscar winners, so im feeling pretty hot, even if I haven't broken through yet. 99% of my friends are not as far as me so I'm trying to meet more people operating on a professional level. would be great to find more people to work on self tapes with, or get a group going to do tv sides once a week or something. in Brooklyn here. shoot me a PM if you're interested!

Chinese American actor needed for role in audio play

Chinese American actor needed for role in audio play

Posted on Apr 16th

I'm seeking a voice actor for a brief role in my audio play, The Other Side of Darkness. The project is a feature-length ode to both Seinfeld and the works of David Lynch. If anyone is familiar with @seinpeaks on Instagram, that's me. The character in question is Bruce, the maitre'd played by James Hong on Seinfeld. I'm hoping to find a Chinese American actor, but internationally-located actors of Chinese background will be considered, too. Bottom line, I'm trying to maintain authenticity and representation in casting this role. The part is small (two to three lines in a single scene), but very important to the story. I can pay $100 USD. I'm planning on recording this summer, and releasing the play as a multi-part podcast this fall. Interested? DM me or email me at And feel free to ask questions.

OKAY CDs: DON'T LIE: How much does it matter for an actor to be with a top agent? Does it make a difference to you?

OKAY CDs: DON'T LIE: How much does it matter for an actor to be with a top agent? Does it make a difference to you?

Posted on Apr 16th

The other day I was talking to an actor friend (that wound up getting into Slamdance and Sundance), he said he wrote a short that starred an A-list celeb that agreed to do it. My actor friend said, "I hate to say it (my name), but it turned out I looked at 'agencies' more than I should have when it came to actors wanting to audition for my film." He said that those that came from CAA and UTA WME he looked at first. Then GERSH/PARADIGM, etc. Then the other ones...and he said he felt terrible but the numbers of submissions were so many that's how he did - he said he did what he hates others do to him. So now, CDs, I am asking you - how much does Agent matter? Hell, actors that got 'better' and 'bigger' agents that 'matter' - look I am an an 'okay' place and I like them a lot but damn I am sending in good tapes (I have recurred as guest stars and I've had series reg before on Amazon series) and I know my tapes are strong and the girls that are booking over me are just with much better agents. I'm looking up their reels and their reels are not good work. I am a WOC in a very specific category and I have been on shows where they wind up writing me into more (many more) eps bc the writers like my work. Do I need to contact the showrunner from my prev show that loved my work and have him call his better agent friends and have them talk to me?

Beverly Hills Playhouse (@LA actors)

Beverly Hills Playhouse (@LA actors)

Posted on Apr 16th

Anyone taken classes here? I have an interview with them next week and would love to hear about people’s experiences. Which level of classes did you take? Was it worth the monthly tuition? How did BHP classes differ from others you’ve taken? Overall feel of the environment? Do students get the chance to act in plays put on for the public? Thanks! Edit to add: I’m also considering Playhouse West so any insight on PW VS BHP is especially appreciated.

Advice for voice acting classes for a new actor

Advice for voice acting classes for a new actor

Posted on Apr 16th

Hi I was wondering if folks can offer me advice on where/how I can get involved in a voice acting class for someone pretty new to acting. Not sure if classes are mostly on Zoom nowadays. I live out of my van and work seasonally so I’m not around major cities (Salt Lake and Vegas I guess are within a long days drive). Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated thanks!

Chrome extensions, or, ease of access

Chrome extensions, or, ease of access

Posted on Apr 15th

Hey all! I'm an actor new to NY and I'm looking to enhance my home base set up as I look for work/explore this new community. Any recommendations or ideas for chrome extensions or apps designed for actors? Thanks so much!

How are you suppose to study your favorite actors?

How are you suppose to study your favorite actors?

Posted on Apr 15th

All through school I heard you should steal from the best actors, and that you should study your favorite actors. I originally thought that mean consuming so much of your favorite actors movies. And hope unconsciously your subconscious picked up something. Now I’m not sure I know what it truly mean.

NYC/Long Island this weekend - Actors M/F/All ages

NYC/Long Island this weekend - Actors M/F/All ages

Posted on Apr 15th

Hello everyone, I’m shooting a 3min story for a 48hr film competition this weekend. Prompt will be released Friday evening and until then, I’d like to generate a short list of professionals who would be interested in working with me. I’m a creative developer with motion picture credits and want to use this as a way to highlight my writing. I’m aiming for 1st place and if successful will have the attention of two highly successful, well known filmmakers/producers. If you’re interested please DM me. And everyone please upvote anyway this is a good opportunity for creatives to get together. Thank you!

