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Deciding which city to relocate to - advice/opinions needed!

Deciding which city to relocate to - advice/opinions needed!

Posted on Apr 20th

Prefacing this post by saying that I have read the FAQs and posts about moving to LA/NYC/Atlanta, but I would appreciate some specific feedback if that’s okay! I (23F) graduated from college last year and am looking to relocate for my acting career. I trained for a professional career in classical ballet through high school and had offers for contracts with professional companies before chronic hip injuries made it clear that a long-term dance career wasn’t in the cards for me. So I grew up with plenty of stage experience, but obviously very different to traditional theater or film acting. I went to regular college and found that I really missed being on stage, so I started exploring theater through my extracurriculars. I “discovered” film/tv acting my junior year and started taking as many on-camera, scene study, and improv classes as I could through my college and at reputable schools nearby. I now have two years’ worth of class experience and a few short films/stage productions under my belt. My reel isn’t stellar, but I have footage and I’m actively working on improving it. I’m still non-union. My full-time survival job is fully remote and has flexible hours, so as long as I meet my deadlines I can work whenever and wherever I want. I’m currently living in Boston, which has some student films and commercial work, but it’s expensive and because of the pandemic student films have really dried up. I also get a terrible case of SAD every year, so moving somewhere warmer is very appealing. I know LA is the most competitive city and not recommended for beginners, but it’s where I have all of my connections. I know several working actors, a couple of respected acting teachers/coaches that are encouraging of my work, and a few people on the production/business side. I’m also a writer, and my creative partner is based near LA, which means that moving there would allow us to start creating our own films. I don’t know anyone in Atlanta, Chicago, or NYC, which makes me a bit more hesitant to move there. I have family in San Francisco and south Florida near Miami, but neither of those seems to have too many opportunities (and SF rent is just as bad as LA/NYC). I’m planning on having in-depth conversations with my teachers to see what they think, but I’d love to hear your advice on whether it’s too early to move to LA, or whether connections outweigh the drawbacks of a more competitive market. I’m under no illusions about the fact that I need to continue training and getting credits/footage before I can really compete at a professional level, but I’m wondering whether that’s possible in LA given my situation. Thanks so much!

What is the typical timeline and experience for receiving headshots & retouched images? is my experience typical?

What is the typical timeline and experience for receiving headshots & retouched images? is my experience typical?

Posted on Apr 20th

I got headshots done in early March by a renowned nyc headshot photographer. I’m incredibly green and it was my first time getting professional headshots done and I informed them about that. The experience was mostly good. But afterwards, there was a collection of minor not-great things that made me feel... just not great. For the money I paid, this came as a bit of a surprise. First minor thing - I did not know that tips aren’t customary, so after the shoot when we were wrapping up I sent a tip via a payment app, which the photog accepted without any indication that it’s unusual to do. A respected agent shared later that it is unusual and I shouldn’t have done it. I don’t think it was their responsibility to turn down a tip, but the ultra polite person in me feels like it’s rude to at least not make the gesture to let an inexperienced actor know that it isn’t customary (especially because the shoot itself was obscenely expensive already)- I’d obviously not take the tip back! But fine. Now I know. Not a huge deal. Early on in the booking process, I was assigned a student discount. But I realized a few days after the shoot that I never received the discount. When I followed up, they told me that they no longer offered the discount! This would’ve really bothered me but they then said they’d honor the discount anyway. Okay. 5 weeks later they sent me the batch of proofs. They said initially it would be 3-4 weeks. An extra week isn’t a big deal. I did have to email them to check in about when I could expect the shots because no one had gotten in touch with me to explain the delay. But fine. Not a big deal. But with everything else, I’m starting to feel like I’m low on the priority list. After I reached out, they told me that they had gotten COVID in early March and this was the cause of the delay. Totally understandable! When I selected the shots I wanted to be retouched (of course they got back to me immediately after I did to make sure I sent in payment for the retouched images!) I was told that it would take 7-10 days to get the images back to me. 10 days later I still haven’t received the images, which, like the other stuff doesn’t feel like a huge deal on its own. This photog has glowing reviews everywhere, and with my less than stellar experience overall I’m feeling like I don’t really know what’s reasonable to expect from the headshot process. Is this all typical? Should I just chalk it all up to COVID-times mixups? I’m totally new to acting and I’d just really like to hear from other actors whether this experience tracks as normal.

Question: Should I be native?

Question: Should I be native?

Posted on Apr 19th

Hi I'm new to this community I have big question: Should I be a native at English, if I want to become a voice actor? It's one of my biggest fears that maybe people want to work with native voice actors and I have 0 chance. For example this is [my reel post]( and you can hear my accent. Thank you so much.

Advice for a Newbie

Advice for a Newbie

Posted on Apr 19th

Hey there! So I recently moved to NYC to pursue acting. I have a couple of small film credits to my name, I feel like the next step for me is representation, but I'm just not sure where to even begin. So just wanted to poll the community on advice for a newb. I'm all over Backstage and Actor's Access, but I feel like I could be more proactive, I feel like I could be chasing it a little harder, just need some guidance. Any wisdom is appreciated!

