On the Internet I've found that there aren't many great SpongeBob impressions. I can count all the -- relatively -- good ones on one hand, but none of them are anywhere near spot-on. Although I started mimicking him a few months ago, I've been properly practicing Sponge on-and-off for just over a month. I'm no voice actor and this is my first real attempt at an impression, so I hope going higher pitched gets easier. All I wanna do is voice SpongeBob in dubs and whahnot (hit me up if you are looking for that, by the way). Anyway, I watched a voice breakdown but I can't seem to reach a B3-E4 tone unless I've got a pitch monitor in front of me. High pitch is hard enough, but the real tricky part is keeping his twangy/and raspy quality and occasional resonance without going down in the pitch. What typically happens is I speak one octave lower than him when doing his normal speaking voice. I've seen some people cheat by pretty much making his normal voice a shouting voice. I guess my question is how can I speak with a lite upstate NY accent in a super high pitch while maintaining a twangy/raspy quality? Tom Kenny described it as "back of the throat and through the nose", but that doesn't explain how he can speak like he's on helium at his whim. I'm hoping it just boils down to getting more practice in.
I have a professional (corporate) day job, bc parents said NO to acting. It's harder as I get more promotions that I can't really say no to - corporate jobs don't seem to take kindly to that. I had a late start to acting school it but I've booked some bigger jobs (guest stars, etc.) and kept my corporate day job and I'm grateful for money/insurance but I feel like a fraud sometimes. Like if acting was really for me I would be much bigger / more successful by now. I work so hard and my rep is saying my tapes are getting much stronger but... no cigar. UP for series regs but then last minute the other guy gets it... I feel like I have to choose 'one' - anyone else in this boat? I feel I'm at the crux.
Not like... the order that you put things. I know what it's supposed to look like. I mean... how do you *physically* format it onto a piece of paper. I've never been good at formatting on google docs, and I can never get things to line up. I constantly see actors put up REALLY great, sharp looking resumes. I'm moving to LA this year, and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make it look nice on a pdf, and I can't find any good templates online! So I'm wondering if someone could share with me the ways they did it? Or send me a template? That would be really helpful.
What movie in your opinion is a MUST watch for any actor/actress?
Hi everyone, I did a quick search through the subreddit looking for an answer to my question, but it seems best to try and put the specifics of my circumstance out there and see if anyone can help. I’m non-union and signed to a reputable agency. I booked and shot my first full commercial last month, and per the details of my compensation I was to be paid $500 for the day (a 12 hour shoot, which they used every possible second of) + a $6000 buyout “if recognizable in final edit”. From what I gather, this simply means that if my face is clearly visible and you can tell it’s me, they have to cut me another check. I expected to be paid the day rate separately and before anything else, and sure enough today I received a check from my agency for the day rate ($750, instead of $500) minus taxes and agency fee. I’m one of two principals, and in fact the only two actors, in the commercial. Based on the shoot, there’s a large number of shots in which my face would be clearly seen unless they completely discard almost the entirety of the spot’s “narrative” and its runtime. Neither principal role has any dialogue, but the other actress and myself were featured heavily—myself probably more so. Has anyone experienced this particular circumstance? What was the approximate turn around on day rate compensation vs. buyout compensation? Is this something I should, or even could, ask my reps about at an appropriate time? I appreciate the help!
The internet has failed me in finding commercial actors that have extensive insight on the industry. Want to hear the perspective of someone that's not a famous tv commercial actor.
Hello Internet Strangers!! My name is Jo and I am the producer/actor of a new fan series! We are looking for actors to portray several characters for our first episode! We have the script written and we are currently working on the next 5 episodes! We hope to have this out by June of this year. Here’s a quick synopsis of the series. Venus Flint, the adoptive daughter of Jenny And Vastra Flint, meets The Doctor at Demons Run. Being only 18 at the time, she develops a slight crush on him. She spends her days waiting on him to return, though she doesn’t think anything will come of it. She joins up with Torchwood to track him down since her infatuation is getting the best of her. He eventually returns and finds her, now 20, engaged to another man, who is abusive. Long story short, he stops the wedding, they run off, hijinks ensue. So, right now, we are currently looking for these roles. 11th Doctor Jenny Vastra Strax Amy Rory Dorium Maldovar Aaaand that’s it for now! We can discuss payment once you receive the role. Though our budget is pretty slim. I think we can do 25-30 for leads and 10-15 for smaller parts. Though we can discuss this later. I will be listing my email down below for anyone interested. Email me to get your audition script! Can’t wait to work with all of you!