Lower number of opportunities for people who can’t do specific stuff (I.e intimacy, alcohol etc)

Lower number of opportunities for people who can’t do specific stuff (I.e intimacy, alcohol etc)

Posted on Apr 15th

I didn’t really know how to phrase the title so I’ll try to explain it better here. I’m in no way a veteran or seasoned actor. I mainly look through actors access and backstage to see what roles and productions are out there. And I just see so many things that involve romantic relationships, substance abuse, and addiction problems. Personally I am a 21 year old male Muslim. I know because of my religion I won’t be able to participate in majority of the productions because of this. But my main complaint is that is seems like more and more productions have to include these kinds of things as a part of the character’s story. Even for Muslim characters, they are mainly shown participating in acts that aren’t really Islamic. Nobody’s perfect and I get that. But just why isn’t there more productions that don’t need to dwell into those kinds of things to tell a story. Maybe I’m just being nit picky and that’s the way things are but it just feels like every show has to incorporate a sex or intimacy scene throughout the season.

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback

Posted on Apr 15th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

If I laugh naturally during arguments is it okay to do so during a scene that contains arguing?

If I laugh naturally during arguments is it okay to do so during a scene that contains arguing?

Posted on Apr 15th

Sometimes I laugh or smile when people say things that to me are absurd. I’ve had one teacher say yes it’s okay because that means your personally invested in the scene and the good stuff in acting is when the actor reveals himself in the role. I’ve had another teacher though say that the character wouldn’t do that so why should you? Me personally, I feel like if it doesn’t say the character doesn’t laugh during arguments means it’s my own interpretation.

How To Create a Demo Reel When You Have No Footage?

How To Create a Demo Reel When You Have No Footage?

Posted on Apr 15th

Does anyone have experience with this? As a new actor who hasn’t landed any roles yet, how are you supposed to show off your acting skills when you have no previous roles to put together a reel? Is it okay/appropriate to find monologues online and film yourself until you have credits? If so where would I be able to find decent monologues? Thanks so much!

Actors who have gone back to school to get a BA

Actors who have gone back to school to get a BA

Posted on Apr 15th

Has anyone gone back to get a BA in acting? I’m 24, and I want to spend time focusing just on acting and learning about the film industry. Or should I just work on private classes? I don’t have a BA now, and I see this as a way to get other jobs (ie teaching acting) if I find myself unable to make a living wage on acting gigs. I know neither way is a straight shot to a viable career but some insight from others would be nice. I’m very on the fence. Would love to hear your experience navigating the acting world as a complete newbie.

Divorced Actors of Reddit, looking for some guidance...

Divorced Actors of Reddit, looking for some guidance...

Posted on Apr 15th

Background: I am an actor. I re-entered this profession a few years ago after a layoff. I decided I needed a change and wanted to go back to doing what I REALLY loved doing. Acting. I've been married for a little over 25 years. We have two kids. One is an adult and the other is 17. The marriage has always been a bit rocky. My wife and I are really quite different from one another. We once even had a marriage counselor wonder aloud how we even stayed together long enough to get married much less have children. Things have really come to a head in the last 2 years. Currently, acting is my only thing. I do not have a day job (my wife and I talked about this when I went back into acting and she was okay with that. She wanted me to be able to put my full focus into it). At this time, I do not book enough to support myself. We have reached a point in our relationship where the rubber band has been stretched so tightly, divorce may well be the only resolution we can get. As a result, should we go down that road, I will have to shift my priorities in a major way. Obviously, I will have to find some kind of full time employment. The problem there is that I am a represented actor (non-union at this time). My concern is how these changes in my life are likely going to affect my relationship with my agent. Full time job may well mean a lack of availability at times and it just burns me up to have to give up what I have worked so hard to build up the past few years- but I want to be happy too.So, I'm just curious-Has anyone here gone through a similar scenario to what I have described? What effect did it have on your career as an actor? How did your agent respond? Did it ultimately work out for you?I might have other questions later. Extra info: I'm the USA; I live and work in a South Central market (in other words NOT LA, NYC or ATL)

Should I submit to managers/agents even if I can’t work full time at the moment because of college?

Should I submit to managers/agents even if I can’t work full time at the moment because of college?

Posted on Apr 15th

(Female, 20, Asian American) I’m in the process of preparing my materials to submit to managers and agents. I have some commercial credits with big brands and training from well-regarded studios but no real TV or film credit. I have one more year left of college where I’m studying Business Administration and minoring in Theater, but was planning to submit this month to managers/agents because I’m 20 now and graduating university in a year. Im attending school in the Bay Area and will not be in LA, but am willing to fly in as an LA local hire considering most auditions will be self tapes for the first round. (Is this ridiculous?) Submitting to agents at 21 after graduation seems like it’ll be much harder to get an offer without experience than it is now when I just turned 20 and diversity is at the forefront of a lot of these agent’s rosters. What do you think? Should I submit now? Also, I wanted to add that I’m graduating a year early so that I can start pursuing acting full time as soon as possible, but I realize I’m still behind considering most teen/young adult range actors don’t even go to college.