Hiring Feminine Voice Actors

Hiring Feminine Voice Actors

Posted on Apr 19th

Hiring erotic voice actors with a feminine voice. We are looking for a variety of voices for different short stories and role play scripts. Works range from role playing a female elf in a high fantasy setting to narrating a story about a female alien abducting a human male. The scripts are 2000 to 6000 words. We will pay $100 to $300 per work depending on length. Email us at []( Looking forward to working with you!

Advice, please!

Advice, please!

Posted on Apr 19th

Hi all! So I want to become a chef, but I also am worried that that will force me to give up acting. From what I read, the resteraunt industry is very difficult; long hours, low wages, slow career advancements. I love cooking but I also love acting. I think the reason I'm picking cooking is because I'm better at cooking, I see more of a future in it, and honestly the self directedness of an acting career is terrifying. Some information about my experience acting: to be honest I haven't done a ton. I've done four musicals at my highschool (mostly ensemble parts, but they're always a big part of my year), some improve camps, and a play. But I really love it, and I always want it to be a part of my life. So I was wondering if there are any chef-actors here, or if anyone has any advice? thanks!

My experience so far at an independent acting school based in the UK (Unseen)

My experience so far at an independent acting school based in the UK (Unseen)

Posted on Apr 19th

Hello everyone! A couple of months ago, I had replied to a post about an acting school called The Unseen (which I have now forgotten where the post is)which is based in London and at that time, I hadn’t gone to any classes. It’s now been a a couple months since then and currently, I have technically been in student since last year, but didn’t actually start until February of this year. This post could be a long read, but it will be here to give you all a look at what’s been happening so far. And also, I’m still a bit new in all of this acting stuff so sorry if I make any mistakes!

"Steps of a Mastermind" Film

"Steps of a Mastermind" Film

Posted on Apr 19th

My daughter has been cast in a movie, [\#stepsofamastermind]([0]=AZW-qWNdskBipaxZUn8E0y2TZxaVdtslbHSQhqWDQbwmiY-TOEfp6TUW8T-8PWMKIsk8RC2Pb7bMuY_IJ8d_gQqupVf5pkWW5aNn0K4oQnS4fdV8OK12hx_-xnZv6mceML0rxkFgKoQgbh2is0wdwnZBgaePGCKtmRLVtT5riyOEWwUKZuPXOM5bP1rG6ejNM54&__tn__=*NK-R), one thing that's required for her to remain on board is to encourage people to subscribe to the Creator/Executive Producer's Youtube Channel, Please help me out by clicking to view the Promo and Subscribe! [\#aspiringactors]([0]=AZW-qWNdskBipaxZUn8E0y2TZxaVdtslbHSQhqWDQbwmiY-TOEfp6TUW8T-8PWMKIsk8RC2Pb7bMuY_IJ8d_gQqupVf5pkWW5aNn0K4oQnS4fdV8OK12hx_-xnZv6mceML0rxkFgKoQgbh2is0wdwnZBgaePGCKtmRLVtT5riyOEWwUKZuPXOM5bP1rG6ejNM54&__tn__=*NK-R), [\#filmmakers]([0]=AZW-qWNdskBipaxZUn8E0y2TZxaVdtslbHSQhqWDQbwmiY-TOEfp6TUW8T-8PWMKIsk8RC2Pb7bMuY_IJ8d_gQqupVf5pkWW5aNn0K4oQnS4fdV8OK12hx_-xnZv6mceML0rxkFgKoQgbh2is0wdwnZBgaePGCKtmRLVtT5riyOEWwUKZuPXOM5bP1rG6ejNM54&__tn__=*NK-R), [\#producers]([0]=AZW-qWNdskBipaxZUn8E0y2TZxaVdtslbHSQhqWDQbwmiY-TOEfp6TUW8T-8PWMKIsk8RC2Pb7bMuY_IJ8d_gQqupVf5pkWW5aNn0K4oQnS4fdV8OK12hx_-xnZv6mceML0rxkFgKoQgbh2is0wdwnZBgaePGCKtmRLVtT5riyOEWwUKZuPXOM5bP1rG6ejNM54&__tn__=*NK-R) "Casting Call" Television Show (Actors compete) [](

I really need help

I really need help

Posted on Apr 19th

Hi, so I'm currently in my second year of University in England doing a BA in acting, and I'm truly hating it. I don't believe this course will benefit me in any meaningful way and I'm beginning to lose a my love of acting, I really don't see any point in it anymore because at the end of the day there isn't really; I could fail my single acting module, pass my theory modules and pass the semester. Similarly, I could put on the greatest performance anyone's ever seen but fail because I'm not very good at building a scale model of a set or give you the characteristics of postmodern theatre. I'm also suffering quite badly with anxiety but that's another story. This is really only the tip of the iceberg but I can't put into words right now how much more there is. Right now, I'm in the process of talking to my tutors about dropping out but obviously while on the one hand they say whatever is best for me and whatever makes me happy, on the other they have an obligation to persuade me into staying. I'm 95% sure I want to leave but I just wondered what other actors outside of the education system believe. Thanks a lot.