Hello there! I'm an aspiring VA actor, always on the hunt for more work. Lately, I've been wondering if I'm getting turned down for certain roles because the tone and quality of my voice doesn't match the age range the casting director is looking for. If you could give this 15 second clip a quick listen, and let me know what age my voice seems closest to, I'd really appreciate it! [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bih\_P-MVHbmZ7b1jNpdKCo7KSitKo-D2/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bih_P-MVHbmZ7b1jNpdKCo7KSitKo-D2/view?usp=sharing) Cheers!
Hi! I am an actor in nyc and am about to cut ties with my manager. I’m a little nervous to do this because I’m not sure if managers or agencies are actively seeking out new clients because of the pandemic. I’m not really happy with where I’m at currently, so I’d rather take this chance but I’m just curious if anyone knows if most are accepting new clients right now or if things are still kind of slow?
Guys, (29m) My agent didn't get me a proper audition in more than a year. I see them submitting me for jobs on Spotlight, however all I got from them were some commercials auditions... The only proper audition I got was because the casting director reached out as I did a workshop with him. I'm doing classes constantly, but somehow I feel like I'm loosing it. Like I'm loosing the interest, like it's just not happening. I do have offers of some independent stuff, shortfilms etc. but it's just so freaking difficult. Like f.e. I hate when people ask me what do I do. -Im an actor -yeah where could I see you? ...... I don't know, do you guys feel sometimes as if you put so much effort into it and didn't get shit in return? Also, this pandemic.... I was on literally 20 auditions and got 1 job, which was cancelled because of the lockdown... How to stay passionate ? How to feel it again??
I'm a sort of amateur voice actor, I've worked on a few little projects for YouTube but that's about it. I was wondering if any of you on here are looking for voice actors because I'm happy to audition for stuff whether it's paid or unpaid. It'd also be helpful if someone could tell me where the best place to look for work is.
Hey, so this post is half-advice needed and half-rant. I recently got my headshots taken with a professional photographer. MUA required. The whole session cost around $1,000. This was my first time on such an expensive session, so I was feeling a bit nervous. But I decided to trust the money and trust their talent. I even showed them photos of me from my recent self tapes, so they had a good idea of the look I was going for. I came in with my hair styled the way I'd have it for auditions -- which is very, very straight. The MUA said they'd just touch it up a bit, just to give some volume. I was thankful, because my hair can be so flat. In retrospect, I should have said something when she picked up the curling iron. But I was still nervous, and I figured she knew what she was doing. In reality, she only curled a few strands near my face. But in the photos I've received, it looks like I have wavy hair. To be fair, in all good headshots I've seen online, the actresses have wavy/curly hair. I've very rarely seen straight hair. So is this more in line with the industry standard? Should I just learn how to curl my hair? And has anyone here ever hated their headshots? What did you do? I definitely don't want to give the photographer or MUA any grief, because they were just doing their job. But is it pretty uncommon for someone to feel like all the headshots feel widely different from who you are? At the end of the day, I guess if these headshots get me called in more, I'm all for it. I just have a deathly fear of even one hair strand being out of place during an audition and different from my headshots that cost me the job.
I've been having no luck landing a reputable agent in Toronto. I've studied partially at both Armstrong and the Pro Actors Lab, I have an imdb with several credits and ontop of all this I landed a lead role in a short thats airing on CBC in the summer. I've applied months ago to the Characters, OAZ, Noble Abrams, and the like with beautiful headshots taken by Denise Grant. And of course a cover letter and resume. Is it because I don't have a recommendation or referal from inside one of these agencies? I'm usually told their roster is full but being a visible minority I thought I would be indemand at the moment. Should I include a monolgue instead of a demo reel, like the one in my post history? Any insight would be super helpful.