Is it okay to ask this in my agency meetings?

Is it okay to ask this in my agency meetings?

Posted on Apr 15th

Hello! I recently submitted to a handful of LA Agency’s and heard back from a good amount of boutique agency’s. I’m looking for both theatrical and commercial rep and I do have some decent tv/commercial credits. Nothing mind blowing, but more then your average beginner actor with known networks/companies. I have two meetings tomorrow. Agency #1 for across the board rep and Agency #2 for commercial rep (even tho my email requested ATB rep, but they want to meet with me commercially). Agency #2 is stronger in both theatrical and commercial. But they just want to meet for commercial. Agency #1 is not as strong commercially, but decent theatrically. Would it be out of line to request for Agency #2 to sign me across the board? On the other hand, would it be out of line to request for agency #1 to just sign me theatrically, so I can also be at the stronger commercial agency at agency #1 as well? I’m not sure what’s okay to ask and what isn’t. I didn’t expect to get multiple responses to my emails, so that’s my fault for requesting ATB meetings. The last thing I want to come off as is rude or ungrateful. In a perfect world, Agency #2 will sign me across the board, even tho they originally said just commercially. It’s a small agency, so the agent runs both divisions. I’m in weekly class, go to CD workshops every month, have strong headshots, and I have the funds for private lessons for network tv auditions. I know I have what it takes and I’m being proactive, I just need them to know that too. My fear is that they both won’t budge and I’ll have to choose between one or the other and possibly be without a theatrical agent. I’d love any advice from seasoned actors who are familiar with the ins and outs of agency’s. Thank you!

I never really feel like I'm in character

I never really feel like I'm in character

Posted on Apr 14th

I'm a beginner actor, I am in theater school and I make my own movies, but I am annoyed by the fact that I never really feel like I'm in character. I try to prepare for when I'm acting (why my character says certain things for example) but it just always feels like it's me, acting, instead of it feeling like I'm really that character. Most of the time I can feel the emotion, but it still feels like it's me doing it. For example, last week I did a play at school, and I had a scene with my "daughter" and we had an argument. Now, I did get upset because of the argument, but it didn't feel like she was really my daughter. It just felt like my classmate and I instead of a daughter and het father. Do you experience this too? And do you have any tips?

My 3 Tips That Work For Me In Voice Acting To Avoid Being A "Bad Voice Actor"

My 3 Tips That Work For Me In Voice Acting To Avoid Being A "Bad Voice Actor"

Posted on Apr 14th

Hey Peeps! Hope your week is going well, today we are talking about what? Of course its voice acting but more specifically its some tips for intermediate voice actors, as the things i cover may seem simple because they really are. But head knowledge is different then practise. Alot of good voice actors make these mistakes and the end result is less than stellar performance. Hope these videos help you! [](

Actresses: To cut my hair or not to cut my hair?

Actresses: To cut my hair or not to cut my hair?

Posted on Apr 14th

Hello! I'm a 25(F) in Los Angeles and I'm Native American. I have long hair right now because I think it will help me get cast easier. I would really like to style my hair differently because I think it will make me happy but idk how it will affect my casting! I have long length hair, no bangs but I want curtain bangs and a shag cut, almost Joan Jett layers but keep my length. Do you think it would ruin my casting ability or should I be fine? Here is a more current photo( I'm in the green shirt and red fence background) vs the hair style ideas I have: Please help! I've been wanting this haircut for months now but I don't want to ruin my casting chances

What’s appropriate vs inappropriate to post on your social media if you’re pursuing acting professionally?

What’s appropriate vs inappropriate to post on your social media if you’re pursuing acting professionally?

Posted on Apr 13th

I’ve been wanting to post kind of showy pictures like this or this or this on my Instagram. I’m a firm believer in women being allowed to show their bodies and it’s a form of confidence for me. Currently the only people who follow me are people from college and who went to high school with me. However, I feel like that might make a bad impression if I’m trying to pursue acting and someone in the industry looks at my page. I should also mention that I’m 18. My acting age range can be around 13-22 or something (I’m 4’11 and can look younger or older depending on what I wear. I’ve had people mistake me for being in 6th grade but also people mistake me for being 21 when I was 15) I see a lot of professional actors post them, like the people I linked above. But they are already successful actors and celebrities not to mention they are like 25 & 28. What do you guys think? Is it ok for me to have posting freedom and be myself or should I try and keep it “family friendly?”