Future in acting for 27 y/o ? Desperately need this.

Future in acting for 27 y/o ? Desperately need this.

Posted on Apr 19th

Hello everyone! I have been toying with myself whether to post this, but better late than never I suppose. I'm an aspiring actor from the UK. I have a graduate degree in Computer Science from an Ivy League school in the US but my passion's always been to act in theatre, and hopefully, in movies and shows. Had to come back home for the pandemic, but really want to get away and work on my passion. How do I start? Are there places where I can submit auditions online? I just...need help.

VERY Surprised regarding "Backstage" from this crowd

VERY Surprised regarding "Backstage" from this crowd

Posted on Apr 19th

I am new here (as you can tell) and I've loved contributing and learning from this community. I wasn't sure wether to post this or not but I figured I will because it is one of the things that have surprised me since I joined. I am and have always been L.A. based, grew up here, met my husband here, kids are born here. My husband is in the industry (but he has nothing to do with casting or acting, he's in the logistics side of the business). My kids and I ARE in the acting side of it (but they're ready to move on and pursue their own interests). So here's what blew my mind coming here, in the (other) communities (online and IRL) I'm from where I've established relationships.....Backstage is not that used at all. We all use Actors Access, Casting Frontier, and LA Casting. Backstage is hardly ever mentioned. But here, I don't hear about Casting Frontier and LA Casting. There are also about a dozen background casting companies out there if you want to do Background, but only Central Casting is popular here. Just thought I'd share my observation as a new member chiming in from outer acting communities.

I feel so jealous of actors my age who are successful...

I feel so jealous of actors my age who are successful...

Posted on Apr 19th

I'm 16, and i hate that i become so jealous seeing actors my age be successful. even older than me, i feel jealous. i absolutely loved watching the show, 'It's a sin'. but one of the actors told his story on how he got cast and it made me kinda sad. he was in acting university in his second year, but somehow the team for the show found him, and took him out of the uni to film this show. im jealous because i just feel so scared that success is gonna take soooo long for me, even after putting in thousands of pounds and hours. i know none of this is easy, of course not, but im constantly worrying that im never gonna be successful in it, idk why. id honestly appreciate prayers if you guys can do that. i just want to stop feeling jealousy, and want to be confident in who i am and what i want. but id also love advice on how to stop comparing myself to these actors who are so successful.

Can actors make a living in 2021?

Can actors make a living in 2021?

Posted on Apr 19th

I was watching an amazing show called, 'It's a sin'. It's based in 1981 I think, or at least it starts around that time. And one of the characters trains to be an actor and becomes one. He does fairly simple roles, sometimes TV, sometimes theatre, and he said he earned enough to make a living in that time. He was by no means famous, just a humble working actor. And it made me wonder. These days most of the actors you see on TV are doing acting as a side hustle, at least from what I've seen. I just wondered is it possible to be a humble working actor (not famous at all, just small/medium roles) and not have to work other jobs on top of that. Thank you!

Any tips for an extra who hasn't acted before?

Any tips for an extra who hasn't acted before?

Posted on Apr 19th

I signed up for a casting agency for fun, thinking I might get the odd foreigner extra role due to my accent (a Scandinavian looking foreigner in England). Surprisingly, I got the offer to play a featured character who is a very Scottish socialite. The movie is on the scale of Bridgerton maybe, same level of known actors and a similar setting. I don't even know if it's a speaking role, probably not I guess. It's two shooting days. They said they need someone who is a confident performer and I said sure because it's something I want to do, but I'm dead nervous and have zero experience, let alone accent ability. Do you have any advice for me? I have no idea what I'm doing.

How do actors dissociate with the roles they play?

How do actors dissociate with the roles they play?

Posted on Apr 19th

You know when you finish watching a really good show and you were really attached to the characters but now it's over? Well that's pretty much what just happened to me, I just finished watching a really sad show, like it's super depressing and the characters even look depressed at so many points like the acting is SO real. And since I wanna be an actor I was thinking about this, how do those actors just stop saying it's real? It must feel real to them, surely, it felt real to me. How can they go from being depressed, doing messed up things on television, and then just somehow doing an interview as if none of that happened, where they're upbeat, joyous, all of these things. I don't get it, I feel like I would still feel that character in me, like the energy from the character I'd play would stay, especially if I had to do something super depressing... How do they just switch off? How do they not let the show affect them that much and stay happy? I'd love to know your thoughts.

Should I get headshots before or after submitting to an agency?

Should I get headshots before or after submitting to an agency?