John this server if you want to help https://discord.gg/6BTKx2tYTj
I’m not sure this is a question if not more a rant. Any other female actresses sick of being at the bottom still and feeling like all male actors want is to incorporate come kissing/sexual/your in love with him shit? Don’t get me wrong - I know this is a crucial part of acting and we will all probably come across it at some point but at that point it’s much more about having the job and performing it. Recently I reached out to actors about wanting to create our own scenes and shoot them for a reel and I got so much response and 99% of them are male actors who just want to shoot a scene where I basically make out with them or am jealous of them in some way. Don’t use this as an opportunity to try to have some “affection” with every female actress you come across. Idk maybe it’s just me, but it sucks. Then they think I’m not cut out to be an actor because I’m not trying to do all make out/fuck scenes. And sorry guys, I know it’s not ALL of you. But there’s so many out there it makes me not want to connect with the ones on my level sometimes. That’s all. Rant over.
I'm 20 years old, female. I'm not doing anything with my life. I dream of becoming an actor or a model so much...but, I have experience in neither and I do not have anyone or anything for support. I have also been heavily stressed and I have acne with scars and I just gained weight because I recently had my baby. I'm not confident in myself or my body. I just have no idea how it is done or where to start...or even if I have what it takes. Yet, I feel so drawn to wanting to pursue this. I have no idea what to do or how to start, can someone help me and please give me advice? I started an Instagram account to try to gain some followers and some publicity, but it is not going so well...I have no more ideas and I feel lost.
Hello everyone, I need some help; I am not an actor, but I am in the planning phase of a project that will involve actors. I would really appreciate it if some of you could give me feedback on my plans; I am out of my depth when it comes to the possibilities and limitations of acting. This is a long post, so thank you to anyone who reads it! Also, let me know if there is a better subreddit for a post like this. Concerning the concept below, I’m hoping some of you might point out any challenges you can think of, ways to improve it, or whether any part of this is not possible. Maybe it’s even a common job and there’s some existing structure I could use? Forgive my lack of knowledge, I’m sure there are some concepts below which have specific names that I’m not aware of. Here is the basic idea: For this project, I would seek out either amateur or part-time actors. During the audition, I would try to determine any strengths that the actor might have, and give them characters that play into these strengths. Depending on how broad-ranging their strengths are, each actor I hire would be given some number of “character blueprints” (not scripts), that would provide them with information such as: 1. personality type 2. receptiveness to strangers 3. Mood 4. A few specific behaviours 5. Typical reactions to given stimuli The actor would then role-play a character with one of my clients (1-on-1), attempting to create a genuine interaction. The clients would not be acting, but they would be aware that they are talking to an actor. The content/subject matter of the conversation would depend on the individual and the actor, and would change with each new individual the actor talks to. The interactions would be between 10 and 30 minutes. If the actor has multiple “character blueprints” they have learned, they would be given some amount of time (let’s say between 2 and 5 minutes) to get into character between interactions. The actor might also be given additional tweaks to their character in this time; for example, going from a “grumpy” mood to a “hostile” mood. They might also be given situational information that is specific to that interaction, such as: “You are an interviewer hiring for a New York law firm. You may choose to use the following questions, if needed: ….” I’m concerned with being able to provide clients with interactions that they can immerse themselves in (ie. forget that they are talking to an actor). What kind of acting quality might I expect in terms of “% clients immersed”, if I paid $15/hr? $25/hr? $40/hr? Would some character types be more challenging and therefore more expensive? Is there any other information I should provide the actor to help them build a realistic character? Finally, I would really like to enable actors to grow their skillset, if possible. Would this type of position be engaging for actors, especially if they were a part of it for months/years? Is there some way I can make it more interesting/challenging for them? Some rough drafts of potential “character blueprints”: Example A: 1. Nurturer 2. Very receptive, friendly 3. Happy 4. Listening, giving positive feedback if it’s their turn, asking interested questions 5. Laugh at jokes, interpret intent positively Example B: 1. Thinker 2. Unreceptive, closed-off, and standoff-ish 3. Grumpy/Irritable 4. Interrupting or attempting to speak over client, using logic in an attempt to dominate conversation, exhibiting passive-aggressiveness 5. Interprets any argument as a personal attack, misinterprets and falsely summarizes opposing view when cornered in an argument (“so you’re saying…”), begrudgingly receptive to good-natured jokes