Steps I Should Take Now Before Heading to LA

Steps I Should Take Now Before Heading to LA

Posted on Apr 13th

I'm an actor with a couple locally-filmed TV credits to my name [(IMDB)]( To make a long story short, I'm about to finally move out of my parents house and in with a friend nearby, and I might be starting a full time job at a warehouse. Basically, my goal right now is to get some experience living on my own while I save my money before I finally head out to LA (ideally by next year), and I just wanted to know any other steps I should take first. I'm sure there's a lot of similar threads, and I have been reading plenty of advice online, but I just wanted some feedback that's more specific to my situation. I'm trying to do things as carefully and responsibly as possible. \- About how much money should I save up? I have a decent amount saved up, but probably not enough. \- Is it possible to get an LA-based agent without living there? I know that used to not be the case, but maybe things are different now with COVID? I unfortunately do NOT have a real agent now. There's only two in my area; one isn't taking on new talent, and the other has turned me down several times over the years (I've also tried agents in neighboring states to no success). \- I'd like to pursue more gigs here, but I am worried about balancing them with a full time job, although I don't realistically expect to book much, if anything. Is there any advice on that? Hell, where can I find gigs outside ActorsAccess (which has few opportunities with no agent) and Backstage? Also, none of my filmmaker friends are filming short films or anything now due to COVID. \- Would I be better served by going to Atlanta for a while? A reputable casting director did suggest doing so, but most of the roles cast there are bit parts and nothing outside the area, and I feel like I've wasted enough time already (it took many years just to get to this point), and would prefer to be auditioning for at least somewhat bigger roles. \- I know I should continue to take classes, and I'm okay with virtual ones, as long as they're not expensive. Any suggestions are welcome. \- Is there a way to make meaningful connections before I head out there? \- If there's anything else I should know (and I know there is), please let me know. I really appreciate anyone taking the time to respond. \- For the record, [here's my reel.]( I know it's very far from perfect, but this was indeed the best footage I had.

Acting in England

Acting in England

Posted on Apr 13th

As someone from England i feel as if there are less opportunities than if you were from America where it feels most of the best roles have been and will be. I wondered if anyone knew about how successful British actors got there break and got to America. Did they all live there in the first place or did it stem from successful British roles that got them noticed?

What happens if an actor has a seizure while acting in a TV show/movie?

What happens if an actor has a seizure while acting in a TV show/movie?

Posted on Apr 13th

My last seizure was on Sunday, April 11th, 2021. I've had PLENTY of seizures this year, and I've been thinking about becoming an actor. What happens if an actor has a seizure while acting in a TV show/movie? I wonder because I heard that "seizures are unpredictable".

Is it enough to include on a resume?

Is it enough to include on a resume?

Posted on Apr 13th

So I've been recently reading and learning about the ActingClass subreddit and saw that it's claimed to be a free class for all actors. However, since actors post their dialogue or self tapes and get actual feedback from the teacher, does this mean that it's enough to put as a class on a resume? Or does it have to be a paid one on one class in order to count as actual experience?

Help for an Aspiring Actor: Age15

Help for an Aspiring Actor: Age15

Posted on Apr 13th

Hi, I want to become an actor (preferably on film and television), full time. Obviously it’s very very difficult to peruse, so I’m not saying it’s easy. However I would like someone to give me some tips on how to do it. I have this app named Backstage, which shows auditions all over the world. I was thinking the best option was to start with local productions and build my resume and go towards like that. I know this isn’t the best option for a full time career so I’m obviously going to need an agent. Anyways, what would be the best option for me at the moment during COVID restrictions. I live in the UK. Thanks all.

Acting stories from normal actors

Acting stories from normal actors

Posted on Apr 13th

Check out the new subreddit r/ActingStories so hear about funny, crazy, on set or audition stories from actors trying to make it in the business.

I’m 14 haven’t picked drama for my exams and want to be a actor am I too late

I’m 14 haven’t picked drama for my exams and want to be a actor am I too late

Posted on Apr 13th

I was thinking about doing it at university but feel like I’m too late help

How do known but not huge actors get most bookings?

How do known but not huge actors get most bookings?