Posted on Apr 19th

Hi all! I am currently in my first year at a BFA acting program and have been fortunate enough to book various theatre gigs as well as get some indie film credits under my belt. I'm looking to submit to agencies within the next few months once I have enough material to put together a demo reel and enough work to pad my resume, but I wasn't sure about the headshot situation. Currently, I've just been using a high-quality image of myself against a solid background and submitting it for projects etc. Should I get proper headshots before I submit my packages to agencies or should I wait until I am able to potentially meet and sign with an agent so they can walk me through what kinds of headshots they would like me to have? I understand headshots are a necessary and constant investment to make as an actor, but I am also a broke-ish student and would like to make the career choice that will also be the financially wisest one haha! Thank you - I appreciate the help!

Actors who moved to Los Angeles - what was your job situation when you first moved out there?

Actors who moved to Los Angeles - what was your job situation when you first moved out there?

Posted on Apr 19th

Did you have a job lined up? Did you move without a job and take whatever you got? How did this affect your apartment hunting? I have a good amount of money saved. I was thinking of maybe staying long term in an AirBNB for a month or two while I look for any job and then once I get the job, an apartment (by walking around the neighborhoods I want to live in). Just curious what other people did and if my idea is viable. (There’s a roommate involved btw)

How does it feel to be an actor that never made it?

How does it feel to be an actor that never made it?

Posted on Apr 19th

i’m not here to shit on anyone’s story but all over the news and media we only get the positive side of acting, the ones were people do one gig and they become stars. so as someone who is looking into getting into acting, this has been a question that has been at the top of my head lately. note : JUST BECAUSE YOU ARENT FAMOUS DOESNT MEAN YOUR A BAD ACTOR. there are so many famous actors that are literally shit, but get a pass because they are famous.

UK Agents: Slow to Reply or Just Not Interested?

UK Agents: Slow to Reply or Just Not Interested?

Posted on Apr 19th

Hi! This one is for actors repped by UK agents. **Backstory:** I reached out to a number of agents via email for representation last week, and immediately scored an interview with one of them the next day. However, nothing else has materialised - apart from a few rejections blamed on Covid struggles (though who knows if they're just letting me down 'kindly'!) **Question:** Did any interested agents get back to you after multiple days/weeks had passed, or were they all pretty quick off the mark? I'm not looking for advice, just interested to hear about your own quests to secure your first agent. Thanks!

Do voice actors ever employ the subharmonic register in their work?

Do voice actors ever employ the subharmonic register in their work?

Posted on Apr 19th

As bass singer, I’m a big fan of this technique for sing superhumanly low notes that would otherwise be impossible. I watching an interview with Steve Blum the other day, and at certain points, it almost sounds like he speaks in that register. I know that’s unrealistic but I’m curious about how it can be utilized.

Sad little rant about missed opportunity

Sad little rant about missed opportunity

Posted on Apr 18th

I’m mainly here to just sulk in a missed opportunity because none of my friends or family understand my sadness. When I heard Iman Vellani, a complete nobody was cast as Ms Marvel, I thought maybe that was my chance as well. I searched but I never knew where to find the marvel casting calls. I was then told that marvel doesn’t do open casting calls. But I read it on the news and everything so I tried to find it, but couldn’t. But her getting the role at least meant to me that a complete nobody could maybe get a big role. So then I started looking into smaller roles and acting classes and everything and it lead me to actor’s access. It was great to see so many different opportunities in my area of the Southeast region. A few months after this, I thought to search up the work “Pakistani” in the roles section since I’m a Pakistani person and maybe that’d helped me get a leg up. That’s when I was so disappointed. There was only like five opportunities in the past ten years. But the fact that there it was only one recent one, “Ms Marvel casting call for Pakistani Male 17-25 years old in the southeast region.” That really put me into a depressive state. I know there was a high probability that I wouldn’t have gotten accepted for the role, but what hurts me is that I never got the chance to even try and submit. Moreover, it made me realize that there may never be another important big role such as that for a Pakistani guy like me. Anyway who knows what the future holds but I just needed an outlet to let out my ultimate sadness.

Is video game dialogue said in a way that’s purposely sounding catchy?

Is video game dialogue said in a way that’s purposely sounding catchy?

Posted on Apr 18th

I’ve been playing a few older PC games and I realized that almost every single line, even the short and seemingly pointless ones, are expressed in a way that sounds catchy. It sticks with you. But maybe it was just me. Maybe it’s playing an old game for the first time in years. Could be. Otherwise, is the dialogue in video games purposely said in a way to sound catchy? If it is, are the voice actors instructed to say their lines in an exact manner (like when pop music producers send a demo to a singer with the producers own voice-recording as guideline for the singer to imitate)? Or do voice actors make (what could be stale) dialogue catchy on their own?

What is a good online resource where I can look for someone to hire to make a video?

What is a good online resource where I can look for someone to hire to make a video?

Posted on Apr 18th

I'm working on a video project and I was wondering if there are any good resources out there for finding actors to make a video. Like it can be done remotely and sent back to me.

How do you get better at acting without classes?

How do you get better at acting without classes?

Posted on Apr 18th

First of all, I want to say that I do plan on getting classes eventually. As of now I'm still in school, but I plan on attempting to be a working actor in the future. Right now I am unable to get lessons/classes, but I understand it's an important part of the process to becoming more talented. Are there some other ways to help the process before I am able to learn professionally?