I’ve been working as a professional actor for a couple of years and now make a living out of it (when there is no pandemic). I am in both actors unions in my country, have good casting pictures approved by casting directors, good demo approved by casting directors, a resume full of training and experiences, am my own agents (which means I receive all the confidential breakdowns and, personally, it gets me more work than having an agent). I usually get one professional role per month + background work + roles on special events. I have lost everything with the pandemic. And now that everyone is going back to work, I struggle to get something as simple as background work even though I am supposed to have priority with my union. They hire beginners they don’t even have the right to hire instead of me. I don’t get the roles I am perfect for anymore and those I get get cancel with the pandemic. And for years, I have been struggling to get speaking roles. I have mastered the non-speaking roles (I had more than 30) but can’t get to the next level on professional union jobs. I asked many of my acting teachers if I am doing anything wrong and they can’t figure it out. What am I doing wrong? How do I get back what I had and go to the next level?
Pertaining to similar stories like Joss Whedon's alleged [abusive behavior](https://www.thecut.com/2021/02/joss-whedons-controversies-and-alleged-bad-behavior-a-guide.html) on set, have you ever had to deal with a rude or abusive director, if so, how did you handle it and did it have any results or repurcussions? Is it just something you have to endure? I ask this because I hope to start classes eventually and personally, I'm not someone who stays quiet when someone continuously acts unprofessional with me, especially if it's uncalled for or unhelpful. There's a lot I can take but belligerence is not one of them, but at the same time, I'm also thinking it might gain me a "diva" status for standing up for myself. It worries me that very often, you'd see actors early in their career choose to endure it for the sake of keeping their jobs, until the chance that they become more of a household name then to call out the director. People have told me "If you can't handle that kind of pressure, you're in the wrong industry", but I don't see why that should be a standard for this industry at all.
Hello! I hope this is okay to ask here I got super into acting around 12/13 and joined things like sf casting (casting networks) and backstage. The thing is-I’m south Asian and remember feeling so defeated scrolling through “Caucasian, Caucasian, Caucasian...”. The few roles I got were things like they needed a cast of “students” so they didn’t specify. I guess my question is-now, 7-8 year later, how is it on these sites? is there more diversity in the listings? I’m kind of wondering if it would be a better use of my time to try to submit to boutique agencies even though I don’t have a lot of experience? thank you!!
I'm a new actor and I have a self-tape audition but my male reader friend is out of town and I have to use a female reader. This other character I'm supposed to have a conversation within my self-tape is a straight male. I only have 1 more day to send it. Is it acceptable to use a female reader in this case? Would the Casting director mind it or will it make my self-tape weaker by doing this?
So, as you all can see from my history, I’m new to the community. The main reason I started (and decided to pick certain characters I felt came naturally to me) is because I’m an aspiring actor and I felt that doing cosplay shoots displaying my facial expressions and movements would help me to land the type of character I’m looking to play. I’ve been dreaming about this since I was 12... But most of my life I had it embedded in my head that I need to go to college. I need to get a masters degree and a boring ass a job. I need to make ends meet. I need to have “something to offer” my partner. I got a bachelors in accounting (albeit cheated most of my way to it) and got a job that drained me physically and mentally, constantly being bitched at by my boss, only for me and three fourths of my department to be told to fuck off a couple months before the pandemic started. From then on and with the bad working experiences I had before that, I determined that I didn’t want to work for some bullshit company or an asshole boss. I wanted to build my own wealth. By both acting/ cosplay and starting a business. I am collecting unemployment (same amount I made while working) and slowly trying to build my coaching business (soon I want to start a clothing line). I recently moved in with the love of my life and her two beautiful children who are understanding and supportive of my situation. I’ve blown a lot of money on stuff for cosplay and getting ready to do shoots to boost my acting career... The thing is sometimes I feel my body telling me “You’re wasting money. You’re gonna be another crab in the bucket. Your dad is right, you need a job job.” But then there’s that voice... the voice that keeps telling me to keep going. That this is a means to an end and something will come out of this. That I came this far and can’t stop now... Maybe the voice is just schizophrenia. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised. I guess maybe what I need is some encouragement. Guidance. Or just a simple everything will be okay. I dunno.