Posted on Apr 12th

I'm very curious how actors in the IMDB Star Meter range of 2,000 to 10,000 get most of their bookings. I'm sure huge stars like Ben Affleck and Aubrey Plaza must be directly sent offers constantly so they can usually just choose from those. For famous actors who aren't the very top of the Hollywood elite, how do you think they get most of their roles? Do you think it's mostly through their agent being contacted with a direct offer? Do you think it's mostly from their agents submitting them to casting calls on Breakdown Express? Do you think I made the range too big, so that the top half book differently than the bottom half? Do you think it's from a different method I haven't mentioned? P.S. I'm sorry for using the IMDB Star Meter rating as a metric for this. I know a lot of people don't like it, but it was the best way I could describe actors who are famous but not mega-superstars. Actors on a similar level to Danny Pudi, Elizabeth Henstridge, Linda Park, Wade Williams, Robert Knepper, Beth Behrs, Jonathan Kite, etc.

Which of these cities should I choose to start working in/continue studying acting?

Which of these cities should I choose to start working in/continue studying acting?

Posted on Apr 12th

Hello everyone! I live in South America (but also hold a European passport), and since the pandemic pretty much murdered the tiny acting/theater/TV/Film industry we had in my country, I am currently considering moving somewhere else where I can truly work in my field of choice. I've studied acting before and have also been working as an actor for several years, but it wasn't my Major at University, so I'm also thinking of applying for a Master's in acting or an acting-related field (I'm very academically oriented). My first choice was always London because of my European passport, but Brexit has made my plans considerably harder. So I am now considering the US and Canada, particularly Texas (Austin-Houston area) and Toronto, because I have contacts there who could house me (and I really need all the help I can get! Remember, I'm an actor who has been living for over a year in a country where the pandemic left no work for actors lol). My question is, what do you guys feel about these cities for studying acting and working in the field as well? Any Universities you'd recommend? Also, do you have any info on good cities/Universities in Europe (other than the UK)? Any input/advice/help will be greatly appreciated! I'm only now starting to plan this out so I'll definitely come back with a lot more questions. Thank you!

Actors of Australia, I need some help

Actors of Australia, I need some help

Posted on Apr 12th

To anybody currently living in Australia that’s pursuing acting successfully or that feels is doing more than the average guy or girl (idk how to word this): Run me through what you did to get to the point you’re at. I’m currently only taking private lessons but know I should be doing more. Or at least, I know deep down that I should at the very least be auditioning for things while taking lessons. Even if I’ll fall hard on my ass while doing so. I don’t really even know how to find auditions without paying to keep a profile up somewhere... I don’t know where to go from here. I’ve been taking private lessons for maybe a few months now and don’t really know where to go from here. I can’t just take lessons my whole life without taking extra steps to get my name out there if you know what I mean? I’ll likely never stop taking lessons. I just know I’ll never get anywhere if that’s where I remain; doing lessons and nothing else. I’d love some advice if anybody has any? Being paid to work doesn’t bother me. I don’t care what I work on. I’ve always had this idea that I should take any opportunity I’m given. I guess I kind of just want credits to book better things or so I can at least get an agent or something. Idk how this stuff works. I feel dumb just writing this. I have no idea how to find an agent either honestly haha. I’m panicking a little as I’m typing this too because I know I’m not doing as much as I should be, and I’m worried about not ever getting anywhere with acting if I don’t go straight for the mark. Thank you so much in advance! I’m 20 btw, in case anybody also wants to share. I’m sure it all kind of helps to know. No pressure, only if you’re comfortable. Thanks again.

Georgia Voting Legislation and Impact on Productions

Georgia Voting Legislation and Impact on Productions

Posted on Apr 12th

Hi all, If you’re not aware, Georgia’s recent legislative action to restrict voting access has caused quite a stir. One of the most well known consequences is Major League Baseball moving their All-Star game from Atlanta to Denver. Most recently Will Smith’s movie Emancipation has pulled out of the state ( I know Atlanta has been growing as a film/TV hub over the past decade, but will this all be reversed by the political climate? How are you feeling Atlanta actors?

CDs? British Black Actors casted in Black-American Roles, Bollywood Actors casted in Indian-American Roles

CDs? British Black Actors casted in Black-American Roles, Bollywood Actors casted in Indian-American Roles

Posted on Apr 12th

Is there anyone in the casting community that can speak to this? I'm noticing this trend only snowballing. It is rare I see a US actor going overseas and getting parts but I am noticing the opposite is very much true. Do you have any intel as to why this is happening? I know (especially from the reels I have seen) it is not solely based on talent but whom your agent is. And also there is just something 'less threatening' about a black actor from London v. US? It's concerning to me as someone that has been born here bc despite how many roles I've booked and gotten praise for performances I'm trying to figure out what to do to make sure I can still work. Harriet Tubman was an awful movie but the actress was great - but I couldn't help thinking of how many other actresses (US) could've done just as strong of a job if not better. Please advise.