Woman in 30’s who looks 21

Woman in 30’s who looks 21

Posted on Apr 18th

So a fellow actress in one of my classes shocked everyone today when she said she was 32. We all thought she was 21 and somebody else said she should just lie since she’d probably get away with it like Alexa Demie (lol). She’s mixed Asian by the way so that might be why? Which got me thinking. I’m mixed too and am in my later 20’s. I get asked if I’m in high school all the time. I see on this thread that women in their 30’s have a hard time competing with the 20 year olds. But if you lie about your age or you really look the part, will it matter that much? Or should I focus on looking my own age to play my age group. I have actually considered buccal fat removal because of how youthful I look...

UK work?

UK work?

Posted on Apr 18th

Hello! I read an old post on here about Americans working in the UK. I have seen more actors work in the UK and a lot being produced there. I was wondering if the process for someone to do work in the UK from America is the same? The visa is awfully hard to get and only given out 1000 times a year? Everyone talks about getting an agent in different places. NYC,LA, London ,ATL etc. everyone talks about getting an agent in London as if its that easy and I honestly wonder if its easier now? If someone was to get signed to a bigger agency like UTA or WME would it be easier for them to do films in the UK ( I assume yes) Why is it easier for models to do fashion week in London and have agencies in London but not for acting? Has it changed at all? Please let me know!

Has Anyone Taken William Esper Studio's Online Intensives?

Has Anyone Taken William Esper Studio's Online Intensives?

Posted on Apr 18th

I have wanted to join this studio for a long time. I read The Actor's Art and Craft and have started to save up money for the 2-year core program. But, because so many studios are switching online due to the pandemic, they now offer an Online Intensive Course! Has anyone taken this and have any advice or feedback on the course?

Do I need to go to drama school and lessons to become an actress

Do I need to go to drama school and lessons to become an actress

Posted on Apr 18th

Hi, I am 15 and I love acting so much and really want to pursue it as a career. My parents aren't supportive of this and won't let me join the drama school I want to go to. There is local drama groups that I have been in but they are more focused on singing which I completely understand but I feel like I'm not making any progress in the drama groups. When I leave school which I know isn't for a few years but anyway I think I would prefer to focus on finding auditions rather than going to university but I'm worried that I won't have enough experience as I won't have gone to drama school. I do practice acting at home which has definitely helped me improve and I do perform in the school shows but I don't know if that's enough to land auditions. Do you have any advice?

13 yr old with no expirence

13 yr old with no expirence

Posted on Apr 18th

Hello! I am a aspiring actor, I want to make it to Hollywood. The thing is, I can’t do any acting classes because of covid, I’m planning on going to them and theatre afterwards. The thing is, I need to prepare myself. Ofc I was browsing through YouTube and such but it’s so hard to know when to start when there’s so much, any tips?

LGBTQ actors are you "out of the closet" in regards to your career

LGBTQ actors are you "out of the closet" in regards to your career

Posted on Apr 18th

I have many friends who are part of the community but they dont post about it online or share their partners. They are intentionally being vague out of worry they won't get roles. Friends and family know. But casting and agents do not But with more actors being open about their romantic relationships would you feel more comfortable? Do you think things are changing or do you think being open about sexuality is a privilege reserved for the Alist?

New actor advice?

New actor advice?

Posted on Apr 17th

Hey, My plans are to move to Los Angeles by the end of the year. My ultimate long term goal is to be a TV actor. I understand that it's hard to go into acting but life is short and I am willing to do the work. What are some jobs actors have on the side that still pay the bills while going on auditions and go to acting classes? I come from corporate America envrionment and so a 9 to 5 probably won't be the best job to go for now that I'm moving to LA. Also, which acting agencies should I reach out to? Where should I go to get head shots? Any good acting classes? Thanks.

Advice for a burned out actor?

Advice for a burned out actor?

Posted on Apr 17th

So I have been involved in acting in some way or another for my entire life. Doing plays all through grade school, my mom was a costumer with a children's theatre, I took some professional film classes and had an agent for a few years until I decided that I should get a bachelor's. Back in December I got my BA in theatre acting. Which would normally be a good jumping off point for showcases, doing "the big move to LA", auditioning, etc. But I haven't done anything related to acting in almost 5 months. For the past few years I've been increasingly disillusioned with the whole notion of acting. I did well in classes, but with friends talking about acting and my teachers telling me that acting was this great journey it just kept making me increasingly bitter. I've worked for theatres for below minimum wage, rehearsed my ass off to only have maybe 10 people show up to a one night show, and got very few parts cause my "physical fitness" was an issue (even when the show wasn't a musical or movement piece). And it got increasingly worst as the pandemic went on. Zoom shows, seeing people post on Facebook about how much they missed in person theatre, and other things just increased that resentment. I loved doing VO auditions and improv comedy, but I feel like it's turning into the same feeling that I have for theatre as well. I'd love to completely just take a break from it, however all my friends are involved in acting or theatre in some capacity,and everytime they mention a potential project that they'd want help with I just get this internal rage that definitely shouldn't be there. So from one former actor to the rest of the peeps on here: what should I do? How should I detox so I don't end up hating this stuff or should I just cut all of it from my life?