Hello everyone, as you've read I'm interested in voice acting and have a few questions. My first obvious one is: what microphone should I invest in? I also have some other questions like: Should I worry about sound dampening materials? Where would be the best place/online community to find legitimate work as a voice actor/actress? And what qualifications do I need if any? I would really appreciate your advice, criticism and/or experience. Thank you all and have a good day further!
Hello everyone! Psych Hub is looking for German voice actors, both male and female. We have a large video library about mental health currently only in English and need to dub the animations into German. This would be on ongoing relationship if chosen to join our roster! Just a little about the company, our the goal is to make mental health education free and accessible to consumers. We also make training videos for clinicians. Here's an example of one of our videos: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_9j2ozvS5vo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9j2ozvS5vo) If you are interested or know someone who might be please respond/message with a demo reel and email. Thanks!
A great 'Pandemic Project' by a Vancouver based actor, checking in with everyone to see how their careers are going. There are other interesting blog posts on this site, too, dealing with - for instance - the Casting Director 'industry', but I was interested on everyone's thoughts on this poll. No matter where you are, how would you answer these questions, and do you agree with the premise given? [https://sarahtolle.com/vancouver-actors-report/](https://sarahtolle.com/vancouver-actors-report/)
It may sound a bit stupid but is there a way to become an actor without doing theatre ? I’m just not so keen of doing theatre and live performances at the moment. And how could I get into film and stuff with no experience ? Sorry if it’s a silly question. Thanks :)
I have a very basic beginner set up right now - Blue Snowball mic with a pop filter, Audacity for Mac, and a closet rigged up with furniture blankets for soundproofing. I’ve been a stage/camera actor for several years, so I’m no stranger to the idea of an audition, but I’m really nervous about my first VO audition. It’s for a few episodes of a scripted podcast; the audition will not be live but the recording, should I get it, will be over Source Connect. I have no idea how to go about this audition! I’m currently in a beginner VO class but we’ve mainly focused on reading commercial copy so far. Any advice for an anxious new kid is welcome.
I don't know industry jargon very well. I know a few terms like A-List actor, known actor, working actor, and I think I have a semi-decent idea what those terms mean. There is a tier of actor that I don't know how to describe. I'm talking about actors who a lot of people would recognize if they saw them in something, but wouldn't know who you were talking about if you said their name. I'm looking for an accurate term to describe them (or phrase to describe them if there isn't a term). I also want to make sure to find a way to describe them that isn't accidentally insulting which is why I'm asking in a subreddit for actors. Here are some examples of actors I think fit this description. Apologies in advance if one or more of them is actually famous for something I don't know about. Echo Kellum - Curtis Holt on 73 episodes of Arrow. Osric Chau - Kevin Tran on 19 episodes of Supernatural. Sam Jones III - Pete Ross on 68 episodes of Smallville. Kate Easton - Magic Mike / Can You Keep a Secret. Jordan Danger - Zoe Carter on 50 episodes of Eureka. How would you describe actors at or around that level? Known actor? Semi-known actor? B-List actor? C-List actor? Recognizable faces? Again, I apologize to anyone offended if any of those guesses are unintentionally insulting, I'm asking here because I legitimately have no idea what the proper term would be.
How can you make your character seem like a real person like it doesn’t seem like your playing character but you are the character. actors that transform to their into the character for example actors Daniel day Lewis, Christian bale, heath ledger or like comedic actors Jim carry, Andy Kaufman and Rowan Atkinson.