NYC to Vancouver for Acting

NYC to Vancouver for Acting

Posted on Apr 12th

I’m an American Actor with an agent in NYC. I was offered management rep in LA. I’m 24, and I have a few guest star credits.. but I definitely want to build more credits/a better reel before heading out to LA. It’s a city saturated with actors. There’s a ton of work in Vancouver and Toronto. I also LOVE Canada. Has any American actor ever successfully transitioned into the Canadian market? What is the process of obtaining a visa like?

Are actors naturally confident most of the time?

Are actors naturally confident most of the time?

Posted on Apr 12th

Im curious, as i today was in an acting class type thing, and i didnt actually talk but was preparing to talk because i believed i was. We ran out of time though, regardless, at first i was really shaking, this is what happens when the anxiety hits for me. I start really shaking and hearing my heart and not knowing where to put my hands. So i just decided to try affirmations for once, combined with box breathing and im shocked to say it really did work, my anxiety went down significantly, to the point where it was barely there and was probably just nerves at that point. It made me feel very normal. I was just thinking ‘i’m confident’, ‘i have to do this to move further in my career’, ‘this isnt embarrassing’, and i visualised myself being confident speaking. Who wouldve though such basic advice would work? But regardless, my question is, do actors further down the line have to do this too? I understand they’re more experienced, but is it normal for actors to have to do these 3 things before an audition? Because if not then do i really have a chance of being a professional when ive got such anxiety issues? I believe its my calling honestly, its the only career i can see myself absolutely loving. Please help me guys, and if you have any more confidence tips id really appreciate it! Anxiety sucks, but i can learn to deal with it especially with you guys’s help, thank you so much!!

LA Actors vs Atlanta Actors?

LA Actors vs Atlanta Actors?

Posted on Apr 12th

Is there a difference in how they’re perceived by the industry in terms of talent level, professionalism. I ask because I’ve heard various views this from industry pros, CDs, etc. I personally think LA actors are challenged a bit more as far as competition, and have heard it’s easier for them to adjust to the southeast market vs southeast actors adjusting to the LA market. I think Atlanta has a great selection as well as far as quality but would love to hear more views on this.

Opinions on updating one Casting Service more over the other?

Opinions on updating one Casting Service more over the other?

Posted on Apr 12th

I wanted your opinion on this. I'm an unrepped actress in the LA market and exclusively use Actors Access more over LA Casting. I love Actors Access and I get all my quality auditions from there. LA Casting, in my opinion, is kind of trash. Nothing but music videos looking for "Gorgeous Models", prank videos, and testimonials. I do get the occasional commercial audition from there, which is the only reason why I keep the service around. I got new headshots recently and uploaded about 7 of them to Actors Access. Payed around $70. LA Casting charges $25 per photo, unless you want to pay a monthly fee for the unlimited package. But once you stop paying that extra monthly fee and transfer back to the regular paid service, those photos disappear I heard. I don't update my headshots enough, to keep paying that fee over and over every month. Am I doing myself a disservice by updating my actors access with new reels and photos, way more then my LA casting account? Don't get me wrong, my LA casting is updated, but the variety of headshots and reel clips aren't as prominent on there as they are on my Actors Access account. Is anyone in the same boat as me?

Acting on camera online classes you have enjoyed?

Acting on camera online classes you have enjoyed?

Posted on Apr 12th

 Normally I would never do an acting class online but since I have left L.A  and do not have any plans to return anytime soon I have been considering it. I'm only interested in acting on camera classes where I can record the scenes. I was thinking it might be fun to do a scene study class where I could meet a fellow actor and we would rehearse via Zoom outside of the class.  I got high recommendations for Doug Warhit and Robert D'Avanso (I hear there is like a 2-year waiting list for him) Wasn't clear from either of their websites if they are doing online classes. Open to recommendations.

How can I avoid being part of the 98% of the actors who don't make it?

How can I avoid being part of the 98% of the actors who don't make it?