Would NYC provide me with the same acting opportunities as LA?

Would NYC provide me with the same acting opportunities as LA?

Posted on Apr 17th

My boyfriend of 3 years has recently relocated to NYC due to work. I currently live in LA and have always dreamt of being an actress. We’ve been talking about me possibly moving in with him in NYC within the next 3 months. I’ve lived in LA my entire life. Currently, I live with my family and have never lived on my own. Obviously my entire family and friends are here in LA, however I see a future with my boyfriend and am willing to make the sacrifice. The only thing I’m questioning is whether or not the move will provide me with less opportunities in comparison to LA?

Question for straight actors who have played gay roles: What does it feel like to finally kiss someone of the same sex?

Question for straight actors who have played gay roles: What does it feel like to finally kiss someone of the same sex?

Posted on Apr 17th

I've always been curious about this, as a gay man. Back when I was still trying to be straight, I found being with a woman to be strange.

Question for UK based actors about Spotlight

Question for UK based actors about Spotlight

Posted on Apr 17th

I graduated from University last year studying acting. I didn’t bother pursuing an acting career last year due to the pandemic. Since things are looking a bit more positive recently, I’ve slowly been making progress to getting my career up and running. I’ve just gotten accepted onto Spotlight, however from what I can see there doesn’t seem to be many jobs available at the minute. Just a few commercials and some stage work. Is there usually not many acting opportunities this time of year or is this just an effect of COVID. Also is there another place to look for work besides Spotlight? Thanks!

Why are female voice actors frequently hired to voice male children and male voice actors aren't that often booked to do the same?

Why are female voice actors frequently hired to voice male children and male voice actors aren't that often booked to do the same?

Posted on Apr 17th

I don't mean to offend anyone, but I was genuinely curious about it. Listening to some of the character work by Tara Strong and Grey Delisle, and even VAs like Nancy Cartwright and Pamela Adlon and I noticed many young male characters being voiced by them. Is there a reason for this? This isn't even a case of Japanese anime sub-to-dub issues where Japanese male voice actors (who are voicing children) often have much higher pitches to their voices than American male voice actors and so in ADR (automatic dialogue replacement), it's hard to find men to voice the boy characters with the correct adherence to the Japanese voice actor's range. Thus they usually get American women to voice male children. But in Western animation, a ton of women voice boys and not many men voice adult women, let alone girls. Is there a reason why and doesn't this just weird you out a little? Shouldn't people voice what they are?

Am I toxic for rolling my eyes when I figure out an actor has a famous parent?

Am I toxic for rolling my eyes when I figure out an actor has a famous parent?

Posted on Apr 17th

Me and my bff (Non actor. Or she used to want to be one but gave up because, frankly, she wasn’t a good actor and she realized it after 10 years and moved on. And I’m her biggest supporter in her new career but that’s neither here nor there) had a 2 hour long discussion over something that was just a comment from my side that then escalated lol. I said that I strongly believe that the majority of those actors who have famous parents don’t deserve to be where they are because I don’t feel like they fought as hard as a self made actor usually does, and she strongly disagree saying that they have. I explained just the difference between someone (talented) who’s fought for instance for 10-15-20 years in Hollywood, waiting/making dishes or other survival jobs, giving up their whole life basically and have nothing to lean back on should they not succeed as an actor is something you can’t say about these millionaire kids born to famous parent. And the fact is that as soon as I realize that an actor is the child to some famous star, I automatically roll my eyes because I don’t “respect” them in the same way I respect a self made actor. I respect them as a human being but I’m not sitting there convinced they got the role because they truly deserved it. Especially once I see some family member produced the movie. She strongly disagrees, saying they’ve fought just as hard as everyone else in Hollywood, but just in a different way and they sure deserve to be where they are. It’s mind boggling to me. She says it’s toxic that I think the way I do. Especially when I said it’s not about jealousy and that even if I’d be a series regular with for instance Scott Eastwood and become his best friend and love the guy, I’d still be thinking for myself at least once “Hmm. Would you really be sitting here if it wasn’t for your dad?”. Is it really toxic? Be it or not, that question will probably always pop up in my head as soon as I hear about a new famous actors kid.