I prefer not to let my family and friends know anything acting related with me to avoid any B.S little smart comments or public close comments on a...( oh you dumb bro remember this and that )...non related professional topic on my acting social media. How about you? Feel free to follow me on Twitter/josegarciafilm [View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/lk206h)
So, I have been an aspiring voice actor for many years now. I found a love for it when I do stuff on YouTube for my friends or playing D&D with them. I want to go further and try my best, but I live in a state not well known for voice acting (hell even acting). So, because of that and Covid not ending anytime soon, I was wondering if there may be online coarse I should look for to get this all started.
Every time I post an offer 95% of responses are clearly fake accounts after a quick buck. Which always becomes clear when they simply can't provide a demo of a sample script. Are there any other places I can be posting when attempting to find voice actors for short (10-20min) youtube videos?
I am beginning to see posts like these. "Actors share a (certain) % share of the revenue from Amazon and foreign sales. Each actor's percentage is based on his/her screen time." Has anyone worked for a film/tv show which pay depends on screen time? Is SAG doing something about this? I find it really odd even for minor roles you will have to take your day off for work but then you get paid based on how many minutes you got at the final cut? If my understanding of this is wrong let me know. I do not have a hard opinion about this. If anyone would like to share their experience I would highly appreciate it.
Hello, I’m in Los Angeles. I am so confused. On the one hand there are schools that teach well known techniques like Meisner or Adler or Method and then there are a 100 schools which train their own philosophy or techniques. A friend of mine studied at both Meindl and JRS. But he recommended JRS over Meindl. I want to study at a school that makes me better and also one that looks great on the resume. Please suggest.
Yes, people have made it this way, but man, I can't help but feeling its a damn scam. Getting an agent and hoping an CD sees you and calls you back and then you have to wait and wait for a booking. Then that booking comes and then nothing happens. I think actors making their own work is the best route. But its tough. God it's tough. and actors are cheapskates nowadays. They want glory but no journey. Sorry for the rant. I just got denied by an agent and I feel like shit. I cant get my self-tape set up right and I just dont know what to do. i dont know what to do. I'm gonna experiment with my self-tape again..but I dunno....
Who in here is a full time actor? One of my major goals this year is to become a full time actor. I am tired of working these 9 to 5 jobs that cut into time I could be studying, taking classes, auditioning, and working on my craft. If you are a full time actor, when did you decide it was time? How has your life changed? What advice do you have for someone like me?
Hey everyone, Im an actor and I'm part of an acting agency but I would really like to get an individual Agent to help me get gigs. However i wouldn't know where to look or start. I've googled some agents but just sketchy sites came up so im hoping some people here could help me
Hey everyone, I have an interest of becoming an actor, but I don’t have much experience. I started recently watching films to study how the actors and actresses act. I study the things they do with facial expressions and other body language, and even choices with dialogue that the actors may make. What are some other things I could look for while watching films? Also, what are some good ways to build up a resume for acting if you’re out of high school?
Should an actor react instantly after something happens in the script or should they react after some period of time? (~250 ms) exactly as the human would. This seems like a low amount of time, but it is extremely noticible.