Posted on Apr 12th

By make it, I mean who don't get a sufficient living from acting alone. i know how unlikely it is to make it, but i truly believe in myself and believe it's my calling. what are some tips you can give me to make sure im in the minority? its what i truly want to do to make a living as unlikely as it is, i want to get as close to that as possible. not speaking on fame, we all know how unrealistic it is to want that as actors. so please let me know, i appreciate any advice, i love my craft and pray that everyone reading this becomes successful in acting too if that's what you want :)

Action anime - voice actors needed

Action anime - voice actors needed

Posted on Apr 12th

• plotline • in a dystopian world where artificial intelligence has caused a civil war, everything goes downhill when the prince of the royal family Haruka attempts to take his life and a mysterious man with a mask saves him during his attempt to rob the castle. Once he’s taken to safety, that’s when an outbreak of a strange illness breaks out and it’s up to them to find the culprit. Meanwhile, the two royal clans find themselves at war. It's about a man (Kasai) who's seen as a cold blooded killer who saves the Prince (Haruka) from taking his life, although their clans are at war. That's when Masahiro the main villain comes in and wreaks havoc, the Yaocho clan summons the Namahage and the two are thrown into a match where people have to fight each other to survive and there are trials. It's a life or death plotline and it has lots of action and suspense For now it’s unpaid because my family is having financial issues but if it became successful, there would be a contract where you would get a split of the revenue from the show the character Haruka has already had his role taken Kasai’s personality is very dark, sarcastic, and his voice is husky and dark as well. He has a deep tone He’s 19 years old and known as a killer He’s the second lead role, the supporting roles get casted later on Asahi is the third lead role, he shows up during the trials and from then on is a main character. He has a funny personality and his voice is on the boyish and airhead end Yua is a girl, she’s very shy and soft and sensitive. She has a very high voice, think loli and she appears at the same time as Asahi. She’s a supporting character Masahiro is the main villain, he has a demonic voice and is a hybrid between a demon and a human His personality is mocking and rude, he’s also full of himself The King is another villain, he’s an old man and has the voice of one, he’s abusive and cruel. He’s 60 years old

Yale MFA/certificate degree

Yale MFA/certificate degree

Posted on Apr 11th

I’ve been considering applying to Yale’s graduate program in the near future and would like to know how hard it is to get in if you’re already a professional actor. I’m aware of how expensive it is, which is why I’d have to wait a few years to save some more. So in terms of auditioning and being accepted, how hard is it? I’m a foreign actor and believe this experience would give me connections that perhaps I wouldn’t be able to have in a different scenario, but I’m not sure it is a guarantee of better opportunities in the industry. Also, is it possible to balance study and work? Or once you’re in such a handful program, it’s impossible to audition? I’d love to get some wisdom from actors that went to any top school or has friends who did.

77 Films to Watch (for filmmakers/ Actor)

77 Films to Watch (for filmmakers/ Actor)

Posted on Apr 11th

I highly recommend watching these movies. Check out and let me know how many films you have seen? 1. Memories of Murder (2003) 2. Fight Club (1999) 3. Persona (1966) 4. Stalker (1979) 5. Bicycle Thieves (1948) 6. Schindler’s List (1993) 7. 8½ (1963) 8. Annie Hall (1977) 9. Apocalypse Now (1979) 10. Chinatown (1974) 11. Pulp Fiction (1994) 12. Metropolis (1927) 13. Birdman (2014) 14. Goodfellas (1990) 15. There will be Blood (2007) 16. Life Is Beautiful (1997) 17. 12 Angry Men (1957) 18. Se7en (1995) 19. Psycho (1960) 20. In the Mood for Love (2000) 21. The Godfather (1972) 22. The Godfather 2 (1974) 23. The Matrix (1999) 24. Raging Bull (1980) 25. M (1931) 26. Amélie (2001) 27. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 28. Citizen Kane (1941) 29. Seven Samurai (1954) 30. The Master(2012) 31. The Father(2020) 32. Sounds of Metal(2019) 33. Another Round(2020) 34. Parasite(2019) 35. The departed(2019) 36. Nostalgia(1983) 37. Phantom Thread(2017) 38. The Shining(1980) 39. The mirror(1975) 40. Vertigo(1958) 41. The Aviator(2004) 42. Taxi Driver(1976) 43. Persona(1966) 44. Solaris(1972) 45. Blade Runner(1982) 46. American Beauty(1999) 47. Minari(2020) 48. Shoplifters(2018) 49. To be or Not to be(1942) 50. The Florida Project(2017) 51. The Kid with a Bike (2011) 52. Shutter Island (2010) 53. Saving Private Ryan (1998) 54. The Lighthouse (2019) 55. La Dolce Vita (1960) 56. The Hunt (2012) 57. Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019) 58. Peeping Tom (1960) 59. Arrival (2016) 60. Under the Shadow (2016) 61. Carol (2015) 62. The Act of Killing (2012) 63. Contact (1997) 64. Ravening (2019) 65. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) 66. Her (2013) 67. La La Land (2016) 68. Airplane (1980) 69. The Red Turtle (2016) 70. Shame (2011) 71. Billy Elliot (2000) 72. The King of Comedy (1982) 73. The Irishman (2019) 74. Whiplash (2014) 75. You Were Never Really Here (2017) 76. Marriage Story (2019) 77. The Lunchbox (2013) Hope you enjoy it. I'll keep adding more films.