Weird experience with admissions manager

Weird experience with admissions manager

Posted on Apr 17th

Hi all. I’m a beginning actor who’s considering different studios for my training. I’ve been in plays here and there since I was a child but it wasn’t until last year that I started taking acting classes. I’m currently enrolled in the Atlantic’s Technique Labs this summer and also at Kimball Studio for on-camera acting. But I’m still doing interviews at other places to see if I need to commit to a more intensive program. I’m also considering either moving to NYC or LA (heavily leaning towards NYC. I was born there and have relatives there; I’ve been in CA for most of my life). I interviewed with Baron Brown to see if I should stay in the west coast (at least for a bit longer). I was really excited about this place but the admissions manager was very unprofessional with me. He was condescending, kept making assumptions about me, and basically gave me a “if you don’t choose us you’re not passionate enough” vibe. I don’t want to rule out their program because of this experience, but if he’s representing the studio, I wonder if this was all some bizarre recruiting tactic. Should I pass on this opportunity? I am very new to the business of acting so I’m not 100% confident in how I should be assessing this. All I know is I’m saving $ to get the right training. I’m looking at Atlantic, Kimball, Stella Adler, Maggie Flanagan, HB Studio, and Esper for those who are curious. Thanks for reading :)

The actor-director relationship

The actor-director relationship

Posted on Apr 17th

Hi! I’m a young female director who’s directing her first feature with professional female actors. I was wondering if you guys had ANY advice for me about the director-actor relationship. And also on directing actors. I appreciate all the information and tips I can get! - i love building trust beforehand. But how much is too much contact in pre-production / during shooting? - Some actors are more intense than others and wants 100% transparency, where we get very personal. Where shall i draw the line as a director in a position of power? - Want to share any great directing tips from a memorable scene you did with a director? How can i direct a scene in different ways? Thanks!! :)

Is Central Casting the only newbie friendly way to get started in background work?

Is Central Casting the only newbie friendly way to get started in background work?

Posted on Apr 17th

I know there are agencies that represent background actors. I've viewed signing with some of them as the "next step" to take after signing with Central Casting and getting some experience. Since Central Casting is still no onboarding, I'm wondering if there's a second place (that is onboarding) that a newbie could use to get started in the industry?

Video game shots feedback

Video game shots feedback

Posted on Apr 17th

Hi everyone I'm NIL; a gameplay animator and aspiring voice actor. It was my childhood dream to become video game voice actor so I decided to join this amazing community and improve myself with your help. Since my gameplay animations are about fights, I voiced over my friend's animation shot. It's like cut scene of a video game. It's originally a dialogue from a movie with British accent. My accent is not British and I tried to show her shyness with my voice. Also I kinda directing the scene and changed it to a comedy atmosphere. I voiced over both characters and edit the video with bg music. [Both characters have my voice]( ​ Here is another one (in fact my first voice over haha). I voiced both girl and poor lizard. [Poor lizard]( I'll be glad to know your feedbacks on my voice. Thank you so much



Posted on Apr 17th

I’m 18F from ireland and I’ve been passionate about acting for years.It’s the one thing I feel like I’m good at.However lately I just feel so unmotivated not only because of how much money it really costs (headshots,travel costs,classes) but mainly because of.. NEPOTISM: every day I found out more actors who I love who are actually kids/relatives of actors or directors.I literally do not know a soul who’s in the industry. Is it really possible to succeed if you don’t have any connections?

what to do after summer intensive

what to do after summer intensive

Posted on Apr 17th

I graduated college with a degree in journalism and am finally committing to acting. I work a media related job right now to pay the bills. I’m prepared to move to NYC next winter. I want to get the best training possible before even considering LA and their style of coaching. Currently I’m enrolled in a summer intensive but after that... what should my next steps be? Is it recommend for all non 4-year-trained actors to do a 2 year conservatory? Should I keep taking classes a la carte? I guess I’d just like to know what works for most people so I don’t end up wasting time and money. Thanks :)

Am I overconfident?

Am I overconfident?

Posted on Apr 17th

I once had a theatre teacher in a preprofessional program for teens pull me aside during a break in rehearsal and say something along the lines of “I’m being very serious when I say this, and I need you to know that I really mean it and I don’t go around saying this to all my students: I truly believe the you are the most talented actor in this program, possibly that we’ve ever had in this program. I will do anything I can to support you pursuing a career in acting and I really really hope that you do because I really think you have something to give to the world” and then something about how I was being underutilized in the current production. I found this a little off putting because there were a lot of really talented people in that program and I often felt like I was just striving to be as good as them, and although I tend towards trusting her I don't actually have any way of being sure that she only ever said that to me. But despite this, I think that I have let it get to my head, because that was two years ago and I’m now a senior in high school and I kind of want to study theatre in college despite all stuff online saying it’s a bad idea. Like in some part of my brain I've convinced myself that I'll beat all odds and find moderate success. Another thing contributing to this possibly unrealistic confidence is that I’ve never auditioned for something and not gotten cast. But that is only actually counting four high school shows, because all of the other plays I’ve done have been classes where you are guaranteed at least some part (although the high school preprofessional one was invite-only, and I did occasionally get scholarships to do classes for free), so it could just be a fluke. Meanwhile my parents don’t want me to pursue acting, especially not in college. I always assumed that it was just for the “oh but you’ll have no job security and it’s all just luck and what if you waste all your money on a useless degree” types of reasons, but now I'm not so sure because the other day I was talking to my dad and mentioned that I had been considering trying to act as a career at least in some capacity, and he was pretty skeptical and started saying “don’t actors have to actually study technique and get super good though?” “should’t you be taking a bunch of classes if you actually want to pursue this?” and that kind of snapped me out of this whole idea I had built that maybe it was worth trying, because the thing is, my dad has seen all the plays I’ve been in. And I’ve taken classes that teach technique at least on some level non stop since ninth grade. But if he can’t tell that at all from those shows then maybe I actually kinda suck?? So my question is, how much weight should I put in these two assessments of my ability? All of my mom’s friends from high school are now failed actors and hearing about it can be pretty demoralizing, but I have nerve problems that make typing and drawing really painful sometimes and acting is the one career left that I’m interested in that wouldn’t be super effected by that. I don’t have piles of money to waste on college if I’m just going to be unemployed afterward, though, so I’m trying to figure out how to gauge if it’s actually something worth pursuing for me. Any perspective on this would really help\^\^