Hi guys I’m an actor who trained for 3 years and recently graduated. I have landed my first tv job and so excited but equally nervous. We did some tv acting at school but not a huge amount. I’m wondering if you guys have any advice for a newbie like me
If there are any fellow toronto actors I was wondering if you have any recommendations for classes. I am a beginner, I started acting in august and signed to agency in September, and now finally have the time to pursue classes. Thank you
Hello friends! I'm looking for an actress for a demo of a videogame I'm working on. This is a small part in japanese (just 6 lines) my budget for this part is (35 us dollars). No previous experience is required. Let me know if you are interrested :) Here is a short film of the project https://youtu.be/gSswrHDuWx8
Hey! Nice to see you all on this reddit! I wanted to ask how it was possible for someone to speak in a register and cadence that is just not his natural or default one , so to speak: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dYNCVoiJss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dYNCVoiJss) I think it's a lot to do with mic and they way it apprehends sound but really, he has an envyable resonance to his voice, however his natural cadence is not very deep. Here's this weirdo on a guitar rpg'ing as Joel singing however: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cI4Xg2JDMQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cI4Xg2JDMQ)skip to 3 Min! nevermind the depth, he doesn't even sound like himself at all, I can't trace anything in his voice to his normal way of speaking and that's almost impossible with most voice actors (which isn't a bad thing either, more often than not it's the natural voice that brings most to the table). But how can he reach that depth? he barely sounds muddy or choky (like most of us people who don't work with our voices when we try to reach for the lowest register we can). Is there any way to improve the resonance of your voice and reach lower depths? I understand that what nature doesn't give, quick fixes won't solve, but I suppose everyone can work to some degree on it to be better than they started. Any tips? Thank you so much In advance! (I need to lend my voice for a project but I find my inconsistent cadence and extreme variations in tone along with bad air control distracting, and it's a day's worth of voice work, as in about 24 hours of speaking in total, so I gotta do my best with this)
Hi! I hope it's OK to ask in this subreddit. I am a jack-of-all-trades from Denmark (masseur, composer, yoga-performing, handy-type), with a desire to appear in a movie or TV-series (preferably fantasy or sci-fi, but I'm open for ideas). I'm not an actor, but would be perfectly happy both with acting or as an extra. For example on series like The Witcher, Vikings or the upcoming LOTR-amazon series. I'm looking for advice on getting and maintaining connections for casting calls. I wouldn't mind going abroad for a period of time. I'm aware that while voice-over is also a good idea, it is an industry on its own as well. I have a Scandic look (athletic, long blonde hair, blue eyes, tattoos) Are there any channels/communities that I should be aware of? Any tips for someone who has a lifelong romance with films and TV, but a minimal experience with acting?
Hi, I am a SAG member and was just producing a project I wrote with my friends, originally it was supposed to be a live sketch show for UCB or the like. With COVID that was ruined and we thought why not film it and just put it on Youtube. It has dawned on me that this might now be in violation of SAG, even though I appear in it for like two seconds, and most of my actors are friends and/or non union. No one is getting paid. We have not premiered it, but it didn't really even cross my mind as an issue. Anyone have thoughts on this? I willing to do the necessary steps to make the situation work for everyone.
Actors with religious family - how do you navigate your career without totally compromising your relationship with your religious family? My situation may be quite specific but I come from a somewhat conservative christian family - they're pretty old school, they aren't outwardly hateful or anything like that but they are regular church goers (I am not) and don't actively hold the progressive values that I wish they did. I have absolutely no issues with performing an LGBTQ+ role if appropriate (I am heterosexual) or a role with sexual scenes but I do fear it could complicate my relationship with my family. Anyone had experience navigating this? Is discussing an issue like this with an agent appropriate? Like requesting them to check with me before submitting me for a role of this nature? My agent is like a second mother to me, but I'm super concerned it could be mistaken as indicative of my level of commitment or own views which it is absolutely not - I've given everything to this career but I certainly feel stuck in the middle, this is the only career where something like this could be an issue and it's incredibly frustrating. I know it's something I should discuss with my family but our ability to talk openly with each other is... complicated. Yes if my family take issue with that, they are certainly in the wrong and I should probably just ignore any issues they have, I wish I was less of a coward in that sense but they are still my family and I do love them - it would be nice to maintain a relationship with them. Curious what actors with family from other religious backgrounds have experienced.