Posted on Apr 11th

So I learned that on Actors Access you can pay extra to submit a headshot and resume to agents and managers for representation. Has anyone tried this? I’m curious if it’s worth it or not!

Total noob question about background actors / extras appearances

Total noob question about background actors / extras appearances

Posted on Apr 11th

I live in Vancouver and it’s been on my bucket list to be an extra. I’ve worked closely with Hollywood studios in my day job (anti-piracy) so I want to experience a set and to be able to say I’ve done it. Anyway, this is become a reality next week. I’ll be dressed as a military officer. I’m fretting that in my headshot I had just had a haircut and had very short stubble. Currently I’m a week away from needing a cut and the stubble is closer to a beard (trimmed, not scruffy). Should I cut my hair? Should I shave? Thanks!

If I was to be in a movie tomorrow with no acting experience, what is some advice you'd give me

If I was to be in a movie tomorrow with no acting experience, what is some advice you'd give me

Posted on Apr 11th

I've been writing a film, but I need actors. I'll probably just use my friends, but note, none of my friends care about film or filmmaking. Meaning, they have no acting experience or interests, and they probably won't take their roles that seriously. What's something that I can tell them that'll maybe make their performance a little more convincing, or what's a directorial technique that might make a bad performance seem a little better.

What are some red flags for an acting job?

What are some red flags for an acting job?

Posted on Apr 11th

I auditioned and was offered a large supporting role in an indie film in the UK. It is paid at min. wage per hour. But since my casting there have been a number of red flags and was wondering whether they are valid or me overthinking? Very little communication but occasional updates on instagram. Originally supposed to start filming in Feb but was pushed til end of March due to Covid and lockdown. New pencilled in dates for filming were coming around and had had no contact from them for almost a month. Emailed them ('production team') twice 10 days apart to find out if it was going ahead and got no response. 3 days before pencilled dates production emailed to say they had location issues due to Covid. Perfectly understandable but a little more of a heads up would have been nice. Replied to the email and asked if they had a rough idea of future dates . . . no reply again. But they were still posting on instagram. 2 weeks goes by and we suddenly get an email telling us there will be a photoshoot for global PR in 4 days time (Tue 13th) and will email a schedule later that day. Took them an extra day to email basically the same thing but telling us we need to provide our own tuxedos and make sure our hair is like our headshots (again the hair thing is usually not an issue) BUT we have been in lockdown, Monday will be the first day hairdressers are open for almost 3.5 months and they gave us no notice. Plus they are assuming everyone just owns a tuxedo (luckily I do) but still. On top of sloppy communication, the script is littered with typos. There's one in the first line ffs. If it were one or two I would brush it aside but there seems to be a lack of care throughout. It all seems very unorganised and they just keep 'dangling the carrot' with no real commitment to when filming will start and expect us just to wait. I feel I can't keep turning down crew jobs on much bigger films just to be in my first indie feature as an actor. There's a couple more things that have been bit of a red flag but the poor script and lack of any real communication or even response are the main ones. Opinions? What are some other red flags?

Rookie actor. Falling prey to picking apart every little movement, facial expression, and mannerism.

Rookie actor. Falling prey to picking apart every little movement, facial expression, and mannerism.

Posted on Apr 11th

I heard that your supposed to let it flow naturally. But it’s hard because I wanna look convincing. I keep on judging my acting and saying “do this, raise your tone, don’t raise your eyebrows” etc. it’s good to be self aware but I think I’m overdoing and as a result can’t move last a few lines. I’m practicing at home by myself btw. How do you create the fine line between improving your take & nitpicking every small thing? It’s actually driving me crazy. Bonus question: how to cry? The most I can get is watery eyes.

NYC Actors?

NYC Actors?

Posted on Apr 11th

Hello! I am an actor and I hope to be moving to NYC soon. I have been looking at the FILM life over there and I feel like it constantly goes back to LA. I feel like NYC has defenitely has been a theatre place although I have looked through Backstage so many times and there are a lot of film oppurtunities. Yet nobody talks about it. If there are any Actors in NYC that can shed light on what its like being a Film Actor in NYC that would be greatly appreciated. I havent seen anyone talk about it. I know there must be a lot of competition any tips? What are Agents like in NYC? etc. etc. anything you can tell us would be amazing. Thank you so much!

The Importance of User Experience: A Guide for Actors

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Building a Strong Online Brand: Tips for Actors

09.06.2024 Grow Your Acting Career with an Unforgettable Online Presence: Proven Strategies for Actors
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