Voice Acting names?

Voice Acting names?

Posted on Apr 17th

Hello there! I have a question regarding of making your own Voice Acting name. Recently I have tried making accounts on voice acting sites and come a cross a problem of what should i name myself? My real name is sadly very generic as every third person in my country has the same surname as me. Most voice actors i have seen on Twitter and other voice acting sites have the name VO at the end (Like @ BoBVO) or their real name. I have not found anyone named VA at the end (Like @ BoBVA). Why is that? Thanks for reading!

What are good PAID projects you can do as an actor?

What are good PAID projects you can do as an actor?

Posted on Apr 17th

I am looking for a job, but there aren’t any opportunities in the things I am looking for (acting, background work, hosting, modelling, voice over, writing) right now. I don’t want to be waiting for job opportunities to fall from the sky because I could be waiting forever. That’s why I am looking for the best projects I could make on my own and that I could be paid to do at some point. I still have a couple of acting/hosting opportunities but I am looking for something I have more control over to do in my free time. Here are the things I can do and have been thinking about: -Start a YouTube channel. -Start a podcast. -Sell audio erotica. -Start a blog. -Write a book. -Write scripts. -Be more active on social media. -Sell an online class. Do you have any other idea? And do you know if any of these projects have more chances to be successful to help me earn money from this? I know that in many cases 1/1000 people who do this can earn money from this. But is there one that has better stats? Like maybe 1/100?

Controversial question - What is a professional actor?

Controversial question - What is a professional actor?

Posted on Apr 17th

I have asked many people and no one agrees on what is a professional actor vs a non professional actor. Is it based on being part of an union? (But some people cheat to be part of the union) Is it when you graduate from an acting school? (But many people never work as a professional actor after graduating) Is it when you get paid to act? (But some people have only made a symbolic $50 on a non union film) Is it when you make a living as an actor? (but maybe you just got a $10,000 commercial in six month) Is it when you are paid every day to be a full time actor? (In this case there are very few professional actors) Is it when you get a certain level of skills? (but how can we judge it?) I ask because I see many people call themselves professional actors when they have do one day on set as a non union extra and it’s kind of insulting for real professional actors but even then, what is a professional actor?

I want to become an actor but I’m terrified and I’m not sure what to do

I want to become an actor but I’m terrified and I’m not sure what to do

Posted on Apr 17th

Hello everyone, I have recently found myself having a passion for acting, watching movies, acting in school and enjoying watching people act. I want to go to a drama school and learn acting and try to become an actor. I’m extremely terrified on how people will judge me etc. I also think it will take up too much time with school and stuff. I went to a drama club before and I really liked it but was too scared to carry on. Firstly, I want to know what acting schools do I go to. I live in London and I don’t know where to go. Secondly, how do I get over the fear? I love acting but I can’t get other that first step of meeting new people there. Finally, any comments on this post will be hugely helpful for me. If nobody comments on this, that’s fine. If somebody does thank you so much and god bless you.

Where to find starter level jobs to build resume?

Where to find starter level jobs to build resume?

Posted on Apr 17th

Hey friends! I’m a voice actor in that gray area where I’ve got the training and skills under my belt, as well as a couple of solid demos, but I just can’t seem to find gigs on my own. I’ve been using a pay to play site (voice123) and have had a few “almost” gigs, and want to explore other options. I’ve heard about people finding gigs in discord servers. Does anyone know any solid groups that would be good to join? People have also mentioned using Twitter to find gigs if anyone has advice on that. I’m specifically looking for stuff that would be appealing to a potential agent down the line, as I want to (hopefully) make a full-time career out of this. Thanks in advance!

i feel like i don’t have the voice for acting

i feel like i don’t have the voice for acting

Posted on Apr 17th

i’ve always wanted to be an actor but i feel like there is something putting me down. my voice. im not sure if ive been talking incorrectly my whole life, but i feel like i can never talk too loud, talk for a long time, or yell because it feels like my voice will get sore, feel/sound weird and be monotone. i already feel kinda monotone as is. i graduated from high school last year, and am planning on going to college and considering acting classes there once covid wraps up. will acting/vocal classes help? what about any teas? what can i do to improve my voice?

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