Long story short: I am wondering if I am working less because I intimidate people because I know a lot about the industry, so I am not naive enough to be manipulated by them (as I used to be), and they think I will tell them how to do their jobs (which is not the case). Note: I am a woman. Can this have an impact? Long story: I've been an union professional actor for a couple of years. I usually make a living out of it. However, I often say that I am more on the "business" side of show business. I am not the best actor in the world (even though I am pretty good and still trained and experienced), but I know how to get work and how the business works. I usually get one role per month on set + background work, + special events (which is very good where I am from). But for the past months, I haven't been able to get jobs I am very qualified for... I didn't get called back on background work in continuity, they don't book me for background work requiring nudity and book amateurs instead (even though I have priority as a union member), I don't even get student short films anymore, and I don't get as many roles as I did before even though I am 100% qualified for it (which I agree, is out of my control). The thing is: I am working way less than I did before. Anyone who worked with me said I was a good or great actor. I am always on time, always come prepared, always professional, always willing to do what they want me to do with enthusiasm, I am nice to everyone, no one has ever complained about me, I get very good feedback in acting classes... And I only complain to my union about things that cannot be tolerated (like sexual harassment, casting directors who very clearly lied to me, and I ended up being asked to do nudity and intimate scenes at the last minute for less than the minimum union wage) and not for dumb reasons like the dinner being 15 minutes late. I have asked many of my acting teachers if there was any reason why I was not working as much as before, and they couldn't find anything except that I was out of luck. The only thing I can think about is that I intimidate them. I used to get a lot of work when I had an agent known to provide cheap girls who were willing to do anything and were not respected because they don't know about the union's agreement. I used to get a lot of work when people took advantage of me because I didn't know they didn't have the right to do those things, and my agent defended me. But now, I know the agreements by heart (or know how to find an answer quickly), and I make sure people respect me (but still only complain to my union when incredibly intolerable horrible things happen.) I am known as someone who fights for justice for actors, even though I respect everyone in the industry, by writing articles about how the industry works, mentoring people, and helping them with any problems. I am not calling out names, just behaviors that most professionals (including non-actors) won't tolerate. However, someone has told me that people might perceive it as me telling them how to do their job, which annoys them, even though I have never done this unless they asked for feedback. Moreover, more and more people are specifically looking for amateurs in professional union productions. From what I have seen, it is often because they want to take advantage of them, pay them less, and not respect the union agreement. I think my "business" side of acting is too advanced for my "show" side based on the roles that I get (background work, non-speaking roles, small parts) when they prefer a beginner that they can do anything with, who will never complain, that will be paid less, that won't know if they don't follow the rules, that can be easily replaced, etc. When I get lead roles, people respect me and appreciate that I know a lot about the industry. They fight to make sure I take part in their projects. But it is the opposite for very small parts that I don't even get anymore, even though I am sometimes overqualified for it. My solutions: getting even better as an actor from training and experience to get only more valuable roles, meeting casting directors and directors so they know I'm not a shitty person, letting go of justice for actors and just speaking up about positive things that no one can argue with. Am I going crazy? Or is it possible that I really intimidate people by knowing enough about the industry to make sure they respect me?
If super rich people can apparently buy their way into acting schools, would they be able to do the same to movies. Or at least perhaps buy incredible representation which will get them these insane auditions? Or do the rich have the same chances as most other actors? Edit: Btw I'm not sure if it's true that people can buy their way into prestigious acting schools, this is simply what I've heard from a lot of other actors/students. This is also just for pure curiosity. Wanna see how true it is.
So all throughout high school, I was a star actor. I got all the lead roles. This continued into college. Acting used to be my safe place. Even when I did a bad job, I had the confidence to work through it. It was fun for me. Now I'm about to graduate, and for the last year or so, I feel horrible whenever I'm on stage. I don't know if I've ever emotionally connected with a character. One of my teachers gave a good analogy: "throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks." And I felt that described me perfectly. I find characters by process of elimination and not genuine emotional connection. ​ I can't seem to turn off my inner critic. The whole time I perform, she's screaming at me that I'm doing a terrible job and I can't focus at all. Even sometimes when I give a good performance, I just don't feel good afterwards. I spent 3 months producing and starring in my own zoom production this summer, and after the final performance I just crawled into bed and cried because I didn't get that joy from performing it. Not even necessarily because it was good or bad. And since I lost my joy, my performance has gone downhill, too. I haven't given a good performance in a long, long time. I've built my whole identity around being an actor, but what if it was just because I was good at it? What if I only enjoyed it because it got me validation, and now that the validation is gone I don't know who I am? I'm terrified because if I'm not an actor, I don't know what I am.
Weeee, you found me!
I'm your buddy Bottie, I was hiding behind the scenes, but now that you've found me I'd be happy to tell you what I'm doing.
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